wednesday afternoon activities - term... · 3 wednesday afternoon activities...


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Page 1: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


Page 2: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


As we come to the end of a first half term at The Bridge School, Sedgemoor there is certainly a

change in the air. A brief last whiff of an Indian Summer has given way to truly Autumnal foggy

weather and the first term of the new school year has reflected that change. Staff came back to

school in September to new teams and departments with new team leaders and Assistant Heads.

We began in September full at Key Stage 4 and have since filled all our places at Key Stage 2. We

are experiencing the largest number of referrals we have had in the last 5 years across all of our

provisions. Twice the amount even on last year! Therefore, we have had to change the way in

which we do things and we will need to continue to make further changes to meet the demand for


Change is one of the main topics we discuss with our young people. Sometimes (as with all young

people) they make the wrong choices and we need to encourage them to make positive changes

in their lives to get them back on track. This can be difficult but we need to remind them as the old

saying goes. ‘If you change nothing, nothing will change’.

However, even in a climate of change, next term we will see us settle in to the regular routine of

seasonal events that provide us with the run up to Christmas; Halloween; Carnival; Bonfire Night.

There is plenty here to distract us from the onset of the cold dark winter nights and I always look

forward to seeing how our staff and students imaginatively use these events and routines to

support learning in the classroom.

Have a lovely half term.

Nigel Shipton

Page 3: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


Wednesday afternoon Activities

At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about

in the local community

This term we have walked up Burrow-Mump,

along the Bawdrip to Cossington footpath, and

visited Wells farmers market, Shapwick Moor

and the J24 Careers Fair.

Page 4: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


Art at Cossington

The Autumn Term has started with some excellent news with regard to Arts Award - we had one student

successfully complete her Silver Award - Nicole Kempton - who is currently studying at Weston College.

In addition to this we have just had a further successful Bronze Arts Award moderation at the Link. This

means we now have three year 11 students working towards their Silver Arts Award.

The Silver award is a strong step up from the Bronze and enables the students to investigate and explore


activities in the community, pathways and career opportunities in the Arts together with the development

of their Arts based skills and the undertaking of a leadership project.

Quite a daunting task - but well worth the work!

We have planned visits to War Horse in Bristol during November and a Christmas Carol in Taunton during


WORLD WAR 1 Development work for Set and Costume Design


Fantasy and Dragons - Modelling work

Page 5: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


The KS4 Centre has started the year with a full cohort of students. It has been great to see how quickly they have formed new friendship groups and settled into their important GCSE studies.

We have had a busy term with students attending Rural Youth, guitar lessons and Action Track, extending their skills outside of the core curriculum.

The students have also attended taster days at college, careers fair and visits to the job centre. This is really helping to focus on their futures.

Some of our KS4 students, enjoying the outdoors

at the Rural Youth Project

Page 6: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


Autumn Activities at The Bridgwater Centre

Students at our Bridgwater Centre have been busy enjoying some

autumnal weather in the great outdoors this term.

They’ve enjoyed fishing, bonfires and have been getting creative,

making pencils and wind chimes.

Page 7: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


KS2 at Cossington

We’ve had a really busy start to our new academic year. We have

welcomed some new students who have settled in to our class

very quickly and everyone has been working very hard not only in

English, Maths and Science but also in their practical lessons.

Making salt dough angry monsters

as part of our SEAL work.

The students have particularly enjoyed their

cooking sessions on a Friday and have even

managed to make apple crumble and apple

muffins from the apples we have picked from

the school garden.

Painting on canvas using the sunflowers

which we planted from seed last year.

Page 8: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


To all our Parents and Carers, Like other local schools, The Bridge School Sedgemoor is supported by a team of ‘governors’. They are local people who offer their time to the School, looking at things like how to support students well, how to make the most of the skills of our staff, and how to make the school’s money go further. Most of the our governors are parents, and some have school age children, and knowing what it is like to be a parent is really important to how the governors work. We want to be sure that we consider the views of all the parents and carers of students at out School. To do this we want to involve parents and carers more in our work, and we have a place for a parent or carer to join us a governor. Come and meet us, have a cup of tea or coffee, find out more about what governors do and to tell us about your view of the School. When: Wednesday 1st November 2017, from 1300 to 1400 Where: in the Elm Suite, Victoria Park Community Centre, Victoria Park Drive, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 7AS We can pay for travel and child care costs that you need to spend to join us there. If you can’t join us then but want to know more about what the governors do or to share your views we will be arranging another meeting next term. Or contact me by post or ‘phone at the Cossington School base (Middle Lane, Cossington, Bridgwater TA7 8LQ. Tel: 01278 444222) or email me at: [email protected]. I hope to meet you soon,

Sarah Buchanan Clerk to the Governing Body

Page 9: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have


Online Safety Information

Childnet has published useful advice on key things to remember when helping your child set

up a new profile on a website or game.

Use a family email address

Consider username carefully, avoiding both full names and first names

Create a secure password

Choose an avatar for the profile picture

Read the blog for further guidance about each of these.


Dates for your Diary

Monday 30th November— Start of term 2

Tuesday 19th December—term 2 reports sent out

Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st December—INSET days , school closed to stu-


Thursday 21st December - end of term

Monday 8th December—Start of term 3, school re opens to students.

Monday 12th—Friday 16th February—Spring half term break.

Page 10: Wednesday afternoon Activities - Term... · 3 Wednesday afternoon Activities At Link on a Wednesday we go out and about in the local community This term we have