wagner - parsifal 1

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  • 7/28/2019 Wagner - Parsifal 1



    The drama is set in the domain and in thecastle of the guardians of the Grail atMonsalvat, where the country resembles themountains of Gothic Spain; afterwards inKlingsor's magic castle on the southern slopesof the same mountains, looking towardsMoorish Spain. The costume of the Knightsand Squires resembles that of the Templars: awhite tunic and mantle; instead of the redcross, however, a dove flying upwardsappears on scutcheon and mantle.


    A forest, shadowy and impressive but notgloomy. Rocks on the ground. A clearing in themiddle. On the left the path to the castle of

    the Grail. The background slopes steeply downin the centre to a lake in the forest. Day isbreaking. Gurnemanz (elderly but stillvigorous) and two young squires are lyingasleep under a tree. From the left, as if fromthe castle, sounds a solemn reveille ontrombones.

    Gurnemanz:(erwachend und dieKnappen rttelnd) He!Ho! Waldhter ihr,Schlafhtermitsammen, so wacht

    doch mindest am

    (awake and shakingthe squires) Hey! Ho!Forest sentries indeed,more like sleep'ssentries; at least wake

    up now it is morning!

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    The two squires jump to their feet.

    Hrt ihr den Ruf? Nundanket Gott, dass ihrberufen ihn zu hren!

    Did you hear the call?Now give thanks toGod, that he has calledyou to hear it!

    He sinks to his knees with the squires andjoins them in silent morning prayer; as thetrombone call fades, they slowly rise to theirfeet.

    Jetzt auf, ihr Knaben!Seht nach dem Bad.Zeit ist's, des Knigsdort zu harren. DemSiechbett, das ihntrgt, voraus seh' ichdie Boten schon uns


    Now move,youngsters! See to thebath. It is time toexpect the King. Thelitter bears him near,already I see theheralds approach.

    Two knights enter.

    Heil euch! Wie geht'sAmfortas heut'? Wohlfrh verlangt er nachdem Bade; dasHeilkraut, das Gawan

    mit List und Khnheitihm gewann, ichwhne, dass esLind'rung schuf?

    Hail there! How faresAmfortas today? Hebathes early indeed;I'd imagine that theherb, obtained byGawain's skill anddaring, has helped toease his pain?

    2nd Knight: Daswhnest du, der dochAlles weiss? Ihmkehrten sehrender nurdie Schmerzen bald

    You only think so, youwho know everything?

    The pain returnedmore forcefully than

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    zurck; schlaflos vonstarkem Bresten,befahl er eifrig uns

    das Bad.

    ever; sleepless throughgreat pain, hecommanded us

    diligently to attend hisbath.

    Gurnemanz: (dasHaupt traurigsenkend) Toren wir,auf Lind'rung da zuhoffen, wo einzigHeilung lindert! Nach

    allen Krutern, allenTrnken forscht undjagt weit durch dieWelt; ihm hilft nurEines - nur der Eine!

    (sadly bowing hishead) We're fools totry to relieve the pain,when only healing willbring relief! In vain

    hope we search andscour the world forherbs and potions;there's only one cure -only one man!

    2nd Knight: So nenn'uns den! Tell us his name!

    Gurnemanz:(ausweichend)Sorgt fr das Bad!

    (evasively) Attend tothe bath!

    The two knights, who have moved upstage,look offstage right.

    2nd Squire: Sehtdort, die wilde


    Look there, the wild


    1st Squire: Hei! Wiefliegen der

    Teufelsmhre dieMhnen!

    Hey! See how themane of the devil'smare flies!

    2nd Knight: Ha! [Ja!]Kundry dort? Ha! Kundry there?

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    1st Knight: Diebringt wohl wicht'geKunde?

    Surely she bringsimportant tidings?

    2nd Squire: DieMhre taumelt. The mare is stumbling.

    1st Squire: Flog siedurch die Luft?

    Is she flying throughthe air?

    2nd Squire: Jetztkriecht sie am Boden


    She's falling to the

    ground.1st Squire: Mit demMhnen fegt sie dasMoos.

    Her mane brushes thegrass.

    All look eagerly offstage right.

    2nd Knight: Da

    schwingt sich dieWilde herab. Now the wild onejumps down.

    Kundry rushes in, stumbling. She is dressedwildly, her skirts tucked up, with a snakeskingirdle with long hanging cords; her black hairis loose and dishevelled, her complexion aruddy-brown, her eyes dark and piercing,sometimes flashing wildly, more often fixed

    and staring. She hurries to Gurnemanz andgives him a small, crystal flask.Note: the snakeskin is a symbol of rebirth,since the snake repeatedly sheds its skin.

    Kundry: Hier! Nimmdu! Balsam ...

    Here! Take it!Balsam ...

    Gurnemanz: Woher

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    brachtest du diess?Whence brought youthis?

    Kundry: Von weiterher, als du denkenkannst: Hilft derBalsam nicht, Arabienbirgt dann nichts mehrzu seinem Heil. Frag'nicht weiter.

    From farther awaythan you can imagine:if the balsam does nothelp, Arabia offersnothing else that mightsave him. No morequestions!

    She throws herself down on the ground.Ich bin mde. I am weary.

    A procession of squires and knights entersfrom left, carrying and escorting a litter onwhich lies Amfortas. Gurnemanz has at onceturned from Kundry to the approachingcompany.

    Gurnemanz:(whrend der Zug aufdie Bhne gelangt) Ernaht, sie bringen ihngetragen. Oh weh'!Wie trag' ich's imGemte, in seinerMannheit stolzer Blte

    des siegreichstenGeschlechtes Herrnals seines SiechtumsKnecht zu seh'n!(Zu den Knappen)Behutsam! Hrt, derKnig sthnt.

    (as the processionenters the stage) Heapproaches, they arecarrying him. O woe!How it grieves me tosee, in his prime, this

    lord of a victoriousrace fall a slave to thissickness!(to the squires) Gently!Listen, the Kinggroans.

    The squires halt and set down the litter.

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    Amfortas: Recht so![So recht!] Habt Dank!Ein wenig Rast. Nach

    wilderSchmerzensnacht nunWaldesmorgenpracht!Im heil'gen See wohllabt mich auch dieWelle; es staunt dasWeh', dieSchmerzensnacht wird

    helle. Gawan!

    Enough! Thank you! A

    brief rest. After a nightfilled with pain nowcomes this gloriousmorning! In the holylake may the watersrefresh me, ease myanguish, brighten thenight of pain. Gawain!

    2nd Knight: Herr!Gawan weilte nicht; daseines HeilkrauftsKraft, wie schwer er'sauch errungen, dochdeine Hoffnung trog,

    hat er auf neue Suchtsich fortgeschwungen.

    Sire! Gawain did notwait; when the powerof the healing herb,that he had won withsuch effort,disappointed your

    hopes, at once heresumed the quest.

    Amfortas: Ohn'Urlaub? Mge das ershnen, dass schlechter Gralsgebote hlt.Oh wehe ihm, dem

    trotzig Khnen, wenner in KlingsorsSchlingen fllt! Sobreche keiner mir denFrieden! Ich harredess, der mirbeschieden; "DurchMitleid wissend" -

    War's nicht so?

    Without leave? He willhave to atone, for hisdefiance of the Grail'scommand. O woe

    betide him, bold yetproud, if he falls intothe clutches ofKlingsor! Let none thusdisturb my peace! Iawait the one foretold;"Through compassionmade wise" - was that

    not it?

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    Gurnemanz: Unssagtest du es so.

    That is what you toldus.

    Amfortas: "Der ReineTor"! Mich dnkt, ihnzu erkennen; drft' ichden Tod ihn nennen!

    "The pure fool"! I thinkI know who he is; Imight give him thename of Death!

    Gurnemanz: (indemer Amfortas das

    Flschchen Kundrysberreicht) Doch[hier] zuvor versuch'es noch mit diesem!

    (as he hands Amfortasthe flask brought byKundry) But first, trythis!

    Amfortas: (esbetrachtend) Woherdies heimliche Gefss?

    (examining it) Whencecame this mysteriousflask?

    Gurnemanz: Dir wardes aus Arabienhergefhrt.

    It was brought herefrom Arabia.

    Amfortas: Und wergewann es? And who obtained it?

    Gurnemanz: Dort

    [Da] liegt's, das wildeWeib. Auf, Kundry,komm!

    There she lies, the wildwoman. Up, Kundry,come here!

    Kundry refuses and remains on the ground.

    Amfortas: Du,Kundry? Muss ich dirnochmals danken, du

    rastlos scheue Magd?

    You, Kundry? Do I oweyou my thanks again,

    you restless, timorous

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    Wohlan! [Wohl denn!]Den Balsam nunversuch' ich noch; es

    sei aus Dank fr deineTreue.

    maid? Well then! I'll trythe balsam now, andthank you for your


    Kundry: (unruhig undheftig am Boden sichbewegend Nicht Dank!Haha! Was wird eshelfen? Nicht Dank!Fort, fort! Ins Bad!

    [Zum Bad!]

    (uneasily writhing onthe ground) No thanksneeded! Haha! Howwill that help? Nothanks! Quick, quick!

    Go bathe!At a signal from Amfortas, the processionmoves away into the far background.Gurnemanz, gazing sadly after it, and Kundry,still stretched on the ground, remain behind.Squires come and go.

    3rd Squire: He, duda! Was liegst du dortwie ein wildes Tier?

    Hey, you there! Whydo you lie on theground like a wildbeast?

    Kundry: Sind dieTiere hier nicht heilig?

    Are the beasts not holyhere?

    3rd Squire: Ja, dochob heilig du, daswissen wir grad' nochnicht.

    Yes, but how holy youare, about that wehave our doubts.

    4th Squire: Mit ihremZaubersaft[e], whn'ich, wird sie den

    Meister vollends

    With your magic balm,I suspect, you would

    try to harm our

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    verderben. master.

    Gurnemanz: Hm!

    Schuf sie euchSchaden je? Wannalles ratlos steht, wiekmpfenden Brdernin fernste LnderKunde sei zuentsenden, und kaumihr nur wisst, wohin? -

    Wer, ehe ihr euch nurbesinnt, strmt undfliegt dahin undzurck, der Botschaftpflegend mit Treu' undGlck? Ihr nhrt sienicht, sie naht euchnie, nichts hat sie mit

    euch gemein; Dochwann's in Gefahr derHilfe gilt, der Eiferfhrt sie schier durchdie Luft, die nie euchdann zum Danke ruft.Ich whne, ist diesSchaden, so tt' er

    euch gut geraten.

    Hm! Has she tried to

    harm you? When all isconfusion and there isno way tocommunicate with ourbrothers fighting in far-off lands, or wescarcely know whereto seek them; who,

    before you could eventhink, rushes and fliesthere and back again,carrying the messagesafely and surely? Youdo not maintain her,she asks nothing ofyou, nor has she

    anything in commonwith you; Yet whenhelp is wanted in timeof danger, her zealspeeds her through theair, and she neverlooks to you for thanks.I'd say, if this were

    harm, then you profitby it.

    3rd Squire: Dochhasst sie uns - siehnur, wie hmisch dortnach uns sie blickt![sie dort nach uns


    But she hates us - seethe malicious look shegives us!

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    4th Squire: EineHeidin ist's, einZauberweib.

    She's a heathen, asorceress.

    Gurnemanz: Ja, eineVerswnschte mag siesein. Hier lebt sieheut' - vielleichterneu't, zu bssenSchuld aus frh'rem[frher'm] Leben, diedorten ihr noch nicht

    vergeben. bt sie nunBuss in solchen Taten,die uns Ritterschaftum Heil geraten, guttut sie dann und rechtsicherlich [sie dannganz sicherlich],dienet uns - und hilft

    auch sich.

    Yes, she might be oneaccursed. Here shelives today - perhapsreborn, to expiate sincommitted in an earlierlife, unforgiven there

    and then. Now shemakes atonement withsuch deeds, as benefitour knightly order; shehas done good, beyondall doubt, served us -and in doing so, helpedherself.

    3rd Squire: So ist's[Dann ist's] wohl auch

    jen' ihre Schuld, dieuns [was uns] somanche Not gebracht?

    Then it might well beher guilt, that hasbrought disaster uponus?

    Gurnemanz: (sichbesinnend) Ja, wannoft lange sie uns [sieoft uns lange] ferneblieb, dann brach einUnglck wohl herein.Und lang' schon kenn'ich sie; doch Titurelkennt sie noch lnger[noch lnger kennt sie

    (recollecting) Yes,often when she waslong absent, thenmisfortune befell us; Ihave know her a longtime; but Titurel hasknown her evenlonger. When he wasbuilding the castle

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    Titurel]. Der fand, alser die Burg dort baute[weih'te], sie

    schlafend hier imWaldgestrpp',erstarrt, leblos, wietot. So fand ich selbstsie letztlich wieder, alsuns das Unheil kaumgescheh'n, das jenerBse ber den Bergen

    so schmhlich beruns gebracht.(Zu Kundry) He! Du!Hr' mich und sag'; woschweiftest damals duumher, als under Herrden Speer verlor?(Kundry schweight

    dster) Warum halfstdu uns damals nicht?

    over there, he foundher asleep in the

    undergrowth, stiff,lifeless, as if dead. Justas I found her myselfnot long ago, shortlyafter our misfortune,which that evildoerbeyond the mountainsbrought upon us in

    such shame.(to Kundry) Hey! You!Listen and tell me:Where were youroaming when ourmaster lost the Spear?(Kundry is gloomilysilent) Why did you not

    help us then?

    Kundry: Ich... helfenie. I ... never help.

    4th Squire: Sie sagt'sda selbst. She says so herself.

    3rd Squire: Ist sie so

    treu, so khn in Wehr,so sende sie nachdem verlorenenSpeer!

    If she's so loyal, sobold and daring, thensend her after the lostSpear!

    Gurnemanz: (dster)Das ist ein And'res;

    Jedem ist's verwehrt.

    (Mit grsster

    (gloomily) That isanother matter. It is

    forbidden all of us.

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    Ergriffenheit) Owunden-wundervollerheiliger Speer! Ich sah

    dich schwingen vonumheiligster Hand!(In Erinnerung sichverlierend) Mit ihmbewehrt, Amfortas,allzukhner, wermochte dir es wehrenden Zaub'rer zu

    beheeren? - Schonnah' dem Schloss wirduns der Held entrckt;ein furchtbar schnesWein hat ihn entzckt;in seinen Armen liegter trunken, der Speerist ihm entsunken. Ein

    Todesschrei! Ich strmherbei! Von dannenKlingsor lachendschwand, den heil'genSpeer hatt' erentwandt. Des KnigsFlucht gab kmpfendich Geleite; doch eine

    Wunde brannt' ihm inder Seite; die Wundeist's, die nie sichschliessen will.

    (with deepest emotion)O wounding, wondrous

    holy Spear! I saw youwielded by unhallowedhand!(absorbed inrecollection) Bearing itas a weapon,Amfortas, all too bold,who could have

    prevented you fromvanquishing thesorcerer? - Close to thetower our hero wasdistracted; a woman offearsome beautybewitched him; in herarms he lay

    intoxicated, the Spearhe let fall. A deathlycry! I rushed in! AsKlingsor escaped,laughing, having stolenthe holy Spear. Ifought to cover theKing's escape; but a

    wound burned in hisside; this is the woundthat will never heal.

    The first and second squires return from thelake.

    3rd Squire: So

    kanntest du Klingsor? So you knew Klingsor?

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    Gurnemanz: (zu denzurckkommendenbeiden Knappen) Wie

    geht's dem Knig?

    (to the returningsquires) How fares the

    King?1st Squire: Ihnfrischt das Bad.

    The bath refreshedhim.

    2nd Squire: DemBalsam wich das Weh[der Schmerz].

    The balsam eased thepain.

    Gurnemanz: (frsich) Die Wunde ist's,die nie sich schliessenwill.

    (to himself) This is thewound that will neverheal.

    The third and fourth squires have already satdown at Gurnemanz's feet. The other two jointhem under the great tree.

    3rd Squire: Doch,Vterchen, sag' undlehr' uns fein; Dukanntest Klingsor - wiemag das sein?

    But, father, speak andtell us plainly: Youknew Klingsor - howcould that be?

    Gurnemanz: Titurel,der fromme Held, der

    kannt' ihn wohl. Dennihm, da wilder FeindeList und Macht desreinen Glaubens Reichbedrohten, ihnneigten sich in heiligernster Nacht dereinstdes Heilands selige

    Boten; daraus der

    Titurel, the pious hero,

    he knew him well. Forto him, when savagefoes craft and mightthreatened the realmof the true faith, theSaviour's angelicmessengersdescended one holy,

    solemn night; bearing

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    trank beim letztenLiebesmahle, dasWeihgefss, die heilig

    edle Schale, dareinam Kreuz sein gttlich'Blut auch floss, dazuden Lanzenspeer, derdiess vergoss - derZeugengterhchtstes Wundergut -das gaben sie in

    unsres Knigs Hut.Dem Heiltum baute erdas Heiligtum. Dieseinem Dienst ihrzugesindet aufPfaden, die keinSnder findet, ihrwisst, dass nur dem

    Reinen vergnnt ist,sich zu einen denBrdern, die zuhchstenRettungswerken desGrales Wunderkrftestrken.D'rum blieb es dem,

    nach dem ihr fragt,verwehrt, Klingsor,wie hart ihn Mh' auchd'rob beschwert.

    Jenseits im Tale war ereingesiedelt;darberhin liegtpp'ges Heidenland;

    unkund blieb mir, was

    the sacred vessel, theholy, noble cup fromwhich He drank at the

    last supper, into whichHis divine blood flowedon the Cross and withit the Spear that shedit - these wondrousholy relics they gaveinto our King's charge.For them he built this

    sanctuary. You whowere called to itsservice, by paths thatno sinner can find, youknow that it is givenonly to the pure to jointhe brothers whosestrength to perform

    the works ofrighteousness is drawnfrom the Grail's mightypower.So it was denied tohim, of whom you ask,Klingsor, though hemade every effort.

    Yonder lies the valleywhere he dwelt alone,beyond it lies a richheathen land;unknown to me is thesin for which he boreguilt, but I know hewould atone, indeed

    become holy.

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    dorten er gesndigt,doch wollt' er bssen[bssen wollt' er] nun,

    ja heilig werden.Ohnmchtig, in sichselbst die Snde zuertten, an sich legt'er die Frevlerhand ,die nun, dem Gralezugewandt,verachtunsvoll des'

    Hter von sich stiess.Darob die Wut nunKlingsor unterwies,wie seinesschml'chen Opfers

    Tat ihm gbe zubsem Zauber Rat;den fand er nun

    [jetzt]. -Die Wste schuf ersich zumWonnegarten, d'rinnwachsen teuflischholde Frauen; dort willdes Grales Ritter ererwarten zu bser

    Lust undHllengrauen; wen erverlockt, hat ererworben; schon vielehat er uns verdorben.Da Titurel, in hohenAlters Mhen, demSohne die Herrschaft

    hier verliehen;

    Powerless to overcomehis sinful cravings, helaid blasphemous

    hands upon himself, togain the Grail for whichhe yearned and by itsguardian he wasturned away. At which,wrath taught Klingsorhow his deed ofshameful sacrifice

    could give him accessto black magic; this henow found.He turned the desertinto a garden in whichbloomed women ofinfernal beauty; therehe lies in wait for the

    Grail knights, to lurethem to shamefuldesire and defilement;those he entices, fallunder his control;many has he ruined.When Titurel, muchburdened with age,

    passed on the kingshipto his son, Amfortascould not wait to put astop to this plague ofsorcery. You knowwhat happened there;the spear is now inKlingsor's hand; if he

    can wound even a holy

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    Amfortas liess es danicht ruh'n, derZauberplag' Einhalt zu

    tun. Das wisst ihr, wiees dort [da] sich fand;der Speer ist nun inKlingsors Hand, kanner selbst Heilige mitdem verwunden, denGral auch whnt erfest schon uns


    one with it, he mustimagine the Grailalready firmly his.

    Kundry, seriously agitated, has been turningback and forth.

    4th Squire: Vor allemnun; der Speer kehr'uns zurck!

    Above all else; wemust recover thespear!

    3rd Squire: Ha! Werihm brcht'. Ihm wr'szu Ruhm und Gluck!

    Ha! Whoever does sowill win fame and joy!

    Gurnemanz: Vor demverwaisten Heiligtumin brnst'gem Betenlag Amfortas, ein

    Rettungszeichen bang[heiss] erflehend; einsel'ger Schimmer daentfloss dem Grale; enheilig' Traumgesichtnun deutlich zu ihmspricht durch hellerschauter

    Wortezeichen Male;

    Before the desecratedsanctuary Amfortas layin fervent prayer,

    imploring a sign ofsalvation; a blessedradiance then cameupon the Grail; a holydream-vision nowclearly addressed himin brightly shiningcharacters:

    "By compassion made

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    "Durch Mitleidwissend, der reine Tor;harre sein', den ich


    wise, the pure fool;wait for him, whom Iappoint."

    Four squires: (ingrosser Ergriffenheit)"Durch Mitleidwissend, der reine


    (deeply moved) "Bycompassion madewise, the pure fool;"

    From the lake are heard shouts and cries from

    the knights and squires. Gurnemanz and thefour squires, alarmed, jump to their feet andturn.

    Squires: Weh'! Wehe!Alas! Alas!

    Knights: Hoho!Hoho!

    Squires: Auf!Up!

    Knights: Wer ist derFrevler?

    Who is theblasphemer?

    A wild swan flutters unsteadily from over thelake.

    Gurnemanz: Wasgibt's? What is it?

    4th Squire: Dort!There!

    3rd Squire: Hier!Here!

    2nd Squire: Ein

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    Schwan! A swan!

    4th Squire: Einwilder Schwan! A wild swan!

    3rd Squire: Er istverwundet! He is wounded!

    All Knights andSquires: Ha! Wehe!Weh'!

    Ha! Alas! Alas!

    Gurnemanz: Wer

    schoss den Schwan? Who shot the swan?A wild swan falls, after unsteady flight, to theground, exhausted. The second knight drawsan arrow from its breast.

    1st Knight: DerKnig grste ihn alsgutes Zeichen, als

    ber dem See kreis'teder Schwan, da flogein Pfeil.

    The King greeted it asa good omen, when

    the swan circled overthe lake, then an arrowflew.

    Squires and knights lead in Parsifal.

    Knights: Der war's!It was him!

    Squires: Der schoss!Diess der Bogen! He shot it! Here's thebow!

    2nd Knight: Hier derPfeil, den seinengleich.

    Here's the arrow, justlike his.

    Gurnemanz:zuParsifal Bist du's, der

    diesen Schwan

    Was it you, who shot

    this swan?

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    Parsifal: Gewiss! ImFluge treff'ich, was


    Indeed! In flight I can

    hit anything that flies!Gurnemanz: Dutatest das? Und bangt'es dich nicht vor der


    You did this? And feelno remorse for thedeed?

    Squires andKnights: Strafe dem

    Frevler! Punish the offender!Gurnemanz:Unerhrtes Werk! Dukonntest morden,hier, im heil'genWalde, dess' StillerFrieden dich umfing?

    Des Haines Tierenahten dir nichtzahm? Grssten dichfreundlich und fromm?

    Aus den Zweigen wassangen die Vgleindir? Was tat dir dertreue Schwan? Sein

    Weibchen zu suchenflog er auf, mit ihm zukreisen ber dem See,den so er herrlichweih'te zum[heilenden] Bad. Demstauntest du nicht?Dich lockt' es nur zuwild kindischem

    Unprecedented deed!You could commitmurder,here in the holy forest,surrounded by stillnessand peace? Did not the

    woodland beastsapproach you tamely?Did they not greet youas friends?From the brancheswhat did the birds singto you? What had thefaithful swan done to

    you? Seeking his matehe flew up to circleover the lake with her,gloriously to bless thebath. Did this notimpress you? Did itonly tempt a wild,childish shot from your

    bow? We cherished

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    Bogengeschoss? Erwar uns hold; was ister nun dir? Hier -

    schau her! - hier trafstdu ihn, da starrt nochdas Blut, matt hngendie Flgel, dasSchneegefiederdunkel befleckt -gebrochen das Aug',siehst du den Blick?

    him; what is he now toyou? Here - see here! -

    here you hit him, seehow the bloodcongeals, how thewing droops, thesnowy feathers fleckedwith blood - the eyesglazed;do you see his look?

    Parsifal has been increasingly moved as helistens to Gurnemanz; now he breaks his bowand throws away his arrows.

    Wirst deinerSndentat du inne?

    Do you realise yoursinfulness?

    Parsifal passes his hand over his eyes.

    Sag', Knab', erkennstdu deine grosseSchuld? Wie konntestdu sie begeh'n?

    Tell me, boy, do youacknowledge yourgreat guilt? How couldyou do this?

    Parsifal: Ich wsstesie nicht. I did not know.

    Gurnemanz: Wo bistdu her?

    Whence came youhere?

    Parsifal: Das weissich nicht. I don't know.

    Gurnemanz: Wer istsein Vater? Who is your father?

    Parsifal: Das weiss

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    ich nicht. I don't know.

    Gurnemanz: Wersandte dich dieses


    Who sent you this

    way?Parsifal: Das weissich nicht. I don't know.

    Gurnemanz: DeinName dann? Your name then?

    Parsifal: Ich hatte

    viele, doch weiss ichihrer keinen mehr.

    I have had many, but Iknow none of themany more.

    Gurnemanz: Dasweisst du alles nicht?(Fr sich) So dummwie den erfand bisher

    ich Kundry nur!

    You know nothing at allthen? (aside) I'venever met anyone sostupid - except maybe


    To the squires, who have gathered inincreasing numbers.

    Jetzt geht! Versumtden Knig im Badenicht! Helft!

    Go away! Don't neglectthe King while he'sbathing. Go help!

    The squires reverently lift the dead swan on abier of fresh branches and move away with ittowards the lake. Finally only Gurnemanz,Parsifal and - apart - Kundry remain behind.Gurnemanz turns back to Parsifal.Note: the swan is borne away to theaccompaniment of a muffled drum, as if itwere a human funeral.

    Nun sag'! Nichts

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    weisst du, was ichdich frage; jetzt meld',was du weisst; denn

    etwas musst du dochwissen.

    Now tell me! You cananswer none of myquestions; but tell me

    what you know; youmust know something.

    Parsifal: Ich hab' eineMutter, Herzeleide sieheisst. Im Wald undauf wilder Aue warenwir heim.

    I have a mother,Herzeleide is hername. In woods andwild meadows was ourhome.

    Gurnemanz: Wer gabdir den Bogen?

    Who gave you thebow?

    Parsifal: Den schufich mir selbst, vomForst die wilden Adlerzu verscheuchen [zu


    I made it myself, toscare the savage

    eagles from the forest.

    Gurnemanz: Dochadelig scheinst duselbst undhochgeboren; warumnicht liess deineMutter bessere Waffen

    dich lehren?

    Yet eagle-like yourselfand nobly born youseem; why did yourmother not allow youto learn better

    weapons?Parsifal is silent. Kundry has listened uneasilyto Gurnemanz's account of the fate of

    Amfortas with frequent violent movements;now, still lying in the undergrowth, she eyesParsifal keenly and, as he is silent, calls out ina rough voice.

    Kundry: Den

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    Vaterlosen gebar dieMutter, als im Kampferschlagen Gamuret;

    vor gleichem frhenHeldentod den Sohnzu wahren,waffenfremd in Oedenerzog sie [ihn] zum

    Toren - die Trin! (Sielacht)

    The fatherless one wasborn to his motherwhile Gamuret was

    slain in battle; fromsuch an untimelyheroic death to savehim, far from weaponsin a wilderness shereared the fool - like afool! (She laughs)

    Parsifal: (der mitjher Aufmerksamkeitzugehrt hat) Ja! Undeinst amWaldessaume vorbei,auf schnen Tierensitzend, kamenglnzende Mnner;ihnen wollt' ich

    gleichen; sie lachtenund jagten davon. Nunlief ich nach, dochkonnt' ich sie nicht[konnte sie nicht]erreichen; durchWildnisse kam ich,bergauf, talab; oft

    ward es Nacht, dannwieder Tag; meinBogen musste mirfrommen gegen Wildund grosse Mnner.

    (Who has listened toher with suddenattention) Yes! Andonce along the forest'sedge, sitting onbeautiful animals,came shining men; I

    wanted to be likethem; they laughedand resumed theirhunt. I ran after butcould not overtakethem; through thewilderness I came, uphill, down dale; often

    night fell, then thenext day came; I usedmy bow to defendmyself against wildbeasts and giants.

    Kundry has risen and moved closer to themen.

    Kundry: Ja! Schcher

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    und Riesen traf seineKraft; den freislichenKnaben lernten sie

    frchten [frchten siealle].

    Yes! Robbers andgiants felt his strength;the learned to fear the

    fierce boy.

    Parsifal:(verwundert) Werfrchtet mich? Sag!

    (amazed) Who fearedme? Say!

    Kundry: Die Bsen!The wicked!

    Parsifal: Die michbedrohten, waren siebs? (Gurnemanzlacht)

    Those who threatenedme, were they wicked?(Gurnemanz laughs)

    Parsifal: Wer ist gut?Who is good?

    Gurnemanz: (wiederernst) Deine Mutter,der du entlaufen unddie um dich sich nunhrmt und grmt.

    (serious again) Yourmother, whom youdeserted and who nowfrets and grieves foryou.

    Kundry: Zu End ihr'Gram; seine Mutter ist


    She grieves no more;

    you mother is dead.Parsifal: (infurchtbaren Schreken)

    Todt? Meine - Mutter?Wer sagt's?

    (in fearful panic) Dead?My - mother? Whosays?

    Kundry: Ich rittvorbei und sah sie

    sterben; dich Toren

    As I rode past I saw her

    die; she bade me give

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    hiess sie michgrssen.

    the fool her greetings.

    Parsifal springs at Kundry and seizes her by

    the throat. Gurnemanz restrains him.

    Gurnemanz:Verrcketer Knabe!Wieder Gewalt?Was tat dir das Weib?Es sagte wahr; denn

    nie lgt Kundry, dochsah sie viel.

    Crazy youth! Violenceagain?What has the womandone to you? Shespeaks the truth;

    Kundry never lies, nomatter what she hasseen.

    Parsifal: Ichverschmachte! I am fainting!

    Kundry, realising Parsifal's condition, runs to aspring in the woods and brings water in a

    horn, which she sprinkles on Parsifal and giveshim to drink.

    Gurnemanz: Sorecht! So nach desGrales Gnade; dasBse bannt, wer's mitGutem vergilt.

    That's right! Accordingto the Grail's mercy;evil is defeated whengood is returned.

    Kundry: Nie tu' ichGutes; nur Ruhe willich, nur Ruhe, ach!Der Mden.

    I never do good; I longonly for rest, only rest,in my weariness.

    Sadly she turns away and, while a fatherlyGurnemanz tends Parsifal, she drags herself,seen by neither of them, into the forestundergrowth.

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    Schlafen! O, dassmich keiner wecke!Nein! Nicht schlafen!

    Grausen fasst mich!

    To sleep! O that Imight never wake

    again! No! Not sleep!Horror seizes me!

    She falls into a violent trembling, then lets herlimbs fall, her head drops wearily and shestaggers away.

    Machtlose Wehr! DieZeit ist da.

    Resistance is futile!Now it is time.

    Movement is seen by the lake and at length inthe background the returning procession ofknights and squires with Amfortas' litter.

    Schlafen - schlafen -ich muss.

    To sleep - to sleep - Imust.

    Kundry sinks down behind a bush and is not

    seen again.

    Gurnemanz: VomBade kehrt der Knigheim; hoch steht dieSonne; nun lass' zumfrommen Mahl michdich geleiten; denn, -

    bist du rein, wird nunder Gral dich trnkenund speisen.

    From the bath the Kingreturns homeward; thesun is high; now let melead you to our solemnmeal; then if you are

    pure, the Grail will giveyou food and drink.

    He has gently laid Parsifal's arm around hisneck and puts his own arm around his body;thus he leads him with very slow steps.

    Parsifal: Wer ist der


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    Who is the Grail?

    Gurnemanz: Dassagt sich nicht; doch,

    bist du selbst zu ihmerkoren, bleibt dir dieKunde unverloren.Und sieh'! Mich dnkt,dass ich dich rechterkannt; kein Wegfhrt zu ihm durch dasLand, und Niemand

    knnte ihnbeschreiten, den ernicht selber mcht'geleiten.

    That cannot bespoken; but if youyourself are called toits service, theknowledge will berevealed to you. Nowlook! I think I know youaright; no path leads to

    it through the land,and nobody finds theirway there, unless theGrail itself leads them.

    Parsifal: Ich schreitekaum, doch whn' ichmich schon weit.

    I scarcely move, yetalready it seems I have

    travelled far.Gurnemanz: Dusieh'st, mein Sohn,zum Raum wird hierdie Zeit.

    You see, my son, heretime becomes space.

    Gradually, as Gurnemanz and Parsifalcontinue to move, has the scene changed

    more and more noticeably; the woods havedisappeared and in the rocky wall a doorwayhas opened, through which they pass andwhich closes behind them. On a rising paththey move between the rocks until the scenehas completely changed. Gurnemanz andParsifal now enter the great hall of the GrailCastle.

    Gurnemanz: (sich zu

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    Parsifal wendend, derwie verzaubet steht)Nun achte wohl und

    lass' mich seh'n; bistdu ein Tor und rein,welch Wissen dir auchmag beschieden sein.

    (turning to Parsifal,who stands as ifbewitched) Now pay

    attention and let mesee; if you are a fooland pure what wisdommay be revealed toyou.

    ACT ONE - SCENE TWOA pillared hall with dome above, over the feastchamber. On both sides at the far end the

    doors are opened; from the right enter theGrail knights, who range themselves at thefeast tables.

    Grail Knights: Zumletzten Liebesmahlegerstet Tag fr Tag,(Ein Zug von Knappen

    durchschreitetschnelleren Schrittesdie Scene nach hinten

    zu.) gleich ob zunletzten Male es heut'uns letzten mag,(Ein zweiter Zug vonKnappen

    durchschreiten denSaal.) wer guter Tatsich freu't, ihm wirddes Mahl erneu't; derLabung darf er nah'n,die herhste Gab'empfah'n.

    To the last supperrenewed from day today, (A procession of

    squires passes withrapid steps across thescene into thebackground.) as if forthe last time may itrefresh us today.(A second processionof squires passes

    through the hall.) Whodelights in doing good,will be renewed by thismeal; he will findrefreshment andreceive the highestgift.

    The collected knights stand behind the dining

    tables. Voices of boys are heard from half-way

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    up the dome. Knights and serving brotherscarry in Amfortas on a litter through the dooropposite; before him walk four squires bearing

    the shrine that contains the Grail. Thisprocession moves into the centre foreground,where stands a raised couch, on which

    Amfortas is set down from the litter; in front ofit stands an oblong stone table, on which thesquires place the covered shrine of the Grail.

    Boys: Den sndigenWelten, mit tausend

    Schmerzen, wie einstsein Blut geflossen -dem Erlsungsheldensei nun mit freudigemHerzen [mit freudigemHerzen sei nun] meinBlut vergossen. DerLeib, den er zur Shn'

    uns bot, er lebt inkuns durch seinen


    As once the blood ofthe redeeming heroflowed, for the sinfulworld of a thousandpains; So now with

    joyful heart let myblood be offered. Hisbody, which he offered

    for our sins, lives in usthrough his death.

    Squires: (aus derussersten Hhe derKuppel) Der Glaubelebt; die Taube

    schwebt, des Heilandsholder Bote. Der freuch fliesst, desWeines geniesst undnehmt vomLebensbrote!

    (from the summit ofthe dome) Faithendures; the dove

    hovers, messenger ofthe Saviour. Pouredout for you enjoy thewine and take thebread of life!

    Once all have arrived at their appointedplaces and after a complete silence has

    settled on the scene, the voice of Titurel is

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    heard from a vaulted niche behind Amfortas'couch, as if from a tomb.

    Titurel: Mein Sohn

    Amfortas, bist du amAmt? Soll ich den Gralheut noch erschau'nund leben? Muss ichsterben, vom Retterungeleitet?

    Amfortas, my son, willyou serve? Shall I oncemore look on the Grailand live? Must I die forwant of my Deliverer?

    Amfortas: Wehe!

    Wehe mir der Qual!Mein Vater, o! Nocheinmal verrichte dudas Amt! Lebe, leb' -und lass mich sterben!

    Alas! Woe is me for mypain! My father, ohonce more serve theoffice! Live, live - andlet me die!

    Titurel: Im Grabe leb'ich durch des Heilands

    Huld; Zu schwachdoch bin ich, ihm zudienen. Du bss' imDienste deine Schuld!Enthllet den Gral!

    In the grave I live bythe Saviour's grace;

    but I am too feeblenow to serve Him. InHis service can youexpiate your sin!Uncover the Grail!

    Amfortas: Nein! Lassihn unhenthllt! Oh!

    Dass keiner, keinerdiese Qual ermisst,die mir der Anblickweckt, der euchentzckt! Was ist dieWunde, ihrerSchmerzen Wut,gegen die Not, die

    Hllenpein, zu diesem

    No! Leave it covered!

    Oh! May no-one, no-one suffer this pain,brought on me by thatwhich gives you joy!What is the wound, itsraging pain, comparedto the distress, thehellish torment, of this

    office which I am

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    Amt - verdammt zusein! Wehvolles Erbe,dem ich verfallen, ich,

    einz'ger Snder unterallen, des hchtstenHeiligtums zu pflegen,auf Reineherabzuflehen seinemSegen!O Strafe, Strafe ohnegleichen des - ach! -

    gekrnktenGnadenreichen! -Nach ihm, nachseinem Weihegrusse,muss sehnlich mich'sverlangen; aus tiefsterSeele Heilesbusse zuIhm muss ich

    gelangen.Die Stunde naht; ein[der] Lichtstral senktsich auf das heiligeWerk; die Hlle fllt[sinkt]. DesWeihgefssesgttlicher Gehalt

    erglht mitleuchtender Gewalt; -durchzckt vonseligsten GenussesSchmerz, desheiligsten Blutes Quellfhl' ich sie giessen inmein Herz; des

    eig'nen sndigen

    damned to serve!Woeful inheritancethat has fallen upon

    me, that I, the onlysinner of us all, mustattend that which issupremely sacred,must ask the Pure Onefor his blessing!O punishment,unparallelled

    punishment of one -oh! - injured inblessedness. For Him,for His holy greetingmust I ardently yearn;in repentance, deep inmy soul, I desire unionwith Him.

    The hour draws near; aray of light descendsupon the holy vessel;the covering falls. Thedivine contents of theholy chalice glow withradiant glory; -Enraptured in agony of

    ecstasy, I feel thefount of divine bloodpour into my heart,whose own guiltyblood surging in madflight sweeps me back,in wild terror it gushesinto the world of sin;

    once again it breaks

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    Blutes Gewell' inwahnsinniger Fluchtmuss mir zurck dann

    fliessen, in die Weltder Snden sucht mitwilder Scheu sichergiessen; von Neuemspringt es das Tor,daraus es nun strmthervor, hier, durch dieWunde, der seinem

    gleich, geschlagenvon desselbenSpeeres Streich, derdort dem Erlser dieWunde stach, aus dermit blut'gen Trnender Gttliche weint' obder Menschheit

    Schmach, in Mitleidsheiligem Sehnen - undaus der nun mir, anheiligster Stelle, demPfleger gttlischerGter, desErlsungsbalsamsHter, das heisse

    Sndenblut entquillt,ewig erneu't aus desSehnens Quelle, das,ach! Keine Bssung jemir stillt!Erbarmen! Erbarmen!Du Allerbarmer! Ach,Erbarmen! Nimm mir

    mein Erbe, schliesse

    open the door and nowrushes out, here,through my wound,

    like His, made by ablow from the sameSpear which woundedthe Saviour, a woundfrom which He wepttears of blood forman's disgrace, incompassion's holy

    desire - and now frommy wound, in theholiest place, servingthe most divinetreasure, the guardianof the balm ofredemption, spills forththe fevered blood of

    sin, ever renewed fromthe fount of desire that- ah! - no repentancecan ever still!Mercy! Mercy! All-merciful one! Havemercy upon me! Takeback my inheritance,

    close my wound, that Imay die holy, pure andwhole for Thee!

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    die Wunde, dass heiligich sterbe, rein - Dirgesunde!

    He sinks back as if unconscious.

    Squires andKnights:aus dermittleren Hhe "DurchMitleid wissend, derreine Tor; harre sein',den ich erkor!"

    "By compassion madewise, the pure fool;wait for him, whom Iappoint!"

    Knights: So ward esdir verhiessen[verfndet]; harregetrost, des Amteswalte heut'!

    So it was promisedyou; secure inexpectation, serve theoffice today!

    Titurel: Enthllet denGral! [Der Segen!]

    Uncover the Grail!

    [Benediction!]Amfortas gets up slowly and with difficulty.The squires take the cover from the goldenshrine and take out an ancient crystal chalice,from which they also remove a covering, and

    place it before Amfortas.

    Youths voices from

    above: Nehmet hinmeinen Leib, nehmethin mein Blut, umunsrer Liebe willen![Nehmet hin meinBlut, um uns'rer LiebeWillen!]

    Take this my body,take this my blood, forthe sake of our love.

    While Amfortas bows devoutly in silent prayer

    before the Chalice, the light dims until the hall

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    is in twilight.

    Knights from highup: Nehmet hin mein

    Blut, nehmet hinmeinen Leib, auf dassihr mein' gedenkt![Nehmet hin meinenLeib, auf dass ihrmein' gedenkt.]

    Take this my blood,take this my body, inremembrance of me!

    Here a dazzling ray of light falls on the crystal

    chalice, which now glows bright crimson,softly illuminating everything. Amfortas,transfigured, elevates the Grail and waves itgently in each direction, to bless the breadand wine. All are on their knees.

    Titurel: O heiligeWonne! Wie hellgrsst uns heute der


    O holy rapture! Howbrightly our Lord

    greets us today!

    Amfortas sets down the Grail again, and itsgrow gradually fades as the darkness lifts;then the squires enclose it in the shrine andcover it again. Daylight returns. The foursquires during what follows distribute the twoflagons of wine and baskets of bread.

    Knights from highup: Wein und Brot desletzten Mahleswandelt' einst derHerr des Grales durchdes MitleidsLiebesmacht in dasBlut, das er vergoss,in den Leib, den dar er

    Wine and bread of thelast supper the Lord ofthe Grail once turnedthrough the lovingpower of compassioninto the blood which heshed, into the bodywhich he broke.

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    The four squires, after covering the shrine,now take from the altar-table the two wine

    flagons and the two bread baskets, whichAmfortas had blessed with the Grail, distributethe bread to the knights and fill their beakerswith wine. The knights seat themselves at thefeast, including Gurnemanz, who has kept a

    place empty beside him and who beckonsParsifal to come and partake of the meal. ButParsifal stays put, motionless and silent,

    clearly overwhelmed by what he haswitnessed.

    Youths from half-way up the dome:Blut und Leib derheil'gen Gabe wandeltheut zu eurer Labe

    sel'ger TrstungLiebesgeist in denWein, der euch nunfloss, in das Brot, dasheut' ihr [euch] speist.

    Blood and body of theholy gift, loving spiritof blessed consolation ,today for our delight

    turned into the winepoured out for you,into the bread thatfeeds you today.

    Knights: (ersteHlfte) Nehmet vomBrot, wandelt es khn

    in Leibes Kraft undStrke; treu bis zum

    Tod; fest jedemMh'n, zu wirken desHeilands Werke!

    (first half) Take of thebread, turn it

    confidently into bodilystrength and power;faithful unto death;steadfast in effort, towork the Saviour's will!

    Knights: (zweiteHlfte) Nehmet vom

    Wein, wandelt ihn neu

    (second half) Take of

    the wine, turn it anew

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    zu Lebens feurigemBlute, froh im Verein,brudergetreu zu

    kmpfen mit seligemMute!

    into the fiery blood oflife. Joyful in unity, inbrotherly faith let us

    fight with holycourage!

    All knights: Selig imGlauben! Selig imGlauben und Liebe![Selig im Liebe!]

    Blessed in Faith!Blessed in Faith andLove!

    Boys und Squires:

    Selig im Liebe! Seligim Glauben! Blessed in Love!Blessed in Faith!

    The knights rise and walk from the sides tothe centre, where they solemnly embraceeach other during the following. During themeal Amfortas, who has not partaken, hasgradually relapsed from his inspired ecstacy;his head sinks and he puts his hand on the

    wound. The squires approach him, theirmovements indicate that the wound hasbegun to bleed again; they attend to

    Amfortas, helping him back into his litter, andwhile all prepare to depart, bear him out withthe shrine in the same order as they came.The knights likewise fall into solemn

    procession and slowly leave the hall. The

    daylight fades. Squires once more passquickly through the hall. The last of theknights and squires have left the hall; thedoors are closed.On hearing Amfortas' previous loud cry ofagony, Parsifal has made a violent movementtowards his own heart, clutching his chestconvulsively for a long time. Now he stands

    stiff and motionless again. Gurnemanz

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    approaches him ill- humouredly and shakeshis arm.

    Gurnemanz: Wasstehst du noch da?Weisst du, was dusahst?

    Why are you stillstanding there? Do youunderstand what youhave seen?

    Parsifal presses his heart convulsively andslightly shakes his head.

    Du bist doch eben nur

    ein Tor!

    You are nothing but a

    fool!He opens a narrow side-door.

    Dort hinaus, deine[m]Wege zu! Doch rt dirGurnemanz; lass' duhier knftig dieSchwne in Ruh' und

    suche dir, Gnser, dieGans!

    Off with you, on yourway! Take this advicefrom Gurnemanz; fromnow on leave ourswans in peace and

    find some geese, yougander!

    He pushes Parsifal out and angrily slams thedoor behind him. As he follows after theknights, on the last fermata the curtain falls.

    Alto voice from onhigh: "Durch Mitleid

    wissend, der reineTor."

    "Through compassion

    made wise, the purefool."

    Voices from mid-height and summit:Selig im Glauben!

    Blessed in faith!