w. mm»i the eastern reflector

w. mm»i Folks Must Eat Ho matter how low the price of tobacco, and we are the peo- ple to supply Seasonable Eatables at 'Seasonable Prices. Fr*sh, Clean, Tare .Goods only " arV offered. We aon't call shoulders hams. Everything «>es by its honest name. 1W» jushels goo-1 corn just in W. J. THIGPEN GROCER, Five Points. Phone 15f, »' ' , KBTABLUJHED 1875. S. M. SCHULTZ Wholesale ana retail Grocer and Turaitr.ro Dealer. Caah paid.for Hides, Far. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar rels. Turkeys, Egg, etc Bed BteaU, Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba rjy Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlci suit?, Tables, Lounges, Safes, £ Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snnfi, H'gn Life Tobacco, Key West Che- roots, Henry George Cie-ar, Can- ned Cherries, Peaches, Apples. Pino Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, Flour Su-ar, Cofiee, Meat, Soap- Lyo Magic Food, Matches, Oil, Cot.on Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar, den Seeds. Oranges, Apples, Nuts Oandios, Dried Apples, Peaches, Prunes, Cm-rents, Raisins, Glass and China Ware, Tin and Wooder. Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Maca toni, Cheese, Best Butter, New Royal Sewing Machiner inerous other goods A railroad siding is being put! into the site for the water woik j and eletric lights power bouse RENSTON ITEMS. Tutf tat* the TORPID LIVHR. eiUeduu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, w --urUl districts their vtotaeiare rceated. TiAft NO Substituted LAND SALE. BT Tirtue of a decreeof the Superior ourt of PiM count? made in special cou J. W. prodding No~ 1279 en*" 1 ^ Smith idmr. TS Toney B. Evans and tllil.il ftuuil . * a *v««^ - otners the undersigned commissioner will sell for cash before the court house d»or in Greenville on Mondaj the 12th day of Sept. 1904 a one third of an undivided one seventh interest in that tract or parcel of, land in Greenville township adjoin.n? the Red Banks church property, the land of T L. Cherry and William Brooks -containing SO acres more or less. Also a one Fourth undivided interes in that lot lying near the town,of Greenville on East side of the rail- road Beeinnlng at the S. W. corner of Joseph P. TucWs lot 12 feet from the line of the railroad and runs South parallel with railroad 52 feet, then Kastwardly parallel with Tucker's line 210 feet, then North parallel with first line 52* feet to said Tucker s line, then West with said Tucker > line 210 feet to the beginning-con- taining 1 of an acre, more or less. This Aug 12. 1904. FGJAMES . Commissioner. KKNSTOB, N. C, Ang. 11, 1»"4 Miw Minnie Davenport is visit iug Mrs. Cbas. McGlobon. Fernando Tucker, of Winter- ville, was in the neighborhood a short while Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. Branch and children, of Ayden, epeut Siturday night and Suaday with Mrs. E. E. Dail. Mies Nora Langhinghouse, of Greenville, is vhiting Miss Nannie Hardy this week. Misses Nannie and Lee Nichols were here a abort while Monday afternoon. Miss Myrtle McGlobon is on the Bick list. Renston was well represented at Reedy Branch Sunday. Rufns Dudley speut Saturday and Sunday with Jerome McGlo- hon. Miss Allie Dail spent a part of last week in Aydeo. M North Carolina, I Tn Superior Court Pitt County, j Jordan Daniel, vs iPattie Daniil, . ,„ „-.. , The defendant "above named will Quality and : ,. ke not ice that an action entitled as * _ I > ... ......i..1 %r» trill *>!'-. quantity. Bee tae. I ^bore SB 'Cheap for cash. ^•I^So^°Sr?olS^ i plaintiff to obtain a divorce against K^^^ turned it loose. All the : notice that she is required to appear name8 on Us back were easily read. i at the next term of the Supt 'Or Court 3. M. Sohultz How Long Does a Ttrrapin Live? Mr. H. C. Southern, of Neatman was here Saturday and told the Re- porter a wonderful vale about a terrapin. Forty or fifty years ago old man Bed Ziglar cut bis name ou a terrapin's back and turned «t loose near the home of Mr. South ern. About three years ago the creature was found near the place where it was set at liberty, and A P. Baker and J. A. Southern alto took the occasion to inscribe their initials ou its back. And the other day the terrapin was found again within a few feet of where Messrs. Southern and WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. CL Wilkinson* Co ; oisaiu"cou"ntyto'beheld*on the 2nd HOiilE TELEPHONE »«£&££& TELEGRAPH MM.. £5§»3€sg$j \.. ... .k« r'nnrt. fof the relief dc- —Danbury Reporter. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF GREENVILLE, GREENVILLE, N. C. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 9th. 1904- The following points can now be reached over the lines of this coujpun'j: AshvilK S. C. Cha-i'ti, " Besif<t, " Duiuf.ii, EnfielO, GoldsiMro, Greer.. *'••,' Hender»< u, Littleton, LouiSB Mg New Berne, Oxford '; Raleigh, Bocky 1 .". ;, "Warreivm. Weldon. Wiluiir'-U>n* "WirsU., Augusta And all other important and in pit. apply to the Court for the manned to said complaint. Thisthe^hday iS l ; v,.im. c F- G. James Atty for defendant. Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore MA Chattanooga, Tenn. Charleston. S. C. Chase City. Va. Chacago. Ill Cincinnati, Obit Columbia, S. C Danvilie, Va Lyncliborg, Va Nashville, Tenn. >;ew York. N. Y. New Orleans, La Norfolk, Va. Petersburg. Va. Philadelphia, Pa Richmond, Vs St. Louis, Mo Suflolk. Va, BffiONIZER LUNG CUR NO V.ORE EXILE FOR SUMPTIVES. CON. A. Cnre at L»st Obtained, After a Searching Investigation, by St. Louis Interest*. A few months ago the attention of a few scientific and philanthropic gen- Ann ,11 other W««t*a» V^S^tt^** terneciidte pointe east of the Miss- \ mog , (irea dful of all diseases, tuber- issinL. E iver. ! culosis. commonly called consumption. PP F. dTOEPLEMAS, Gen. Managei The Way He Said It. The young wife sat weeping bit tcrly. Her best friend stole softly in and put her arms about Lcr, saying: "What's the matter Dolly?" "0h,l8mso'miseral>le.''8liewailed. '•Well, what has caused it?" '•I—I—I asked Tootsy this m-m- morning if he w-wwould marry again if I d-d d died, and be " "What! Did he tell you he would?" "Xn-no, that's what's the matter. He j-j-just looked at me as if I bad accused him of b b-being crazy, and said in the awfullest way: 'Well, I should say not!' And Oh, Kitty, it was the way he said it—boo-boo- hoo!"—Baltimore American. Kesourcea: Loans and DiacounU ***&»** OTe-tiratts rfX'S Furniture & Fixtures W Due from Banks IgfJ Obecka&other cash items 8,M&,U» Gold Coin M28.B0 Silver Coin s,div.ai N'tn'lbk &otherTJSnotes 15,020 00 •291.085 59 LiabUitles: Japital Stock paid in t25,000.00 Surplus, Undivided Profite less Expenses Paid Deposits Cashier's checks out- standing 20,000.09 12,097.92 226,973.38 7,014.29 1291,085.59 cStateo North Carolina,) County of Pitt. ) . . T James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly and beliet , . I Correct—Attest: Subscribed and sworn to before I j Q. MOYE, me, this 20th day of June, 1904. | R.A.TYSON, .JAMES C. TYSON, J.A.ANDREWS, Notary Public. I Directors lv cured and 28 have shown such im- | movement tta' tnebraltlmatereoovery '. is but a question of a few wee.o. Fo astonishing have been the result! Euir*W\\jnf\f\ V andabsoluteoui^lnoas»8prpnounoea I/FKYBOD I taonrablebyall old methods that a V t... IV 1 LI v u *' company has been formed and is noy C v, Mi « Trip Witt, The Low ; geparJ to ^!*^oS«U R; . T k.. l $ or. : ale via | pi Bcue." On > of its chief features is -..r . r mm- rr\\QT I IMF : th i < <- ' l " remain at home, si.i-- TKC -:.-V.li v «.OAST UNL. l riiU .;,,,. 1)V .,. i0! , l -, sau ,; re iat:v«s,aad i in a great many instances, especially XT .• .the incipient or early stages of the Wchmond. Va.—Account National diseas0 ; p Ursue their daily vocations Association of Engineers An j aud^til.SsSS^STm^ guht 1st to 6th. i ment here in St. Louis have complete- Loubvlle. Ky.-Account Biennia! i ,y recovered&^»JV£ Conclave Knights of Pythias, , The WOIil i er fui results in question.ha>» Aii.-u*t 16th to 20th. ' been ..ccomplished by the Bensonizer, August lbtn IO^OU. alld the company which controls this Boiton, MaM..—Account National i mftrve i ous medical devioehavelocated Eoeampment G. A. R, August ^^S*"^ 15th 10 20th. ; ca ted a factory on F.aston avenue and St Loui, Mo -Accouut the WorUIs, ^nTWU^R W? Fai rk Beaaon, Sixty (lay, hi- the Bensonizer Lung Cure, and Mr. L, leen ST, and Coach Excursion | *J^&«S^ t $& STATE NEWS. Eight men—one white and seven colored—were drowned in a gold| mine in Stanley county. A terrif- j fie downpour of rain caused surface water to flood the mine. Only one man who worked in the mine escaped. More than eleven hundredsoldiers are taking part in the encampment nen r Morehead. One of the chair factories at Higb Point suffered a loss of $15,000 i §20,000 by lire Thursday night. , PARHAM'S WAREHOUSE ilij have charg"e of the «£airV of the, company. Mr. Benson win personally i^l flcki-ts now on sale. Excellent Service | '^^fiwho'caTut the office of tb. Convenient Schedules.' company a or full information as to rates, dates of sale, limits of tickets, schedules, etc., call on any TK-Ker. Agent of the A. C. L., or write H. Mi Buierson, W. J Oraig T M. <* *- k $*" TVilminrton. N O Pricei Good. WbilP sales were lijcht on the to baccomarKet the past w*ek, 0*rl«i to the continuous rainy weather, prices were good aod satisfaotoiy to the sellers. The better grades offered sold readily as high as ?0 cents and now and then some higher prices were obtained. Wilminrton, N i answer all communications from iut ferers who are unable to make a per- f onal ball.-From the St. Louis Globe Democrat. Free booklet on request. BEN80NIZEB COMFANT, 417-19 N. Seventh 8t, St. Louis, Mo FOR CONSttiPTIwN.] W«H For it. Save the best for the last. Ti.et is what Little A Kittrell are do- iny. Their excursion to Norfolk Sept. 1st, retarnipg 2nd, will be the best and last of the seeeoa. A large crowd _are gfling. .V't*- them. Tobacco is selling very well. From now on we will keep you posted as to prices. mmjmi BOWUHJ. . _ .-.<«• THE EASTERN REFLECTOR. D. J. WHICHARD, Editor and Owner. Twice-a-WeeK—Tuesday and Friday. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL No. XXII GREENVILLE. PITT COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. AUGUST 19. 1904. PERSONALS AND SOCIAL MONDAY, AUGUST 15 Clifford Tyson left this morning for Baltimore. Jesse Smith left Sunday evening for Wilmington. Miss Carrie Brown returned Sun- day froai Aydeo. Rev. A. T. King returned home Saturday evening J. A. Steagall left Saturday eve- ning for Morehead. H. B. Tripp went to Morehead Saturday evening:. Mrs. J. R, Moye left this morn- ing for Virgina. Beach. Mrs. D. E. House came home Saturday evening from Betnel. Miss Minnie Quion left Sunday for Norfolk aud Virginia Beach. J. T. Smith returned Sunday- evening from King's Mountain. Mrs. C. O'H. Laughingbonse and children are visiting at Grimeeland. John Hooker, of Scotland Neck, spent Sunday night in town and returned home today. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brady left this morulug for WilmiDgton where they will make their home. Miss Mary Bragg, who has been Visiting Miss Lena Matthew*, left this morning for her home io Baltimore. C. L Wilkinson returned Sat- urday evening from a purchasing tonr north- He also took in (he world's lair at St. Louis. J. B. Moye and O. M. Jones left this morning for northern markets to purchase fall and witter stock for the firm ot J. B. Onerry & Go. E. M. Horuaday came in Satur- day eveniug from Tunis to spend Sunday with his parents, Jtev. and Mrs. J. A. Horuaday, and left this mnruiog. Miss Li L da Moore, of Washing. ton, who has been visitiug her auot, Miss Bettie Warren, return- ed home t.Hlay. Miss Mary James accompanied ner home for a visit. TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 St. H. A. Moye went to Norfolk today. E. L. Wyatt went to Oak lev- today. Dr. H'm. Fountain went Io Tur- b^ro today. «V. J.Svmood* left this morning for Wilmiugton. J. H. Darden left this morn fojaVirginia Beach. #e*se Speight left this for Virginia Beach. C. S. Forbes returned this morn- inir from Morehead. G. Q. FinemaD left Monday evening for LaGrange. W H. Harrington returned Monday evening from Norfolk. Miss Allie Morrill, of Snow Bill, is vifiting Miss Janie Brown. J. W Brown has been appoint- ed clerk m the Greenville post- effice. Mi-s Lizzie Montgomery, of Concord, jg visiting Mis. R. M. Hearne. I H. W. Whichard, ol Norfolk, •pent last night here and left this morning. Mr*. Alice Harper and mm, AlexaiKler, are visiting Ml JFarnivihe. moruiug | i a= Misses Katie and Ray Mooie' of Washington, are visiting Mrs. R. M. Hearne. W. A: Bowv u has gone north to purchase goods for the linn of Pulley ABowen. Miss Etta Hines and Miss Mary Lucy Dnpiee are visiting Mrs. J. A. Ricks near Grimeeland. Dr. Bowen, of Washington, who ban been here a day or two, re- turned home this morning. Mrs. G, W. Bakei, of Lewiston, arrived Monday evening to v isit ber tatbf r, Heury Shepard. Dr. Hyatt oame over from Kins- tou Monday and will be at Hotel Bertha until VVeuoesday eveniug. Mis. E. M. Cheek aud children returned Monday evening from a visit in the western part of the state. F. J. Jeffiess, of Chase City, Va., WHO has been visiting bis brother, R. O. Jeffrees, left this moruiug. Mitta Cu wen. oi Durham, a train- ed nurse who nas been attendiug Tom Blow, left ibis niorniug. Tom is rapidly improving. Miases Junuie and Fenuie Daniel, of Roauoke Rapids, and AdaC. Ward, of Pactolu*, are visiting Mrs. T. R. Moore. Mrs. S. E. Pippeu, of Baltimore, Mrs. Jas. T. Howard, of Conetoe aud Miss Sailie Roberaon, of Bethel, arrived Mouday evening to visit Mrs. J. G. Moye. W. M. Buss, Wake countvV very popular Superior court clerk, came in Monday, aud with his lit- H, daughter, Miss Bettie. who has been visitiug relatives here, re- turuea to RaleigU today. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17 j Mrs. Ola Forbes left Tuesday eveniug for Griffon. W. W. Perkins left this moru- iug for Washington. Jasper Davis, of A'a-hington, is visiting Spruill Spain. Miss Sue Kiusuul has leturned lrum a visit to Liltletcn. MIHI Eva Davis, of Washington, is vihiting Mitt Agnes Hpaiu. II. A. White returned Tuesday eVeuii'g from a tup up the road. 0. L. Horuaday and sister, Miss Duia, leturned this luormug from lieauiort. Mis. W. B. Gr«seue aud little sou left this tuorniug fur W ashiug- lon City. Mis II. L. Carr and daughter, Itiga Mildred, left this moruiug lor Wilsou. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Overtoo, of Georgetown, S. C, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Overt on, left tkis morning. Mi-w 8usie Perry, of Eiustou who has l>een visiting Misses Hennie and Essie iWhichard, re- turned home Tuesday evening. W. G. Little, D. C. Moore, F. G. James, R. W. King, Edgar Buck and Thurman Moore left this morning for Edentoo to at- tend the congressional couveottou. Mr. A. S. Copeland disposed of his pair of handsome black horses, today, to Mi. Will Hooker, o 1 Greeuville, and shipped them to him this morniug. The prioe was in the neighborhood of $600--- Kinaton Free Press, 15th. SELL YOUR TOBACCO WITH THE FARMERS CONSOLIDATED TOBACCO CO. JOHN J. ELKS FOR SHERIFF. EDITOR REFLECTOR: ' AS a life-long democrat and one who is deeply interested in the welfare of his county and believ- ing that democratic success is necessary to good government I xberiff ot Pitt couuty a man in No. 41 BEAVER DAM FOR JOYNER. Beaver Dam Township, Aug. 15. EDITOR REFLECTOR: As the lime is almost at hand when the people will agaiu have to chooi«e their officers for the ensuing two years aud we have wish to uominate for the office of seen the name of no person from the South Hide of the river recom- every way qualified for that posi- mended for the lower house of (be owned, the iu- Becausc it is a business controlled and handled in terest of the farmers. Becaus on any of onr floors you ar<- guaranteed the highest legiti- mate market price at all times and, under all circumstauces. Because the profits derived from the business are returned direct to the farmers. Because the euemies of this or- gauizatiou are uniting and com- bining every effort within their power to prevent its success and development. Because so certaia as night fol iOWa day ee know we can make and save you (.money by selling with as. Because by <r.-opeiHtiiig|on this plan a better aud more perfect Uou, a man who has been faithful to every trust, and one who has the entiie confidence of every bus- iness man and democrat in Pitt county. I refer to John J. Elk» of Chicod township. Mr. Elks is a young man, who by his owu indi- vidual effort has made a marked success aud is today recognized as one of the best business meu am moit successful farmer in the couu- ty. Two years ago he was elected chairman of the boitrd of county cM.mmissioners and the executive ability that he has shows iu that office ;s admitted even by his po- litical opponents as most advanta- geous to the county and creditable f o him aud his associates. Our candidate is honest, efficient and absolutely loyal to his pany. W. E. PROCTOR. MR. ALLEN TO LEAVE. Greenville to Loose a Good Citizen Mr. M. A. Allen, who for the last three years has been buyer for the American Tobacco Co. on the Greenville markei and director of their large plant here, has been trauaferml to Dauvlbe, where he will be in charge oflarger iutereots ot Iho company, and will ^o to his uevr position about Sept. 1st general assembly, I take great pleasure in presenting to the democratic conventiou the name of a worthy farmer for that posi- tion. Having for a number oi years been a justice of tbo peace and a close student of the law he would make an ideal representa- tive. His sound judgment coupled with his excellent business quali- fication highly recommend him as the proper person to represent our couuty. The name of this distin« guished gentlemen is S. V. Joy- ner. Let tne convention nominate him and the people will see that the cause ol the democracy shall not suffer in his hands. BRAVER DAM VOTER. GRIMESLAND ITEMS. Mrs. Predj Cox aud daughter, Miss Mamie, lelt Tuesday evening for Kiuston. Z. V. Hooker aud sister, MiSB Bettie, left this morning for Vir- ginia Beaeb. ^Miss Stella rVilliams, of War- saw, is visiting Misses Bessie and Bertha Patrick. W. B. Greene left this morniDg for northern markets to puichase new goods for Greene & Brown. F. W. Clare, the new buyer on this market for the American Tobacco Co., came iu Tneiday eveuing. Rev. J. D. Bundy, of Weldon, Pre iding Elder of this district, came in Tuesday and left this morning. Mrs. W. H. Bagwell aud daugl- tert, Misses iFauuie and Gladys, returned this morumg Iron a visit to Griftoo. .Ciieenville >\ill give up Mr. Allen understanding can be reached and L_a , , a ,,*, , and ins excellent iaiuiiy with fiucere regiets. No people'ever made in.ire friends here or have been held in higher esteem. The confidence all have in Mr. Al- len is i>bowu in the fact that a few months alter coming here he was elected superintendent of the Bap- tist Sunday i-cliuol and holds the position until now; in the spring of last year he was elected one of the trustees of tiio graded school, and iu June of this year was elected one of the aldermeu of the town. Always faithful in every trust, be merits any pr>taotl»u from bis employers, and while we cougratu- l.ite him upon thi-. promotion, it is nevertheless with regret that we see it is to take him away from Greeuville. Mr. Allen will be succeeded on this market by Mr. F. W. Clare. maintained between the seller and the buyer, kindlier aud frtendlii r relations established and on ac- count of such higher aud more satisfactory prices for your tobac- co Can be hail. Tne lion-.-'-, o imposing the Farmers Ooosolhutted T-hneco I'.«. are the Farmers, fortntrly run ' y Joyner & Dail, the S ar, fjrun.riy ruu by Coward, Hi oleer & Co and the Jeffiess run last \ ear by Fox- hall & McDowell. Mr. H. A. Tiutherlitke, who for a nnmher ot years has been con- nected with theSiai as auctioneer, (and no bettor one ever suu^ to the bids of buyers) will have per- sonal charge of the S ar. Mr. S. B. McDowell who was one of the firm of Foxhall & McDowell hibt year at the Jeffress, will have charge of that house this year, while Mr. O. L. Joyner will be at the Farmers. All these gentlemen will follow the different sales and see to it that your interest is not neglected or overlooked. Very Re 9 pectfully Yours, THE FAVMEBB CONSOMDATED TOBACCO CO. A Mighty Delegation From Pitt. Three men, delegates t> the congressional convention at Eden- ton, represent tne avoirdupois of the oounty, viz: D. C. Moore, 287 pounds, R. W. King, 289 pounds, Edgar Back, 299 pounds. This delegation will be the weigh- test, we dare «ay, in the . conven- tion, and the man they support will be nominated. Hurrah for the «a a of Pitt, For Sale. I have .for sale oo reasonable terms the most convenient lot in Greenville for a wood yard, to- gether with a twelve horse euginer aud boiler, all belts pulleys and saws ready for operation, ak.o a number one flat that will carry 60 cords wood at a load. Will ilso s/)l cheap to any one who means business a thousand cords of wood or less quantity it desired. A wood yard is very much needed in Greenville and here is an unexcelled opportunity to assure one who will give it the proper attention. O. L. JOYNER 8-17 tf Fruit Jam, jelly tumblers and stoat Jars at Saiu'l M. Heaalts. GBIMESLAND, N. C, Aug. 1«. For cool drinks call at J. B. Proctor's soda fountain, the best place in town. For nice millinery c-tll to see Mis. Bettie Britt next dojr to J. R. Proctor. Misses Louise and Corrioe Ward, of Pactolus, are visiting Miss Myrtle Proctor. We are glad to have them with iia, Misse* Pennie •< •• »•« -ie Dauiels, of Roauoke it ... .. >, w»o was visiting bt \\. i\.. i;,«,ie's, lefo this moruiug. There has been a gr>ar improve- ment iu the city for tne past week. There has been new sewe.s put in and two new stores that will be occupied iua f»w day Mrs. Bettie Biiit will leave Thursday for "altimors to buy her fall milliuery. .1. O. Proctor left this miming for Baltimore to purcnase his fall stock. Misaes Lena Harris, of Green- ville, Vinie and Ada Ward, of Pactolu", ate visiting Mrs. C. M. Jones. We are glad to have them with us. B. G. Mayo, a popular cl*«kof J. O. Proctor & Bio., lefc for his home at Aurora last week to spend a few days. There was a great excitment over to Mr. Moore's last week. Miss Pennie Daniel came very near being bitten by a snake. The boys seem to have a singing spell Saturday night and it wound up with four in the lock-up. All through fun, though. There will be a marriige in the city next Thursday morniug at ft o'clock. Who will be next after this one. Miss Eula Qninn, of Greenville, has been visiting Mrs. W. M. Moore the past few days. She left this m orn ing for her home. We hope she will come again soon and stay longer. Mr. and Mrs. Knight, of Tar- boro, who have been visiting their- uocle, left for home this morning. There was a large crowd attend- ed ehuroh la this city Bunday. i We ware gtad.to eee an many oat it >Jd| w 1 -re : '; «% v- i r mi

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w. mm»i
Folks Must Eat Ho matter how low the price of tobacco, and we are the peo-
ple to supply
Seasonable Eatables at
'Seasonable Prices. Fr*sh, Clean, Tare .Goods only
" arV offered. We aon't call shoulders hams. Everything «>es by its honest name. 1W» jushels goo-1 corn just in
Five Points. Phone 15f,
S. M. SCHULTZ Wholesale ana retail Grocer and
Turaitr.ro Dealer. Caah paid.for Hides, Far. Cotton Seed, Oil Bar rels. Turkeys, Egg, etc Bed BteaU, Mattresses, Oak Suite, Ba rjy Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlci suit?, Tables, Lounges, Safes, £ Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snnfi, H'gn Life Tobacco, Key West Che- roots, Henry George Cie-ar, Can- ned Cherries, Peaches, Apples. Pino Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, Flour Su-ar, Cofiee, Meat, Soap- Lyo Magic Food, Matches, Oil, Cot.on Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar, den Seeds. Oranges, Apples, Nuts Oandios, Dried Apples, Peaches, Prunes, Cm-rents, Raisins, Glass and China Ware, Tin and Wooder. Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Maca toni, Cheese, Best Butter, New Royal Sewing Machiner inerous other goods
A railroad siding is being put! into the site for the water woik
j and eletric lights power bouse
rceated. TiAft NO Substituted
BT Tirtue of a decreeof the Superior ourt of PiM count? made in special cou J. W. prodding No~ 1279 en*"1^
Smith idmr. TS Toney B. Evans and tllil.il ftuuil . * a *v««^ — — - — otners the undersigned commissioner will sell for cash before the court house d»or in Greenville on Mondaj the 12th day of Sept. 1904 a one third of an undivided one seventh interest in that tract or parcel of, land in Greenville township adjoin.n? the Red Banks church property, the land of T L. Cherry and William Brooks -containing SO acres more or less. Also a one Fourth undivided interes in that lot lying near the town,of Greenville on East side of the rail- road Beeinnlng at the S. W. corner of Joseph P. TucWs lot 12 feet from the line of the railroad and runs South parallel with railroad 52 feet, then Kastwardly parallel with Tucker's line 210 feet, then North parallel with first line 52* feet to said Tucker s line, then West with said Tucker > line 210 feet to the beginning-con- taining 1 of an acre, more or less. This Aug 12. 1904. FGJAMES.
KKNSTOB, N. C, Ang. 11, 1»"4 Miw Minnie Davenport is visit
iug Mrs. Cbas. McGlobon.
Fernando Tucker, of Winter- ville, was in the neighborhood a short while Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. W. J. Branch and children, of Ayden, epeut Siturday night and Suaday with Mrs. E. E. Dail.
Mies Nora Langhinghouse, of Greenville, is vhiting Miss Nannie
Hardy this week. Misses Nannie and Lee Nichols
were here a abort while Monday
afternoon. Miss Myrtle McGlobon is on the
Bick list. Renston was well represented
at Reedy Branch Sunday.
hon. Miss Allie Dail spent a part of
last week in Aydeo.
j Jordan Daniel, vs
iPattie Daniil, . ,„ „-.. — , The defendant "above named will Quality and : ,.ke notice that an action entitled as
• * _ I > ... ......i..1 %r» trill *>!'-.
^bore SB
'Cheap for cash. ^•I^So^°Sr?olS^ i plaintiff to obtain a divorce against K^^^ turned it loose. All the
: notice that she is required to appear name8 on Us back were easily read. i at the next term of the Supt 'Or Court
3. M. Sohultz
How Long Does a Ttrrapin Live?
Mr. H. C. Southern, of Neatman was here Saturday and told the Re- porter a wonderful vale about a terrapin. Forty or fifty years ago old man Bed Ziglar cut bis name ou a terrapin's back and turned «t loose near the home of Mr. South ern. About three years ago the creature was found near the place where it was set at liberty, and A P. Baker and J. A. Southern alto took the occasion to inscribe their initials ou its back. And the other day the terrapin was found again within a few feet of where Messrs. Southern and
\.. ... .k« r'nnrt. fof the relief dc-
—Danbury Reporter.
The following points can now be reached over the lines of
this coujpun'j:
AshvilK S. C. Cha-i'ti, " Besif<t, " Duiuf.ii, EnfielO, GoldsiMro, Greer..*'••,' Hender»< u, Littleton, LouiSB Mg New Berne, Oxford '; Raleigh, Bocky1.". ;, "Warreivm. Weldon. Wiluiir'-U>n* "WirsU., Augusta
And all other important and in
pit. apply to the Court for the manned to said complaint.
Atlanta, Ga. Baltimore MA
Danvilie, Va Lyncliborg, Va Nashville, Tenn.
>;ew York. N. Y. New Orleans, La
Norfolk, Va. Petersburg. Va.
Suflolk. Va,
A. Cnre at L»st Obtained, After a Searching Investigation,
by St. Louis Interest*.
A few months ago the attention of a few scientific and philanthropic gen-
Ann ,11 other W««t*a» V^S^tt^** terneciidte pointe east of the Miss- \ mog, (ireadful of all diseases, tuber- issinL. E iver. ! culosis. commonly called consumption.
PP F. dTOEPLEMAS, Gen. Managei
The Way He Said It.
The young wife sat weeping bit
tcrly. Her best friend stole softly in and
put her arms about Lcr, saying: "What's the matter Dolly?" "0h,l8mso'miseral>le.''8liewailed.
'•Well, what has caused it?" '•I—I—I asked Tootsy this m-m-
morning if he w-wwould marry again if I d-d d died, and be "
"What! Did he tell you he would?" "Xn-no, that's what's the matter.
He j-j-just looked at me as if I bad accused him of b b-being crazy, and said in the awfullest way: 'Well, I should say not!' And Oh, Kitty, it was the way he said it—boo-boo- hoo!"—Baltimore American.
Loans and DiacounU ***&»** OTe-tiratts rfX'S Furniture & Fixtures W Due from Banks IgfJ Obecka&other cash items 8,M&,U» Gold Coin M28.B0 Silver Coin s,div.ai N'tn'lbk &otherTJSnotes 15,020 00
•291.085 59
LiabUitles: Japital Stock paid in t25,000.00 Surplus, Undivided Profite less
Expenses Paid Deposits Cashier's checks out-
cStateo North Carolina,) County of Pitt. ) . .
T James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
and beliet , . I Correct—Attest:
Subscribed and sworn to before I j Q. MOYE, me, this 20th day of June, 1904. | R.A.TYSON,
.JAMES C. TYSON, J.A.ANDREWS, Notary Public. I Directors
lv cured and 28 have shown such im- | movement tta' tnebraltlmatereoovery '. is but a question of a few wee.o.
Fo astonishing have been the result! Euir*W\\jnf\f\ V andabsoluteoui^lnoas»8prpnounoea
I/FKYBOD I taonrablebyall old methods that a V t... IV 1 LI v u *' company has been formed and is noy
C v, Mi « Trip Witt, The Low ; geparJ to ^!*^oS«U R; . T k..l$ or. : ale via | pi Bcue." On > of its chief features is
-..r . r mm- rr\\QT I IMF : th i <<- 'l" remain at home, si.i-- TKC -:.-V.li v «.OAST UNL. l riiU.;,,,. 1)V.,.i0!,l-,sau,;reiat:v«s,aad
i in a great many instances, especially XT .• .the incipient or early stages of the
Wchmond. Va.—Account National diseas0; pUrsue their daily vocations Association of Engineers An j aud^til.SsSS^STm^ guht 1st to 6th. i ment here in St. Louis have complete-
Loubvlle. Ky.-Account Biennia! i ,y recovered&^»JV£ Conclave Knights of Pythias, , The WOIilierfui results in question.ha>» Aii.-u*t 16th to 20th. ' been ..ccomplished by the Bensonizer, August lbtn IO^OU. alld the company which controls this
Boiton, MaM..—Account National i mftrveious medical devioehavelocated
Eoeampment G. A. R, August ^^S*"^™ &£ 15th 10 20th. ;cated a factory on F.aston avenue and
St Loui, Mo -Accouut the WorUIs, ^nTWU^R W? Fai rk Beaaon, Sixty (lay, hi- the Bensonizer Lung Cure, and Mr. L,
leen ST, and Coach Excursion | *J^&«S^t$&™
STATE NEWS. Eight men—one white and seven
colored—were drowned in a gold| mine in Stanley county. A terrif- j fie downpour of rain caused surface water to flood the mine. Only one man who worked in the mine
nenr Morehead.
ilij have charg"e of the «£airV of the, company. Mr. Benson win personally
flcki-ts now on sale.
Excellent Service | '^^fiwho'caTut the office of tb. Convenient Schedules.' company a
or full information as to rates, dates of sale, limits of tickets, schedules, etc., call on any TK-Ker. Agent of the A. C. L.,
or write H. Mi Buierson, W. J Oraig
T M. <* *-k
$*" TVilminrton. N O
Pricei Good. WbilP sales were lijcht on the to
baccomarKet the past w*ek, 0*rl«i to the continuous rainy weather, prices were good aod satisfaotoiy to the sellers. The better grades offered sold readily as high as ?0 cents and now and then some higher prices were obtained.
Wilminrton, N i
answer all communications from iut ferers who are unable to make a per- f onal ball.-From the St. Louis Globe Democrat. Free booklet on request.
BEN80NIZEB COMFANT, 417-19 N. Seventh 8t,
St. Louis, Mo
W«H For it. Save the best for the last. Ti.et
is what Little A Kittrell are do- iny. Their excursion to Norfolk Sept. 1st, retarnipg 2nd, will be the best and last of the seeeoa. A large crowd _are gfling. .V't*- them.
Tobacco is selling very
to prices.
mmjmi BOWUHJ. . _ .-.<«•
Miss Carrie Brown returned Sun- day froai Aydeo.
Rev. A. T. King returned home Saturday evening
J. A. Steagall left Saturday eve- ning for Morehead.
H. B. Tripp went to Morehead Saturday evening:.
Mrs. J. R, Moye left this morn- ing for Virgina. Beach.
Mrs. D. E. House came home Saturday evening from Betnel.
Miss Minnie Quion left Sunday for Norfolk aud Virginia Beach.
J. T. Smith returned Sunday- evening from King's Mountain.
Mrs. C. O'H. Laughingbonse and children are visiting at Grimeeland.
John Hooker, of Scotland Neck, spent Sunday night in town and returned home today.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brady left this morulug for WilmiDgton where they will make their home.
Miss Mary Bragg, who has been Visiting Miss Lena Matthew*, left this morning for her home io Baltimore.
C. L Wilkinson returned Sat- urday evening from a purchasing tonr north- He also took in (he world's lair at St. Louis.
J. B. Moye and O. M. Jones left this morning for northern markets to purchase fall and witter stock for the firm ot J. B. Onerry & Go.
E. M. Horuaday came in Satur- day eveniug from Tunis to spend Sunday with his parents, Jtev. and Mrs. J. A. Horuaday, and left this mnruiog.
Miss LiLda Moore, of Washing. ton, who has been visitiug her auot, Miss Bettie Warren, return- ed home t.Hlay. Miss Mary James accompanied ner home for a visit.
Dr. H'm. Fountain went Io Tur- b^ro today.
«V. J.Svmood* left this morning for Wilmiugton.
J. H. Darden left this morn fojaVirginia Beach.
#e*se Speight left this for Virginia Beach.
C. S. Forbes returned this morn- inir from Morehead.
G. Q. FinemaD left Monday evening for LaGrange.
W H. Harrington returned Monday evening from Norfolk.
Miss Allie Morrill, of Snow Bill, is vifiting Miss Janie Brown.
J. W Brown has been appoint- ed clerk m the Greenville post- effice.
Mi-s Lizzie Montgomery, of Concord, jg visiting Mis. R. M. Hearne. I
H. W. Whichard, ol Norfolk, •pent last night here and left this morning.
Mr*. Alice Harper and mm, AlexaiKler, are visiting Ml JFarnivihe.
of Washington, are visiting Mrs. R. M. Hearne.
W. A: Bowv u has gone north to purchase goods for the linn of Pulley ABowen.
Miss Etta Hines and Miss Mary Lucy Dnpiee are visiting Mrs. J. A. Ricks near Grimeeland.
Dr. Bowen, of Washington, who ban been here a day or two, re- turned home this morning.
Mrs. G, W. Bakei, of Lewiston, arrived Monday evening to v isit ber tatbf r, Heury Shepard.
Dr. Hyatt oame over from Kins- tou Monday and will be at Hotel Bertha until VVeuoesday eveniug.
Mis. E. M. Cheek aud children returned Monday evening from a visit in the western part of the state.
F. J. Jeffiess, of Chase City, Va., WHO has been visiting bis brother, R. O. Jeffrees, left this moruiug.
Mitta Cu wen. oi Durham, a train- ed nurse who nas been attendiug Tom Blow, left ibis niorniug. Tom is rapidly improving.
Miases Junuie and Fenuie Daniel, of Roauoke Rapids, and AdaC. Ward, of Pactolu*, are visiting Mrs. T. R. Moore.
Mrs. S. E. Pippeu, of Baltimore, Mrs. Jas. T. Howard, of Conetoe aud Miss Sailie Roberaon, of Bethel, arrived Mouday evening to visit Mrs. J. G. Moye.
W. M. Buss, Wake countvV very popular Superior court clerk, came in Monday, aud with his lit- H, daughter, Miss Bettie. who has been visitiug relatives here, re- turuea to RaleigU today.
W. W. Perkins left this moru- iug for Washington.
Jasper Davis, of A'a-hington, is visiting Spruill Spain.
Miss Sue Kiusuul has leturned lrum a visit to Liltletcn.
MIHI Eva Davis, of Washington, is vihiting Mitt Agnes Hpaiu.
II. A. White returned Tuesday eVeuii'g from a tup up the road.
0. L. Horuaday and sister, Miss Duia, leturned this luormug from lieauiort.
Mis. W. B. Gr«seue aud little sou left this tuorniug fur W ashiug- lon City.
Mis II. L. Carr and daughter, Itiga Mildred, left this moruiug lor Wilsou.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Overtoo, of Georgetown, S. C, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Overt on, left tkis morning.
Mi-w 8usie Perry, of Eiustou who has l>een visiting Misses Hennie and Essie iWhichard, re- turned home Tuesday evening.
W. G. Little, D. C. Moore, F. G. James, R. W. King, Edgar Buck and Thurman Moore left this morning for Edentoo to at- tend the congressional couveottou.
Mr. A. S. Copeland disposed of his pair of handsome black horses, today, to Mi. Will Hooker, o1
Greeuville, and shipped them to him this morniug. The prioe was in the neighborhood of $600--- Kinaton Free Press, 15th.
' AS a life-long democrat and one who is deeply interested in the welfare of his county and believ- ing that democratic success is necessary to good government I
xberiff ot Pitt couuty a man in
No. 41
Beaver Dam Township, Aug. 15. EDITOR REFLECTOR:
As the lime is almost at hand when the people will agaiu have to chooi«e their officers for the ensuing two years aud we have
wish to uominate for the office of seen the name of no person from
the South Hide of the river recom- every way qualified for that posi- mended for the lower house of (be
owned, the iu-
Becausc it is a business controlled and handled in terest of the farmers.
Becaus on any of onr floors you ar<- guaranteed the highest legiti- mate market price at all times and, under all circumstauces.
Because the profits derived from the business are returned direct to the farmers.
Because the euemies of this or- gauizatiou are uniting and com- bining every effort within their power to prevent its success and development.
Because so certaia as night fol iOWa day ee know we can make and save you (.money by selling with as.
Because by <r.-opeiHtiiig|on this plan a better aud more perfect
Uou, a man who has been faithful to every trust, and one who has the entiie confidence of every bus- iness man and democrat in Pitt county. I refer to John J. Elk» of Chicod township. Mr. Elks is a young man, who by his owu indi- vidual effort has made a marked success aud is today recognized as one of the best business meu am moit successful farmer in the couu- ty.
Two years ago he was elected chairman of the boitrd of county cM.mmissioners and the executive ability that he has shows iu that office ;s admitted even by his po- litical opponents as most advanta- geous to the county and creditable fo him aud his associates. Our candidate is honest, efficient and absolutely loyal to his pany.
Greenville to Loose a Good Citizen
Mr. M. A. Allen, who for the last three years has been buyer for the American Tobacco Co. on the Greenville markei and director of their large plant here, has been trauaferml to Dauvlbe, where he will be in charge oflarger iutereots ot Iho company, and will ^o to his uevr position about Sept. 1st
general assembly, I take great pleasure in presenting to the democratic conventiou the name of a worthy farmer for that posi- tion. Having for a number oi years been a justice of tbo peace and a close student of the law he would make an ideal representa- tive.
His sound judgment coupled with his excellent business quali- fication highly recommend him as the proper person to represent our couuty. The name of this distin« guished gentlemen is S. V. Joy- ner.
Let tne convention nominate him and the people will see that the cause ol the democracy shall not suffer in his hands.
Mrs. Predj Cox aud daughter, Miss Mamie, lelt Tuesday evening for Kiuston.
Z. V. Hooker aud sister, MiSB Bettie, left this morning for Vir- ginia Beaeb.
^Miss Stella rVilliams, of War- saw, is visiting Misses Bessie and Bertha Patrick.
W. B. Greene left this morniDg for northern markets to puichase new goods for Greene & Brown.
F. W. Clare, the new buyer on this market for the American Tobacco Co., came iu Tneiday eveuing.
Rev. J. D. Bundy, of Weldon, Pre iding Elder of this district, came in Tuesday and left this morning.
Mrs. W. H. Bagwell aud daugl- tert, Misses iFauuie and Gladys, returned this morumg Iron a visit to Griftoo.
.Ciieenville >\ill give up Mr. Allen understanding can be reached and L_a , ,a „ ,,*, , and ins excellent iaiuiiy with
fiucere regiets. No people'ever made in.ire friends here or have been held in higher esteem. The confidence all have in Mr. Al-
len is i>bowu in the fact that a few months alter coming here he was elected superintendent of the Bap- tist Sunday i-cliuol and holds the position until now; in the spring of last year he was elected one of the trustees of tiio graded school, and iu June of this year was elected one of the aldermeu of the town.
Always faithful in every trust, be merits any pr>taotl»u from bis employers, and while we cougratu- l.ite him upon thi-. promotion, it is nevertheless with regret that we see it is to take him away from Greeuville.
Mr. Allen will be succeeded on this market by Mr. F. W. Clare.
maintained between the seller and the buyer, kindlier aud frtendlii r relations established and on ac- count of such higher aud more satisfactory prices for your tobac- co Can be hail.
Tne lion-.-'-, o imposing the Farmers Ooosolhutted T-hneco I'.«. are the Farmers, fortntrly run ' y Joyner & Dail, the S ar, fjrun.riy ruu by Coward, Hi oleer & Co and the Jeffiess run last \ ear by Fox- hall & McDowell.
Mr. H. A. Tiutherlitke, who for a nnmher ot years has been con- nected with theSiai as auctioneer, (and no bettor one ever suu^ to the bids of buyers) will have per- sonal charge of the S ar. Mr. S. B. McDowell who was one of the firm of Foxhall & McDowell hibt year at the Jeffress, will have charge of that house this year, while Mr. O. L. Joyner will be at the Farmers.
All these gentlemen will follow the different sales and see to it that your interest is not neglected or overlooked.
Very Re9pectfully Yours, THE FAVMEBB CONSOMDATED
A Mighty Delegation From Pitt.
Three men, delegates t> the congressional convention at Eden- ton, represent tne avoirdupois of the oounty, viz: D. C. Moore, 287 pounds, R. W. King, 289 pounds, Edgar Back, 299 pounds. This delegation will be the weigh- test, we dare «ay, in the . conven- tion, and the man they support will be nominated. Hurrah for the «a a of Pitt,
For Sale.
I have .for sale oo reasonable terms the most convenient lot in Greenville for a wood yard, to- gether with a twelve horse euginer aud boiler, all belts pulleys and saws ready for operation, ak.o a number one flat that will carry 60 cords wood at a load. Will ilso s/)l cheap to any one who means business a thousand cords of wood or less quantity it desired. A wood yard is very much needed in Greenville and here is an unexcelled opportunity to assure one who will give it the proper attention. O. L. JOYNER
8-17 tf
Fruit Jam, jelly tumblers and stoat Jars at Saiu'l M. Heaalts.
GBIMESLAND, N. C, Aug. 1«.
For cool drinks call at J. B. Proctor's soda fountain, the best place in town.
For nice millinery c-tll to see Mis. Bettie Britt next dojr to J. R. Proctor.
Misses Louise and Corrioe Ward, of Pactolus, are visiting Miss Myrtle Proctor. We are glad to have them with iia,
Misse* Pennie •< • •• »•« -ie Dauiels, of Roauoke it ... ..>, w»o was visiting bt \\. i\.. i;,«,ie's, lefo this moruiug.
There has been a gr>ar improve- ment iu the city for tne past week. There has been new sewe.s put in and two new stores that will be occupied iua f»w day
Mrs. Bettie Biiit will leave Thursday for "altimors to buy her fall milliuery.
.1. O. Proctor left this miming for Baltimore to purcnase his fall stock.
Misaes Lena Harris, of Green- ville, Vinie and Ada Ward, of Pactolu", ate visiting Mrs. C. M. Jones. We are glad to have them with us.
B. G. Mayo, a popular cl*«kof J. O. Proctor & Bio., lefc for his home at Aurora last week to spend a few days.
There was a great excitment over to Mr. Moore's last week. Miss Pennie Daniel came very near being bitten by a snake.
The boys seem to have a singing spell Saturday night and it wound up with four in the lock-up. All through fun, though.
There will be a marriige in the city next Thursday morniug at ft o'clock. Who will be next after this one.
Miss Eula Qninn, of Greenville, has been visiting Mrs. W. M. Moore the past few days. She left this m orn ing for her home. We hope she will come again soon and stay longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Knight, of Tar- boro, who have been visiting their- uocle, left for home this morning.
There was a large crowd attend- ed ehuroh la this city Bunday.
i We ware gtad.to eee an many oat
i Surgeon * Greenville, N.C
Did you ever tear of a Governor coming from the rank, of the ball room gents, who wear swallow-iail coaU and shirt fronts as big as a tray? We do not recall one, but many have hauled rails in the rain, and driven spotted oxen to town alters load of fertilizer-Charity
and Children. '
Norfolk, V8,
Cotton ttaym* i"»* BroVcrs In Stocks, Cotton, «intiu and Fivie- oiw. Private W\f» to New Yorl Chicago and New Orleans.
r Sour Stomach
No sppetlte. loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris- ings. »nd catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre- sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In- digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach.
(Mvia Health to tk< Sick «n«t truigtk t. tfes Weak.
tiffin "ft It-00 SIM hoMInc 2H Unas ^l»7««Hk», which MS <«r60e.
D. W. Hardee, II *s^*y .€.!>.*»*».. cues*..
We give you not only the best you can buy, but thest the money paid can buy. Quality & value combined argue for your patronage
Groceries - And Provisions
Cotton Bagging and Ties always on hand
Fresh Goods kept con- stantly In stock. Country Produce Bought and Sold
GREENVILLE North Carolina.
Greenville, N.C
Not Quite! How often you can get a
thing ''not quite" done—* nail or screw driver or au- j:er lacking. Have a good tool box and be prepared for emergencies. Our line of tools
jrou could desire, and we will see that your tool box does not lack a single useful article.
Of Course! You get Harness, Horse Goods, &c,
Store to patronize. You can
recognize at once, from the way
you are served, that your [best
interest rJs tbeing studied. We
study the fit of every garment
you try on much more closely
than you do, and when the pur.
chase is completed there's not •
a line of a garment that isn't
perfect. Two and three piece
suits divide honors of patronage.
Some want vests, some don't.
We're able to offer each the
widest possible varietY of fabrics
for selection.
LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Supe-
rior court of Pitt county made in spec-1 ial proceeding No. 1300 entitled Ollen | E Warren, aaain-t, W. E. Warren et als. ih" undersigned Commissioner will sell inreasb at public auction be- fore tli us li'Hisc door in l-r.-on- ville <:. Monday, tie 9tb day of hept 1WJ4 that pl»* of parcel of land in the tov" 'I ••'!•'• Uvilla known as the Allen'AMI" en Nursery BoOIMKOOn the South bv Third rtnvt.ootho Bart bvthe Atlantic Coats Uue rulroad, oh the north I).'' Tar 'Iver, and on the west by the Jack White pltw, contain i HI' seven tores more or less and be- ing all the land contained in the above nan.cd I'oundries except the two acres deeded to tnetown ofCireen- ville. t >i I 'and sold for divisiou.
This the Hlb ia.3 of August, 19«4. P. (*. JAIUSS, Commissioner.
8& North Carolina, Pitt County, ,
Luuisa Hargrove, V8
Mens Three Piece Suits Mens Two Piece Suits Nice Line Youths Clothing
$10 to $22.bo 110 to $15 $10 to $15
BXVER NE&YI6I Steamer B. L. Myers leave
"Washington daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m for Greenville, leave* Greenville daily, except Sunday, at 12 m. for Wt»b * ngton.
Connecting at Washington with Steamers for Norfolk, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York Boston, and all points North. Connects at Korfolk *ith railroadB for i points West.
Shippers should order their freight by Old Dominion Line irom New York aud Bichmoud: Norfolk and Southern B. B. and Old Dominion Line from Norfolk;
The defendant. Tazwell Har^r-aye, will take otice that an action entitled as abov« has been commenced in the Superior C urt f.ir Pitt countv, for divorce, and the defendant will take notice that he is required to aprear at the Superior Court fur the county of Pitt to beheld at the court house in Greenville on the -ud Monday after the 1st Monday in Sept, 1!W4. and ans- wer or demur to the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the clerks office of said court within the first 3 days of said term or the plnnitiir will apply to the court for the relief de- manded in me complaint.
Witness my hand and seal this July •'•> 1901 !>• C. MooRK,
Cleric Superlor_Court. North Carolina, I In Superior Court
Pitt County, I BeforeD. C. Moore H A. Blow, Lizzie Blow and Fannie
B. Blow
Pitt County. M-ry Jane Evans I
vs 'Summon for relief Charles Evans.)
The defendant, Charles Evan*, will take notice that an ai-tion entitled as above has been ' nmruenced in the Su-1 perior court of Pitt count*, for divorce and the defendant will take notice that he is required to appear before the Judge of our Superior court, at a court to be held at the court house in Greenville, on the sec.nd Monday af- ter the first Monday in September, it being the 19th day of September, 1901, aud answer or demur to the eomnlaini a copv of which will bo deputed IB the Clerk's ollice of said curt within the first three days of said term or the plaintiff will apply to the court f-rthe relief demanded in the complaint.
Witness my hand and seal this the 8th day of August. WO I I. A. 8UUG, O. C. MOOKE, Atty for plaintiff. » B- a-
C. M. Blow, T. O. Blow and Jennie Blow
By virtue of an order made by D. c. Moore, Clerk of the Sup -rior court of Pitt county, in a certain special pro- ceeding, wherein B. A. Blow, Lizzie rtl.w and Fannie K. Blow are plain- tiffs and C M.Blow, T. O. Blow and Jennie Blow are defendants, I will on Monday, th? 19th day of September, 1904, expose io public sale, at the Courthouse door in GreenviUo, tothe highest bidder for cash, the followln
Clyde Line from PhUa^.pbn, ^A^jtSSHT^ BayLioe and Chesapeake Liueliotinw jr-^jj ^ ^ ^^ Q|
from Baltimore and Merchant*» and Miners Line from Boetoo
Sailing hours subject to change without Notice. T. H. Myers, Ait
7 Waehington, S. C. i. J. Cherry.Agt..
Greennille; N. C. H. B. Welker, Vtee President *
81 S5 *meb Wreei. *, T.
, situate on the corner of I Washington and Third streets, and
known as the Dr. Wm. Blow lot, ad- joining »"e Mssonic Temple 'ot on the East, the J. B. Johnson lot on the East, the J. » jonusun '«" uu_""' North, Washington street on the West sod Third street on the South. If the Burchaaer so desires the following terms may be made, one third cash, balasoeln «, 12, and 18 months.
This sale Is made for Partition.
By virtue of a decree of the Superi- or court of Pitt county taade In spe- cial proceeding No. »« entitled J. D. I aughlnghouse, against Lula Stokes eta's, the undersigned com- missioner will sell at public SUOtiOO for cash, before the Court HOUM door in Greenville on Mocdav. Sept. 5th, 1904 the following described lands in, Chicod township.
One piece adjulnlug the lands of Sallle Smith, C. P. Smith and others, containing 90 acres more or less. One o her piece being all swamp «*^e- glnnlng at the mouth of sjwx»d Brancf. thence a straight ine to the canal In oeoter of lndi»n Well • swamp, then up the canal to the line of John A. Smith land, then with a line of his l.nd to the side dltoh, then pown side ditch to the beginning, con- taining forty •crt»-v
mo"; h°.rP A Both pieces being Inherlls4b/P- A. Lsughinghoute, from her fatner t^a leb Smith. Tnls tad day of August, JJ^Aiaii
1. Loan Value, 2. Cash Value, 3. Paid-up Insurance, 4. Extended Insurance that works automatically, 6. Is Non-forfeitable, ., .. .j,._„_ 6 Will be reinstated if arrears be paid within on month while yon
are living, or within three years after lapse, upon aatiefactory evidence of infcuarability aud payment of arrears with interest.
Aalter second year-7. No Bestrictions. 8. Incontestable. Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and cf each
.ncceeding year, provided the premium for the current year be paid. They may be used—1. To reduce Premiums, or 2. To Increase the Insurance, or iiihi,i«.a 3. To make policy payable as an endownment during the lifetime
ui insured.
The Only Way- To get
AYDEN, N. C, Aug. 16 1904.
Our roller wa»h board is a "Wo»r!er," it is without a parale and is destined to take thei lead, to try one, is to bny one, and to buy one, is to never be without one again.
Ayden Milling & Mfg. Co., Ayden, N. C.
Lime, plastering hair, windows, doors, blinds and side lights at J. B. Bmith & Bro.
When you need a nice, light, tough pole, siy fur your buggy or carriage. Call on us and make a selection. Ayden Milling &* Mfg. Co. Ayden. N. C.
W. E. Hooks left for Fremont last night.
The ladies have found out where to go when they need the finest quality dress goods, laces, inser- tion, hauibnrg etc.. Cannon and Tysou.
As authorized aqent for DAILY
and EiHTKitN KEFLECTOU we take great pleasure in receiving sub- scriptions and willing receipts for those in arrears. We hare a list of all who receive their mail at this office. We also tako orders for job printibg.
Miss Daisy Johnson left on the traiu yesterday uiornibg.
Bemember you can find lawns, nicker zephyrs, desoils, piques and other nice goods too numerous to mention at J. if. Smith & Bro.
Call to see our laces and bam- bnrgs, J. R. Smith & Bro.
Do you know J. B. Smith & Bro. keep the most complete line of lonsdale. bleaching and ginghams in town. Their customers tell me hat it is so.
AYDEN DEPARTMENT J. M. B OW, Manager and Authorized Agent.
Just received spring suit cloth- ing for boys. J. J. Hines.
Fancy candies, oranges, apples and bauanasat E. E. Dail * Co's.
If it doesn't give you absolute satisfaction your dealer will pay you for returning it.
Dist. Agt., Ayden, N. C.
J. W. Brown, of Greenville, was a visitor here from Saturday until Monday.
For can peaches, apples, corn tomato*-, arc, apply to E. R Dail &C».
Cannon aud Tyson wish to call special attention to land plaster for peanuts.
We carry a splendid assortment of body brussels carpels iu various styles aud patterns, which make excellent bail rugs, at a normal cost. Ladies a;e cordially invited to call and see them.
Ayden Milling & Mfj-. Co., Ayden, N. C.
Capt. D. Q. Berry aud family have moved from South Aydeu up in Ayden proper. They cc enpy the Ross house on Second Btieet. For several reasons there are lots of ns glad that it so.
W. C. Jackson & Co., are offer- in},' for the next 30 days their en- tire stock of summer goods at great- ly reduced prices. Note these few
of Crockery, Tin orOruystoue ware come to see us, Hart & Jeukius.
Mrs. J. W. BIOWD. of Ureenvilie is visiting Mrs. J. J. Edward*.
t Pictures satisfactorily enlarged or no charges made. Best refer ences given, Hart Bros., Aydeu, K.C.
I wish to remind my friends that! colors, lead, oil aud ocre at J. R. I keep a very nice line of millinery I Smith & Bro.
goods, and I know that my Tessie 50 pair double, single and Jold- girdles, ribbons aud new kid bells \Ug wiie bed will please you all. Give me a1 Smith & Bro. call, Din J- A. Davis.
Ask E. G. Cox about if. Life Fire, Accident and Health iinsui- »nce. P. O. Building, Ayden.
t'otton seed hulls, Hay, U.its and Cotti>n Seed meal sold by Cannon aud Tyson.
Yard wide sheeting for be at \V. M. Edwards & Co.
Go to E. E. Dail & Go's new market for In-ef, Cnwk meats, sau sage, and fresh fish.
First Class band made brick, by the wholesale aud retail large stock always on hand, yonr orders solicited. J. A. Griffin.
Why su fjr Du iataas? head- ache, eye ache smarts aud burns, when you can be peruiaueatly reliev eJ ny cue jwir of glasses properly fitted, by J. W Taylor, tne grad- uate Opticiau, Ayden, N. C. weak yes, 'vbeu in need of glasses, al- ways go Jrnu bad to worse. A lit- tle piece of glass properly arraug ed will oi'ien work wonders.
Miss Jo> LIT, i f LaGraugr, is visiting Misses Li/.zie and May Audersjii.
J. B. Smith says bis firm has a pair of shoes for every boly. Tbey come in !>y car loads.
Our stock of libbous ia wide, uarros', nice and cheap, J. R Smith & Bro.
Come to see us when you wan. to buy Independent Manufactured Tobacco, we dotit handie Trust goods, Mart & Jenkio.x.
A new telephone Hue has been put i:i fruiu iiookeitou via Or- moudsville and Kidge Spring to Ayden. This will prove a grtat convenience to ail along the line.
I take this method of informing the public that as the Summer sea- son is about over I am offering special iuduceiu nits in order to sell. My. boa of pants cannot be excelled, and the Edwin Clapp shoe which I h;».idle exclusively is n«*t surpassed by uny other nake. Give me a call and when I have •.Iwfn y. n my i|iy roods, notio is oilier iiue </t goods 1 kuow I shall be able Iu please ynu and tell you
I. J. Hine*.
Doil'l i'.irjru' Uie baud kerchitf party and i-ouiiidruiu supper to morrow ingot, I'tiere is goiug to bee ute.e time HI thti old town and
n at J. £>» b«d iwtter bi then.
, A bi;r Btnik <>l Kiel.mood cook „. ,, ... ,,. . »nd healing atom and repairs for Miss Ida \\ . Edwards, who has ,,,... . „
. . I same at J. K. Smith is Bro. been away several weeks in at- tei.dniice upon tun summer f-ehou] L'i,K'! s'"'k "f '"'"'""e consist- at Raleigh and visiting in wriQtM j,n*of *uU*> :"";,,u. '"Cken.diiiiii': ceetiniM of ihe state, has returned!"'"' bi"'"- <'n"il'1"' MWttrMSWi, ,J0U|t, | straw, f»:i: i|in| Qdltou at J. li.
Smith A Itro, Do you want to know how it!
.. . . ... , _ .... I J. ix. I. lsui,ili*i.i'i, Ur. Louis feels to think more of yourself than ' , , ' , , , ., 1(r ,, ,, , , ok In i.'1!', A. r. I.li iicel. Til and ever before1 SeeW. E. Hooks and .^ , ' ., . _, ,. . David Gibb w i,t to Ocracoke h"d oat. i~ ...
Saturday and riiuu.ed Monday. 34)000 Hart Uypres3 Shingles fur.Onr tiieui
items: Pants that weie i.1.50. 3.0O ' j eway 2.50 and 2 00 are now »g, 2 75,
2.25 and 1.75. Shirts tliat were 91 aud 5°c each are now 90c aud 45c each. A few pair of shoes in both low and hUb nord 'it your owu figures. Lawus, unite goods and all trimmings at almobt 2-3 their valne. Come and see.
Harrison ready mixed paiuts,
One lot of 5c calico at W. M. Edwards & Co.
Ladies and Misses slipper^ at costs at W. M. Edwards ft Co.
A nice selection of rugs at W. M. Edwards & Co'*.
Thoee desiring first-class work i Ootton seed meal and hulls at in the enlargement of pictures will; J- B- s'»bh & Bro. do well to see Hart Bro,. Stancil Hodges and wife went to
Mies Emma Brown left ou the w»*hington Saturday and fret urn- train Saturday morning for a visit "^ J^terday from a visit to their up the road.
We use a fair patent sale, XXX shafts, black hickory eingletreet-, 2nd growth, ash Iwws, No. 1 ma- chine buffed leather, and put to- gether by tuorougbly practical ami >killed uiecbauicx. We use Valen- tine's 1st class varninh, bence we are prepared to make the nenl«*t and most durable buggy in Eastern N. C, Ayden Milling & Mfg Co., Aydeu, N. C.
Corn, hay and oats, at J. B. Smith & Brf.
J. T. Smith, Jr., went to Kb ston Saturday evening io meet his family, wbo have been away visit- ing for quite awhile and returned with them yesterday.
There seems to be no cessation to the number of buggies dai'y run out by the A5deu Milling & Mfg. Co. Employing only skilled labor allowing no shoddy goods to leave tneir factory we are not surprised at the result and that too wneu they pay their workman prices in conformity with their labor. Naturally good and food alone must redonnd to the credit of such a firm. Eroper appreciation all around is geuerally recognized everywhere.
Now we have plenty ot the "Green leaf" VHgon and cart wheels and will sell them us cheap as auy one.
Ayilen Milling & Mfg. Co. Ayden, N C.
Miss Varna "'hichard, of StatOD Mill, bfter spending some time with Miss Dessie McKiuiiev, has returned to per borne,
W« are told that Canooo A Tyson keeps the best and most complete li. e ot liiiuiliiie in town
If you ueid* p»ir of punts now is ttie lime hi buy them at W. M. Edwards & (In,
We want your hams chickens aod eggs. J. R. Smith & Bro.
All 10c percales for 7c. at W< M. Edwards 4 Co.
A lot of baniburg edgings in remnants. You ean buy them cheap at W. M. Edwards & Co's
The Ayden Milling and Mfg. Co. made a fine job of potting in j ;«'•'"<» Hart (Jypres.i Shingles for t)„r f.ieu.l Mr. TemplofOP w.is the telephone line from q« re to *»'e ^J CauOOB * TysQO. I delighted w\m tin- trip and with Hookertou. They are OOOtmetingl II. A. Tlmberlake and llurbert MVi ralolhor spwiiii ailractions he for several other liiiris. This is a'Edwards, of Greenville, was hero met first class firm aud all they do Is tip top aud all they say can be relied on. See their ads and then try thetn.
Cannon & Tyson handles Dtvoe ready mixed paints, the best.
Rock salt for stock, at J. ft Smith & Bro.
E. E. Dail & Co. will do all they possible can to please you with their new line of heavy and fancy groceries.
We call special atiention to oar new line of Tan and Ideal Kid shoes Cannou ife Tyso:i.
The young ladies of the Junior Builders will have a handkerchief parly and on u indium supper Wednesday eveuing, 17th for the bai »fit of the Disciple church. All are invited.
Meu and Iwv suits at oust at W. M. Edwards A Oo.
Call ou Hart A Jenkins for a bar ml of Columbia Flour, nous better to be had aujwhere.
Carolina Hotel—Board £1.50 per day, uear depot on West Ave- nue. Transient custom solicited— B. F. Early, prop-ietor.
We bear the young men say the cheapest and best fitting clothing is sold by Cannon & Tyson.
75 di/. Mason Emit Jars and ttuhbcisat J. R. Suillh & Bro.
To make room lor fall stock v*e will se'l dry goods, shoes and hats at greater reduced prices. W. If, Ei! winds an! Co.
6*01§e M oillur.glcn & Bro I Tinners, work iu this line solic-,
N«-w up-lo-date Wheeler itud Wilson sewing uiachiims for only 110 00 at W. M. EdwarSs & Co.
Henry E Biggs, N. (j., <>f f| e
grand lodge of Ood Fellows of this stiiti-, is hers in the interest of his older aud insurance.
One lot of 1(10 shirts for 75cts ar u . ||. Rdwards.
For inst iifu-iM flay" you cau Uny a suit Ml (fist from W. M. Edwards ."it Op,
Office Brisk Block, Eett Railroad, Ayden, N. C.
Dr. Louis Skinner, Practicing PiiysicianS Surgeon
OtHas Botel Annie, Ayden, N. C.
W. B. ALEXANDER Tonsorial Artist.
Latest Styles Hair Ciutini Shaving and Lhampooing
12Jef peicales and ginghams for! ited. Boo fling a specially. lOcts at W. M. Edwards & Co. I Guaranteed.
At the close of business June 9th, 1904• RESOURCES.
Loans and Discounts, : $25,274 94 Overdrafts, Furniture and Fixtures Due from Hanks, : : (Jlieck and Cash Items, : Gold Coin, : : : : Silver Coin, : : National Bank notes and
other U. S. nets*
till o,-i
1,379 00
Tetal |U,447 N
LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, ♦ 10„000 00 Undivided profits less
expanses, : : 58 33 Dividends unpaid : : : 108 00 Demand certificates of
deposits, : : 28,573 53 Deposits, 70J0Q
Total. •)Mt4TM
Fence Your Farm With
American Steel Fencing BECAUSE
They save stock, They save land, The save neigh- bors, They save worry, They save time, They are guaranteed, They are best steel, They have the only perfeet hinge jont, Easy to build, No expense for repairing, Last « lifetime. The American Is the best square mesh on the market. Car load lust rec.lv.rf. Com. to su us
Entered in ths post offloe at GreeoTille, N. C, M second elasa raster, A.d»ertisinf rates made knowff upon application. A correspondent desired a* every post offic*- ID Pitt and adjoiniog counties.
Ml i» SntaMI to |ittio*
It seems easy enough to make Port
Arthur fall, gettiug it to stay down
is HMnetbing else.
there would l>e uwre hands at work
on public roads and fewer loafers.
(rreensboro is getting up in the
world. The latest sensation there
was a highway robl>ery in broad
daylight. i
er in Ga6ton county, Sunday morn-
ing, over the sum ef five cents,
phows the cheapness of human life.
If this thing of educating horses and dogs keeps up we will hear of a movement for an appropriation by cougress for establishment of schools and colleges for these animals — Wilmington Messenger.
We are not advocating such ap
propriations, but it would be money
about as well spent as that put in
the heads "f some folks.
It is not likely that any other
i.aine but John H. Small will be
inentioned for nomination at the
« >ngroasional convention at Edenton
t morrow.
If they don't hurry up and settle ,:: a Japanese Russian scrap before
. iio political campaign over here gets
runs, our people will lose all inter-
est in tb< iv t.
King Edward's order that trouser
le-js shall now have four creases is a
hard one on the dudes. We wonder
li w bow legs will set in the four
cornered affairs.
eji'iorsement of his county for the
nomination for judge of the first
district. The convention will meet
ii» lidenton tomorrow.
more interest in what tin democrat*
are doing than in what they at e
doing themselves lint it is all
right to be looking over to the
winning side.
P B. (iriffis,a former saloonkeep- er at Raleigh, notifies the liquor dealers association that he is not with them and does not take any stock in such an organization. He was placed on the executive commit- tee at the meeting held here this week, at which he enters a vigorous kick. He says he is a Democrat and proposes to remain one, liquor or no liquor.—G'eensboro Record.
So Marion Butler is coming back to North Oaiolina as a Republican to canvass the State for Roosevelt. Since he was profited to iue point that he can afford it, he is now coming out under his true colors. But did you ever Bee that senten- tious bobbing of Butler's head when he thinks he is nailing an argument to the home plate? That is one of the most amusing things about him. —Wilmington Star.
Keck Your Had Oin't Drown.
If every |M>rAou knew that it is impos-iliii- to sink if one keeps his arms under water and moves his legs as if lie were going upstairs, and that one may keep this motion up for hours before fatigue ends it, there would be few casualties. Such is the fact. Except where cramp ren ders motion impossible, tho man whog-'tsan involuntary ducking has small chance of drowning. He can generally keep afloat until rescuers ippe.M. The people who drown are those who frantically wave their arms out of water and loose their self-pofession.
l'or a year past a negro profess-
ing to be a prophet has been predict-
ing that Wilmington would be de-
stroyed by fire August 15, 1904. So
superstitious had the negroes become
over this prediction, that on Sunday
they poured out of the city by train
loads to get away from the coming
doom. But the "city by the sea"
goes on doing business at the same
stand and the deluded negroes
wouldj like to run up with the pro-
been tried fills far short of being
atisfictory. We fail to see the wis-
dom of holding two or three elec-
tions to elect candidates once. It
has been the good old custom for
vft-trs to hold conventions and nom-
iu'ct> candidates, then go to the
jiolla on election day and vote for
them* But some of the present day
day plans Mf first hold an election
to tee who gets the moat votes, then
hold the convention to nominate
tfco caiuliilati s, then hold another
election to sleet the eahdidates.
LudVsUU arsund-aboot way to
if. restU* touch J
Tn* OWL 4
Election forecasts, nearly three months before the event, are—not to put too fine a point upon it—rather inconclusive; but speculation is at least interesting, and when indulged by anything like an intelligent authority mast command a certain amount of attention. The New York Times is certainly one of the most responsible newspapers of the country, and though more Demo- cratic than otherwise, yet pursues always the truth as it sees it and would not sacrifice its character for honest dealing for the sake of any- party. It has made a table of calcu- lation and it follows:
Alabama 11 Arkansas 9 Florida 5 Georgia C Kentucky 18 Louisiana 9 Maryland 8 Mississippi 10 Missouri 18 Nevada 8 North Carolina 12 South Carolina 9 Tennessee 12 Texas. 18 Virginia 12
California 10 Idaho 3 Illinois 27 Iowa 13 Kansas 10 Maine 6 Massachusetts 10 Michigan 14 Minnesota 11 Nebraska 8 New Hampshire 4 North Dakota 4 Ohio 23 Oregon'.. 4 Pennsylvania 34 Rb.Kle Island... 4 South Dakota... 4 Vermont 4 Washington 5 Wyoming *
An Officer's Unprovoked At Attack.
About supper time Friday even- ing W. A. Hardy, of Conetoe, iwas shot through the thigh by W. E. Whitohurst, a policeman of that town.
The statement of an eye witness to the occurence is in substance ns follows: Mr Hardy accompanied by two other men was on his way to upper when Whitehurst culled him
of! and began, it is said' to abuse him for talking about him. After cursing him he struck twice before Hardy returned a blow. Hardy then went at Whicehurat with so much vigor that he had 'Widely the best of it. Hardy then snid to his an- tagonist, "I know you have a gun, but when I let you go don't you shoot me." He then desisted and started to leave when Whitehurst drew his pistol, Hardy called out not to shoot and ran off about twenty steps, * hen Whitehurst fired. The ball struck the thigh in the rear, ranged downward somewhat and came out in front.
Mr. Hardy says that Whitehurst struck, htm with brass knucki, and Dr. R. L. Savage, who attended him says that the wounds on hi* face have ms appeaianoe of beiag inflict- ed by eaoh an iastransat.—Tarbars SMftMMV,1
Total 207
Since 23!) votes are required to elect, it is seen from this tablo that the Republicans require only 32 votes from the doubtful States while the Democrats need 77. This is a tolerably unpleasant showing on its face, but see further. The Times' list of doubtful States is as follows: Colorado B Connecticut 7 I telaware 8 Indiana 15 Montana 3 New York 39 New Jersey 12 Utah 3 West Virginia 7 Wisconsin 13
Total 107
The States which The Times re- gards ns likely to be carried by the Democrats are these: Connecticut .....7 Indiana , .15 New Jersey 12 New York 89 West Virginia 7
Total 80
This would give the Democrats just three votes more than necessav; ,11*1 they ought to have all these States and Wisconsin beside.—Char- lotte Observer.
Statistics show that fewer youth from the South and West enter the New York an 1 New England colleges than heretofore. The reason is that our own colleges are excellent that there is no call for a Western or Southern boy to go elsewhere to tb- taia am education.—Raleigh Nawa A Ohsarvsr.
BELVOIB TOWKSHIP, Aug. 12th 1904.
We the undersigned democrats and fo'ers of Belvoir Township do advocate and recommend to the democratic convention of Pitt county for representative to our next Gen- eral Assembly- of North Carolina, Mr. Julius Brown, of Bethel. He is a young man of high character and standing and has numerous friends throughout the county. If the con- vention should choose Mr. Brown to represent us we would have a com peteut, popular and deserving rep- resentative, whose ideal object would be the well fare of this fellow citizens.
J. B. Bullock, Jr. G. L. StaaciU. R. S. Shelton R. H. Parker. D- C. Barrow. T. E. Parker. W. W. BuUock. J. B. Bullock J. A BuUock.
To Czar a Son li Born.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 12.—A son and heir to a Russian throne has been born. The Empress and the child are doing well. The accouche- ment occurred at 12.30 o'clock this afternoon. The child will be christened Alexis. The announce- ment from Peterhof was immediate- ly followed by a salute of 101 guns from the imperial yacht lying at anchor off the palace, but it WBR 2:45 p. m. when the guns of St. Peter and St. Paul fortress opposite the Winter Palace here, conveyed the glad tidings to the people of the Russian capital. The effect was electrical. With the I nom of the first gun the people in the streets, who had been mo- mentarily expecting the event for twenty-four hours, stopped to listen and count the gnns Only thirty- one are fired for a girl. When the thirty-second boomed and the peo- ple were aware that at last an heir to the throne was born there were scenes of rejoicing everywhere and before the salute was finished the whole city had blossomed out with flags and bunting and the shipping in the harbor WHS dressed. Then the bells of the churches began to ring wildly.
Japs Win Sea Fight.
Tokio, Aug. 14, 4 p. m. —Vice Ad- miral Kamimura encountered the Russian Vladivostock squadron at dawn to day, north of Tsu island, in the Strait of Korea, and attacked the enemy at once. The battle lusUd for li vu hours and resulted in a com- plete Japanese victory. The Rus- sian cruiser Ruric was sunk and the cruisers Rossia and Oromoboi fled to the northward after having sustained serious damage.
Admiral Kamimura cables the Navy Department that the injuries inflicted upon his vessels were slight
The fats of the crew of the Ruric s not known. It is presumed that many of there were killed or drown- ed. The strength of the fleet under Vice Admiral Kamimura is not known, but it is presumed that he had the Adeuina, Idsumo, Iwate, Ta- kashiho and other light cruisers.
Tokio is joyous over the news, as it gives Japan mastery of the sea and restores commerce.
They are telling it in some of the backwoods of theNewEngland states that the Democratic nomine* for vice-president is the asms Davia who was president *f the Southern Gon- fedemsy. It would am that las •rep af liars will eutrival Us »•** Wry yteid.—Daraam tfaa.
ST1TE NEWS. An overflow -of water was
found yesterday at adepth of 214 feet, by the company who is sinking deep wells for the water supply for the city and it is thought that pure, col J water in abundance can be obtained at this point—Kinston Free Press.
This morning when Cashier W. C. Wolfe came up to the Bank of Union he found a bomb lying at the door. The bomb was made of brass and there was a piece of pipe not quite an inch long and about the size of a lead pencil soldered onto the round bomb, making a place tor the fuse. The bomb attracted con- siderable attention, until Mr. S. B. Hart came along and knocked the interest all up by "saying, "There is something Mr. J. W. Budge, left at your door and told me to t«U Hr, W. S- Blakeney, the president of the Bank of Union, that it is an attachment for his .rater works' out at his new house."—Monroe Enquir- er.
Port Arthur Fallen Again.
St. Petersburg, Aug 15, 5:49 a.m- Aside from the official reports of the Kyskitelni affair and the flood of be- lated telegrams from Liao Yang and Ansbanslian, no actual news from the front has been received.
There is a persistent rumor that Port Authur has fallen, but it cannot be confirmed.
There is no additional news f re- garding the whereabouts of the ves- sels of the Port Arthur squadron save that contained in foreign tele- grama
There is a general belief, which is borne out by the latest dispatches, that the situation at Port arthur is a desperate one. Apparently the Jap- anese are concentrating all their en- ergies towards the reduction of the, fortress in order to release heavy re- enforccments for the operations against General Kuropatkin, and it is thought that until this has been accomplished the advance on Liao Yaug will be suspended.
Heart His Mother'j Praise.
When Alton B. Parker spoke the last words of his speech of accept- ance on the lawn at Rosemount on Wednesday afternoon there was a rush toward him of politicians and neighbors to shake his hand. Be- hind the pioneers of congratulation there was a roar of applause.
The Presidential candidate had spoken for 40 minutes. He quickly stepped forward to grasp a hand out- stretched toward him—the hand of his mother, a trim, white-haired lit- tle eld lady who had been follow lag his every word.
"We 1 done, my boy," spoke the proud mother, beaming with tears. "You have encouraged your party, and, with God's help, you will wig a victory for it."
"I hope, mother," responded the candidate, "your forecast will be as all your old ones in my life have been."
Then the applause, which regard for the domestic picture had stilled, burst forth afresh, and the candidate became the centre of a gathering, every unit of which sought to be uext ft-itli its personal congratulation. -Ex.
Tint's Pills . the TORPID LIVER,
atnaigtkea tie etnerhv orgaaa r*t-UU the bowels, aaa are urn
AATI-BIUOUS MEDICINE, stetrtotatheat rtrtseaara
WINTERVILLE DEPARTflEN This department is In charge of A. D. Johnston, who is authorized to rep-
resent the Eastern Reflector in Winterville and territory.
The A. G. COX Mfg. Co. are ofT- •ring their machinery lor making
"wire fence at an extremely low price. Owing to recent changes made in the t©cation of machidery they are compelled to use all of their spacejlbr other business and will have to build extra room ori discontinue the making of fence.
This is a good opportunity for a farmer to make bis fence for bis *srm cheap. All catalogues for intoiuiatiou furnished also a lot of wire oan be bought cheap if deair «d. A. G. Cox Mfg Co. • Wirtervilie, N. C
A well selected variety of drug- gists sundries also a fall uock of mediciote kept at the drag More.
If yon are not a patron of our
Boarding house—Mrs. J. D. Cox. Board|$1.40perday. Best house in town.
Lateet styles and very cheap un- derwear at H. L. Johnsoa's.
f am new prepared to furnish brick at Lowest market prices.
Ola Manning. 8ee those nice pants at H L.
Johnson's they are cheap and good stair.
McLaughlin fountain pent a
specialty at Dr. B. T. Cox & Bro.'s drag store.
There is a pplendid assortment of T. W. Wood & Sou's., garden seed at the drag store.
Kittrell & Tay!o«- have jnst re- ceived a nice assortment of cutlery if you wanta nice knife see tbem.
WANTED—1000 Light wood Cart Hubs. A. G. Cox Mfg. Co
One pair of good, well broke, •tort-come and get acquainted w ith, y-'Ui'g mules for sale, or trade for as. exawiue our t-Utux and ie»ru a -«N*1 horse that will weigh about our prices, B. T. C>x & Bro.
Com, Oats aud .tUy for sale cheap for cash, G. A. Kittrell and Co.
TryB. G. Chapman and Go's white wine vinegar for pickling. It is spleudid.
See Kittrell & Taylor for a fresh loaf of bread.
Ifinneedofa good barrel of Hoar or pork see Kittrell and Tay- lor.
If yoa want ice and lemocs dont fail to get them from Kittrell & Taylor.
1100 pound*. A. G. Cox.
Winterville, N. C. The A. G. Cox M'f>g Co. have
j list built another large addition to theirVariage factory, under the management of Huosucker, their buggy man, this department of th.'ir busiuess has been rapidly growing and at present the outlook seems to be more promising than ever Before.
We have on hand a ;few Breech loading Gnns—value $5 0'» onr price $3,76. John Whitly & SOD.
Fruit Jars both qts and half FOB SALE—One 20 hone power [gallons also rubbers selling them
boiler aud oas 20 horse power en-,cheap Harrington Bather & Co fine. Both in good running re- pair. Terms very reasonable. flee or write A. G. Cox Mfg C>. Winterville, N. U
All kinds of soft drinks cool and refreshing. H. L. Johnson.
T. N. Manning 4 Co. are carry. \ A Go.
Fine line «f window shades jnst received by It. Q. Chapman A Co.
Dinner pots. Wash potB and preserving kittles crockery and glass ware tin waie wood and willow ware. Harrirgton Barber
tag the medicine that will cure diseases of the h*art in aoy state.
Notice—I wish to notify tfae pablic that I grind every Satur day at my mill one mile south of Prog Level on Sam Kittrell 'a place.
Ptirnell Tripp.
Nice canned mulllets at w iptcr- ville M,fg Go's store.
Window and door frames, porch 1 columns, brackets and all kinds of, house trimmings at rock Iwttom priefs, Winterville Mfg. Co. I'
TbeAG.CoxMTgCo.sre in | Wait FOf
8ee H. L. Johnson forh light groceriev,
Shoes, Hats and Caps at own price at A W. Ange and Co.
For nice shoes and bat's go to A. W. Aoga & Go's and save uioney.
A. W. Ange & Co. pays highest prices for eggs and sells goods cheap.
The A. G. Cox MTg Co. are pnr chHsiog a lot of fine timber for Tar Heel carts and wagons. They are also making a large supply of these wheels so they can fill a big demand when the proper season arrives.
Get Sum soda Sets per pound. T. N. Manning and Co.
Pictures and picture frames. Harrington Barber & Co.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McGlobon and children, Miss Irene and Lester, ltft this morning to yi8it relatives in Washington, we carry a complete line of heavy. & fancy groceries, prices right.
The A. G. Cox Mfg. Co., are get- ting in better fix to supply rthe great demands madb upon them for goods every day and are pre- pared to respond promptly to all orders.
R. G. Chapman A Co., say to make room for fall stock that all summer goods will be sold at a bargain.
All kiu("s of drugs at A. W. Ange aud Co.
Get prices on those nice Lawns at B. G. Chapman & Co., they say they must be sold.
Being in position to secure firi>t class raw material cheap, having machinery with which to do our work, and being able to save and work up nearly all of our timber, ate a few of the reasons why we can save our customers moiiej ,
Winterville Mfg. Co. Car load flour just received,
Harrington, Barber & Co.
We now bays on hand a nice their new factory. Machinery j. Una of dress goods at remarkably (running in nice order and theyiTL^ RJ^ C low fignres, come, see and be con-;™ planning to do more and bet-1 ' * Dig LXCUrSIOIs Ttnced. Yours truly ter work than ever before.
Kittrell aud Taylor. The Hnuaucker buggies are The first order for cotton pl».nt 'growing more and mote in f*vor
••« received by the A. G. Cox'""h the pepole. Almost erery Mfg. Co., for the season 1905 bears j week new territory is opened up date Aug. 13, 1904 and is from to their u»e.
Ambrose, Ga. The order says! Fruit jars reduced to 50cts for ahip at once. The purchaser says quarts and 75cts for 1-2 gals.
Can be fitted and Well Fitted Here With Clothes.
JlleJArL,LJ^NDER m-iht "OUT m and the EXTRA SIZE "BIG FELLOWS" need not hunt around from store and say in a
Frank Wilson, TheKingC lothier. |
he 11-ed them in N. C. and •never found tbeir equal.
has H.L. Johnson.
' V" " Tasteless CASTOB OIL sold. They are cheap and convenient. Get your dealer to order you one.
6c calicos now Oe at A.. W. Ange & Co.
We want yonr eggs. Highest Plicae, Harrington, Barber & Oo.
The Winterville Mfg. Co., are •hipping lots of wash boards every week. It's tho quality of them that has caused such unpreceden-
'ted sales.
For household and kitchen 000 veniences see Jno. White & Son.
G. A. Kittrell * Co., will be on •the market this season as grape hujersand will pay the highest prices.
It teems to ua that the A. G, •Cox M'fg Co. must be furnishing asate to a large proportion of the buggies as the orders are coming In Lota other states. They tell us
they have some customers that nse' •8 many as 150 buggy seats per •month.
Taste as good as Maple Syrup. 16 cents per bottle at Dr. B. T.
Cox, Winterville, N. O. 3-22 swt
!Septlst&2nd '04 Just after tobacco is enred and fodder saved. The biggest excursion of the ceuson. Separate cars for colored people. Go and carry yonr wife, sister, daughter or «weetheart. Special accommodations for Lad !(>•
FARE J=0B ROUND TRIP $2.00 Yoars truly
^swnSlmt, Wntervilk. N. C.
Grocery Department
We carry the very finest Butter and C»eese that we can buy and keep it on crid storage. Always fresh pure and delicious. Fancy and Heavy Groceries of all Kinds.
China Department
W« have placed in our windows several beautiful patterns in Baravian and
BARAVIAN AND HAVILAND CHINA • 100- pc sets only 135.00. Only a few sets at this price
Furniture jepartment
You can find everything you need in in House Furnishings at
J. B. Cherry & Co. J ^Greenvilles Great Department Stored
Hhrlnee'" George Frophries.
The crazy negro Richardson from Newbern, who travels abuu the state under the title 01 "Prince George" and who is well known here, has succeeded in ira pressing the foolish negroes of Wilmington with his silly pro phesies as the. following special from that city to a Raleigh paper will show.
' '
Office opposite depot. Offiice next door to Post Office
Cotton Seed and Country Produce.
) i
Mrs. C. E. Perry, Bloomington —After years of suffering with ticidache and stomach trouble*. I was completely cared with Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Gained twenty pounds in eight w%ek.s. Wooteu's Ding 8tore.
Folks Must Eat No matter how low the price of tobacco, and we are the peo- ple to supply
Seasonable Eatables at Seasonable Prices.
Do you Eat Good, Fresh Groceries?
If you do come to see us. We keep every-# thing in the grocery line and sell it to our cus- tomo-s at the Lowest Possible Price,
Johnston Bros. CASH CROC6RS
i T
j Fresh, Clean, Pure Goods only i ifflWBXESH are offered. We non't call j
(shoulders hams. Everything | ' :roes by its honest name. 100 I! oushels good corn just in
w. J. THIGPEN 1 Cold Comfort GROCER,
Five Points. Phone 15?
Loans and Discounts 1183,309.3-1 Orerdralia- 3.239.39 Furniture & Qxtjires 3.618.57 Due from Banks 73,izo.~.j Checks dcother cash items 3,525,03 Gold Coin 5,828.50 Silver Coin 3,319.37 K'tn'lbk ftotherUS notes 15,020 00
$291,085 59
" ;»ne-« Paid 12.097.92 Deposits 226.973.38 Cashier's clucks out-
standing ' 7,014.29
<5tateo North Carolina,) County of Pitt. j *
I, James L. Little, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the statement above is true to the beat of mv knowledge and belief JAMES L. LITTLE. Cashier..
Correct—Att-.st: Subscribed and sworn to before
me, this 20th day of June, 1901. .JAMES 0. TYSON,
Notary Public.
rrsSSrtr " fcic«* ? "io own
Radiant Beauty
Complexions of perfect parity are mide by H&ncock'i Liquid Sulphur. The ralue of sulphur in the toilet has been known for cen turies, but much of its value was lost until the discovery of
Hancock's Liquid Sulphur not only doci ll produce » ikin imo6lh and •oft ai illk, but ill use at a hair bath will cure all scalp diacaaci, promote a icw growth ot healthy hair and trcngthca the coloring matter la the hair so ai to check and avoid premature fray hair. Buy Hancock's L.lu.*ld wl- phur it any reliable drug store.
Hancock's Liquid Sulphur Ointment f rcparca cipccUlly tot Burnt, Scildi. Ope. Sorei. Chafed FJIU. Raw Surfaces, Bruli. FILi, Roashacia ot Tuc ni Ha.di ud all Skin DiicJici
Writ* f «r fnw kook on um of Sulphur In UM MAud a* a tun for all Mood «nj
B8X V H!. I« H E - lt7 n.
5. M. SCHULTZ Wholesale ana retell Qrooer and
riir nature Dealer. Oath paid foi tildes, Far. Cotton 8eed, Oil Bar relK, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Bed i'".'Is. Mattresses, Oak Suits, Y,-.
!iy Carriages, Co-Carts, Parloi aoitl, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P
I Taorillard and Gail & Ax Snnfl, Hijrh Life Tobacco, Key West Che- roots, Henry George Cltrar, Can ned Cherries, Peaches, Apples Pine Aoples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk. Float <3ngar, Coflee, Meat, Soap bf, Made Food, Matches, Oil DottOfl He ed Meal and Hulls, Gar, <Wn Reeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut1* QrUMlies, Dried Apples, Peace*,- Prunes, Ciurents, Raisins, Glas> and China Ware, Tin and- Woodei Ware, Cakes and Crackers, Maca roni, Cheese, Best Butte« Nev> Royal Sewing Machiner and nu uierous other goods. Quality and quantity. Cheap for cash. Come see me.
S. M. Schultz Pnore B5
what we are after, and the possession of one of our Refrigerators will insure sweet milk, cream and butter, cool drinking water and many dainties that would be unattainable without the Refrigerator.
HAVE YOU A LAWN ? If you have you will want a Lawn Mower pretty soon, aid we've made it easy for you to own one. There is no need to borrow a lawn mower when we we sell a good machine with best steel knives at such a satisfactory price, and guarantee it to do the work. Water Coolers, Ice-Cream Freezers, Hammocks and everything else in the hardware line.
Bagging, Ties and Bags.
Office one door east of post offlos, or. Tnlrd street- Phona MS.
Tobacco has Advanced--Prices are Higher. We are well equip- ped for selling your tobacco to fine advantage- We have com- petent men and one of the larg- est and best lighted houses in the State. Sell with us, we'll please you.
D.Witt Is Ilia Name When you go to buy Witch Ha-
zel Salve look for the name De- M lit on every box. The pure, un- adulterated Witch Hase$s used in making DeWitt's Witch Harcl 8aive, which is the best salve in ths world for cuts, burns, bruises, boils, eczema and piles. The popu- larity of DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve, due to its many cures, has caused numerous worthless coun- terfeits to be placed on tne market The Genuine bears tne name E. O. DeWitt & Co , Chicago. Sold by
- J. L. Wooten.
A Summer Cold A (Minimer cold is not only an-
noying but if not relieved Pneu- monia will be the probable result by Pull. One Minute Cough Cure
-clears the phlegm, draws out the inflamation, heals, soothes aud strengthens the larjgsaud bronchial tubes. Oue Minute Cough Cure is au ideal remedy for the children It is pleasant to the taste and per- fectly harmless A certain cuie for Croup. Cough and Cold. Sold bv J. L. Wooten.
If the Republicans had a party o -character perhaps they would not fight the Watts bill It is because of this want that they do. They have nothing to loose and they caand gain anything, they have nothing to gain with.—Greensboro Record.
A btartiitjz Teat, To «ve a life, Dr. T G. Merrit
of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made startling test reuniting in a won derfnl core. He writes, a patient «as attacked with violent hemor- rhages, caused by ul*eratiou of the stomach. I had often found Elictric Bitters excellent for acute etoniMch and liyer troubles so I piesorilied them. The patient gained from the 6»t, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Biiters are positively guaranteed for Dyepep*ia, Indi- gestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them Only 50c at Wooten's Drug Store.
A Perfect Painless PHI.
is the oue that will cleanse the ays-1 tein, set the liver to action, remove J the bile, clear the oomplexioL, cure I headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing Much work pleasantly and «ffectaallv are DeWitt's Little Early Risers, Bob Moore, of La- fayette, Inu., says; "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early liiseis are simply perfect." Sold by J. L. wooten.
Scientists now declare that the! bite of a snake will cure leprosy. The remedy is not so bad when it is j considered that men know what will |
•cure snake bite.—Wilmington Star.
A Sweet Breath ii a never failing tlgn of a he ilthy j stomach Wfttn the breath is bad the stomach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal to I Xndol Dyspepsia Cure for curing j indigestion, dyspepsia and all eion.:ich disorders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick,of White Plains, Ky , writes "I h..>'c bc-n a dyspeptic for years tried all kinds of remedies but con-1 tinned t<> mow worse. By the use of Kodol I began to improve at j ©nee and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight, health and strength and can eat whatever I like." Kodol digests what yon eat and makes the stomach sweet. Bold by J. L. Wooten.
Quick Arrest
J. A Gulledge of Verbena, Ala was twice in the hospital from a eevere case of piles causing 24 tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, V.Hcklen's Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inflammation and enred him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 26c. at, Wooten's drug Store.
Made Younr Again
"On* of Dr. Kijg's New Life Pllla each night for two weeks has pat ma in my "teens' again" writes D. H. Turner of Dempsey- town, Pa They're the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowela, Purely vegetable Never •Trtpe.' Only 36c *Xi Woocen's
The Price, Fit 4 Styles are All Ri LOT 1
2)0 Li Drop Stitch, Pall Bleached Taper Arm and N'eck, Silk and Leslie Finished Gauze Vest TEN CENTS
LOT 4 25 Hnndred yards to make your selec- tions from. Boat Load Just Received.
LOT 2 LOT 5 Our entire-line of Thin White Goods, Plorodoro Batiste, Crepej De Chine at Special Low Prices.
200 Trunks and Bags aud Valises. If you ar« going off for the summer or school see our line.
$1.50 and $1.25 Negligee Shirts all go at the ridiculous low price of
Clothing Special! Clothing Special! Severe Cut in Entire Line of Spring & Summer Clothing. Thin Coat and Pants.
' mm mvfumu t T
CASH STORE Mid-summer Clearances
TOWELS 50 Doz Fringed Bleached J.Tow- els, Good size- tiss Hive Price 5c each
UMBRELLAS. , ladies Conge Crpok Umbrel- las worthW while they last, Bee Hive Price 35c
SI.(JO Bee Hive Price onl" 49s pair
LAWNS . 700 yardsL Scotch Figured Lawns worth 8c Bee Hive price 4c -d
Organdy, Dimity. , 200, yards fine figured On ty and Dimity Lawns, worth \i 1-2 Ibc.
200j yards fine figured Organ- lawns worth 10 Bee Hive price
6 3-4c
LACES 10,000 vards hamburgs, Inser- tion and faces 1-3 off
These Prices will last as long as we have the goods. Don't Wait! You will have to Hurry before they are all gone.
Bee hive Cash Store.
Farmers Consolidated Tobacco Co (ft
BECAUSE-The profits derived from the business are returned direct to the farmers.
BECAUSE-ltis a business owned, handled and conducted in the interest of the
BECAUSE-On any of our floors you are guaranteed the highest legitimate; market
price at all times and under all circumstances,
3ECAUSE--The enemies of this organization are uniting and combining every ef-
fort within their power lo prevent its success and development.
BECAUSE-So certain as night follows day we know we can make and save you
money by selling with us,
BECAUSE-By co-operating on this plan a better and more perfect understanding
can be reached and maintained between seller and buyer, kindlier and
friendlier relations established and on account of such, higher and more
satisfactory prices lor your tcbacco can be had.
THE HOUSES COMPOSING THE FARMERS CONSOLIDATED ARE<3^L THE FARMERS, formerly ran by Joyner & Rail: THE STAR, formerly run by Coward, Hooker &
Co., and THE JEFFRESS, run last year by Foxhall & McDowell. MR. H. A. TIMl'.ERLAKE, who
or a number of years Las been connected with the Star as auctioneer, (and no better one ever sung to
ti;3 bida cl buyers) will have personal charge of the Star. MR. S. B. McDOVVELL, who was one of
the firm of Foxhall & McDowelllast year at The Jeffress, will have charge of that house this year,
while Mr. O. L. JOYNER will be at the Farmers. All these gentlemen will follow the different sales and