what is the impact of cloud computing? - jisc digifest 2016

What is the impact of cloud computing? Dan Perry, Jisc

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What is the impact of cloud computing? Dan Perry, Jisc

Page 2: What is the impact of cloud computing? - Jisc Digifest 2016

“Wouldn’t it be great to lookat the impact of cloud?”


What is the impact of cloud computing?

Page 3: What is the impact of cloud computing? - Jisc Digifest 2016

“That’s a great idea, will you lead the session?”


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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What is the impact of cloud computing?

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“Why did I agree to do this?”


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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“Where do I start?!”


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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What is the impact of cloud computing?

Mindmap v1



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What is the impact of cloud computing?

Mindmap v2



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What is the impact of cloud computing?

Mindmap v3



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Revised agenda» Introduction» Technology?» Maturity» Impacts

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But before I go any further…


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Time to pick a side

1. The benefits of adopting cloud services outweigh the risks

2. The risks of adopting cloud services outweigh the benefits

CC BY 2.0, https://flic.kr/p/ajYLap Prescott, MI skies 7.10.2010 HDR, by George Thomas


Impact of Cloud

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What is the impact of cloud computing?

The inescapability of cloud


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What is the impact of cloud computing?

Growth predictions

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What is the impact of cloud computing?


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Size of device... …Amount of data


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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What is the impact of cloud computing?

Is this just about technology?



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What ‘clouds’ do you use (1) at home and (2) at work?…what do you find the most useful?…how did you find them?

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What is the impact of cloud computing? 19


»Search engine - Google?»iPhone / fitbit?»App stores?»Music»Facebook?»Friends and colleagues?»Azure / AWS?

Home»Provided / Mandated by

IT?»Office365?»Dropbox / Box?»Youtube video storage?»Work and personal

phone?»Salesforce?»Azure / AWS?



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Have our relationships with organisations changed?


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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What is the impact of cloud computing? 21

Our expectations have changedWe expect: » To access services anywhere, any time, on

any device› To be able to work from home, café…

» Companies to have access to all (our) their data

» To have the applications/services we feel we need

» To engage through channels we choose to the extent we choose› Great ‘micro-moments’ in the customer

journey» Real-time solutions to our problems» Companies to look after our data securely

(well hope anyway)02/03/2016



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Organisations are changing» Multi platform provision, agile development,

rapid release, BYOD› Security around applications, information

and services rather than perimeter› Each interaction as smooth as possible

» Proactive monitoring of social media, marketing as a dialogue…

» IT governance, compliance, privacy standards, best practice, control of external development houses...

» Employee Experience› Making workplace as slick as consumer


What is the impact of cloud computing?


Reputation and trust

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And as for the IT function…» Change in control - consumers have

choice › Who’s signed up to Dropbox? Did

they read the terms?» Change in development

methodologies› Prince? Waterfall? Or Agile and

DevOps?» Change in skill sets and people

› Technical e.g. Docker?› Non- Technical e.g. Contract

management› Specialist e.g. Data management


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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And as for the IT function…» Change from data to information

› Cloud data lakes, real time integration, data sources, REST APIs

» Change in risk profile› Business continuity for SaaS



What is the impact of cloud computing?

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IT folks – how much of this picture do you see?» How has your recruitment/team changed?» Have you more, or less, clarity about your IT and Information estate?

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Cloud constraints


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Cloud maturity

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Organisational maturity » Cloud Watchers - developing cloud strategies and plans but have not

yet deployed applications into the cloud. Cloud Watchers want to evaluate available cloud options and determine which applications to implement in the cloud

» Cloud Beginners - new to cloud computing, working on proof-of-concepts or initial cloud projects. Cloud Beginners want to gain experience in order to determine future projects

» Cloud Explorers - have multiple projects or applications already deployed in the cloud. Cloud Explorers are focused on improving and expanding their use of cloud resources

» Cloud Focused - businesses are heavily using cloud infrastructure and are looking to optimize cloud operations as well as cloud costs

RightScale State of the Cloud Report 201602/03/2016

What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Where do your organisations fit on that list?» Watchers, beginners, explorers, or cloud-focused?

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Cloud maturity

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What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Top initiatives…

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What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Stage 1 - impacts

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Example early stage impacts» Access to massive compute and storage resources

› Some massively faster computation and research› But unevenly distributed

» Access to so much content and learning› Some new trends – producers, real interaction, access to better quality› New sources, new opportunities, some democratisation

» Access to new platforms and social collaborations› Geographically independent learning and research


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Despite all the hype we have mainly kept doing what we’ve always done with new applications and

new titles, the real impact of cloud is only just starting to be visible.


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Stage 2 - impacts

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Impact of cloud

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What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Real impact of cloud

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What is the impact of cloud computing?


Process as a Service

MLaaSMachines Learning

as a Service

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What is the impact of cloud computing? 39


1. Move service to cloud – result staff/students can access from anywhere, therefore resilience...

2. Suffer outage on campus/on network – but it’s okay, the services are in the cloud...

3. Authorisation/identity management still on campus...

Result: the service is up, accessible and available, but no one can log in as the login requires the your onsite active directory type service!

It only works if you’ve thought it all through…


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What is the impact of cloud computing?

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Stage 3 - impacts

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What are the real impacts?

Your dataYour phone profiles what you want to see

You only see what is profiled by the cloud

You store your documents in the cloud

Your company loses its data when you leave

Your data is sold without your knowledge

You can’t get insurance (if it was really your data)

Your data is shared for medical research purposes

Your life is saved by early intervention due to predictive analytics


What is the impact of cloud computing?

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What is the impact of cloud computing? 43

Real impact

»Internet of Things› Machine to machine

»Machine Learning and AI› Precautionary



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Dan PerryDirector, product and [email protected]