wh1 sol unit reviews pp

Early Man Homo-Sapiens emerge from Africa between 100,000-400,000 years ago Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age): Nomads, simple stone tool and weapons, make fire, spoken language, Cro-Magnons made Cave Art Neolithic Era (New Stone Age)- Agricultural Revolution, Domesticate animals, make pottery, weaving Archaeologist - study fossils, human remains Radio Carbon Dating- determining the age/date of an artifact Stonehenge: England, started during the Neolithic Era and ended during the Bronze Age Aleppo and Jericho: earliest settlements in the fertile crescent Catalhoyuk: Neolithic settlement under excavation in Anatolia http://youtu.be/fu9-7ZJ1h1g http://youtu.be/6Sn911TNR4M

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Early Man

Homo-Sapiens emerge from Africa between 100,000-400,000 years ago

Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age): Nomads, simple stone tool and weapons, make fire, spoken language, Cro-Magnons made Cave Art

Neolithic Era (New Stone Age)-Agricultural Revolution, Domesticate animals, make pottery, weaving

Archaeologist- study fossils, human remains

Radio Carbon Dating- determining the age/date of an artifact

Stonehenge: England, started during the Neolithic Era and ended during the Bronze Age

Aleppo and Jericho: earliest settlements in the fertile crescent

Catalhoyuk: Neolithic settlement under excavation in Anatolia



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Ancient Egypt

Nile River Valley: “Upper and Lower”


Sphinx, Great Pyramids

Slavery accepted

Hatshepsut- 1st female pharaoh

Amenhotep/Ankenaton- Only one true god (Ra), wife= Nefertiti

Thutmose/Rames II (The Great) build temples and monuments

King Tut- Boy king, Valley of the Kings

Cleopatra- Marc Antony from Rome commits suicide


Rosetta Stone-used to understand Hieroglyphics

Kush/Nubians- live in “Upper Egypt”


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Cradle of Civilization Fertile Crescent

Tigris & Euphrates

Sumerians- 1st city, cuneiform, ziggurats, arches, domes

Phoenicians- alphabet, ships, trade, purple dye, colonies

Lydians- coin money

Babylonians- Hammurabi’s Code

Persians: Empire, tolerance of conquered, development of imperial bureaucracy, Zoroastrianism

{All Polytheistic}

Hebrews/JewsMonotheistic-JudaismFounder>Abraham10 Commandments= law + moral code Moses- leads Jews out of slavery Jerusalem-sacred city Torah- holy book Yahweh- God



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India Hinduism: Caste System Vedas & Upanishads Many forms of one godReincarnation“Follow the Dharma of your Varna, to have good Karma, and be released from Samsara (reincarnation)”Nirvana=Moksha

• Harappa & Mohenjo Daro• Indo Aryans migrate

through the Khyber Pass• bring the Caste System

with them•

Gupta Empire= Golden Age, math (zero), medicine, literature

Mauryan Empire= roads, hospitals, vets

Buddhism: Siddhartha=Buddha4 Noble Truths Eightfold PathNO Caste System Ashoka spreads Buddhism

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Great Wall: Qin (“chin” a) Shihuangdi built to keep invaders out

Silk Road: Trade from China to Med Sea

Civil Service System, Paper, Porcelain, Silk


Buddhism- spreads from India

Animism-spiritsinhabit everything

Yin and Yang-opposite forces in nature

CONFUCIANISM: relationships, respect for elders, politeness

DAOISM: one with nature, simple life

LEGALISM: strict laws, harsh punishments

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GREECEAegean Sea, Peloponnesus, Mediterranean Sea, lack of arable (farmable) land= trade, colonization

Polytheistic- mythology

Athens: Monarchy>Oligarchy/Aristocracy>Tyranny> DIRECT DEMOCRACY

Athens- strong navy, arts, education, trade

Sparta- strong army, military based, farming

Persian Wars: Greece and Athens team up against the Persian Army

Peloponnesian War: Sparta V. Athens, Sparta wins, Greece is weak

Philip of Macedon-conquers Greece

Alexander the Great- giant empire, hellenistic culture

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GREECE- important people

Homer- Iliad and Odyssey Aeschylus & Sophocles- DramaHerodotus & Thucydides- History Archimedes & Hippocrates- Science Pythagoras & Euclid- MathSocrates, Plato, Aristotle (SPA)- PhilosophyPhidias- sculpture

Draco and Solon- tyrants, reform

Pericles- leader of Athens during Golden Age http://youtu.be/uxOANJ-sSu0



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ROMEItalian Peninsula, Alps, Mediterranean Polytheism- based on Greek gods Social Structure: Patricians-Plebeians- Slaves

Republic > Empire

(Julius Caesar and Augustus)

PAX ROMANA-200years of peace & wealth starts with Augustus

ROME=REPUBLIC- representative democracy Consuls-Senate-AssemblyTWELVE TABLES Innocent until proven guilty

Punic Wars- 3 wars, Carthage V. Rome Rome wins all three, Scipio Roman generalHannibal Carthaginian Generalterritory grows

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Constantine- legalizes Christianity, changes capital to Constantinople

Diocletian-splits empire in 2 Western Roman Empire Falls:Invasions, TOO big,political instability, inflation

Eastern Roman Empire continues to thrive-Constantinople/ Byzantine Empire

Christianity-roots in Judaism, Jesus, afterlife, New Testament

Apostles spread- Peter and Paul




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Byzantine Empire

Trade & Protection

Surrounded on three sides by water

JUSTINIAN- takes back Roman land, expands trade, Nike Revolt Hagia Sophia- churchTHEODORA= wife, lots of political power

Copy Greek and Roman culture

Language- Greek

Greek Orthodox Church

Roman Laws

City falls to Turks in 1453 and it renames Istanbul

The Great Schism 1054

Church splits in two

WEST- Rome, Latin Pope, Icons ok,

EAST- Constantinople, Greek, Patriarch, no icons

http://youtu.be/46f-3rane14 http://youtu.be/ng--WLT0Xjc http://youtu.be/46f-3rane14

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Copies Byzantine Empire

Onion Domes

Cyrillic alphabet

Ivan III- “The Great” gets ride of Mongols

Ivan IV- “The Terrible”Kills all those who disagree with him

Czar/Tzar “Caesar”- Russian King Mongols invade and unify

Russia (Ghenghis & KhublaKhan). Destroy countryside and Kiev along the way

New capital at Moscow

3rd Rome

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Islam Founder= MohammedMecca (Kaaba)Medina (Hijrah-622)Monotheistic= AllahQuranArabic


Arabic numerals (0-9)

Algebra, architecture, copy texts, med,

Spreads to Spain, Africa, and parts of Asia despite barriers

Moors= Muslims in Spain

Expansion into W. Europe is halted by Charles Martel @ Battle of Tours

5 Pillars of Islam





Pray 5x a Day facing Mecca

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AFRICAEASTNubia/Kush- upper Nile River/ South of EgyptAxum- Red Sea, Christian Kingdom


Limpopo and Zambezi River

Great Zimbabwe

Sahara Highway trade route

WEST- Niger River, lslamic

Salt and Gold trade


Mali-Mansa Musa, Timbuktu


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Mesoamerica Polytheistic- human sacrifice



Inca- Andes Mountains

Roads, Terrace Farming, Bridges, Quipu (knots in rope), Brain Surgery


Aztec- Mexico, calendar,

Tenochtitlan, Chinampas,

human sacrifice, Cortez

Maya- Yucatan Peninsula

Large temples, Math/zero

Chichen Itza, Glyphs, Pok –ta -Pok

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Early Middle Ages

Europe= Germanic invasions

Protection= feudalism

Franks- settle in Gaul (France) Roman culture

Magyars- settle in Hungary

Angles & Saxons- settle in England

Vikings- Scandinavia, attack Europe, settle in Normandy

Roman Catholic Church is very powerful!

Monks- Monasteries, copy books by hand, illuminated manuscript

Pope makes Charlemagne

Holy Roman Emperorhttp://youtu.be/8qSkaAwKMD4

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Late Middle Ages

Nation States start to appear

Hundred Years War: France V. EnglandLong bow, cannon Joan of Arc- French girl who help unify the French forcesFrance Wins Strengthens the monarchs power, weakens feudal system


England- Will the Conqueror- Battle of Hastings 1066

Common Law- Henry II

Magna Carta- limit King john

France- Hugh Capet est. French Throne

Spain- take back land from Moors, Ferdinand & Isabella expel Jews and Muslims

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Black Death B-U-B-O-N-I-C

Decline in population

Feudalism ends

Church power declines

Serfs revolt

Crusades Christians V. MuslimsPope Urbans SpeechCrusaders (Christian) take Jerusalem (Holy Land)Establish Crusader StatesMuslims under Saladin take back the Holy Land Constantinople is sacked

Effects-Pope and power of church decreasedMonarchs power increasedIncreased trade Bitter feeling btw Christians, Jews, and Muslims


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Renaissance “rebirth”

Starts in Italian port cities like Florence, Genoa, Venice

New banking practices

Da Vinci- Mona Lisa & Last Supper http://youtu.be/_UVfIN2NM4EMichelangelo- “David” & Sistine ChapelPetrarch- Father of Humanism

Humanism- celebrate the individual Secularism- non-religious Classicism- rebirth of Greek and Roman values

Medici Family- leaders of Florence, patrons of the arts Machiavelli- “The Prince”How a leader should ruleAbsolute power“End justify the means”Do good when possible, evil if necessary

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Northern Renaissance

Renaissance ideas spread North of Italy- Flanders

Erasmus- “Praise of Folly”

Sir Thomas More “Utopia”

ART-Middle Ages- church and salvation Renaissance- individuals, nature, secular religious but with detail and emotion not seen in MA (north)

Merge Humanist ideas with Christianity

Gutenberg- movable type printing press, people read Bible