weilian & eileen 3d

A slum is a run-down area of a city characterized by A slum is a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security Although their Although their characteristics characteristics vary between vary between geographic geographic regions, they are regions, they are usually inhabited usually inhabited by the very poor by the very poor or socially or socially disadvantaged. disadvantaged. Slum buildings Slum buildings vary from simple vary from simple shacks to shacks to permanent and permanent and well-maintained well-maintained structures. Most structures. Most slums lack clean slums lack clean water, electricity, water, electricity, sanitation and sanitation and other basic other basic services services

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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Weilian & Eileen 3D

A slum is a run-down area of a city characterized by A slum is a run-down area of a city characterized by

substandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure securitysubstandard housing and squalor and lacking in tenure security

Although their Although their characteristics characteristics vary between vary between geographic geographic

regions, they are regions, they are usually inhabited usually inhabited by the very poor by the very poor

or socially or socially disadvantaged. disadvantaged. Slum buildings Slum buildings

vary from simple vary from simple shacks to shacks to

permanent and permanent and well-maintained well-maintained structures. Most structures. Most slums lack clean slums lack clean water, electricity, water, electricity,

sanitation and sanitation and other basic other basic services services

Page 2: Weilian & Eileen 3D

Many governments around the Many governments around the world have attempted to solve world have attempted to solve the problems of slums by the problems of slums by clearing away old decrepit clearing away old decrepit housing and replacing it with housing and replacing it with modern housing with much modern housing with much better sanitation. The better sanitation. The displacement of slums is aided displacement of slums is aided by the fact that many are by the fact that many are squatter settlements whose squatter settlements whose property rights are not property rights are not recognized by the state.recognized by the state.

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The lack of The lack of infrastructure is infrastructure is

caused by the caused by the informal nature informal nature

of settlement and of settlement and no planning for no planning for

the poor by the poor by government government


Page 4: Weilian & Eileen 3D

Slums are settlements Slums are settlements (sometimes illegal or (sometimes illegal or unauthorized) of unauthorized) of impoverishedimpoverished people who people who live in improvised dwellings live in improvised dwellings made from scrap materials: made from scrap materials: often often plywoodplywood, , corrugated metalcorrugated metal, and sheets , and sheets of of plasticplastic. Shantytowns, . Shantytowns, which are usually built on which are usually built on the periphery of cities, often the periphery of cities, often do not have proper do not have proper sanitationsanitation, , electricityelectricity, or , or telephonetelephone services. services.

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The largest shanty town in The largest shanty town in AsiaAsia is the Orangi Township is the Orangi Township in in KarachiKarachi, , PakistanPakistan, while , while the largest in the largest in AfricaAfrica is is KiberaKibera in in NairobiNairobi, , KenyaKenya. . Another large shanty town Another large shanty town is is DharaviDharavi in in MumbaiMumbai, , IndiaIndia which houses over 1 million which houses over 1 million people. With this many people. With this many shanty towns (slums) shanty towns (slums) available, development will available, development will be affected in most be affected in most countriescountries

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Since construction is Since construction is informal and unguided by informal and unguided by urban planning, there is a urban planning, there is a near total absence of formal near total absence of formal street gridsstreet grids, numbered , numbered streets, sanitation networks, streets, sanitation networks, electricityelectricity, or , or telephonestelephones. . Even if these resources are Even if these resources are present, they are likely to be present, they are likely to be disorganized, old or inferior. disorganized, old or inferior. This hinders development.This hinders development.

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Many academics have vigorously criticized UN-Habitat and Many academics have vigorously criticized UN-Habitat and the the World BankWorld Bank arguing that their 'Cities Without Slums' arguing that their 'Cities Without Slums' Campaign has led directly to a massive increase in forced Campaign has led directly to a massive increase in forced evictions.evictions.

One billion people worldwide live in slums and the figure will likely grow to 2 billion by 2030