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Signs and Lying Wonders If you’ve been through the series with us so far you’ll understand that we’ve been coloring this picture for some time and some of the information that has been discussed has been pretty shocking. I did warn you at the beginning of the lecture series that will be fueling a plane. We’ll be trimming the wings and checking that we’ve got enough fuel. We’ll be building a biblical foundation on which we will then take off on a journey. Sometimes especially when you’re taking off, you hit some turbulences. In mid-air as well it’s not the most comfortable ride to be in. what we are doing at the moment is through the turbulence and as we uncovering all these various topics, we are busy preparing to land back on the word of God. We’ll be putting all of these into context but we are not there yet. We don’t want to land in the sea, so we need to make sure that we get to our destination before we land. We’ll be continuing on with this idea of what is going on inside Christianity. Is there any way that Satan can deceive Christians to believing things that are false to be actually true? I showed you yesterday out of the word the effects of some of these deceptions; firstly how the word is being changed, and the idea of you can eat anything that you want to. On top of that we looked into hell and the secret rapture. We are going to today look into where do we find most of those doctrines? We’ll find them in what is today’s called Protestantism but is not often recognized as such by its deeds and what the doctrines are that it fulfills. Signs and lying wonders: This is an interesting topic and we are going to build on what we started yesterday. Do you remember I showed you the graphic of Francisco Ribera and Alcasar, the two Jesuits that took the heat of the papacy by throwing the papacy/antichrist into the past at the time of Nero and Ribera who shot it into the future and threw it to some post-rapture period of three and half years? These two ideas were placed there to be able to take the heat off the antichrist. Ribera specifically, this Jesuit priest, his doctrines were continued and followed up by another Jesuit

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Page 1: file · Web viewSigns and Lying Wonders. If you’ve been through the series with us so far you’ll understand that we’ve been coloring this picture for some time and some of the

Signs and Lying WondersIf you’ve been through the series with us so far you’ll understand that we’ve been coloring this picture for some time and some of the information that has been discussed has been pretty shocking. I did warn you at the beginning of the lecture series that will be fueling a plane. We’ll be trimming the wings and checking that we’ve got enough fuel. We’ll be building a biblical foundation on which we will then take off on a journey. Sometimes especially when you’re taking off, you hit some turbulences. In mid-air as well it’s not the most comfortable ride to be in. what we are doing at the moment is through the turbulence and as we uncovering all these various topics, we are busy preparing to land back on the word of God. We’ll be putting all of these into context but we are not there yet. We don’t want to land in the sea, so we need to make sure that we get to our destination before we land. We’ll be continuing on with this idea of what is going on inside Christianity. Is there any way that Satan can deceive Christians to believing things that are false to be actually true? I showed you yesterday out of the word the effects of some of these deceptions; firstly how the word is being changed, and the idea of you can eat anything that you want to. On top of that we looked into hell and the secret rapture.

We are going to today look into where do we find most of those doctrines? We’ll find them in what is today’s called Protestantism but is not often recognized as such by its deeds and what the doctrines are that it fulfills.

Signs and lying wonders: This is an interesting topic and we are going to build on what we started yesterday.

Do you remember I showed you the graphic of Francisco Ribera and Alcasar, the two Jesuits that took the heat of the papacy by throwing the papacy/antichrist into the past at the time of Nero and Ribera who shot it into the future and threw it to some post-rapture period of three and half years? These two ideas were placed there to be able to take the heat off the antichrist. Ribera specifically, this Jesuit priest, his doctrines were continued and followed up by another Jesuit priest Manuel De Lacunza. We looked at him yesterday and we saw that he was a Jesuit that was hiding inside Protestantism claiming to be a converted Jew – Rabi Ben Ezra. As Rabi Ben Ezra, he wrote this book which was absorbed by Edward Irving. Edward Irving used this and the experiences from Margaret McDonald to base the belief and the founding of the re-appearance of apostles, prophets speaking in tongues, etc. Edward Irving’s doctrine is now found in many of the Pentecostals and charismatic churches around the world. Edward Irving wrote that book, a continuation of this Josephat Ben Ezra about the coming of the Messiah in glory and majesty.

"... Edward Irving (1792-1834), [is] the acknowledged forerunner of both the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements" - Dave Macpherson

“In 1830 at the age of 15... Margaret Macdonald... had a vision about the End Times...

Norton published [her revelation] again in The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets; In the Catholic Apostolic Church” (1861). p. 15-18

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For the New Apostolic I explained yesterday that this is also the organization that led to the schism after schism which led to the New Apostolic church which is the denomination I was born in to. Having to trace back history you start to realize where the truths of the doctrines come from and it is not necessarily from the bible.

Edward Irving founded the Catholic Apostolic church. According to the Birth of Pre-tribulation doctrine in the 1800 he said;

"[Irving]... he also had in his church at this time a restoration of prophecy, tongues and other manifestations."

"The futuristic school of Bible prophecy came from the Roman Catholic Church, specifically her Jesuit theologians..." - Robert Caringola

We are going to continue on with this path. I remind you what Matthew 24:4 says;

Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

Revelation 13:11-12 is critical to this lecture. It says;

Revelation 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon

13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

Here is the second beast arising out of the earth and this second beast causes the whole world to worship the first beast who was the antichrist beast – the papacy. I will get into that in the next lecture.

Revelation 13:13 And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.

13:14 Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth.

Here is a second beast that comes out of the earth and somehow will be associated to miraculous signs and will not only drive the world to acknowledge the first beast and worship the first beast but through miracles and signs and lying wonders will be able to deceive mankind.

2 Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way.

2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

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2:9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

This is what we are looking at this morning; how he is going to use power, signs and lying wonders.

Revelation 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles,

Here the bible explains that mystic Babylon has three components: Firstly the dragon – we know who that is, it is Satan. The beast – we know who that is. it is the antichrist beast who is the papacy or the Roman Catholic church and the False prophet. Who is the false prophet? Somehow this false prophet is associated to the second beast that comes out of the earth.

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him,… These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

Just as the example is in Matthew where it will be as it was in the days of Noah, when the wicked were taken away, the flood came took them all away, here the beast is taken and along with him the false prophet. They were cast into the lake of fire. There are three aspects; the dragon, the beast and the false prophet.

We’ve covered the dragon and the antichrist beast. Who is this false prophet? Let’s go into that.

False Prophet

We know by just looking around us that the foundations of the Pentecostals and the charismatic movements and from what we’ve read and the quotations that we’ve seen we know that this is founded on Jesuit doctrines. In other words lies and not the bible. If that is the case why is it so popular? Why is this so widely accepted around the world? As always we have to go back to the Roman Catholic church and find out is there some affiliations? Here is an image of Pope being carried at the Vatican II, at the council as they lifted him up above normal members – the cattle, the catechumen. Let’s read what their own documents have to say. This is the physical movement in celebration.

"The participation in the celebration should be internal but must be on the other hand external also, that is such as to show the internal participation by gestures and bodily attitudes."

Here the Vatican is explaining in Vatican II that from now on we must physically get involved in worship. No longer are we going to sit and read our bibles and make sure that what he pastor is saying is correct. From now on we are going to drive an ideology into Christian community that will drive them to become more physically involved with their worship. The documents continue and they say;

Musical Celebrations: in the section on music and liturgy we read …

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[Pt. 2 of 13]

"In the section on music and liturgy we read in order that the faithful may actively participate more willingly with greater benefit, it is fitting that the format of the celebration and the degree of participation in it should be varied as much as possible.

The liturgy 'marvelously’ increases their church members' power to preach Christ and thus show forth a church sign lifted up among nations to those who are outside, a sign under which the scattered children of God maybe gathered together until there is one fold and one shepherd."

What does Vatican II say that they’ll use to bring Protestantism back under the papacy, the scattered children as they call these Protestants; the people that have gone away from Rome? They will use the musical liturgy to get people to dance, sing and get involved more actively and participating in their worship. Today, George Carry who is left in this image with the predecessor, Robert Ramsey took over as the archbishop of [0:01:11]. Here this article says;

"Carry is a remarkable choice for three other reasons; as a pastor and educator, he has been closely associated with the charismatic renewal movement which practices speaking in tongues and other gifts of the Holy Spirit."

Here as the archbishop of [0:01:28], one of the most powerful men in the world and certainly in the church system he’s a remarkable person to be at that level who’s been so profoundly involved in as they say they speak in tongues and various other exiting liturgies in churches. There is some of this theology from Vatican II starting to enter the world. Here is an article from 17th July 2000.

[0:02:00] Theologians want to become more lively - get the people to put their hands in the air and dance and sing...

Historically when you went to go and worship the Lord you’d do so by studying the word. It is written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. If that is the case we have to know what is in the word. That is why study and diligent research of the word takes time. The time spent at church or in sermons and services would be spent studying the bible and making sure that you get absolutely maximum input. To break that connection, they’ll now give you a false word and you no longer can carry the bible because you are dancing around as you do in these charismatic movements. It is pretty difficult to read your bible when you are trying to join with the liturgy. This is the idea. Not only was it done to the one section of the Christian community, here the radical new spiritual leader for the world 70 million Anglicans;

R. Williams has let straight into mind field of international politics warning against hasty actions against Iraq. Here is the liberal to lead the Anglican Church.”

He is an outspoken liberal who supports gay clergy and women priests etc. He is one of these people that has been open to this new idea and new liturgy of getting more and more involved and exited about the movement inside Protestantism.

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I want to stop for a moment and go back a couple of lectures. You’ll remember that we quoted some pretty interesting things about the freemasons. James P. said;

"... if you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus are one and the same person!" - James Parton

The person who heads up freemasonry is the Jesuit general. That was at [0:04:11]. This is the black pope, not because he is black skinned but because he wears black all the time where the white pope would be the one that we see marketed all over the world.

"The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants..." - John Daniel

The Jesuits set up freemasonry and released these people in to Protestantism to accomplish their purposes. What is their purpose? It is to bring Protestantism back to Rome. Can we see any freemason within the system of Protestantism? I am not talking about first, second and third level. I am not talking about the fifteenth or twenty ninth level. I am talking about thirty first, thirty second and thirty three degree. Do you know who you’re worshiping when you get to the 33rd degree of freemasonry? Absolutely you know who you are worshiping. Can we find any of these individuals that know that they worship Lucifer inside Protestantism? Let’s walk into the supreme temple architects hall of honor.

There is the website. You can go and have a look at it yourself. You’ll see;

“The dedication of the Supreme Temple Architects Hall of Honor was one of the highlights of the 1991 by [0:05:40] session and a reasonable portrait of President Harry S. Truman, 33 rd degree donated by Scottish rite foundation …”

It speaks about Dr. Norman Vincent P. He is a protestant supposedly, 33rd degree freemason. It also speaks about Bishop Carl J. S. a 33rd degree freemason. Who are these people? Let’s just look at the Carl J. S. He is the grand chaplain, 33rd degree freemason. Interestingly enough he is also the bishop of the United Methodists Church. How can you be the bishop of the United Methodists Church and at the same time be a 33rd degree freemason worshiping Lucifer? He says;

"I am a Mason! This plain and simple statement is said with pride, not apology!" - Carl J. Sanders

There is his image. You can see the little Masonic suit and the 33 rd degree freemason and he is the bishop. He is one of the big boys of the United Methodists Church. Remember that Jesuits have started up freemasonry to work their things and desires inside Protestantism.

Who else can we find? Let’s look inside the Jewish community.

"Rabbi Seymour Atlas, 32nd degree: I am Proud To Be A Mason. When I reached my 21st birthday, one of my first thoughts was to submit my petition to become a Mason!... Having been so informed over 40

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years ago, I was filled with pride and anticipation that soon I would be welcomed into the Masonic Bodies."

Here is a man who’s been involved in freemasonry for 40 years. That is why he is a top freemason. All these come from Masonic Scottish right journal of a 33rd degree magazine. Who else are they that we can find?

"Dr. James P. Wesberry, 32nd freemason. He is the Executive Director and Editor of Sunday Georgia Baptist Church. He says;

"I joined the Masonic Order at the age of 21 and have enjoyed the rights and privileges for almost 60 years. It is no secret that high above Masonry's steeple is the ever-watchful and all-seeing eye of Almighty God. Every part of its foundation walls are beautifully built and artistically fashioned by the Supreme Architecture of the Universe with the plumb, level and square."

Here is a man, the executive director and editor of the Sunday Georgia Baptist Church. Does he know who he is worshiping? Absolutely!

Rev. Louis R. Gant - 33rd degree freemason. He is the District Superintendent, The United Methodist Church.

"So the question 'why are you a Mason?' can be answered. It has allowed me to grow personally... to serve my God... and to reach out in concern to my fellow human beings. It has supported my personal faith and work as a churchman... Ben was [a mason]... Don was... I am."

These people know what they are busy with.

Dr. Norman Vincent Peale - 33rd degree Mason. He says;

“The only requirement [of Masonry] is for good men to believe in the Supreme Architect and the immortality of the soul. My grandfather was a Mason for 50 years, my father for 50 years, and I have been a Mason for 60 years. All Masons believe in the Deity without reservation. However, Masonry makes no demands as to how a member thinks of the Great Architect of the Universe."

Can you start to hear this language, the Great Architect of the Universe, the Supreme being, the all-seeing eye of God? All of these are just different interpretations or different marketing opportunity of Satan coming across as somebody that the people on the ground, the goyam, the catechumen must assume to be God who is actually Satan.

Billy Graham - World's most popular 'Protestant' Baptist evangelist is a 33rd degree freemason.

Norman Vincent Peale - 33rd degree freemason, ex Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of New York, Past Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar and Shriner. When you become a shriner you swear on the Quran to Allah.

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Robert Schuler - 33rd degree freemason, pastor of the Crystal Cathedral and host of the popular 'Hour of Power' television programme.”

[Pt. 3 of 13]

Quran to Allah.

Robert Schuler - 33rd degree freemason, pastor of the Crystal Cathedral and host of the popular 'Hour of Power' television programme.”

Oral Roberts, 33rd degree freemason, founder of Oral Roberts University.

Jesse Jackson, 33rd degree Prince Hall freemason

Most of the early founding Mormons such as Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Sidney Rigdom and latter Mormons such as Spencer Kimball were all high level freemasons.

The founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses, Charles Taze Russell was also a 33rd degree mason.

When Billy Graham was coming to retirement there was a big void left and somebody had to step in to fill the void. Who did that?

According to U.S.A News and World report on January 17th 2005, Dr. James Dobson did exactly that. If you know the Masonic uniform you'll be able to identify immediately which side he stands on. It says;

"Dobson is unrivaled as an evangelical leader, Given Billy Graham's advanced age,' says Richard Land, president of the 16 million-strong Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, its James Dobson who's stepped in to fill the void."

Can you see as he opens up and speaks to the congregation what is in front of him? Let me zoom it in a bit - IHS, the same as in Catholicism. Why would that be in the Baptist convention? Remember Isis Hores Set, the same as the ancient religious worship. It goes on and on and on. Fasten your seat belts because we are going to go into some pretty incredible things.

"In typical high Mason style, Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd degree freemason said, 'it's not necessary to be born again. You have your way to God, I have mine. I found eternal peace in a Shinto shrine. '(Shintoism is an ancient Oriental religion that fuses ancestor worship wit mysticism.) He also denied the necessity of believing in the virgin birth." - Phil Donshue Show

On the full [0:02:09], can you imagine saying ‘it is not necessary to be born again, you can stay where you are’? Is that biblical or is that satanic? That is satanic but they put it out as if it sounds so good, it must be true.

On receiving his honorary doctorate Billy Graham from the Roman Catholic Delmont College, he said in his speech;

"Gospel that founded this college is the same gospel which I preach today."

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What does that mean? What college is it? It is a Roman Catholic Delmont college. The "Gospel that founded this college is the same gospel which I’m preaching.’ Billy Graham, one of the most powerful or probably the most powerful world’s Baptist preacher, the protestant Baptist is preaching Catholicism. That is why he was invited so many times to meet with the pope obviously dressed in black and the pope in white acknowledging the superiority of the pope. If you want to find more about Billy Graham there is an interesting book entitled Billy Graham and His Friends by Dr. Cathy B. – A Hidden Agenda? It outlays some of the hidden things about this man and the system in which he finds himself.

I want to show you a video clip because there is nothing more powerful than seeing in reality two of these high freemasons playing with game.

Here on national television Robert Schuler asks Dr. Billy Graham and says could you tell us. What is the future of Christianity?

[Video Playing]

Can you imagine that? Here you have a perfect example of two freemasons discussing this topic. ‘There is wideness in God’s mercy.’ Straight is the gate and narrow is the way and few there will be that find it, the bible says. It also says that there is only one name under heaven by which men can be saved, the name Christ Jesus. They put that aside and say that it doesn’t matter if you are a Buddhist, Islam or a Hindu. God loves you in every situation. You don’t have to convert everybody to what you believe. What does Billy Graham think about Islam? Remember he is a protestant preacher. What does this protestant leader say about Islam?

[Video Playing]

I want you to watch his body language.

“we are closer to Islam than we really think we are.”

Go back a couple of lectures where I explained Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam – all roads lead to Rome. ‘The gospel that founded this Roman college where I got my honorary doctorate’ he says ‘this is the gospel I am preaching today.’ It is an exact fulfillment of that lecture. Here Billy Graham as a protestant 33rd degree freemason coming across as a protestant who’s got these secret inner workings comes across and says ‘we are actually closer to Islam than we really think we are.’ In other words, ‘I know something that might not be well known by the public.’

What about being a fundamental protestant? These are the people that throughout history with the world [0:06:43] and the reformation, these people realize that what was being taught by Catholicism was incorrect and they take a fundamental stand on the bible and the bible alone. They will be burnt alive if they have to, to not be swayed off God’s truth. That is an honorable place to be. It is a place where today I look at them and say persecution is coming again and I don’t know if I will be able to stand. I pray everyday that I will be able to withstand the persecutions that are coming at the end time. If you don’t know what I am speaking about wait for the lecture lectures.

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What does Billy Graham say about being a fundamental protestant or somebody that stands up against Catholicism and say ‘these are the truths and I won’t badge of them’?

[Video Playing]

In other words by taking a fundamental stand on the word of God you do not love all? This is where the poison comes in. This is where you can identify their true colors. ‘God loves all.’ By standing on the truth, He calls all people into truth and out of error. Here this Baptist preacher says people that take fundamental position and won’t let go of it, that’s them. I was called to love all.’ You see how deceptive this is?

Watch his body language as he speaks about the Pope now being his friend.

[Video Playing]

Interesting! So, the Jesuits started freemasonry to work their things amongst Protestants and the Jesuits have found it to bring the Protestants back to Rome. The high freemasons who have filtered into Protestantism are saying exactly what the Jesuits were saying in their own documents. Do you remember this? ‘We will somehow open the channels back to Rome and that Rome will be acknowledged as the leader.’ Here Billy Graham says ’20 years ago there was almost no interaction between the Protestants and the Roman Catholic. Today the pope is our friend. There is even some things coming to show how close we are to the Roman Catholic church.’ He has taken the Baptist church but also the Protestantism towards the Roman Catholic Church acknowledging the pope as the leader.

When President Regan …

[Pt. 4 of 13]

When President Regan was looking to take down the wall to separate the church and state, he asked Billy Graham to explain what his perception was. ‘What is your feeling Mr. Graham about the idea of separating the church and state?’ This quote comes in Just As I am in his auto biography. It says;

"Reagan was the first American President to appoint a full ambassador to the Vatican. Before he made the appointment, he asked my view. I told him I thought it would probably be a good thing. In spite of a number of potential problems concerning the separation of church and state and wrote an extended confidential letter outlining my reasons. Among other things, I told him I did not think it necessarily violated the separation of church and state. For whatever reasons, Mr. Reagan went ahead with the plan. Later my letter was leaked to the press. It caused some consternation among my Baptist friends." - Billy Graham

For sure it should. Why are you driving America to go back and accept the papacy? Why are you trying to rip down the wall between church and state? We built this thing. We are protestants. What do you mean it won’t violet it? This caused great consternation among the Baptist people. Even though the bible explicitly explains that salvation is not to be found where the masses gather even today it’s always the ‘settle back church’, it’s got so many thousand. This church has got so many thousands. It is

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determined to be more successful, more godly and more reverenced - a place where the Holy Spirit is being manifest.

Matthew 7:13 Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

7:14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

There where the few cars are, that is where God will be. There where the masses are, the multitudes, and not necessarily there. Read from the Old Testament, it is the same thing.

Exodus 23:2 Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment.

Don’t follow the masses to do error. Be careful. Check everything according to scripture. That is what we’ll be doing now. This idea of so many people being there that must be blessed by God is a fallacy. Billy Graham rides this way. Here is an example;

"An estimated 82,000 people attended the event which included a 30-minute message from Graham and musical performances by Jars of Clay, Kirk Franklin and dc Talk, ministry spokesman Larry Ross said. Billy Graham and contemporary Christian musicians drew a record crowd on the third night of the Metroplex Mission."

CNN explains this idea of 82,000 people, and the sermon being half an hour. The rest of the time is liturgy – dancing up and down. You can’t dance with your bible. You’ve got to clap and sing. This is taking people away from the word of God. Kirk Franklin as an example was one of the artists that was there.

"At Graham's St. Louis Crusade held from October 14-17, 1999, once again we find that the 'musical guests including Michael W. Smith, the Charlie Daniels Band, Kirk Franklin, dc Talk and Cece Winans."

All these musical people are brought to drive the crowd to accept things which they previously might not have accepted. It is targeting the young people because they don’t know the word of God like the older people do. They are into instant food, instant religion, instant blessing, instant word out of the bible etc. that is why they take the easiest bible which we’ve seen it’s being infiltrated and read what ever is written there. They accept it and run with it and then put their bibles down as they carry on with the liturgy.

Stop for a moment and analyze something about Michael W. Smith, this world famous gospel singer.

"The Wall Street Journal tells us that Smith was using marijuana, LSD, and cocaine at the same time as he was penning gospel songs."

You’ll always see that there is something with their hands. You can’t sometimes find out what they are using their hands for but when they have this images, there is always the hands. On the Michael W. Smith worship album you’ll see the sun symbol as the people have got their hands in the air which is an

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old form of sun worship. Michael W. Smith even has occultic, ruinic symbols on one of his record album. The flipside has Smith’s name written backwards. If you don’t know what that means, backward writing is satanic. It is occult. Here is an example.

"Writing reversal is a satanic principle. Master Satanist Aleister Crowley taught his disciples to walk backwards, talk backwards, think backwards, speak backwards, write backwards and even listen to phonograph records backward to gain insight into the future." - Jeff Godwin, What's Wrong with Christian Rock?

Why would Michael W. Smith write his name backwards? What is he involved?

Amy Grant is such a wonderful gospel singer. She is so close to Christ. If that is the case why does she give the satanic salute twice or even more on this Michael W. Smith concert reunion records in 1985?

What is she hiding and why the hands?

Dc Talk is the band which is so closely associated with the papacy and when the pope travels.

"More than 40,000 people danced, stomped, shouted and swayed to the grunge rock of DC Talk, a band Graham has called his 'translators to a younger generation'..."

The truth of the gospel at half hour, the little bit of a message that he gave is translated to the younger people through this liturgy of dancing and grunge and stamping and shouting.

"Shortly before Graham had them perform in his crusades, this group had 'recorded for an R-rated film loaded with 'live-in' lovers, nudity, graphic violence, and 83 obscenities."

That is Joseph Clay.

These are the people that are on stage getting the audience to dance and be involved in this wonderful worship ceremony. Just stop for a moment and think; where does this come from? Go back and you’ll find it comes all from Vatican II and the drive to get Protestantism to accept false doctrines. Not only do they get protestants to not have the true bibles in their hands you now put the bible down and the young people start dancing and they will accept anything that is said.

Here is a video that gives that example. Watch the effect that music has on the youth in this video clip. This of the youth at a function where the pope was to come in. watch how the music drives these people and winds them up preparing for the pope’s arrival. Do me another favor. Count how many times the word God or Holy Spirit or Jesus Christ is used. How much acknowledgment is there of God in this video clip?

[Video Playing]

[Pt. 5 of 13]

Over and over again the bible warns about the doctrines of Rome infiltrating true Christianity. They haven’t been able to get rid of the bible or Protestantism in the past so the new tactic now is to get

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them more involved. Can you see what the effect is of music on an audience? Can you see how this idea of putting drums into church and then the next step starting with a drum kick or maybe a microphone and then a couple of guitar and it gets bigger and bigger? Eventually you can line the audience up to do what ever you like. This is exactly what Bono is busy with again. Do you remember we discussed Bono, the strange man ‘Can Bono Save the World?’ and ‘Bono is involved with George Bush and Bill Clinton and Jesse H.’ Remember that he is the one with the bent cross on his chest.

"The gospel according to Bono. [:02:41]" – Perspektief, South Africa’s Newspaper

What is this gospel? What has happened is U2 songs have been incorporated into worship.

"One man came in the name of love. One man come and go. One man come, he to justify. One man to overthrow."

Here in churches from New York and San Francisco, Atlanta, Washington, Tampa, Florida protestant churches are starting to sing this. It explains in Afrikaans’ [0:03:09] – U2 communion service. Do you know what it is called? It is called the U2charist – [0:03:30] specifically the Episcopal, the Methodists, the United Methodists, the Presbyterians and the Lutheran churches. This is another way of driving this musical idea, the liturgy of dancing around in excitement to Protestantism to get them to acknowledge Rome. If it wasn’t to acknowledge Rome why call it U2charist? Here you have it;

"Jesus Rocks: Holy communion with music of Bono and U2charist."

"St. Matthew in the city and Oxfam Newzealand presents U2charist, Friday, November 17"

There you have it even on their billboard: I haven't found what I am looking for. Do you know Bono song with the U2 song that sings; I haven’t found what I am looking for. They turned that in true occult fashion into a gospel song because the young people haven’t found what they are looking for. The stimulation which they find from watching movies and the mp3 players, ipods, cell phones and the instant food and instant everything, when you get to church you are back to the word… I haven’t found what I am looking for, so now we’ll drive U2charist celebrations into church.

Here you have; “A multimedia rock concert meets the Eucharist. U2charist coming to church. U2’s music goes to church.’

You’ll see on that image Bono looking to the right. You only see the left eye. Does this sound familiar now? We’ll get to that just now.

"DallasNews Religion. U2 in church. 11th June 2007. The final plans are being formed to bring Protestantism back to Rome.

You’ll also see the hint on this image of a hand on the right hand side. You only see the one side of it but it is a hint of the horn sign as Bono is busy singing behind the microphone.

“2006 General Conference News, Episcopal Church; The U2charist draws enthusiastic crowds.”

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Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island: They speak about one congregation with capital letters ONE.

How do they do it? Let’s find out.

On May 5th 2007, U2charist, a worship event: One by one we can eliminate extreme poverty, hunger and aids around the globe. Through spoken word, prayer and the music of U2 we'll explain how we can make a lasting difference to our world.

This is going on in Wesley Park United Methodist Church driving this idea of liturgy into the Methodist churches. This U2charist is a brand new way of driving Protestantism and the young people specifically back to Rome.

Here is another example;

Hide Park. This is the United Methodist church again. On Sunday, October ONE; the congregation of Hide Park Methodist church... to get involved in One, the campaign to make poverty history. 582 people joined in worship singing songs like Pride in the Name of Love and Sunday Bloody Sunday and One.

Then they speak about this One declaration. What is this One all about? [0:07:07] faith tells us that the Wronged One is an alias for Lucifer. When God speaks about God, He says; I am the Alpha and Omega. I am not the One – Satan. Let’s just find out what One declaration is all about. Go to the website and here you’ll see One and it will explain what is One, where is One, who is One and all about this drive to council out poverty around the world. Click on the tab ‘Who is One’ and you’ll see it quite clearly there. Do you see the eye? These are the occult hidden signal pictures saying who the One is. that is why Bono is seen covering his right eye or shows the finger signs or when he gets his medal he holds up his little medallion and puts up the ‘P’ sign and covers up his one eye. It is all these symbols or signal pictures that are confirming exactly what happened in the Poison in the Passion of the Christ – the lecture that I did. ‘christ’ the left one eyed messiah is the same person that Bono is busy referring to.

Who are the One campaign partners, the campaign partners that are supporting this initiative? Do you remember the Baal Hadad, the sun symbol, the symbol of sun worship? I will click quickly through a whole list of their partners and see if you can see it anywhere.

U.S.A Coalition for Child survival. Do you see the Baal Hadad?

Mercy Coe - Baal Hadad

Oxfam - Baal Hadad

Plan - Baal Hadad

Save the Children - Baal Hadad

World Concern - Baal Hadad

A Gimmer of Hope - they even have the masonic triangle with the sun symbol in it. There you have the Baal Hadad

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The Child Health - Baal Hadad

Unicef - Baal Hadad

Youth Aids - Baal Hadad

World Hope - Baal Hadad

Engineers Without Boarders - Baal Hadad, hinting towards the Ying Yeng. Baal Hadad is seen everywhere.

How many Baal Hadads do we have to show you to let the people realize they are being led secretly into sun worship?

Wesley Park United Methodist church speaks about the U2charist worship event, the same as what the others said except this time they give pictures.

Here in St. James cathedral in Toronto on 26 th May 2007 we see a band with guitars and drums and microphones and mixers in this beautiful cathedral. Imagine the noise in this beautiful cathedral with the organ at the back which could have played out these beautiful hymns from [0:09:58] and all these magnificent composers of barrack period. Instead they now have …

[Pt. 6 of 13]

composers of barrack period. Instead they now get people to dance up and down and pointing at the One god, psyching up the audience. The poor people in the benches don’t have a clue what they’re becoming part of. Over and over you have this image of the liturgy which is spoken about in the Vatican II. ‘Get people involved in liturgy. Get them exited. First do it in an area like the charismatic churches then slowly bring it back into Protestantism so that it doesn’t take people by surprise.

Daniel 3:7 explains what happened in the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Here Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold in the province of Babylon.

Daniel 3:1-7 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold … in the province of Babylon. Then [he] sent to gather... all the officials of he provinces to come to the dedication of the image... And they [all] stood before the image... And the herald proclaimed aloud, "You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages, that when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, you are to fall down and worship the golden image And whoever does not fall down and worship shall immediately be cast into a burning fiery furnace."

Here is a warning in the Old Testament telling us this is the typology of what will happen in the future. I am warning you that this is what is going before. Music was used to get people to bow down to false systems of worship. Again the same thing will happen at the end. Music will be used to drive people to accept things that would previously not have accepted.

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"I discovered the reality of that dynamic dimension in prayer that comes through visualizing... Don't try to understand it. Just start to enjoy it! It's true. It works. I tried it." - Robert Schuler

He speaks about the fourth dimensions in his book The Fourth Dimension hinting towards the fourth dimensions which David H. speaks about in his conspiracy theories. ‘All about the immortality of the soul – how the outer shell pops off when you die and the true god in you carries on and lives after life. That is satanic. That is not God’s talk, it is serpent talk from the Garden of Eden.

Dr. Robert Schuler runs the Crystal cathedral as it is known. Here you see the image of it, and him and his son. Notice the hand on the shoulder. That is a Masonic picture, a signal picture. All you have to do is go to the masons of California and you’ll see exactly the same thing on one of their web pages. This idea of showing the world that you are passing something on or you are somehow associated in a brotherhood. Schuler said;

"When we know we have been redeemed and we know we are part of God's family, we are ready to dream that great divine dream of building the kingdom of God in the world." - Robert Schuler

"... (1) the church's problem is that it has had a God-centered theology for centuries, when it needs a man-centered one;

(2) we're not bad, merely badly informed about how good we are; (3) it would be an insult to the integrity of any human being to call him a sinner; and (4) Jesus knew His worth; His success fed His self-esteem. He suffered the cross to sanctify His self-esteem and He bore the cross to sanctify your self-esteem. The cross will sanctify the ego trip." - Robert Schuler

These are the people that are driving out this liturgy. ‘Get involved, with jams and singing.’ Schuler further expanded on this. He amplified it. He says;

"Jesus had an ego.' He said, 'I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.' Wow, what an ego trip He was on!" - Robert Schuler

Questioner: How could the cross, as you write, 'sanctify the ego trip,' and make us proud in the light of passages that say;

Then he starts quoting scriptures;

I hate pride and arrogance (Prov. 8:13)

Pride goes before destruction (Prov. 16:18)

The Lord detests all the proud (Prov. 16:5)

Do not be proud (Rom. 12:16)

Love does not boast, it is not proud (1 Cor. 13:4)

In fact Paul warns Timothy that in the last days men 'will be lovers of themselves' (2 Tim. 3:2)

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I like this man. He is quoting scriptures. He says; ‘how can you say that the cross sanctify the ego trip?’ and why should we do anything to encourage people to become lovers of themselves if Paul in fact warned others that there will be a state of godliness in the last days?’ that is the questioner.

What does Robert Schuler say?

"Schuler: I hope you don't [preach this] because you could do a lot of damage to a lot of beautiful people... if you preach that text, oh man, I sure hope you give it the kind of interpretation that I do or, I'll tell you, you'll drive them farther away and they'll be madder than hell at you and they'll turn the Bible off, and they'll switch you off, and they'll turn on the rock music and Madonna. Just because it's in the bible doesn't mean you should preach it...”

These people are walking in such dangerous line. They walk so close to the truth and then they kick the person off the edge. They walk and then kick the next person off the edge.

"It is time for Protestants to go to the shepherd [Pope] and say 'what do we have to do to come home?'" - Robert Schuler

Can you see how he is leading his people back to Rome? Robert Schuler in his book Mind Through Possibility says on page 131-132;

"The most effective mantras employ the 'M' sound. You can get the feel of it by repeating the words, 'I am, I am,' many times over... Transcendental Meditation or TM... is not a religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian" - Robert Schuler

I disagree completely. If you’ve been involved in it and you understand what it is about you’ll see why these high occultists say this. When Billy Graham says that his book is such a magnificent book, he says he’s got an amazing ministry; Billy Graham speaks about Robert Schuler.

In Robert Schuler’s book Discover Your Possibilities, he says;

"To be born again means that we must be changed from a negative to a positive self image - from inferiority to self esteem, from fear to love, from doubt to trust... And we can pray 'Our Father in heaven, honorably is our name"

What is he claiming? He is claiming to be God. If you don’t know what to look for and you don’t understand the language or the signal picture it won’t make sense. How can he say ‘Our Father in heaven, honorable is our name?’ here is a picture of him greeting Billy Graham on TBN. Here you can see the Masonic handshake and exactly the same when he greeted [0:07:32], a Masonic handshake. Billy Graham, Paul Crouch and Jenny Crouch greeting on TBN, the Masonic handshake being one way to identify that somehow they might be involved. I warn you again, don’t just take one aspect of a person and make a determination on their character. Something like that – a handshake or the uniform as being worn – have a look and say ‘there is something. Let me see if there is any other confirmation of this.

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You can loosen your safety belts now for a while because we’ll break. When we come back, I suggest that you double up your buckling because we’ll go to some more videos and it will become clearer and clearer how these signs and lying wonders are being used to deceive Christians.

[Pt. 7 of 13]

Fasten your seat belts for the second half of this lecture because we are going to go on a bumpy ride.

We’ve looked into false Protestantism or false prophets. The bible warns us about mystic Babylon having three components; the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. We’re starting to look into Protestantism and see whether we can find any under currents that are leading Protestantism back to Rome. We saw the Hall of fame where the 33rd degree freemasons who are the head of many of the churches - insider infiltration. Remember that freemasonry has been set up by the Jesuits to do the work amongst Protestants. Let’s continue on. We know that Robert Schuler is a 33 rd degree freemason and we understand from his works what the impact has been and I’ll show you a little bit more in a moment. You remember that some of the work he wrote is ‘Discover your Possibilities’ that Billy Graham says that Robert Schuler has got tremendous ministry and when he says ‘Our Father,’ he says ‘honorable be our name’.

Who has this Robert Schuler influenced? Is there anybody in modern Protestantism that we can see that they’ve got the characteristics of this Schuler ideology? Let’s have a look at what these quotes say;

"I was the first person to introduce real church growth to the American Church... He [Bill Hybels] became the first guy to take these principles, refine them, maximize them to the ultimate length of their potential... I am so proud of him... I think of him as a son. I think of him as one of the greatest things to happen in Christianity in our time... Bill Hybels is doing the best job of anybody I know!" - Dr. Robert Schuler

Isn’t that incredible? Bill Hybels from W. Creek. He is famous world wide and gets such a success rate with the type of Christianity that he puts out. He comes from the same fold as Robert Schuler. I wonder whether we’ve got any under current there. That is why the bible specifically says it will not be where all the cars are. It will be the little narrow gate. That is where the Lord will be.

"Is your church all God wants it to be? Send your pastors and lay church leaders to the 34th Robert H. Schuler institute for Successful Church Leadership; which brings together the most prominent pastors who make faith come alive in some of the country's largest churches like Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Community Church, and Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, both graduates of the Institute." - Robert H. Schuler, Institute, 24, Jan. 2004

Robert Schuler is saying both Bill Hybels and Rick Warren are graduates of Schuler institute. They are both two protestants that have gone out to the world. Rick Warren is known as the world’s favorite pastor. We’ll find out what he says in a moment.

"And there's Rick Warren, a pastor who today is phenomenal. He came to our institute time after time. And in 'Christianity Today,' his wife was quoted as saying, 'When we came to that institute, we were

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blown away.' How God has blessed him. And today Rick Warren is blessing millions of people." – Robert Schuler

Rick Warren is seen as the world’s favorite pastor. Time Magazine spoke about him. They call him "The Man with the Purpose". He is the author of the Purpose Driven Church, the Purpose Driven Life, the Purpose Driven everything.

Who is this Rick Warren and what does he stand for?

We know that he comes from Robert Schuler institute same as Billy Hybels. We know that is an infiltrating center where a 33rd degree freemason puts his theologies in place to drive into Christianity with certain slight errors in place.

Think about this as an example; if you were to eat something like a hamburger, and it is 99.995% good food, would you eat it? I would. I would have previously. I think there are more sustenance and more healthy food in the MacDonald’s burger than the 99.995%. I think there are more bad stuff in the MacDonald’s burger than the 99.995% good food. So, then why would you eat the 0.005% bad food? Would you still eat it if I gave you the name of the product and call it rat poison? When it comes to rat poison, the reason the rat eats this stuff in the first place is because it is 99.995% good food but it is the 0.005% that kills him. That is the thing with these people. It is 99.995% truth but it is 0.005% error and it is that which kills the soul in the end.

Read with me from Purpose Driven Life. I have taken a photograph of the page so that you can see it comes from his work.

“Today there is a growing interest in the second coming of Christ and the end of the world. When will it happen? Just before Jesus ascended to heaven, the disciples asked him the same question and His response was quite revealing. He said; It is not for you to know the times or the date the Father has set by His own authority but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and the ends of the earth.”

I beg you a pardon? What did God say? When His disciples came to Him and said ‘tell us, what will be the sign of the end of the world and of your coming?’ He said ‘be careful that no man deceives you.’ Here he says ‘no, no. It is none of your business,’ and if you don’t believe me read on.

“When the disciples wanted to talk to Jesus about prophecy, Jesus quickly switched the conversation to evangelism. He wanted them to concentrate on their mission in the world. He said in essence; ‘the details of my return are none of your business. What is your business is the mission I have given you. Focus on that’. Speculating on the exact time of Christ’s return is futile because Jesus said ‘no one knows the hour or the day, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father.”

Do you see the rat poison here? we don’t have to speculate on the day or the hour of Jesus’ return, but we do need to watch the signs. Jesus Christ didn’t tell His disciples ‘it is none of your business.’ He wouldn’t have wept. Remember He looked over Jerusalem and wept and He said ‘you didn’t know the hour of your visitation.’ Jesus Christ wept over Jerusalem because they weren’t watching prophecy. He

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wept over Israel because He said that you didn’t know the time. Paul writing to Galatians said when the fullness of time had come God sent forth His Son. Once the prophecies have been fulfilled, prophecy is absolutely critical to not only understand where we are in the stream of time but getting away from deception. Here, the world’s favorite pastor says that Jesus Christ when His disciples came to Him and asked ‘Lord, tell us how will we know what to look out for?’ He says ‘ah!, it is none of your business and He quickly switches the conversation from prophecy to evangelism. That is rubbish. It is absolute lie. Jesus Christ didn’t do that.

Have a look at what he says in page 286;

"If you want Jesus to come back soonest, focus on fulfilling your mission, not figuring out prophecy." - Rick Warren

If we didn’t figure out prophecy we wouldn’t know where we were. Yes I agree, and there is the good food – focus on your mission about fulfilling your role of evangelizing but balance it out with prophecy otherwise what would prophecy be for? Why is 1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 there in the bible then? Just check it out. This is from the ESV;

1 Thessalonians 5:20 Do not despise prophecies,

5:21 but test everything; hold fast what is good.

Don’t despise prophecies. Don’t reject it. Don’t push it away. Embrace it. Understand it. Study it so that you can test everything. If you can’t test it, if it is not part of the prophecy it is not from God. Here this man says it is none of your business. Did Jesus say it is none of your business to the disciples? It is a big lie. In fact I would even go as far to say it is satanic. Why do I say it is satanic? I will quote you from satanic high priest. I am not saying Rick Warren is satanic. I am saying that he is thinking the way Satan wants Christians to think. This is a quote from satanic high priest. This is somebody that is in conversation with the devil. He says the following;

"Having a background of experience measured in millenniums, they are engaged in a fierce conflict for the control of men's minds, a conflict against the forces from above. The spirits would encourage people to listen to their feelings instead of the word of Christ and His prophecies." - A Trip into the Supernatural

This is the satanic high priest saying ‘this is what the demons want. They want you to have liturgy, to have you dancing around. Put your bibles down. Don’t worry about all that stuff. We’ll feel our relationship with God. Don’t worry about prophecy.’ Jesus Christ told His disciples ‘it is none of your business when I …

[Pt. 8 of 13]

Don’t worry about all that stuff. We’ll feel our relationship with God. Don’t worry about prophecy.’ Jesus Christ told His disciples ‘it is none of your business when I come back.’ That is satanic thinking, not Godly thinking. All you have to do is go to the very front page of Rick Warren’s website and there you’ll see Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California. Up on the top left you’ll see a hint of what possibly could be

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a sun symbol but then down at the bottom you’ll see it says ‘See our service’ and next to that ‘hear our music.’ Music is absolutely critical to the success of Rick Warren’s theology. He gets people to forget about reading the word of God and get’s them absorbed in just feeding on their emotions. If you don’t believe what I am saying, I will support everything that I am saying now by their own quotations. I am not saying it, they are saying it. The reason why the rat eats the poison is because it is 99.995% good food. A person like Rick Warren makes all the right noises, he writes all the right books and then he puts in these stupid little things about don’t figure out prophecy and he just gets people to step offline ever so slightly and they fall into a trap.

"... both Bill Hybels and Rick Warren have gone so far as to say:

'It is... critical that we keep in mind a fundamental principle of Christian communication; the audience, not the message, is sovereign... our message has to be adapted to the needs of the audience." - George Barna

‘It is people that matter more than what God wants. We have to change God’s message into something that is more suitable for mankind because it is our needs that need to be fulfilled.’ He has got this idea that we need to keep on focusing on man’s needs and fulfillment. If you don’t know what I am saying just have a look at this. This is from his own work.

Man-centered Philosophy: Figure out what mood you want your service to project, and then create it. p. 264

Figure out what you want your mood you want to project, not what the message must be from God.

We made a strategic decision to stop singing hymns in our seeker services. p. 25

Saddleback now has a complete pop/rock orchestra. p. 250

Use more performed music than congregational singing... p. 297

The ground we have in common with unbelievers is not the bible, but our common needs, hurts and interests as human beings. You cannot start with a text... p. 295

I can’t start the service by saying ‘open your bibles and let’s see what Revelation 22 has to say. Let’s discuss the prophecies in Jeremiah. Let’s discuss the various things that have been said by Daniel.’ You can’t do that. Now put your bibles down and let’s have a pop/rock orchestra and get the liturgy going and we can get all exited, and get the congregation in dancing rather than congregation singing. You wouldn’t want that. You must create the mood and adapt the message to suit the needs of your people. Christ says exactly opposite. I’ll get to that in a moment.

Rick Warren uses the very same methodology as Robert Schuler and Bill Hybels.

"Warren spent twelve weeks going door to door and surveying the 'needs' of the people (p. 139). Therefore, he offers what he calls a 'full menu' of support groups for empty nesters, divorced couples,

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grief recovery, etc. In other words, offer the community/consumer what they want, and they will come..." - Rick Warren

Do you see the problem here? it has got to do with needs-based religion. It has got to do with recognizing the requirements or the needs within you to make you more comfortable. This is the most subtle form of pantheism available in the world today. It is acknowledging the needs of the individual so that you can make them feel better about themselves, releasing a certain godhood within. Not only that, it is not based on what God wants to say to you, it is based on relieving the trauma or making your life easier. I don’t come to church to receive the true word of God. I come to church because I can have my car serviced or my daughter needs braces and I know that there a certain orthodontist there or I need a bank loan and if I sit next to my buddy then I might… These are needs-based religion. There is an agenda with going to church. That is what he says. Not me, he says it himself. The bible says completely the opposite. It says don’t worry about your needs. Worry about what the Lord wants and then the rest will happen automatically. We can’t change the word of God to suit us. Imagine it was changed every century to suit the different people of the different eras.

Matthew 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

6:32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Don’t go to church for needs-based religion to feel better about yourself or to have a consequence for going there to get something better in your life. Go to church to receive the word of God. If you seek first the kingdom of God, God knows what you need. He will give it to you. That is the problem with the New Age theory as well – the self-help idea where you can help yourself. There is no such thing as helping yourself. Either God gives it to you or Satan gives it to you. There are only two options available.

This idea of a man-based theology comes from Vatican II. This idea of searching for people to find out for 12 weeks what their needs are and then putting these together in a church to supply the needs of the people comes from Vatican II. Again we have to look at the Catholic system to see what they say.

"It is man himself who must be saved: It is mankind that must be renewed. It is man, therefore, who is the key to this discussion, man considered whole and entire, with body and soul, heart and conscience, mind and will..."

You see, it is the man who is the most important part. ‘We need to adjust this word to suit mankind.’ He says in his book page 280-281 about the idea of music;

"The style of music you choose to use in your service will be one of the most critical (and controversial) decisions you make in the life of your church. It may also be the most influential factor in determining...

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whether or not your church grows. You must match your music to the kind of people God wants your church to reach."

Do you see the problem? Everything they do they blame on God. So, you must match your music to the people God wants you to reach. Who does God want you to reach? He wants you to reach everyone. That is why you can’t have every type of music. You’ve got to have God’s type of music. They say ‘no, no. We don’t want God’s music. We must match it and then blame God – the people that God wants us to reach. He wants us to reach this group or that group.’ So, they blame God.

"I'll be honest with you, we are loud. We are really, really loud on a weekend service... I say, 'We're not gonna turn it down.' Now the reason why is baby boomers want to feel the music, not just hear it... God loves variety!"

They say, ‘it is God’s problem. It is His fault. He is the one that’s making us dance up and down and put our bibles down and swing our arms and clap our hands. He loves variety, so we are just following what He wants.

Then Rick Warren in the Purpose Driven Life puts the full stop at the end of this rubbish. He says;

"God loves all kinds of music because He invented it all-fast and slow, loud and soft, old and new... There is no Biblical style!"

It is His problem. They are stuck in the Garden of Eden. ‘But the woman you gave me… it is actually your fault God, because the woman that you gave me made me eat.’ It is your music. You invented it. No, God didn’t invent heavy metal. He didn’t invent the trash music that we listen to today in the world. That doesn’t come from God. The problem is that people don’t understand this thing about two sets of angels. When Lucifer was in heaven was the head of the music division and he came down with that talent and set up many different types of music. You cannot say there is no biblical style. Of course there is a biblical style, but it certainly doesn’t include drums because once you put a set of drums in your congregation all you do is you are dragging out and it gets worse and worse. Then you end up having U2charist in your congregation. It starts by the little things – keeping control of the little things. That is how you get control of this thing, not by throwing your bible down and dancing with your hands in the air. Does Rick Warren know about the reformation? Does he understand what it is to be a protestant? Let’s ask him.

"The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about behavior,' said Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California and author of the best-selling The Purpose-Driven Life. 'The first one was about creeds; this one's going to be about deeds. The first one divided the church; this time it will unify the church." - Rick Warren

What is Rick Warren’s agenda? It is unity in error. The Protestants divided away from Rome to get away from the persecution and to get away from the false doc…

[Pt. 9 of 13]

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The Protestants divided away from Rome to get away from the persecution and to get away from the false doctrines. With his false doctrines he is saying ‘this reformation will unify the church.’ He is part of the counter-reformation. Not only that, just have a look at this. This is in a group email to the Saddleback people. He says;

"Dear Saddleback Family... This week I shared part of this message in New York City where I spoke at the United Nations, and also to The Council on Foreign Relations."

You’ve got to be very, very influential and very, very deeply involved to speak at the United Nations; but when they call you to the Council on Foreign Relations, to come and speak there, then there are various things that have to be in place before that. Let me read you another quote that comes from a letter from Rick Warren to Joseph F.

"As a member of The Council on Foreign Relations and Oxford Analytica, I might know as much about the Middle East as you."

He says ‘as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations’. Remember this the secret organization that is working towards one world government under Lucifer. Does he know what he is part of? I don’t know. Who am I to judge? All I can do is I can look at the liturgy and the various things going on in his church and ask; is it biblical? I am sorry it is not biblical. Do I want any part of it? No, I don’t. do I want to be part of the reformation that unites the church – unity in error? No, I am sorry, I don’t.

What about the other pastors? We’ve looked at Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, Robert Schuler and many others. What about the others? Are there others who have got these influences?

Benny Hinn

Here is an image of him sitting with all his prayer requests – thousands upon thousand of prayer requests that come in. this is another image of him wearing a suit that hints towards the Catholic system. Benny Hinn is known as a templar. Do you remember the templars, the insider – Johanism and outsider Catholicism, the people that spit on the cross? He is a person that comes across as if he is a Christian but yet inside he isn’t. If he was a true Christian why would he be able to say in this quote on ‘Our position in Christ, The Word Made flesh audio tape side 2;

"Don't say, 'I have'. Say, 'I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM, I AM'."

This is calling yourself God. Surely Benny Hinn wouldn’t say that. He is such a godly man. What about this? Listen to this and tell me who says this;

Benny Hinn: “Don’t tell me you have Jesus. You are everything He was and everything He is and ever shall be.”

‘You are Jesus Christ!’ That is what he is teaching. You might not know it. When he puts his hand up he says ‘fire!’. What he is doing is mesmerism. This comes from ancient times as well but especially from

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mesmerizing the people, hypnotizing them into believing certain things. This man is an insider infiltrator. What about Benny Hinn praising the name of the lord Satan, is that possible? I don’t know. Check it out.

[Video Playing]

Benny Hinn; ‘Come on people, let me hear you praise the lord of Satan!’

It is said under the breath that you can’t quite hear what he said.

What about cursing people? Have you ever seen in the bible where Paul sends out curse to the people? No, because it is not there. True Christians, protestant Christians don’t get involved in curses. That comes from pagan times. Watch this.

[Video Playing]

He says; I curse that man… yes Lord, I will do it’ and he blames God. If he is speaking to somebody it is not God, there is only one force in the universe that sends out curses and that is Satan, not God.

Kenneth Copeland

He is such a good man with his beautiful wife – Gloria Copeland. He couldn’t be involved in any of this. Could he? In the Force of Love audio tape 1987, he says;

"You don't have a god in you, you are one." This is pantheism.

He says on Praise the Lord TV show;

"Now Peter said by exceeding great and precious promises you become partners of the divine class. All right, we are gods? We are a class of gods!"

Incredible! This is pantheism. It is subtle. It is disguised and covered up but it is pantheism.

In Following the Faith of Abraham Kenneth Copeland said;

"That Adam was God manifest in the flesh. 'God's reason for creating Adam was His desire to reproduce Himself... He did just that. He was not a little like God. He was not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even... Adam is as much like God as you could get, just the same as Jesus... Adam, in the Garden of Eden, was God manifested in the flesh."

Is this God language? It is serpent language. ‘Adam was not subordinate to God. He was equal to God. He was God manifested in the flesh.’ This is serpent language. How is he involved and what does he get involved with? I will show you just now, the cover of his book and then you’ll see for yourself. He speaks about the biggest failure. Can you believe it! Just as Rick Warren blames God for the music, Benny Hinn blames God for cursing people, Kenneth Copeland blames God for being the biggest failure. Listen to this.

[Video Playing]

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“God is the biggest failure because He lost the top ranking angel, a third of the angels, the whole earth, His creation even mankind.”

Do you see how they twist it? This is called occult theology within Christianity. This is just hidden inside esoteric teachings coming out into the exoteric side but because we are so exited about getting all these manifestations and feeling our association to God, we don’t pick up and notice. When the Lord says be sober, be vigilant, gird up the loins of your mind, we don’t do that anymore because now we feel our association and this 0.005% poison’s come in. they are the one that corrupt our soul. Kenneth Copeland is also known well for getting drunk on Holy Spirit. What was started a while ago by Rodney H. Brown, the Toronto breathing and poured into the Rhema church with Kenneth Hagin, the same thing with Kenneth Copeland – getting drunk on the Holy Spirit. Watch how he blames God for this blasphemy.

[Video Playing]

Incredible! This man is sick but it is hidden. It is not openly shown. The 99.995% of the time, what you see on TV is not this stuff. We have to bring this to the fore so that you can see what the real true character is of these people underneath.

Kenneth Copeland - here is the front of his book: ‘How to build your firm foundation.’ What do you notice on the front of his book? Can you see a compass and a set square? Does it start to sound familiar now? It is not in the form of freemasonry, he lays it to the side that you can’t quite see who it is. these people are insider masons. They are there to twist Christianity away from God. Even on the front of his book is a signal picture that says ‘this is whom I am affiliated to…

[Pt. 10 of 13]

‘this is whom I am affiliated to.’ Listen to what he says in the Believers Voice of Victory broadcast from July 9th 1986

"And I say this with all respect, so that it doesn’t upset you too bad. But I say it anyway. When I read in the Bible where He says, 'I AM,' I just smile and say, 'Yes, I AM, too."

When Kenneth Copeland is reading the word and God says, ‘I AM, the Alpha and Omega…’ he says ‘me too.’ This is insider pantheism disguised as Christianity.

Promise Keepers: July 1997, Kenneth Hagin placed the Masonic obelisk on the cover of his magazine. Tulsa, Oklahoma is the headquarters for Oral Roberts and Kenneth Hagin.”

Look at that. There you have the Masonic obelisk on the cover magazine. This is the worship temple of the sun god. I will show you this in the lecture ‘An Image to the Beast’ – the dwelling place of the sun god, all power under one man is what it symbolizes, the power of the sun god and yet this is on the front of Kenneth Hagin’s magazine. What is Kenneth Hagin up about? What is he up to?

He and his wife started the Rhema Church and you can see it’s got the wreath of Apollo, same as what the United Nations has got. They have the Rhema bible church. Often when you see the Rhema symbol

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you’ll see that it’s also has got a crown with a cross which is also on the grave of the Jehovah’s Witness founder. It comes from the insider templar’s system. This is their front entrance: Rhema Bible Training Center – the spoken word. All appears to be very godly but yet when you get deeper underneath the surface you have a look and see these people getting drunk on the Holy Spirit. If you think getting drunk on the Holy Spirit is a gift from God, I will get to that just now. Just bear with me. Watch Kenneth Hagin. He is now the founder of the Rhema Church world wide – a very wealthy man from the system that he’s built. Watch this and if you’ve got an ounce of the Holy Spirit in you listen to what the Holy Spirit says and tell me if this is the will of God.

[Video Playing]

He says;

‘This is the first time we’ve had a full manifestation of that.’ These are interesting words. The manifestation is not from God. This is a demonic spirit which is being filtered into charismatic and Pentecostal churches. He says this is their first full manifestation that they’ve had. ‘Have you got that?’ and they say ‘yes’. They feel the association with God and go wild. ‘God had blessed us. He has sent us Holy Spirit.’ No, be careful. What are these people busy with? They are pulling you off the word of God and feeling your association through your feelings rather than through the word of God.

What about in the same event, where Kenneth Hagin blesses Kenneth Copeland? Does this look like a respectable, reverenced child of God who preaches the word of God? Watch this;

[Video Playing]

This is pathetic! This is absolutely ridiculous. These people receive millions for doing this work. They go on TV and through TBN which I have showed you in the first half of this where they’ve got Masonic handshake and all these various things unbelievable things are taking place in these churches and then they blame God. ‘God is sending His Holy Spirit.’ So, it is God’s fault. Do you remember in a lecture when I spoke about the Battle for the Mind? I showed you the various satanic hand signals, the one with the two fingers up and two fingers down where the one in the middle with the thumb across means that under the power of the Holy Ghost, the trinity is under the power of Satan. I showed you that, that was seen not only in politics, we saw it on the back of the satanic bible by Anthony L. Also in the satanic ritual it is a greeting for Satan. Averill L. with her black makeup and heavy metal rockers are associated to Satan. George Bush in his Masonic suit showing at his inauguration, the horned hand side is also the same. What about the other religious pastors? Do they use the satanic symbol? Please watch for two occasions in this one little short clip where Benny Hinn does exactly that. He first starts out and walks around and then puts out two fingers, three fingers and then… I will get to that. I will cover it again. Watch this very carefully.

[Video Playing]

“When you enter that holy temple’ he says. You’ve got to take it with the word association as well. Then he says, ‘one, two and battles’. It has got to do with pointing out who he is referring to.

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Here is a video clip of Kenneth Copeland doing the same thing. Have a look.

[Video Playing]

‘My wife, Gloria Copeland will be completing her series on …’ So, it is the series that is actually being based on this. Can it be? Have a look at another one.

What about this of Kenneth Copeland?

[Video Playing]

He says; ‘Jesus physical nature…’ Do you see who he is referring to? This Jesus physical nature… and then he says this catholic thing. He says ‘He gets His traits from His mother.’ So, he is an insider believing in the false trinity, not the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, this is the Father, mother, child pagan trinity that comes from ancient Egypt. ‘Jesus physical nature’, that is what he says.

Have a look at this one from Jesse Duplantis; another one of these big mega preachers.

[Video Playing]

“I know when I do something for God, like buying …’

Check this other one.

[Video Playing]

“God had prepared that man to meet us so that we can be a blessing to him.’ This is incredible! These people have been placed inside Christianity to lead people by the nose without them even knowing that they are getting involved in error. Here is an image of some of them that use hand signs. You’ll see the same from Rodney H. Brown. As I have showed you Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, one by one they show their true colors.

Rodney Howard Brown

I have explained this man was the person who started this idea of Toronto blessing – this laughing and getting drunk on the Holy Spirit. He is even known as the Holy Spirit bar tender where he can pour out this drunkenness to his congregation. This is not the Holy Spirit

Reinhardt Bonke who is from the Episcopal churches and hires up valleys at a time goes to Africa and hires up valleys and people come in their thousand upon thousands at a time and donate their very last cent in the hope that this man can pronounce a blessing. This is sick! This is from the seat of Satan. This has got nothing to do with God and yet he’s got people that believe him all over the world. One of the most effective in this healing miracle thing is T.B Joshua. I’ve got video clips. I will not add them. I have showed you enough in this lecture about people …

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[Pt. 11 of 13]

I will not add them. I have showed you enough in this lecture about people where on NSBC South Africa they did a study on the people that were healed at T. B. Joshua (I can’t remember if it was 99%) but it was almost all if not all of them fall ill worse or came back to where they were except that they were so wound up when the adrenaline was so pumped when they were in this presence and were praying hard for these blessings. They were so exited when they got the final laying of hands from this T. B. Joshua that they were healed. They convinced themselves that they were healed but their bodies weren’t healed. T. B. Joshua is not a prophet from God. He says;

"I was sent to earth to save the world."

Excuse me! I thought it was Jesus that was sent to earth to save the world. Who are you? Just because you use the name Jesus Christ doesn’t mean that you are aligned with His doctrines. He says in the Built Newspaper, 2nd May 2001;

"The divine person in me can do a million things simultaneously. I can appear to thousands of people in their dreams in any part of the world to set them free of their sicknesses, problems and afflictions."

This is pantheism. He is a pantheist and he drives people through the ancient pagan rituals of getting exited about your association with healing rather than the physical word of God. Do you remember I explained in the beginning of this lecture that mystic Babylon has got three parts – the dragon, the beast and the false prophet? The dragon is Satan. The beast is the antichrist beast and the false prophet is false Christianity, false Protestantism.

Revelation 13:13 And he performed great miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.

13:14 Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth.

Question: When did fire come from heaven?

Let me pause that for a moment and rewind. According to this text, the second beast will cause fire to come down from heaven in order to deceive. When did fore come from heaven in the New Testament? When did they have the cloven tongues of fire from heaven? It was on Pentecost. What happened on Pentecost? Let’s read it out of the bible to make sure that I am not saying but the bible is saying it. These people have to say what they are saying and the bible has to say what it is saying.

Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

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2:7 And they were all amazed and marveled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galileans?

2:8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?

There was something strange that happened here. There were a whole bunch of languages that came together inside this group that were there on the day of Pentecost. I can’t remember the exact figure. There were many languages that came together. One of the big problems is that they couldn’t understand the gospel as it was being taught. With the pouring out of the Holy Spirit the cloven tongues came down on each one of them and all of a sudden the spoke in tongues. In other words here ‘in tongues’ points to a literal language meaning that I can speak three languages English, Afrikaans and German. All of a sudden now I can speak Spanish as well or a friend who can only speak English all of a sudden they can speak German, just like that, or somebody else can speak Chinese or Hindi. Why is it somebody is given power to speak a new language? It is to fulfill the calling of the gospel, to go out and share this truth with the world. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are given in order to take this message out. As a person who can’t speak Spanish, I can’t take this message to the Spaniels; but if the Lord decides to give me the gift of tongues and He decides which language I must have then I will know I have received Spanish. I must obviously go to Spanish community to be able to share this message. Acts 2:1-8 is an example that clearly describes tongues or speaking in another language. It is a cognitive, clear understandable language, not some tongue twisting thing that these people do when speaking in tongues. That is not from the bible.

There are two other places in the bible where speaking in tongues is less clear but a clear study on that, not in the new bibles where they’ve changed the words to say literal tongues, go to the original and do a study on it. You’ll realize that the word there means literal tongues. The language of angels as angels pour out blessings of the Holy Spirit upon mankind is the language that is given from heaven – a new language to be able to speak. This babbling that is done as the speaking of tongues… I will show you where it comes from. Remember this beast will cause fire to come from heaven. In other words there will be a false Holy Spirit falling on the people and this beast will also have an unclean spirit like a frog come out of its mouth. This false Protestantism will have a frog come out of its mouth.

Question: How does a frog catch its prey? It does it with its tongue. This is a beast that causes fire, a false Holy Spirit to come from heaven and cause you to catch your prey with speaking in tongues. Not only speaking in tongues but many other ways, the two most prominent phenomena available or seen in charismatic and Pentecostal movements are speaking in tongues and prophesying. I will not go into prophesying in this lecture. Prophecy is such a reverenced subject. We need to spend a whole lecture on it. I will do that right at the end of the lecture series. The lecture is called A Gift of Prophecy: But if you are involved in prophesying or if you’ve had somebody speak prophecies over you, I urge you to get that DVD because there are 8 biblical characteristics which you can use to identify is somebody is a true prophet of God. If you don’t know what they are, get the DVD. I will not go into that now. Prophesying is very clearly a gift of the Holy Spirit. You don’t receive the Holy Spirit. You receive a gift of the Holy Spirit. Today this modern speaking in tongues is argued to be a physical manifestation of the pouring of the Holy Spirit but that can’t be because that would contradict scripture. We have to test scripture if it is

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from God, what we are busy getting. Like it is promoted that speaking in tongues is a requirement for you to realize that you’ve received the Holy Spirit then ask yourself; why does the bible speak about in Acts 5:32 who receives it? Not everybody receives speaking in tongues. Not everybody receives Holy Spirit. Did you know that? The gift is given to everybody in their individual capacity according to the will of God. He will give you a gift of speaking in a new language. He will give the next person a gift of being able to prophesy. He will give the next person the gift of being an evangelist and so you will give these gifts out so that His truths can go to the end of the earth. That’s the reason why the Holy Spirit gives these gifts to strengthen and to give the tools to the people to take this truth into the world.

When these ideas of speaking in tongues as a requirement or a recognition of outpouring of the Holy Spirit is used they forget that Acts 5:32 very clearly says there;

Acts 5:32 And we are his witnesses of these things; and [so is] also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

Who does God give the Holy Spirit to? He give it to those who obey Him.

My question to you is; if you’ve experienced speaking in tongues, if you speak in tongues or if you know somebody that speak in tongues just ask yourself/them the same question. Next time that I am at church or when a group of people either charismatic or Pentecostal, where they have this outpouring of the Holy Spirit, you know in your community or in your church who is doing what. That is unfortunate truth about congregations. We know what the people are busy with. Sometimes we know that so and so is sleeping with so and so or so and so is doing this wrong etc. We know quite clearly and quite quickly who is sticking to the word of God, all Ten Commandment. In your community …

[Pt. 12 of 13]

all Ten Commandment. In your community or church is there somebody that is not sticking in truth to the word of God? For example is somebody is doing adultery, and then on Sunday when you go to church and you watch this happen, just ask yourself; how can that person receive the Holy Spirit if they are breaking the word of God? The Lord clearly says that the Holy Spirit is poured out to those who obey Him. That is the requirement – in obedience to God. In other words you have to be in complete submission, in complete alignment to the true law of God – 100%. Not nine out of ten or eight out of ten but ten out of ten of the Ten Commandments and a relationship with God like Paul had. If Paul was given the gift of speaking in tongues and he called himself the least of the apostles who are you? Are you worthy of receiving it? I don’t know. You need to ask yourself that. If you’ve been involved in somehow breaking the law of God and you’ve received the gift of the Holy Spirit pouring out or speaking in tongues and you’ve disobeyed the law of God then you know that whatever you are receiving is not from God; otherwise God isn’t true and He’s breaking His word.

This prophecy thing is really a hot subject in my country in South Africa. People are forever prophesying over each other and trying to predict the future. That is divination. The bible warns about that. In some cases they even call themselves prophets. If you go to you can find out about a man called Kobus Van Rensburg who’s called himself ‘The Prophet.’ He’s got a huge following of people

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that now come to worship with him and his wife. He is ‘the prophet’ in South Africa – the man who does these wonderful healing. He interestingly enough received this gift after he spent some time with T. B Joshua.

Before I show you this video clip I want you for a moment to think back into the lectures. If the arch of the covenant/sanctuary was no longer valid, but at one time God said that this was the seat of the Shekinah Glory, the mercy seat, the throne of God, the top of the arch of the covenant in between the covering cherubs and the Shekinah Glory, if at one point in time that was sacred to God do you think that somehow God would today disregard it and somehow get rid of it or treat it badly? Obviously He would not. It would be treated with the same respect otherwise Malachi would be wrong when God says ‘I change not. I am the Lord, I change not.’ In the Old Testament sanctuary I’ve shown you that it is in the New Testament gospel as the same thing, therefore the arch of the covenant is still as holy today as it was ever in history. Not only that the arch of the covenant points towards the holy of holies in heaven, this sanctuary in heaven where Jesus is ministering on our behalf. Just sit for a moment and take time to watch this clip. Here you have the prophet in South Africa doing something with the arch of the covenant. I want you to notice sort of two thirds into the clip somebody (I’d rather say somebody than something) speaks to him and then he says ‘break it, break it. He told me to break it’ and ask yourself; is God speaking or is this a demon speaking to the prophet in South Africa?

[Video Playing]

“When I chopped that first thing, attacking that dragon… I mean, I mean…” this is not from God. This is from Satan and it is inside Protestantism. The Lord is calling us ‘come out and be separate. Please don’t be part of any of this. Just have a look at what happened in the old pagan days you’ll realize it is the same thing. It is amazing to see that all of the above video clips are all in modern day Protestantism but the manifestation of the Holy Spirit as it is seen today is seen in old pagan cultures. You go back in history to the time of Egypt and you’ll see that what you see today in the charismatic churches is the same as what you see there. If you don’t believe me take your time – I will flip through this table very quickly – pause on it and go and check. What you see in the charismatic churches today is the same as what you’ve seen throughout history but it is called paganism.

Here you have the top manifestation, then you’ve got Kundalini Yoga, [0:07:00]. Those are different types of pagan religions or Kundalini Yoga, quells the spine supposedly, the snake that’s wrapped at the base of the spine. Those are various pagan things that you can do all Pentecostals and charismatics. For those that understand the African culture please have a look at the African vudu or witch doctor column on the right hand side. Have a look at this;

Slain in the spirit; you find it in Kundalini Yoga, you find it in Subu, in kigon, shakers and you find it in Pentecostals and charismatic movements.

Do you remember when I showed you Kenneth Hagin where he was leaning on his bodyguards and was like a drunk idiot walking around and then they zoomed out and also with Kenneth Copeland when he was dancing around and there were people slain on the floor? This happens in pagan cultures. It doesn’t happen in Christianity.

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What about the next example? Uncontrollable laughing which they’ve now called Toronto blessing. You see it in Kundalini Yoga, subu, kigon, shakers and you see it in charismatic movement except you don’t get any bible examples of it.

Physical jerks – you get it in kindalini Yoga, subu, kigon, shakers and the charismatics.

Animal sounds, roaring – you get it in kindalini Yoga, subu, kigon, shakers and the charismatics.

New spiritual insights and revelations, things that are new, enlightenment that is given in the bible is the same stuff that you see in kindalini Yoga, [0:08:30] subu, kigon, shakers and the charismatic movement, the same with spontaneous movements, the leaders are divine, he is the prophet, he is T. B.Joshua, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin – all of these magnificent men. The leaders are divine is the same as in the pagan movements, revival type meetings where they have the valleys to go and wake people up into this new revival, this new way of living is the same in all of these things including the charismatic. You also feel the energy surge like electricity or fire through your body, same as in the pagan cultures. Repetitive singing and chanting is same as in kundalini yoga. Clearing of the mind emotionalism and anti-intellectual, in other words don’t think about it. Open your mind. Let the Holy Spirit come into you and start speaking in tongues. Open your mind. Invite the Lord to come into you. This is available in the pagan cultures.

Remember that paganism is 180 degrees split away from the bible. It is no way comparative to the word of God. This is what you see today in the charismatic and Pentecostal movements. Also, the leaders are so wealthy. They make millions of Rands or Dollars depending on which area of the world you are. They speak in undecipherable tongues. These people are speaking in tongues …

[Pt. 13 of 13]

These people are speaking in tongues. We call it in Afrikaans bubble tongue. It has got to do with this tongue twisting that these people speak. This is available in the pagan cultures as well as charismatic and Pentecostals. What about being awakened through the laying of hands in? it is found in paganism and charismatic. Many miracles and healings is found also in paganism and charismatic. Prophecy – this is why we have to do a whole lecture on prophecy because the same prophecy that you get today in kundalini yoga is the same as what you get in the Pentecostals and charismatic and all other pagan religions even the same with trances, seeing visions and mind reading. It doesn’t come from God. That comes from Satan. He’s just packaged his lies in a new way and has filtered it back into Christianity. Remember where this comes from is the Jesuits through to Edward Irving and through into the Pentecostals and charismatic movements. The top New Agers know this. They know that it is not from God. They know that it is actually from the ‘Coming One’ – this is Lucifer.

"Interestingly, Benjamin Creme, the person who is representing Maitreya (or the New Age 'Christ'), was recently asked about the Toronto blessing (TB). His response was that he thought the TB was a good thing: It is, according to him, the method being used by his spiritual Masters to soften up Christian Fundamentalists to accept the New Age Christ when he appears." - Elizabeth McDonald

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Because your mind will be so clouded with the effects of feeling your association with God, you won’t know how to defend yourself with the word of God anymore.

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

If they speak not according to the word of God there is no light in them. This is the problem.

Matthew 7:13-14 says it is not going to be there where all the cars are. It is not going to be in the revival meetings where they hire up big valleys or big murky tents.

Matthew 7:13 "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy [fn] that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.

7:14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

The call from heaven today says please be careful.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

After this lecture you won’t be ignorant of these devices. You can say ‘hold on a second. Let me check whether what I am experiencing is from the word of God or if it is associating to my feelings to decide what is true or not.’ This is all leading towards being deceived into receiving the mark of the beast.

Revelation 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.

People will be deceived into receiving the mark of the beast. Can you imagine that? We’ll get to the mark of the beast in the lecture entitled ‘Three Angel’s Messages and The Mark of the Beast.’ We’ll discuss exactly that: But please if you find yourself or your relatives or a friend in any way associated with either the charismatic or Pentecostal movements or Protestantism in general give them a copy of this DVD. Give them the opportunity to question whether what they are experiencing is truly from God.

Thank you.