web site: email: [email protected] volume 7 ... · international journal of application or...

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected] Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847 Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 84 ABSTRACT India has grown a lot in recent times and also its economy is incrementally growing. To hold on to this growth, quality infrastructure is needed which includes of reducing labor cost, and increasing the quality of the products. The automotive industry has been experiencing a competitive environment and striving hard to find methods to reduce manufacturing cost, waste and improve quality. Low Cost Automation promotes cost effective reference architectures and growth approaches for production and carriage that properly incorporates human skill and technical solutions, includes shop floor production support and decentralized process control plans, addresses automation integrated with information processing as well as automation of non-sophisticated and easily handled operations for productive maintenance. For this we should reduce the cycle time so that the productivity of the organization will increase and which helps in keeping the economy of the organization. For reducing the cycle time in the production line first we should do time study of the system and implement some small kaizen and remove all no value added activities. Keywords: Cycle time, Takt time, Ergo study, Time study, Yamazumi, Kaizen, Jishuken, Muda, Mura, Muri. 1. INTRODUCTION Now a days labour cost is becoming more gradually. So we have to constraint on reducing this, to do this we should utilize the labour hour efficiently so for this we should reduce the cycle time which helps in increasing the productivity which directly reduces the labour cost and add value to the organization. Here we are doing cycle time reduction in final assembly line of R-type Transmission in Toyota Kirloskar Auto Part. This contains 8 loops in it. Namely M8, Tester1, Tester2, T1, T2, T3, QC1, QC2. For doing this first we collected data of all 8 loops, like time study data, ergo study of all loops, motion study of all loops, and recording present cycle time of all loops. After collecting this entire data implement some kaizen’s in the line so that which helps in reducing the cycle time and ergo burden of the operators. Kaizen it is a Japanese word which means continuous improvement, suppose we are assembling some part at the rate of 20 Sec per assembly now by using some kaizen we will improve the way of working and which helps in assembling it less than 20 Sec. like this by implementing the kaizen tried to the cycle time of all the loops. Here we use jishuken activity to reduce cycle time of the loops. Jishuken means is a form of problem solving using gemba kaizen and kaizen blitz. . 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Hiten Patel, Sanjay C. Shah, “Review on Cycle Time Reduction in Manufacturing Industries”, JETIR (ISSN-2349- 5162) Dec 2014 (Volume 1 Issue 7) Manufacturing Groups faces a Problem in reduction of cost and competence Challenges in their manufacturing Operations. To stand up in today’s Globalization world, Industrialists need to find ways to reduce Production time and cost in order to improve functional performance and Product quality. The time required at each station for the performance of the work is known as cycle time. Cycle time reduction is one of the most important elements of successful manufacturing today. In this research paper it tells about present visions into how the manufacturing layout constraints (like process time, work in process, and assignment of a checkup station) influence manufacturing system functioning. If cycle time is reduced it helps in more responsive to changing customer demands, quicker time to market with new products, save money by reducing WIP (Work in progress), Increase yield. CYCLE TIME REDUCTION THROUGH JISHUKEN ACTIVITY AND LOW COST AUTOMATION (LCA) Krupakar.G.D 1 , Dr.C.S Chethan Kumar 2 1 M.Tech. Student, Dept. of IEM, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India [email protected] 2 Associate Professor, Dept. of IEM, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India [email protected]

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Page 1: Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume 7 ... · International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 84


India has grown a lot in recent times and also its economy is incrementally growing. To hold on to this growth, quality infrastructure is needed which includes of reducing labor cost, and increasing the quality of the products. The automotive industry has been experiencing a competitive environment and striving hard to find methods to reduce manufacturing cost, waste and improve quality. Low Cost Automation promotes cost effective reference architectures and growth approaches for production and carriage that properly incorporates human skill and technical solutions, includes shop floor production support and decentralized process control plans, addresses automation integrated with information processing as well as automation of non-sophisticated and easily handled operations for productive maintenance. For this we should reduce the cycle time so that the productivity of the organization will increase and which helps in keeping the economy of the organization. For reducing the cycle time in the production line first we should do time study of the system and implement some small kaizen and remove all no value added activities. Keywords: Cycle time, Takt time, Ergo study, Time study, Yamazumi, Kaizen, Jishuken, Muda, Mura, Muri.


Now a days labour cost is becoming more gradually. So we have to constraint on reducing this, to do this we should utilize the labour hour efficiently so for this we should reduce the cycle time which helps in increasing the productivity which directly reduces the labour cost and add value to the organization. Here we are doing cycle time reduction in final assembly line of R-type Transmission in Toyota Kirloskar Auto Part. This contains 8 loops in it. Namely M8, Tester1, Tester2, T1, T2, T3, QC1, QC2. For doing this first we collected data of all 8 loops, like time study data, ergo study of all loops, motion study of all loops, and recording present cycle time of all loops. After collecting this entire data implement some kaizen’s in the line so that which helps in reducing the cycle time and ergo burden of the operators. Kaizen it is a Japanese word which means continuous improvement, suppose we are assembling some part at the rate of 20 Sec per assembly now by using some kaizen we will improve the way of working and which helps in assembling it less than 20 Sec. like this by implementing the kaizen tried to the cycle time of all the loops. Here we use jishuken activity to reduce cycle time of the loops. Jishuken means is a form of problem solving using gemba kaizen and kaizen blitz. . 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Hiten Patel, Sanjay C. Shah, “Review on Cycle Time Reduction in Manufacturing Industries”, JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162) Dec 2014 (Volume 1 Issue 7) Manufacturing Groups faces a Problem in reduction of cost and competence Challenges in their manufacturing Operations. To stand up in today’s Globalization world, Industrialists need to find ways to reduce Production time and cost in order to improve functional performance and Product quality. The time required at each station for the performance of the work is known as cycle time. Cycle time reduction is one of the most important elements of successful manufacturing today. In this research paper it tells about present visions into how the manufacturing layout constraints (like process time, work in process, and assignment of a checkup station) influence manufacturing system functioning. If cycle time is reduced it helps in more responsive to changing customer demands, quicker time to market with new products, save money by reducing WIP (Work in progress), Increase yield.



Krupakar.G.D1, Dr.C.S Chethan Kumar2

1 M.Tech. Student, Dept. of IEM, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India [email protected]

2 Associate Professor, Dept. of IEM, Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

[email protected]

Page 2: Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume 7 ... · International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 85

Abdul Talib Bon and Siti Nor Aini Samsudin, March 6-8, 2018 “Productivity Improvement in Assembly Line by Reduction Cycle Time using Time Study at Automotive Manufacturer”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bandung, Indonesia. By making simple alterations to the process, it can decrease the time taken for each work sequence to improve the process flow and speed it up the process flow. It is imported that time study by using stopwatch it will help in knowing the time required for each operation ant hear it shows that if small modification in the process it will definitely make an impact in the work sequence or in the operations performed by the operators. Moreover this method measures the time necessary for a work process to be completed using the best ways. Time study conducted for measuring work in process. Before making this time study each operation was broken into definite of work activities in every work station. The time was measured using continuous stopwatch equipment because it is easier and faster in data recording and using hand phone to record the activities. Moreover, this type of stopwatch is suitable for research because it can provide accurate data. The element times to be entered directly on the time study sheet without the need for subtractions. Main objective is to record the time taken to perform an activity. Determining appropriate work standards, with the objective to eliminate waste activities and to set a new standard time to calculate the standard time of each operation. Allow the element times to be entered directly on the time study sheet without the need for subtractions. Observe operators performing a task and record time taken for each work activities, over several cycles. 3. STUDY OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to reduce the cycle time and to increase the productivity of the system by using kaizens. Here we tried to implement the small kaizens in all loops which helps in reducing the cycle time, ergo burden on operator. And tried to eliminate the 3M’s (Muda, Mura, and Muri) and to reduce the burden on operators and if possible reduce the man power by using low cast automation (LCA). Implement new way of operation which helps in reducing the cycle time of that loop. To reduce the labor cost and to fully utilize the labor hour. Reduce manufacturing cost, waste and improve quality. Low Cost Automation (LCA) promotes cost effective and development approaches for production. 4. METHODOLOGY First in this project we observe all the loops and we observe each and every operation of all the loops then find in which operation we can eliminate 3M’s and where is more ergo burden is there on operator. Do time study of each loops and time study of each operation in each loops, and note ergo points of each loops by using standard ergo table. After all this try to implement Kaizen in each loops such that it should help in reducing the cycle time and ergo burden on operators and it should enhance the standardization of working. After doing all this work we should do yamazumi rebalancing this means balancing the time for all the operators almost equally. Some kaizens implemented will not work up to the mark or won’t give good result so we should rework on such kaizens and we should be continuously tried to improve the process. All the ∑CT before and after is shown in standardized work combination table (SWCT). And ergo points are noted for each operation of each loop is noted in the standard motion evaluation sheet. And time study is made by using stopwatch time recording.

Page 3: Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume 7 ... · International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 86

5. DATA COLLECTION The below Fig-1 shows the R transmission final assembly line. There are 8 loops in it.








Fig -1: Layout

Present Takt time for these loops is 63 Sec.

Table -1: cycle time and ergo points Loops Cycle time Ergo points M8 61 -50 Tester1 124 -50 Tester2 122 -48 T1 55 -61 T2 58 -31 T3 55 -57 QC1 61 -70 QC2 56 73

Manually collect the time study data by using stopwatch and record the time on sheet for each operations and record the ergo points in all the loops and every operations by comparing with standard charts. The above cycle time is taken from the previous data. And the takt time is calculated by organization by knowing the customer demand at present takt is 63 Sec. 6. KAIZEN IMPLEMENTATION Here we show some of the kaizens implemented in some of the loops.

Table -2: Kaizen implemented in M8 loop

Before After

Breather plug hose fitment difficult while leak test due to improper visible

Opposite side mirror fixed for easy visibility

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 87

Here in M8 loop operator use to check breather plug which is located back side it was difficult in searching. So mirror is provided which reduces the Muri of the worker and saves searching time of 3 Sec.

Table -3: Kaizen implemented in T2 loop

Before After

Air pressure is not building properly, delay in bolt tightening

Extra air booster is provided for fast tightening of bolt

Here delay in bolt tightening because of lack of pressure; it was taking nearly 22 Sec to tight 10 bolts. So provided with extra air booster to build up pressure it saves 4 Sec. Like this implement kaizen’s in all the loops and try to reduce time of operation and burden of operator as much as possible.

Table -4: Kaizen implemented in QC1 loop

Before After

Manually pick and replace the torch to check o ring.

Torch is fixed in one position

Waste of time in pick and replace. It saves the time of picking and replacing

Here the operator is picking and keeping the torch manually it was time consuming.so we placed a torch in a position such that it will focus on the “o” ring checking area properly. Operator should just press the on button it saves around 2Sec. And in QC2 Loop speedo meter not required to the customer so we have eliminated the Muda activity. And it saves 5 Sec. 7. RESULTS

Table -5: Cycle time reduction CYCLE TIME LOOP BEFORE AFTER TIME SAVES M8 61 58 3 TESTER 1 128 124 4 TESTER 2 122 122 0 T1 59 55 4

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 88

T2 64 58 6 T3 55 55 0 QC1 72 61 11 QC2 60 56 4 TOTAL 621 589 32

In M8 loop 3 Sec saved because of installation of mirror to check breather plug. In Tester1 loop 4 Sec saved because of Low Cost Automation (LCA) floating table conveyor. In Tester2 loop there is no time reduction hear only ergo point reduction. In T1 loop 4 Sec saved because filler plug loosing tool placement and clutch housing keeping on table. In T2 loop 6 Sec saved because of implementing the air booster for pressure gun and changing the position of grease gun. In T3 loop there is no time reduction. In QC1 loop 11 Sec saved because of eliminating picking and replacing Kanban, and picking and replacing torch and done new Mechanical poke yoke for gasket and drain plug together, and eliminate speedo meter which is not required for the customer. In QC2 loop 4 Sec is saved because we eliminated the walking of the operator by placing the parts bins near to operator. 7.1 Calculation of ∑CT and no. of assembly produced before Kaizens implementation

Table -6: ∑CT before Kaizen implementation

Before (∑CT 621 Sec) for 621 Sec 1 Assy per 1 Hr. 5.797101449 Assy per shift 8 Hr. 46.37681159 Assy per day (2 shifts) 92.75362319 Assy

The above table shows assembly produced per day before kaizen implementation. 7.2 Calculation of ∑CT and no. of assembly produced after Kaizens implementation

Table -7: ∑CT after Kaizen implementation

After (∑CT 589 Sec) ∑CT 589 Sec for 589 Sec 1 Assy per 1 Hr. 6.112054329 Assy per shift 8 Hr. 48.89643463 Assy per day (2 shifts) 97.79286927 Assy

The above table shows assembly produced per day after kaizen implementation. ∑CT reduction of all loops is shown graphically.

Chart -1: ∑CT of all loops

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International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 89

97.79-92.75 = 5.04 units, so after Kaizen implementation nearly 5 more units were producing per day (2 shifts)

Increase in Productivity= *100 = 5.43% Productivity increased by 5.43%. SWCT of M8 loop

Ma nualAuto Wa lk 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

Wait0 3











Move Assy towards leak tester

Mask the O/P shaft,speedo hole, control retainer, Drain plug and Breather plug.

Scan for cycle start

Lift assy by balancer and pick kanban from pallet & keep the assy & kanban on tester


Insert I/P shaft mask to Assy

Demask the tested assy









61 Sec

Working time Unit 1 line = 1 Sec




63 Sec

CYCLE TIME Manual Auto Walk



Print MenuMenuPrint Menu

Fig -1: Layout

The above figure shows the SWCT of M8 loop which gives the information of the time taken by the operator to complete each operation before and after the kaizen implementation. And this gives the information about walking movement of the workers and auto timing of machines and we can understand where time is saved because of implementation of kaizens. 8. CONCLUSIONS The automotive industry has been experiencing a competitive environment and striving hard to find methods to reduce manufacturing cost, waste and improve quality. Low Cost Automation promotes cost effective reference architectures and development approaches for production and transportation that properly integrates human skill and technical solutions, includes shop floor production support and decentralized process control strategies, addresses automation integrated with information processing as well as automation of non-sophisticated and easily handled operations for productive maintenance. Hence improving man-hour with technological up-gradation and less inventory sums up the whole objective

Here, after applying all the Kaizens the cycle time is reduced from 621 to 589 Sec, that we are able to reduce around 32 Sec.

This helps in increase in productivity of the system. Nearly we are able to produce 5 more units per day then before.

We are reduced the Ergo of the Worker, we reduced ergo points from -440 to -367 points we reduced around 73 points.

Productivity increased by 5.43%.

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Chethan Kumar C S, IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) [4] Review on Cycle Time Reduction in Manufacturing Industries. Hiten Patel1 , Sanjay C. Shah, JETIR (ISSN-2349-


Page 7: Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume 7 ... · International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: Email: editor@ijaiem.org Volume

International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM) Web Site: www.ijaiem.org Email: [email protected]

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 ISSN 2319 - 4847

Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018 Page 90

[5] Productivity enhancement in excavator manufacturing plant by eliminating non value added activities. Dr. Chethan Kumar CS, Dr. NVR Naidu, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2016; 198-202

[6] Shingo, Shigeo. (1989) A study of the Toyota production system from an industrial point of view. Productivity Press, Cambridge, MA.

[7] Productivity Improvement in Assembly Line by Reduction Cycle Time using Time Study at Automotive Manufacturer. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bandung, Indonesia, March 6-8, 2018. University Tun Hussein Onn Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia.

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Krupakar.G.D Perusing M.Tech degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from M S Ramaiah Institute of technology during Year 2016-2018, Bangalore.