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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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a collection of poems


Page 1: Wait


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poems by Kayle Karbowski

Page 3: Wait
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The One Thing I Almost Forgot Single Coach B Train #: 3893 Reservation #: 0947-32495 17-June-2018 Departing Station: DET 11:00 Terminal 6 Arrival Station: LSV 18:25 Terminal C4 One Way.

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Hour 2 Cold metal caresses the backs of my thighs Lulling my abused circulation system To sleep again. Standing only makes the blood rush straight down to my innocent toes marching on needles for an unknown reason. My legs unfold from beneath me And the Achilles tendon aches with pent up frustration But a little sacrifice for the harmless Metatarsals can’t be too much to ask. Number 453 pulls into the station And my body lurches with the engine Screaming for a release With a subtle bolt of adrenaline. My skin pulls away from the perforated seat, The sound of tearing two pieces of paper apart Rings in my ears Echoes in my nerves. But my adrenaline quiets their irritation And dulls the prickling of my toes Yet I allow the unwelcomed kindness Of the metal seat, to lull my system Back to sleep.

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Funny How These Things Matter Now His long, blonde hair fluttered behind him Hands like knives Legs like jackhammers He was number 2 on the track team 400 relay And the boy who always pulled My pigtails at recess Stuck his tongue out through his Strands of loose hair Hanging over his face Hanging from the monkey bars. I haven’t spoke to him in 2 years and I doubt I ever will.

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A Tribute to Passing Thoughts That damn, flickering light will kill me faster Than anything I’m getting myself into. I told my mother I would call her as soon as I Got there. But I forgot there’s no cell phone towers Where I am going.

Maybe a hot pretzel Will settle my groaning spine.

God, if I just wrote all my thoughts Down, I could be a damn poet.

Yea, we’ll think about that when we get back.

If we get back.

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An Advertisement at the Pretzel Stand Do you ever feel like your kitchen sink never gets really cleaned? Need some assurance? Call 1.866.328.5762. GENTLE GIANTS: Wiping away the grime, one spot at a time.

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I Never Wanted Kids Anyways The buzzing never stopped The consistent strobe So fast You could hardly tell it was flickering at all. I could tell. I saw the reflection in big, brown eyes Too big for the head. Bright. The eyes and that light. But mainly the eyes. The brown of the eyes contrasted Nicely with the coolness of the incessant Fluorescents. I’m not sure if they were looking at me first Or me, them. Yet the both chose to rest at once. Only a trilasecond of difference Enough for us to know we both blinked At once. But a boney hand with taupe fingernails Pushed the hood over the carriage.

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A Dream The warm breeze of summer Brushes against my face Never stinging like the cold Or burning like the sun Just cradling my cheek A swift moment. An open field behind me Filled with wildflowers Wildfires A small winding path Lined with trees Lies waiting for me Lies waiting And as soon as I step forward Burning Climbs up my legs To my face. Now I’m running.

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The Three Lunchbox Notes From My Mother I Have Saved Hey sweetie! Hope you are having a wonderful day! -mom Hey sweetie! Hope today is good, I packed you some fruit snacks. ;) -mom Hey Sara-boo! Did you know one third of the human population sneezes When they look at the sun? I guess it’s not so weird that we don’t! -xoxo mom

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Delays Train number 3893 arrival time Has been set back due to Severe weather conditions. Please be alert for updates. And now I am here longer It’s hard to say if the delay Is helpful, Or another irritated nerve. The creaking of my seat Syncs up with the beat of Raindrops Pitter-pattering on the roof Of my purgatory.

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My New God, The Departure Time Board 06/17/18 | DELAYED | DET LSV | Estimated Departure Time: 16:30

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