visual composition spencer "sniper" pomoty

Lines are used to guide the human eye into something spectacular. In the first photograph the lines in the sand guide your eye to the mountains. In the second photograph the photographer used the fence to lead your eye to the 2 people. Click icon to add picture Lines

Post on 20-Sep-2014




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Page 1: Visual composition Spencer "Sniper" Pomoty

Lines are used to guide the human eye into something spectacular. In the first photograph the lines in the sand guide your eye to the mountains. In the second photograph the photographer used the fence to lead your eye to the 2 people.

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Page 2: Visual composition Spencer "Sniper" Pomoty

Shapes are on of the most simplistic elements of design out there. Either alone or in a combination they have meaning to them. The picture on the left is an abstract painting, in this picture its just a bunch of 2-D shapes put together. Now the picture on the right show’s some geometric shapes. Geometric shapes are an example of 2-D shapes.

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Page 3: Visual composition Spencer "Sniper" Pomoty

Form is short for saying 3-D shape. In the left picture it is clearly 3-D, but it’s unique. It is unique because you wonder how the cube is standing. The picture on the right is obviously 3-D. The picture is interesting because the cube is underwater but also inside the cube looks like its under water too.

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Page 4: Visual composition Spencer "Sniper" Pomoty

Color is used to contrast many things. For example in the picture on the left is of a peacock, the surroundings of the peacock is black but the bird itself stays the same color. The picture on the right is a person holding some colorful candy, but its surroundings are grey.

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Page 5: Visual composition Spencer "Sniper" Pomoty

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Texture is usually apart of our pictures whether intentional or not. The picture to the left is a tree stump. The picture to the right is of a brick floor. Texture is when you take a picture of something and you can see the details.

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Depth is when you try and make sure one object stands out from everything else. The picture on the left is a good example of this because everything except the flower is blurred out. The picture on the right is another example of trying to make one object stand out.

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Light is when a source of light comes from one direction and casts a shadow on the other side of the object. The right picture is of a light shining on a tiger and casting a shadow behind the tiger.

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Direction can be showed in many different forms. For example both of these pictures are examples of anticipated motion. Anticipated motion is when we know from past experiences a motion will occur.

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Direction (motion)

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Mass equals size. Each element within the picture has its own mass. The physical mass or size is actual dimensions of the piece.

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Mass(Visual Weight)

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In tone the color of the subject is unimportant, it is defined as the intensity of lightness or darkness in anything that is visible.

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Tone (Black and White)

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Values refer to the relative lightness or darkness of a certain area. It can also be used for emphasis.

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Space is an area provided for a particular purpose. Space includes the background, foreground, and middle ground. Positive space refers to the space of a shape representing the subject matter. Negative space refers to the space around and between subject matter.

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Space (Negative and Positive)

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Symmetrical balance is easiest to see in perfectly centered compositions or those with mirror images. In a design with only two elements they would be almost identical or very near the same in

visual mass.

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Emphasis in design provides focal point for the piece. Sometimes called Dominance, emphasis can be done by changing font or image size.

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Proportion refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design. This means its important to discuss proportion in terms of context.

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Repetition refers to rhythm. In a picture if it has the same thing over and over again it is called repetition.

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Unity is a type of photography that makes objects in a piece seem like they are together. There are 3 different types of unity. Proximity, repetition, and continuation.

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Contrast occurs when two elements are different. The greater the difference the greater the contrast. The key to making a successful contrast picture is making sure your differences are obvious.

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Harmony in is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar and related elements. The principle of design concerned with combining similar art elements.

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One of the easiest ways to create a visual structure and give your piece an organized feel is to space items according to their relation to one another.

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Variety means to change the character of an element to make it different. Without unity a picture is chaotic and unreadable, without variety it is dull and uninteresting.

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