west coast white nationalism-johnson

[1] Jack London CounterCurrents Publishing http://www.countercurrents.com WestCoast White Nationalism Posted By Greg Johnson On December 10, 2010 @ 6:50 am In North American New Right | 10 Comments 1,124 words Years ago, when a young woman set out from Alabama to go to college in California, her uncle told her the story of how California was born. America, you see, was populated by people who just did not fit in back in Europe: religious fanatics, horse thieves, bail jumpers, fortune seekers, and other footloose folk. When they settled on the East Coast, the ones who didn’t fit in there moved a little further West and settled. Those who didn’t fit in there, moved still further West. And so on, and so forth, until they reached the West Coast and couldn’t go any further. Then they started collecting. And that’s what explains California, the great cultural granola of fruits, nuts, and flakes. I laughed, of course, when she told this story, because as a native Westerner, I know that it is true. I grew up in the inland Northwest, but when I first visited the West Coast, I knew that I was at home. The West Coast of the United States, from San Diego to Seattle, is the closest thing I have experienced to an earthly paradise. We have the best climate in the country. The temperature is almost always mild, no matter where one’s area falls on the spectrum from steady sunshine to perpetual gloom. Aside from the coastline itself, we have some of America’s most beautiful landscapes, ranging from deserts to towering snowcapped volcanoes to rainforests. We have America’s best food and wines, some of its most beautiful cities, and some pretty formidable cultural resources. No, we do not have the art museums of New York City, Washington, D.C., and Boston. No, we do not have the Metropolitan Opera. But we can always visit them during the two weeks of the year when those cities are neither freezing nor sweltering, then hasten back to where living is easy. The West Coast also has a lot of white people. Seattle and Portland are the whitest large cities in the United States, and

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Jack London

­ Counter­Currents Publishing ­ http://www.counter­currents.com ­

West­Coast White NationalismPosted By Greg Johnson On December 10, 2010 @ 6:50 am In North American New Right | 10 Comments

1,124 words

Years ago, when a young woman set out from Alabama to go to college in California, her

uncle told her the story of how California was born. America, you see, was populated by

people who just did not fit in back in Europe: religious fanatics, horse thieves, bail

jumpers, fortune seekers, and other footloose folk. When they settled on the East Coast,

the ones who didn’t fit in there moved a little further West and settled. Those who didn’t

fit in there, moved still further West. And so on, and so forth, until they reached the

West Coast and couldn’t go any further. Then they started collecting. And that’s what

explains California, the great cultural granola of fruits, nuts, and flakes.

I laughed, of course, when she told this story, because as a native Westerner, I know

that it is true. I grew up in the inland Northwest, but when I first visited the West Coast,

I knew that I was at home. The West Coast of the United States, from San Diego to

Seattle, is the closest thing I have experienced to an earthly paradise. We have the best

climate in the country. The temperature is almost always mild, no matter where one’s

area falls on the spectrum from steady sunshine to perpetual gloom. Aside from the

coastline itself, we have some of America’s most beautiful landscapes, ranging from

deserts to towering snow­capped volcanoes to rainforests. We have America’s best food and wines, some of its most

beautiful cities, and some pretty formidable cultural resources. No, we do not have the art museums of New York City,

Washington, D.C., and Boston. No, we do not have the Metropolitan Opera. But we can always visit them during the two

weeks of the year when those cities are neither freezing nor sweltering, then hasten back to where living is easy.

The West Coast also has a lot of white people. Seattle and Portland are the whitest large cities in the United States, and

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outside the cities, Washington and Oregon are even whiter. California, of course, is now majority non­white, although

whites remain the largest ethnic group.

The racial quality of Western whites is also very high. Furthermore, white Westerners really are more “laid back” and fun­

loving. Western friendliness is not just politeness. It is combined with genuine openness. City folk out West tend to be

much less pretentious than city folk back East. Even in San Francisco.

Many White Nationalists hope that when the United States falls apart, a White Republic will emerge in the Pacific

Northwest, encompassing Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and parts of Montana and even some parts of Northern California.

Harold Covington [2] is the chief promoter of this idea, but he is not its originator or sole proponent. There are White

Nationalists moving to the Northwest who are not part of Covington’s Northwest Front [3].

The chief objection to the idea of a Northwest Homeland is that West Coast tends to be socially and politically liberal, even

though the inland West tends to be socially and politically conservative. So, the argument goes, the Pacific Northwest is

less hospitable to a White Republic than other, more uniformly conservative areas. (Of course the creation of a White

Republic will be an uphill battle anywhere in America.)

White Nationalism is, of course, overwhelmingly associated with the political right both in Europe and America. But White

Nationalism will never triumph if it remains confined to the political right. White consciousness must become hegemonic up

and down the political spectrum. White liberals and leftists will have to realize that their values are not universal

aspirations of all mankind. They are, instead, expressions of a distinctly white consciousness and will not survive or flourish

in a non­white society.

There is nothing absurd about the idea of a racially conscious left, much less a racially conscious left on the West Coast.

Indeed, it has already existed, and its headquarters was right here in the San Francisco Bay Area. It was here that Denis

Kearney [5], 1847–1907, an immigrant from Ireland, founded the California Workingman’s Party to combat Chinese

immigration. It was here that Jack London, 1876–1916, wrote passionately on behalf of both socialism and racialism (and

experimented with ecologically sustainable agriculture). It was here that Michael O’Meara [6] was born in 1946 and began

his intellectual odyssey from Marxist and revolutionary syndicalist to White Nationalist and prophet of the White Republic.

Furthermore, I have noticed that today’s West Coast White Nationalists tend to be socially and even politically more left­

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Denis Kearney

wing than White Nationalists from other parts of the United States. I’ll never forget the

evening in 2003 when, at a David Irving lecture in San Francisco, I met a daughter of the

’60s counter­culture who told me that her two favorite books are The Lord of the Rings and

Mein Kampf.

West Coast White Nationalists tend to have higher SWPLQs (“Stuff White People Like [7]”

Quotients) than White Nationalists in other parts of the US. (I liked 122/150 SWPL in the

first Stuff White People Like [8] book, but only 41/92 SWPL in Whiter Shades of Pale [9].)

West Coast White Nationalists tend to be more strongly concerned with environmental

preservation, healthy and sustainable lifestyles, and combating animal cruelty than White

Nationalists in other parts of the US. If Savitri Devi were alive today, she would be

smuggling stray cats into an organic gardening commune in Berkeley.

West Coast White Nationalists tend to be more critical of the workings of unrestrained global

capitalism. We are pro­labor, protectionist, pro­zoning, and pro­small business.

West Coast White Nationalists tend to be more non­Christian and to be more honest about it

than other White Nationalists. I know atheists, agnostics, neo­pagans, New Agers, and even some who have made

extensive study and practice of Eastern philosophies and religions. Religious pluralism and tolerance would definitely be

features of a West Coast White Republic.

West Coast White Nationalists tend to be more tolerant of homosexuals, bisexuals, “androphiles,” and “none of the aboves”

who put their racial identity first.

West Coast White Nationalists tend to be more tolerant of drugs like marijuana and psychedelics.

West Coast White Nationalists are far less hung up on sub­racial distinctions and Old World feuds than White Nationalists in

the East and South. We tend to think of ourselves as whites first and foremost.

These are, of course, generalizations based on personal experience, not sociological surveys. They are, furthermore,

tendencies, not general rules or universal generalizations. There are obviously many exceptions. But White Nationalism is

the stuff of dreams anyway. So with that caveat, I think there is reason to believe that, if a racially conscious left arises

again, it will be on the West Coast.


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Article printed from Counter­Currents Publishing: http://www.counter­currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter­currents.com/2010/12/west­coast­white­nationalism/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter­currents.com/wp­content/uploads/2010/12/JackLondon.jpg[2] Harold Covington: http://www.counter­currents.com/tag/the­northwest­quartet/[3] Northwest Front: http://northwestfront.org/blog/[4] Image: http://www.counter­currents.com/wp­content/uploads/2010/12/kearney.jpg[5] Denis Kearney: http://www.counter­currents.com/2011/02/denis­kearney­and­the­struggle­for­a­white­america/[6] Michael O’Meara: http://www.counter­currents.com/author/momeara/[7] Stuff White People Like: http://www.counter­currents.com/tag/christian­lander/[8] Stuff White People Like: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0812979915?ie=UTF8&tag=countecurrenp­20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0812979915[9] Whiter Shades of Pale: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0812982061?ie=UTF8&tag=countecurrenp­20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0812982061

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