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  • 7/27/2019 Wct-03dwi Appl Rev0


    Form WCT-03DWI: WellCAP Application for Accreditation

    Rev. 0

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    Last updated: 30 May 2013

    New Application IADC Member

    Renewal Date received _________ PC initials ___ WCT Program # _____________

    Modifications Type of modification ______________________________________________

    IADC Staff Use OnlyDo Not Fill Out




    Part 1: Provider Information

    Part 2: Course Design and Delivery

    Part 3: InstructorsPart 4: Administration

    Part 5: Quality Control

    Part 6: Attestation and Agreement

    Purpose and Instructions

    To facilitate processing of a WellCAP (WCT) accreditation application for the Introductory course, thisform must be used by the applicant to describe the structure, format, administration, and quality controlof its Drilling/Workover Introductory well control training course. (Applicants seeking accreditation for theWell Services Introductory course should use Form WCT-03WSI.) Please follow the instructions

    provided for each section. All responses (except signatures) should be printed or typed.

    All items in this document must be completed except for items marked optional. If an optionalitem is not applicable, it should be marked N/A. When returning this document to IADC, pleasesecurely affix attachments and include the accreditation fee (See Form WCT-06) to initiate the WCTaccreditation process. The application and attached materials should be submitted in English.

    The applicant is not authorized to deliver WCT training until official notification of accreditation isreceived from IADC.

    Please complete all portions of the application and attach the required documentation:

    WCT-05iInstructor Application (if needed)

    Copy of custom certificate design (optional)

    Any other supporting documentation

    (handbook, manual, checklists, tests orstudent assessments, etc.)

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    Form WCT-03DWI: WellCAP Application for Accreditation

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    Name of company or institution (designated the accreditable unit):

    Has your company operated under a different name in the past 5 years? Yes No

    If so, prior name:

    Parent Organization(if different from accreditable unit):

    Appl ication Type

    New application Renewal Modifications(of previously accredited program) (to currently accredited program)

    Does this applicant provide or intend to provideWellCAP training for employees of otherbusinesses?

    Yes No

    Does this applicant provide or intend to providetraveling WellCAP training away from its primaryfacility or site?

    Yes No

    Does this applicant hold other IADC accreditations or have they held one in the past? Yes No

    If yes, list the accreditation and date when training was first accredited.

    Also list accreditations and dates when training was suspended or discontinued.

    Location of Providers Administrative Offices

    Address Line 1

    Address Line 2:

    City: State:

    Country: Zip/Postal Code:

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    Billing Address of Provider (if different from administrative offices)

    Address Line 1 (location of Providers administrative offices):

    Address Line 2:

    City: State:

    Country: Zip/Postal Code:

    Contact Information

    Responsible Corporate Official

    First Name: Middle Name: Last Name:

    Job Title:

    Phone: Fax: Alternate #:

    Email Address:

    Website: Do you have a website address? Yes No

    If so, please provide the web address:

    Administrative Contact/Correspondent (person responsible for ordering Certificates of Completion):

    First Name: Middle Name: Last Name:

    Job Title:

    Phone: Fax: Alternate #:

    Email Address:

    Administrative Contact/Correspondent (responsible for reporting training records, unless same as above):

    First Name: Middle Name: Last Name:

    Job Title:Phone: Fax: Alternate #:

    Email Address:

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    2.1 Type of Program

    Drilling Contractor In-House Program

    Ancillary Service Contractor In-House Program

    Operator/Producer Company In-House Program

    Commercial Training Organization

    University Affiliated (specify university) ________________________________________________

    Nonprofit Training Organization


    2.2 Course Duration

    Indicate scheduled amount of course time in hours and minutes. (Note: Refer to the Handbook forAccreditation, WCT-01, for required minimum course duration times.)

    Total length of course (excluding assessment): __________ hrs ___________ min

    Maximum delivery time per day: __________ hrs ___________ min

    Note: The recommended minimum instruction time for an Introductory Level WellCAP course is 8 hours. Theinstruction does not have to be given all at once but should be completed in a 6-month period.

    2.3 Curriculum

    Basic Requirements

    The key objective of the Introductory Level of WellCAP is to provide new employees with a basic familiarity of theprinciples of well control and the operation of standard equipment related to well control. The approved WellCAPinstructor or the person designated on this application as the Primary Contact must sign off documentation oftraining delivery.

    The order in which the instruction is given is at the discretion of the accreditation holderit does not have to begiven in the order presented here. Copies of any handbooks, manuals, or other instructional aids, and a checklistor test for student assessment must be submitted with this application.

    Instructions for Filling Out the Curriculum Worksheet

    When completing this section, use the codes provided below when providing requested information.

    Column: Where Provided

    This column pertains to the location where this topic is conveyed to the participant. Choose from the list below byusing the abbreviated responses in parenthesis. List all that apply.

    CLASSROOM (CLS)Provided in dedicated facility (temporary or permanent) removed from the work site

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    and intended for use by a group of persons. This may include a company training facility, a room at aneducation institution, or a room used only on occasion, such as a meeting room at a hotel.

    POINT OF HIRE (POH)Provided in an administrative office or other business facility where employees are

    regularly hired, either individually or in a small group.POINT OF TRANSIT (POT)Provided at a heliport, boat dock, or other transportation-related facilityregularly used for travel to the work site, either individually or in a small group.

    WORK SITE (WST)Provided at the drilling location or on a platform or mobile offshore drilling unit, either ina small group or individually.

    OTHER (OTH)Provided at any other location not fully described above. A brief explanation must beprovided in Section 2.4.

    Column: How Instructed

    This column pertains to the methods, techniques, or teaching aids ordinarily used to convey each topic to theparticipant during the orientation. Choose from the list below by using the abbreviated responses in parenthesis.List all that apply.

    LECTURE/DISCUSSION (L/D)Instructed in a group setting of two or more participants, led by an instructor.

    AUDIO VISUAL (A/V)Stand-alone audiovisual instruction such as a video or DVD.

    INDIVIDUAL (IND)Instructed on a one-on-one basis by an approved WellCAP instructor.

    CBT (CBT)Computer-based training or other e-learning with approved instructor oversight.

    OTHER (OTH)Any other method that is not fully described above, such as a test administered andrecorded by a computer. A brief explanation must be provided in Section 2.6.

    Column: How Documented or Measured

    Use this column to denote how a participants involvement in the orientation is documented or measured. Chooseone method from the list below by using an abbreviated response in parenthesis. Provide a copy of checklist, test,

    or both if both indicated.

    CHECKLIST (CHK)The employee orientation is documented by using a checklist that is initialed or signedby the participant and the instructor. If own checklist design is used, a copy of the checklist must besubmitted.

    TEST (T)Participants are administered a written test to measure acquisition and retention of the topicspresented in the orientation. If own test design is used, a copy of the test must be submitted.

    BOTH (B)Participants involvement is documented through both a checklist and a test as described above.

    OTHER (OTH)Any other method that is not fully described above, such as a test administered andrecorded by a computer. A brief explanation must be provided in Section 2.8.

    Column: Time Allotted

    In this column, indicate the approximate amount of time customarily allotted to the discussion or instruction ineach section, in hours and minutes (HH:MM, where 30 minutes would be expressed as 00:30). Only one entry persection is needed. Reporting the time for each individual topic is not required. Be sure to indicate Total TimeAllotted for all topics.

    All items listed above must be completed unless otherwise indicated. Only an item designated as optional may bemarked as N/A when appropriate for your course. A brief explanation must be provided at the end of worksheet.

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    Form WCT-03DWI: WellCAP Application for Accreditation

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    Curriculum Worksheet






    or Measured


    (Hrs)I. Cause of Kicks

    A. Unintentional flow or kickfrom a formation

    B. Intentional flow from a


    Total Time Allocation Section 1

    II. Kick Detection

    A. Kick indicators

    B. Warning signs of kicks

    C. Importance of timely responseto kick indicators

    Total Time Allocation Section 2

    III. Pressure Concepts

    A. Types of pressure

    Total Time Allocation Section 3

    IV. Procedures

    A. Flow checks

    B. Shut-in & verification of shut-in

    C. Well monitoring during shut-in

    D. Tripping

    E. Shallow gas hazards

    Total Time Allocation Section 4

    V. Gas Characteristics and Behavior

    A. Gas types

    B. Gas density

    C. Migration

    Total Time Allocation Section 5

    VI. Fluids

    A. Types of wellbore fluidsTotal Time Allocation Section 6

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    VII. Constant Bottomhole Pressure Well Control Methods

    A. Objectives of constantbottomhole pressure methods

    B. Principles of bottomholepressure methods

    C. Well control procedures

    Total Time Allocation Section 7

    VIII. Equipment

    A. Well control relatedinstrumentation

    B. BOP configuration

    C. Manifolds and piping

    D. Auxiliary well control

    equipmentE. BOP closing unit: function and


    F. Workover/Completionequipment

    Total Time Allocation Section 8

    IX. Government, Industry and Company Rules, Orders, and Policies

    A. Incorporate by referenceregional and/or localregulations, and/or companyspecific policies where

    requiredTotal Time Allocation Section 9

    2.4 Facil ities and Equipment

    If the course is delivered in a classroom, provide a general description of facilities and equipment usedfor delivery of training.

    If training is delivered at any location other than a classroom, explain how training delivery will bemanaged.

    Provide justification for choosing this location/method of delivery.

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    2.5 Class Size

    Minimum and maximum number of students for which the course is designed (Note: Refer to WCT-01):

    Min ____________ Max _____________

    2.6 Course Delivery

    Method of Delivery:

    Classroom e-Learning If e-Learning, specify type: ______________________________(Note:Additional requirements apply.)

    Course Language(s):

    English Spanish Arabic Mandarin Other:

    2.7 Course MaterialsIn the space provided below, provide a brief description of any instructional materials used as a part ofthe applicants WellCAP program that have been referenced in the Curriculum section (handouts,textbooks, audiovisual aids, etc.).

    Example: If an applicant marked Video in the How Instructed column in the Curriculum section,details about the video used should be listed below.

    Provide the following information for each item:

    Title or Descrip tion : List the title of the videotape, booklet, or other material. If the item has noformal title, provide a short description of the contents.

    Type: List the media format that applies to the item (videotape, slide/tape, handbook, manual, etc.).

    Source: Identify the producer, publisher, developer or other source from which the item wasobtained. Materials developed in-house should be identified as such.

    Title: Type: Source:

    2.8 Student Assessment

    Describe the method(s) of assessment used to verify each students successful completion of thecourse before issuing Certificate of Completion:

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    Use this section to record your request for instructor(s) approval. In the appropriate subsections below,

    list instructors already approved to teach for your company and those instructors for which you are nowseeking approval.

    Currently Approved Instructors

    List instructors who are currently approved to provide WellCAP training for your company. Please listthe instructors name, check each course the instructor is approved to teach, and provide theinstructors certificate number. You will see an explanation of the codes at the bottom of the section.IADC staff will verify the approval status of each instructor you list in this section. No other applicationor evidence of approval is required. Copy this page if needed for additional instructors.

    NameCourse(s) approved to teach

    (at any level)Instructors

    Cert. #






    Drilling Combo Courses

    Well Services Combo Courses





    Drilling Combo Courses

    Well Services Combo Courses





    Drilling Combo Courses

    Well Services Combo Courses





    Drilling Combo Courses

    Well Services Combo CoursesAbbreviations: CT=Coiled Tubing, D=Drilling, SN=Snubbing, UBO=Underbalanced Operations,

    WL=Wireline, WO=Workover & CompletionsNew Instructors

    If you are submitting new instructors, please submit WCT-05i for each. List here all new instructors forwhich you are requesting approval. DO NOT include instructors already listed in the previous section.Form WCT-05I should be appended to this application for each new instructor.

    Names of New Instructors

    First Middle Last

    IADCUse Only

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    4.1 Course Registration

    What process is in place to verify and record each students identity? (Check all that apply.)

    Photo ID, such as a drivers license, passport, etc.

    Trainees photo taken at the beginning of course

    Other, please describe below:

    4.2 Issuance of Certificates

    Who will be responsible for issuing Certificates of Completion?

    Name: __________________________________ Email: __________________________________

    4.3 Records

    How does the applicant track and record trainee attendance?

    List student and course records to be maintained.

    How are records to be maintained?

    How long does the applicant retain records?

    Explain methods the applicant uses to ensure security of tests (if applicable) and confidentiality ofstudent records.

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    Describe the process in place for periodic review of WellCAP course content and delivery:

    How does the applicant monitor the performance and effectiveness of its instructors?

    Does the applicant have a process for obtaining student feedback on the following?

    Course content Yes No

    Instructors Yes No

    List method(s) of student feedback or other instructor evaluation.

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    Please read the following Attestation Statement and the Accreditation/Audit Policy

    Agreement carefully; then complete the signature and information requirements at the end.


    The undersigned, acting as authorized agent(s) of the company applying for accreditation, hereby attest(s) that allinformation contained in this document is accurate and complete.

    The applicant agrees that, to obtain and continue accreditation, it will adhere to the criteria and procedures

    contained in theHandbook for Accreditation (Form WCT-01). Any variance from the procedures and criteriamust be approved by the WellCAP Review Panel.

    The applicant has entered into this application and agreement voluntarily with the full knowledge andunderstanding that failure to comply with the aforementioned may result in rejection or revocation of

    accreditation or other sanctions.


    Contingent on receipt of accreditation by the International Association of Drilling Contractors ("IADC"), the Provider

    submitting this application ("Provider"), through the undersigned, as authorized representative of the Provider, hereby agree

    to the following conditions:


    The Provider voluntarily agrees to accept IADC's accreditation standards and to submit necessary information for

    participation as an accredited Provider in accordance with procedures set forth in the Handbook for Accreditation (Form

    WCT-01). Failure to submit necessary supporting information and to abide by accreditation standards shall be due cause for

    revoking this agreement and any accreditation which has been granted to the Provider.


    The Provider shall be deemed "accredited" when the WellCAP Review Panel has determined that the applicant meets

    program standards and has issued a formal certificate to applicant enabling applicant to publicly stipulate the Provider's

    compliance with accreditation procedures and standards. The Provider may publicly display said certificate only during such

    period as the Provider is in compliance with the accreditation procedures and standards. Provider shall not display the

    certificate when the necessary Panel's finding of compliance has been withheld or withdrawn. Subject to the right of due

    process appeal defined in the accreditation procedures, the Provider shall abide by the decision of the Panel as to the

    compliance or noncompliance of the Provider with applicable accreditation standards. The Provider shall not permit the

    display or use of the certificate other than as permitted by IADC and the terms of this agreement and the accreditation

    Procedures. Use of the certificate in contravention of this agreement will be due cause for IADC to revoke this Agreement

    and to issue a public announcement to this effect in accordance with the provisions of the Handbook for Accreditation.

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    IADC shall prepare and publish periodically, as it deems appropriate, a Directory of Accredited Providers containing a list ofall, which are accredited at the time of each publication. IADC shall publish periodic update the Directory as any additions to

    or deletions from the Directory occur.


    Both IADC and the Provider shall follow and be controlled by the procedures and rules regarding the formulation of

    standards, reporting of information, complaints, representation of Provider status, display of formal certificates of

    participation in the Program, and due process appeals from decisions of the Panel and other matters to which this Agreement

    refers, as set forth in the Accreditation Procedures developed and periodically reviewed and updated by IADC.


    Program shall use all practical means at its disposal continuously to assure that the services it provides fully comply with the

    applicable accreditation standards at all times.


    When a site visit to audit a Provider is required, requested, or otherwise deemed necessary or desirable by IADC, IADC

    notifies the Provider of the approximate dates of a site visit. If a site visit is declined and cannot be rescheduled to the mutual

    agreement of IADC and the Provider, the school will be placed on probation, notwithstanding the provisions of appeal in the

    Accreditation Procedures. Upon scheduling a site visit, IADC selects, from a list of names it has approved, the site visitor(s).

    Detailed arrangements for the visit are made through direct contact between the Provider and the site visitor(s).


    The Provider agrees that if a claim of noncompliance with accreditation procedures or standards is filed against the Provider,

    it will promptly work to satisfactorily resolve the non-conformance. The Provider agrees to reimburse IADC for any

    expenses related thereto, unless the claim was filed by another Provider and is found to be without merit, in which case the

    charging the Provider shall reimburse IADC. The Provider agrees to reimburse IADC for expenses incurred in connection

    with a meritless charge that it files.

    8. ACCREDITATION STATUS REPRESENTATIONWhen reference is made to Provider accreditation at any time, only the following shall be referred to or used: 1) The term

    IADC Accreditation Pending, which may be used by a Provider that has made application for accreditation, until that time

    it is notified of the Panels decision regarding accreditation; 2) The term "IADC Accredited" which may be used by a

    Provider that has been notified that it has received either conditional or full accreditation; 3) An official certificate or stamp

    issued by IADC, provided such certificate or stamp shall be printed in full, without alteration of any kind; or 3) A WellCAP

    logo and trademark owned by IADC and whose nonexclusive use by the Provider is hereby licensed to the Provider upon

    official notification that it has received full accreditation. IADC shall have the right to notify the Provider of any material

    used or issued by the Provider that IADC considers to be misleading to the public in regard to any reference to IADC or the

    Provider's accreditation, and the Provider agrees on receipt of notice from IADC to terminate use of such materials and take

    such other steps as IADC may deem appropriate in the public interest.

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    The Provider agrees to indemnify and hold harmless IADC, the Panel, and their directors, officers, members, employees, andagents from and against any and all liability, loss, damages, costs, or expenses, including reasonable attorneys fees that the

    Provider may incur, suffer, or be required to pay by reason of, or in consequence of, Provider's actions, or breach of this

    Agreement or any acts or omissions of IADC or the Panel in respect to the right granted hereunder to obtain and to represent

    accreditation status or to display formal accreditation certificates, or that may be sustained or incurred in making any

    investigation on account of any claim, loss, cost, damage, or expense, or in defending or prosecuting any action, suit, or other

    proceeding that may be brought in connection therewith, or in enforcing any of the obligations herein contained, or in

    obtaining a release from liability in connections therewith.


    The Provider agrees that IADC may, on 10 days written notice to the Provider, terminate this Agreement for any of the

    causes set forth in this Agreement and in accordance with the due process stated in the Accreditation Procedures. Otherwise,

    this Agreement shall be effective on the date of execution and shall be renewed automatically with the signature of the

    Provider of same agreement every 7 years.

    Signature of Responsible Corporate Official: Date:

    Printed or typed name of Responsible Corporate Official:

    First Middle Last

    Title of Responsible Corporate Official: