wdc water supply bylaw

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  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Waikato District Council

    Water Supply Bylaw


  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw



    1. SHORT TITLE, COMMENCEMENT AND APPLICATION .................................................. 3

    2. REVOCATION ................................................................................................................ 3

    3. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................... 3

    4. PURPOSE ...................................................................................................................... 3

    5. COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER ACTS AND CODES ............................................................ 4

    6. INTERPRETATION ......................................................................................................... 5

    7. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................. 5

    8. PROTECTION OF WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM ................................................................. 13

    9. CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY ............................................................................................ 17

    1. !REACHES ................................................................................................................... 32

    11. OFFENCES AND PENALTIES ........................................................................................ 34

    12. SCHEDULES ................................................................................................................. 34

  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014

    Page 3



    The Waikato District Council, in eercise o! its powers an" authorities con!erre" on itun"er the #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct 2002 an" the (ealth 'ct 1)*+ an" their respecti%e

    a&en"&ents, an" all other rele%ant powers, &akes the !ollowing ylaw-


    1.1 The ylaw shall e known as the .Waikato District Council Water Supply

    Bylaw 2014/-

    1.2 The ylaw shall apply to the Waikato District-

    1.3 The ylaw shall co&e into !orce on 1 ctoer 2014-


    The Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 200) an" the ranklin

    District Council Water Supply Bylaw 200 are re%oke" !ro& the "ay the new

    ylaw co&es into !orce-

    3. SCOPE

    This ylaw shall apply to the Waikato District within the oun"aries o! the

    Waikato District pursuant to the #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct 2002 an" any lan",

    uil"ing, work, or property un"er the control o! the Council, although

    situate" eyon" the Councils "istrict pursuant to the (ealth 'ct 1)*+-

    4. PURPOSE

    4.1 The purposes o! this ylaw are5

    a6 Protecting, pro&oting an" &aintaining pulic health an" sa!ety7

    6 Pro&oting the e!!icient use o! water an" protect against waste or

    &isuse o! water !ro& the water supply syste&7

    c6 Protecting the water supply an" water supply syste& !ro& pollution

    an" conta&ination7

    "6 8anaging an" protecting !ro& "a&age, &isuse, or loss o! lan",

    structures an" in!rastructure associate" with the water supply syste&7


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    Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014

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    e6 Pre%enting the unauthorise" use o! lan", structures or in!rastructure

    associate" with the water supply syste&-


    5.1 This Bylaw is &a"e un"er the authority o! the #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct 2002 !orthe supply o! water to its custo&ers in its capacity as a Water Supply

    'uthority- The supply an" sale o! water y the Council is su9ect to5

    a6 Statutory 'cts an" :egulations

    i6 Buil"ing 'ct 2004-

    ii6 ire Ser%ices 'ct 1);*-

    iii6 (ealth Drinking Water6 '&en"&ent 'ct 200;-

    i%6 (ealth 'ct 1)*+-

    %6 #ocal $o%ern&ent :ating6 'ct 2002-

    %i6 #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct 2002-

    %ii6 :esource 8anage&ent 'ct 1))1-

    6 :ele%ant Co"es an" Stan"ar"s, inclu"ing5

    i6 Drinking Water Stan"ar"s !or 8# :4)5 Water &eters inten"e" !or the &etering o! col" potale

    water an" hot water- Part 15 8etrological an" technical

    re?uire&ents7 Part 25 Test &etho"s an" Part 35 Test report !or&at-

    iii6 S

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    Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014

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    6.1 When interpreting this Bylaw, use the "e!initions set out in clause ; unless

    the contet re?uires otherwise- Where re!erence is &a"e in this Bylaw to anyrepeale" enact&ent, such re!erence shoul" e taken as a re!erence to its


    6.2 or the purpose o! this Bylaw, the wor" shall re!ers to re?uire&ents that are

    &an"atory !or co&pliance with this Bylaw, while the wor" shoul" re!ers to

    practices that are a"%ise" or reco&&en"e"-


    7.1 or the purposes o! this Bylaw, unless inconsistent with the contet, the

    !ollowing "e!initions apply5

    A!"#$%&' N%() ' note which !urther eplains a ylaw

    clause ut "oes not !or& part o! the ylaw-

    A#& *+ ' %ertical air gap etween the outlet o! the

    water supply !itting which !ills a storage

    tank, an" the highest o%er!low water le%el

    o! that storage tank-

    A&%")! 'ppro%e" in writing y the Council, either

    y an authorise" o!!icer o! the Council or

    y resolution o! the Council-

    A-(%$)! A/)( 'ny person authorise" or appointe" y the

    Council to "o anything in respect o! the

    water supply syste&-

    A-(%$)! O#)& 'ny o!!icer o! the Council or other person

    authorise" un"er the #ocal $o%ern&ent

    'ct 2002 an" authorise" y the Council to

    a"&inister an" en!orce its Bylaws-

    A-##+&' S-' ' water supply, other than the Councils

    syste&, on or a%ailale to a Custo&er

    syste&- These auiliary supplies &ay

    inclu"e water !ro& another pro%i"ers

    pulic potale water supply or any natural

    sources6 such as a well, spring, ri%er,strea&, or .use" waters/ or .in"ustrial


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    B+% The unplanne" re%ersal o! !low o! water or

    &itures o! water an" conta&inants into

    the water supply syste&-

    B+% D)"#) Back!low "e%ice or air gap that is "esigne"

    to pre%ent the return o! !low into the

    Councils water supply syste&- These

    "e%ices can inclu"e non@return %al%es,

    re"uce pressure one "e%ices, an" "oule

    check %al%es-

    B%-!+&' #egal oun"ary o! the site, or in the case

    o! &ore than one pre&ise on a site, it is

    "e!ine" y the notional oun"ary o! a

    co&plying unit site area-

    C+()( 'n area o! lan" which "rains to a

    watero"y !ro& where a pulic water

    supply is "rawn-

    C%)(#% The %al%e, &eter an" associate" !ittings

    installe" an" &aintaine" y the Council on

    the ser%ice pipe or at the point o! supply-

    C%-# The Waikato District Council an" inclu"es

    any o!!icer authorise" to eercise theauthority o! the Council-

    C-$(%)& ' person who has otaine" the right to

    use or "irect the &anner o! use o! water

    supplie" y the Council to any pre&ises-

    D)()(%& C) V+") ' check non@return6 %al%e which has a

    positi%e closing pressure an" a &etere"

    ypass to &easure !lows typically

    associate" with leakage or unauthorise"use o! a "e"icate" !ire supply-

    D%)$(# P-&%$) Water taken an" use" !or the purpose o!

    pro%i"ing !or in"i%i"ual househol" use an"

    !or hu&an "rinking an" sanitation nee"s

    an" !or in"i%i"ual househol" use which


    a6 Washing "own a %ehicle7

    6 $ar"en watering y han" using a

    han" hel" "e%ice7

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    Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014

    Page ;

    c6 $ar"en watering y any portale

    sprinkler "e%ice-

    D)")%)( %(-(#% 's "e!ine" in the #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct

    2002 an" the rele%ant Waikato District

    Council De%elop&ent Contriutions Policy-

    D#$(( The Waikato District-

    E(&+%&!#+&' S-' ' category o! on "e&an" supply use" !or

    etraor"inary use inclu"ing all purposes

    !or which water is supplie", other than an

    or"inary supply, an" which &ay e su9ect

    to speci!ic con"itions an" li&itations-

    E(&+%&!#+&' U$) Atraor"inary use is su9ect to water alert

    an" e&ergency pro%isions an" inclu"es5

    a6Do&estic @ spa or swi&&ing pool in

    ecess o! + cuic &etres capacity an"

    !ie" gar"en irrigation syste&s7

    6Co&&ercial an" usiness7

    c6 >n"ustrial7



    !6 iticultural7

    g6#i!estyle locks rural supplies67

    h6ire protection syste&s other than

    sprinkler syste&s installe" to co&ply


  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014


    ))$ +! C+&/)$ The !ees an" charges !or water supply set

    y the Council-

    #&) M+# S-' ' category o! supply !ro& pipework

    installe" !or the purpose o! !ire protection


    I!#"#!-+ C-$(%)& A/&)))( 'n agree&ent etween the Council

    an" a water user that outlines oth parties

    rights an" responsiilities !or the supply

    an" use o! water-

    I!-$(+ A(#"#(' 'ny in"ustrial acti%ity an" inclu"es5

    a6'll types o! processing, &anu!acturing,

    ulk storage, warehousing, ser%ice an"

    repair acti%ities-

    6#aoratories an" research !acilities-

    c6 Tra"e an" in"ustry !acilities, eing

    pre&ises acco&&o"ating specialise"

    e"ucation an" training !acilities where

    groups o! people are gi%en tra"e or

    in"ustry tuition an" training on a

    !or&al asis-

    L)") % S)&"#) The &easurale per!or&ance stan"ar"s on

    the asis o! which the Council un"ertakes

    to supply water to its Custo&ers-


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    O)& The person or entity ha%ing legal

    ownership o! the pre&ises recei%ing a

    supply o! water !ro& the Council-

    O-#)& The person or legal entity ha%ing a legal

    right to occupy, use all or part o! the

    pre&ises recei%ing a supply o! water !ro&

    the Council that inclu"es a tenant, lessee,

    licensee, &anager, !oreperson or any other

    person acting in the general &anage&ent

    o! any pre&ises-

    P)( ' per&it or written authority issue" y an

    authorise" o!!icer-

    P)&$% 'n in"i%i"ual, corporation sole, or a o"yo! persons whether corporate or otherwise-

    P%#( % S-' The point on the water pipe lea"ing !ro&

    the water &ain to the pre&ises, which

    &arks the oun"ary o! responsiility

    etween the Custo&er an" the Council-

    P%(+8) W+()& Water that "oes not contain or ehiit any

    "eter&inants to any etent that ecee"s

    the &ai&u& acceptale %alues otherthan aesthetic gui"eline %alues6 speci!ie"

    in the

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    !acilities that can e use" as a !lat,

    granny !lat or holi"ay ho&e7 or

    "6 lan" hel" in pulic ownership e-g-

    reser%e6 !or a particular purpose-

    Allotment&eans the sa&e as "e!ine" in

    the #an" Trans!er 'ct 1)*2-

    P&)$)! +&/)$ Charges applicale at the ti&e o!

    connection &ay inclu"e5

    a6 Pay&ent to the Council !or the cost o!

    the physical works re?uire" to pro%i"e

    the connection-

    6 ' "e%elop&ent contriution

    "eter&ine" in accor"ance with the

    #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct 2002-

    c6 ' !inancial contriution "eter&ine" in

    accor"ance with the :esource

    8anage&ent 'ct 1))1-

    "6 Bacteriological an" che&ical testing

    as per the Drinking Water Stan"ar"s

    !or nclu"es any other pulic notice that the

    Council thinks "esirale in the


    R)$(()! % S-' ' type o! water supply connection where a

    s&all !low is supplie" through a !low

    control "e%ice, an" storage is pro%i"e" y

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    &eters, ack!low pre%ention "e%ices an"


    W+()& U#( The asis o! &easure&ent !or water supply

    as "eter&ine" y the Council- ne unit is

    e?ual to one cuic &etre-

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    Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014

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    :.1 W+()& S-' S'$()

    :.1.1 *))&+

    'ny person who owns or occupies pre&ises in the District &ust ensure that

    water is use" !or an" &aintaine" in a &anner that ensures no pulic health

    haar" or pulic health nuisance occurs that coul" a!!ect the pulic water

    supply syste&-

    :.1.2 N% )&$% (% C%)( (%, %& I()&)&) #( + W+()& S-' S'$()

    Acept as set out in clauses -1-1, -1-3 an" -1-4, no person shall &ake any

    connection to, or otherwise inter!ere with, any part o! the water supply


    :.1.3 A)$$ (% S'$()

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    :.1.6 U+-(%$)! A)$$

    a6Without pre9u"ice to any other re&e"ies a%ailale, the Council &ay seie

    an" i&poun" any e?uip&ent use" y an o!!en"er to gain access to, or

    "raw water !ro& a !ire hy"rant, an" assess an" reco%er the %alue o! water

    "rawn without authorisation an" any other associate" costs-

    6Where the water supply syste& eco&es conta&inate" "ue to

    unauthorise" access, the Council &ay reco%er cost o! re&e"iation o!


    c6 'ny person causing "a&age which occurs to a Council water supply

    syste& "uring unauthorise" access shall e liale !or the cost o! repair

    an" any other costs the Council incurs as a result !or the inci"ent-

    :.1.7 W%/ +&%-! B-)! S)&"#)$


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    :.2 P&%()(#% % W+()& S%-&)$

    :.2.1 C+()( C+$$)$

    Sur!ace water an" groun"water catch&ent areas !ro& which untreate" wateris "rawn !or the purposes o! water supply &ay e "esignate" as5

    a6 Controlle"7

    6 :estricte"7 or

    c6 pen-

    These catch&ents are also su9ect to

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    Page 1+

    %6 Carrying o! any !irear& or weapon o! any kin", any trap or any

    !ishing gear which &ay e use" !or the hunting or catching o!

    ir"s, !ish or other ani&als-

    %i6 Hse o! any pestici"e or toic sustance !or any purpose


    c6 Per&its to e presente"

    Hnless the Council per&its5

    i6 nter!erence an" ostruction

    >n any controlle" catch&ent area or any lan" hel" y the Council as a

    water reser%e5

    i6 A%ery person shall upon the re?uest o! an authorise" o!!icer o! the

    Council i&&e"iately lea%e the controlle" catch&ent area or lan"

    hel" y the Council as a water reser%e-


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    :.2.4 O) C+()($

    >n open catch&ent areas whether "esignate" or not, there will generally e

    no restriction on acti%ities other than the pro%isions o! the :egional or the

    District Plan an" the n the e%ent o! a spillage, or any e%ent which &ay co&pro&ise potale

    water or the water supply syste&, the person responsile !or the e%ent

    shall a"%ise the Council i&&e"iately- This re?uire&ent shall e in

    a""ition to those other noti!ication proce"ures which are re?uire" !or

    other authorities-

    6 Where the owner or occupier o! a pre&ise allows or per&its any ite& or

    ite&s on the pre&ises that &ay potentially conta&inate or leach into

    the water supply an" to accu&ulate on the pre&ises containe" within

    the catch&ent, the Council &ay re?uest the owner or occupier to

    contain an" re&o%e the ite& or ite&s using a Council appro%e"

    &etho" an" location-

    c6 >! the ite&s6 are not re&o%e" within the perio" speci!ie", the Council

    or its authorise" agents &ay re&o%e the ite&s an" reco%er the costs

    !ro& the Custo&er associate" with contain&ent, re&o%al an" "isposal-


    ;.1 A#+(#% %& S-'

    a6 'ny person wishing to5

    i6 estalish a point o! supply,

    ii6 seek a change in the le%el o! ser%ice,

    iii6 change the use o! an eisting supply,

    i%6 &ake a change to ack!low re?uire&ents,

    %6 increase use to greater than 1* cuic &etres per "ay, or

    %i6 use water !or any purpose other than or"inary supply,

    shall &ake a written application to Council-

    6 A%ery application !or the supply o! water shall e &a"e in writing to the

    Council on the prescrie" !or&, an" acco&panie" y the prescrie"charges- The Custo&er shall pro%i"e all the "etails re?uire" y the


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    Page 1

    c6 n receipt o! an application the Council shall, a!ter consi"eration o! the

    &atters state" in clauses )-* an" )-+5

    i6 'ppro%e the application an" in!or& the Custo&er o! the type o!

    supply, the le%el o! ser%ice, the sie o! the connection an" any

    particular con"itions applicale7 or

    ii6:e!use the application an" noti!y the Custo&er o! the "ecision

    gi%ing the reasons !or re!usal-

    iii6The Council &ay re?uire a Custo&er to enter into an in"i%i"ual

    Custo&er agree&ent an" supply a Water Conser%ation an" De&an"

    8anage&ent Plan ase" on the Custo&ers water "e&an"


    "6 or the agree" le%el o! ser%ice to the Custo&er, the Council will

    "eter&ine the sie o! all pipes, !ittings an" any other e?uip&ent, up to

    the point o! supply- The Council or a contractor appro%e" y the

    Council shall supply an" install the ser%ice pipe up to the point o!

    supply at the Custo&erFs cost-


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    ;.3 P%#( % S-'

    ;.3.1 R)$%$#8##(' %& M+#()+)

    a6 The Council shall own an" &aintain the ser%ice pipe an" !ittings up to

    the point o! supply- The Custo&er shall &aintain the supply pipe an"

    !ittings eyon" the point o! supply-

    Advisory Note: !he Council gives no guarantee regarding the

    serviceability of the valve located on the service pipe" #here there is no

    Customer stopcock$ or where maintenance is re%uired between the service

    valve and the Customer stopcock$ the Customer may use the service valve

    to isolate the supply" &owever the Council reserves the right to charge for

    maintenance of this valve if damaged by such Customer use"

    ;.3.2 L%+(#%

    a6 or each in"i%i"ual Custo&er there shall e only one point o! supply,

    unless otherwise appro%e"-

    6 or oth or"inary an" etraor"inary supplies, the point o! supply shall

    e locate" outsi"e the oun"ary o! the pre&ises in the position

    appro%e" y the Council-

    c6 Aisting points o! supply &ay e locate" either insi"e or outsi"e the

    property oun"ary- The Council &ay relocate the point o! supply when

    "ee&e" appropriate or on re?uest !ro& the Custo&er- The relocation

    o! the point o! supply, pipework an" !ittings !ro& the new point o!

    supply to the eisting Custo&er supply pipe shall e the responsiility

    o! the Council !or si &onths !ro& the ti&e o! relocation-

    ;.3.3 O)&$#

    Hnless otherwise speci!ie" in this Bylaw, change o! ownership, etween the

    Council an" Custo&er, o! water supply pipes an" !ittings occurs at the point

    o! supply eing the point "irectly a!ter the last !itting which connects thesupply pipe to the &eterEack!low asse&ly or the outlet o! the &eter o-

    ;.3.4 S#/) O)&$#

    a6or in"i%i"ual custo&ers the point o! supply shall e locate" as shown in

    Sche"ule 1 or as or as close as possile where !ences, walls, or other

    per&anent structures &ake it "i!!icult to locate it at the re?uire" position-

    ther positions shall re?uire speci!ic appro%al !ro& Council-

    6or each in"i%i"ual custo&er there shall e only one point o! supply,unless otherwise appro%e" y Council-

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    ;.3.5 M-(#) O)&$#

    The point o! supply !or the "i!!erent !or&s o! &ultiple ownership o! pre&ises

    shall e5

    a6 >n respect o! co&pany ownership !or a co&pany shareElock sche&e

    Bo"y Corporate65 's !or in"i%i"ual ownership-

    6 or #easehol"ETenancy in Co&&on Sche&e Cross #ease6, Strata Title,

    Hnit Title an" any other !or& o! &ultiple ownership5 Aach Custo&er

    shall ha%e an in"i%i"ual supply with the point o! supply "eter&ine" y

    agree&ent with the Council- >n speci!ic cases other arrange&ents &ay

    e acceptale, su9ect to the Councils appro%al-

    ;.4 A)$$ (%, +! +8%-( () P%#( % S-'

    ;.4.1 R#/($ % A)$$

    a6 Where the point o! supply is on pri%ate property the Custo&er shall

    allow the Council access to the point o! supply etween ;-30a& an"

    +-00p& on any "ay !or5

    i6 8eter rea"ing without notice eing gi%en-

    ii6 Checking, testing an" &aintenance work, with notice eing gi%en

    when possile-

    6 or works re?uire" outsi"e the ao%e hours such as !or night ti&e leak

    "etection6, the Council shall gi%e pro%i"e notice to the Custo&er-

    c6 Where access is not &a"e a%ailale !or any o! the ao%e ti&es an" a

    return %isit is re?uire" y the Council or its agents, a !ee &ay e

    charge" in accor"ance with the Councils appro%e" !ees an" charges-

    "6 Hn"er e&ergency con"itions the Custo&er shall allow the Council

    unostructe" access to, an" aout the point o! supply at any hour as

    per section 1;3 o! the #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct, 2002-

    ;.4.2 M+#()+) % A)$$

    The Custo&er shall &aintain the area in an" aroun" the point o! supply y

    keeping it !ree o! soil, growth, or other &atter or ostruction which pre%ents,

    or is likely to pre%ent con%enient access to the point o! supply-

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    ;.5 T')$ % W+()& S-'

    ;.5.1 *))&+

    Water supplies shall e classi!ie" as either Fon "e&an"F or Frestricte" !lowF

    an" the use o! water !ro& the supply shall e either For"inaryF or


    ;.5.2 O D)+! S-'

    a6'll pre&ises situate" within the on "e&an" water supply area shall e

    entitle" to an or"inary supply o! water su9ect to the !ollowing


    i6 The eclusion o! its use un"er any restrictions &a"e y the Council

    un"er clause )--17

    ii6 Pay&ent o! the appropriate charges in respect o! supply to that


    iii6'ny other charges or costs associate" with su"i%isional

    "e%elop&ent7 an"

    i%6'ny other rele%ant con"itions in section o! this ylaw-

    6Properties locate" within the on "e&an" water supply area that "o not

    connect to the pulic water supply &ay e charge" an a%ailaility charge-

    c6 The Council shall e un"er no oligation to pro%i"e an etraor"inary

    supply o! water see also the pro%isions o! clause )--16-

    "6The Council shall charge !or the on "e&an" supply y either5

    i6 ' targete" rate ase" on rating unit7 or

    ii6The %olu&e passing through a &eter per cuic &etre7 or

    iii6Both i6 an" ii6 I These charges are as set y the Council-

    e6or use o! a !ire protection syste& co&plying with

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    Waikato District Council Water Supply Bylaw 2014

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    ;.6.2 L%+(#%

    8eters an" restrictors shall e locate" in a position where they are rea"ily

    accessile !or rea"ing an" &aintenance, an" i! practicale i&&e"iately on

    the Council si"e o! the point o! supply-

    ;.6.3 A-&+'

    a68eters shall e teste" as an" when re?uire" y the Council-

    6The !low restrictors shall e accurate to within G10J o! their rate"


    c6 'ny Custo&er who "isputes the accuracy o! a &eter or restrictor &ay

    apply to the Council !or it to e teste"- Where a test has een con"ucte"

    within si &onths o! the re?uest !or testing, Council has the "iscretion as

    to whether a !urther test will e carrie" out- >! the test shows non@

    co&pliance with the stipulate" accuracy, the Custo&er shall not e

    charge" !or the test- >! the test shows co&pliance with the stipulate"

    accuracy, the Custo&er shall pay a !ee in accor"ance with the Councils

    current !ees an" charges sche"ule- ' copy o! in"epen"ent certi!ication o!

    the test result shall e &a"e a%ailale to the Custo&er on re?uest-

    "6:estrictors shall e teste" y &easuring the ?uantity o! water that !lows

    through the restrictor within a perio" o! not less than one hour, at the

    epecte" &ini&u& operating pressure-

    ;.6.4 A!! any &eter, a!ter eing teste", is !oun" to register a greater or lesser

    consu&ption than the ?uantity o! water which has actually passe"

    through the &eter, the Council shall &ake an a"9ust&ent in accor"ance

    with the results shown y such tests, ack"ate" !or a perio" "eter&ine"

    y the Council ut not ecee"ing 12 &onths, an" the Custo&er shall pay

    a greater or lesser a&ount accor"ing to the a"9ust&ent-

    6Where a &eter is un"er@rea"ing y &ore than 20J or has stoppe", the

    Council reser%es the right to charge !or the a&ount o! water assesse" as

    ha%ing een use" o%er the past illing perio", taking into account any

    seasonal %ariations in water "e&an"-

    c6 Where a &eter is o%er@rea"ing, the Council shall &ake appropriate

    a"9ust&ents to the Custo&erFs account, ase" on a perio" o! si&ilar use

    an" ack"ate" to when it is agree" the o%er@rea"ing is likely to ha%e


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    ;.6.5 E$(#+(#/ C%$-(#%

    a6 Shoul" any &eter not work or cease to register, or e re&o%e", the

    Council shall esti&ate the consu&ption !or the perio" since the

    pre%ious rea"ing o! such &eter, ase" on the a%erage o! the pre%ious

    !our illing perio"s charge" to the Custo&er6 an" the Custo&er shall

    pay accor"ing to such an esti&ate-

    6 Where y reason o! a large %ariation o! consu&ption "ue to seasonal

    or other causes6, the a%erage o! the pre%ious !our illing perio"s woul"

    e an unreasonale esti&ate o! the consu&ption, the Council &ay take

    into consi"eration other e%i"ence !or the purpose o! arri%ing at a

    reasonale esti&ate, an" the Custo&er shall pay accor"ing to such an


    c6 Where the seal or "ial o! a &eter is roken, the Council &ay "eclare therea"ing %oi" an" esti&ate water consu&ption as "escrie" in clause

    )-+-* a6-

    "6 Where the Custo&er concerne" is a non@pro!it organisation, an" i!

    &etering in"icates a signi!icant increase in consu&ption, which is

    estalishe" as eing cause" y a pre%iously unknown leak, the Council

    &ay esti&ate consu&ption as pro%i"e" !or in clause )-+-* a6 pro%i"ing

    that the Custo&er repairs the leak with un"ue "elay-

    e6 Where an unauthorise" connection has een &a"e to the CouncilFswater supply syste&, the Council will esti&ate the consu&ption !or the

    perio" !ro& when the connection was &a"e- The Council will use the

    uni!or& charge !or water on a pro rata asis to &ake the esti&ation-

    Where a &eter has een installe" without appro%al, the &eter rea"ing

    shall e use" as the asis !or the esti&ation pro%i"e" it co&plies with

    the Councils stan"ar"s !or &eters an" installations- The !ull

    consu&ption registere" on the &eter shall e payale y the current

    owner o! the property- Asti&ating an" charging !or water will e in

    a""ition to other legal actions that the Council "eci"es to take !orreaches o! this ylaw or other acts an" regulations-

    ;.6.6 I%&&)( A%-($

    a6Where a situation occurs, other than as "escrie" in clause )-+-*, an" the

    recor"e" consu&ption "oes not accurately represent the actual

    consu&ption on a property, the account shall e a"9uste" using the est

    in!or&ation a%ailale to the Council- Such situations inclu"e, ut are not

    li&ite" to, &isrea"ing o! the &eter, errors in "ata processing, &eters

    assigne" to the wrong account, an" unauthorise" water supplies-

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    6Where an a"9ust&ent is re?uire" in !a%our o! the Council or the

    Custo&er, the a"9ust&ent shall not e ack"ate" &ore than 12 &onths

    !ro& the "ate the error was "etecte"-

    ;.6.7 L)+$

    >t is the Custo&ers responsiility to "etect an" !i all leaks !ro& taps an"

    pipes, to stop o%er!lows !ro& cisterns, hot water cylin"er ehausts or stock


    a6There will e no relie! a%ailale i! the leak is !ro& !itures easily seen, e-g-

    leaking taps, o%er!lowing cisterns, hot water cylin"ers, ehausts in stock


    6:elie! is a%ailale !or the !ollowing un"etecte" leaks5

    i6 #eak in an un"ergroun" pipe or !itting un"er the house-

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    other !actors that the Custo&er &ay nee" to a""ress to li&it the

    occurrence o! !urther leaks in the !uture-

    iii6 Situation &onitore" where appropriate5 The Council &ay re?uire

    the owner to &onitor the water &eter on a regular asis !or ecess

    water usage-

    Advisory Note: Assessment by the Council on the overall ade%uacy of

    the private water system does not remove the responsibility of the

    owner of the system to maintain the ade%uacy of the system$ and the

    responsibility of all water usage"

    ;.6.: A-(%(' (% *&+( R)#) %& E)$$ W+()& U$+/)

    Council o!!icers with appropriate "elegate" authority &ay grant relie! in

    respect o! ecess water usage in accor"ance with )-+-;-

    ;.7 L)")$ % S)&"#) +! C%(#-#(' % S-'

    a6The Council shall pro%i"e water in accor"ance with the le%el o! ser%ice set

    out in Sche"ule 2-

    6Due to practical an" physical li&itations the Council cannot guarantee an

    uninterrupte" or constant supply o! water in all circu&stances, or the

    continuous &aintenance o! any particular water pressure, ut shall ai& to

    &eet the continuity o! supply le%els in accor"ance with clause )-*, su9ect

    to the ee&ptions containe" in clauses )--1 an" )--2-

    c6 Where works o! a per&anent or te&porary nature are planne" which will

    a!!ect an eisting supply, the Council shall consult with, or in!or& or gi%e

    notice to all known Custo&ers likely to e sustantially a!!ecte"-

    "6>! a Custo&er has a particular re?uire&ent !or an uninterrupte" le%el o!

    ser%ice !low, pressure, or ?uality6, it shall e the responsiility o! that

    Custo&er to pro%i"e any storage, ack@up !acilities, or e?uip&ent

    necessary to pro%i"e that le%el o! ser%ice-

    ;.: D)+! M++/))(

    a6The Custo&er shall co&ply with any water alert or e&ergency restrictions

    enacte" y the Council to &anage high seasonal or other "e&an"s- Such

    restrictions shall e a"%ise" y pulic notice- A%en when such restrictions

    apply, the Council shall take all practicale steps to ensure that an

    a"e?uate water supply !or hu&an "rinking water or sanitation is pro%i"e"

    to each point o! supply-

    6Where re?uire" y rules in a District Plan, owners &ust &aintain "e%ices

    that ha%e een installe" !or the purposes o! water "e&an" &anage&ent

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    an" in accor"ance with an associate" integrate" catch&ent &anage&ent


    ;.:.1 W+()& A)&( +! E)&/)' R)$((#%$

    a6 t is the responsiility o! the Custo&er to &aintain all supply pipes an"water assets within their property in a ser%iceale an" sa!e con"ition-

    "6 The Council &ay reco%er the costs o! repairs or &aintenance to pri%ate

    supply pipes an" water assets-

    ;.; L#+8##('

    The Council shall en"ea%our to &eet the le%el o! ser%ice re?uire&ents o!

    clause )-*, ut shall not e liale !or any loss, "a&age or incon%enience

    which the Custo&er or any person using the supply6 &ay sustain as a resulto! a re"uce" le%el o! ser%ice o!, or interruptions to, the water supply-

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    ;.10 #&) P&%()(#% C%)(#%

    ;.10.1 C%)(#% A#+(#%

    'ny propose" connection !or !ire protection shall e the su9ect o! a speci!ic

    application on the stan"ar" Council !or&6 &a"e to the Council !or appro%al-

    'ny such connection shall e su9ect to the con"itions speci!ie" y the


    ;.10.2 D)$#/ % #&) P&%()(#% S'$()$

    >n "iscussion with the Council, it shall e the Custo&erFs responsiility to

    ascertain an" &onitor whether the supply a%ailale is a"e?uate !or the

    inten"e" purpose-

    ;.10.3 #&) P&%()(#% C%)(#% M)()/

    Where the supply o! water to any pre&ises is &etere" the Council &ay allow

    the supply o! water !or the purposes o! !ire!ighting to e pro%i"e" in a

    &anner which ypasses the &eter pro%i"e" that5

    a6 The "rawing o! water is possile only in connection with the soun"ing

    o! an auto&atic !ire alar& or the auto&atic noti!ication o! the !ire

    riga"e7 or

    6 ' Council appro%e" "etector check %al%e has een !itte" on the &eter


    'ny un&etere" connection pro%i"e" to supply water to a !ire protection

    syste& shall not e use" !or any purpose other than !ire!ighting an" the

    testing o! the !ire protection syste& unless the !ire protection syste& is

    installe" in accor"ance with

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    water so use", an" cre"it to the Custo&erFs account an a&ount ase" on

    such an esti&ate-

    ;.10.6 O/%#/ T)$(#/ +! M%#(%/

    Custo&ers inten"ing to test !ire protection syste&s in a &anner that re?uires

    a "raw@o!! o! water &ust otain the appro%al o! the Council e!orehan"-

    Water use" !or routine !lushing an" !low testing "oes not constitute waste

    ut the ?uantity o! water use" &ay e assesse" an" charge" !or y the


    ;.11 B+% P&)")(#%

    ;.11.1 C-$(%)& R)$%$#8##('

    >t shall e the Custo&erFs responsiility un"er the (ealth 'ct 1)*+, the

    Buil"ing 'ct 2004 an" clause $12 Water Supplies o! the Buil"ing :egulations

    1))26 to take all necessary &easures together on the Custo&erFs si"e o! the

    point o! supply to pre%ent water which has een "rawn !ro& the CouncilFs

    water supply !ro& returning to that supply- These &easures inclu"e5

    a6 Back!low pre%ention either y pro%i"ing an a"e?uate air gap, or y the

    use o! an appropriate ack!low pre%ention "e%ice7 an"Eor

    6 The prohiition o! any cross@connection etween the Council water

    supply an"

    i6 'ny other water supply potale or non@potale6

    ii6 'ny other water source

    iii6 'ny storage tank

    i%6 'ny other pipe, !iture or e?uip&ent containing che&icals, li?ui"s,

    gases, or other non@potale sustances-

    Advisory Note: 'ire protection systems that include appropriate backflowprevention measures would generally not re%uire additional backflow

    prevention$ except in cases where the system is supplied by a non0potable

    source or a storage tank or fire pump that operates at a pressure in excess of

    the Councils normal minimum operating pressure"

    ;.11.2 U++/)! R#$

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    ;.12 C%-# E=-#)( +! I$)(#%

    ;.12.1 C+&) % W+()& S-' S'$()

    The Custo&er o! the pre&ises shall not "a&age or ta&per with any part o!

    the water supply syste&, inclu"ing ut not li&ite" to pipe@work, %al%es,

    &eters, restrictors, cha&ers, an" ack!low pre%ention "e%ices- The Council

    reser%es the right to reco%er the cost o! such "a&age !ro& the Custo&er-

    ;.12.2 I$)(#%

    Su9ect to the pro%isions o! the #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct 2002, the Custo&er

    shall allow the Council or its agents, with or without e?uip&ent, access to

    any area o! the pre&ises !or the purposes o! "eter&ining co&pliance with

    this Bylaw-

    ;.13 P-8#/ S'$()

    ;.13.1 The Custo&ers plu&ing syste& shall e "esigne", installe" an"

    &aintaine", oth in its co&ponent parts an" its entirety, to ensure it

    co&plies with the Buil"ing 'ct 2004 an" the n special circu&stances such e?uip&ent

    &ay e appro%e" y the Council at its "iscretion-

    ;.14 P&)")(#% % W+()& L%$$ +! W+$()

    ;.14.1 The Custo&er shall not allow water to run to waste !ro& any pipe, tap, or

    other !itting, nor allow the con"ition o! the plu&ing within the property to

    "eteriorate to the point where leakage or wastage occurs-

    ;.14.2 The Council pro%i"es water !or consu&pti%e use, not as an energy source-

    The Custo&er shall not use water or water pressure "irectly !ro& the supply

    !or "ri%ing li!ts, &achinery, e"uctors, generators, or any other si&ilar "e%ice,

    unless speci!ically appro%e" y the Council-

    ;.14.3 The Custo&er shall not use water !or a single pass cooling syste& or to

    "ilute tra"e waste prior to "isposal, unless speci!ically appro%e" y the


    ;.14.4 Where a Custo&er ignores a"%ice !ro& the Council to repair an on@goingleak, the Council &ay a!ter ser%ing notice, repair the leak an" charge the

    Custo&er all associate" cost as pro%i"e" in the #ocal $o%ern&ent 'ct 2002-

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    Advisory Note: !he #aikato 1istrict Plan sets out water saving measures

    re%uired for water supply connections"

    ;.15 P+')(

    ;.15.1 The Custo&er shall e liale to pay !or the supply o! water an" relate"

    ser%ices in accor"ance with the Councils rates, !ees an" charges pre%ailing at

    the ti&e-

    ;.15.2 The Council &ay reco%er unpai" water rates in respect o! the supply o! water

    as prescrie" in the #ocal $o%ern&ent :ating6 'ct 2002 !ro& the owner o! a

    pre&ises, the occupier o! a pre&ises, or oth-

    ;.16 T&+$)& % R#/($ +! R)$%$#8##(#)$

    ;.16.1 The Custo&er shall not trans!er to any other party the rights an"

    responsiilities set out in this ylaw-

    ;.16.2 ' supply pipe shall ser%e only one Custo&er, an" shall not eten" y hose or

    any other pipe eyon" that Custo&erFs property-

    ;.16.3 'ny water which the Custo&er "raws !ro& the Council supply shall not e

    pro%i"e" to any other party without the prior appro%al o! the Council-

    ;.16.4 >n"i%i"ual Custo&er agree&ents shall not e trans!erre" unless appro%al y

    a Council 'uthorise" o!!icer has een otaine" in writing-

    ;.17 C+/) % O)&$#

    ;.17.1 >n the e%ent o! a pre&ises changing ownership the Council shall recor" the

    new owner as eing the Custo&er at those pre&ises- Where pre&ises are

    &etere" the outgoing Custo&er shall gi%e the Council ten working "ays

    notice to arrange a !inal &eter rea"ing-

    ;.17.2 The Council reser%es the right to reassess the con"itions o! supply when a

    change o! ownership occurs-

    ;.17.3 The owner o! the pre&ises at the ti&e o! the consu&ption is responsile !or

    any water charges-

    ;.1: D#$%)(#% +( () C-$(%)&>$ R)=-)$(

    The Custo&er shall gi%e 10 working "ays notice in writing to the Council o! a

    re?uire&ent !or "isconnection o! the supply- Disconnection shall e at the

    Custo&erFs cost-

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    10. BREACHES

    10.1 B&)+)$ % %!#(#%$ % $-'

    10.1.1 The !ollowing are "ee&e" reaches o! the con"itions to supply water-

    a6 'n incorrect application !or supply which !un"a&entally a!!ects thecon"itions o! supply7

    6 ailure to &eet any oligations place" on the Custo&er un"er all Co"es

    an" Stan"ar"s speci!ie" in clause * o! this Bylaw7

    c6 'n act or o&ission inclu"ing ut not li&ite" to any o! the !ollowing5

    i6 ailure y the Custo&er to &eet an" co&ply with the con"itions

    o! supply7

    ii6 'ny ta&pering or inter!erence with Council e?uip&entEassets,

    either "irectly or in"irectly7

    iii6 ailure to pay the appropriate charges y the "ue "ate7

    i%6 rustration o! the Councils aility to a"e?uately an" e!!ecti%ely

    carry out its oligations7

    %6 ailure to repair a leak, or in any way wil!ully allowing water to

    run to waste, or to e &isuse"7

    %i6 The !itting o! ?uick@closing %al%es, pu&ps, or any other

    e?uip&ent which &ay cause pressure surges or !luctuations to

    e trans&itte" within the water supply syste&, or co&pro&ise

    the aility o! the Council to &aintain its state" le%els o! ser%ice

    su9ect to clause )-* o! this Bylaw67

    %ii6 ailure to pre%ent ack!low7

    %iii6 ailure to &aintain, inspect ack!low7

    i6 Hsing water or water pressure "irectly !ro& supply !or "ri%ing

    li!ts, &achinery, e"ucators, generators, or any other si&ilar

    "e%ice, unless speci!ically appro%e" y the Council7

    6 Hsing water !or a single pass cooling or heating syste&, or to

    "ilute tra"e waste prior to "isposal, unless speci!ically appro%e"7

    i6 Aten"ing y hose or any other pipe a pri%ate water supply

    eyon" that Custo&ers property7

    ii6 Pro%i"ing water "rawn !ro& the Council supply to any other

    party without appro%al o! the Council7

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    c6 or etraor"inary supply I "isconnect the water supply !or all purposes

    other than "o&estic water use-

    "6>! the reach is such that the Council is re?uire" to "isconnect the supply

    !or health or sa!ety reasons, "isconnection &ay occur i&&e"iately an"

    without !urther notice to the Custo&er-

    10.1.3 >! the reach is such that in the opinion o! the Council is re?uire" to

    "isconnect the supply !or health or sa!ety consi"erations, such "isconnection

    shall e carrie" out !orthwith-

    10.2 I()&)&)) #( )=-#)(

    'ny ta&pering or inter!ering with Council e?uip&ent, either "irectly or

    in"irectly, shall constitute a reach- Without pre9u"ice to its other rights an"

    re&e"ies, the Council shall e entitle" to esti&ate in accor"ance with clause

    )-+-* o! this Bylaw6 an" charge !or the a""itional water consu&ption not

    recor"e" or allowe" to pass through where a &eter or restrictor has een

    ta&pere" with, an" reco%er any costs incurre"-


    11.1 ' person who !ails to co&ply with the re?uire&ents o! this Bylaw co&&its a

    reach o! this Bylaw an" is liale to a penalty un"er the #ocal $o%ern&ent

    'ct 2002-

    11.2 ' person who !ails to co&ply with the re?uire&ents o! this Bylaw in relation

    to a high le%el water alert an"Eor e&ergency is in reach o! clause 10-1 o! this

    Bylaw, co&&its an o!!ence an" will e liale to a penalty-


    The !ollowing sche"ules can e a&en"e" through a Council resolution-

    S)!-) 1? E+)$ $%#/ S#/)@M+#%! C%)(#%

    S)!-) 2? T+8) 1 C%+(#8##(' )+(-&)$

    S)!-) 3? W+()& S-' A&)+ M+$

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    E+) 3 R)+& %($ % /( % +' 3 %& %&) -$(%)&$

    E+) 4 I!-$(+, %)+, !%)$(# #&) +! $)&"#) %)(#%$

    #-!#/ $%%$

    Rightofway Points of supply


    Figure 1: Point of supply inside property boundary

    Rightofway Points of supply


    Figure 2: Point of supply outside property boundary


    Common point of supply(or alternatively other sideof property boundary)


    Figure 3: Comm on point of supply

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    E+)$ % ('#+ %%)( +'%-( +( %#( % $-'

    Point of supply - fire connection

    Combined fire and service connection


    Service Metering

    Point of supply - service connectionwith appropriate bacflow prevention





    Point of supply - fire connection

    Separate fire and service connection

    #lternative valve location

    Point of supply - service

    connection with metering andappropriative bacflowprevention


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    16 Point o! supply is tail piece o! oun"ary o, &eter, or ser%ice %al%e regar"less

    o! property oun"ary-

    26 The

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    Example 7Example 7Example 7Example 7

    Metered supply with bacflow pre!ention de!ice owned by Council"

    Metered supply with bacflow pre!ention de!ice owned by Council"Metered supply with bacflow pre!ention de!ice owned by Council"Metered supply with bacflow pre!ention de!ice owned by Council"

    E+) : U)()&)! $-' #( 8+% &)")(#% !)"#) %)! 8' C%-#.

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    Example # $nmetered supply %it& bac'flo% prevention device o%ned by t&e customer

    From main %o premises




    &alve &alve

    "acflowprevention device

    with doublechec valve

    Point ofsupply

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    Schedule 2: Table 1 Compatibility Features

    Speci!ic !eatures o! the Council supply which nee" to e taken into account are

    containe" in Tale 1 elow-

    Tale 1 @ Co&patiility !eatures

    )+(-&) V+-)

    8ai&u& pressure 100 &etres hea" 1,000 kPa6

    8ini&u& pressureM 10 &etres hea" 100 kPa6

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    Schedule 3: Water Supply Area Maps

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    Water Supply AreaGIS DEPARTMENT

    Created By:Created For:Date Created:Projection:Datum:Revision No: A4



    Cadastral Information derived from Land InformationNew Zealand's Digital Core Record Sysem (CRS).Crown Copyright Reserved.

    DISCLAIMERPlease note that when using the CRS, the boundaries areapproximate only and should not be used as evidence.

    Waikato District Council accepts no liability for datainaccuracies and information should not be used as evidence.

    N O R T H

    Tuakau and Port Waikato


    Port WaikatoLegend

    Water Supply Area

    Water Supply ine

    State Highway


    Road Reserve


    Water Body

    Note: No additional connections permitted in Port Waikato

    Page 1 of 7

    WSA On Demand

    WSA Restricted

  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Water Supply AreaGIS DEPARTMENT

    Created By:Created For:Date Created:Projection:Datum:Revision No: A4



    Cadastral Information derived from Land InformationNew Zealand's Digital Core Record Sysem (CRS).Crown Copyright Reserved.

    DISCLAIMERPlease note that when using the CRS, the boundaries areapproximate only and should not be used as evidence.

    Waikato District Council accepts no liability for datainaccuracies and information should not be used as evidence.

    N O R T H

    Te Kauwhata and Surrounds

    Te Kauwhata and Surrounds

    Page 2 of 7


    Water Supply Area

    Water Supply Line

    State Highway


    Road Reserve


    Water Body

    WSA On Demand

    WSA Restricted

  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Water Supply AreaGIS DEPARTMENT

    Created By:Created For:Date Created:Projection:Datum:Revision No: A4



    Cadastral Information derived from Land InformationNew Zealand's Digital Core Record Sysem (CRS).Crown Copyright Reserved.

    DISCLAIMERPlease note that when using the CRS, the boundaries areapproximate only and should not be used as evidence.

    Waikato District Council accepts no liability for datainaccuracies and information should not be used as evidence.

    N O R T H



    Page 3 of 7


    Water Supply Area

    Water Supply Line

    State Highway


    Road Reserve


    Water Body

    WSA on Demand

    WSA Restricted

  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Water Supply AreaGIS DEPARTMENT

    Created By:Created For:Date Created:Projection:Datum:Revision No: A4



    Cadastral Information derived from Land InformationNew Zealand's Digital Core Record Sysem (CRS).Crown Copyright Reserved.

    DISCLAIMERPlease note that when using the CRS, the boundaries areapproximate only and should not be used as evidence.

    Waikato District Council accepts no liability for datainaccuracies and information should not be used as evidence.

    N O R T H

    Southern Districts

    Southern Districts

    Page 4 of 7


    Water Supply Area

    Water Supply Line

    State Highway


    Road Reserve


    Water Body

    WSA on Demand

    WSA Restricted

  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Water Supply AreaGIS DEPARTMENT

    Created By:Created For:Date Created:Projection:Datum:Revision No: A4



    Cadastral Information derived from Land InformationNew Zealand's Digital Core Record Sysem (CRS).Crown Copyright Reserved.

    DISCLAIMERPlease note that when using the CRS, the boundaries areapproximate only and should not be used as evidence.

    Waikato District Council accepts no liability for datainaccuracies and information should not be used as evidence.

    N O R T H

    Ngaruawahia, Taupiri & Hopuhopu


    Page 5 of 7


    Water Supply Area

    Water Supply Line

    State Highway


    Road Reserve


    Water Body

    WSA on Demand

    WSA Restricted

  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw


    Water Supply AreaGIS DEPARTMENT

    Created By:Created For:Date Created:Projection:Datum:Revision No: A4



    Cadastral Information derived from Land InformationNew Zealand's Digital Core Record Sysem (CRS).Crown Copyright Reserved.

    DISCLAIMERPlease note that when using the CRS, the boundaries areapproximate only and should not be used as evidence.

    Waikato District Council accepts no liability for datainaccuracies and information should not be used as evidence.

    N O R T H

    Raglan, Te Akau, Western Districts & Onewhero



    Te Akau

    Western Districts Wallace Rd

    Western Districts Ruffel Rd

    Page 6 of 7


    Water Supply Area

    Water Supply Line

    State Highway


    Road Reserve


    Water Body

    WSA on Demand

    WSA Restricted

  • 7/25/2019 WDC Water Supply Bylaw




    Water Supply Area

    Water Supply Line

    State Highway


    Road Reserve


    Water Body

    WSA on Demand

    WSA Restricted