value investing in a nutshell

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  • 8/8/2019 Value Investing in a Nutshell


    Value Investing in A Nutshell

    You have learned a lot on the story of the turtle and the hare. The hare, withhis cocky speed, is way too confident on his victory over thetortoise. During the race, the hare stopped for a while and took a short nap. The tortoise, with his consistent slow speed wants to catch ahead. And upon reaching the hare, who has dozed off, quietly took his steps and outrun the fast cock

    y long-eared creature. The hare just woke up to hear the celebration as the tortoise won the race.

    Stock market is no different from the tortoise and the hare story. You can seethe hare in the person of short-sellers and day traders who are sensitive to price. The tortoise are also the value-investors. They are called the quiet achievers. And one of them is the world's second richest man, Warren Buffet. So it cameto be that value investing is synonimous with Buffet-investing.

    For an ordinary investor, one may ask. What is value-investing? How could one make a "home run" of it? Why does it work so well with Warren Buffet? Where couldan investor find a stock through value-investing means? When is the right time

    to apply value investing? This might be just some few questions that you, as aninvestor, would like to know about value investing.

    For a short-seller, price is what matters most to them. Short-sellers and speculators bought stock in consideration to price and price trend. Well, it is good to know that they would also make a huge price out of it. But try to consider from some of the market's pundit who said that from the period of January 1966 until October of 1982, the return of Dow, considering the price losses and increases, has relative been zero. Which means, if you based your stocks on the Dow indexwithin those period of almost 20 years, you will relatively get back at one. Ho

    w much more with the current market sitiuation which is volatile, you might endup getting a negative portfolio.

    Value investing works on a different way. Unlike the regular traders who pick onprice trends, value investors decide when the right price to buy based on the v

    alue of the business. The price setters look at the market factors, the value investors look at the business factors. In the first place, it is the business that you are buying and therefore dictates at what price you should be buying a business and not the market who are just mere spectators of the business.

    Value investors takes a great consideration on how the business work. Does the business profits consistently? Will the business grow? Can the business sustain future earnings? And above all, does the business priced at its current value? Itundermines a a company which has been snubbed by market and thus having a lesse

    r market value price without considering that it earns a lot. Most priced compan

    ies by value investors are considered garbage or out-of-nowhere to the stock directory of a regular traders. These are stocks which does not make a hit. Stocksthat does not have a brand name or is not recognizable to some. For others, these are also stocks which have been ignored, though not necessarily stocks with lesser reputation, but due to some bad publicity which creates a negative pull ofthe market price down.

    What other market traders dumped, value investors get but in considering also ofthe business value. Surely, no investor would put their money on a stock which

    has a damaged business. This is what happened when Cocal Cola stocks where acquired by Warren Buffet and his cohorts in Berkshire Hathaway.

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  • 8/8/2019 Value Investing in a Nutshell
