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  • 7/29/2019 VS_Application_9_13_11.pdf


    EmploymEnt ApplicAtionAn equal oppotunity employe, Victoias Secet Stoes does notdisciminate in hiing o tems and conditions of employmentbecause of an individuals ace, colo, eligion, gende, gendeidentity, national oigin, citizenship, age, disability, sexual oientation,maital status o any othe potected categoy ecognized by state,fedeal o local laws. Victoias Secet Stoes only hies individualsauthoized fo employment in the United States.

    _________/_________/_________Date of Application

    Eah qu h aa u e u aweed eed. ohewe, u w e deed ee.

    Have you eve been dischaged o asked to esign fom a job(s)? o Yes o No If yes, please povide details, including place(s) of employment, location(s), date(s), supe

    sos name(s), and cicumstances of the dischage(s) o esignation(s):





    Position Desied: ____________________________________

    Schedule Desied: o Full Time o Pat Time


    Salay/Wage Expected:$ ___________ pe ____________

    Date Available: _________/_________/_________

    pErsonAl informAtionLast Name Fist Name Middle Name Ae you authoized fo

    employment in the U.S.?

    o Yes o No

    Pesent Steet Addess City State Zip How long have you lived thee?

    Ys. Mos.

    Pevious Steet Addess City State Zip How long did you live thee?

    Ys. Mos.

    Home Phone Numbe (including Aea Code) Email Addess Ae you unde the age of 18?

    o Yes o No


    Type of School Name and Location of School Degee/Aea of StudyNumbe of Yeas


    (Check One)

    HIGH SCHOOL Name o Yes o No

    City State

    COLLEGE Name o Yes o No

    City State

    OTHEr Name o Yes o No

    City State

    EmploymEnt HistoryList employment stating with you most ecent position. Account fo any time duing this peiod that you wee unemployed by stating the natue of you activities. If you have less than fou places ofemployment, include pesonal efeences to be contacted. May we contact you cuent employe? o Yes o No

    Dates Name and Addess of Employe Position Held and Supeviso List Majo Duties Wages reason fo Leaving

    Fom: ______/______Mo. Y.

    To: ______/______Mo. Y.

    Name You Job Title Stating



    Phone Supeviso

    Fom: ______/______Mo. Y.

    To: ______/______Mo. Y.

    Name You Job Title Stating



    Phone Supeviso

    Fom: ______/______Mo. Y.

    To: ______/______Mo. Y.

    Name You Job Title Stating



    Phone Supeviso

    Fom: ______/______Mo. Y.

    To: ______/______Mo. Y.

    Name You Job Title Stating



    Phone Supeviso

    rEV 5/1

  • 7/29/2019 VS_Application_9_13_11.pdf


    AcADEmic AnD profEssionAl ActivitiEs AnD AcHiEvEmEntsAcademic and Professional Activities and Achievements, Awards, Publications or Technical-Professional Societies, indicate type or name. Exclude organizations which indicate race, color, gender,sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, disability, marital status, citizenship, national origin or any other protected category recognized by state, federal or local laws of its members.

    spEciAl skillsOther Sis ppicbe to positio ppied or (e.g. compter prociecy)

    What languages do you speak fuently?

    miscEllAnEoUsIs there any additional information involving a change of your name or assumed name that will permit us to check your work record?

    Have you previously been employed by any Limited Brands, Inc. Division?o Yes o No

    Empoymet Dte(s) Divisio(s) Empoyed Positio(s) Hed

    List names of any person you know now employed by any Limited Brands, Inc. Division:

    At Victorias Secret Stores a good attendance record is an important part of every associates overall performance. Do you know of any reason you may not be able to comply with Victorias SecretStores attendance policy?

    pErson to contAct in cAsE of EmErgEncyThis information is to facilitate contact in the event of any emergency and is not used in the selection process.

    Full Name Address Phone





    Start date: __________________ End date: __________________ Min # hours available weekly: __________________ Max. # hours available weekly: __________________

    Available start date: __________________Will you be available to work: Thsgivig (wee) o Yes o No Christms (wee prior) o Yes o No

    Christms (wee o) o Yes o No Other ______________________________________________

    ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________Applicants Signature Date

    plEAsE rEAD tHis stAtEmEnt cArEfUllyI hereby rm tht the iormtio give by me o the ppictio or empoymet is compete d ccrte. I derstd tht y sictio or omissio either o this ppictio, or otherwiseprovidig se iormtio to the Compy wi be immedite grods or dismiss, o mtter whe the sictio or omissio is discovered. I thorie thorogh ivestigtio to be mde iconnection with this application concerning my character, general reputation, personal characteristics, employment, education, and criminal record, whichever may be applicable for employmentprposes. I derstd this ivestigtio my icde perso iterviews with third prties sch s miy members, bsiess ssocites, ci sorces, rieds, eighbors, d others with whom Iam acquainted. I further understand I have the right to make a written request within a reasonable period of time for complete and accurate disclosure of the nature and scope of the investigation.

    It is my understanding that as a prerequisite to consideration for employment, I must agree to submit to any post-employment examinations, physical or other, as the Company may lawfully require. TheCompany will pay the reasonable cost of any such examination which may be required.

    If I am hired, I agree that my employment and compensation can be terminated with or without cause, and without notice at any time, at the option of Victorias Secret Stores or myself. I understand that,ess modied i writte greemet siged by both me d the Vice Presidet o Hm Resorces or the Presidet o Victoris Secret Stores, o represettive o Victoris Secret Stores hs thethority to me y greemet or empoymet or specied time or to me y other greemet cotrry to the oregoig.

    I hve red d rm s my ow the bove sttemets.

    ApplicAnts in tHE stAtE of mArylAnD onlyUnder Maryland law an employer may not require or demand any applicant for employment or any employee to submit to or take a polygraph, lie detector or similar test or examination as a condition of

    employment or continued employment. Any employer who violates this law shall be subject to criminal penalties and civil liability.

    ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________Applicants Signature Date

    ApplicAnts in tHE stAtE of mAssAcHUsEtts onlyIt is unlawful in Massachusetts to require or administer a lie detector test as a condition of employment or continued employment. Any employer who violates this law shall be subject to criminal penaltiesand civil liability.

    ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________Applicants Signature Date

    ApplicAnts in tHE stAtE of connEcticUt onlyI gree to be scheded or ess th or (4) hors o wor o y give dy t Victoris Secret Stores, provided the miimm diy py i every istce sh be t est twice the ppicbe miimmhourly rate.

    ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________Applicants Signature Date

  • 7/29/2019 VS_Application_9_13_11.pdf


    Fair Credit reporting aCt disClosureand authorization (Consumer reports)

    disClosure oF intent to obtain Consumer reports or investigative Consumer reports

    For employment purposes in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and applicable law, Victorias Secret Stores(the Compy) my obti cosmer reports, or ivestigtive cosmer reports, i coectio with yor empoymet

    application or from time to time during employment. Consumer reports include record checks conducted by consumereporting agencies and may include driving records, criminal records, credit records, etc. Investigative consumer reportsinclude investigations conducted by consumer reporting agencies through personal interviews (or through any means in

    Ciori) o iormtio s to chrcter, geer repttio, perso chrcteristics, or mode o ivig. Yo my mea written request for a summary of FCRA consumer rights and a disclosure of the nature and scope of an investigation

    A disclosure of the nature and scope of such investigation is provided below.

    disClosure oF nature and sCope oF investigation For investigative Consumer reportIf we request an investigative consumer report in connection with your employment application, a consumer reporting

    agency will prepare such a report based on the following investigation: The agency may interview your former employersbusiness references, and/or personal references for information regarding prior employment, work experience and perfor

    mance, reasons for employment termination, and information as to character, general reputation, personal characteristicsor mode of living. The agency may also conduct a records check of driving, criminal, credit, education, degrees, professiona

    iceses, d/or certictio records, depedig o the job positio. Sch report, or credit report (i ppicbe), wi beobtained from the following consumer reporting agency: General Information Services, P.O. Box 353, Chapin, South Carolina

    29036, 1-866-265-4917.

    authorizationI authorize the procurement of consumer reports and/or investigative consumer reports by the Company as part of the

    pre-employment background investigation and at any time during my employment.

    ______________________________________________________ __________________________________SIGNATURE DATE

    ______________________________________________________PRINT NAME


    _______________________________________ ___________________________ _________ ______________STREET aDDRESS CITY STaTE zIP

    Cf, m, ok ac: If you wish to receive a free copy of any credit, consumer, or investigative consumer

    report obtained, please indicate by checking this box. q

    Minnesota applicants may make a written request to the consumer reporting agency for information on the nature and scope of a consumer

    report prepared.

    m ac: Yo my reqest d prompty receive rom the cosmer reportig gecy copy o y ivestigtive cosmer report prepred.

    Regrdig sch reports, yo my reqest rom s (d receive withi 5 bsiess dys) the me, ddress, d teephoe mber o the cosmer

    reporting agencys nearest unit designated to handle inquiries.

    mc nw Jy ac: Yo hve the right to hve copy o the ivestigtive cosmer report po reqest.

    nw Yk ac: Upon your request, you will be informed whether or not a consumer report was requested, and if such a report was requested,

    the name and address of the consumer reporting agency furnishing the report.

    o ac: Credit reports will not be obtained unless the position is one for which the Company is required to obtain a credit report as

    coditio o obtiig isrce or srety or deity bod.

    W s ac: The Company may obtain a credit report for the reason that the employment position sought involves accounting for,

    handling, or having access to money and/or valuables.

    iF appliCant requests a CopY oF Consumer report, manager should Call 1-800-765-7465.

  • 7/29/2019 VS_Application_9_13_11.pdf


    reFerenCe Form

    Date: __________________

    Candidates Name: ______________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________

    If you are a former Limited Brands Associate, please verify the last four digits of your social security number:_______________

    Please list three business references:

    Two rom previos empoyer

    Oe rom peer (co-worer)

    s 1

    Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    Relationship: __________________________________________________________________________________________

    Company: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Position: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Work Phone: _____________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________________

    Home Phone: ____________________________________ Length of time known? _______________________________

    s 2

    Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    Relationship: __________________________________________________________________________________________

    Company: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Position: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Work Phone: _____________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________________

    Home Phone: ____________________________________ Length of time known? _______________________________


    Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    Relationship: __________________________________________________________________________________________

    Company: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Position: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Work Phone: _____________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________________________________

    Home Phone: ____________________________________ Length of time known? _______________________________