what is gluten? by kerry karl

Let’s Talk About Gluten Kerry Karl | Mommy & Wife to a Celiac-Prone Husband

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Page 1: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

Let’s Talk About Gluten

Kerry Karl | Mommy & Wife to a Celiac-Prone Husband

Page 2: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

Is gluten-free the way to be?

Celebrities are doing it, friends are doing it, even babies are doing it, so why shouldn’t we? More and more, we’re seeing gluten-free options of our favorite snacks and staple meals, but what really is gluten and who shouldn’t have it?

Page 3: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

The gluten-free population: who makes it up?

Page 4: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

• Despite gluten-free options for cereals, pizzas, and even beer, lining the shelves of our go-to neighborhood grocery store, the gluten-free population is actually much smaller than we realize

• It’s made up of:

• Individuals affected by celiac disease, which is approximately 0.7-1% of the population

• Individuals who are regarded as gluten-sensitive/gluten intolerant, which is an estimated .05-13% of the population

Page 5: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

What is celiac disease?An autoimmune disorder which causes significant damage in the small intestine and a reduction of nutrient absorption when gluten is ingested.

Page 6: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

What is gluten?

Is it a grain?A carbohydrate?Something that makes us fat???

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None of those things. In fact, gluten is a protein.

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A protein?!?!Yes, it’s a combination of sub-proteins glutenin and gliadin, which together forms strands of highly-resilient dough and creates pockets that trap air and produce higher-rising loaves.

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Found in many foods—and even beers and lip balms—those who require an elimination of gluten need to be true sleuths.

Page 10: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

What should you avoid if you’re celiac-prone or gluten intolerant?

Items located in the left column are safe for consumption, while those in the right should be avoided!

Page 11: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

While celebrities have endorsed the gluten-free diet as a great way to lose weight, there can be potential dangers and misconceptions around eliminating gluten from your diet when you aren’t celiac-prone or gluten-intolerant.

Page 12: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

–Peter H.R. Green, MD, director of the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University

“Unless people are very careful, a gluten-free diet can lack vitamins, minerals, and fiber.”

Page 13: What is Gluten? By Kerry Karl

So, if gluten is being eliminated from your diet…

remember that what you’re ingesting is just as important as what you aren’t. Swap pastas with whole grain rice, quinoa, of a fresh take on an old favorite: spaghetti squash. Sub pretzels and cookies with fruits and veggies, and include lots of superfoods in your diet!

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