vectorized laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional...

The Power Grid Graph drawn by Derrick Bezanson 2010 Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional data sets Fan Chung Graham University of California, San Diego Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Page 1: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

The Power Grid Graph drawn by Derrick Bezanson 2010

Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional data sets

Fan Chung Graham University of California, San Diego

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 2: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012

Vectorized Laplacians ----- Graph gauge theory

Earlier work (3 papers 1992-1994) with Shlomo Sternberg, Bert Kostanton the vibrational spectra and spins of the molecules.

New directions inorganizing/analyzinghigh-dimensional data sets,with applications in- vector diffusion maps, - graphics, imaging, sensing- resource allocation with dynamic demands

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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V a group H!

.u v u = gv for g B,a chosen subset of H! "!

Cayley graphs G = (V,E)Γ

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 4: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

adjacency matrix !




V a group H!

.u v u = gv for g B,a chosen subset of H! "!

Cayley graphs G = (V,E)

Frobenius 1897


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Eigenvalues of the buckyball

Roots of

• with multiplicity 5

(x2 + x − t 2 + t −1)(x3 − tx2 − x2 − t 2x − 3x + t 3 − t 2 + t + 2) = 0

• with multiplicity 4

(x2 + x − t 2 −1)(x2 + x − (t +1)2 ) = 0

• with multiplicity 3

(x2 + (2t +1)x + t 2 + t −1)(x4 − 3x3 + (−2t 2 + t −1)x2 +

with weight 1 for single bonds and t for double bonds

(3t 2 − 4t + 8)x + t 4 − t 3 + t 2 + 4t − 4) = 0

• with multiplicity 1x − t − 2 = 0

52 + 42 + 32 + 32 +1= 60Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

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The spectrum of a graph

1( ) ( ( ) ( ))y xx

f x f x f yd

! = "#!

Discrete Laplace operator


2 ( )jf xx!"! 1( ) ( ){ }j jf x f x

x x+! !" "! !

In a path Pn 1


1( ) ( ) ( )2

( ) ( )

{( )

( )}

j j j

j j

f x f x f x

f x f x



" = ! !

! !


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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acts on Γ = (V ,E), ΔIn a graph

In general, we consider

acts on Δ (V ,X) = f :V → X{ }.

Δ = Δ180×180

Δ = Δnd×nd

V = n


F (V ,R) = { f :V → R}

Example 1: Vibrational spectra of molecules

Example 2: Vector Diffusion Maps

(V ,Rd ).

(V ,R3).F


geometric datatime based datastatistical data

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 9: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Vibrations and spins of the Buckyball Noise in the data sets, etc.

Connections: a classical framework for dealing with

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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= {E Ex: x ∈V}Vector bundle

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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= {E Ex: x ∈V}

Connection T

Vector bundle

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Vector bundle = {

Tx,e :


Connection Tfor x V, e =(x,y) E∈ ∈→Ey Ex

Tx,e Ty,e = id

Example 1:

Vibrational spectra of molecules

Spins of the Buckyball

Ex: x ∈V}

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Example 1: Vibrational spectra of molecules

= {h :V → R3}



(V ,R3)F

the space of displacements


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Example 1: Vibrational spectra of molecules

Potential energy

Hooke’s law: h :V → R3


= ku ,v

u + h(u)− v − h(v) − u − v( )u ,v∑ 2

≈ ku ,v wu ,v ⋅(h(u)− h(v))u ,v∑ 2

where wu ,v =

u − vu − v


= ku ,v < h(u)− h(v),Aeu ,v∑ (h(u)− h(v)) >

Ae = wu ,v ⊗wu ,vt

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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The vibrational spectrum (infrared)of the Buckyball

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Vector bundle

Tx,e :

Selection sec s(u)∈ s∈forE


Connection T e =(x,y) E

→Ey Ex

Tx,e Ty,e = id

Suppose a group G acts on V as graph automorphisms.

For a G and u V, ∈ ∈ →Eu Eaua :→Eu Eabu a b = ab :

(a ⋅T )x,e = aTa−1x,a−1ea−1

G acts as automorphisms on connections:

for x V,∈

Define QT ,A(s) = (s(x)−Tx,ex,e∑ s(y)) ⋅Ax,e(s(x)−Tx,es(y))

= {E Ex: x ∈V}

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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a G-invariant connection on defines an

Theorem: C.+Sternberg 1992


Γ =

Example 1: Vibrations and spins on the Buckyball

F = Av,beb∈B∑⎛⎝⎜

⎞⎠⎟⊗ I − Av,betb ⊗ r(b)


tb ∈Auto(X)

QT ,A(s) = (s(x)−Tx,ex,e∑ s(y)) ⋅Ax,e(s(x)−Tx,es(y))

can be represented as

In a homogenous graph G/H with edge generating

= (Γ,X)E

isomorphism , such that the operator

set B,

For the Buckyball G = SL(2,5), PSL(2,5) A5,Isotropy subgroup Z2


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Examples of connection graphs

data point uOuv

Example 1: Vibrational spectra of molecules

Example 2: Vector Diffusion Maps

Spins of the buckyball

data point v


Singer + Wu 2011

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 19: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Examples of connection Laplacians

data point uOuv

Example 2: Vector Diffusion Maps

data point v


Singer + Wu 2011

DataAt a node u,

In a network,

local PCA vector in Rd

dimension reduction

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Consistency of connection Laplacians

For a connected connection graph G of dimension d,


< f ,L f >= f (u)Ouv − f (v)(i, j )∈E∑ 2


f :V → Rd

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Consistency of connection Laplacians

For a connected connection graph G of dimension d, the following statements are equivalent:

The 0 eigenvalue has multiplicity d.

All eigenvalues have multiplicity d.

For each vertex v, we haveOuv =Ou


Ov ∈SO(d),such that for all (u,v)∈E.

For any two vertices u and v, any two paths P, P’, Oxy

xy∈P∏ = Ozw

zw∈P '∏

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Consistency of connection Laplacians

For a connected connection graph G of dimension d,

if the 0 eigenvalue has multiplicity d, then

we can find


such that Ouv = Ou−1OvOv ∈SO(d),

for all (u,v)∈E.OuMethod 1: For a fixed vertex u, choose a frame

consisting of any d orthonormal vectors.For any v, define Ov = Ovivi+1

i∏ where

is any path joining u and v. u = v0,v1,...,vt

Method 2: Use eigenvectors. Singer+Spielman 2012Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 23: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Dealing with noise in the data

Random connection Laplacians

PageRank algorithms

Graph limits and graphlets


Graph sparsification algorithms

Several combinatorial approaches

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 24: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Dealing with noise in the data

Random connection Laplacians

PageRank algorithms

Graph limits and graphlets


Graph sparsification algorithms

Several combinatorial approaches

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 25: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

A random graph model for any given expected degree sequence


Pr(Xij = 1) = Pr(vi vj ) = pij

viExample: The Erdos-Renyi model G(n, p)

with pij all equal to . p``

X = Xij( )

Xij = Xji ,1≤ i ≤ j ≤ n.

Independent random indicator variables

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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A matrix concentration inequality

Theorem: C. + Radcliffe 2011

Xi : independent random Hermitian matrixn × n

Xi − E(Xi ) ≤ M

X = Xii=1


∑ satisfies

Pr X − E(X ) > a( ) ≤ 2n exp −a2

2v2 + 2Ma / 3⎛⎝⎜


where v2 = var(Xii=1


∑ )


Ahlswede-Winter,Cristofides-Markstrom, Oliveira, Gross, Recht, Tropp,....


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Eigenvalues of random graphs with general distributions

Theorem: C. + Radcliffe 2011

G : a random graph, where Pr(vi vj ) = pij .

λi (A)− λi (A) ≤ 4dmax log(2n / ε )for all i, ,if the maximum degree satisfies

adjacency matrix of GA :

expected adjacency matrixA : Aij = pij

With probability , eigenvalues of and satisfyA1− ε

dmax > 49 log( 2nε ).

1≤ i ≤ n


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Eigenvalues of the normalized Laplacian for random graphs with general distributions

Theorem: C. + Radcliffe 2011

G : a random graph, where Pr(vi vj ) = pij .

λi (L)− λi (L) ≤3log(4n / ε )

δfor all i, ,and

adjacency matrix of GA :expected adjacency matrixA : Aij = pij

δ >10 logn.1≤ i ≤ n

diagonal degree matrix of GDL = I − D−1/2AD−1/2

if the minimum degree satisfiesL = I − D−1/2AD−1/2 ,

for all i, ,if the minimum degree satisfies

With probability , eigenvalues of 1− εsatisfy

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Dealing with noise in the data

Random connection Laplacians

PageRank algorithms

Graph limits and graphlets


Graph sparsification algorithms

Several combinatorial approaches

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Graph sparsification

For a graph G=(V,E,W),

| hG (S) − hH (S) | ≤ εhG (S).

we say H is an ε-sparsifier if for all we have

S ⊆ V

O(n logn)Benczur and Karger 1994 --- sparsifier with size in running time

O(n2 )Spielman and Sriastava 2008 --- using effective resistance running time


Batson,Spielman and Sriastava 2009 --- sparsifier running time


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Graph sparsification

Sparsification Sampling edges

| hG (S) − hH (S) | ≤ εhG (S)


The cut edges are more likely to be sampled in order to satisfy, for all S ⊆ V ,

We need to rank edges.       Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Dealing with noise in the data

Random connection Laplacians

PageRank algorithms for ranking edges

Graph limits and graphlets


Graph sparsification algorithms

Several combinatorial approaches

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Two equivalent ways to define PageRank p=pr(!,s)

(1) (1 )p s pW! != + "


(1 ) ( )t t


p sW! !"


= #$(2)

s = 1 1 1( , ,...., )n n n

Definition of PageRank

the (original) PageRank

some “seed”, e.g.,s = (1,0,....,0)

personalized PageRank

PageRank for ranking vertices      

jumping constant


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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PageRank as generalized Green’s function

Discrete Green’s function Chung+Yau 2000

restricted to

L = D1/2ΔD−1/2 = λkPk




(ker L )⊥

Green’s function G =




LG = I

The general Green’s function Gβ =

1β + λk



PageRank pr(α, s) = βsD−1/2GβD1/2 , β = 2α 1−α

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Ranking pages using Green’s function and electrical network theory

: a weighted graphG = (V ,E,W ) wu ,v


injected current functionconductance


iV :V →

−1 iE :E→ induced current function

B(e,v) =

1 if v is e 's head

−1  if  v is e 's tail0     otherwise



Kirchoff’s current law: iV = iEB

Ohm’s current law: iE = f  BTWvoltage potantial function


Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Ranking pages using Green’s function and electrical network theory

iV = fV BTW B = fV L

Kirchoff’s current law: iV = iEB

Ohm’s current law: iE = f  BTW

fV = iVD−1/2G D−1/2

R(u,v) = fV (χu − χv )T

             = iVD−1/2G D−1/2 (χu − χv )


             = (χu − χv ) D−1/2G D−1/2 (χu − χv )


B ' =D1/2




Wβ =βI    0 0   W⎡



Lβ = βI + L

β β


LβGβ = Iβ



prα (s) = sD−1/2GβD

1/2 where  β =2α1−α

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Ranking pages using Green’s function and electrical network theory

Rα (u,v) = hα (u,v) + hα (v,u)

               =prα ,u (u)du

−prα ,u (v)dv

+prα ,v (v)dv

−prα ,v (u)du


The Green value of (u,v)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Vectorized Laplacian and vectorized PageRank

A connection graph G = (V ,E,O,w)

A connection matrix

A =

wuvOuv if (u,v)∈E,0d×d otherwise.


fLf T = wuv f (u)Ouv − f (v)

(u ,v)∈E∑ 2

L =D − A D(v,v) = duId×d

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Vectorized Laplacian and vectorized PageRank

A connection graph G = (V ,E,O,w)

The transition probability matrix

P =D−1A

p(α,v) = α s + (1−α ) pZ

Z =

I + P2

The vectorized PageRank

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Ranking pages using Green’s function and electrical network theory

Rα (u,v) =pα ,u (u)du

−pα ,u (v)dv

+pα ,v (v)dv

−pα ,v (u)du


The Green value of (u,v)

which the sampling subroutine is based upon.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 41: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Dealing with noise in the data

Random connection Laplacians

PageRank algorithms for ranking edges

Graph limits and graphlets


Graph sparsification algorithms

Several combinatorial approaches

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 42: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Examples of connection Laplacians

Example 1: Vibrational spectra of molecules

Example 2: Electron microscopy Vector Diffusion Maps

Spins of the buckyball

Managing millions of images, photos.Example 3: Graphics, vision, ...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 43: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

Millions of photos in a box!

Navigate using connection graphs.

- finding consistent subgraphs, paths ...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Feature  detectionDetect  features  using  SIFT  [Lowe,  IJCV  2004]

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Feature  matchingMatch  features  between  each  pair  of  images

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Image  connectivity  graph

(graph  layout  produced  using    the  Graphviz  toolkit: of an image connection graphBuilding Rome in a day

Agarwal, Snavely, Simon, Seitz, Szeliski 2009Saturday, August 11, 2012

Page 47: Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional · Saturday, August 11, 2012. Singer + Wu 2011, C. + Zhao 2012 Vectorized

The Power Grid Graph drawn by Derrick Bezanson 2010

Vectorized Laplacians for dealing with high-dimensional data sets

Fan Chung Graham University of California, San Diego

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Thank you.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

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Image  connectivity  graph

(graph  layout  produced  using    the  Graphviz  toolkit: of an image connection graphBuilding Rome in a day

Agarwal, Snavely, Simon, Seitz, Szeliski 2009Saturday, August 11, 2012

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An example of connection graphsBuilding Rome in a day

Agarwal, Snavely, Simon, Seitz, Szeliski 2009

Saturday, August 11, 2012