welcome to the white house_"walking the plank to a dhimmi nation"_chapter 8

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  • 8/14/2019 Welcome to the White House_"Walking the Plank to a Dhimmi Nation"_Chapter 8



    Welcome to the White House

    Direct relations were established between the White House and the Muslim community

    under Bill Clinton from 1992-2000, and were strengthened under George W. Bushs

    administration from 2000-2008. Bill Clinton was the first to commend Islam in public speeches,

    and the first to issue invitations to the White House on Islamic holidays such as a yearly dinner

    celebrating the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan that continued through George W. Bushs

    Administration and into the Barrack Obamas.

    The State Department established an Islamic website in 2000, proving that Bill Clintons

    administration was actually sanctioning Islam in the White House while the pledge of allegiance

    and nativity scenes were being systematically removed from schools and public institutions.

    Furthermore, the date was prior to 9/11. Madeline Albright formally encouraged Muslims to

    apply for the Foreign Service as she endorsed the website at the White House hosted Islamic

    dinner in 2000:

    "I am pleased that since last year the State Department has inaugurated a

    new website entitled Islam in America." Its purpose is to help people

    everywhere learn more about the positive force that Islam has become in

    American life and about the growing role of Muslim Americans as they

    are there to play a role in ensuring the security, prosperity, and freedom of

    our land. Equally vital are the international exchange and people-to-people

    programs we conduct with Muslim-majority nations. These efforts bring

    distinguished Muslim visitors to our shores to exchange views and

    promote understanding... We are strongly encouraging young Muslim

    Americans to apply to the Foreign Service as part of our overall effort toattract talent and promote diversity1

    1American Government Officials And Politicians are Interested In Islam,http://www.riseofislam.com/islam_in_america_04a.html

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    A 2009 program sponsored by the department called Citizen Exchange Program gives a

    grant to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the National Peace Foundation to co-

    sponsor a citizen exchange project between the U.S. and the Middle East. The ISNA is

    instrumental in financing and exercising control over most of the mosques in the United States,

    and is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood that created Hamas. The program is apparently a one-

    way exchange, as it is meant to explore Islam, the functions of Islamic institutions in the United

    States, and the activities of interfaith work. Professionals from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Saudi

    Arabia, Yemen, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates will visit the United States, and American

    professionals will visit the Middle East. 2

    Former Reagan Defense official, and President of the Center for Security Policy, Frank

    Gaffney Jr., wrote a lengthy article in 2003 describing how Islamists and individuals from the

    Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) were invited into the White House. According to

    Gaffney, Grover Norquist was a conservative coalition builder against Communism in Central

    America, Africa and Afghanistan who he knew personally. Norqist formed the Islamic Institute

    in 1998 as an outreach organization, initially financed by Abdurrahman Alamoudi who was also

    Bill Clintons Islamic Affairs Advisor and financial supporter. Its stated purpose was to cultivate

    Muslim-Americans and Arab-Americans with conservative family values. Their professed

    confidence in capitalism made them potential Republican Party allies for the 2000 Presidential


    Alamoudi, convicted in 2004 on terror financing related charges, cultivated ties with the

    Democratic Party during the Clinton Administration and donated to its candidates. His donations

    enabled his access to the White House, leading to oversight of selection, training and

    certification for Muslim chaplains in the U.S. military. Self described supporter of Hamas and

    Hezbollah, Alamoudi was the Saudi billionaire who helped Bill Clinton write the 1995

    Educational Guidelines that were distributed to American schools across the nation, profoundly

    effecting what our children learn in school in spite of States sovereignty regarding education.

    Alamoudi addressed the Annual Convention of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP) in

    1996 with the following statement:

    2 Rabinowitz, Beila & Mayer,William; State Department Funding ISNAs Propagation of Islam via CitizenExchange Program, April 25, 2008,http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/3442

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    If we are outside this country we can say Oh, Allah destroy America.

    But once we are here, our mission in this country is to change it.

    Alamoudi was caught on tape complaining that Osama bin Laden had not killed enough

    Americans in the U.S. embassy bombings in Africa. Alamoudi was also one of Al-Qaidas top

    fund-raisers in America, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.3

    Alamoudi and his business partner, Khalid Mahfouz, founder of terror-tied Muwafaq

    Foundation, funded a software company in 1994/1995 named Ptech. Ptech was given control of

    some US top-secret IT programs, and Ptech had redesigned, and ran the FAA system on

    September 11, 2001.4 Khalid Mahfouz had previously endeared himself to George W. Bush in

    the late 1980s with a $25 million bailout of the Harken Energy Company which Bush had

    financial interest in.


    In 1998, Alamoudi wrote two personal checks for $10,000 each to help start Norquists

    Islamic Institute. According to Gaffney, Alamoudi also made payments in 2000 and 2001

    totaling $50,000 to a lobbying firm Norquist was associated with.

    Alamoudi was arrested and charged in 2004 for engaging in illegal financial transactions

    with the Libyan government through a charity used by Qadhafi to finance terrorist operations.

    According to an affidavit filed at the time, Alamoudi admitted to trying to take $340,000 in

    sequentially numbered $100 bills to Syria, en route to Saudi bank accounts. Alamoudi told

    authorities in Britain that once the Libyan funds were in the Saudi banks, he could withdraw

    from them in $10,000 increments to pay the expenses of organizations that he was associated

    with in the United States. He admitted to undertaking other similar transactions involving

    amounts of $10,000- $20,000.

    In addition to the initial $20,000 from Alamoudi, the Islamic Institute was able to receive

    funding from other secretly affiliated organizations. The Washington Post described such

    organizations as a:

    3Lawsuits Claim: CAIR No Longer Even Exists, November 24, 2008,http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=81925

    4 The Sheik and the Secretary of State, National Corruption Index.org, January 12, 200,9http://forum.thedailyshow.com/tds/board/message?board.id=guest-suggestions&thread.id=557

    5 Ptech,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ptech

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    Secretive group of tightly connected Muslim charities, think tanks and

    businesses based in Northern Virginia used to funnel millions of dollars to

    terrorists and launder millions more.

    Published tax returns and foundation records later showed that the majority of the

    Norquists Islamic Institute funds came from Arab Persian Gulf states and their U.S. funding

    system, a number of which were later raided by federal anti-terrorism task forces, such as The

    Holy Land Foundation in Texas. Shut down in 2007, The Holy Land Foundation was found to

    have been funding Hamas and terrorist organizations overseas. So the Islamic Institute was

    effectively an Islamic charity meant to spread Islam.

    Norquist, trusted in Washington, was toasted in 2003 at a black-tie dinner for his

    nationwide initiatives to memorialize Ronald Reagan. Attended by nearly 300 conservativeactivists and politicians at Washingtons Mayflower Hotel, it was hoped that the event would

    bring in votes and campaign contributions for Republicans. Most in the audience were unaware

    that Norquist had been enabling causes of radical Islamists funded by Saudi Arabia during

    Bushs Administration.

    With untold consequences for the nation, the Director of Norquists Islamic Institute,

    Khaled Saffuri, and deputy to Alamoudi regarding its affairs, enabled Islamists to influence the

    American military, the prison system, the educational system from K-12 through university

    level, and the political arena.

    A Palestinian by birth, Saffuri reportedly supported families of suicide bombers. He was

    also active in Muslim-supported operations in Bosnia. Saffuri would later denounce President

    Bush for shutting down the Holy Land Foundation.

    At Norquists suggestion in the summer of 1999, Gaffney moved his Center for Security

    Policy into Norquists new office space, which also housed the Wednesday Group meetings

    and the Saffuri-headed Islamic Institute. Gaffney attended the weekly meetings, which Saffuri

    also attended in the late 1990s. Though the meetings were supposed to be comprised of

    conservative activists and libertarians, Gaffney noted that participants rarely, if ever, addressed

    national security issues.

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    In 2000, Saffuri was George W. Bushs presidential campaign National Advisor on Arab

    and Muslim Affairs in an effort to obtain votes and donations from states with significant

    Muslim populations. In February 2001,Insight Magazine reported:

    In September 2000, on Karl Roves way to the airport to catch his flight

    back to Texas, Khaled Saffuri, executive director of the Islamic Institute,

    joined Rove in his car. Saffuri explained to him that the vote of the Arab-

    American community, which includes both Muslims and Christians, still

    was up for grabs. The community is prosperous and could be the source of

    considerable campaign contributions. If Bush would mention in public just

    a few of the issues that concern Arab-Americans, Saffuri told Rove, he

    would win their hearts, their minds and their support.

    President Bush held a meeting in Austin on May 1, 2000 with Alamoudi, Saffuri, and some otherimmoderate Muslims. TheNational Journalreported on the event:

    It was the summer of 2000, and for George W. Bush, the meeting held

    the promise of an unusual but important endorsement for his presidential

    bid. Conservative activist Grover Norquist had persuaded the Republican

    nominee to sit down with leaders of the Muslim American Political

    Coordinating Committee, a confederation of four Muslim community


    Gaffney recounted that influential Washington conservatives, would-be politicians, think-

    tank associates, journalists, and an increasing number of lobbyists attended the Islamic Institute

    presentations. The topics included the plight of Palestinians under Israeli occupation, the

    misunderstood Islamist government of Sudan, the supposed innocent process of selecting

    Muslim chaplains for the armed forces, the so-called honored status of women in the Muslim

    world. Discussions include efforts to promote Islamic causes and candidates within Republican


    A few weeks after 9/11, Gaffney spoke up about the fact that Alamoudis American

    Muslim Council (AMC) was among the groups invited to the White House. Gaffney wrote of his

    observation that the AMCs website featured a link called: Know Your Rights, which led to a

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    statement urging Muslims not to talk to the FBI. A linked statement was in the name of the

    National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom (NCPPF). The NCPPF is a legal aid office for

    terrorists, and an organization which the AMC was a member. The link disappeared and was

    subsequently denied after Gaffney brought it to Norquists attention. While the link was active,

    the AMC had been scheduled to meet with the President to discuss how Muslims could

    supposedly help with the war on terror.

    Sami al-Arian, a professor at South Florida University, was then president of the NCPPF.

    He was also Secretary of the worldwide governing council of the terrorist organization, the

    Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) who Alamoudi had addressed in 1996 and has been held

    responsible for suicide-bombings.

    Despite al-Arians radical Islamist sympathies, the Bush campaign met with him to gain

    Muslim support in Florida. A photograph of Bush with al-Arian in March 2000 received

    considerable attention after al-Arian was arrested on forty terrorism-related charges in February

    2003 and sentenced to 57 months in prison.

    With credit for time served, Al-Arian was supposed to serve the balance of 19 months

    and then be deported. He was not deported however, because in March 2008 he refused to testify

    when the Department of Justice issued a subpoena for him to appear before another grand jury.

    As a result, contempt charges followed in June 2008, and in September 2008 Al-Arian was

    released from detention on bond and placed under house arrest to await the trial for contempt. 6

    Al-Arians arrest in 2003 was made possible by the Patriot Act, enabling U.S. law

    enforcement and intelligence agencies to share the wiretaps of Sami al-Arian coordinating

    Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operations from his Tampa office.

    Recognizing that the Patriot Act was a threat, the Islamists were determined to discredit it

    and its architect, then Attorney General John Ashcroft. Various Islamic groups together with the

    ACLU, the pro-Castro National Lawyers Guild and waged a national campaign against the

    Patriot Act, and Ashcroft left his position early in Bushs second term.

    Norquist was part of the coalition to rescind the Patriot Act and also behind efforts to

    abolish a section of the 1996 Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act permitting secret

    evidence. With secret evidence, prosecutors can withhold classified information from foreign

    6 Sami Al-Arian; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sami_Al-Arian

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    suspects if authorities have reason to believe the disclosure of such information could

    compromise the sources and methods through which it was obtained.

    Banning secret evidence became an Islamist priority when undisclosed classified

    information linked Sami al-Arians brother-in-law, Mazen al-Najjar, to terrorist activities. In

    order to keep Islamist financial support, in the second presidential debate with Al Gore, Bush

    formally pledged that if elected, he would comply and prohibit the use of secret evidence. The

    pledge complied with Saffuris previous suggestion to mention in public just a few of the issues

    that concern Arab-Americans.

    Grover Norquist was awarded for being a champion of the abolishment movement

    against secret evidence in July 2001 at an event held by Sami al-Arian called the National

    Coalition to Protect Political Freedom.

    On the morning of September 11, 2001, Islamist groups were reportedly scheduled to

    meet with President Bush to hear his plan to abolish the secret evidence provision in the Patriot

    Act. Al-Arian had arranged to participate in the meeting from Florida by telephone. According to

    his website, his teaching schedule at the University of South Florida would not allow him to be at

    the White House in person that day.

    In February 2003, Sami al-Arian was arrested again, this time charged with being an

    alleged leader of the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in the United States, and Secretary of the

    Shura Council, a worldwide group governing the PIJ. Al-Arians attorneys rested without

    defense. In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Moody criticized al-Arian for doing nothing to stop

    terrorist bombings perpetrated by Islamic Jihad saying:

    You lifted not one finger. To the contrary, you laughed when you heard

    of the bombingsYou are a master manipulator. The evidence is clear in

    this case. You were a leader of the PIJ. 7

    Sami Al-Arian son, Abdullah, was the subject of national media attention when he was

    escorted out of the White House event by the Secret Service in June 2001, where al-Arian was

    one of 150 Muslim-American activists in a White House briefing.

    7 Ex-Professor get 4 Years in South Florida Case, May 1, 2006 http://news.oneindia.in/2006/05/01/ex-professor-gets-over-4-years-in-florida-jihad-case-1146512148.html

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    The White House invitation list also included Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, who had attended a

    rally two days prior to 9/11 to support a former AMC executive, Jamil Al-Amin, former Black

    Panther currently serving a life sentence for killing a policeman. Al-Amin converted to Islam

    when he was in prison from 1971-1976 for robbery. At the rally Shaykh Yusuf declared,

    This country is facing a terrible fate...This country stands condemned. It

    stands condemned because of what it did and lest people forget Europe

    suffered two world wars after conquering the Muslim lands8

    What it did implies guilt, but states absolutely nothing. Could it mean that Hitler was

    working in Islamic interests in WWII? After all, Hitler had Islamic allies in WWII, and he raised

    an army of 20,000 Bosnian Muslims.9

    Nevertheless, Gaffney wrote that shortly after 9/11, the FBI went to Yusufs house to

    question him about the attack on the World Trade Center. Yusufs wife informed the agents that

    Yusuf was not home because he was meeting with the President. The FBI checked out her story

    and found that Yusuf had attended an inter-religious meeting in the Oval Office arranged by

    Suhail Khan as Grover Norquists White House stand-in. 10

    In September 2001, Muzammil Siddiqi, the president of the Board of the Islamic Society

    of North America (ISNA), was also on the White House invitation list. With deep ties to Saudi

    Arabia, Siddiqi was previously a top figure in the Muslim World League (MWL), whose

    American headquarters were raided in March 2002 on suspicion of ties to terrorism during the

    U.S. governments Operation Green Quest.11He was Chairman of the Religious Affairs

    8 Hanna Rosin and John Mintz, Muslim Leaders Struggle With Mixed Messages, Washington Post, October 2,2001

    9Bosnian Muslims Volunteer En Masse Into Nazi SS,http://www.srpska-mreza.com/History/ww2/hanjar.html

    10 Jonathan Kaufman, Islamerican: Meet Hamza Yusuf, Rock Star of a Leader Among U.S. Muslims, The WallStreet Journal, February 15, 2002

    11 Guest CV: Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, IslamOnline.net,http://www.islamonline.net/livedialogue/english/Guestcv.asp?hGuestID=uY6w39

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    Committee of the Muslim Students Association in the U. S. and Canada, and a member of the

    Fiqh Council, another organization that has been raided.12

    Siddiqi opposes Muslims serving in the U.S. military or defending the United States.

    Siddiqi said in an article entitled, Basic Principles of Involvement in War in Islam, in 1991.

    Islam will not allow a Muslim to be drafted by non-Muslims to defend

    concepts, ideologies, and values other than those of IslamA Muslim

    shall not defend non-Muslim lands.

    Siddiqi wrote in 1996 of his desire for the United States to become a Muslim country throughgradual change, and said thatIslamic Shariah Law should become Americas law.

    Allahs rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should

    lead to that direction.13

    At the inter-religious prayer service for the 9/11, victims held at the National Cathedral on

    September 14, 2001, Siddiqi would not condemn terrorism in statements heard worldwide. 14

    Siddiqi was later photographed with President Bush in the Roosevelt Room of the White House

    as he presented him with a Koran.

    The invitation list included Agha Saeed, founder and president of the American Muslim

    Alliance (AMA). Saeed created the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC),

    an umbrella group to unite the American Muslim Council (AMC), the Council on American-

    Islamic Relations (CAIR), and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

    Eric Erfan Vickers, a black radical American attorney on the invitation list had converted

    to the Islam. He was affiliated with several Wahabbi groups before he was the AMC executive

    director from June 2002 until February 2003. In defense of al-Arian, Vickers declared

    12 Guest CV: Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi, IslamOnline.net,http://www.islamonline.net/livedialogue/english/Guestcv.asp?hGuestID=uY6w39.

    13 Schlussel, Debbie; Adams Gadahns Extremist American Imam, May 28, 2004http://www.debbieschlussel.com/columns/column052804.shtml

    14 Charles Krauthammer, The Silent Imams, Washington Post, November 23, 2001

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    What has happened to professor Arianis happening to Muslims and

    people of Middle Eastern descent all over this country. They are being

    discriminated against.15

    In 2003, Vickers wrote to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, requesting the organization look

    into the U.S. government investigation of Muslim groups with possible terrorist ties, referring to

    the investigation as un-American practices by the U.S. government. He wrote,

    I am writing to request that the United Nations begin an immediate

    inquiry into the political repression of Muslims and Arabs . . . by the

    United States government. 16

    Mahdi Bray, also on the list of what Gaffney described as the Wahhabi Lobby was

    usually as a coordinator for political activism. By mid-October of 2003, Bray had overseen the

    training of nearly 1,000 Islamic activists.17 Bray leads several pro-Islamist organizations in

    America, and is a former member of the radical Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). He

    hosts a radio talk show that reflects the views of, and is sponsored largely by Wahhabi Saudi


    In November 2003, some of the above Muslim groups were finally excluded from the

    White House invitation list dinner, presumably due to the arrests of their associates. Gaffney

    wrote that the ISNA, CAIR, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Muslim Students

    Association and several other Wahhabi-backed groups and individuals then depreciated the

    White House events as:

    the events were nothing more than props shamelessly used by the BushAdministration.

    15 Segment entitled, Should FBI Director Robert Mueller deliver the keynote address to the American MuslimCouncil tomorrow?Hardball with Chris Matthews, MSNBC, June 27, 2002

    16 Eric Erfan Vickers,A Guide to the Political Lefthttp://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=751

    17 MAS Freedom Near to Reaching Goal of 1,000 Trained Activists, Freedom Foundation Press Room, October16, 2003, http://masnet.org/pressroom_release.asp?id=560

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    After the exclusion of the groups, the FBI Director and supervisory agents continued to

    meet with representatives of the AMC, CAIR and ISNA, even though associates of each had

    been the object of law enforcement action. The FBI had once allowed the groups to provide

    sensitivity training to FBI agents in Quantico, Virginia. The community outreach, program has

    allowed Islamists to gain power and influence in America while exploiting their relationships

    with U.S. Federal agencies. 18

    With less than 3% of Americas population Muslim, there is still an Islamic dinner at the

    White House every year. More recently there is a USPS stamp and the State Department has a

    new publication called Being Muslim in America. America was not founded on Islam yet the

    White House officially endorses Islam at the taxpayers financial, political, social, and religious


    18 Gaffney, Frank; A Troubling Influence, December 9, 2003, http://www.frontpagemag.com/articles/Read.aspx?GUID=C7CD908B-6D7E-49EB-A0A9-DA0A18745A29
