what is language

Upload: shamshir730

Post on 08-Mar-2016




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A description of language and commuication


What is Language?Language is a code comprised of forms, symbols and characteristics that have meaning. Language as a code is only able to be deciphered if the receiver of the language has the same or similar code to be able to know the meaning. Language is crafted with a very structured and ordered format, which never the less is an organic form, constantly adapting and changings along with society. Languages have been formalized in many different areas of the world to facilitate communication among people in concentrated areas. This formalization has resulted in languages being very ordered, with many rules that have evolved over the years with the language.

What is Communication?Communication is the way in which different people transfer ideas or information to others. As a bridge between people, communication can take many forms and encompasses many different variables in order to transmit one particular message from one person to another. Communication can be encoded using speech and written words, however, as much of the communication that goes on between people is through minute facial expressions and posture as opposed to speech and writing. Through communication, ideas, feelings and information can be successfully conveyed between two or more people.

What is the Relationship between them?While communication is the bridge that allows people to transfer ideas and information to others, Language is one way is which information is encoded in order to communicate to others who are then able to decode the language. In this way, language is the code by which speech and writing are implemented. While communication would be possible without language, language allows people to be much more expressive and convey much more information through the use of the formalized code which is language.