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LinkedIn Profile Summary Templates © 2015

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LinkedIn Profile Summary Templates

© 2015

In-Transition Template

Add headline for your summaryFor example:Who Am I ... And More Importantly, Why You Should Listen To Me Now!

Give 1 paragraph background on who you are and your experience

For example:Since 2005, I have been an internet marketing web design strategist who has worked with a wide range of internet marketers, from plum fresh-outta-school "newbies" just looking to put their footprint in the sand, to seasoned veteran marketers and infomarketing legends who have been "to hell and back" a couple of times with their information products and solutions.

Show results Hint: Get specific

For example:* Ross Jeffries (Founder of Speed Seduction) - For every dollar he spends on my internet marketing consulting, he earns several dollars back. In fact, with one of his promotions he made more than $60,000 in less than 24 hours!

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Now show 2-3 results that you have achieved.

Explain how the experiences you described above helped you transition to what you are doing now

Describe what it is that you are doing now and most importantly, how it helps your clients

Add call to actionHint: Describe the next step you want prospects to take, what they will find and why they should take that specific action

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How I Can Help You Template

Add salutation and address your audience

For example:Dear Entrepreneurs, Executives and Those In Transition,

How you have helped your specific audience

Make a transition to how you can help the reader

The first way you can help prospects – offer a freebie

Describe the second way you can help prospects – you may want to describe one of your paid products/services

Describe the third way you can help prospects – here we suggest free articles to send prospects back to your blog

Note: After each way be sure to add a link to the page you that describes the offering in more detail.

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Why You Are Reading My Profile & How It Will Help You Template

Start off with a strong summary headline that will grab the readers attention

List first reason a prospect may be reading your profile and how it can help them

For example:#1 – You are a talented, gifted and intelligent woman business owner, coach or entrepreneur who is getting involved in a lot of marketing activities such as networking, speaking and writing. grow your business. Yet, you are still unable to increase your client base. You can start by getting my FREE Special Report: "7 Steps to Attracting Your Ideal Client.” at:

Note: Notice how a call to action is added at the end.

List second reason a prospect may be reading your profile and how it can help them

List third

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reason a prospect may be reading your profile and how it can help them

List fourth reason a prospect may be reading your profile and how it can help them

List fifth reason a prospect may be reading your profile and how it can help them

End with strong closing sentence

Why the Media Features Me Template This template is to be used with this headline template:

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Top (insert what you refer to yourself as) Featured in (insert press mentions here). Find Out Why.

Example: Top Management Consultant Featured in Business Week, Fast Company & – Connect and Find Out Why.

Start with an introduction that peaks interest and mentions media results

For example:Perhaps you are reading this profile right now because my headline peaked your curiosity. And, you may be interested in knowing why Business Week, Fast Company, FOX, CEO Refresher, ERE (Recruiting Intelligence), (Entrepreneur Magazine's sister site) and hundreds are featuring our work.

Show reason #1 why you were featured in the media

Show reason #2 why you were featured in the media

Show reason #3 why you were featured in the media

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Add transition from the reason why you are featured to how you can help your prospects

List specific link(s) back to website or blog and why prospect should visit

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Want to Know Why TemplateStart by asking a thought provoking question that highlights your success

For example:Want to know why companies around the globe bring me in along with my partner (Sara LaForest) to help them improve and grow their business success?

Give your answer to the question

For example:It's because we have more than 60 years of combined experience in helping entrepreneurs and executives (and their senior managers) of global companies and organizations accelerate their business growth in record time.

List specific result #1

For example:1. Working with a research consulting company we helped them identify impediments to growth and new growth opportunities, resulting in over a 35% increase in gross revenue in one year.

List specific result #2

List specific result #3

List how you can help prospects achieve similar

Note: List 2-3 different ways. We suggest giving a freebie option, such a free video, e-book, etc. This way you are able to capture

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results names and emails and build your list.

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Who Should Connect with Me Template

Start off with a warning to grab the readers attention

For example:A Fair Warning Before You Connect with Me:I bring meaning to mayhem with my nothing but the truth approach to business and life. I ALWAYS provide informational value – and at the same time, I will have you laughing until your face hurts!

Give background on who you are

List a few key results that you have achieved in your career

List the first audience type that should connect with you. Describe the audience, their needs and wants – add a call to action at the end that will help that specific group.

For example:1. Woman entrepreneurs and executives who want the tools and perspective to improve their relationships, reduce their stress and positively build their life and career one story at a time. Check out my free articles, books and programs at: and check out my free podcasting series at:

List the second audience type that should connect

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with you. Describe the audience, their needs and wants – add a call to action at the end that will help that specific group.

List the third audience type that should connect with you. Describe the audience, their needs and wants – add a call to action at the end that will help that specific group.

© 2015

How “You” Can Template

Start off with this question --

Want to Uncover How I Helped (Insert Companies’

or Clients’ Names and Insert a Strong Benefit)

Create your introduction paragraph. Describe who you are, why clients come to you and the results you get

for clients.

Insert this transition Here’s How You Too Can (insert specific benefit)

Give quick tip #1 – You want to “wow” prospects so they will want to get more information. Do not explain how to make this tip work – instead

show what this tip can do for them by demonstrating specific results.

Give Tip #2 – Do it the same way as tip #1

GiveTip3 -use format as given in box to the right Tip #3: Grab my free

(special report, video, ebook, etc.) entitled: (insert


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Now, describe what people will find in your free

offering and provide a testimonial that shows the value people will receive

from this opportunity

Inform prospects how they can contact you for even more information if they want additional support.

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The Top Mistakes Template

Start off revealing specific problems that your customers had when they came to you

For example:One of my clients came to me asking for customer service and sales leadership skills training for his team members. Now after careful analysis, I discovered that my clients’ problem was not a lack of a skillful staff. His problem was his management’s ability to reach out, engage and motivate employees. It was a workplace communication issue that cost the company about $10 million in a ten year period.

Below I reveal the deadliest sins of leadership & workplace communication that this company and some of the most successful corporations are making.

Reveal mistake #1 and why it is a mistake (do not reveal how to fix the problem yet)

Reveal mistake #2 and why it is

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a mistake (do not reveal how to fix the problem yet)

Reveal mistake #3 and why it is a mistake (do not reveal how to fix the problem yet)

Write your close

For example:For even more workplace communication problems, along with solutions on how to fix these issues, grab my free special report at:

© 2015

From X to Y TemplateFirst explain to prospects that you were not always the expert in your field and how you did not always experiencing your present successes – describe who you were before your success and how you life was at that point in time

Explain what changed, what did you experience that helped you become the success you are today

Now describe where you are now and the results you are achieving

Add several tips on how the reader can experience the same success

Add ways you can support them and include links to your website

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Steps To X TemplateDescribe the results that your clients wish to experience – what do they want to move from and go towards

Reveal some specific results that your clients have achieved – this proves that you can get them towards success if they follow the steps you are about to show them

Now add the sub-headline given to the right

You Can Achieve These Same Results If You Take Action On The Steps Provided Below

Give step #1 – tell them the step they need to take to reach success and then provide one of your resources that will help them follow through with the action you want them to take

Give step #2 – tell them the step they need to take to reach success and then provide one of your resources that will help them follow through with the action you want them to take

Give step #3 – tell them the step they need to take to reach success and then provide one of your resources that will help them follow through with the action you want

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them to take

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Real Proof Template(Note: This template is to be used with a profile headline that states a specific result that many people think is outrageous)

Start off by explaining that the results you described in your headline is not typical for everyone, explain why many people fail to achieve the results

Explain the characteristics and traits of those people that have gained the success you have described

Add the sub-headline

Here Is Real Proof That You Can (insert benefit), If You Match The Characteristics Above

Describe result #1 and place testimonial

Describe result #2 and place testimonial

Describe result #3 and place testimonial

Add a strong call to action to get prospects to visit your website to achieve the results you have described

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Note: Here is an alternative to describing 3 different results. You can tell a client’s story and show how they were desperate and describe their current situation. You can reveal how you helped them and the resources they used. Along with the results they achieved from using your information and resources.

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Top Secrets TemplateCreate the summary headline

How I Uncovered These 3 Little Know (insert subject area) Secrets To (insert benefit)

Explain who you are and how you have uncovered these secrets

Explain secret #1 that you uncovered and more importantly how it helped you or a client of yours

Explain secret #2 that you uncovered and more importantly how it helped you or a client of

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Explain secret #3 that you uncovered and more importantly how it helped you or a client of yours

Add summary sub- headline

If You Want To Learn How To Use These (insert subject area) Secrets To Your Advantage, Plus Gain Access To Other Tips, Tools & Strategies, Let’s Connect!

Offer different ways prospects can connect with you – one way should be to get a free special report

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What Others Won’t Tell You Template Use this template with this headline template: What Secrets Does This Top (insert industry) Expert Know About (insert benefit) That You Don’t Know? Learn More By Connecting.

Start off with the summary headline given to the right

So You Want To Know What Secrets This Top (insert industry) Expert Who (insert some top achievements) Can Share With You That Other Will Not Tell You

Insert secret #1 – you want to make this controversial

Describe why other experts will not share this information

Insert call to action and link to article that explains the secret in more detail

Insert secret #2 – you want to make this

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Describe why other experts will not share this information

Insert call to action and link to article that explains the secret in more detail

Insert secret #3 – you want to make this controversial

Describe why other experts will not share this information

Insert call to action and link to article that explains the secret in more detail

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Insert call to action to get even more secrets

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Got Questions TemplateUse either of these 2 headlines with this summary template: Do You Have (insert subject) Questions That You Want Answered Now? Connect With Me To Get A Free Special Report And Strategy SessionorYou Have (insert subject) Questions? I Will Provide Answers Fully And Completely, But Only If You Connect.

Start with the summary headline and introduction given to the right

So You Have (insert topic) Questions That You Need Answered Right Now!

Before I show you how you can get your questions answered plus get access to ground breaking new secrets that will change the way you (insert action), let me share with you why you can trust the advice I to offer.

Insert paragraph that reveals your background information and the results you achieved – everything you write here should instill credibility

Insert step #1 to getting their questions answered – this step should include connecting with you on LinkedIn and other social media

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Insert step #2 to getting their questions answered – this should include joining your group. Explain that once people connect with you they will receive an email to join your LI group, in this group you provide, tips, tools and articles. You engage in conversations and answer questions within the group.

Insert step #3 to getting their question answered – this should include grabbing your free special report and of course a link to your website

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Myth Busting Template

Begin with the summary headline similar to the one given to the right

For example:Are you falling victim to the article marketing mix that are circling around the internet and do you feel like you are being pushed and pulled in every direction as you navigate your way through the article submission process?

Here are the top 3 myths that many article marketers fall for:

Insert myth #1

Explain why #1 is a myth

Insert a call to action and a link to an article based on that myth

Insert myth #2

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Explain why #2 is a myth

Insert a call to action and a link to an article based on that myth

Insert myth #3

Explain why #3 is a myth

Insert a call to action and a link to an article based on that myth

Show results of those that do not fall for the myths

Add closing call to action

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Do You Suffer From TemplateUse this template with this headline template: Do You Suffer From (insert what is

causing your clients pain) Every Day As Though Your (describe how your prospects might be feeling – use power words)?

Example: Do You Suffer Arthritis Pain Every Day As Though Your Joints Are On Fire?

Create your intro that explains how your prospects are suffering

Explain how you sympathize and how you can relate to them

Identify the problem

Identify how you found a solution

Show results

Enter call to action with link to your website

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Reasons Why You Need to Connect Template

Create summary headline similar to the one to the right

For example:5 Reasons Why You Need to Connect with Client Attraction Coach Linda Hampton Today...

Insert reason #1 why someone should connect with you

Insert reason #2 why someone should connect with you

Insert reason #3 why someone should connect with you

Insert How to Connect with You

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Are You Being Screwed TemplateStart off with an intro paragraph similar to the one to the right

Pose a question that will make your readers think twice about the services they are currently receiving

For example:Is you article submission service provider just getting your articles published like, where anyone can get published as long as you follow the guidelines or are they getting them published on top websites like

Show importance of question and show the reader how they are being screwed

Pose question #2

Show importance of question and show the reader how they are being screwed

Show results

Insert call to action – (Note: A suggested call to action is to have your prospects grab a free guide

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to hiring/getting your subject matter). You can also send them to an article on the subject as well. For example – check out:

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X Versus Y TemplateUse this template with this headline template:Can A (insert power word) Be (insert number) Times (insert power word) Than (insert alternative)? Find The Answer Inside My Profile.

Restate the question posed in your headline

Provide reasons to why people might think the alternative is better and why they are wrong

Show studies proving your point of view

Show how what you are promoting helped you and then your clients – send readers to view case studies on your website

Insert call to action to grab a free special report on the topic or how prospects can get started

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