weyer johann - pseudomonarchia demonum

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  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


    Johann Weyer, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum .

    This HTML edition by Joseph H. Peterson, Copyright 2000. All rights reserved.

    The copyright to the Twilit rotto !soteric Archives is owned by Joseph H. Peterson "ndis protected by the copyright l"ws o# the $nited %t"tes "nd the $nivers"l CopyrightConvention.

    The &"teri"ls on the Twilit rotto !soteric Archives 'incl(ding "ll te)ts, tr"nsl"tions,i&"ges, descriptions, dr"wings etc.* "re provided #or the person"l (se o# st(dents,schol"rs, "nd the p(blic. Any co&&erci"l (se or p(blic"tion o# the& witho(t"(thori+"tion is strictly prohibited. All &"teri"ls "re copyrighted "nd "re not in the p(blicdo&"in. Copying o# &"teri"ls on the Twilit rotto !soteric Archives eb p"ges is not


    -ndivid("ls distrib(ting illeg"l copies will be p(rs(ed leg"lly "long with their -nternet%ervice Providers.

    Introduction by J. H. Peterson.

    Joh"nn eyer ' / / /11* w"s " pioneer in the #ields o# &edicine "nd psychi"try. Hew"s "lso " #ir& believer in &"gic, "nd w"s in #"ct " st(dent o# one o# the &ost #"&o(socc(ltists o# "ll ti&e, H. C. Agripp". His Praestigiis Daemonum ' / 3* w"s b"sic"lly "

    point by point reb(tt"l o# the h"te#(l witch h(nter4s h"ndboo5, Malleus Maleficarum . His boo5 incl(des interesting reports o# 6"(st, Agripp", "nd Trithe&i(s #ro& " conte&por"rywitness. %ig&(nd 6re(d c"lls the Praestigiis Daemonum one o# the ten &ost signi#ic"nt

    boo5s o# "ll ti&e.As "n "ppendi) to this &on(&ent"l te)t, eyer "dded " c"t"log o# de&ons which hec"lled Pseudomonarchia daemonum . eyer re#erred to his so(rce &"n(script "s Liber officiorum spirituum, seu Liber dictus Empto. Salomonis, de principibus & regibusdmoniorum '78oo5 o# the o##ices o# spirits, or the 8oo5 o# s"yings o# !&pto. %olo&onconcerning the princes "nd 5ings o# the de&ons7* -t incl(des v"ri"tions in the n"&es o# &"ny o# the de&ons, showing th"t it h"d been red"cted by the ti&e eyer obt"ined it, soit w"s evidently &(ch older th"n / 3.

    -t h"s long been recogni+ed th"t the #irst boo5 o# the Lemegeton , Goetia , correspondsclosely with eyer4s c"t"log o# de&ons, tho(gh in eyer9s te)t there "re no de&onicse"ls, "nd the de&ons "re invo5ed by " si&ple con:(r"tion, not the el"bor"te rit("l #o(ndin the Lemegeton .

    The &ost stri5ing di##erence between eyer9s te)t "nd the Goetia is the order o# spirits . -see no e)pl"n"tion #or the di##erence; it9s "l&ost "s i# " st"c5 o# c"rds got scr"&bled.There "re "lso #o(r "ddition"l spirits in the Goetia 'n(&ber 3, "nd the l"st three*.

    Another "no&"ly &"y be o# &ore signi#ic"nce< The #o(rth spirit in eyer9s te)t, Pr(#l"s"li"s 8(#"s, w"s "ccidently le#t o(t o# =egin"ld %cot9s !nglish tr"nsl"tion '#o(nd in hishighly r"tion"l /1> Discover of !itchcraft *, or w"s "lre"dy &issing #ro& the edition o#

  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


    eyer (sed by %cot. -t is "lso the only spirit #ro& eyer9s list th"t is not #o(nd in the Lemegeton . -# " speci#ic edition c"n be #o(nd which introd(ced this de#ect, it &"y th(s be possible to #i) the d"te o# the co&position o# the Goetia in its present #or&.

    P%!$?@M@ A=CH-A

    ?BM@ $M.Joh"nn eyer

    Joh"nn ier, Pseudomonarchiadaemonum . %"lo&ons notes o#


    Tr"nsl"tion in =egin"ld %cot, "he Discoverie of !itchcraft ' /1>*D

    # curas hominum, $ %uantum est in rebusinane

    Ah, h(&"n c"resE Ah, how &(ch #(tilityin the worldE. C. L(cili(s, Satires of

    Persius DF 'n inventarie of the names, shapes,

    po(ers, governement, and effects of divels and spirits, of their severall segniories and degrees) a strangediscourse (oorth the reading. G

    L!CT@=-%. =!A?!=.

  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


    e Sathanic factionis monopoliumus%ueadeo porro delitescat, hanc Dmonum

    Pseudomonarchiam, e* 'charonticorum+asallorum archivo subtractam, in hu us#peris de Dmonum prstigiis calce

    annectere volui, ut effascinatorum id genushominum, %ui se magos actitare nonerubescunt, curiositas, prstigi, vanitas,dolus, impostur, deliria, mens elusa, &manifesta mendacia, %uinimo non ferendblasphemi, omnium mortalium, %ui in medilucis splendore hallucinari nolint, oculisclarissim- appareant, hoc potissimum seculo

    scelestissimo, %uo hristi regnum tam enormiimpunita%ue t rannide impetitur ab iis %ui

    /eliali pal0m sacramentum prstit1re,

    stipendium etiam ustum hauddubie recepturi)%uibus & perditas has horas libenter dedico, si forte e* immensa Dei misericordiaconvertantur & vivant) %uod e* animo iis

    precor, sit%ue feli* & faustum. 2e autemcuriosulus ali%uis, fascino nimis detentus, hoc

    stultiti argumentum temere imitari audeat,voces hinc inde prtermisi studio, ut universadelin%uendi occasio prcideretur. 3nscribitur vero 0 maleferiato hoc hominum genere#fficium spirituum, vel, Liber officiorum

    spirituum, seu, Liber dictus Empto.Salomonis, de principibus & regibusdmoniorum, %ui cogi possunt divina virtute& humana. 't mihi nuncupabitur

    Pseudomonarchia Dmonum.

    P%!$?@M@ A=CH-A

    ?BM@ $M.Pri&(s =e), (i est de potest"te @rientis,dicit(r 8"Il, "pp"rens trib(s c"pitib(s,

    (or(& (n(& "ssi&il"t(r b(#oni "lter(&ho&ini, terti(& #eli. ="(c" lo (it(r voce,#or&"tor &or(& insignis cert"tor, redditho&ine& invisibile& s"piente&. H(icobedi(nt se)"gint"se) legiones.

    456 7/aell8. Their #irst F"nd princip"llG

    5ing 'which is o# the power o# the e"st* isc"lled /a9ll who when he is con:(red (p,"ppe"reth with three he"ds; the #irst, li5e" tode; the second, li5e " &"n; the third,li5e " c"t. He spe"5eth with " ho"rsevoice, he &"5eth " &"n go invisible "ndwiseD, he h"th (nder his obedience "ndr(le si)tie "nd si) legions o# divels.

  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


    K 2. Ag"res ?() pri&(s s(b potest"te@rientis, "pp"ret benevol(s in senioris

    ho&inis #or&", e (it"ns in crocodilo, in&"n( "ccipitre& port"ns. C(nct" ling("r(&gener" docet opti&e< #(git"ntes reverti #"cit,

    per&"nentes #(gere< pr l"t(r"s dignit"tesdi&ittit, trip(di"re #"cit spirit(s terr < estde ordine irt(t(&, s(b s(" potest"te h"benstrigint" (n"& legiones.

    4:6 'gares. The #irst d(5e (nder the power o# the e"st, Fis n"&ed 'gares ,G heco&&eth (p &ildile i.e. he "ppe"rswillinglyD in the li5enes o# " #"ire old&"n, riding (pon " crocodile, "nd

    c"rrieng " h"w5e on his #ist; hee te"cheth presentlie "ll &"ner o# toongs, he #etcheth b"c5e "ll s(ch "s r(nne "w"ie, "nd&"5eth the& r(nne th"t st"nd still; heoverthroweth "ll dignities Fs(pern"t(r"ll"nd te&por"ll,G hee &"5eth e"rth ("5es,

    lit. 7"nd &"5es spirits o# the e"rthd"nce7D "nd is o# the order o# vert(es,h"ving (nder his regi&ent thirtie onelegions.

    K 3. M"rb"s, "li"s 8"rb"s, Pr ses &"gn(s, se&"ni#est"ns in #ortissi&i leonis specie, sed "be)orcist" "ccit(s h(&"n" ind(it(r #or&", deocc(ltis plene respondet, &orbos invehit tollit, pro&ovet s"pienti"& "rti(& (e&ech"nic"r(& cognitione&, ho&ines "dh cin "li"& &(t"t #or&N. Pr est trigint"se)legionib(s.

    4;6 Marbas, alias /arbas is " gre"t

    president, "nd "ppe"reth in the #or&e o# "&ightie lion; b(t "t the co&&"nde&ent o# " con:(ror co&&eth (p in the li5enes o# "&"n, "nd "nswereth #(llie "s to(ching"nie thing which is hidden or secret< he

    bringeth dise"ses, "nd c(reth the&, he pro&oteth wisedo&e, "nd the 5nowledgeo# &ech"nic"ll "rts, or h"ndicr"#ts; hech"ngeth &en into other sh"pes, "nd(nder his presidencie or go(verne&ent"re thirtie si) legions o# divels conteined.

    K >. Pr(#l"s, "libi invenit(r 8(#"s, &"gn(sPrinceps ?() est, c(:(s &"nsio circ" t(rri&8"bylonis, videt(r in eo #l"&&" #oris, c"p(t"(te& "ssi&il"t(r &"gno nycticor"ci. A(tor est pro&otor discordi"r(&, bellor(&,ri)"r(& &end"cior(&. @&nib(s in locisnon intro&itt"t(r. Ad ( sit" respondet"b(nde. %(b s(nt h(ic legiones vinginti se),

    p"rti& e) ordine Throni, p"rti& Angelor(&.

    '>* Pr(#l"s, otherwise #o(nd "s 8(#"s, is" gre"t prince "nd d(5e, whose "bode is"ro(nd the Tower o# 8"bylon, "nd therehe is seen li5e " #l"&e o(tside. His he"dhowever is li5e th"t o# " gre"t night h"w5.He is the "(thor "nd pro&oter o# discord,w"r, ("rrels, "nd #"lsehood. He &"y not

    be "d&itted into every pl"ce. He respondsgenero(sly to yo(r re (ests. $nder hi&"re twenty si) legions, p"rtly o# the order o# Thrones, "nd p"rtly o# the order o#


  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


    K /. A&on vel A"&on M"rchio &"gn(s potens, prodit in l(pi #or&" c"(d"& h"bensserpentin"&, #l"&&"& evo&ens. Ho&inis

    "(te& ind(t(s specie&, c"ninos ostent"tdentes, c"p(t &"gno nycticor"ci si&ile.Princeps o&ni(& #ortissi&(s est, intelligens

    pr terit" #(t(r", hinc gr"ti"& concili"nso&ni(& "&icor(& ini&icor(&.O("dr"gint" i&per"t legionib(s.


  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


    K S. 8otis, "libi @tis, &"gn(s Pr ses Co&es, Prodit in viper specie deterri&"< !tsi ("ndo #or&"& ind(it h(&"n"& dentesostendit &"gnos corn(" d(o, &"n( gl"di(&"c(t(& port"ns. ?"t per#ecte respons" ver" de

    pr senti(s, pr teritis, #(t(ris "bstr(sis.T"& "&icos ("& hostes concili"t. %e)"gint"i&per"t legionib(s.

    4A6 /otis , otherwise #tis , " gre"t president "nd "n e"rle he co&&eth #oorthin the sh"pe o# "n o(glie lit. 4worst4Dviper, "nd i# he p(t on h(&"ne sh"pe, hesheweth gre"t teeth, "nd two hornes,

    c"rrieng " sh"rpe sword in his h"nd< hegiveth "nswers o# things present, p"st,"nd to co&e, "nd reconcileth #riends, "nd#oes, r(ling si)tie legions.

    K 0. 8"thy&, "libi M"rthi& ?() &"gn(s #ortis< isit(r constit(tione viri #ortissi&i c(&c"(d" serpentin", e (o p"llido insidens.

    irt(tes herb"r(& l"pid(& pretiosor(&intelligit. C(rs( velocissi&o ho&ine& deregione in regione& tr"ns#ert. H(ic trigint"

    s(bs(nt legiones.

    45B6 /athin C/ath m , so&eti&es c"lled Mathim CMarthim , " gre"t d(5e "nd "strong, he is seene in the sh"pe o# " veriestrong &"n, with " serpents t"ile, sittingon " p"le horsse, (nderst"nding thevert(es o# he"rbs "nd pretio(s stones,tr"ns#erring &en s(ddenlie #ro& co(ntrie

    to co(ntrie, "nd r(leth thirtie legions o# divels.

    K . P(rs"n, "li"s C(rson, &"gn(s =e), prodit (t ho&o #"cie leonin", viper"& port"ns#erocissi&"&, (rso (e insidens, (e& se&per

    pr ced(nt t(b . C"llet pr senti", pr terit" #(t(r"< Aperit occ(lt", thes"(ros detegit. "le#"r, "li"s M"l"ph"r, ?() est #ortis,#or&" leonis prodiens c"pite l"tronis.6"&ili"rit"te& p"rit s(is, donec l" (eos(spend"nt(r. ?ece& pr sidet legionib(s.

    45F6 +alefar, alias Malephar CMalaphar , is " strong d(5e, co&&ing#oorth in the sh"pe o# " lion, "nd the he"do# " thee#e or 7b"r5ing7D, he is verie#"&ili"r with the& to who& he &"5ethhi&sel# "c ("inted, till he h"th bro(ght

    the& to the g"llowes, "nd r(leth tenlegions.

    K /. Mor"), "li"s 6or"ii, &"gn(s Co&es Pr ses< %i&ilis t"(ro visit(r< !t si ("ndoh(&"n"& #"cie& "ss(&it, "d&ir"bile& inAstrono&i" in o&nib(s "rtib(s liber"lib(sreddit ho&ine&< p"rit eti"& #"&(los non&"los s"pientes< novit herb"r(&

    pretiosor(& l"pid(& potenti"&. -&per"ttrigint" se) legionib(s.

    456 2aberius C2aberus , alias erberus ,is " v"li"nt &"r (esse, shewing hi&sel#ein the #or&e o# " crowe, when hespe"5eth with " ho"rse voice< he &"5eth "&"n "&i"ble "nd c(nning in "ll "rts, "ndspeci"llie in rhetori5e, he proc(reth thelosse o# prel"cies "nd dignities< nineteenelegions he"re F"nd obeieG hi&.

  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


  • 8/12/2019 Weyer Johann - Pseudomonarchia Demonum


    K 20. 8yleth =e) &"gn(s terribilis, in e (o

    p"llido e (it"ns, (e& pr ced(nt t(b ,sy&phoni , c(nct" M(sic gener". O((&"(te& cor"& e)orcist" se ostent"t, t(rgid(s ir"

    #(rore videt(r, (t decipi"t. !)orcist" verot(& sibi pr(denter c"ve"t< At (e (t #"st(& ei"di&"t, in &"n( s(scipi"t b"c(l(& corili, c(&

    (o oriente& &eridie& vers(s, #oris :()t"circ(l(& &"n(& e)tendet, #"ciet (etri"ng(l(&. C ter(& si &"n(& non e)tendit,

    intr"re :(bet, "t (e spirit((& inc(l(& illeren(erit, "d lectione& progredi"t(r e)orcist"6 'staroth is " gre"t "nd " strong d(5e,co&&ing #oorth in the sh"pe o# " #owle"ngell, sitting (pon "n in#ern"ll dr"gon,"nd c"rrieng on his right h"nd " viper< he"nswereth tr(lie to &"tters present, p"st,

    "nd to co&e, "nd "lso o# "ll secrets. Het"l5eth willinglie o# the cre"tor o# spirits,"nd o# their #"ll, "nd how they sinned "nd#ell< he s"ith he #ell not o# his owne"ccord. He &"5eth " &"n woonder#(llle"rned in the liber"ll sciences, he r(leth#o(rtie legions. Let everie e)orcist t"5eheed, th"t he "d&it hi& not too neerehi&, bic"(se o# his stin5ing bre"th lit.7bec"(se o# the intoler"ble stench whichhe e)h"les7D. And there#ore let the

    con:(ror hold neere to his #"ce " &"gic"llsilverD ring, "nd th"t sh"ll de#end hi&.

    K 2S. 6orr"s vel 6orc"s &"gn(s Pr ses est