week 9 assignment 4 sharing david compton

Goals, Audience and Message • Goals: To develop a poster that will be eye catching to anyone who should happen to view it. It will be easy to read/understand and give a clear message. • Audience: The audience should be high school students between the ages of 15-18 years old. • My message is that WOU is a place that you can come to be yourself or find the you that you didn’t know you were. Opportunity is the symbolic message.

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton

Goals, Audience and Message

• Goals: To develop a poster that will be eye catching to anyone who should happen to view it. It will be easy to read/understand and give a clear message.

• Audience: The audience should be high school students between the ages of 15-18 years old.

• My message is that WOU is a place that you can come to be yourself or find the you that you didn’t know you were. Opportunity is the symbolic message.

Page 2: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton
Page 3: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton

First Out

• After you see my second through final design you will see that I had a major shift in my thought process and where I was going. I liked this first design, but it was not very specific to the school or to the students.

Page 4: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton
Page 5: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton


• This redesign is arguably more student and campus focused. I’ll admit that it is horrible on the eyes. I changed my message and added student/campus photos. I also went with a red and black theme to show the school colors.

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Page 7: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton


• This slide design demonstrates not only proximity, but I also took away a lot of the color. The words are aligned with the image I am trying to create. All in all, a clean poster. However, there is a lot of white space.

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Page 9: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton


• This was one of my favorite slides, although there is still some problems with it. I got ride of all of the white space, but made the contrast of the image very low. I used a bigger and smaller text to contrast each other, but I could have gone bigger and smaller. I also could have avoided using bold for the smallest text.

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Page 11: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton

Contrast 2

• This slide very closely resembles my final product. I fine tuned this one, but I feel it was the simplest and clearest poster I created. I did, however, not like it at first.

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Page 13: Week 9 assignment 4 sharing David compton

Final Product

• Similar to my Contrast 2. I flipped the color scheme so that Western Oregon University stands out and I also changed the font type. It is very bold and stands out. The white box is not completely blocked. The message is clear and easy to read. A high schooler would not have to give up too much of their time to read this.