· web viewidentify one way in which buddhist and...

Name: _____________________________ WHAP 10 1 2.1 – Classical Era - Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism and Daoism Test Ticket Key Concept 2.1 Part I – Relgions and Philosophies of the Classical Era P.1-19 LEQ- Long Essay Question Evaluate the extent to which the new religions and belief systems changed The Development and Interaction of Cultures in the period circa 600 B.C.E.- 600 C.E. Topic for response Buddhism - Using evidence Christianity Using evidence Confucianism - Using evidence Daoism - Using evidence Change – Why did the change happen?

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Page 1: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600

Name: _____________________________

WHAP 1012.1 – Classical Era - Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism and Daoism Test Ticket Key Concept 2.1

Part I – Relgions and Philosophies of the Classical Era P.1-19

LEQ- Long Essay Question

Evaluate the extent to which the new religions and belief systems changed The Development and Interaction of Cultures in the period circa 600 B.C.E.- 600 C.E.

Topic for response

Buddhism - Using evidence Christianity Using evidence Confucianism - Using evidence

Daoism - Using evidence

Change – Why did the change happen?

Page 2: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600

Topic for response

Buddhism - Using evidence Christianity Using evidence Confucianism - Using evidence

Daoism - Using evidence

Change – Why did the change happen?

Page 3: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600


For this essay you will need an introduction paragraph that restates the prompt and then gives your thesis. You will then three body paragraphs, one needs to be a similarity paragraph and one needs to be a difference paragraph. Your third and final paragraph can be a similarity or a difference.


Step #1 – Restate the prompt in your own words, you may use synonyms for key words.


Step #2 – Create your thesis, here you will say which topic you picked and how they are either a similarity or difference


Body Paragraph #1 – You will need a topic sentence and then explain

Topic sentence


Body Paragraph #2 – You will need a topic sentence and then explain

Topic sentence

Page 4: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600


Body Paragraph #3 – You will need a topic sentence and then explain

Topic sentence


AP World History LEQ RubricPoints

Thesis 1Presents a thesis that is historically defensible and responds to all parts of the question.The thesis must consist of one or more consecutive sentences located either in the introduction or conclusion paragraph.Should be comprised of "Rule of 3" argumentative points.

Argumentation: Targeted HTS

(Only one of the four HTS will be targeted on the LEQ portion of the exam)

Observe "Rule of 3" in all HTS cases.


Develops and supports an argument that…

CAUSATIONDevelops and supports an argument that…

CCOTDevelops and supports an argument that…

1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 pointDescribe sims AND diffs among historical individuals, events, developments, or processes.

Explains the reason for sims AND diffs

OR, depending on the prompt: evaluates the significance of historical individuals, events, developments, or processes.

Describes causes AND/OReffects of a historical event, development, or process.

Explains the reasons for the causesAND/OReffects of a historical event, development, or process.

Describes historical continuity AND/OR change over time.

Explains the reason for historical change AND/OR continuity over time.

Argumentation: Using Evidence

21 point 1 point

Addresses the topic of the prompt with at least "Rule of 3" pieces of relevant Specific Historical Evidence (SHE).

Links the "Rule of 3" specific historical evidence provided to fully and effectively support the stated thesis or a relevant argument.


Describes a broader historical context relevant to the prompt- Response must connect the topic of the prompt to the historical events that took place, before, during or after the time period

Total Points: 6

Page 5: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600

Part II- Spread of Religion, Hierarchy and Gender Roles P. 20- 26Short Answer Prompt

a. Identify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600 B.C.E.- 600 C.E.b. Explain ONE similarity in the development of social structures of Monasticism in Buddhism and Christianity in the period 600 B.C.E.c. Explain ONE similarity in the development of social structures of Monasticism in Buddhism and Christianity in the period 600 B.C.E. (4.0 option)

Answer the Question

Here your claim is to answer the question this will be your topic sentence2 points- has a claim written in a correct topic sentence that can correctly support the argument of the author.

Cite Specific Evidence

Here you need evidence that supports your answer- 2-4 details

4 points – has 2-4 strong details that are from our packet an d provide specific evidence that defends the claim

Explain how the evidence proves your assertionConnect your evidence this back to the context- what was happening overall in this era3 points – Gives explanation of evidence that connects to era and explains the importance or significance of the evidence in world history

A. Topic/Claim

In a topic sentence

Page 6: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600

B. Topic/Claim

In a topic sentence

C. Topic/Claim

In a topic sentence

Page 7: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600


Page 8: · Web viewIdentify ONE way in which Buddhist and Christian Monasticism influenced the development of social structures in the period 600
