w hat w e do know about the seventh seal - … we do know about the seventh seal ... it was a...


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by Pastor Steven L. Shelley


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“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8

New Hope Revival Ministries Pastor Steven L. Shelley

The vision and purpose of this ministry is to help the Bride step into her

destiny, her calling and commissioning for this generation, to come into

the fullness of Christ and receive revelation to line up with heaven’s

purposes, so we can bring in the harvest of the ages.

Now is the time. We are now in a new day, a new phase of God’s plan,

the most important cycle for the End-Time, to move into the mystery of

God’s last secret.

William Branham was a forerunner, whose ministry launched a most

significant outpouring of revival beginning in May of 1946. Not only

did he bring clarity to great Bible doctrines, but more than anything he

stressed the importance of the Bride becoming just like Jesus, coming

forth in perfect love.

He clearly linked Israel’s destiny with the Bride of Christ, and also her

preparation to become rapture ready.

The vision and mandate of this ministry is to help prepare the Bride. To

awaken this generation, and warn her not to make the same mistakes of

the previous generation, but to have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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What We DO Know About the Seventh Seal

Pastor Steven L. Shelley

The following is a compilation of Scriptures and quotes taken from ser-

mons of William Branham that Pastor Steven L. Shelley put together

concerning the seven Seals talked about in the book of Revelation. We

hope you will be blessed as you use these notes for study.

And when He had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven

about the space of half an hour.

Revelation 8:1


No altar service, no nothing. There was silence, hush, deadly si-

lence in heaven for a half hour. All the host of heaven was silent

for this half hour, when this Seventh Seal mystery in the Book of

Redemption was broke open. Think of it; but it’s broke. The Lamb

breaks it. You know what? They were awed by it, I believe. They

didn’t know. There it was; they just stopped. Why? What is it?

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And now, as certain as I stand in the platform tonight, I had the

revelation that revealed. It’s in a threefold manner…

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

And just then He picked me up. And He took me up and set me

way up high to where a meeting was going on, looked like a tent

or a cathedral of some sort. And I looked, and there was a little

box-like, little place over in the side. And I seen that Light was

talking to somebody above me, that Light that you see there on

the picture. It whirled away from me, like that, and went over to

that tent, and said, “I’ll meet you there.” And said, “This will be

the third pull, and you won’t tell it to nobody.

And in Sabino Canyon, He said, “This is the third pull.” And

there’s three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded to-

day, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there’s one

thing that I cannot interpret, because it’s in an unknown lan-

guage. But I was standing right there and looked right straight at

it, and this is the third pull coming up. And the Holy Spirit of

God… Oh, my. That’s the reason all heaven was silent.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

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For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the

voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in

Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be

caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the

air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

I Thessalonians 4:16-17

Three things happens. A voice… a shout, a voice, a trumpet, has

to happen before Jesus appears. Now, a shout… Jesus does all

three of them when He’s - He’s - He’s descending.

“The Rapture,” December 4, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

A ‘shout,’ what is a ‘shout’? It’s the Message going forth first, the

living Bread of Life bringing forth the Bride.

“The Rapture,” December 4, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

The “Shout” is to call the Elect out of satan’s worldly and religious sys-

tems of deception. He cried, “Come out of her and be separate.”

The second is a voice of the resurrection. The same voice that, a

loud voice in St. John 11:38 and 44 that called Lazarus from the

grave. Getting the Bride together, and then the resurrection of

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the dead (See?), to be caught up with it. Now, watch the three

things take place.

“The Rapture,” December 4, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

The “Voice of the Archangel” is the Voice of our Beloved, he is now

speaking to the Bride! We are there now in the Chuppah with Him,

locked in a deep, spiritual embrace, as His Wife.

Now, the third thing is a trumpet, which always at the Feast of

Trumpets is calling the people to the feast; and that’ll be the

Bride’s supper, the Lamb’s supper with the Bride in the sky.

“The Rapture,” December 4, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice

of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alle-

luia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice,

and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and

his wife hath made herself ready.

And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean

and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he

saith unto me, Write, Blessed [are] they which are called unto the

marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the

true sayings of God.

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Revelation 19:6-9

See, the first things comes forth is His Message calling the Bride

together. The next thing is a resurrection of the sleeping Bride,

the the one that’s died back in the other ages. They’re caught

together, and the trumpet, the feast in the heavens in the sky.

“The Rapture,” December 4, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

Revelations 10… Listen close now. Bride called out by the Word,

Christ Himself calling out the Bride, making plain Hebrews 13:8

(that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, does the same,

is the same; “He that believeth on Me the works that I do shall

he do also.” See?), Luke 22 or Luke 17:30, and also Malachi 4,

Hebrews 4, all these Scriptures that’s promised, this is to be be-

tween the Sixth and the Seventh Seal and the Sixth and the Sev-

enth Trumpet.

“The Feast of Trumpets,” July 19, 2016 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Seals was broke. Why? In the last Church Age to reveal these

truths. Why? The Lamb broke the Seals and revealed them to His

church in order to collect His subjects for His Kingdom, His Bride.

See? Oh, my. He wants to bring His subjects to Him now.

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And when the Lamb slain walked forward from eternity out of

the Father’s throne and took His rights, it was a judgment seat.

Then He become not a Lamb, but a Lion, King. And He calls for

His Queen to come stand by His side.

“The Breach Between the Seven Church Ages & the Seven Seals,” March

17, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.


Brother Branham teaches in “The Rapture” message that these three

things will be a process… This is contrary to denominational dogma.

And, Lord, I feel my solely responsibility for telling the Truth,

and not as Paul said, handle the Word of God with deceit, with

denominational dogma mixed into It, as a tree of mixture of good

and knowledge good and evil, but with a open heart and the Holy

Spirit. Grant it.

“The God of This Evil Age,” August 1, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

The Lamb took His Book when the Seventh Seal, just ready for it

to be opened the Sixth Seal. Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal

from us. He wouldn’t do it. When the Angel stood day by day

telling it, but then He wouldn’t do it on that one. Said, “There’s

silence in heaven.” No one knew. It was the coming of the Lord.

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“Souls that are in Prison Now,” November 10, 1963 AM, Bro. William M.



Everything runs out in this time, at the end of this Seventh Seal.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Included in these events are the Parousia coming, which is His Presence,

the Apokalupsis coming, which is the revelation of the “Voice” that

brings the Bride to her perfection, and the Epiphaneia coming which is

His Glorious physical appearing.


And I had my hands out, and all at once something hit my hand.

I don’t know. I can’t say. Did I go to sleep? I don’t know. Did I go

into a trance? I don’t know. Was it a vision? I can’t tell you. Only

thing I can say is when I… Just the same thing like them Angels

was. And it struck my hand, and I looked, and it was a sword,

and it had pearl handles, real pretty; and had a guard over it with

gold, and the blade looked like, something like a chrome, like

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silver, only it was real shiny. And it was so feather edge sharp,

Oh, my. And I thought, “Isn’t that the prettiest thing?” just fit my

hand. I thought, “That’s awful pretty.” But I said, “Hey, I’m al-

ways ‘fraid of them things” a sword. And I thought, “What will I

do with that?”

And just then a voice shook down through there that rocked the

rocks, said, “It’s the Sword of the King.” And then I come out of

it. “The Sword of the King…”

Now, if it said, “a Sword of a King…” but it said, “The Sword of

the King,” and there’s only one “the King,” and that’s God. and

He has one Sword; that’s His Word, what I live by. And so help

me, God, standing over His holy desk here with this holy Word

laying here, It’s the Word. Amen.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

And just then I thought, “Now, ever Who that is has talked to me

all my life, since a little, bitty baby boy, is standing right here,

and I can’t see Him at all.” I said, “The King’s Sword?” That

would be… God is the King. “And what is this sword?” “The

Word, It’s been placed in your hand.” Said, “Don’t fear of death;

it’s your ministry.”

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“Trying to Do God a Service Without It Being God’s Will,” November 27,

1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

Bro. Branham is talking about the “Full Word.” Even though he had

been preaching thirty years, He was now coming into a completed rev-

elation. It was also a symbol of authority and anointing - so much more

than doctrine, this is Jesus Christ the Word!

He is the One Who opened those Seals; He is those Seals. For the

whole Word of God is Christ, and Christ is the Seals that was

open. What is the opening of those Seals then? Revealing Christ.

“It Is the Rising of the Sun,” April 18, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

This is the “Word Coming” (Parousia).


Notice the very day when this messenger, not when he starts on

the, but when he begins to declare his Message. See? The First

Pull, healing; Second Pull, prophesying; Third Pull, the opening

of the Word, the mysteries revealed. No more… There’s no more

higher order to reveal the Word than prophets. But the only way

the prophet can be a vindicated is by the Word. And remember

the Third Pull was the opening of them Seven Seals to reveal the

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hidden Truth that’s been sealed in the Word. Do you see it? It is

then, in that day when this thing is to take place that Jannes and

Jambres, the impersonators, will appear again, just like they did

when Moses appeared with the original Word to say it; they ap-

pear to impersonate it. Just exactly right. Now, you see what

Matthew 24:24 is? See? Anointed ones.

“The Anointed Ones at the End Time,” July 25, 1965 AM, Bro. William

M. Branham.

Now this messenger of Malachi 4 and Revelation 10:7 is going to

do two things. One: According to Malachi 4 he will turn the

hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the mys-

teries of the seven thunders in Revelation 10 which are the reve-

lations contained in the seven seals. It will be these Divinely re-

vealed ‘mystery truths’ that literally turn the hearts of the chil-

dren to the Pentecostal fathers. Exactly so.

“An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages,” Chapter 9: The Laodicean

Church Age, Bro. William M. Branham.

There’ll be seven voices of these thunders that will reveal the

great revelation at that time.

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So I believe, to us who… If we don’t know it, and we – we, it

won’t be knowed till that time, but it will be revealed in that day,

in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in. So the thing for

us to do is to be reverent before God and serve Him, and do all

that we know how to do, and live good Christian lives.

Here now, we find that the Sixth Seal has been opened to us; we

see it, and we know that this Seventh Seal cannot be broke to the

public until that hour arrives.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.


This is the last part of Brother Branham’s 1955 vision of the “Three

Pulls.” Since Brother Branham connects the King’s Sword, the Third

Pull, Revelation 10, the Tent Vision and the Seventh Seal, we under-

stand that all of these things are various aspects and different angles of

the very same thing!

Brother Branham described it as though he was standing above in the

air looking down on the tent. He saw it was in three sections:

1. The outer part (the tent itself)

2. An inner part of stretched canvas

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3. Then inside of that, a little square wooden building or room

This reminds me of the Tabernacle in the wilderness:

1. The Outer Court

2. The Inner Court or the Holy Place

3. The Holy of Holies or the Most Holy Place

This also speaks of the “Three Pulls” of Brother Branham’s ministry:

1. Healing

1. Prophesying

2. Revealing of the Word

This also speaks of His “Three-fold Coming”:

1. Shout

2. Voice

3. Last Trumpet

And a real kind gentleman walked out to the platform, said,

“While Brother Branham’s a resting just a few moments,” he said,

“we’ll call the prayer line.” And said, “Everyone with prayer

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cards beginning with a certain number, stand over on to the


Well, I noticed the prayer line, seemed like it went all around the

tent and out and down the street, such a prayer line.

And I looked over (which was then to my left, and there it would

be to my right if I was standing on the platform, would be that

way), there’s a piece of canvas stretched there, and in there be

behind this canvas was a little square building about twelve foot

across and twenty foot long, something like that. Well, I stood

and looked at that.

“What is Vision,” April 8, 1956 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

And just then… Now, here’s something. Notice close. There’s a

difference between the Angel of the Lord and that Light, because

I heard something a moving, as it does when it comes here at the

platform at night, kinda like a [Brother Branham makes a sound

“whew” Ed.] and like a fire whipping around licking blaze. And

It left me, and it went right down over the top of that audience

and went and stood over the top of that little building, and then

settled down on top of it.

And then when It did, this One that was standing by me, behind

me, the same voice, the Angel’s voice, He said, “I’ll meet you in

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there, and this is the third pull, but nobody will know nothing

about it.”

And I said, “Well, I don’t understand why in there. Why there?”

He said, “It will not be a public show this time.”

And I said, “I don’t understand going into that closet, like that.”

And He said, “Is not it written by our Lord, ‘when thou prayest,

be not like the hypocrites who like to be heard before men, but

enter into the secret closet and pray to the Father Who seeth in

secret, and He Who seeth in secret shall reward thee openly?'”

It’s perfectly to the Scripture; every time it is.

And I said, “I understand.”

Then He took me to this place and set me down in this room

where I was at, and then He told me what to do for the third


Now, Christian friends, that’ll when I leave this world, that’ll still

be in my bosom. When I… But you mark my words what’s going

to take place when that…

“What is Vision,” April 8, 1956 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

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Said, “Don’t try to explain that.” Said, “This is the third pull, but

I’ll meet you in there.” That right? He said, “Don’t try…”

I was standing with a - a little baby’s shoe when He told me,

there, “Make your first pull; and when you do, the fish will run

after the lure.” Said, “Then watch your second pull” said, “be-

cause there’ll only be small fish.” He said, “Then the third pull

will get it.”

And all them ministers got around me, said, “Brother Branham,

we know you can do it. Hallelujah, Brother Branham.” (That’s

where I always get tied up with a bunch of preachers. See? I love

people; they want you to explain everything, this, that.)

And I said, “Well, oh, all…?…” I said, “I - I don’t know.” I said,

“I’ve understand fishing.” I - I said, “Now, the first thing you do…

Here’s the way it’s done. You see all the fish around; you got to

jerk the lure.” (Well, that’s exactly the tactics of fishing.) So I

said, “Jerk the lure.” Now, you see when I jerked the lure the first

time, now the fish takes out after it, but they were little ones.

That’s just like they were catching. So then I I said, “Then you’ll

you’ll set…” and I jerked it out on the bank and I had a fish, but

it looked like a skin over the lure; it just he was so little. And

then I was standing there and something said, “I told you not to

do that.”

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And I started crying.

All the line was tangled around me like this, and I had was stand-

ing there crying with my head down like that. I said, “God, oh,

I… Forgive me. I’m a stupid person. Lord, don’t… Forgive me.”

And I had this line and that, what I had in my hand, was a little

baby’s shoe, about that long. And I had… That string was about

as big around as my finger, about a half inch, like. And the eyelet

in this shoe was just about the size of a littler than one sixteenth,

probably, of an inch of the eyelet. And I was trying to lace this

little shoe up with this great big inch cord. And a voice come,

said, “You can’t teach Pentecostal babies supernatural things.”

Said, “Now, let them alone.”

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Then He taken me from there, and I seen a great huge tent. I

never seen such a - a tent. And it was packed and lined every-

where with people. And I walked out to the… Looked like I was

standing above the people, looking down, where I’d just made an

altar call; and hundreds and hundreds of people were weeping

and rejoicing after they had accepted the Lord Jesus as their Sav-


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And I looked, and then heard a man get up and say, “Call the

prayer line.” And people begin to line up over on this side, the

left from where I was looking down towards the platform, and

they lined all the way up and down the street for a prayer line. I

noticed to my left, which would’ve been to my right if I was on

the platform, a little wooden building. And I seen that Light, that

all they have the picture of, you know, that’s always in the meet-

ings; I seen that Light leave me, and go to that building, and go

in that building; and a Voice said to me, “I’ll meet you in there;

that’ll be the third pull.”

I said, “Why?”

He said, “Well, it won’t be a public show like they had it.” And I

came to.

“Why Are People So Tossed About?,” January 1, 1956, Bro. William M.


And watch, He’s always Scriptural. He said, “Did not our Lord

say, ‘When thou prayest be not like the hypocrites that like to

make a show.’ Said, ‘Enter into the secret closet, and when you’ve

done so, close the door. Then pray to your Father what seeth in

secret and He that seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.'”

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And He said, “You remember that name that you were hunting

that time that you dreamed about?”

And I said, “Yes.”

He said, “I’ll meet you in there and this time it won’t be a public

show.” And the vision left me.

“Being Led of the Holy Spirit,” February 19, 1956, Bro. William M. Bran-



That Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know; that’s His com-


“The Feast of Trumpets,” July 19, 2016 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

What day are we living? Where we at? And remember, in that

Sixth Seal, where all Seven Trumpets sounds under that Sixth

Seal… When we get to that, you’ll see that. Every Seven Trumpet

took place in that Sixth Seal. The seven is always a mystery.

Watch that seven; that’s the finish. That was the coming of the

Lord. Heaven was quiet, silent. Nobody moved.

“Souls that are in Prison Now,” November 10, 1963 AM, Bro. William M.


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The Lamb took His Book when the Seventh Seal, just ready for it

to be opened the Sixth Seal. Remember, He hid the Seventh Seal

from us. He wouldn’t do it. When the Angel stood day by day

telling it, but then He wouldn’t do it on that one. Said, “There’s

silence in heaven.” No one knew. It was the coming of the Lord.

“Souls that are in Prison Now,” November 10, 1963 AM, Bro. William M.


Now, there was some reason that God let this seven voices be

thundered, because it must come (See?), for the… We find that

Christ, the Lamb took the the Book in His hand, and He opened

that Seventh Seal. But you see, it’s a hidden mystery. No one

knows it. But it it’s right along with what He said: no one would

know His coming; they also would not know about this seven

thunder mystery. So you see, it’s connected together.

That much we have a understanding of it today, because the rest

of it is all unfolded, but this is not unfolded. But setting in my

room, and I heard this or not heard it, rather, but seen it unfold

to this seven thunders. Now, that’s as far as we can go right there.

And now I trust that each and every one of you will serve God,

and do that which is right, and love Him all your life and serve

Him, and God will take care of the rest.

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“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Come back here and see those great mysteries hidden in the Bi-

ble, opened up to us on a new field that we never knowed before,

and perfectly blends in to the coming of the Lord Jesus.

“Desperations,” September 1, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Even the first coming of Jesus was a process - unfolding from the an-

nouncement to Mary and then Joseph, to his birth, baptism, ministry,

and the completion of His adoption on the Mount of Transfiguration.

This would bear record that the process of His first coming lasted more

than thirty years, and if you should include Pentecost and the Pillar of

Fire appearing to Saul, it would have been more than forty years.

Some of the different parts that make up His Second Coming are:

1. An Elijah ministry forerunning

2. The Spirit of Elijah introducing Jesus the Messiah

3. His Parousia coming in the fullness of His Word, calling His Bride

(Revelation 10)

4. The translation of the Bride - living saints changed and the dead

saints resurrected

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5. Meeting Him in the air (meeting Him physically)

6. Marriage Supper (Brother Branham said that it would last 3 ½


7. Jesus returning with His Bride to the Mount of Olives, revealing

Himself to the Jewish people

It is strange to think how that God does such a thing as that. God

will hide Himself in something so simple that’ll cause the wise to

miss it a million miles and then turn right back around in that,

some simple thing in the simplicity of His way of working and

reveal Hisself right out again.

I thought it made a - a text that we might study this before we

go into the - the - the great teachings of the Seven Seals. Many

miss Him by the way He reveals Himself. Now, man has their

own ideas of what God ought to be and what God is going to do;

and as I have made the old statement many times that man still

remains man. Man is always giving God praise for what He did

do, and always looking forward to what He will do, and ignoring

what He’s doing. See, see?

That’s the way they miss it. They look back and see what a great

thing He done, but they fail to see what a simple thing He used

to do it with. See? And then they look forward and see a great

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thing coming that’s going to happen, and nine times out of ten,

it’s already happening right around them, and it’s so simple that

they don’t know it. See?

“God in Simplicity,” March 17, 1963 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.


We are all acquainted with this Scripture, that reads the Bible.

We know that this was during the time of the preparation of the

restoration of the temple. And Zerubbabel was a great prince

amongst the people, who had laid the foundation of the building.

Now, you, I want you to put on your spiritual thinking, anointing

jacket this morning as we think. And this great prince had deter-

mined to rebuild the house of the Lord. And then, when he did,

he had laid the foundation stone.

And as we read on farther, we find out that God said, “Zerubbabel

has laid the foundation with his hands; he also shall bring forth

the headstone.” I want you to notice: He never said he shall bring

forth the Cornerstone. He shall bring forth the Headstone.

And we know that the Scripture says that Jesus is the Chief Cor-

nerstone, and He’s also the Headstone. Now, if we will think for

a few minutes, that the seventh church messenger was to restore

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the faith of the children back to the fathers, in other words, re-

build the church again under the power of the Spirit. “Not by

power, not by might, but by My Spirit,” saith the Lord. Not by

organization, not by denomination, but by the Holy Spirit God

will bring forth the church in the last days.

“Message of Grace,” August 27, 1961, Bro. William M. Branham.

As I’ve often made this remark and said God made three Bibles.

The first one, He put It in the sky, the zodiac. Did you ever see

the zodiac? What is the first figure in the zodiac? The virgin.

What’s the last figure in the zodiac? Leo the lion. He come the

first time through the virgin; He comes the second time as the

Lion of the tribe of Juda. See?

He made the next one in the pyramid, back in the days of Enoch,

when they made the pyramid. And they measure them. I don’t

understand it. But to the wars, where they stoop and go on their

knees for so long, and can measure the distance of the wars. You

know where they measure to now? Plumb across the king’s cham-

ber. And as this pyramid went up… We could not build it, with

everything that we got today. We couldn’t build it.

It’s built right up like this to a point. And the stone on the cap-

stone never was found. They never did put a cap on top of the

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pyramid. I don’t know whether you know it or not. The big pyr-

amid of Egypt, it never had a top stone on it. Why? The Capstone

was rejected; Christ, the Headstone (See?), was rejected.

“Manifested Sons of God,” May 18, 1960, Bro. William M. Branham

Now, notice, then the coming of the Lord Jesus is so close at

hand, until the Spirit from way down in here, just barely justifi-

cation, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, and now right

into the time of the coming of the Headstone… The church has

got to be so perfectly like Christ, until Christ and the church can

unite together, the same Spirit. And if the Spirit of Christ is in

you, It makes you live the life of Christ, act the life of Christ, do

the works of Christ. “He that believeth on Me, the works that I

do shall he do also.” Jesus said that. See? Now, we’re going to

have… We got a ministry coming that’s just exactly like the life

of Christ. What does that ministry identify? The coming of the


“Adoption,” May 22, 1960 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

This is the close of the royal Seed’s waiting. He’s here, the ap-

pearing of Christ. Did you ever try to divide… There’s a place in

the Bible, you know, I ain’t got time to go into it, says, the ap-

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pearing of Christ, and then the coming of Christ. That’s two dif-

ferent things altogether, the appearing and the coming. He’s ap-

pearing now, working with us in the form of the Holy Spirit, mak-

ing it just perfect, the Church; It has to.

Like if you got a dollar bill in your pocket, take it out and look.

On one side it’s the American seal; on the other side it’s an Egyp-

tian seal, the pyramid with the headstone way up above it, like

an eye looking. And why would American dollar put beneath

there, “The great seal.” Look like the American seal would be the

great seal here. But the United States Government recognizes it

whether they want to or not, the great seal.

Watch that pyramid as it shapes up, the Church: justification,

sanctification, baptism of the Holy Spirit, and then that’s got to

be honed out to when… The Headstone never did come to the

pyramid; It was rejected, like the Cornerstone. Now, but when

that Headstone comes… I’ve been to the pyramid; it’s just so per-

fectly fit, you couldn’t run in a razor blade between it, where the

mortar’s at. And when the Church comes, that’s… When the

Christ comes to receive His Church, the Church will have the

ministry just exactly like that, and through that grace will raise

the whole thing and go. The coming of the Headstone; crying,

“Grace, unto the Lord.”

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“Jehovah Jireh,” July 6, 1962, Bro. William M. Branham.

Why was He to appear in this last days? If you go back (and you

tape listeners) to the Bride Tree and bring up where Christ was

that Tree that was in the garden of Eden. The first Adam that fell,

and this Second Adam was cut down by sin; they hung Him on a

Roman tree. And out of that drew the come out the Bride Tree,

that He promised, that we see in the Scriptures.

Now, in order to get the Bride… Like the pyramid, how it comes

in minority all the time, from the great wide, from Luther, Wes-

ley, Pentecost. And then the capstone in the top of it is so honed;

and each one of those stones are so perfectly put together (and

we don’t know yet how they did it); but it’s so perfectly put to-

gether in that pyramid. And we’re not pyramid teaching now,

we’re just… Enoch and them built it years ago, and it stands for

a symbol. Just the same as the sun rises and sets, just the same

as the tree drops its life its leaf, it comes back again, as a fish,

and the cattle, and everything else symbolizes it, that pyramid

stands as a symbol.

Go into the prophet’s chamber and watch them seven steps.

Where did the where did the guard meet the challenge to bring

the comer into the presence of the king at the top of the steps?

Was in the seventh step. There shows that we’ve got to come

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again with that same Spirit that was on John. He introduced the

Messiah; he was greater than all the prophets; he introduced it.

And we’ve got to come to a place again, to something that’s going

to introduce the Messiah. And how will the Messiah the people

that’s believing Him know it, unless they’re constantly in the

Word to know what He is. Daniel said the wise shall know, but

the foolish, the unwise wouldn’t know. They shall know their


Now, now, how He said It’ll appear in the last days is to bring

the people back to the Word, so that the Bride will know Her

Husband, know Her Mate, the revealed Word. That’s why this has

to happen. It wasn’t in the reformers; wasn’t in Luther, Wesley,

and - and the Pentecostals, and them; the Scripture says it wasn’t.

But it will come; that is His promise for this age.

We’re living in the age that His coming will be in. She must be

identified in Him. Any woman must be identified with her hus-

band, for the two are one. And Christ’s Bride has to be identified

with Him, for the two are One, and He is the Word, not the de-

nomination, the Word. We are to be the children of the Light,

and the Light is the Word which is made Light for this age. How

do we know Light, except It comes from the Word. All right. The

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Word made flesh is the Light of the age when you see It; the Bible

said so.

Them people looking at Jesus there and said, “Well, this man,

who’s he? Why, he’s borned a illegitimate birth down there. Why,

his father and mother is this, that, and the other, and all this,

there.” But they didn’t know Him. If they knowed the Scriptures

they would’ve knowed Him; He said so.

They said, “We’re Moses’ disciples!”

Said, “If you knew Moses, you’d know Me, for Moses wrote of

Me.” And still too blind to see it… See how humble? Away from

all the crews, and the denominations, and the creeds, and every-

thing, God moved right into flesh in the form of a man, a Kinsman

Redeemer. She must be identified with Him.

We are invited to be the children of the Light, that we walk in

the Light.

“The Feast of Trumpets,” July 19, 1964 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Now, because that they’re in shape… See where I’ve got this

shaped here like the pyramid? The arising of the saints makes the

march into glory. You understand it now? Christ the Headstone,

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the rejected Stone, the all seeing Eye, coming exactly like the

Bible said.

“The Seventieth Week of Daniel,” August 6, 1961, Bro. William M. Bran-


Now, in this vision, or as I was speaking, I looked, and I saw a

strange thing. Now, it seemed like that my little son Joseph was

by my side. I was talking to him. Now, if you’ll watch the vision

real close, you’ll see why Joseph was standing there.

And I looked, and there was a big bush. And on this bush in a in

a constellation of birds, little bitty birds, about a half inch long

and a half inch high, they were little veterans. Their little feathers

was beat down. And there was about two or three on the top

limb, six or eight on the next limb, and fifteen or twenty on the

next limb, coming down in the shape of the pyramid. And those

little fellows, little messengers… And they were pretty well worn

out. And they were watching eastward, and I was at Tucson, Ar-

izona, in the vision. For it made it so purpose that He didn’t want

me to fail to see where it was at, I was picking a sand burr off of

me from the desert. And I said, “Now, I know this is a vision, and

I know that I’m at Tucson. And I know that them little birds there

represent something.” And they were watching eastward. And all

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of sudden they taken a notion to fly, and away they went east-


And as soon as they left, a constellation of larger birds came.

They looked like doves, sharp pointed wings, kind of a gray color,

a little lighter color than what these first little messengers was.

And they were coming eastward swiftly. And no sooner than they

got out of my sight, I turned again to look westward, and there

it happened. There was a blast that actually shook the whole

earth. Now, don’t miss this. And you on tape, be sure you get this


First a blast. And I thought it sounded like a sound barrier, or

ever what you call it when planes cross the sound, and the sound

comes back to the earth: just shook like roared, everything: Then

it could’ve been a a great clap of thunder and lightning like. I

didn’t see the lightning. I just heard that great blast that went

forth that sounded like it was south from me, towards Mexico.

But it shook the earth, and when it did, I was still looking west-

ward. And way off into eternity I saw a constellation of some-

thing coming. It looked like that it might’ve been little dots.

There could’ve been no less than five, and not more than seven.

But they were in the shape of a pyramid, like these messengers


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And when it did, the power of Almighty God lifted me up to meet

them. And I can see it. I… It’s never left me. Eight days is gone,

and I can’t forget it yet. I never had anything to bother me like

that has. My family will tell you.

I could see those Angels, those shaped back wings traveling faster

than sound could travel. They come from eternity in a split like

a twinkling of an eye, not enough to bat your eye, just a twinkle.

They were there. I didn’t have time to count. I didn’t have time,

no more than just look. Mighty ones, great powerful Angels, snow

white, wings set in head, and they were “whew wheeew,”

[Brother Branham illustrates Ed.] and when it did, I was caught

up into this pyramid of constellation. And I thought, “Now, this

is it.” I was numbed all over, and I said, “Oh, my. This means

that there will be a blast that will kill me. I’m at the end of my

road now. I mustn’t tell my people when this vision leaves. I don’t

want them to know about it, but the heavenly Father has let me

know now that my time is finished. I won’t tell my family so

they’ll worry about me, because He’s fixing to go and these An-

gels has come for me, and I’ll be killed pretty soon now in some

kind of an explosion.”

Then it came to me, while I was in this constellation, “No, that

isn’t it. If it would’ve killed you it would’ve killed Joseph, and I

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could hear Joseph calling me.” Well, then I turned again, and I

thought, “Lord God, what does this vision mean?” And I won-

dered, and then it come to me, not a voice, just come to me. Oh,

that is the Angels of the Lord coming to give me my new com-

mission. And when I thought that, I raised up my hands, and I

said, “O Lord Jesus, what will You have me do?” And the vision

left me. For almost an hour, I couldn’t feel.

Now, you people know what the blessings of the Lord is. But the

power of the Lord is altogether different. The power of the Lord

in them kind of a places, I felt it many, many times before in

vision, but never like that. It feels like a reverent fear. I was so

scared till I was paralyzed in the presence of these Beings. I tell

the truth. As Paul said, “I lie not.” You never caught me saying

anything wrong about something like that? Something’s fixing to


Then after while I said, “Lord Jesus, if I’m going to be killed, let

me know so I won’t tell my people about this; but if it’s something

else, let me know.” The nothing answered.

After the Spirit left me for about a half hour I guess or more I

said, “Lord, if it is then that I am going to be killed, and You’re

finished with me on earth, and and I’m going to be taken home

now, which if that’s it, that’s fine. That’s all right.” So I said, “If

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it is, let me know. Send Your power back on me again. Then I’ll

know not to tell my people, or anybody about it, because You’re

fixing to come catch me away.” And I… And nothing happened.

And I waited awhile. Then I said, “Lord Jesus, if it did not mean

that, and it means that You’ve got something for me to do and

it’ll be revealed to me later, then send Your power. And it almost

took me from the room.

I found myself somewhere over in a corner. I could hear my wife

somewhere trying to shake a door. The door in the bedroom was

locked. And I had a Bible open, and it was reading… I don’t

know, but it was in, I believe, Romans the 9th chapter, the last

verse: “Behold I lay in Sion a cornerstone, a stumbling stone, a

precious cornerstone, and whosoever believeth on Him shall not

be ashamed.” And I thought, “It’s strange I’d be reading that.”

(Spirit still packing me in the room.)

And I closed up the Bible and stood there. I went over to the

window (It was about ten o’clock in the day or better.), and I

raised up my hands, and I said, “Lord God, I don’t understand.

This is a strange day to me. And I’m beside myself almost.” And

I said, “Lord, what does that mean? Let me read again, if it be

You.” Now, this sounds juvenile. And I took up the Bible, opened

it up. There it was again at the same place: Paul telling the Jews

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that they tried to telling the Romans that the Jews tried to accept

it by works, but it’s by faith that we believe it.

It was only a few months later that the Vision was literally ful-

filled and the Angel told him:

“Is This the Sign of the End, Sir?,” December 30, 1962 PM, Bro. William

M. Branham.

“Return home. For, THUS SAITH THE LORD, the seven mysteries

that’s been hid in the Bible all these years, these denominations

and everything, God is going to open those seven mysteries to us

in the Seven Seals.”

“What is the Attraction?,” July 25, 1965 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumbling stone and rock of

offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

Romans 9:33

Brother Branham when referring to the picture of the cloud in Life mag-

azine said:

It’s our Lord up there.

“It is the Rising of the Sun,” March 18, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

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What happened at that time, the coming of that Stone? Up went

the church into glory at the rapture, ’cause it ended the Gentile

dispensation. God ended it up, the coming of that Stone.

“The Seventieth Week of Daniel,” August 6, 1961, Bro. William M. Bran-


Now, we are the sons of God, not we will be; we are. Now, we’re

redeemed. We have Satan’s answer. God’s a vindicated Himself.

God’s proved Himself to His promise in this day. Hallelujah. The

Headship is here (Amen.), Christ, the risen Lord. It’s here in the

same power of His resurrection that He ever was, manifesting

Himself. There’s the devil’s answer.

“Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed,” July 28, 1963, Bro. William M.


Let’s make it sure. “Is there a way, Brother Branham?” Yes, be-

come a part of the Word, a part of the Word of today. You can’t

be a part of the word of Moses’ day. That part’s done made up;

that was the feet. We’re at the head now. This is Christ. Not the

arms’ time back in Luther; no, this is the Head time. Christ, the

Headstone, comes to the Body.

“The Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride,”

August 2, 1964, Bro. William M. Branham.

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Now, I’m going to take the Scriptures for a moment. If you notice,

in Revelations the 10th chapter… Now, let me say this: If the

vision is Scriptural, it can only be interpreted by the Scripture.

And then I want you to put this together.

“Is This the Sign of the End, Sir?,” December 30, 1962 PM, Bro. William

M. Branham.

Brother Branham directly connected for us the Vision, the Coming of

the Headstone, Romans 9:33, and Revelation 10!


Notice Revelations 10:1 to 7, all the mysteries are to be revealed

to the Bride by the messenger of the Laodicea church. Has any-

body got a Revised Version Bible? If you have, you’ll notice there

where it said, the angel, it’s in parenthesis, it says, the eagle

(Huh? See?), the messenger to the - the Laodicea church (See?),

Revelations 10:1 to 7.

“The Feast of Trumpets,” July 19, 1964 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

What it is, is a revelation on what has been missed back there, to

bring to… It’s already wrote here; it’s in here; it’s to reveal what

already’s been written.

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“The Feast of Trumpets,” July 19, 1964 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Revelations 10… Listen close now. Bride called out by the Word,

Christ Himself calling out the Bride, making plain Hebrews 13:8

(that He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, does the same,

is the same; “He that believeth on Me the works that I do shall

he do also.” See?), Luke 22 or Luke 17:30, and also Malachi 4,

Hebrews 4, all these Scriptures that’s promised, this is to be be-

tween the Sixth and the Seventh Seal and the Sixth and the Sev-

enth Trumpet.

“The Feast of Trumpets,” July 19, 1964 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Look. I want to say one more thing. Closely now, don’t miss this.

How striking. From the seventh angel’s (messenger of the Sev-

enth Seal) Message (and Revelations 10 was the Seventh Seal) to

the Seven Trumpets, between those two times… Oh, God, how

can we say this to make the people see it? It’s between that Sixth

Trumpet (and the Sixth Trumpet and the Sixth Trumpet and the

Sixth Seal sounds at the same time), and between the Sixth Trum-

pet and the Seventh Trumpet, there is a prophet to appear before

the Gentiles to call the people back to the original Pentecostal

doctrine; and the two witnesses of Revelations 11 appear to the

Jews to send them to Jesus, while the Church is being taken up

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all of them prophets. Amen. The Word of the Lord cannot be bro-

ken. It won’t be a denomination. Do you see it?

Read in your book here and see if that between the Sixth and

Seventh Trumpet isn’t injected in there with the Jews being

called out. Between the Sixth and Seventh Plague, we come over

with that one-hundred-and-forty-four thousand (you remember

that?), which was between that. Do you remember between the

the the Sixth the Fifth Seal and the Sixth Seal between the Sixth

Seal and the Seventh Seal, there was a calling out of the one hun-

dred and forty four thousand. You remember that? Now, there’s

where these trumpets come in, right there (See?) and persecution

of horses loosed on there.

Then between that then there was to be the seventh angel’s Mes-

sage that had been preaching and condemning the Pentecostals.

And Jesus had been put out, wouldn’t have no cooperation with

nobody, be put on the outside, rejected (The Bible said so.); for

it’s Christ made manifest among us, Jesus among us all made

manifest in the purity of His Word, making It known. And if


This is not just makeup, friends, this is THUS SAITH THE LORD,

the Scripture.

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“The Feast of Trumpets,” July 19, 1964 AM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Brother Branham is teaching that Revelation 10 is “what makes plain”

(reveals and completes) Hebrews 13:8, Luke 17:30 and Malachi 4:5-6.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Hebrews 13:8

Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.

Luke 17:30

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the

great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of

the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fa-

thers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

Malachi 4:5-6

You notice. Notice now, for the end of time message this Seal,

after all… He He’s revealed all the six Seals, but it don’t say noth-

ing about the Seventh. And the end time Seal, when it starts, will

be absolutely a total secret according to the Bible. Before know-

ing that… And remember, Revelations 10:1, 7 (1 7, chapter 10:1

7) at the end of the seventh angel’s message, all the mysteries of

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God would be known. We’re at the end time, the opening of the

Seventh Seal.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

What’s happened upon Mount Sunset? God confirming His Word.

That’s what all this noise is about. Notice, it’s God fulfilling His

promised Word again, of Revelation 10:1 to 7, “And in the days

of the sounding of the seventh angel’s Message, the mystery of

God should be finished.” The hidden mystery of Revelation 10:1

to 7, the last message to the last church age. Fulfills exactly, in

this age, St. Luke 17:30, “The day when the Son of man shall be


“What is the Attraction on the Mountain?” July 25, 2016 PM, Bro. Wil-

liam M. Branham.

The Book is now open!

Notice, the end time messenger, his job will be to get the saints

ready, the Bride ready for the Bridegroom. That’ll be his Message.

Now, you want to learn abc’s so you can study algebra later?

When these other seals on the back is opened they’ll only be re-

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vealed to them. That’s right. Learn ABC first. What is ABC? “Al-

ways Believe Christ,” not your creed, Christ. See? Believe what

He says, not what somebody else says.

“Evening Messenger,” January 16, 1963, Bro. William M. Branham.

So Is the Seventh Seal Open or Closed?

When these Seven Seals was opened, that opened up the entire

Bible. The Seven Seals, it was sealed with Seven Mysteries. And

in these Seven Seals, held the entire mystery of it, and it was the

Book of Redemption:

“Souls that are in Prison Now,” November 10, 1963 AM, Bro. William M.


Now we see these things. Remember the Seven Seals is finished.

And when those seven revealed truths… One of them He

wouldn’t permit us to know. We… How many was here at the

Seven Seals? Just about all of you, I guess. See? The the Seventh

Seal, He wouldn’t permit it. He stood right there in the room and

revealed every one of them, and if I ever preached anything in

my life was inspired, it was that.

“Souls that are in Prison Now,” November 10, 1963 AM, Bro. William M.


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It almost seems that these two statements contradict each other, but

they don’t.

We must remember that the Seventh seal was in three parts:

And in Sabino Canyon, He said, “This is the third pull.” And

there’s three great things that goes with it, and one unfolded to-

day, or yesterday, the other one unfolded today, and there’s one

thing that I cannot interpret, because it’s in an unknown lan-

guage. But I was standing right there and looked right straight at

it, and this is the third pull coming up. And the Holy Spirit of

God… Oh, my. That’s the reason all heaven was silent.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

Then when I seen that, I looked for the interpretation that flew

across there, and I couldn’t make it out. That’s exactly right,

friend. See? The hour isn’t quite yet for it, but it’s moving into

that cycle. See? It’s coming up close. So the thing for you to do

is to remember that I speak to you in the Name of the Lord: Be

prepared, for you don’t know what time something can happen.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

This explains how that the Seventh Seal could be opened and yet not


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It’s a secret. He kept it a secret. Nobody knowed nothing about

it; even the Angels didn’t understand it. See? He didn’t reveal it.

That’s the reason under our seventh mystery, when the seventh

seal was opened, there was silence.

“Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed,” July 28, 1963, Bro. William M.


Since Brother Branham told us that the Seventh Seal is in three parts:

I Thessalonians 4:16

1. The Shout

2. The Voice

3. The Trumpet

Then we know that it is the “Last Trumpet” part that is opened, but not

yet revealed.

Therefore, the Message calls the Bride together.

And now, a trumpet… calling to the feast. And now that is the -

the Lamb’s supper in the sky (Now, watch.,) the assembling to-

gether in the Bride.

“The Rapture,” December 4, 1965, Bro. William M. Branham.

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So the secret is the actual moment and the circumstances of our catching


Everything runs out in this time, the end of the of the at the end

of this Seventh Seal

Notice, it’s the end of the church age. It’s the the end of the Seven

Seals. It’s the end of the trumpets. It’s the end of the vials, and

even ends the ushering in of the millennium; that’s on the Sev-

enth Seal.

It’s just like firing a rocket into the air, and that rocket explodes

here, and it goes up, then it explodes again. It puts out five stars.

One of those stars explodes and blows out five stars from it; and

then one of them stars explodes, blows out five stars from it

(See?); it fades on out. That’s what the Seventh Seal; it just ends

the time for the world. It ends the time for this. It means the time

for that. It ends the time for this. It ends the time… Everything

just ended up on that Seventh Seal.

Now, how is He going to do it? That’s what we don’t know, isn’t

it? We don’t know. It’s even the time for all these things, and the

ushering in of the Millennium.

“The Seventh Seal,” March 24, 1963 PM, Bro. William M. Branham.

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Pastor Steven L. Shelley Senior Pastor of New Hope Revival Ministries

Pastor Steven L. Shelley’s life of ministry was prophesied before he was

even born. His grandmother received a word that “the child your daugh-

ter-in-law is carrying right now is chosen. He will carry the Gospel and

many souls will be won to the kingdom of God, and he’ll start at a very

early age.”

Just like it was spoken, Pastor Shelley was filled with Holy Ghost and

began preaching in 1975 at the age of seven years old and was pastoring

full time by the age of seventeen. People were astounded by the revela-

tion and conviction coming from this very young man. But it wasn’t only

the wisdom of the Word that touched them but the evidence of the su-

pernatural power of God that operated in his life.

His first experience with the supernatural was at the age of three when

the Lord appeared in his room one night and told him things that were

to come. He was told that his mother and father would separate (they

divorced less than two years later) and that he would preach the Gospel

and his life would not be ordinary. His life has been marked by the

supernatural since that time and he has had countless visions, dreams,

visitations and revelatory experiences.

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Although his childhood was not an easy one God kept him through

every hardship and gave him the grace not to be pulled into a lot of the

traps that young people commonly face. As a result of that he was able

to lead many of his fellow grade school students and even teachers to

the Lord.

His Pentecostal grandmother, Mildred Shelley, who had a great spiritual

impact on him, pastored a church in Columbus Georgia and he would

frequently be invited to preach for her. He also began traveling all over

the United States holding tent revivals where he would preach and pray

for the sick. Tremendous outstanding miracles and deliverances would

take place and revivals would last for weeks on end.

His grandmother passed away in 1990, leaving him in charge of the

church, New Hope Prayer Center. In 1993, God opened the doors for 60

acres of land to be purchased in Smiths Station, Alabama and instructed

him to name the property Eagle’s Refuge Holiness Campground. By di-

vine direction, the church in Columbus Georgia was sold in 2003 and a

new building was constructed and dedicated in 2004. We are currently

worshipping in this building in Alabama.

Pastor Shelley has ministered in 65 countries and seen an outstanding

harvest for the Kingdom in every one. There is one foreign country that

he feels identified with more than any other and that is the nation of

Israel. When he was 11 years old his grandmother took him on tour to

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Israel where he met a part of his destiny. While visiting Yad Vashem he

had a vision where he saw himself speaking to dry bones, as the prophet

Ezekiel did and saw them come to life. At that young age he knew that

he would one day return to Israel and see that vision come to pass. He

didn’t visit Israel again until 2002 at which time the Lord opened a door

for ministry in the Land. In 2003 the Lord opened a door for our minis-

try to rent two apartments in Jerusalem where prophetic prayer and

praise ushers daily. (For more information about Jerusalem Revival

Center please visit us at Revival.org)

Serving the Lord with him is his lovely wife, Stacey Ryan, who fre-

quently travels with him in ministry. They have four beautiful children:

Benjamin Judah (1998), Joshua River (2001), Olivia Zion (2003), and

Moriah Destiny (2006). His mother Jane Shelley was radically saved in

1985 and is an active part of his life and ministry.

So many wonderful promises and prophecies have been given to Pastor

Shelley and the New Hope Revival Ministries. We thank God for the

great foundation that has been laid by the prayers and tears of saints

who have gone on before us. We look forward to the future knowing

that the best is yet to come!

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New Hope Revival Ministries Pastor Steven L. Shelley

3668 Lee Road 379 Smiths Station, AL 36877 USA

TEL: 334.732.0050 FAX: 844.272.5845

[email protected] REVIVAL.ORG

ã 2016 New Hope Revival Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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New“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8