vol-2 issue 3 march – may 2014kreupasanammarianshrine.com/news_paper_eng_pdf/2014...sometimes, a...


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Page 1: Vol-2 Issue 3 March – May 2014kreupasanammarianshrine.com/news_paper_eng_pdf/2014...Sometimes, a believer may stand baffled in the midst of his life problems. Neither intelligence


Vol-2 Issue 3 March – May 2014






Page 2: Vol-2 Issue 3 March – May 2014kreupasanammarianshrine.com/news_paper_eng_pdf/2014...Sometimes, a believer may stand baffled in the midst of his life problems. Neither intelligence

“Afterwards, Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in the country”.

They returned and reported it to the rest

(Mark 16:12-13)

















Though not born to a Christian family, I had a great

passion for Mother Mary. Whenever I got time, I

frequently visited Mother Mary’s Church at

Maruvakad, Chellanam which is popularly known as

Velankanni Church of Kochi. When tribulations

increase in my life, I surrender everything to Mother

Mary. When we are helpless and when we wholeheartedly

surrender to God with innocence faith, without any suspicion, God

will show us the way. He will prove his love and concern for us. At the

time of my marriage, I was employed in a firm which was dealing

with govt contracts. Since my salary was meagre, I had to quit my

job. I prayed to Mother Mary not for a job, but to start a business firm

dealing with the same Government contract where I was working

.But to start a business, lakhs and lakhs of money was required. But

my capital was only Rs.1000/-. I continued my effort to start up a


To my surprise after ten days of my prayer, a commission agent gave

10 bags of Green Gram for credit. I was so happy and with my two

wheeler I went to different shops and sold it. Once, during my sale, I

met a mill owner, with whom I discussed the prospects of civil

supplies. He offered me 2 loads of dhal which I sold to my earlier firm

which gave me a profit of Rs. 2000/. That mill owner asked me

whether I could have direct business with civil supplies corporation. I

told him my helplessness because for direct business we should

have Earners Money Deposit and a Sales tax registration. My prayer

was answered as The dhal mill owner agreed to help me with

Rs.5000 to take registration and also 50,000 as a credit to take

Earners Money Deposit and also promised to supply me 10 loads of

dhal for Government tender

I was very happy to see that my prayer was being answered. Very

soon I took a registration and entered the very next Govt. Tender. I

was awarded 10 loads of dhal for that tender for which I expected a

profit of RS.15000/ . I was very happy to become a Govt. contractor

from nothing but prayer. It was my first contract. With great joy


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The apostles worked hard at night. Still their catch was scant. Then, they fished in further depth as Jesus had

commanded and caught a large number of fish. The catch was so abundant that the neighbouring boats had

to help them to load the catch and got a share of their new prosperity. Luke 5:7-9. This happiness gradually

disappears in Matt 14:24 when the apostles are caught in the perils of the sea. Waves barging into the boat,

sky ferociously thundering and shore off sight. They were terrified. No one came to help, even those who

earlier benefited from their prosperity. But He was there. The Lord of Mercy, the God from whom all help

comes! 2 Cor 1:3. He walked over the violent waves towards the apostles who were terrified in the darkness

of the sea, creating a new path amidst the consuming waves and rainstorm, to lift them up compassionately

to His sanctuary.

Yes. The disastrous rains and thunder in our lives are a clarion call of our Lord’s arrival in our midst. As in

Exodus, the Israelites trembled with fear when they heard the trumpet blast and saw the lightning and

smoking mountains throughout their exodus to Canan.But Moses, inspired by the Spirit rightly declared,

“Don’t be afraid; God has only come to test you and make you keep on obeying Him, so that you will not

sin.”(Exodus 20:20)

Now, coming to our context.

The gospel calls a believer Theophilus (Theophile). St.Luke began his gospel by addressing “Dear

Theophilus”. According to St.Luke, a Theophile’s infancy is characterised in Luke 2:40, “the child grew and

became strong; he was full of wisdom and God’s grace were upon him.” Later when the infant Jesus

becomes an adolescent, St.Luke describes him as “Jesus grew both in body and wisdom, gaining favour with

God and men.”Precisely the common character in the life of Jesus as an infant as well as an adolescent is His

wisdom and age. St.Luke reveals that when a man acquires wisdom with age, he becomes strong and the

grace of god is the base of this acquired wisdom. Our parent brings us up in years. But God brings us up in

wisdom. He up brings us in wisdom through training. “When he has completed his training, he will be like his

teacher”.-Luke 6:40.Yes, the training is the responsibility of the Teacher, our God. But how does he train?

When does he train? Isaiah replies, “The lord will make you go through hard times, but he himself will be

there to teach you and you will not have to search for him anymore. If you wander off the road, you will hear

him saying “here is the road, follow it””- Isaiah 30:20, 21.That God will guide us in time of dire travails is the

experience of ages of forebears. You will receive this guidance only if you call for help as in Psalms 107:28-

“In their troubles they called to Lord and He saved them from their distress. He calmed the raging storm and

the waves became quiet”. These words had become true in the life of apostles as well. Matthew 14:24

explains how the apostle’s boat was ensnared in the violent sea- it was pitch dark, thunder roaring from the

sky, waves of the unfathomable sea hitting hard, Apostles losing all control of their boat and there was no

soul to help them. This was the situation which demanded Jesus to walk on water. There may not be anyone

to help you....No land to escape or a road you can take. Then He will come as your path He will create a path

unseen to your eyes, unthinkable for your thoughts.

Exodus 20:18 says, “When people heard the thunder they trembled with fear”. In our lives, unforeseen








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"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act" Psalm 37:5

There was a hardening on the right side of my abdomen for one year. During the time of

adoration, Father delivered a message that Lord is healing a daughter having swelling on

right side of the abdomen. At that moment I felt a great spark of light passing through

my body and in that moment itself that swelling disappeared.


CHRONIC BACK PAIN HEALED"Though the lord is on high yet he regards the lowly"(Psalms 138:6)

The first time when I came for Kreupasanam prayer, I had problem in my spinal chord and I was

taking 15 tablets a day for the ailment. I was advised by the doctors to have a surgery.My surgery

date was already fixed. During the day of adoration Father Joseph delivered a message that Jesus

is healing people with back pain. I believed that I also would be cured and prayed. When I reached

home I felt some relief from the usual pain and I threw away all my medicine into the sea. Jesus

healed me without any surgery .Praise and glory to god.



FATHER PRAYED. JESUS GAVE ME A NEW BREATH OF LIFE.“Behold I will cause breath to enter into you and ye shall live".Ezekial 37:5

My brother is working in Qatar. Last year, in the month of June he was admitted to a hospital due

to severe cough and breathing difficulty. Suddenly his condition became worse and he was not

able to breathe or pass urine and his body started to swell. He could breathe only with the help of

an oxygen mask. So I called to Kreupasanam for prayer support and Father Joseph prayed for my

brother. On that day itself my brother started breathing without the help of oxygen mask and his

conditioned improved.


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The final exams are about to begin. Success in the Exam...Promotion to the next class.This has become a common yet

inevitable aspect in life.

Now in the context of faith life, it is difficult to comprehend the lessons and home work given for the up gradation of faith.

These experiences which cannot be grasped so easily can be called proverbs. Bible clearly shows the method to unearth the

mystery in every proverb.

I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle to the music of the lyre..”Psalms 49:4.

Sometimes, a believer may stand baffled in the midst of his life problems. Neither intelligence nor logic might help. Luke

2:37 talks about Anna.She had been married for seven years and was widowed for the rest of her life. Bereft of a family,

safety and shelter, her life became a riddle. Bible informs triumphantly how she discovered the answer to her riddle.

“She never left the temple; day and night she worshipped god, fasting and praying.”Luke 2:37.By this act, she identifies the

cry of baby Messiah from a among a million babies presented in the temple in the course of time and witnessed the Salvador

thereby emerging victorious in her faith life.

Lord is my portion, says my soul, ‘therefore I will hope in him.’ The Lord is good to those who wait for him” (Lam 3:24-25)

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Recently my friend got a notice from the electricity board

asking him to pay more than Rs.10,000 as the penalty for

committing some fraud in the electric meter of his rented

apartment. He was a man known for his integrity and so he

could not bear the shame and humiliation. The mischief was

done by his tenant. He consulted advocates, went to court

and the local police and finally things were sorted out. He

asked me “Father why do I have to face such an injustice. I

wasted such a lot of my time over this insignificant issue. I

could have done so many good things for the Lord with that

time”. But on the spur of a moment I replied “It is not a waste

of time, but it is a divine thing”. He was surprised by my quick

retort, but the Holy Spirit confirmed it again, what you felt

insignificant is a serious matter for God. He pondered over it,

how the things that bother one can become a spiritual thing.

Then he got the answer. With a broad smile he recalled his

recent dialogue with Jesus: “Lord, now I am almost free of all

worries and cares. Will this make me lethargic in my prayer

life?” He was a little apprehensive that, having no problems

in life may make him spiritually lukewarm and this would

affect his intimacy with God. Our spirit becomes vibrant by its

constant contact with God. It is like oxygen for the soul. What

helps us to be in constant contact with God is nothing other

than our tensions and worries. So, all the negative situations,

small or big, are like oxygen for our spirit.

This revelation was confirmed by another incident in my life.

My friend had bought six lakh baby prawns in polythene bags

from a hatchery afar. He came to get it blessed by me. I was a

little worried whether they would survive by the time it

reached his farm. But he assured me that they would be fine

because those bags are filled with water as well as oxygen.

From the way they were swarming around I was convinced

that they were quite vibrant and happy in the bag. Like those

little prawns, our spirit also needs oxygen in the long journey

of life. Its oxygen is its intimacy with God. Intimacy is

activated by our prayer life and good works. Lack of prayer

means lack of power. Mostly, what compels us to pray are

the negative situations in our life. So it is as important as



oxygen for our spirit. Whenever God wants to glorify

somebody, God blesses them first with sufferings. “Was

it not necessary that Messiah should suffer these things

and then enter into His glory (Lk. 24:26)”. The higher the

level of glory God has intended for you, the more severe

the trials will be. King David transformed his sufferings

to Psalms. He glorified God and solved his problems with

a harp. God’s goal is to see that our spirit return back to

Him in eternity “full of grace”.

One day I asked: “Lord, how can I dwell in your grace

forever?” In a vision I saw a thermo flask. At first I could

not make out anything from that vision. But later Jesus

explained to me that the high temperature inside the

flask is maintained only because of the vacuum; that

means, our grace is sustained by the emptiness in our life

– our loneliness, lacks, rejections, all the humbling

experiences, the painful incidents, hurricanes and

worries. I asked: “Jesus why is our vacuum so much co-

related with grace?” He gently smiled at me. Yes, all the

emptiness in our lives are the essential matters for us to

depend on Him. This in turn retains His presence in us, in

the form of grace.

TheBible always uses the methodology of presenting

before us a persecutor and a victim as a prelude to

getting blessed. The one who obeys the word (believer)

will be the hero and the neighbour, will be his offender.

The neighbour is the one who denies our comforts

which we deserve and oppress us from all sides. Our

natural response will be hurt, anger, bitterness or

The Primary purpose

of God behind all our issues is that we learn to seek

and find our loving Father. That is why I often tell

my people to be grateful for their miseries, for

they could “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Ps

34:8), or else they would not have come to the

Lord. Another purpose is, “Your sanctification; this

is the will of God”, (1Thes.4 :). The third one is

(Gal.4:19) “that Christ is formed in you” and your

spirit is adorned with all glory and grace.

“Your sanctification; this is the will of God”, (1Thes.4:3)

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nothing then (Ps.23:1), so we don’t ask Him for anything

(Jn.16:23), for we ‘know’ that, “He who did not withhold

His own son, but delivered Him for all of us, will He not

also ‘freely’ give us everything else with Christ?”(Rom

8:32). This is the richness of the anointing.

Whenever God wants to upgrade our faith and promote

us for His higher purposes, He brings before us His special

people or situations where we have to exercise great

forgiveness. During those times of trial it’s crucial to

believe that it’s God’s love and it is His master mind behind

this situation. Forgiveness is the short cut to all blessings.

In Jesus forgiveness was made flesh and dwelt amongst

us. Forgiveness is the core of His entire ministry on earth.

So a believer must cultivate the habit of exercising

forgiveness, in order to receive the blessings in season and

out of season. Just like the diluted phosphate solution that

helps the plants to bloom round the year, our forgiveness

activates our spirit to bear fruit in all seasons, for then we

become the children of our father in heaven who is love

(Mt.5:45). “In this is love, not that ‘we’ loved God but that

‘He’ loved us and sent His Son to be the atoning sacrifice

for our sins. Beloved, since God loved us as much as that,

we surely ought to love each other too” (I Jn4:10-11). This

is the essence of Gospel, real love is: it is ‘not our love’ for

God, but ‘His love for us’. We get a drastic mind shift only

when we contemplate on’ His love for us’ revealed

through the cross, without this revelation from God, we

cannot love others.

Presented by, Achamma Thomas

revenge. But what the word says about our response is

(Lk.6:27). “Listen, love your enemies, do good to those

who hate you, bless (speak good of) those who curse you,

pray for those who abuse you (Lk.17:4) and if the same

person sins against you 7 times a day and turns back to

you 7 times and says “I repent, you must forgive”. The

Disciples knew that they needed great faith, not simple

faith in order to obey this word. So in the very next verse

they pray “Lord, increase our faith” (Lk.17:5). If a man

does the same mistake 7 times a day and says ‘I am sorry’ 7

times, we call him just crazy. But the word expects us to

have such a faith to love and even feed those crazy people,

who offend us again and again. For that we need the ‘gift

of faith’, which is an anointing. This enables us to obey (2

Pet.1:5-7): “you must make every effort to support your

faith with goodness, self-control, mutual affection and

love or else our knowledge of God and faith becomes

stagnant like that in (Jas.2:19): “Even demons believe that

God is one and shudder”. When we make every effort to

support our faith with mutual affection and love, God

imparts us His supernatural faith that assures us “All

things work together for good “(Rom.8:28) and “He has

done everything well” (Mk.7:37). The faith we inherited

from our ancestors must be supported with our prayer,

forgiveness and mutual respect and affection; in order to

upgrade it as supernatural faith. Then “we know the love

of Christ that surpasses all knowledge, so that you may be

filled with all the fullness of God” (Eph.3:19). We want


PRAYER FOR HEALINGIn the authority bestowed upon me as a precious daughter of the Lord, whom he reclaimed, in exchange of the Holy Blood of His son Jesus,

In the authority I acquired from my stake in every Eucharist celebrated worldwide, joining the community of saints and the audacity of Mother Mary who stood on her son’s Holy Blood flowing down the crucifix,

On being shielded by His Holy Blood of Christ

I prayerfully command over my illness at this moment, yes, at this moment itself my illness should leave me and I am liberated. Amen


• Soniya Antony

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accidents, sufferings or any dilemma generates fear within us. But, unlike the people, Moses deduced the meaning of these

situations with the spiritual insight and says, “Don’t be afraid, God has come to test you and make you obey Him so that you

will not sin”. Here, the same trumpet blast is witnessed by two genrs of people:

• Israelites, representing the common man, feared.

• Moses, representing the theophile understood it was God’s reminder to not sin.

Pslams103:7 testifies this, “He revealed his plans to Moses and let the people of Israel see his mighty deeds”. There was fear

in the minds of people when they saw the thunder and lightning (which signifies hardships in our lives) because they saw

only the deeds of God i.e. what was happening in their midst. But Moses realised the “WHY” of His deeds. Moses could

grasp the intention of God behind all the hardships that came their way. As Psalms103:7 tells, Moses knew His plans. Hence,

Moses expressed humility on the face of any commotion rather than fear. “Moses was a humble man, more humble than

anyone else on earth”. –Numbers12:3.

Tolerance assumed on the grounds of love is called patience. When patience is filled with hope, it is called humility. When

the common man expresses fear and frustration during contingencies which creates insecurity, the ‘theophile’ who realises

the will of god behind these issues, like Moses, will express humility. The ability to understand the will of god in any

circumstance, turbulant or peaceful, is called wisdom. Humility is a fruit of wisdom and a theophile is one who has wisdom.

St. Paul declares in 1 Corin 2:16 “We, however, have the mind of Christ”.Likewise, God expects us to grow in wisdom,

which means rightly discerning the god’s will. That is why the gospel reiterates the growth of Jesus as “The child grew and

he was full of wisdom”-Luke 2:40 and later in his adolescence as “Jesus grew both in body and in wisdom, gaining favour

with God and men.”

God has a well conditioned grooming plan for us as he had for Jesus from his boyhood. This is apt for our life and not beyond

our capacity. That is why Jesus said, “When he has completed his training, he will be like his teacher”- Luke 6:40, which

means like Jesus. Jesus trains us in His wisdom by giving various projects which we call “our miseries”, “our troubles or “our

pains”. These harsh life experiences can be of long duration and extremely painful ones or short and comparatively milder. I

can be compared to the example of building a weigh bridge or a long flyover. One is a minor project and the other, a

turnkey. The profit you derive from turnkey project is so enormous if it accomplished in the right way. Similarly, our hardship,

depending on its intensity is the project given to us to grow in His Grace. However, our response to these problems which is

God’s plan is the prime point of thought.

Once while I was walking my way to Poonkavu, a woman came near to invite me to her home for prayer. When I reached her

home, I was astonished to see her two children. They were completely bedridden. Their memory retarded and their body –

some pounds of flesh without any motion or thought. What a plight!! For that woman, this is a turnkey project, which as

she has undertaken it faithfully in the name of Christ, will yield tonnes of grace. Your projects can be your drunken husband,

arrogant relatives, sledging colleagues, chronic ailments etc.Here St.Paul gives the right attitude-“Ask god to bless those

who persecute you –yes, ask him to bless and not to curse”-Roman 12:14.

Roman 8:28 tells, “we know that in all things, God works for good with those who love him, those he has called according

to His purpose.” It should be read along with Jeremiah 29:11, “I alone know the plan I have for you, plan to bring you

prosperity not disaster, the plan to bring about the future you hope for”. When you undertake these projects faithfully, you

pile up riches in God’s sight (Luke 12:21).But, those who consider material and self above His Will should know what the

Lord has spoken: “they rebel against me. They follow plans that I did not make and sign treaties against my will, piling one

sin on another.”- Isaiah 30:1.

Let the loving Lord guide you in His way to enrich your grace in His spirit with faith, love and hope

Fr. V.P.Joseph Valiyaveettil

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REACH TO HIS RESEMBLANCEREACH TO HIS RESEMBLANCEXavier told me very sadly,” I’m not able to go to office. A man, there, hurts me all the time. He is highly influential there. All

the time I had to face allegations and shoutings’. I have had enough. I’m thinking of resigning from work.”After a brief

counselling Xavier was happy .I told him, “you always targeted your energy on your enemy, the one who disrupted your

promotion in work, the one who throws allegations at you and bullies you, whoever it is, X or Y....Is he really your enemy?”

Xavier thought for a while. I continued, “You are your own enemy. When such situations arise you should keep yourselves

under scrutiny.” He wondered why..!!!

Let our enemy be X .We can punish him in three ways: Firstly, in the order of hell. Next, in the order of the world. Otherwise,

in the order of heaven. If you follow the order of hell you can destroy him and avenge on him. “The thief comes only in order

to steal, kill and destroy”. (John 10:10).If you follow the order of the world, you can revenge in the human way i.e., through

enmity, fight, jealousy, anger, intolerance, racism. (Galatians 5:20).If you follow the order of heaven .i.e. according to Luke

17:21 “if the kingdom of god is within you”, you would ask God to bless those who persecute you.-Roman 12:14.This will

either transform your enemy to good or he will pass away from your space.

By now, X has changed and a new problem, say Y, arises in its place. It is more intense that the previous one, X. We get

agitated and target our energy to solve Y. Our mind gets weary and concerned when we continuously encounter

adversities, men or matter. It is reflected on our face and actions. Hence, the point of rectification is not the adversities but

our mind. David, the king, went up the Mount of Olives weeping when he lost his kingdom to Absalom. “He walked

barefoot and had his head covered as a sign of grief.” (2 Samuel 15:30).But the Lord’s servant personifying Jesus Christ was

not shaken nor drowned in grief when he was tortured excruciatingly. There was no trace of indignity on his face.

“I bared my back to those who beat me. I did not stop them when they insulted me, when they pulled out the hairs of my

beard and spat on my face.” (Isaiah50:6)

He was crucified, yet he stands powerfully resurrected.

We praise you, Lord!!

Let your Anointing power fill me now. Empower me! Anoint me! to overcome all failures, neglect, allegations, and blame

like you. Brace my heart as in Isaiah50:7 so that I’m incapable of being indignified. It is not my enemies who need change. It

is I. My mind, my heart, my face that should be braced in your spirit. Grace me to pray for my enemies, so that they may

change to good. But I know, one trouble follows the other and it is never ending. Hence, Oh Lord! Replace my stone heart

with a graced new heart that can tolerate enmity and adversities.

Presented by, Maria Manaza

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I started my supply to Government. Everything was going

smoothly until my miller supplied me 3 loads, but

suddenly the market for dhal fluctuated and it boomed .

Remaining 7 loads were not supplied by the miller and he

told that it was profitable for him to sell the remaining 7

loads to local market which would fetch him 10 lakhs

profit and he directed me to not supply the remaining

loads to Government .He told me that nonsupply penalty

of Rs 3.5 lakhs to Government may be deducted from

his payment for 3 loads which he has supplied .I was

totally upset as this was the first contract which was failed

, there was no hope seen for the next months contract

other than to stop the business .But if we are with Jesus

there is sure glorified resurrection after a death. The same

month, as a miracle, the Government introduced an order

to encourage new contractors saying that all the penalties

will be refunded for first contract. My penalties were

waved off and the deducted amount was refunded and a

capital of Rs.3 and half lakhs became the source for

carrying out the business. God gave me the capital and I

was able to expand my business. Within a span of three

years I was able to earn 25 lakhs.

As usual, I went to Maruvakad church. Whenever I went

there, I used to meet a person named Anto, who was a

great devotee of Mother Mary. He always prayed by

kneeling down on sharp stones. That day when I was

praying at Maruvakad, Anto told me that no one was

there to sponsor Mother Mary’s Feast this year. I asked the

vicar, whether being a non-Christian I could celebrate it.

Father was very happy. The feast was after 6 months and

the amount would come up to 50,000. I went back after

giving my name and address to Priest. Business was going

as usual. After one month, Government administration

rules changed. As part of changing systems, some of the

loads of my contract was rejected and loss came up to an

amount of 60 lakhs, a huge amount which cannot be


R. VijayakumarCOIMBATORE

covered even if I sell my small house . I was given a time of

one week for the repayment or replace the rejected loads.

At that time my wife had gone to her house as we were

expecting our second child. I sat alone at my house,

prayed and thought this would be the last day in my

house. Next day I went to the bank. The balance in the

account was 60000 and I took an amount of 57000/.

I went to Maruvakad church, gave 55000/- to parish

priest and told Father that please take the

sponsorship amount now itself as I don’t know

where I'll be at the time of feast. I feared that I

would be prosecuted as it was impossible for me to

repay or replace the rejected loads. Then I went to

the chapel and told Mother Mary, “I thank you for

allowing me to keep my words to you. I

surrendered myself. With Rs.2000/- I left the church. I

never spoke of the situation I was going through even to

my family or friends but my Mother Mary knew my

sorrow of my heart. She pleaded for me to Jesus as in

Cana. Whole situation changed within few days. The very

next month I took tender and to my surprise I was able to

gain lakhs of rupees as profit. Until that month every

tender I used to make a profit of hardly Rs.50000.God has

revealed his love for me. When I was alone Mother Mary

has kept me in the track of faith .I gave preference to God.

Within few months, my business went up and I was

upgraded by God as one of the leading Government


Mother Mary’s feast day came. Since my son was

hospitalized, I couldn’t go for the feast. So I asked my

friend Anto whom I used to meet at Maruvakad Church

to organise the feast. Then Anto revealed that since 5

years he was praying kneeling on stones to get an

opportunity to organize Mother Mary’s feast. All these

showed the God’s Power. He helps us in all unfavourable


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A dream comes true for the cultural arena of coastal life-Ancient boat to be preserved at excavation site


BACK FROM THE PAST: A file photo of the excavation works at Thaikkal in Alappuzha, where remnants of an ancient ship were found.

History on the excavation of Thaikkal shipFifteen years after the discovery of a wooden plank beneath a paddy field led to the unearthing of what is believed to be a

1,010-year-old sail ship at Thaikkal in Kadakarapally near Cherthala where steps are being taken for acquisition of the site

and construction of a site museum there to preserve the ancient vessel. The plank , believe to be the mast of the ship, was

unearthed in 1994 by a couple of agricultural labourers tilling the paddy field about 2 km from the sea. However, it took a

long struggle by the locals, led by Fr. V.P. Joseph Valiyaveetil, for the government and archaeology experts to decide to delve

into the secrets of the vessel. Excavations by archaeology officials were conducted from 2001, but lost steam and were

called off in 2003, after nearly 35 feet of the vessel, the hull of which is missing, was uncovered.

Fr. Joseph and the locals did not lose hope, and with the help of a few foreign archaeologists, succeeded in getting a portion

of the vessel carbon-dated to decide its antiquity. Once they were sure that the vessel was indeed antique, with analysis

showing that it could be up to 1,010 years old, they demanded that the government set up a site museum so that the vessel

could be preserved and in turn, find a place amongst the rare marine archaeological specimens the country has. The ship

was excavated in 2002. A trench, 30-metre long, 12-metre wide and 5-metre deep, was dug around the vessel.

Archaeologists had recovered several artefacts and animal remains from the ship.

The artefacts and the wood used to make the ship were subjected to dating tests, including C-14 dating tests, to calculate

the age of the ship.“The ship could have come here when the Thaikkal port was active and when the region had trade

relations with Portugal, the Dutch, Rome and even Greece,” says Fr. Joseph.

It is likely to be preserved at the site itself, modelled after a similar project in Denmark. The ship is at present lying at the

excavated site itself. Sensing its historical significance, international experts are conducting research studies on its history,

especially of India’s maritime history. A large portion of the vessel, including its hull, is intact. The vessel has been made of

sturdy local wood, but the technique used in making this vessel is not Indian. In India, the planks were tied together with a

rope to build a ship. But the sail ship that was excavated was built by attaching the planks with some adhesives. It is believed

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A visual exploration to the world of folk arts- a golden feather added to Kreupasanam National Heritage Study Centre.

Department of Bharathanatyam, St.Teresa’s college organised a two day international workshop –Natyakeli 2014, in association with National Heritage Study centre, Kreupasanam. The workshop created a new insight to young generation. Inaugurated by His Grace Most Rev.Dr.Francis Kallarackal, the workshop was presided by Dr.Helan A.P, Principal, St.Teresa’s College, Ernakulam. Fr.V.P.Joseph Valiyaveetil was the chief speaker. In the inaugural Address, His Grace highlighted the importance of art and culture for societal upliftment and for sustaining human values. Fr.V.P.Joseph, in his key note address remarked that there is scope for creative experiments and presentation in art and folk when it is identified as the essence of our self. To understand the historical significance of our language, it is essential to know the ancient coastal art and literature. Chavittunadakam, a chief Christian folk art introduces the language and culture that existed in our land from the 16th century. The workshop witnessed the Chavittunadakam performance’ Charlemagne the Great’, which was a colourful extravaganza quite unfamiliar to the present generation.

Chavittunadakam- Backstage, Scaffold and performance

Debut and Gusto

There should not be wide gap between the actors and viewers. But a range limit is required for viewing the performance. A concept of Koothambalam is taken in Natyasasthra . Eight hand points (72 cm) was considered as one rod. Eight rod width and Eight rod height Rangapeedom (Stage). In the middle of the stage, a lamp is set which has a height up to the actors vest. Since the lamp is tall , we could view the face of the actor and his mudras. The flame of the lamp creates an atmosphere of heavenly presence as well as illusionary effects. Bright colours are used to create a character. The Rangapeedom stands out along with the performance. The need of the hour is the sustenance of the art form and not the experiments.

Stages (scaffold)

The traditional costumes and performance of Chavittunadakam relates to Greek influenced Italian theatre or to Anglican theatre. At the two ends of Chavittunadaka stage, there will be a decorated stair way which is connected by a ladder and its height is 6 to 8 feet.

Greek stage and Chavittunadakam- the European missionaries who had the essence of Greek theatre and the traditional Christians who were connected to military life together contributed the stage for Chavittunadakam. The wide stage set on a open area ground with maximum 4 feet height , less width, the background with royalty, open doors , the master who is near to the playback singers, costumes, performances ,- all these highlight the true depiction of Greco-Roman theatre.

Copyright@ Fr. V.P. Joseph Valiyaveetil. All rights reserved.

No part of this content may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form orby means of electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Fr. V.P. Joseph Valiyaveetil.

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that the ship was made either in China, Japan, Egypt or some Arab country. In the 12th century, lots of people from these

countries used to come to the Kerala coast for trading. For centuries Roman, Chinese, Arab, Portuguese, French, Dutch,

British and Jewish merchants came to Kerala in search of the state’s fabled spices. The ship’s discovery has elicited

considerable international attention. Professor Ralph Pederson, a marine archaeologist from the Nautical Archaeology

Division of the Texas A&M University visited the excavation site. A team of researchers from the Southampton University

visited the excavation site. The researchers working under Dr Lucy Blue, a specialist in maritime archaeology at the

university’s Centre for Marine Archaeology, spent several days at the site.

Historical aspect

1. Thaikal harbour and related museum will trace out the trade links that was disappeared into history

2. It will serve as a permanent monument for Indian naval trade history


1. A great source of attraction to tourists as the museum will open up new historical evidences and remain as a monument

2. The museum is near to all other tourist destinations, which adds more vigour

Educational aspect

1. Archaeological, historical studies can be conducted

2. A destination which will enhance more knowledge for traditions, history and culture.

3. It covers the real cultural life of people.

Importance of setting up an Archaeological Museum at Thaikal

War- an essential element

War is an essential element in Chavittunadakam like other traditional fencing art

forms Kalaripayattu and koodiyattom. War between different groups of 50-60

artists is a normal performance. Even in Kathakali, war is a crucial part. Usually

sharp sword are used in wars. But in art forms, swords made of bronze and other

materials were used. Earlier actors had to train for all the martial steps for the

performance. Later , only fighting steps was given training for performing the art.

Hunting and war became indispensable in Chavittunadakam. Only after

continuous practice and training that an actor can perform well, in its original form.

- Presented by, Mary Liya

COASTAL FOLK ART DICTIONARY- a new beacon to the world literatureAnnavi songsFolk songs of Christianity, the are also known as “maundy hymns”. It was popular among the coastal people residing from

Kollam to Chavakkad. During the Lent season, a group of people move from house to house singing these songs. The

Cruxification and sufferings of Jesus form the essence of these songs. The songs are devotions to Mother Mary too. So it is

also known as Mother Mary devotional hymns. It is related to Buddhist traditional songs which are popularly known as

Pichapattukal”. It is a truly devotional ritual song, which is influenced by Tamil literature and music.Ritual ArtsIn coastal areas, ritualistic art form “Slama carol” is very popular.For pleasing the deity, for gaining wealth or prosperity or

for having children, earlier days various rituals were conducted. These are ritual arts. The main theme is related to religion

and social beliefs. As these are ritualistic, it is not simply an art form. Highly blended with rituals, the art form cannot be

considered as a separate independent form, as it loses its importance. Theyyam, Thira, Poorakkalli, Padayani are some of the

ritualistic art forms (Continued in next issue....)

........continued from page 11

Presented by, Liya Viju

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Penned by, V.P. Achan








R t was a cold winter night. Edwin Gomas was sleeping in his couch near the fireplace. IExhausted, he slipped into the dreaming corners

of deep sleep. He saw a dream. “ He could see a long queue of men stretching to the far end of the world he could see. The men and women in the line were all familiar to him and they were all standing in front of a tombstone. He assumed that the tombstone signified that their death was approaching. He was startled and confused at the same time because all the people he loved and hated in life were there. He saw Avarachan, the wicked moneylender who had fraudulently seized his property that was earlier mortgaged to him. Avarachan was standing almost in the front of the queue. Edwin frowned seeing Arvind who had deliberately hindered his promotion towards the end of the line. He saw his ex-wife and her new partner close to the tombstone. He was happy. Suddenly Edwin’s eyes met a man standing in front of the line, very close to the tombstone. He was shocked and desperate to see that man leading the line. It was Thomas who owed Edwin 3 lakh rupees. Edwin thought, “Oh God! I will certainly lose my hard earned money if he passes away immediately.”

Eddy woke up from his dream in great shock and haste. He immediately went to Thomas’s home and demanded his money back. Thomas greeted him, “Good day Mr. Edwin. I was about to come to your home to settle my dues.” He then went in to take the sum while Edwin stayed in the portico. Thomas was delayed in coming back as he was counting the amount Edwin went to sit in the parlour. He then drooped off to sleep. Thomas came out with the entire sum and called out, “Edwin, here is the sum I promised you. No issues please!!! We are always friends.” But Edwin did not wake and he never woke up from the sleep. Unaware of fact that, Edwin was leading the queue he focussed on his enemies and opponents.


Fraudulent - counterfeit,


Fathom - get to the bottom of

Ensnare - entrap, as if in a trap

Dilemma - quandary, a situation in

which a difficult choice has to be


Diligent - hardworking, careful

Nudge - push, touch or push gently


Oh, Heavenly Father! My exam days are nearby. I put my total faith and dependence on you. Please have mercy on me and touch me with your hands which shower blessings upon me. Oh Jesus, you have been with me in all my inabilities and I seek your presence for my coming exam days. Give me the grace to not lean on my power but trust you with all my heart. Fill me with your soul of knowledge. I have sincerely completed my work. Help me to understand what I learnt and memorize them. Oh Mother of Lord, handover me to your loving son who offers you anything on your demand. Grace me with success. Amen

The dream of EdwinThe dream of Edwin

Page 15: Vol-2 Issue 3 March – May 2014kreupasanammarianshrine.com/news_paper_eng_pdf/2014...Sometimes, a believer may stand baffled in the midst of his life problems. Neither intelligence

v Thamber 2014 – a cultural fiesta was organised at Arthunkal Church, which showcased the folk arts like

Chavittunadakam, Margamkali, Vallattuparichaveeshikali, Parichamuttukali, Vanchipattukal by Kreupasanam

Pauranika Rangakalapeedom, Kalavoor, Alappuzha. The 11 day programme witnessed the presence of

academicians, politicians, social service groups, activists. Shri. K.C.Venugopal , Minister of State for Civil Aviation in

Indian Government, Shri.Aryadu Bhargavan, Director ,Dramatic study centre, Rev Fr.Stephen pazhambasseril,Rector,

Arthunkal Basilica, Dr.B.Padmakumar, Professor, Medical college, Alappuzha, Advocate A.M.Arif MLA, Smt.Mercy

Diana Macido, Municipal chairperson, Alappuzha were the prominent persons who graced the fiesta with their

presence. The exhibition of paintings and presentation of Kreupasanam achievements were held.

v As part of the Tourism festival of State Government, Kreupasanam Pauranika Rangakalapeedom presented

Chavittunadakam and Parichamuttukali at Munnar and Kumarakom.

v Shri.A.P.Xavier Arakkal, Kreupasanam Pauranika Rangakalapeedom Cochin zone Convenor, was bestowed with the

Gurupooja Award 2013 by Kerala Folklore Academy

v Two books on spiritual growth-“Gate to Grace & Glory” and “Kreupayude Soothravakhyaghal” was released



And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

1 Peter 5:10

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and prayer request will be accepted

through phone, letter and e-mail.

For Subscription, Single copy: Rs.10/-

v www.kreupasanam.in

v www.vpachan.com.

v www.folkarts.in

v www.chavittunadakam.com

Printed and published by R.Vijayakumar, Coimbatore for Kreupasanam, Design and layout: Sebastian Viju (www.leemation.com), Printed at Vianni Printers, Kaloor, Kochi.

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First Tuesday

One day Retreat and Healing Adoration

First Sunday Couples Retreat

First ThursdayNight Vigil at Thankey Church

Second Tuesday

Hospital Mission

Second SaturdayYouth Mission

Third SundayProfessionals Meet

Third TuesdayCounseling Day

Fourth Saturday1000 Beads Rosary & Apostles Meet

Third Tuesday to FridayMARIAN RETREAT