week 1.1 nature and purpose of writing (1).ppt


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    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Nature and Purpose of Writing*This lesson discusses:

    1. What is writing?2. Purposes of writing3. Types of writing4. What a writer needs to know

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What is writing?*Definitions:Writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile form (http://www.omniglot.com/writing/moon.htm)A system for interpersonal communication using visible signs or graphic symbols on a flat surface such as paper, cloth or even stone slabs (Chitravelu,N. et.al , 2005)Written language is simply the graphic representation of spoken language (Brown, H.D, 2001)Different people may have different definition of writing

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What is writing?*What is writing system?Definitions:A system of more or less permanent marks used to represent an utterance in such a way that it can be recovered more or less exactly without the intervention of the utterer. (The World's Writing Systems)

    A set of visible or tactile signs used to represent units of language in a systematic way, with the purpose of recording messages which can be retrieved by everyone who knows the language in question and the rules by virtue of which its units are encoded in the writing system. (The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Writings Systems)

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What is writing?*Writing system:Writing systems use sets of symbols to represent the sounds of speech, and may also have symbols for such things as punctuation and numerals.

    All writing systems use visible signs with the exception of the raised notation systems used by blind and visually impaired people, such asBrailleandMoon. Hence the need to include tactile signs in the above definition.

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What is writing?*Probably there is no one definition of writing can cover all the writing systems that exist and have ever existed (Steven Roger Fischer in A History of Writing)He suggests a 'complete writing' system should fulfill all the following criteria:it must have as its purpose communication;it must consist of artificial graphic marks on a durable or electronic surface;it must use marks that relate conventionally to articulate speech (the systematic arrangement of significant vocal sounds) or electronic programming in such a way that communication is achieved

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What is writing?*Writing systems are: Functional - providing a visual way to represent language Symbolic - they represent cultures and peoples.

    As the most visible items of a language, scripts and orthographies are 'emotionally loaded', indicating as they do group loyalties and identities. Rather than being mere instruments of a practical nature, they are symbolic systems of great social significance which may, moreover, have profound effect on the social structure of a speech community (Florian Coulmas in The writing systems of the world)

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What is writing?*Writing is like swimming (Brown, H.D, 2001)Unlike walking and talking, swimming and writing are culturally specific, learned behaviours.We learn to swim if there is a body of water and if someone teaches usWe learn to write if we are a member of a literate society and usually if someone teaches us.

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What is writing?*We see various kinds of writing everyday (newspaper, adverts, bills, notices, etc) that we sometimes take reading for grantedWe forget that not everyone can write (if not taught, or due to certain cognitive conditions)As a teacher we need to:be very familiar with what writing is all aboutknow why people writeknow what kinds of things they write and for what purposeknow what a writer of different kinds of writing needs in order to write successfullyknow the various stages in the development of writing skills

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • *What are the Purposes of Writing?

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Purposes of writing*Reasons:1. to get things done2. to inform3. to persuade4. to maintain relationships5. to document occurences, events6. to record feelings, experiences, observations (Chitravelu,N. et.al , 2005)

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Purposes of writingWhat Makes Writing So Important?Writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judgedin college, in the workplace, and in the community.Writing expresses who you are as a person.Writing is portable and permanent. It makes your thinking visible.Writing helps you move easily among facts, inferences, and opinions without getting confusedand without confusing your reader.Writing promotes your ability to pose worthwhile questions.*

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Purposes of writingWhat Makes Writing So Important? (cont)Writing fosters your ability to explain a complex position to readers, and to yourself.Writing helps others give you feedback.Writing helps you refine your ideas when you give others feedback.Writing requires that you anticipate your readers needs. Your ability to do so demonstrates your intellectual flexibility and maturity.Writing ideas down preserves them so that you can reflect upon them later.


    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Purposes of writingWhat Makes Writing So Important? (c0nt)Writing out your ideas permits you to evaluate the adequacy of your argument.Writing promotes your ability to pose worthwhile questions.Writing stimulates you to extend a line of thought beyond your first impressions or gut responses. Writing helps you understand how truth is established in a given discipline.Writing equips you with the communication and thinking skills you need to participate effectively in democracy.Writing is an essential job skill.

    (based upon brochures from Brown University and the University of Missouri)


    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Types of writingWriting can be classified in several ways according to functions:1. Most common in ESL literature, Brittens scheme (James Britten) divides writing into three:a. Expressive writing writing what one feels (the writer is as important as the writing eg: personal letters)b. Transactional writing information / transaction-oriented (writer may not be as important than the writing eg: bills, agreement, reports, schedules, etc)c. Poetic writing concerns aesthetic aspects of writing (write to derive or give pleasure)These three functions may overlap eg: a poem about personal experiences is both expressive and poetic / descriptive writing can be both informative and pleasurableHOWEVER, some writings are bound by conventions and cannot be changed eg: minutes of meetings, legal documents, etc.*

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Types of writingWriting can be classified in several ways according to functions (cont):2. Classification of Malaysian educators:a. Personal informal, less structured, private (eg: shopping list, diaries, personal letters, messages, etc)b. Professional / Transactional well organised, pays attention to message to be conveyed (business letters, memos, proposals, rules and regulations, etc) c. Creative Self-expression, leisure (poetry, anecdotes, jokes, riddles, songs, stories, etc)


    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Types of writingWriting is traditionally also classified according to modes. Generally referred to as:a. Narration contains sequence of events with characters and setting (story, science fiction, etc)b. Description detailed account of physical attributes as well as qualities of persons, things, places (details of people, places, things, concepts, etc)c. Exposition presentation of facts, information and explanation of things as they are (explanation, factual info, instruction, etc)d. Persuasion contains writers point of view and statements to convince the reader to agree with his/her view point (advertisements, political essays, brochures, etc)e. Argumentation discussive essay containing a proposition and evidence of proof ( opinions, discussions, evaluations, etc)


    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Types of writingSubcategories of writing:Argumentative Writing - This form of persuasive writing has a primary purpose of making a statement that the reader will disagree with, then supporting the statement with specific details that will convince the reader of the truth of the statementBusiness Writing - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of communicating with others in the work place.Comparison and Contrast Writing - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of showing the similarities and differences between two subjects. Expressive Writing - This form of creative writing has a primary purpose of sharing thoughts, ideas, and feelings on the topic.*

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Types of writingSubcategories of writing (cont):Informative Writing - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of providing information in a clear, concise manner.Literary Response - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of providing a personal reaction to a piece of literature.Personal Narrative Writing - This form of narrative writing has a primary purpose of sharing an experience or event from the author's own life.Poetry - This form of creative writing has a primary purpose of imaginatively reflecting on a subject, idea, or event. This is usually done in stanzas rather than paragraphsProcess Writing - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of explaining the steps or procedure of something.


    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Types of writingSubcategories of writing (cont):Reaction Writing - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of providing a personal response to something.Research Writing - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of reporting new information that has been learned by studying available resources.Technical Writing - This form of expository writing has a primary purpose of conveying technical information in a simple, no-nonsense manner.


    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • *

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What a writer needs to know*Writing is complex. They involve:1. Subject matter writer needs to know info about the topic s/he wants to write about (can be obtained from many sources)2. Purpose writer must have clear purpose for writing and this affects the way s/he writes (eg: persuasive, informative, etc)3. Interaction and a sense of audience writing involves interaction either with self (diary, etc) or with others (letters, reports, etc). Interpersonal skills are important here (consider readers level of language, knowledge, status, culture, etc)

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What a writer needs to know (cont)4. Language writer needs a repertoire of language adequate for his/her needs. This means knowing a range of sentence patterns, words, awareness on of appropriacy of register, stylistic variants in expressing different ideas, knowledge of English idioms, discourse (and anything related to it), mechanics of writing, etc5. Conventions since writing is a social activity, there are certain conventions (format) to follow. Different purpose of writing may have different conventions (eg: advert, memo, ticket, etc)6. Thinking Skills writing is a thinking process. Many thinking skills are needed selecting what is important, discarding what is not important, how to logically argues, creativity in making writing interesting, etc.


    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What a writer needs to know (cont)7. Organizational skills include well-formed paragraphs with clear main ideas and supporting details, logical sequencing, cohesive devices (eg: logical connectors), etc8. Value systems writer lives by certain values and holds views about everything what is important in a subject, what is beautiful writing, appropriate way to communicate with someone older/of higher order. All these affect the way of writing.9. Mechanics handwriting, spelling, layout, punctuation10. The Writing Process know processes to be a good writer selecting a topic, getting ideas, drafting, revising, editing, proof-reading, publishing, etc*

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • What a writer needs to know?*

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • Tutorial*In group of three:1a. Read articles on the history of written language / Download video clips on the same subject2a. Collect samples of types of writing and justify the genreCompile all of them in your course portfolioPresent and discuss in class

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1

  • ISL *Read and find out more about:What is writing?Purposes of writingTypes of writingWhat a writer needs to knowCompile them in course portfolioRead Chitravelu, N. et.at (2005). ELT Methodolology: Principles and Practice, Selangor: Fajar Bakti.

    Mohd Iskandar TSL3107 Lesson 1