wh2 sol 3 review

SOL 3 The reformation

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The reformation

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For centuries leading up to the reformation, what institution had dominated religious, thought and action?

A: The Catholic Church

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The Catholic Church’s reluctance to change led to a new movement known as the _________________ ________________. This movement gave birth to new political (ex. Democracy) and economic institutions (ex. Capitalism).

A: Protestant Reformation

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The Merchants had been upset with the catholic church for banning what practice that helped them start businesses?

A: Usury (making loans with interest) Usury helped CAPITALISM take root

during this time.

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What did Catholic leaders such as Johan Tetzel sell as penance for sins, allowing people to buy their way into heaven?

A: Indulgences

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Which man started the Protestant Reformation with his posting of the 95 Theses (his complaints against the Church)?

A: Martin Luther

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What were Martin Luther’s 3 major beliefs on religion that differed from the Catholic Church?

A: Salvation by FAITH ALONE The Bible as the Ultimate

Authority (not the Pope) All humans are equal before god.

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Catholic v. Protestant


Priests/Clergy Commoners




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What was the name of the French Protestant Reformer who believed in PREDESTINATION (God determines at birth whether someone is saved or not)?

A: John Calvin

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How did John Calvin believe those who were predestined for heaven would show their faith?

A. Living a righteous life Strong Work Ethic

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Which major Protestant reformer broke with the Church mainly for disliking the political power of the Pope?

A: Henry VIII

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Key Leaders

Henry VIII’s disagreement with the Pope became a serious problem when Henry wanted to get a _________________.

A: Divorce

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Reformation in England

After forming the ANGLICAN church as the major protestant church in England, who did Henry VIII place in head of the church?

A: Himself (and all future

monarchs) This was so he would not

have to share power like he had done with the Pope

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Key Leaders

Which important Protestant leader is described below?

Expanded Anglican church Tolerant to dissenters Started colonization efforts for England. A: Elizabeth I

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Reformation in England

Elizabeth I and England’s victory over ______________ and their naval fleet (the armada) in 1588 protected England as a protestant country.

A. Spain

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Reformation in Germany

The Reformation in Germany led to Conflict as the Protestants in the _____________ areas started to support Lutheran Churches and break away from the Pope.

A: Northern

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Reformation in Germany

The ______________________ dynasty that led the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (Germany) chose to stay loyal to the Catholic Church.

A: Hapsburg

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The THIRTY YEARS’ WAR in Germany was mainly fought by which two sides (______________ vs _______________)?

A: Catholic vs. Protestants

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Reformation in France

While initially persecuted for their beliefs, the HUGUENOTS (protestants in France) were granted religious freedom by the ________________________________.

A: Edict of Nantes

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Reformation in France

By supporting the Protestant side in the 30 years’ war, French Catholic leader CARDINAL RICHLIEUE changed the focus of the 30 years’ war from a religious war to a __________________ war.

A: Political

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Catholic Reformation

One Catholic dissenter prior to Martin Luther who encouraged people to READ the Bible for themselves in their own language was:

A: John Wycliffe

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Another dissenter in the Catholic church prior to Martin Luther who was martyred (killed for his beliefs) was:

A: Jan Huss

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Catholic Reformation

The Catholic Church’s efforts to reform from within and get more followers was known as the:

A: Catholic Reformation

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Catholic Reformation

What was the name of the group of Catholic priests who tried to spread Catholic doctrine to other parts of the world?

A: Jesuits The Society of Jesus

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The Catholic Church established the ____________________ to punish HERETICS that criticized the Church.

A: Inquisition

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During the Reformation, literacy increased due to what invention?

A: The printing press

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Who invented the printing press? A: Johannes Gutenberg

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In protestant areas, why was the Bible translated from Latin into vernacular languages?

A: Because few people could read Latin.

Protestants encouraged people to read the Bible for themselves.

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T/F: After years of fighting in the Reformation between Catholics and Protestants, eventually the two sides became more tolerant of each other.