vol 60 (1)

Inside this issue: President’s Message.........................................1 Message du président......................................3 Committee Reports...........................................8 Announcements 2016 CPS Annual Meeting ......................16 People and Travel...........................................19 Publications .....................................................20 Contact the Editors .........................................22 VOL. 60, NO. 1 March 2016 http://phytopath.ca/ CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY • SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE DE PHYTOPATHOLOGIE CPS • SCP President’s Message News Brent McCallum CPS-SCP President/président The warmer spring weather has arrived here on the Prairies and it is a nice relief from winter. Hope you are enjoying some good weather as well. Preparations are heating up for the 2016 CPS meeting in Moncton this June. Our CPS website editor Melanie Kalischuk and assistant editor Michael Holtz have been busy helping to design an online registration page for the CPS website. This page will facilitate registration this year, but can also be used into the future for registration to upcoming CPS meetings. Melanie and Michael have been working along with the website committee and David Joly and his local arrangements committee to post information for the meeting and develop this online registration capacity. Hopefully you will have time to check out the symposia, workshops and other new features of the meeting posted as they come up. This is part of the effort underway to make our CPS website more useful and functional to our members. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome to the CPS board and the website committee. We hope many of you will register for the 2016 CPS meeting in Moncton. David and his committee have worked hard to assemble an excellent program and the Maritimes is always a great place for a CPS family reunion.

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Inside this issue:President’s Message.........................................1Message du président......................................3Committee Reports...........................................8Announcements 2016 CPS Annual Meeting ......................16People and Travel...........................................19Publications .....................................................20Contact the Editors .........................................22

VOL. 60, NO. 1 March 2016http://phytopath.ca/

CANADIAN PHYTOPATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY • SOCIÉTÉ CANADIENNE DE PHYTOPATHOLOGIE○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


President’s Message


Brent McCallumCPS-SCP President/président

The warmer spring weather has arrived here on thePrairies and it is a nice relief from winter. Hope youare enjoying some good weather as well.Preparations are heating up for the 2016 CPS

meeting in Moncton this June. Our CPS websiteeditor Melanie Kalischuk and assistant editorMichael Holtz have been busy helping to design anonline registration page for the CPS website. Thispage will facilitate registration this year, but canalso be used into the future for registration toupcoming CPS meetings. Melanie and Michael havebeen working along with the website committeeand David Joly and his local arrangementscommittee to post information for the meeting anddevelop this online registration capacity. Hopefullyyou will have time to check out the symposia,workshops and other new features of the meetingposted as they come up. This is part of the effortunderway to make our CPS website more useful andfunctional to our members. Suggestions forimprovement are always welcome to the CPS boardand the website committee. We hope many of youwill register for the 2016 CPS meeting in Moncton.David and his committee have worked hard toassemble an excellent program and the Maritimes isalways a great place for a CPS family reunion.

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“Renewal is an important partof every dynamic society.”

Thanks to many of you who have renewed your CPSregistration for 2016. Our membership secretaryVikram Bisht has been diligently keeping track of allthe renewals and sending reminders to renew onbehalf of the CPS, thanks Vikram for your efforts. Forthose who have not renewed yet, I would urge you todo so and continue to be a part of this great society.We are a relatively small society so we notice ifmembers have not renewed, we don’t want to loseyou from our CPS family and hope you will renewsoon.

The CPS Board will shortly review the proposed 4th

strategic plan for the CPS, developed by Mary Leggettand her hard workingcommittee. It is a bigundertaking and Mary’scommittee has tackled itwith determinedprofessionalism. Thestrategic plans help usstay focussed on some of the longer term goals of theCPS such as; advocacy and public awareness,membership reach, member engagement, andmember services and resources. We do thisthrough the various communication avenueswe have such as our publications, theCanadian Journal of Plant Pathology and theCanadian Plant Disease Survey, as well as themany books that CPS sells, our regional andnational annual meetings whether they arestand alone or joint meetings, ourparticipation in Plant Canada andinternational organizations, our CPS website,the CPS News, and direct communication toour members and to the public at large.

Renewal is an important part of everydynamic society. Our nominating committeeunder the leadership of past-president DeenaErrampalli has found new volunteers to fillvacancies on the various CPS committees forthe upcoming 2016-2017 year. Thanks to Deenaand her committee for their efforts inidentifying these volunteers and preparingtheir nominating committee report in thisissue of the CPS News. Thanks also to thesegracious volunteers who are willing to devotetheir time and effort to the variouscommittees of the CPS.

One long-term volunteer for the CPS that I wouldlike to thank is Andy Tekauz. Andy is steppingdown after 20 dedicated years as the Cerealssection editor for The Canadian Plant DiseaseSurvey. Andy is an excellent editor and was verydiligent in asking people for their survey reportsover the years. The strong legacy of theinformation stored in the CPDS reports is due inlarge part to editors such as Andy and RobinMorrall. Andy of course was also a CPS presidentand recently was part of Mary Leggett’s 4th

strategic plan committee, and he is activelyinvolved in helping to organize the 2017 CPSmeeting in Winnipeg. Andy and Jeannie Gilbert

were instrumental inestablishing theCanadian Workshopon Fusarium HeadBlight (CWFHB), whichwill hold its 8th

meeting this year inNovember in Ottawa (hope to see many of youthere). Andy was also the Chair of the Prairie GrainRecommending Committee (PGDC) and

Dr. Andy Tekauz, long-term volunteer for the CPS

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Message du président

Avec le printemps, le temps plus doux est arrivé surles Prairies et, après l’hiver, cela fait du bien.J’espère que vous en profitez également. Lespréparatifs pour la réunion annuelle de la Sociétécanadienne de phytopathologie (SCP) qui, cetteannée, se tiendra à Moncton en juin, vont bon train.L’éditrice du site Web de la Société, MelanieKalischuck, et son éditeur adjoint, Michael Holtz, ontété occupés à concevoir une page dédiée àl’inscription en ligne. Cette page permettra des’inscrire non seulement à la réunion annuelle decette année, mais aussi aux réunions subséquentes.Melanie et Michael ont travaillé de concert avec lecomité du site Web ainsi qu’avec David Joly et soncomité national organisateur afin d’y afficherl’information relative à la réunion et de développercette fonction d’inscription en ligne. J’espère quevous prendrez le temps de consulter l’informationrelative aux symposiums, aux ateliers et aux autresnouveautés qu’offrira la réunion à mesure qu’ellesera publiée. Cela fait partie de l’effort déployépour accroître, pour nos membres, l’efficacité et laconvivialité de notre site. Le conseil de la SCP et lecomité du site Web continuent d’accueillirfavorablement les suggestions qui contribuent à sonamélioration. J’espère que plusieurs d’entre vouss’inscriront à la réunion de 2016 à Moncton. David etles membres de son comité ont travaillé d’arrache-pied pour élaborer un programme de premier ordre,

contributed to that committee over many years. Iwas fortunate to do my post-doc with Andy andlearned about research and writing, but also aboutcontribution to plant pathology in Canada throughthe CPS, the CWFHB, the PGDC and other venuessuch as the Western Forum on Plant Disease. Oh,and I learned a few things about wine as well (lifeis not all work after all). Canada is a big country andwe are spread thin across it as plant pathologists,organizations such as the CPS bring us together andmake us much stronger as a united group. So thanksto Andy Tekauz and all the volunteers who makethe CPS so vital for plant pathology in Canada.

et les Maritimes offrent toujours un cadre propice àla réunion de notre famille.

Merci à tous ceux et celles qui ont renouvelé leuradhésion à la SCP pour 2016. C’est avec diligence quenotre secrétaire aux adhésions, Vikram Bisht, suittous les renouvellements et envoie des rappels aunom de la SCP. Pour tous tes efforts, merci, Vikram!Pour ceux qui n’ont pas encore renouvelé leuradhésion, je ne saurais trop vous conseiller de lefaire pour ainsi continuer d’être membre de cettegrande communauté scientifique. Notre société estrelativement petite et la baisse de l’effectif noustouche directement. Nous ne voulons pas vousperdre et nous espérons que vous renouvellerezbientôt votre adhésion.

Le conseil révisera d’ici peu le projet de 4e Planstratégique de la SCP, élaboré par Mary Leggett et lesmembres dévoués de son comité. Il s’agit d’uneentreprise colossale et le comité de Mary s’y estattaqué avec un professionnalisme exemplaire. Lesplans stratégiques nous aident à nous concentrer surcertains des objectifs à plus long terme de la Sociététels que la représentation et la sensibilisation dupublic, l’attraction et l’engagement des membresainsi que les ressources et les services offerts auxmembres. Nous faisons cela grâce aux divers outilsde communication dont nous disposons comme nos

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“Le renouveau est primordial pourtoute société dynamique.”

publications, la Revue canadienne dephytopathologie et l’Enquête phytosanitairenationale (EPN) ainsi que par l’entremise desnombreux livres que vend la SCP, de nos réunionsrégionales et annuelles, qu’elles soient autonomesou tenues de concert avec d’autres organismes, denotre participation à Plant Canada et à desorganisations internationales, de notre site Web, duCPS/SCP News et des communications quis’adressent directement à nos membres ou au grandpublic.

Le renouveau est primordial pour toute sociétédynamique. Notre comité des nominations, sous ladirection de la présidente sortante DeenaErrampalli, a trouvé de nouveaux bénévoles pourremplir les postesvacants dans lesdivers comités pourl’année 2016-2017.Merci à Deena et àson comité pour lesefforts déployés dansla recherche de cesbénévoles et dans la préparation de leur rapportannuel qui est publié dans ce numéro de CPS/SCPNews. Merci également à tous ces dévouésbénévoles qui consacrent temps et efforts auxdifférents comités dont ils font partie.

Pour poursuivre sur cette note, je voudraisremercier un bénévole de longue date : AndyTekauz. Andy se retire après 20 années travailléescomme rédacteur de la section sur les céréales pourl’Enquête phytosanitaire nationale. Andy est unexcellent rédacteur et, au cours des années, il s’estappliqué à obtenir des gens leurs rapports

d’enquête. Le riche legs d’information contenuedans les rapports de l’EPN est en grande partie dûau travail de rédacteurs comme Andy et RobinMorrall. Bien sûr, Andy a également été présidentde la SCP et, plus récemment, a été membre ducomité du 4e Plan stratégique de la SCP. De plus, ilest activement impliqué dans l’organisation de laréunion annuelle de 2017 qui se tiendra à Winnipeg.Andy et Jeannie Gilbert ont joué un rôle clé dans lamise sur pied du Canadian Workshop on FusariumHead Blight (CWFHB) qui tiendra sa 8e réunion cetteannée en novembre, à Ottawa (j’espère que vousviendrez en grand nombre!). Andy a également agià titre de directeur du Prairie Grain RecommendingCommittee (PGDC) et a contribué à ce dernierpendant de nombreuses années. J’ai eu la chance

de faire monpostdoctorat sous lasupervision d’Andyet, par le fait même,j’ai appris sur larecherche et larédaction, maisaussi sur la

contribution de la phytopathologie au Canada parl’entremise de la SCP, du CWFHB, du PGDC etd’autres organismes comme le Western Forum onPlant Disease. Oh, j’oubliais! J’ai également apprisquelques trucs supplémentaires sur le vin (aprèstout, il n’y a pas que le travail dans la vie!). LeCanada est un immense pays et, en tant quephytopathologistes, nous y sommes éparpillés. Desorganismes comme la SCP nous rassemblent et,comme groupe uni, nous renforcent. Alors, merci àAndy Tekauz et à tous les bénévoles qui font de laSCP une entité si essentielle pour laphytopathologie au Canada.

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Canadian Phytopathological Society Annual MeetingJune 12 to 15, 2016

Delta Beauséjour, Moncton, NB, CANADA

On behalf of the organizers of the 2016 CanadianPhytopathological Society (CPS) annual meeting,we invite you to the 87th Annual Meeting of theCPS to be held June 12-15, 2016 at the DeltaBeauséjour, 750 Main Street, Moncton, NB. Theobjectives of CPS are to encourage research,education, and the dissemination of knowledge onthe nature, cause, and control of plant diseases.Society-sponsored, national meetings and regionalassociation meetings provide an opportunity forplant pathologists to meet and discuss theircommon interests. The annual meeting allowsparticipants from industry, government andacademic institutions a forum to interact, educateand communicate on the nature, cause and controlof plant diseases. The organizing committee hasincorporated many presentations by leadingresearchers from North America.

Our annual meeting typically attracts research,industry, and extension personnel from acrossCanada as well as the USA and internationally withattendance ranging from around 80 up to over 140for joint meetings. Presentations and posters at themeeting cover field crops like potatoes, wheat,barley, and canola through to horticultural andforest species. Topics that are covered range fromapplied research through to basic research dealingwith host-pathogen interactions. In addition, weare planning on having a total of two symposia andtwo workshops. The symposia and workshops areas follows:


S1. Genomics-based applications in plant pathologyS2. Biovigilance: A framework for effective pestmanagement


W1. Effectoromics and resistance breedingW2. Statistical analyses in plant pathology (TBD)

There will be both paper and poster sessions. Awelcome reception will be held at the DeltaBeauséjour on the evening of June 12, 2016 and abanquet on June 14, 2016.

Preliminary meeting schedule overview:

Sunday afternoon : Statistics workshop /Effectoromics workshop,UdeM

Sunday evening : Welcome reception,Delta Beauséjour

Monday morning : Symposium 1Monday afternoon : CPS oral and poster sessionsTuesday morning : CPS oral and poster sessionsTuesday afternoon : CPS oral and poster sessionsTuesday evening : Banquet, Delta BeauséjourWednesday morning : Symposium 2

Canadian Phytopathological Society

La Société Canadienne de Phytopathologie

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CPS 2016 registration


Early Bird Registration – on or before April 29, 2016;Regular Full Registration – after April 29, 2016

CPS Member: Early bird - $CAD450.00, Fullregistration - $CAD550.00Includes reception (Sunday evening June 12),banquet (Tuesday evening June 14), and coffeebreaks, breakfast, and lunch for Monday andTuesday, and coffee break and breakfast forWednesday (June 13-15).

Non-Member: Early bird - $CAD550.00, Fullregistration - $CAD650.00Non-Member fee includes membership to theCanadian Phytopathological Society, active after

Student Member: Early bird - $CAD225.00, Fullregistration - $CAD275.00Student registration also includes everything listedfor the CPS member registration plus a studentsocial on Monday evening (June 13).

Student non-member: Early bird - $CAD275.00, Fullregistration - $CAD325.00The student non-member fee includes membershipto the Canadian Phytopathological Society, activeafter registration is completed, for the remainder of2016. The membership fee for students for one yearis normally $50. For more information aboutmembership visit http://phytopath.ca/ . Studentnon-member registration also includes everythinglisted for the CPS member registration plus astudent social on Monday evening (June 13).

Single Day: Early bird - $CAD150.00, Full registration- $CAD175.00Single day registration does not include any ticketsto the special events - only attendance at thesessions. Delegates registering for a single day willhave the opportunity to purchase themselves aguest ticket for these events.

Extra Reception Tickets: $50 per ticket.Extra Banquet Tickets: $55 per ticket.

Abstracts:Deadline for submission of abstracts is May 13.There is a $35 fee/abstract for publication ofabstracts in the Canadian Journal of PlantPathology. The format of abstracts must follow thatfor CJPP (http://phytopath.ca/journallinks.shtml).Underline the speaker’s name, indicate whetherthe presentation is oral or poster, and indicate if itis a student presentation. Instructions for abstractsubmission and payment will follow shortly.

Location of the 2016 CPS meeting andaccommodations:

DELTA BEAUSÉJOUR750 Main StreetMoncton, New Brunswick E1C 1E6https://www.deltahotels.com/Hotels/Delta-Beausejour-HotelToll-free Reservations: 1-888-890-3222Direct: 1-506-854-4344

Contact the hotel directly to book rooms andmention CPS 2016 for the conference room rates.Room rates for meeting (based on single or doubleoccupancy):- $149.00 + tax per night- A block of rooms are being held at these prices forthis meeting until May 5, 2016

In a great downtown location, Delta Beauséjour isone of Moncton’s finest and friendliest hotels,catering not only to business travelers, but also tofamilies – particularly since a 38-meter indoorwaterslide was added to the pool area. Modern,streamlined elegance is the theme in public spacesand guest rooms, a Signature Floor offers addedamenities and seclusion, and there are threerestaurants: the casual Café, serving breakfast,lunch, and dinner, the chic Triiio; and the superbWindjammer. Conveniently close to the city’s bestshopping, restaurants and nightlife; within walkingdistance of the Petitcodiac River with hisfamous Tidal Bore and extensive riverfronttrail.

For further information contact:David Joly (Chair of LOC)Phone: 506-858-4810Email: [email protected]

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International Conference on Integrated Disease Management inTropical Vegetables

The University of the West IndiesSt. Augustine, Trinidad

June 16th and 17th 2016


The Department of Life Sciences (DLS), Faculty of Science and Technology at The University of the WestIndies will be hosting the International Conference on Integrated Disease Management in TropicalVegetables. The conference will be focusing on the research being carried out on the disease control oftropical vegetables with special emphasis on sustainable and integrated disease management. Vegetableproduction is primarily characterized by a high prevalence of crop diseases and pest damage. There are alsowider environmental and human health repercussions due to over dependence on chemical fungicides. Thelow yields due to losses from pests and diseases also affect regional and global food security. Integrateddisease management systems need to be emphasized for maintaining sustainable crop production and thisis a prime area of focus of a major regional research project at DLS sponsored by ACP-EU.

Organizing Committee

Professor Jayaraj Jayaraman (Jaya) Professor of Biotechnology and PlantMicrobiology PI, ACP-EU project

Dr. Adesh Ramsubhag Head, Department of Life Sciences Co-PI, ACP-EU project

Dr. Chinnaraja Chinnadurai (Chinna) Research Scientist, ACP-EU project

Contacts:[email protected]

[email protected]@yahoo.co.in

Tel: 662-2002 Ext. 82047 ~ Fax: 663-5241 ~ Email: [email protected]: https://www.facebook.com/IDM-International-Conference-2016-1100573969996377/?fref=ts

The Conference sessions have three thematic areas:

1. Etiology and Epidemiology of Diseases2. Disease Diagnosis3. Integrated Pest Management

Registration Fees*

Students: USD$50Faculty/Post Docs/Scientists: USD$150Companies and Institutions: USD$500Non-Profit Organizations: USD$300*includes abstract fees (up to two abstracts)

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Canadian Phytopathological Society Membership Committee Annual Report - 2016

2015 Membership is for the calendar year, January to December 2016.

The membership number to date in 2016 is 300 (including Sustaining Associate contacts), compared to336 in 2015 (May), 302 in 2014, and 359 in 2013. There are still quite a number of members from 2015 whohave not renewed their memberships as of the end of Feb 2016.

CPS Membership Totals* 2010 - 2016:

2016 Feb 2015May/July Final 2014 June 2013May 2012 2011 2010

287 336 / 357 302 359 336 352 363

*The total membership number does not include the contacts for Sustaining Associates

2016 Membership by member type:Seven invited guest members for this year so far.

Emeritus Regular Student Technician Sustaining Associates Total2016 Feb 39 188 + 7 Inv 29 10 16 2872015 July 47 227 45 11 18 3572014 Aug 46 204 36 - 16 3022013 62 245 33 - 19 359

2016 (2015/2014) Membership by Geographic Region:

Canada: 259 (309/282); US: 20 (20/20); International: 21 (20/13). The numbers include the contacts forSustaining Associates.

New Members:

CPS has 30 new members as of Feb 2016 (48 in 2015). On behalf of the CPS, I would like to extend a warmwelcome to the following new Regular, Student and Sustaining Associate members, and including seveninvited International 1-year members.

Regular:Emad Hussain AL-TURAIHI, Pratisara BAJRACHARYA, Jason BOND, Abdul-Salam DAKOURI, NoraFOROUD, Shuanglong HUANG, Fei LIU, Miao LIU, Rasnie PADMATHILAKE, Md Harunur RASHID, CarrieSELIN, Alexander SHUMILAK, Jason WOODWARD and Zhongwei ZOU

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Students:Homa ASKARIAN KHANAMAN, Karan KAPOOR, Lihua RONG, Grace SUMAMPONG, Stephnie WATSON,Cunchun YANG and Xuehua ZHANG.

Technicians:Laura COX, Mouldi ZID

Invited Guest Members:Modupe Olatunji AKOMOLAFE, Ramazan GENCER, Joanna KACZMAREK, Oluwole OLADELE, MariaEugenia ORDOÑEZ, Pierre, N. SAKWE and Ayse UYSAL.

Sustaining Associates have generously supported the CPS in 2016:Ag-Quest Inc.; Agricultural Certification Services Inc.; BASF Canada; BAYER CropScience; BioVisionSeed Labs; Cargill Inc.; Dow Agrosciences Canada Inc.; E.I. Dupont Canada; FMC CorporationAgricultural Products Group; Monsanto Canada Inc.; OMEX Agriculture Inc; Phyto Diagnostics Co.Ltd.; Pioneer Hi-Bred Production Limited; Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Assoc, SECAN, SyngentaCrop Protection Canada Inc.

Donations to the CPS for 2016 by the following members is appreciated:Paige AXELROOD, Karen BAILEY, Luc COUTURE, Pat DAWSON, Deena ERRAMPALLI, Ieuan EVANS,Deanna FUNNELL-HARRIS, Bruce GOSSEN, Ernest HIEBERT, Lawrence KAWCHUK, Mary LEGGETT, JohnW. MARTENS, James MENZIES, Robin MORRALL, Knud MORTENSEN, Agnes MURPHY, Eric PEDERSEN,Tod RAMSFIELD, James TRAQUAIR, Peter WALSH, John WEBSTER.

Membership Committee:

Chairman & Membership Secretary Vikram BishtTreasurer of CPS Ken ConnRegional Rep, Maritimes Rick PetersReg. Rep. Quebec Sylvie RiouxReg. Rep. Eastern Ontario Bernard VigierReg. Rep. Western Ontario Ken ConnReg. Rep. Manitoba Fouad DaayfReg. Rep. Saskatchewan Jianwei ZhaoReg. Rep. Alberta Syama ChattertonReg. Rep. British Columbia Vippen Joshi

I seek your help to increase awareness of the benefits of joining CPS and encourage your colleagues andstudents to join. Feel free to contact me for any further information, Tel: 204-745-0260, or email [email protected] .

Respectfully submitted, March 1, 2016

Vikram BishtMembership Secretary and Chairman of the Membership Committee

While all efforts have been made to have accurate information, there may be some oversight. Please bringthat to my notice.

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Report of the CPS Nominating Committee

In December 2015, CPS issued a call for nominations to all members requesting candidate nominations forvacant positions on the Board and committees. In response to that call, the Nominating Committee receivednominations for all vacant positions. The Nominating Committee is pleased to put forward a single slate ofcandidates for membership on the CPS Board and on committees in 2016-17. *A name in bold font meansthat the person has been nominated for the position in 2015-16.


CPS Board of DirectorsChair: President Odile CarissePresident-Elect Denis GaudetVice President Dilantha Fernando*Past President Brent McCallumSecretary Gayle JespersonTreasurer Kenneth ConnMembership Secretary Vikram BishtCJPP Editor-in-Chief Zamir PunjaSenior Director-at-Large Khalil Al-MughrabiJunior Director-at-Large Maria Antonia Henriquez

Standing Committees

1) Awards CommitteeChair Michael Harding5 members Mary Ruth McDonald(5 year rotating Tom Fetchincluding chair) Syama Chatterton

Xiben Wang

2) Financial Advisory CommitteeChair: Past President Brent McCallumPresident Odile CarissePresident Elect Denis GaudetVice President Dilantha FernandoTreasurer Kenneth ConnCJPP Editor- in -Chief Zamir Punja(3 members appointed by Tom Fetchthe Board for a 2 year term Khalid Rashid Sheau-Fang Hwang 1 member elected at AGM) ………………..

3) Future Meetings CommitteeChair: Janice Elmhirst3 members (immediate Stephen Strelkov/ Deena Errampallipast LAC chairs)(3 year rotating incl. chair) David Joly

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CPS Standing Committees continued...

4) Journal Editorial CommitteeChair: Editor-in-Chief Zamir K. PunjaAssociate Editor-in-Chief Stephen StrelkovTechnical Editor Taylor & Francis

Section Editors:Bacteria & Phytoplasmas James TambongBiochemistry & Cell Biology Suha JabajiDisease Control Pervaiz Abbasi / Deena ErrampalliEpidemiology Syama ChattertonForest Pathology Richard C. HamelinFungal Diseases Angela OrshinskyFungi Canadenses Keith A. SeifertGenetics & Resistance Stephen Strelkov /Sabine Banizza/ Tom FetchGenomics Tim XingHost Pathogen Interactions Fouad Daayf / Jie FengMeeting Abstracts/Symposium Papers Kenneth L. ConnSoilborne Pathogens Pervaiz Abbasi / Kurt SchroederVirology Ken Eastwell/Aiming Wang/ Baozhong MengArticles in French /Articles en Français Odile CarisseDisease Reports/Rapports des Maladies Jim Menzies

5) Membership CommitteeChair: Membership Secretary Vikram BishtTreasurer Kenneth ConnRegional rep. Maritimes Rick PetersRegional rep. Quebec (QSPP) Sylvie RiouxRegional rep. Eastern Ontario Bernard VigierRegional rep. Western Ontario Kenneth ConnRegional rep. Manitoba Fouad DaayfRegional rep. Saskatchewan Jianwei ZhaoRegional rep. Alberta (PPSA) Syama ChattertonRegional rep. B.C. Vippen Joshi

6) Nominating CommitteeChair: Past President Brent McCallumRetiring Past President Deena Errampalli3 additional members Jim Menzies(1- year renewable terms) Simon Shamoun Tod Ramsfield

7) Resolutions CommitteeChair: Siva Sabaratnam3 members Xiben Wang(3 year rotating incl. chair) Reem Aboukhaddour

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CPS Standing Committees continued...

8) Science Policy CommitteeChair: President Elect Denis Gaudet Vice-President Dilantha FernandoPresident Odile CarissePast-President Brent McCallum

9) CPS Education CommitteeChair: Lilian Z. de Luna

Wayne Barton Linda Jewell

Grace SumampongStudent rep: Gurcharn Singh BrarStudent rep: Sarah Stricker

10) CPS Historic ResourcesChair: Denis Gaudet

11) CPS Information Products Marketing CommitteeChair: Bruce Gossen Robin Morrall Richard Gugel Syama Chatterton Mike Harding Karen Bailey

12) CPS International Cooperation CommitteeChair: Tom Forge Igor Falak Maria Antonia Henriquez Xiben Wang Mary Ruth McDonald

13) CPS Local Arrangements CommitteesChair: Jim Menzies/Fouad Daayf (2017 LAC)

David Joly (2016 LAC) Stephen Strelkov/ Deena Errampalli

14) CPS Microbial Genetics and Culture CollectionsChair: Guillaume Bilodeau

15) CPS NewsletterCPS News - Editor Coreen FrankeCPS News Assoc. Editor Jim Menzies

16) Public Relations CommitteeChair: Vladimir Vujanovic

Pam Livingston Khalid Rashid

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La SociétéCanadienne de


17) CPS WebsiteChair: Website Editor Michael HoltzAssistant Website Editor Board will appointMembers: Sr. Director At-large Khalil Al-MughrabiJr. Director At-large Maria Antonia HenriquezSecretary Gayle JespersonMembership Secretary Vikram BishtTreasurer Kenneth Conn Lorne Adam

Andrew Wylie

18) CPS Workshops and SymposiaChair: Denis Gaudet

Ad Hoc Committees:

19) CPS Plant Health Network CommitteeChair: Bruce Gossen

20) Research-Environment Canada PolicyChair: Mary Ruth McDonald

Krista Anderson Bruce Gossen Kelly Turkington

The Nominating Committee thanks all nominators and candidates who put their names forward. A big thankyou to all those who are continuing on the Board and committees in 2016-17. We are extremely fortunateto have members interested in serving on our Board and committees.

Respectfully submitted,Deena ErrampalliCPS Past President and Chair of the Nominating Committee (2015-16)

Nominating Committee Members:Janice ElmhirstSimon ShamounVippen JoshiJim Menzies

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CPS Website Committee Report

Hooray! We have just passed the one year marksince the New CPS website was placed online. TheWebsite Committee continues to work hard atupdating and making improvements to the websiteto serve the CPS Membership. The WebsiteCommittee from last year consisted of the Editor,Assistant Editor, Past-Editor, Student Members andDirectors, and was restructured in 2015 to includethe CPS President, CPS Secretary, CPS Director-at-Large, and CPS Treasurer. We just passed our secondyear of using the website for on-line membershipregistration. Since the website was launched, wehave had 206 individuals join the CPS using thewebsite’s online membership feature. We have had810 (129 all time views and 623 logins) to our site.The Committee continues to work closely with ourwebsite designing company Modern Earth toimprove the online membership registrationprocess.

Currently, the Website Committee is working atdesigning a Stand-Alone CPS Meeting Registrationpage. The Website Committee has recruited thewebsite design company Vibrant Digital to assistwith some of the specific technical programmingand details of the site. Some of the features of thisnew page will include the details about the meetingand symposia, online registration for the meeting

and workshops, accommodation details, a speciallink for students and sponsorship details. TheStand-Alone CPS meeting registration page will beavailable to all future Local ArrangementCommittees to facilitate CPS meeting registration.

One of the highlights at our December 14, 2015meeting was the introduction of an internal “ActionItem List”. Although some of details on the use ofthe list need to be determined, the use of the listwill allow the Committee to prioritize and set forthaction for the number of suggestions that wereceive from the CPS members for theimprovement of the site, and it will neverthelesscontinue to improve the features and functionalityof the website. Stay tuned for the upcomingfeatures for the website including the “MembersOnly” and “Board Only” pages. These pages havebeen designed and will be added to the CPSwebsite this spring. Please forward suggestionsand content pertaining to the CPS Website toWebsite Editor at [email protected].

Respectfully submitted March 11, 2016,

Melanie KalischukChair, Website Committee


Strategic Planning Committee Report March 2016

The 4th Strategic Planning Committee, formed in thefall of 2014, was tasked with the development of the2016-2021 CPS Strategic Plan. The committeeconsists of 13 members, including 9 regular,1 emeritus, and 3 student members. The membersof the committee are Mary Leggett (Chair), AlirezaAkhavan, André Lévesque, Andrew McLean, AndyTekauz, Angela Orshinsky, Barry Saville, David Joly,Gurcharn Brar, Holly Derksen, Philippe Tanguay,Richard Hamelin, and Tim Paulitz. Barbara Adams,

who has extensive experience composing surveysand developing strategic plans for non-profitassociations, was hired as our facilitator to assist usin the planning process

We are pleased to report that we have met all themilestones identified in the Forward Action Planand the draft Strategic Plan along with a relatedworking document have been submitted to theCPS Board for review. The draft Strategic Plan

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consists of a public document outlining the CPSvision, mission, values, and strategic direction forthe next 5 years. The working document translatesthe strategic direction into specific actions for theCPS Board.

The draft plan was developed in full consultationwith CPS members including feedback from theStrategic Planning Committee, a new membershipsurvey, the CPS Board, and RegionalRepresentatives from across Canada.

Since our last report we have completed thefollowing milestones:

Milestones and Progress1. Results of the membership survey and

feedback from the Strategic PlanningCommittee, discussions with the CPS Boardand Regional Representatives werepresented to the board and CPS members atthe 2015 Annual General Meeting.

2. We sent out a survey on mentorship and had36 replies. There was general support forhaving a mentorship program and thisinitiative was included in the Strategic Plan.

3. The Strategic Planning Committee met todiscuss the feedback from the board andCPS members and looked at the forwardplan.

4. Barbara Adams prepared a document withthe draft plan. This document will be usedas an external document to present thevision, mission and goals to the public.

5. The Word document was used to create anExcel spreadsheet, listing the objectives,goals, initiatives and priorities that will beused as a working document for the board.

6. The committee reviewed and edited bothdocuments which were then sent to the CPSBoard for review.

7. The committee chair (Mary Leggett) andfacilitator (Barbara Adams) met with theboard to discuss the strategic planningdocuments.

Plan Forward

The completed strategic plan for 2016-2021 will bepresented to the board and membership at the CPSAGM in Moncton in 2016.

My thanks go to the Strategic Planning Committeefor their dedication, innovative thinking (askRichard Hamelin about his Tweet on the value of theCPS), and willingness to participate in all parts ofthe planning process. We are grateful for the inputfrom the CPS Board, the Regional Representativesand CPS members who took the time to completeour surveys. We also thank Barbara Adams who ledus through the process, challenged us to thinkcreatively, and using input from everyone involved,provided the plan which will guide the society forthe next five years.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary LeggettChair Strategic Planning Committee


New Representative for CPSSaskatchewan

Dr. Yu Chen, canola pathologist with Cargill Ltd., willbe stepping into the role of CPS-SK RegionalRepresentative for 2016. Yu will be taking over thereins from Jianwei Zhao. Many thanks to Jianwei fororganizing excellent regional meetings over thepast few years and for promoting the CPS inSaskatchewan. Congratulations to Yu Chen. We lookforward to the energy you have to bring to theSociety.

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Notice of travel awards for the 87th Annual Meeting of the CPS to be held June 12-15, 2016 atthe Delta Beauséjour, 750 Main Street, Moncton, NB.

Awards Available

· CPS Graduate Student Travel Awards - 2 awards of $500 each· Taylor & Francis Student Travel Award - $500

Application for the CPS and Taylor & Francissponsored awards shall be adjudicated jointly(students need submit only one application to beconsidered for both).

This award provides reimbursement of travel,accommodation, registration and other costs toattend the CPS Annual Meeting. The student mustbe in a MSc or PhD research program in plantpathology, but does not need to be a CPS member.

The application must include:• A copy of the abstract of the presentation to bepublished in the Canadian Journal of PlantPathology• A one-page statement from the studentoutlining the significance and implications of theresearch to be presented• Academic transcripts inclusive of undergraduateand graduate training

Criteria for selection

Applications will be ranked based on scholasticperformance, significance of the researchconducted, and other evidence of contributions tothe field of plant pathology. Applicants will benotified of the out-come of the committee’sdeliberations 6 weeks prior to the annual meeting.The successful students will be presented with acheque at the CPS Banquet. All travel and otherarrangements are the responsibility of the student.

Deadline for application extended to 5 April 2016.Please submit applications to Ron Knox, CPS AwardsCommittee Chair at [email protected].

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Call for Applications for 2016 Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation Awards

The Storkan-Hanes-McCaslin Foundation Awards arenamed in honor of Richard C. Storkan, Gerald L.Hanes, and Robert L. McCaslin. Each had a longhistory of cooperation with the scientificcommunity, and they were pioneers in developingeffective soil fumigation through experimentalresearch.

The foundation was established in 1987 to supportgraduate student research. To date, more than$461,000 has been awarded to 74 promisingscientists. In addition to unrestricted cash awards(which range from $5,000 to $10,000 and can be usedfor any purpose that will benefit the education ofthe student including personal expenses), newawardees will also receive round-trip fares to theAPS annual meeting and are presented their awardsat a luncheon attended by their research advisors,previous awardees, and members of theFoundation Committee. The 2015 Foundation Awardwinners were: Ningxiao Li, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity; Morgan Gray, University of California,Riverside; and Huang Doan, University of California,Davis.

A major aim of the foundation is to encourageresearch by offering financial assistance to graduatestudents who are working on soil-borne diseases ofplants. The research must be done in the UnitedStates, Canada or Mexico. Foundation policy is tocontribute to the education of the student. Grantsare made on a yearly basis and may be renewedupon review by the committee. Since the award ishighly competitive, we encourage unsuccessfulapplicants to update their proposal for future

consideration. The research for which the award isgiven is expected to be performed by the applicantduring the academic year 2015–2016, and a one pageprogress report is due one year from the date of theaward. It would be appreciated if the Foundationwere acknowledged in research publicationsstemming from this Award.

To be considered for funding, each proposal shouldbe carefully prepared in accordance with theinstructions given below and submittedelectronically, no later than May 1, 2016 to:

Dr. Michael Stanghellini (Chair of the SelectionCommittee), e-mail address:[email protected]

Please submit:i. a short, two–three page research proposal

containing a concise statement of theobjectives, methods and materials, andprojected impact of the proposed research(note: a budget is not required),

ii. a one page resume (i.e., a brief educationand research background, including atelephone number and e-mail address), and

iii. a letter from the applicant’s majorprofessor or research director.

Preference will be given to those proposalscontaining innovative, creative, and/or novelresearch approaches to the stated objective(s), andto the overall quality (organization, correct Englishgrammar and spelling) of the written proposal.Funding will begin September 1, 2016.


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Dilantha Fernando, Professor, Department of PlantScience at the University of Manitoba, was invitedby the Indian Phytopathological Society to give aPlenary Lecture at the PGPR workshop at the ISP 6thInternational Conference held in New Delhi, Indiafrom February 23-27, 2016. Dilantha’s plenary talkwas titled “Opening the black box: the superpowers

of the PGPR world”. Dilantha was also invited to givea Lead Lecture in the conference. Dilantha’s leadlecture title was “Understanding key mechanisms inbiocontrol: are we there yet?”. The conference wasattended by over 750 delegates from 35 countries.Dilantha also chaired two sessions at theconference.

Dr. A. Kumar, Principle Scientist, ICAR-IARI the convener of the workshop, hands aplaque to Dilantha Fernando, the plenary speaker at the PGPR workshop at the ISP6th International Conference in Delhi, India.


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Entomological Society of Canada

The Bulletin has been published quarterly by the Entomological Society of Canada since 1969. It providesinformation on the activities of the Society and its members, research and employment opportunities,

matters of wider scientific importance and book reviews.

Bulletin of the Entomological Society of CanadaTable of Contents / Table des matières : Volume 47(4), December / décembre 2015

Up front / Avant-propos................................................................................................ 130Memories of JAM 2015 / Souvenirs de la RAC 2015.......................................................... 133Heritage Lecture / Allocution du patrimoine

Guy Boivin: Nos racines sont profondes.............................................................. 138Honorary Member of the Entomological Society of Canada / Membre

Honoraire de la Société d’entomologie du Canada : Judith H. Myers..................... 146The student wing / L’aile étudiante............................................................................... 148

Graduate Student Showcase / Vitrine aux étudiants gradués.................................... 1512015 ESC/SEQ JAM President’s Prize Winners and Honorable Mentions;

Société d’entomologie du Québec Melville Duporte Awards................................. 156ESC Student Award Winners: 2015 / Gagnants des prix étudiants SEC 2015.159

People in the news / Gens qui font les manchettes........................................................ 161In memory / En souvenir de

Andrew Peebles Nimmo.....................................................................................162Book reviews / Critiques de livres

Insect Resistance Management – Biology, Economics and Prediction. 2nd Editionby W. David (Ed.) (C.P. Dufault)................................................................................162

Insect Molecular Genetics: An Introduction to Principles and Applications, 3rd Editionby M.A.Hoy (Julia Mlynarek)....................................................................164

Books available for review / Livres disponibles pour critique......................................... 165Society business / Affaires de la Société

Highlights from the Board of Directors meeting in Montreal................................. 167Minutes of the 65th Annual General Meeting..................................................... 170Executive Meeting - Call forAgenda Items/ Réunion duconseil exécutif– Points àl’ordre dujour....................................................................................................... 174Letter to Ministers of the new federal government................................................ 175Call for Nominees: ESC Achievement Awards..................................................................... 176

Content of newsletters published by the Canadian Phytopathological Societyand Canadian Weed Science Society / Contenu des bulletins publiéspar la Société canadienne de phytopathologie et la Société canadiennede malherbologie.............................................................................................. 179

Announcements / Annonces.......................................................................................... 181Meeting Announcements / Réunions futures............................................................................... 185Officers of affiliated societies / Dirigeants des sociétés associées.................................. 187The last word / Le dernier mot.............................................................................................. 188Governing board / Conseil d’administration .................................................inside back cover

This issue may be accessed at: http://esc-sec.ca/bulletin/bulletin_dec_2015.pdf

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ISPP - International Newsletter on Plant Pathology

The International Society for Plant Pathology promotes the world-wide development of plant pathology andthe dissemination of knowledge about plant diseases and plant health management.

News and announcements from all on any aspect of Plant Pathology are invited for the Newsletter.

Editor: Daniel Huberli e-mail: [email protected]

Members of Associated Societies of ISPP can receive e-mail notification of Newsletter updates by joiningthe ISPP mail list.http://www.isppweb.org/newsletter.asp


ISPP Newsletter 46 (2) February 2016

In this issue:· Nature Plants celebrates its first anniversary· How plants interact with beneficial

microbes in the soil· Nervous systems differ between species of

nematodes· Dishwashers provide a selective extreme

environment for fungi· GM Potato shows extreme resistance to late

blight in Uganda· Plant virus discoveries in Laos help plant

protection in the region· A Symposium on Emerging Plant Disease

and Global Food Security, 23-24 March 2016· Growing spuds in Mars-like conditions· Botrytis - new book· Virulence Mechanisms of Plant-Pathogenic

Bacteria - new book· 1st International Soilborne Oomycete

Conference, December 2015· The path to plant pathology· Current Vacancy· Acknowledgements· Coming events

ISPP Newsletter 46 (3) March 2016

In this issue:

· 12th International Congress of PlantPathology, 2023 - Call for Bids

· New strategies for responding to andrecovering from biosecurity threats toagriculture

· Two new review papers in AustralasianPlant Pathology

· Finding a way to track and stop human andagricultural viruses

· Kiwifruit bacterial canker bacteriumsurvives on wild plant species

· Every plant-parasitic nematode has anascaroside lining

· Join forces against crop pests amongSouthern African Development Communitycountries

· Reducing reliance on conventionalagricultural pesticides

· Soil Health, Soil Biology, Soilborne Diseasesand Sustainable Agriculture - new book

· Trees have social networks· Hybridistion a major force in the generation

of new fungal plant pathogens· Current Vacancy· Acknowledgements· Coming events

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Coreen Franke, EditorCrop Production Services Canada - R&D201 - 407 Downey RoadSaskatoon, SaskatchewanS7N 4L8Telephone/Téléphone: 306-668-6633/

306-229-4180 (cell)Facsimile/Télécopieur: [email protected]

Jim Menzies, Associate EditorAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada/Agriculture etAgroalimentaire Canada101, Rout 100/101 CH100Morden, ManitobaR6M 1Y5Telephone/Téléphone: 204-822-7522Facsimile/Télécopieur: [email protected]

Contact the Editors

Submission Deadline for theJune 2016 issue of CPS-SCPNews

PLEASE NOTE: The submission deadline for theJune 2016 issue of CPS - SCP News is May 20,2016. If you send photographs for publication inthe CPS-SCP News, please ensure that youindicate that all individuals appearing in thephotographs have given permission for theirphotographs to appear in the newsletter.Photographs will not be published if permissionhas not been obtained from the individualsinvolved.



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