v2 a~l1d vz~, bank building is completed; wisdom may...

, , ... ,. " , .< " ... j , . . ,. , ' ....... - , - .. , , . - , , , , j; •••1 . (.j , . t "' . " , . " ' " , , " , .' . , ... . ' .' ' , --0-- ... , , . l\1RS. OLIVER , .. - .. '!' '; , •. "'w"." , , , " ' . : .. ;. ., . " ' , ,. , . ,- , . ., " , , Suzanne Oliver, Fred Pitts ToWed During Xmas, New Year's Holidays ., .... ". , " , ""c·'«',,,. ., , I '" ' " ,. \ " t, ,. ", " ' ".'" "', , , , , .. , . , " ' '" LINCOLN, . ' ,: , -<" 0 " F'" - . , . , , . ' . ' - - ..... '.. ",' , , ..... ' .. .. , . , / , , , . '. , , , "'SERVING , J , , -, . , .. , . '. " . -, ' .. ' ,. t .,. V2 & WISDOM -Rv Vix- :I,.ast week was a lulu '•, ' made more mistakes in one week tMn we ordinarily make in, a ll,'Iontll, lleCore we caUght two bad ones. we already had some of our papers printed. It had Dedle Swe!!rlngin liS a girl Instead of a bQy nnd Patsy Cae M being ed· Carnival Queen Instead of Nan- cy Chapman, ,• Then we called Roy "Ray" In the stOry about. hlsl'lew' pharmacy. and we called the pew grocery operators "Snlt" instead ot Sapp, which' makes a sap out ot us but not them! Haw! And, there were oth- ers, too-but. let's not dwell too long on our shortcomings, .. - " _-.. :c' :,:0::-,, .,:Ll:IN;:.:C:z9.;:;.L;:.:H .... N:::O::V,i::,EMB:::::::, :::. E=R=, :::13::, :::J:±85S====..,..._ ...... !?,50. Bank Building Is Completed; May Open'December 1 New Manager To Come Here From Construction 01 the hllndsoml' new Ruidoso State Blink buildlnll Is 'Completed. Only the Installation 01 a sign, the planUm: or f1ow('rs, In the planter box In rront. lind Installatlon of a lew offke rix- I tures Insldl' are Incklnn now Tl'n- lalive dale h' NI'l ror Dee. I. Kenneth Wall. president or Ihe I We received In the mall this hank, sRld this week. He IIlso an- week a very complimentary. and nOllnced this 'vl'ek that Ihl' nsso- lengthy, epistle twm Mrs, F. H. clllUon of a Roswell mnn wJlh lhl' Seele of San Antonio, telling ot bank as exrculh'c viCl'-P1'I'Sldcni , her recent'vlslt to the Aspencqde, . could be Ilnnounecd locally, \'" JlIso about a jaunt she mnde "We do not plan R lormal opcn- I 'I.' throUJlh the North and East and Ing of OUr bank Dec. Ihul will Into Canada. She saw thrllling, .• b historical sln'kts In Washlnltton, D. ' ' come II out two wel'ks InllOr after 1''' we have the business or operallnll C" in Eoston, Moss., and In Can- It smoothed out considerablY.",' ada.. She says she has each copy I W tt Id of the RUidoso News since it be- AS FIRE GAINED Diamond Bar suflered cons der- a su . gan In 1046, and says she still gels .. RuldO$O Bowline c.nter, far able smoke and water damaee, TI F Th Wood About the mllnllger. Wntl s,ud IlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes out of control as Ure- This week, there was "0 In- a es rom e S- that Townsend B, Buod. connecler! the Rio Ruidoso canyon now as men batUed unsbccessfully to formation aavllable as to wheth- H ting- W-th Th 'R d Sb-rt ' with lin Insurnnce IIgl'ney III Ros- .,abe did her first time In 1941. Hope stem the explOIllon-caused Ure er either or both of the two un lee 1 S well, had bought shares 'to'liee you sometime, Mrs. Seele, lD that larre buUdlne early structures would be rebuilt. requlrl'd by the F. 0 I C to hold I do, 08 you 8ay, thank God Monday la.n week. Before the Denny Davis said he had no 1m- - - - the position or manUIlI'I. or exel'U' "f!Qt the beoutlfl,l1 land, our Lincoln fire waa stemmed, It had leveled mediate plans to rebuild. and Here arc some of the hunting I L. S. (Heavy) Drnke, after eat- tlve v!cc-prl'sldl.'lll Ilood sucCl'l'ds I 4lHInty. the Davia Grill, about center of whether the bowling center .tories and news that hove drifted some fresh venison In II 1'1'1'- Robl'!'t Jonl's of EI Pallo. who WIIS I ;r - - _ thla photo. The fire was stop- bl1 lldln l'. owned by Pirtle of illio town from the woods Ihls taln friend's pl:,,,l'." I'· :\f!I'r my u/I"bll' IOl'Olm' hNc undl'r till' , l'Googan,"cl the black and white ped by the Ruidoso, Hollywood 1t05well, would be rebuilt was wl'ck' I experience III 1"1' 11 I 11111'" or dl:ld flllunclni reQuln'llIl'nls oul- ear-old os: that was l'lO tam- aneL Green Tree volunteer fire- not known by anyone locally. 1931, I think I 1".'1 ", , -;1 IIncd b)' thl' deposit InsurllllCC cor. , to tho folks here. on the men" the We wall wbleh sep- Both bulldlnrs carrJed lome ,In- Mrs. H. H. Shier, who has I liver when I .... 1 ;'" 'porll\lon. ·• : and In the Hart's Selt Server arated Dav1.l Grlll and the Dla- surance, It was said. oodles nnd oodles of turkeys at I I ••• Hood has been eonnl'l'ted with I . doy aflcr day tor so many .lmd Bar. rflht center. Tbe .. ... a Ramona Farms to sell. came back' The Jim A\" "'ll'r 'fllll'r the firm of RUS.'l.lI, B,ll'on lind . .,.lIn. died of natural last C- T- -,' -' D f MI 31 0 trom her deer hUfll with a-you 1 hunllnn pari)' \': Ill' ".' UIII, ,I \\'111\:, Hood the Illst eight )'l'Orll I fl· lind I apltan 1aers e eat erose . Iluessed it·-turkey, ' their tl'lI bu(·k., I; t T, tsd,' Th'.1 !\trs. Hood IIrc 10 movt' Iwre soml'- :" .r", - - ."'b do It every \ (',lr' lime dUrlllJl Dec('mlwr tn mok<l , to the tund to give IS FIG dG Fd R A. Bennett and Clallale Pet-I thl'lr 1ll1me. nt'forl' Joilltnll the I' p to the two guys trom Green n emi. ina ri arne ri ay erSOll, hunting together, wished 1 Oul-ot·IOWI. h'III.' G "rl' nf'l as RORwell firm. hI' \\'IIN connl·... ed , who were Injured fighting IheY hlld had llbout hall a dozl.'n I Ihit'k 100 the !lUI"" ,\ .'rea Ihls vcar with till' Securitv Flrsl National .•' tire In Ruldol'lO lnst weck. have The Capitan Tigers brokc' loor.o friends with them, They each lIot 115 In fornwr )1'd11l: sllIcl' IIIl' npen- Rnnk of Los Angeles ror 16 y"ars RUidoso Newll. Perle Dnvl- wIth two touchdowns In ellch o't C- PI Ihetr buck, Bennett a O-polnter. Inll "f Iwo r('r.,gl's III lht 111 lIt'v('rlll cllpucllll'lI, Inl'ludllll1 01 '.\ IIII' IIllt'H'" III HUldo50an!l IOn. C. E. Staples, J. Roberson, L. the final two quarters to defent apltan ays lind sow several more. all in one norlh of e,lpll'''1 (,'.lpl·1I11 hns hl'l'lI tho! of brtllll'h malinger INDIAN BABY "'"l Ihe n1«n\ IhnUfilln,la who have P.OnllC(lo:l, L. H, Keller. H. Hoff- the Melrose Burtalocs 31-0 In a. small nren. dOill" U Iundotf •. " "ll!llrl"!;g Crl>fn Wnll hon onnounl'I'd n stodt- \Illtll'd l!ul<loso IfI ,H'lIrB POllt III mlln, Bud Mohoney ond C. W. ClllSlI C tleml-flnal playoff game on In State Fm. 'afs ·.· : the hunh'l'1i 1II til II P'''IOIl. we holdt'rll' lIll'ellllll for 2 p Ill. nl'xt lit" .lIlllnUI1I·I'nll'1I1 wl't'k.of the M1l1er. thq ENMU field In Portnll'!! Friday Ann Evjen, our HI-Sllool col-· hear. Wedlll'llday 01 Noh 11111 HCllt,lur. DIES OF BURN' S UPllfODl'hlnll nlllrr'ollll' of MUI, Su:&- ( - nlllht, i umnist. has the nomes of soml! of: "lit Whl'rll Flood will hi' IIIIrodul" I UlIIlt' Ollvl'l ..r \ 11\ ltlld Frl'd , Slim nnd Sitellett stalled The victory glv('1 the Tigers the AF - the 5UCCCSlllui deel'lliarerll amon!:; Thl'rl"s 101', ,0" '''''''1'' hl'J'(' 'ill I l'd. lind dllrlnll 'whll'h &"\'l'r,,1 mal· f'lltll .. r nlu Spnnn. Tl'lI The pair right to meet Navajo MlflSlon In t armmgton thlll i high t .... 10tllnclhder- ,the " h"II', ,,: ,<'tI fUl' i humnl'llli Of'{' III I><' tmns- Jo'uncnd lIl'rvlrl'li Wl'l't' bl'hl In \\ III 1(' Wl't! ',un,,'llml' <!urlnll the land M-, RoblnWftn 0' the Ihe Cln5S e finals thlll w('('k. In y. Ito a one- ny lun nil 01-, IIIl' I'fIll I,f 'hi!) ", ..... Ih 'n"'n 111(' Ihl:' l\Il'srlllrro l't!llllIlolI of tht' ("h'IOI",.." nnll Nl'w Yl'ur, holidays .u "'" yo. The came. the Sl'cond hoU or Capltan's am:ulnr Bleh School day Mondny, In her report next, nUllloso Vn!!..,' ! ._- ,- -._, - Dulrh Rdorm ('hurch Wt'dIlN. III ,. "wl'l "'Il'II"'n\ 'II I,t, .,IlE'lId.·d tribe won flm prize of $10 for which was DIl?jed In II pen-soup Ti,er foolbllll.team piaYI In the w('elt, - LARGE GROUP II." .ctt'nloon, rondurtt'd b" Ult' h. Ih(' f.mllh 'f'" .,t·thllnl1 will ,"bt'st dressed Indiann," .,• The '0" n the I"ers om .- lite I·-te CIU8 C flnal8 •• " , J J t.t· Ill'lluln", .. 11\ lh., ':nul""" Com- .w-ddlnft we hlnt-'" at In ' ... 1I W .. C C IV ... - ....J ' , On" huntt'r "." 'I.',,, ," ,1'ul ' Itl'V, Wl'ndt'll ('hlno. lor lIlt' "I .: '-'"U 01" I th In t' th til k F I I'-kin n G "h J. .... n,."ut \ ". t I t.U'I f1 thi iD Itl P 0 n e epen r:: momt'll II a' e I 8 wet' at rum nr on. - ". " notaln nnd lick lA:e'l Dnd woullded h, fll" 11 II. ;'1" hUlld; TO ATTEND adop'l'd baby daulIhtt'r 01 lIlr. \1, n (Ill", Ih' 'lU; 'lI'r <0' Mrs ._IJ eo umn 01 ge na tl oge ne second hnH q,fter helnn held to a 011 the Navajo Mlalon champi from 1II1'Ir nlOre!1 III Sityland. !lUW lind llrm. The h. '1 "t " IIlnrlnllv t and I\II'Il. nllICIIlI" 1IIArthll'. Thr -p .... y todaY. _ d ;oU.no ce? 0-0 edge over the Buffaloes of Dlatrlet I, The Tlrers put fbur deer-two buck. a doe und, ,vounrl"" '''IIIf'I. .ll""" on'" .. J V F, "'6.', .. I ,;,,,. w h.. wrw thrOUgh t uurters aw vel')' ne tI Dlstrlct I t tit htU th I ....... I IIny lot, ant'll Z 't':ln and 10 ·!,Il'll1l'lllIl' (11\\'1" h('II'I" hl'" mar- DQmes of Stnrllte Cabins ferlluson ., thi's ::rlalt n w;k.1l10W- n filwn, nrnz: ng n Of e nor h lost dvlnlltld.:;:nd 1:", •• 1 the hUlllt!r WATER MEET moniJlll. (IIrd of tlntt and 1'1ll{lt'. hUll (J wulr m"uaiotan<cllhlp . JaYa be..thJnIa .maybe. .then-cily 'sneulred over 'trtlm \ unros out I'd d Dlatrlct lea.cl (If them near the fuldollO wale -, W)10 . 1 dl'rrl'e burna. I',,, ,'." I' .'". whll'h should post II llJgn at thq Dpot late In tho tirot quarle"r to glvo leml-tlnal proe e: i \ower early Tuesda)', Thl'.l hunte'l \ Poll"l· ·,1 (,hnrlelll' bt('". I hI' vlrlllll, 'Hmr 'ht1 IhulI"..."I" "I va- . where one young mlln hilt died Capitan 0 6-0 lead at Inlcrmlnsion. Pomll'& The TIJ:en have had - •• i TuIllronll, HI' ,.pr· ,;l(hl.1 hlq III 1- 'Malllnn plnns thlll week-enll to climbed lilt" " wa-hluh I.r blllllllil lllilUIWI'j SIll' I" I"0111 IfIl'n t In nnd a tccn-o"e "Irl Wtlll nnrnlyzed Th 1 _oJ Amann suceesllful hUlllef1l w" VI' I mol, k!(kl'fl It " .. lr II WUll IIltend thft 1m ort' nt h I II wnlnr III Ihl' r'1111Ih. '" IlOrn.· 1"'11 I I I I I ' .. .. ".. her en l1ll tho GCCond ha f openL'" three seasons of undete<lted henrd about \Il1n wl!ck bt'lliden delld nlll' whl'rl \Iwrl' W'.r no ""II p.1 rnr nit 8 1I -" .. IIIIII"nl \ ,"11 '''1\11'1 'l'lI(' IIp- tor /it'c JnUiif trem a cmi l ere and the 101t niUed In the football. only one tie In the lorur th6w namcrl c1wwhere In this col-II ot lire. lltnrte I In II. Thl' .. CSotnm: WC'dnel:c1nv .Ifll·nlllon. Sill' 'hl'tl ,.f tnt'II1 ,.tt,ll: 'I d 'I. It und the . °bnl e 10 uldollO, a coulIP 1;wO f benan to roll. Jlalfback Arthur list of vlctorll':l to mar their rl'C- umn hO'll,'e been: l.eo Greenwood bUl'k Atnl. f ',lllt',tl 111"11 ... l,.,rn "oln" WII' tnr En"lnnnr l'n'Snlll" F·e· III Ito" thl' burns TU('llllay, HI'\' Chmo '11 uk. h .. \' 'ItII (1 .. " .1.' pfl'!lllfC'nt ocks enst of the city hn. 0 Salllll copped 0 55-yard drive by onL I f d h I \I dh Ith I '" , .. w said, She WII!! thl' only .. hiM uf Iw.. lultC·. 1'1 'h( Wom- here In RUldollO )tOOW It Is oJ dan- pluMlnll the final yard the tlrst II Tnlh l thhe wk(Jv JhrrHllhjPI'tlrl'I'lI thlnh. II m, next Monday are I:evernl Ihe coupl" 1m''1 ( lub, Lllltl , •• dO .. rr" l'r 10 the ' gerow llPOt. but v llltorlJ time Capllnn flot tho ball. Mom- T Ad. W o' n U U EI' D P i I' ur ".IIIlI!I'l't·1 n ew pncell. douon Lincoln county cltlzen!l In- . -_. -. Am"rlclln I"'/:I<'f, \uxlll.,rv hcrr, who hovc children don t know Its ents later. Ferguson lltreaked 11 0 vertise cli bb : lEd d To In nnd lell d"a<1 j dudin" renldent!l of Cnrrlio.'!o MELLOT'ONES llnd III morn "th"1 1I .... al cnpu( lllen. history and would not let their ya .... - to n 5Q.yard drive. CI u ducAl' d e G Bm W elr t Potter '" nn .'\Iamo- I Cnpltnn. the Ruldow.llondo She nlt'entlv re-l'I('('\cd as re- C hildren limb MOund "·-t cllf' If 'Ul.l u ... u nu C exnn cr. ' . a r p, gordo hospital /1 dn Id AI •• c uw, The Tilers ntruck again late In H lid Li btl· Jack Little und James Mackey. .'. 1 ey. nil U 110 expected 10 fOrdlllJl cwrclllr)' 01 Ihl' New ",ex- a sign were put there warning the fourth quarter with Fergul'lOn 0 ay g nng Wesle)' Cnmpbell, J. B. Gn7,n- Nexl time. AlIl'n P. ""Ore, n i there arc clllzenll reprr- ARE, BIG HIT ICI' Tcurillt Induslr,c'b CounCil, nnd them of accidents that bave oe- mcnking I yard and then &Cored way Delbert Posey "Mel" Eav('s CI d t . entlna Alamogordo. . hllll &erved 1I11 /:1.'< Tl'tllry-lreollurer currcd there •• " _ tlleir lltth touchdown with 1'7 cec:- In S th j cf! I th -Ii f th M ou cro t hunter, prubnbh will Hendln2 the Ruldollo atollp Will of the New Mexico IIInhwny '70 d 1 ft h t 0' u west of ov s. eM lfrnn LtonH o K ell . look before he le"Oll Ill' Mayor RovnlOnd Duckner who ON TELEVISION o<",wclalloll. Sh" III a member ot A-3C Wm. N, MOrrison hos n on II e w en ergusqn-n - : H. Thomes, f1I. '.' e cr. The Stale G.nmr I!I to fly with R. U. Ited new H" mov ft " "ot thofe "some of the Ed Winans pnrty. Dec disclosed Moor(' II Illorv \1'Indllv. Ilr. D.' E. Snvdl'r IInll gRnl h' 'I eVl'ry oruonllwtlon wbl"h workfl ) u. he, U A "" J1J IT") .... Spont:ors of the drive-In theatre I Simpson land ndded th,.t Ihrtf' III an eyl'- n ' G P I for tho bcltl'rml'flt of thl' lourlst onl( ogo m BS mDor OM ex. rose Halfback Eugene Lay, grab- publicity program announced this Bock trom Ihe Tucoon moun-I wltnl!llll romewh"re Who rlln back ot ro ll nVo f1ln. I 0ln"11 by ScarKllrl:'Ksevkrrnl Lnst Frldnv nluhl Ihl' Ml'lIotollf'tl hUllIIIClIl. Shl' hall opt'rnlrd Oliver's AFB to 360 avis- anthon bed it nnd stepped Into the end week that If the People of RUldOllO talns, FJoYd Hollis, Sr., ond Jun- It up' ' , nc UI nr.. u;v en- of Ruldollo I Mllry Annn ('hriotlnn, t'abJf\ll hl!rl' Cor 20 .rlUlI r.rotJ zone on 0 I-yard ploy. /tet out a really fine dl!lploy of lor. nnd nob Hollin broulJllt home "I hunllnJ! In It,(' Cnpltnn UnraId lAORoy Gooch. nob Kllufmnnn nnd Mr Pitta bUll 1I\'('li III Bill Sprtn&: h '- enJ.. _ coli..... on of Indian Ferguson klcked the point tor Christmll!l lIghUnll this year thnt somr flne bucks, Floyd Senior's 11 country,' ml'nnl!erlnu down on 0/;61 L th r mb un hI! ('nrmon I dId a "..rrl't'l '''10 n number of year" whl'rt! h(' II .... ..." "',. tho only succC!lllilful conversion. It wll1 be advertised as "come- henlthy 10-polnt. Thcy nlso got one 10lnting rond 1 come u "a big I peru: y u er ynum, lind 0& - on Ihelr 11r'l1 tt'levhllon n"fK'or· ('C'rtlfll't! pubtlc (!l'C('unlonl lie IS nno ndd mlnedtlllngW Mclr()oo advanced to the Capl- thlnR to tee In Ruidoso" over the turkey, and are wanUng to go bock lolt across the IrOlll. I (Iff I'l rll • lIthkelr 10 lind IInce oVl'r KSWS-TV III Roswell n hroll"'r of Haymolld Pills of El "' ".. U<W"" 1 Utn 21-Yllrd line one time tor their loud speakers ot from twentv to "after benr." n IUtJl' hll to Jllmp oVl!r It rom c mee nn mllY ,w on'''n!:- Thl!lr fltlt'f'fl mtnutr phuw '\ ,q I 1'.,fOfl. Unmllll Pills (.f (.a" deeJl(!!rt penetrallon. . forty drive-In thealrl!ll In Ihe ltui- '. ' "Atler I Iltnrlt'd m)' lllmp there crt tor throllJ:h thl! rllv hall hert', Ilponsort'd b\ Mill' Itl't'lur'" Trv,s- I ' anrl Mrs Llno Flt't\dll'n I.r nlll 1d 65 ta 400 doso Trade Area. "After wulkln/1: 1.000 miles on wos thlll four-pol"I bUl'tt ":Ing on n11kn:r lIlIld ure CheJlI In Roswell Spring cues tne las tItId over Gas Showing Dr. W. 0, Horton. LlollS Club my f)nl day's hunt, I drov(' home the far side of the lOll The buck u.. ncr Raid IIII' posslbllltv of Atlt'r Ihl' Rhow l:l'vl'r.11 l.hu,lI' The ('ouple Will makE' both nul- manos. , •• Treas. 23. and ........ Y chnirman of the IJghtln!l commit- . the other nlllht and dnrn nenr rnn Jumped up rhlht me He SeCrrlll R addltlonol '1 111 t'r ror sev- cnlls w"rt' rI't'I'Iv('d lit Ihe doso and Dill Sprtnu Ihl'lr homt:> l\tarthalene Ran aU. 20, both or In Lincoln Ted lee, urged everyone altatn this over the blm:tcst buck I ever IllIW tossed me I lost my rifle: ('1'0 communities In .Incoln ('oun- commrnltnJ! on the show oml IIt,.\ Thl'Y plnn n wf'dltlrlll Irlp nf two MekaJ80, were wUed a marrloge Severol gas MOWS have been re- week to begin now wllh their thnt clime up ri"bt .In my ht'ad- "The burlt ran oU' obout 150 tv from the Bonito nnll Ihe Enale Wllre Imml'dlntely signed fl'r on _ ,,,,{'k .. tn Aruonu r"lIl1wlng 'hl'lr license last week W; the Chaves ported tor Q "tight» 3500-foot Christmas Ughtlnlt so thnt It will lighls near my home.' W, P. fBm) teet. I grabbed ltl}' IlUn but he Creek waterShl'r1R will I><' Ihe P:JJ'- olher "'teClt rnlnulell on Frill y I nwtnlllle,- County Clerk In oswelL... wildcnt In so tar barren Lincoln be ready to tum on by December Chancey told Jack Lee. got awny. °hmount Illllue to be aired In the ('venlnl:, Dcc. 11 1.ot·ClI Inlkll proud nnd hap- Only two 01 our clectlve county E:ounty. I. Plans are also going ahend I "FronkJy. I couldn't have hit earln g ,_ .' _ __ __, I py 10 hear at the wedding, and .....n The _L .... _ were re- .... *or M the two llddlUonal permanent dIS- Petl' BrC('sc. out hunting Sun- the l;fdl' of a bam with a IIhot"un.J . Th(' c.,ml'riltnan Willi Vt'rl en- hnve been extending I.'cngnltula- w v ..... "'-- .. ..., JiI'u_.. ..... -u In to be ted b th LI d I It ri " .. lEI Sh b Ihullln. .. Uc ovpr the show Th(' chll'f lions for several daV!l now to the esled they are In our end of the and M Drillinll Company's NO. I P ys erec: Y e ong ay morn ng, aaw was nea n.. right then," . ar am urgers enilineer of \.h(' Iltotlon !laid "It WII" popular Mrs, O\l\'er 0- h? , .... I k"d In Franks in SE SW Sec:. 23-2S-15E. Club. Prizes will probably' be an- church time so he started back to - -- I R t .,. Ruld thl' bellt olld llJlloolh('lIt runnln" c:aun...,. ey •• ' vver 00 .. n _ drillin" woos L-Iow 1500 nounced In next week'll News. th ft house nnd got his buck C'D e urn ... 0 OiK),. .. th t these havin a nu J to u .,., CapUan Names liv" show thnl w" h.we televlsl't1 In ebulldln,,°thn B··--' ngew '''r feet. Carriw Lodge wt1l be lighted route home. P. S. He dldn't get to To Operate Statio since th" onenln" of thc !ltllllon" City Completes to '" unw... N Christmllll for the flnt time church after all-hadda drC!lllil his S rt T h ' n ,. .. Liquor Stori! tat! week, In the Meantime. another ortheallt In years. Herb Grl!ggerson s.... ld buck. po rop Y , The Earl Shnmburgern, who hv- Til" Melloton{'fl said they wert' Land Purchase News was Sid CoutVelle. ptumbittg .. :as::: "we plan to dec:orltte the lodlle In Bancroft Honor! 'l!d here from 1046 until 1040, mov- I l'!lpCt'lnlly dellllhied to r(,(,l'lve th(l The Village of RmdO!'.() hilS cern- contt1lttor ••• - . I s tItI th SON ngl Fed-building witb luminarios and wUl F t F- Ina to EI Poso Where Earl oper- I telephone ('nil from Jack lIuli 1m- I ted th h t Frcfrn the 70-yem-s-ago column ',,",I C"",,lUf.' t Is e o. - light one large tree In tront 011 ores Ife Two to the late Hugh, IIted Earl's Gulf Stillion nt 6201 ml'dlntely nfler Ihe nhow ooyln" gee pure aile 01 II rltct ot of the Silver City Enterprise: erl11, 1000. oot test of the building" Bancroft bove hM'n by tht' I Alamedn, hnve moved b.,ck to that It wns of. profelllllonni Qunllty of lond from Chink Deav- '!'he {OUowlnlll story wall mnJdng ;;&iln ln NE tered Several IOdgl!ll and bars are Near 'Zozo Copltan Chamber ot omml!ree. I their home here OJlposife the phone and Wllll received perfectly In Rul- I RU&gOllO valley, bring the rouncb ot'EMteril papers: The g f planning special Christmas pro- In honor of Mr. Bancrofl'" mem- olfice on Main noad, dOllo. 0 a to of llcres boug t from bluest liar of the :lie has rna:. eet gram!! to entertain mltor'll to the ory. the 0,: er lIureeedcrl Kennelh Polndl'xtl!r: There wall lin esllmntrd lIudl- temti%cd In New I'd co. He Is a .'. eanYQn durlnsr the holidays. The Ud C tr I merce spar Jlhuw)nr d I' 119 operator of the HollYWood GUll l j ence of over 100 people In nul- nurchased land J NeJ d "p1'O$pCCtor" and a few weeks ogo, cburchell llnd schools are also n er. on 0 hh .... r t: Stallon on U. S. Illghwny '70 thill; dOllO alone who gathered In Tv Allon Betwers. ¥::c so he &aYS. he was out prospecting P.'3:... A. t MEE':"'"y at '7:30 working on Christmas programs TroPh .. e It wU"111 week, i set owtlen' homoo to view the t ftc rCl ddl 1 when he dropped his gripsack, the (h"A th t for this season. Ralpb Brown ot Brown Air .. " u ,v. I performnnce, Mn. Geno 1)omon, 0 u 'l tiona water rights mouth of which came open. His ill e rt! at once-u-ru6n mee - Service. Ruidoso, said Wednes- be II perpetual memorial to the Mrs. Margaret Jonl!ll, teacher at plnnlnt for the "roup. drew many from the Rio RuidDso In the trans- sun glaSses happened to be.. Jarred S ..... r&..,uon Problems da,. lie sunnised the IOftSl lIre mnn wbo WM one of the origin- Sliver City Junior High School, fine comments on her Il1terpretn- into sueb a pCsltlon that Jt fo- ,# <u&UCUl I on CatrlJ:o mOlintaln. northeast ators of thlll oward. . and Mrs. Knlhryn Mose!l. 0 llub- 'tlon of "Sweet Georllln Brown," cussed on n Paekage contatnhtg six town may be secured .. or To Be Discussed of Citrhozo, was now untler The Chamber of Commerce nl- sutute teachertl Orl' recovering - .- - t;:::e o'r a :: pounds 'Of blUtlnK poWder, which so a memorial to Mr. Ban- from nenrly complete asphyxiation J O. Vlck WIIS rell'aSt'f1 from stream III the ne)Ct order 01 bWli- WU already smbkttig, 'lte hid hi!J1- t be Cd I Tb eet In CouncU Meet FII'$f dlsJl:lvered obout 11 a. m. croft as an cournllc- Sunday mornlnn· Dc Bacn General HOllpltnl Tues- ne&ll on tIIp. Mayor Buckner .ald. aett behind It diU. After the ex- 0 sen, as.ruG· e i Monday. tho wOods blaze destroy- ous, publlc-llplrile eUlten and Mf1I. Moses sold llhe had prepar- d il ttl I poslon, he went to the spot to fng wUl be In e rade 00 The Village of RUidoso will hold ed tlmbtlt In a 15 to 20-acre plot. town ofllclal. who WDS three tlml's ed breokfast Sunday momlna but t ny a ernoon a e r rece v ng A Las '..0 " w" UI leave moumtwly pick up the Te11l!ll Cllfl!terla. , on open council lonlght at Nine lire fi4hters were on the job presldl'nt of the Chnmber of Com- that neither she nor M/'# Joned rt1ntrnent lrr 0 bullet wound In ... .. . when he that the ex- ". b' Id - b' ed d 7 p. m. in the clty hall 'lo dlscUSll roofi after Jt was discovered, tItId merce. It also exprellsed Were fecllnu very well bul 'did not this weckl!nd tor Washington. D. opened1t;sp1cndJd $11.. v J OfJiodus satnhttoflUon problem f s brJere d : Brown flew beddillg and ehuck to to the survlvlnll relntlvl!s of oW k·now the couse. Mrs. MosClS re- IMllll In TOlbon by his own night ver mme. a fOurth Of which he Roswell Fire Department was call- nc u!ng e y menace tom the workers. dropnlng the llUpplies belOVed and esteemed Ilred 10 her bedroom as did Mrs. wntchman who fnlled 10 rltcognl7.e d"y 01 the cxhlbltil\n of contem- has since sold' tor neatly $14,000. ed out. Last week tour buildings InIl J stllbleRll IIJ,_th ot ; by parachute, He snld he flew Jones. Mf1I. Jones callt'd her sIs- hlm.-De Baea County New_ porllry Amerltan Indian palntln. That' .a atillmet'. We Clip SWallow t itt uti t smoke Both ames. 0<:.. ' ., ot s several supply mlllllions to the I Winter Slaps tcr, Mrs. Harry Thomas, and told Ft. Sumner, At .. · th¢ 1ocus. but can't get liway with I tr::s Pthe dls- Cruces, district health oUlcer C?t tl!!hters, her she felt quite ill, In the menn- '.. __ lit gnllery of t. She · New Mexico takes the trlct, Fire trUcks and firefighters "They hnve seven men on duty Canyon C01,ultry Umkc Mrs. MOMoes hJQd passed oul. nl'cndO" Sue. two .year old · h ltOm nearby nlwO)'S lmllWer qUick- SaIlta Fe, chiet envIronment llanl- there now, so J believe they have Old Man Winter took a nnsb' un nown to ra. oneil, dllughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Dunn, "'" "'J 1 Iy when RUldo!lo sounds the alarm tall 1 ffl '", III be h it under control." he added. Brown slnp at RtJidoso enrly this week, Mrs. Jones tound cn 0 u It h Morris. wnndered Into the lank nt Ourill" the post ..o_ g , K- .. , ",iorn AI Stubos co umn. West on serv ce 0 e..!! 'VI ere said he telt deer hunters might dropplOg tho thermometer'll to II to get bock to the rhone her home 011 Sunday monllnn and .. ,y ..... .. · of the Pecos, in tbe RosWell Dally F It iI'exa tor the meeting, Dr.lSt:ott ltitormcd have caused the lIre, abO<ie on MOndoy mothlng and 8 to call her sillter altaln bu col- drowned before the family mlsSC!d -t::. l,teeotd: W om rJ t <I 1 110 'n com City Clerk C, A. Culver that DIs- ." , , above on Tuesday mornlnlt, cold- JOPlIed durin" the convcrnntlon, het. Immediately oller she was V L." ltWiluso Is luckt to have tie"t- e i p nell e leo" 'tf!. g si: trlct Health OUleerg Jensen, Mil- CROWD' IS .... ROWIN' G est marks X ct this win- Mr. Thomn- ....... Ihftd ov"r nnd I ork, Chlcllflo, Bnd otucr places in tra1l1tUe Villa;<e ilii1l10Wt1S nelt!'- posit on on peop . U,1 a x ler Lowe ot SonUt Fe, nnd ,<eO .. u v '" found n the wnter, shl' wns rushed thl' Inte.rest ot the exhibit, assem- by. Wham tlUldolKs 11u a fife .. I1'! year-old girl 511'l'e"cllrlll1g0, but 'Peake 01 Alamogordo. would also The customers tor tbe Methodillt ter by C. Culver. tound the two Indies where ,they to the Mountalnnlr HosptlnT bul bUng paintings from museums and 1 ....... A_",'· ) , probably 11 few 0 our readme h ....... tor tonight's Womrm·. weekly brcn1dastll and weather observer' tor thCl • S. De- had COlltlPllCd, nIl etOris to revive her faill'd.-- nrlvatc collections .. the Inte""'- , 1\ ... ...,s it luuu o!l«4<=v" mo, u'" failed to' see It. Since }t III going De <:I.e,. ""'.. luncheons every Thursdny at tho partm(!lIt of Commerce.. The Incident occurred nf Mrll. ElIant'la ProrreMlve. the sbow.-Laa CtbCt!il ; ::] at I 19'ew Telephone Number , bate m . LO Ptecip boY,,,, also men arid Women, Boys Andrew K. son of Mr. women are: mnklng about .50 clenr, week attended CelIslotlll 01 the loWlnst carbon monoxlete fo en- For R' ._Id·olo 'Ne- Now· . IS . 114 - .. 12' .08' lite no rood tit all until tbey grow and Mrs. Andrew w. Anderson. each fot tbureb r;rojeca. COnference at Lowell Observntory. t..- the house instead 01 belnJ( tnk.. UI ..... D : 6 58 3lS .00 up Md get Men Who Green Mex",t06k part lallt ",., .... " . 'w at Flagstaff. Arizona. The purpou em outaldo.-8l1vel' City Enft!r- p 1,94.01 '19 23' 000 don't grow up and Ret m.iiffied are week in .r;xerclltt M'tidlark, an" THANKSGIVING SERVICE ot tha conference wos 'ta plan a "lie, 8 51 23 .;00 nd l(ocd either. Boys are tin awful nual tllll tttdnilfi maneuver of the . Rev. WaItei' Brian. pastor of prel«'lIm 01 obServation ilndmell." ,, .. . I , , - M': .a :00 !'ottse,t'. :t1ie» want evenrtfUns iMy I u. ,S. Fot'Ce§ 11'1 Ap,tttia, J:tuldoso ,tf$t. B(lotlst Churc:b, lllYll utemf!t1t dUi'lnjC the c1oa(t; oj»))O!$I-1 ,1;1111 !lqard ot County Commls- ; 1013 8 ,00 tei!'except My rna Ii. woIn'" Private- Fii'St Clali Anderson Is blanli to hold a tlon 01 Mal'1I1n 19M arid even 11 onen met lit tho courthouse Ule It To Report •• Or InqUlte ; 11 1'1 .•00' and. and W J)i1 Js Ii hilln•..A wom- II truck drivet'tl1lhe' 35Qth.IJtlan- to 'Wblth In •. At ihOlC. MOt1dll;V and liet Jan':!(lrY 12 til the Ad••...&I .. I..i.: g '• 'I'L.Jt .... ,u .... g (/.l eornplll!il ,bY' C. A. CUlver, An 'jjrt 'With dilt-ltl1l' Ik!lltilent's BilYkt COmpany. e\fet)'bl1e In tommlfi'llty II tn.. times Mat'!. wm be clOS(!t jO tho dale for the local option e)cetlOl) u.r. &UIUU rnuuu .' A FAIRYlAND OF 'CHRISTMAS ,LIGHTS IS, SEASON-·ENrm THE EIONS.'CLUB, CONlEST EARLY!·· , .

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Page 1: V2 a~l1d VZ~, Bank Building Is Completed; WISDOM May …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · IlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes





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Suzanne Oliver, Fred Pitts ToWedDuring Xmas, New Year's Holidays

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V2 a~l1d VZ~,'~fF & WISDOM

-Rv Vix-•:I,.ast week was a lulu ' • , W~ '

made more mistakes in one weektMn we ordinarily make in, all,'Iontll, lleCore we caUght two badones. we already had some of ourpapers printed. It had DedleSwe!!rlngin liS a girl Instead of abQy nnd Patsy Cae M being ~leet~ed· Carnival Queen Instead of Nan­cy Chapman, , • Then we calledRoy BaJce~ "Ray" In the stOryabout. hlsl'lew' pharmacy. and wecalled the pew grocery operators"Snlt" instead ot Sapp, which'makes a sap out ot us but notthem! Haw! And, there were oth­ers, too-but. let's not dwell toolong on our shortcomings,. . -

" _-..,......,..:;R::lI~'QO$:;;_;:c':,:0::-,,.,:Ll:IN;:.:C:z9.;:;.L;:.:H....C:.:O;:,.:U~.N,;,:T:..:Y~, ..:.N:.::e:.:,w:..,:.:;M:;;:~;;;:X:.;IC:.;:Q~~~~~~~~F~R~JD~A~'f'::.~' N:::O::V,i::,EMB:::::::,:::.E=R=,:::13::,:::J:±85S====..,..._......----o--------------,...~- S'!~B,~~R/nl~,~ !?,50. P~r v.~'

Bank Building Is Completed;May Open'December 1New ManagerTo Come HereFrom Rosw~1lConstruction 01 the hllndsoml'

new Ruidoso State Blink buildlnllIs 'Completed. Only the Installation01 a sign, the planUm: or f1ow('rs,In the planter box In rront. lindInstallatlon of a lew offke rix- Itures Insldl' are Incklnn now Tl'n­lalive openln~ dale h' NI'l ror Dee.I. Kenneth Wall. president or Ihe I

We received In the mall this hank, sRld this week. He IIlso an-week a very complimentary. and nOllnced this 'vl'ek that Ihl' nsso-lengthy, epistle twm Mrs, F. H. clllUon of a Roswell mnn wJlh lhl'Seele of San Antonio, telling ot bank as exrculh'c viCl'-P1'I'Sldcni

, her recent'vlslt to the Aspencqde, . could be Ilnnounecd locally,\'" JlIso about a jaunt she mnde "We do not plan R lormal opcn- I'I.' throUJlh the North and East and Ing of OUr bank Dec. I~, Ihul will

Into Canada. She saw thrllling, . • bhistorical sln'kts In Washlnltton, D. ' ' come II out two wel'ks InllOr after

1''' we have the business or operallnllC" in Eoston, Moss., and In Can- It smoothed out considerablY.",'ada.. She says she has each copy I W tt Idof the RUidoso News since it be- AS FIRE GAINED n~ADWAY Diamond Bar suflered cons der- a su .gan In 1046, and says she still gels ..RuldO$O Bowline c.nter, far able smoke and water damaee, T I F Th Wood About the mllnllger. Wntl s,udIlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes out of control as Ure- This week, there was "0 In- a es rom e S- that Townsend B, Buod. connecler!the Rio Ruidoso canyon now as men batUed unsbccessfully to formation aavllable as to wheth- H ting- W-th Th 'R d Sb-rt ' with lin Insurnnce IIgl'ney III Ros-

.,abe did her first time In 1941. Hope stem the explOIllon-caused Ure er either or both of the two un lee 1 S well, had bought l'noul~l shares'to'liee you sometime, Mrs. Seele, lD that larre buUdlne early structures would be rebuilt. requlrl'd by the F. 0 I C to hold

I ,~we do, 08 you 8ay, thank God Monday la.n week. Before the Denny Davis said he had no 1m- - - - • • • the position or manUIlI'I. or exel'U'"f!Qt the beoutlfl,l1 land, our Lincoln fire waa stemmed, It had leveled mediate plans to rebuild. and Here arc some of the hunting I L. S. (Heavy) Drnke, after eat- tlve v!cc-prl'sldl.'lll Ilood sucCl'l'ds I4lHInty. the Davia Grill, about center of whether the bowling center .tories and news that hove drifted in~ some fresh venison In II 1'1'1'- Robl'!'t Jonl's of EI Pallo. who WIIS I

;r - - _ thla photo. The fire was stop- bl1lldlnl'. owned by Pirtle of illio town from the woods Ihls ~ taln friend's pl:,,,l'." I'· • :\f!I'r my u/I"bll' IOl'Olm' hNc undl'r till', l'Googan,"clthe black and white ped by the Ruidoso, Hollywood 1t05well, would be rebuilt was wl'ck' Iexperience III 1"1' 11 I 11111'" or dl:ld flllunclni reQuln'llIl'nls oul-

~. ear-old os: that was l'lO tam- aneL Green Tree volunteer fire- not known by anyone locally. • • • 1931, I think I 1".'1 ", , -;1 "~tll'l' IIncd b)' thl' deposit InsurllllCC cor.

, to tho folks here. on the men" the We wall wbleh sep- Both bulldlnrs carrJed lome ,In- Mrs. H. H. Shier, who has I liver when I ....1 ;'" I~~' 'porll\lon.· • : and In the Hart's Selt Server arated Dav1.l Grlll and the Dla- surance, It was said. oodles nnd oodles of turkeys at I I ••• Hood has been eonnl'l'ted with I

. doy aflcr day tor so many .lmd Bar. rflht center. Tbe ~..N~N_ ~H'L.:...a "H~~_ Ramona Farms to sell. came back' The Jim A\" ,'~.n "'ll'r 'fllll'r the firm of RUS.'l.lI, B,ll'on lind. .,.lIn. died of natural caU!J~S last C - T- -,' -'D f MI 31 0 trom her deer hUfll with a-you 1 hunllnn pari)' \': Ill' ".' UIII, ,I \\'111\:, Hood the Illst eight )'l'Orll I fl· lindI~ ~k, apltan 1aers e eat erose . Iluessed it·-turkey, ' their tl'lI bu(·k., I; t T, tsd,' Th'.1 !\trs. Hood IIrc 10 movt' Iwre soml'-:" .r", - - ."'b • • • do It every \ (',lr' lime dUrlllJl Dec('mlwr tn mok<l, ~tributors to the tund to give I S FIG d G F d R A. Bennett and Clallale Pet-I • • • thl'lr 1ll1me. nt'forl' Joilltnll theI' p to the two guys trom Green n emi. ina ri arne ri ay erSOll, hunting together, wished 1 Oul-ot·IOWI. h'III.' G "rl' nf'l as RORwell firm. hI' \\'IIN connl·...ed, who were Injured fighting IheY hlld had llbout hall a dozl.'n I Ihit'k 100 the !lUI"" ,\ .'rea Ihls vcar with till' Securitv Flrsl National.•' tire In Ruldol'lO lnst weck. have The Capitan Tigers brokc' loor.o • • • friends with them, They each lIot 115 In fornwr )1'd11l: sllIcl' IIIl' npen- Rnnk of Los Angeles ror 16 y"ars~: RUidoso Newll. Perle Dnvl- wIth two touchdowns In ellch o't C - PI Ihetr buck, Bennett a O-polnter. Inll "f Iwo r('r.,gl's III lht 1-I'Ulllr~ 111 lIt'v('rlll cllpucllll'lI, Inl'ludllll1 01 '.\ IIII' IIllt'H'" III HUldo50an!lIOn. C. E. Staples, J. Roberson, L. the final two quarters to defent apltan ays lind sow several more. all in one norlh of e,lpll'''1 (,'.lpl·1I11 hns hl'l'lI tho! of brtllll'h malinger INDIAN BABY "'"l Ihe n1«n\ IhnUfilln,la who haveP.OnllC(lo:l, L. H, Keller. H. Hoff- the Melrose Burtalocs 31-0 In a. small nren. dOill" U Iundotf•." "ll!llrl"!;g Crl>fn Wnll hon onnounl'I'd n stodt- \Illtll'd l!ul<loso IfI ,H'lIrB POllt IIImlln, Bud Mohoney ond C. W. ClllSlI C tleml-flnal playoff game on In State Fm.'afs · . · :the hunh'l'1i 1II til II P'''IOIl. we holdt'rll' lIll'ellllll for 2 p Ill. nl'xt lit" .lIlllnUI1I·I'nll'1I1 t!\I~ wl't'k.of theM1l1er. thq ENMU field In Portnll'!! Friday Ann Evjen, our HI-Sllool col-· hear. Wedlll'llday 01 Noh 11111 HCllt,lur. DIES OF BURN'S UPllfODl'hlnll nlllrr'ollll' of MUI, Su:&-( • - • nlllht, i umnist. has the nomes of soml! of: • • • "lit Whl'rll Flood will hi' IIIIrodul" I UlIIlt' Ollvl'l .. r thl~ \ 11\ ltlld Frl'd, Slim nnd KJt~ Sitellett stalled The victory glv('1 the Tigers the A F - the 5UCCCSlllui deel'lliarerll amon!:; Thl'rl"s 101', ,0" '''''''1'' hl'J'(' 'ill I l'd. lind dllrlnll 'whll'h &"\'l'r,,1 mal· f'lltll ..r nlu Spnnn. Tl'lI The pairI~~~n~~~~t~crO~,a:t,thal'~~P~r~ right to meet Navajo MlflSlon In t armmgton thlll


tllr:hool~d'fV, ....1· 10tllnclhder- ,the 1It11'1-1l1',;~ " h"II', ,,: ,<'tI fUl' i ~'~~~Itr humnl'llli Of'{' III I><' tmns- Jo'uncnd lIl'rvlrl'li Wl'l't' bl'hl In \\ III 1(' Wl't! ',un,,'llml' <!urlnll the

land M-, RoblnWftn 0' the Ap~~he Ihe Cln5S e finals thlll w('('k. In y. Ito a one- ny lun nil 01-, IIIl' I'fIll I,f 'hi!) ",..... Ih 'n"'n 111(' • Ihl:' l\Il'srlllrro l't!llllIlolI of tht' ("h'IOI",.." nnll Nl'w Yl'ur, holidays.u "'" yo. The came. the Sl'cond hoU or Capltan's am:ulnr Bleh School day Mondny, In her report next, nUllloso Vn!!..,' ! ._- ,- -._, - Dulrh Rdorm ('hurch Wt'dIlN. III ,. "wl'l "'Il'II"'n\ 'II I,t, .,IlE'lId.·d

tribe won flm prize of $10 for which was DIl?jed In II pen-soup Ti,er foolbllll.team piaYI In the w('elt, - • • LARGE GROUP II." .ctt'nloon, rondurtt'd b" Ult' h. Ih(' f.mllh 'f'" .,t·thllnl1 will,"bt'st dressed Indiann," . , • The '0" n the I"ers om .- lite I·-te CIU8 C flnal8 S~tur"-" •• " , J J t.t· Ill'lluln",.. 11\ lh., ':nul""" Com-.w-ddlnft we hlnt-'" at r~ftntlv In ' ... 1I W .. C C IV ... - ~ ....J ' , On" huntt'r "." 'I.',,, ," ,1'ul ' Itl'V, Wl'ndt'll ('hlno. lor lIlt' "I

.: '-'"U ~'"t,; 01" I th In t' th til k F I I'-kin n G "h J. .... n,."ut \ ". UIUltl~ t I t.U'I f1thi iD Itl P 0 n e epen r:: momt'll II a' e I 8 wet' at rum nr on. - ~ ". " notaln nnd lick lA:e'l Dnd woullded h, fll" 11 II. ;'1" hUlld; TO ATTEND adop'l'd baby daulIhtt'r 01 lIlr. \1, n (Ill", Ih' 'lU; 'lI'r <0' Mrs._IJ eo umn 01 ge na tloge

ne second hnH q,fter helnn held to a 011 the Navajo Mlalon champi from 1II1'Ir nlOre!1 III Sityland. !lUW lind llrm. The h . '1 "t " IIlnrlnllv t and I\II'Il. nllICIIlI" 1IIArthll'. Thr-p....y todaY. _ d ;oU.no ce? 0-0 edge over the Buffaloes of Dlatrlet I, The Tlrers put fbur deer-two buck. a doe und, ,vounrl"" bu~l'. '''IIIf'I. .ll""" on'" .. J V F, "'6.', ..I ,;,,,. ~"I:. w h.. wrw

thrOUgh t uurters aw vel')' ne t I Dlstrlct I t tit htU th I ....... ~"'j I IIny lot, ant'll Z 't':ln and 10 ·!,Il'll1l'lllIl' (11\\'1" h('II'I" hl'" mar-J~ DQmes of Stnrllte Cabins "Qunrterbgc~, _W_all~ ferlluson ., thi's ~e2r ::rlaltnw;k.1l10W- n filwn, nrnz: ng n Of e norh lost dvlnlltld.:;:nd 1:", ••1 the hUlllt!r WATER MEET moniJlll. (IIrd of tlntt and ~ton~ 1'1ll{lt'. hUll (J wulr m"uaiotan<cllhlp .

JaYa be..thJnIa .maybe. .then-cily 'sneulred over 'trtlm \ unros out I'd d Dlatrlct • lea.cl (If them near the fuldollO wale -, W)10 kll1~ihlltl . 1 dl'rrl'e burna. •hr,,"'~h'''l: I',,, ,'." I' .'". whll'hshould post II llJgn at thq Dpot late In tho tirot quarle"r to glvo ~el'::.e~rln~eleml-tlnal proee:i \ower early Tuesda)', Thl'.l hunte'l \ n"U~ Poll"l· ·,1 (,hnrlelll' bt('". I hI' vlrlllll, 'Hmr 'ht1 IhulI"..."I" "I f~llldoro va-

. where one young mlln hilt died Capitan 0 6-0 lead at Inlcrmlnsion. Pomll'& The TIJ:en have had - •• • i TuIllronll, HI' ,.pr· ,;l(hl.1 hlq III 1- 'Malllnn plnns thlll week-enll to climbed lilt" " wa-hluh I.r blllllllil lllilUIWI'j SIll' I" I"0111IfIl'n t Innnd a tccn-o"e "Irl Wtlll nnrnlyzed Th 1 _oJ Amann suceesllful hUlllef1l w" VI' I mol, k!(kl'fl It " .. '~ lr II WUll IIltend thft 1m ort' nt h I I I wnlnr III Ihl' r'1111Ih. '" IlOrn.· 1"'11 I I I I I' .. .. ".. her en l1ll tho GCCond ha f openL'" three seasons of undete<lted henrd about \Il1n wl!ck bt'lliden delld nlll' whl'rl \Iwrl' W'.r no ""II ~ p.1 rnr nit 8 1I -" ,·..IIIIII"nl \ ,"11 '''1\11'1 'l'lI(' IIp-tor /it'c JnUiif trem a cmi l ere and the 101t niUed In the TI~el'll football. only one tie In the lorur th6w namcrl c1wwhere In this col-II ot lire. lltnrte I In Ih"('~q II. Thl' ~1..~ro:lhl'lnl~thl'ersot~ftleMeStorl'flltmh~ CSotnm: WC'dnel:c1nv .Ifll·nlllon. Sill' 'hl'tl ,.f tnt'II1 ,.tt,ll: 'I d 'I. • It und the

. °bnl e 10 uldollO, a coulIP 1;wOf benan to roll. Jlalfback Arthur list of vlctorll':l to mar their rl'C- umn hO'll,'e been: l.eo Greenwood bUl'k Atnl.f',lllt',tl 111"11... l,.,rn "oln" WII' tnr En"lnnnr l'n'Snlll" F·e· III Ito" thl' burns TU('llllay, HI'\' Chmo '11 uk. h.. \' 'ItII ( 1.. " .1.' pfl'!lllfC'ntocks enst of the city hn. 0 Salllll copped 0 55-yard drive by onL I f d h I \I d h Ith I '" , .. w ~.. said, She WII!! thl' only ..hiM uf Iw.. lultC·. 1'1 'h( :lu"ln.~(1 Wom-

here In RUldollO )tOOW It Is oJ dan- pluMlnll the final yard the tlrst h~~1 [Il'a~l~nllO~vo~: IIA~('hl:~~hs Tnlhl thhe wk(JvJhrrHllhjPI'tlrl'I'lI thlnh. II m, next Monday are I:evernl Ihe coupl" 1m''1 ( lub, Lllltl ,•• dO ..rr" l'r 10 the 'gerow llPOt. but perh~P3 v llltorlJ time Capllnn flot tho ball. Mom- T Ad. W o' n U U EI' D P i I' ur ".IIIlI!I'l't·1 n ew pncell. douon Lincoln county cltlzen!l In- . -_. -.~ ~~. Am"rlclln I"'/:I<'f, \uxlll.,rv hcrr,who hovc children don t know Its ents later. Ferguson lltreaked 11 0 vertise cli bb : lEd d To \~7'b' I n nnd lell d"a<1 j dudin" renldent!l of Cnrrlio.'!o MELLOT'ONES llnd III morn "th"1 1I....al cnpu( lllen.history and would not let their ya....- to c~n n 5Q.yard drive. CI u ducAl' d eG B mW elrt ~I'y, Potter WII~ t~lwn '" nn .'\Iamo- I Cnpltnn. the Ruldow.llondo Vul~ She nlt'entlv Wil~ re-l'I('('\cd as re-Children limb MOund "·-t cllf' If 'Ul.l u ... u nu C exnn cr. ' . a r p, gordo hospital /1 d n Id AI ••

c uw, The Tilers ntruck again late In H lid Li btl· Jack Little und James Mackey. .'. • 1 ey. nil U o~o, 110 expected 10 fOrdlllJl cwrclllr)' 01 Ihl' New ",ex-a sign were put there warning the fourth quarter with Fergul'lOn 0 ay g nng Wesle)' Cnmpbell, J. B. Gn7,n- Nexl time. AlIl'n P. ""Ore, n i ~PPl'nr there arc clllzenll reprr- ARE, BIG HIT ICI' Tcurillt Induslr,c'b CounCil, nndthem of accidents that bave oe- mcnking I yard and then &Cored way Delbert Posey "Mel" Eav('s CI d t .entlna Alamogordo. . hllll &erved 1I11 /:1.'< Tl'tllry-lreollurercurrcd there••" 'h~ ~n. _ tlleir lltth touchdown with 1'7 cec:- In S th j cf! I th -Ii f th M ou cro t hunter, prubnbh will Hendln2 the Ruldollo atollp Will of the New Mexico IIInhwny '70

d 1 ft h ~ t 0'u west of ov s. e Mlfrnn


K ell . look before he le"Oll Ill' Mayor RovnlOnd Duckner who ON TELEVISION o<",wclalloll. Sh" III a member otA-3C Wm. N, MOrrison hos n on II e w en ergusqn-n - : H. Thomes, f1I. '.' e cr. The Stale G.nmr nrr~rtment I!I to fly with R. U. Ited ~ok('new ~dd-·. H" w~" movft" "ot botemunPdtlnogfft°theplllll1!l-llllhould~rthofe M":I~ " some of the Ed Winans pnrty. Dec disclosed Moor(' II Illorv \1'Indllv. Ilr. D.' E. Snvdl'r IInll gRnl h' 'I eVl'ry oruonllwtlon wbl"h workfl) u.he, U A "" J1J IT") .... Spont:ors of the drive-In theatre I Simpson land ndded th,.t Ihrtf' III an eyl'- n ' G I· P I for tho bcltl'rml'flt of thl' lourlstonl( ogo mBS mDor OM ex. rose Halfback Eugene Lay, grab- publicity program announced this Bock trom Ihe Tucoon moun-I wltnl!llll romewh"re Who rlln back otrollnVof1ln. I 0ln"11 by ScarKllrl:'Ksevkrrnl Lnst Frldnv nluhl Ihl' Ml'lIotollf'tl hUllIIIClIl. Shl' hall opt'rnlrd Oliver's

AFB to 360 • avis- anthon bed it nnd stepped Into the end week that If the People of RUldOllO talns, FJoYd Hollis, Sr., ond Jun- It up' ' , nc UI nr.. u;v en- of Ruldollo I Mllry Annn ('hriotlnn, t'abJf\ll hl!rl' Cor 20 .rlUlI~T='N: r.rotJ~; ~~~tEg zone on 0 I-yard ploy. /tet out a really fine dl!lploy of lor. nnd nob Hollin broulJllt home "I ~nn hunllnJ! In It,(' Cnpltnn 111~. ~f~ n:we~"'{f.tnLnUnraId lAORoy Gooch. nob Kllufmnnn nnd Mr Pitta bUll 1I\'('li III Bill Sprtn&:h'- enJ.._ coli..... on of Indian Ferguson klcked the point tor Christmll!l lIghUnll this year thnt somr flne bucks, Floyd Senior's 11 country,' ml'nnl!erlnu down on ~Id 0/;61 L th nn~, r mb unhI! ('nrmon Phlllt,.~I dId a " ..rrl't'l '''10 n number of year" whl'rt! h(' I~ II

.... ..." "',. tho only succC!lllilful conversion. It wll1 be advertised as "come- henlthy 10-polnt. Thcy nlso got one 10lnting rond 1 come u "a bigIperu: y u er ynum, lind 0& - on Ihelr 11r'l1 tt'levhllon n"fK'or· ('C'rtlfll't! pubtlc (!l'C('unlonl lie IS

lln;t~nn2! nnondd mlnedtlllngW L_(~~)ndPogr Mclr()oo advanced to the Capl- thlnR to tee In Ruidoso" over the turkey, and are wanUng to go bock lolt across the IrOlll. I ~lted (Iff I'l rll• lIthkelr TrtnlnsJlortal~?!, 10 lind IInce oVl'r KSWS-TV III Roswell n hroll"'r of Haymolld Pills of El"' ".. U<W"" 1 Utn 21-Yllrd line one time tor their loud speakers ot from twentv to "after benr." n IUtJl' hll to Jllmp oVl!r It rom c mee nn mllY ,w on'''n!:- Thl!lr fltlt'f'fl mtnutr phuw '\ ,q I 1'.,fOfl. Unmllll Pills (.f (.a" (-rul'~:1te.~io~tr:~;X1h~~~:deeJl(!!rt penetrallon. . forty drive-In thealrl!ll In Ihe ltui- '. • • ' "Atler I Iltnrlt'd m)' lllmp there crt tor throllJ:h thl! rllv hall hert', Ilponsort'd b\ Mill' Itl't'lur'" Trv,s-

I'anrl Mrs Llno Flt't\dll'n I.r nlll

1 d 65 ta 400 doso Trade Area. "After wulkln/1: 1.000 miles on wos thlll four-pol"I bUl'tt ":Ing on n11kn:r lIlIld ure CheJlI In Roswell Springcues tne las tItId over 'a~ort Gas Showing Dr. W. 0, Horton. LlollS Club my f)nl day's hunt, I drov(' home the far side of the lOll The buck u.. ncr Raid IIII' posslbllltv of Atlt'r Ihl' Rhow l:l'vl'r.11 l.hu,lI' The ('ouple Will makE' both nul-manos. , •• RUdo~Treas. 23. and ........Y chnirman of the IJghtln!l commit- . the other nlllht and dnrn nenr rnn Jumped up rhlht unrl~r me He SeCrrlllR addltlonol '1111t'r ror sev- cnlls w"rt' rI't'I'Iv('d lit Ihe ~I(lt'on doso and Dill Sprtnu Ihl'lr homt:>l\tarthalene Ran aU. 20, both or In Lincoln Ted lee, urged everyone altatn this over the blm:tcst buck I ever IllIW tossed me ~ft. I lost my rifle: ('1'0 communities In .Incoln ('oun- commrnltnJ! on the show oml IIt,.\ Thl'Y plnn n wf'dltlrlll Irlp nf twoMekaJ80, were wUed a marrloge Severol gas MOWS have been re- week to begin now wllh their thnt clime up ri"bt .In my ht'ad- "The burlt ran oU' obout 150 tv from the Bonito nnll Ihe Enale Wllre Imml'dlntely signed fl'r on _ ,,,,{'k.. tn Aruonu r"lIl1wlng 'hl'lrlicense last week W; the Chaves ported tor Q "tight» 3500-foot Christmas Ughtlnlt so thnt It will lighls near my home.' W, P. fBm) teet. I grabbed ltl}' IlUn but he Creek waterShl'r1R will I><' Ihe P:JJ'- olher "'teClt rnlnulell on Frill y Inwtnlllle,-County Clerk In oswelL... wildcnt In so tar barren Lincoln be ready to tum on by December Chancey told Jack Lee. got awny. • °hmount Illllue to be aired In the ('venlnl:, Dcc. 11 1.ot·ClI Inlkll w~re proud nnd hap-Only two 01 our clectlve county E:ounty. I. Plans are also going ahend ~or • • • I "FronkJy. I couldn't have hit earlng ,_ .' _ __ __, I py 10 hear at the wedding, andRn~cersd.....n areN~dsllhUOW~lhbenow tlno.'~re_ The _L...._ were re-.... *or M the two llddlUonal permanent dIS- Petl' BrC('sc. out hunting Sun- the l;fdl' of a bam with a IIhot"un.J . Th(' c.,ml'riltnan Willi Vt'rl en- hnve been extending I.'cngnltula-

w v..... "'-- .. ..., JiI'u_.. ..... -u • In to be ted b th LI d I It ri " .. lEI Sh b Ihullln...Uc ovpr the show Th(' chll'f lions for several daV!l now to theesled they are In our end of the and M Drillinll Company's NO. I P ys erec: Y e ong ay morn ng, aaw was nea n.. right then," . ar am urgers enilineer of \.h(' Iltotlon !laid "It WII" popular Mrs, O\l\'er0- h? ,.... I k"d In Franks in SE SW Sec:. 23-2S-15E. Club. Prizes will probably' be an- church time so he started back to - -- I R t .,. Ruld thl' bellt olld llJlloolh('lIt runnln"c:aun...,. ey •• ' vver 00 .. n _ drillin" woos L-Iow 1500 nounced In next week'll News. thft house nnd got his buck C'D e urn ... 0 OiK),. ..

th ~ t these havin a ~rt nu J to u .,., ~ CapUan Names liv" show thnl w" h.we televlsl't1Inebulldln,,°thn B··--' ngew '''r feet. Carriw Lodge wt1l be lighted route home. P. S. He dldn't get to To Operate Statio since th" onenln" of thc !ltllllon" City Completes

to '" unw... N th~ Christmllll for the flnt time church after all-hadda drC!lllil his S rt T h ' n ,. ..Liquor Stori! tat! week, In the Meantime. another ortheallt In years. Herb Grl!ggerson s.... ld buck. po rop Y , The Earl Shnmburgern, who hv- Til" Melloton{'fl said they wert' Land PurchaseNews was Sid CoutVelle. ptumbittg ~lncolnln~wO~ca..:as::: "we plan to dec:orltte the lodlle In Bancroft Honor!'l!d here from 1046 until 1040, mov- I l'!lpCt'lnlly dellllhied to r(,(,l'lve th(l The Village of RmdO!'.() hilS cern-contt1lttor••• - . I~ -~ I s tItIth SON ngl Fed-building witb luminarios and wUl F t F- Ina to EI Poso Where Earl oper- I telephone ('nil from Jack lIuli 1m- I ted th h t

Frcfrn the 70-yem-s-ago column ',,",I C"",,lUf.' t Is e o. - light one large tree In tront 011 ores Ife Two m~?rlals to the late Hugh, IIted Earl's Gulf Stillion nt 6201 ml'dlntely nfler Ihe nhow ooyln" gee pure aile 01 II rltct otof the Silver City Enterprise: erl11, 1000. oot test of Albu~e~e the building" Bancroft bove hM'n Ud~ted by tht' I Alamedn, hnve moved b.,ck to that It wns of. profelllllonni Qunllty nc~ of lond from Chink Deav-

'!'he {OUowlnlll story wall mnJdng f~~rr~n,;;&ilnln NE tered Several IOdgl!ll and bars are Near 'Zozo Copltan Chamber ot omml!ree. Itheir home here OJlposife the phone and Wllll received perfectly In Rul- ~rs I ~i RU&gOllO valley, ~ bringthe rouncb ot'EMteril papers: The g enco~ f planning special Christmas pro- In honor of Mr. Bancrofl'" mem- olfice on Main noad, Shambur~- dOllo. 0 a to of llcres boug t frombluest liar of the :lie has rna:. ~~rJt~ ~w.:t 2:1C:d~at. eet gram!! to entertain mltor'll to the ory. the onrs~ ~~mber 0,: ~o~-I er lIureeedcrl Kennelh Polndl'xtl!r: There wall lin esllmntrd lIudl- gat~r:nrr:,~1~~0~a~~~~I~e1~stemti%cd In New I'd co. He Is a .'. • eanYQn durlnsr the holidays. The U d C tr I merce spar I~r;.r. Jlhuw)nr d I' 119 operator of the HollYWood GUll l

j ence of over 100 people In nul- nurchased land J NeJ d"p1'O$pCCtor" and a few weeks ogo, cburchell llnd schools are also n er. on 0 ~uta~dlng hh .... r t: thgrllJJun~~ Stallon on U. S. Illghwny '70 thill; dOllO alone who gathered In Tv Allon Betwers. ¥::c ~I\llg:ago~sso he &aYS. he was out prospecting P.'3:...A.t Th~-,MEE':"'"y~enlng at '7:30 working on Christmas programs B~lln~ro;tnMCemnonrgl~1TroPh..e It wU"111 week, i set owtlen' homoo to view the t ftc rCl ddl 1when he dropped his gripsack, the (h"A ~"'i>WO th t for this season. Ralpb Brown ot Brown Air .. " u ,v. • Iperformnnce, Mn. Geno 1)omon, 0 u 'l tiona water rightsmouth of which came open. His ill e rt! at once-u-ru6n mee - Service. Ruidoso, said Wednes- be II perpetual memorial to the Mrs. Margaret Jonl!ll, teacher at plnnlnt for the "roup. drew many from the Rio RuidDso In the trans-sun glaSses happened to be..Jarred !P~C:irs t~~rc:g~An ~~~: S.....r&..,uon Problems da,. lie sunnised the IOftSl lIre mnn wbo WM one of the origin- Sliver City Junior High School, fine comments on her Il1terpretn- ~:~~A~~g~~ r:~e~a~u~i.";into sueb a pCsltlon that Jt fo- ,# <u&UCUl I on CatrlJ:o mOlintaln. northeast ators of thlll oward. . and Mrs. Knlhryn Mose!l. 0 llub- 'tlon of "Sweet Georllln Brown,"cussed on n Paekage contatnhtg six town~ may be secured ..or To Be Discussed of Citrhozo, was now untler The Chamber of Commerce nl- sutute teachertl Orl' recovering - . - - ~~~h~lln~:d t~ t;:::eh~3 o'ra::pounds 'Of blUtlnK poWder, which ~r:~k:8~R~~~~~::r:~:: eo~tm. so ndoPt~f a memorial to Mr. Ban- from nenrly complete asphyxiation J O. Vlck WIIS rell'aSt'f1 from stream III the ne)Ct order 01 bWli-WU already smbkttig, 'lte hid hi!J1- t be Cd I Tb eet In CouncU Meet FII'$f dlsJl:lvered obout 11 a. m. croft as an outsta~dlnft. cournllc- Sunday mornlnn· Dc Bacn General HOllpltnl Tues- ne&ll on tIIp. Mayor Buckner .ald.aett behind It diU. After the ex- 0 sen, as.ruG· e~h i Monday. tho wOods blaze destroy- ous, publlc-llplrile eUlten and Mf1I. Moses sold llhe had prepar- d il ttl Iposlon, he went to the spot to fng wUl be In e rade 00 The Village of RUidoso will hold ed tlmbtlt In a 15 to 20-acre plot. town ofllclal. who WDS three tlml's ed breokfast Sunday momlna but t ny a ernoon a e r rece v ng A Las C~co- '..0 " w"UI leavemoumtwly pick up the Te11l!ll Cllfl!terla. , on open council m~lnr! lonlght at Nine lire fi4hters were on the job presldl'nt of the Chnmber of Com- that neither she nor M/'# Joned rt1ntrnent lrr 0 bullet wound In ~ ... .. .when hed~ that the ex- ". b' Id - b' ed d 7 p. m. in the clty hall 'lo dlscUSll roofi after Jt was discovered, tItId merce. It also exprellsed sy~pathy Were fecllnu very well bul 'did not ~~~I;'f~csd(fy':fhl;c~:~~~t~~ b~~_t this weckl!nd tor Washington. D.111Osl~opened1t;sp1cndJd $11.. f:~fi~u:,~l! (!'::nrJt:::atl~Even o~ vJ OfJiodus satnhttoflUon problemf s brJered: Brown flew beddillg and ehuck to to the survlvlnll relntlvl!s of oW k·now the couse. Mrs. MosClS re- IMllll In TOlbon by his own night ~~ln1ri:'c~pSt~:n~~~~:lt:~~~~eS~::ver mme. a fOurth Of which he Roswell Fire Department was call- nc u!ng e y menace tom the workers. dropnlng the llUpplies belOVed and esteemed ~resldent. Ilred 10 her bedroom as did Mrs. wntchman who fnlled 10 rltcognl7.e d"y 01 the cxhlbltil\n of contem-has since sold' tor neatly $14,000. ed out. Last week tour buildings InIlJ stllbleRll IIJ,_thot; ~llnf>e Iiml~ by parachute, He snld he flew Jones. Mf1I. Jones callt'd her sIs- hlm.-De Baea County New_ porllry Amerltan Indian palntln.That'• .a atillmet'. We Clip SWallow t itt uti t smoke Both ames. 0<:.. ' ., ot s several supply mlllllions to the I Winter Slaps tcr, Mrs. Harry Thomas, and told Ft. Sumner, At ..

· th¢1ocus. but can't get liway withItr::s ~re j~ Pthe ~owntown dls- Cruces, district health oUlcer C?t tl!!hters, her she felt quite ill, In the menn- '.. __ lit ~~e n~lonal gnllery of t. She· ~~e.~US' New Mexico takes the trlct, Fire trUcks and firefighters ~:al~~nd~~=n6,.o6al~~~;e "They hnve seven men on duty Canyon C01,ultry Umkc Mrs. MOMoes hJQd passed oul. nl'cndO" Sue. two .year old ~Sndc~'\era~n~::~~,:~o~ro~~· h • • • ltOm nearby nlwO)'S lmllWer qUick- SaIlta Fe, chiet envIronment llanl- there now, so J believe they have Old Man Winter took a nnsb' un nown to ra. oneil, dllughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Dunn,

"'" "'J 1 Iy when RUldo!lo sounds the alarm tall 1 ffl '", III be h it under control." he added. Brown slnp at RtJidoso enrly this week, Mrs. Jones tound c n 0 u It h Morris. wnndered Into the lank nt Ourill" the post Yh~r ..o_g, K-.., ",iorn AI Stubos co umn. West • • • • on serv ce 0 e..!! 'VI ere said he telt deer hunters might dropplOg tho thermometer'll to II str~ngth to get bock to the rhone her home 011 Sunday monllnn and .. ,y.......· of the Pecos, in tbe RosWell Dally F It iI'exa pa~ tor the meeting, Dr.lSt:ott ltitormcd have caused the lIre, abO<ie on MOndoy mothlng and 8 to call her sillter altaln bu col- drowned before the family mlsSC!d :1~II,hn!i-~~~~e :~r~lntgOIO~ -t::.

l,teeotd: WomrJ t <I t~ 1 110 'n com City Clerk C, A. Culver that DIs- . " , , above on Tuesday mornlnlt, cold- JOPlIed durin" the convcrnntlon, het. Immediately oller she was V L."

ltWiluso Is luckt to have tie"t- ei p nell e leo" 'tf!. g si: trlct Health OUleerg Jensen, Mil- CROWD' IS ....ROWIN'G est marks Xct r""or.I~" this win- Mr. Thomn- .......Ihftd ov"r nnd I ork, Chlcllflo, Bnd otucr places intra1l1tUe Villa;<e ilii1l10Wt1S nelt!'- posit on on peop . U,1 a x ler ~nd Lowe ot SonUt Fe, nnd ~ ~.. ,<eO .. • u v '" found n the wnter, shl' wns rushed thl' Inte.rest ot the exhibit, assem-by. Wham tlUldolKs 11u a fife.. I1'! year-old girl 511'l'e"cllrlll1g0, but 'Peake 01 Alamogordo. would also The customers tor tbe Methodillt ter by C. • Culver. l'O-~tntlve tound the two Indies where ,they to the Mountalnnlr HosptlnT bul bUng paintings from museums and1....... A_",'· ) , n''''~ probably 11 few 0 our readme h....... tor tonight's ~~sslon Womrm·. weekly brcn1dastll and weather observer' tor thCl • S. De- had COlltlPllCd, nIl etOris to revive her faill'd.-- nrlvatc collections ~.. the Inte""'-

, 1\ ......,s it luuu o!l«4<=v" mo, u'" failed to' see It. Since }t III going De <:I.e,. ""'.. luncheons every Thursdny at tho partm(!lIt of Commerce.. The Incident occurred nf Mrll. ElIant'la ProrreMlve. ~t the sbow.-Laa CtbCt!il Citlat~'

;l~:: ::~~:Z:~ €~::::] ,~~~:~:;!gi!:h~:f~~Jl.IN$~~:u~~Zt~=~FC' ~~t;::r~~~~t~a11~ei atD&n~i~Lifn~:~j.~~~~1t~1~g~s1'~~~f~£:~t~~~;;~:id~::T~~; I 19'ew Telephone Number, bate m . LO Ptecip boY,,,, also men arid Women, Boys Andrew K. Andef'llO!1~ son of Mr. women are: mnklng about .50 clenr, week attended CelIslotlll 01 the Mnr~ loWlnst carbon monoxlete "ri~ fo en- For R'._Id·olo 'Ne- Now· .

IS . 114 - .. 12' .08' lite no rood tit all until tbey grow and Mrs. Andrew w. Anderson. each Wef!~ fot tbureb r;rojeca. COnference at Lowell Observntory. t..- the house instead 01 belnJ( tnk.. UI ..... D :6 58 3lS .00 up Md get m~rrted. Men Who Green Tte~~,Mex",t06k part lallt .~ ",., .... " ~ . 'w at Flagstaff. Arizona. The purpou em outaldo.-8l1vel' City Enft!r- p 1,94.01'19 23' 000 don't grow up and Ret m.iiffied are week in .r;xerclltt M'tidlark, an" THANKSGIVING SERVICE ot tha conference wos 'ta plan a "lie,8 51 23 .;00 nd l(ocd either. Boys are tin awful nual tllll tttdnilfi maneuver of the . Rev. WaItei' Brian. pastor of prel«'lIm 01 obServation ilndmell." ,, .. . I • , , -

.~.9" M': .a • :00 !'ottse,t'. :t1ie» want evenrtfUns iMyIu. ,S. Fot'Ce§ 11'1 Ap,tttia, J:tuldoso ,tf$t.B(lotlst Churc:b, lllYll utemf!t1t dUi'lnjC the c1oa(t; oj»))O!$I-1 ,1;1111 !lqard ot County Commls-; 1013 8 ,00 • tei!'except ~oap. My rna Ii. woIn'" Private- Fii'St Clali Anderson Is blanli tate~iforwatd to hold a tlon 01 Mal'1I1n 19M arid th~ even 11 onen met lit tho courthouse Ule It To Report ,N.~•• Or InqUlte; 11 • ~, 1'1 .•00' and. and W J)i1 Js Ii hilln•..A wom- II truck drivet'tl1lhe' 35Qth .IJtlan- 'l'hanks1i~~'BeMce, to 'Wblth clb!er~PQ8I1Jon In t9~lS•. At ihOlC. MOt1dll;V and liet Jan':!(lrY 12 til the Abo~"& Ad••...&I..I..i.:g' • 'I'L.Jt....,u....g'~ (/.l eornplll!il ,bY' C. A. CUlver, An l!I~lP'O'Wn"UJf 'jjrt 'With dilt-ltl1l' Ik!lltilent's BilYkt COmpany. e\fet)'bl1e In \~ tommlfi'llty II tn.. times Mat'!. wm be clOS(!t jO tho dale for the local option e)cetlOl) u.r. &UIUU rnuuu


Page 2: V2 a~l1d VZ~, Bank Building Is Completed; WISDOM May …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · IlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes






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Olt TOO 8!£U,L

. .W. P. (BW) C1;tancey

1'I'JDN' iN' OOtlBT......cJU.tr-,.



8_ 121'1'. 0". JSd OS......... If.,. .exteo-,

, ",-- .. '1"5," :'


TAX fj.llV10I:Sox 15a ItuldOllO. N. It

Phone ea-02

. . .

" " .

• !

tt't '!

SUMMER CABINOn Bonito River '

Five rQoms, fumisbed, fireplace,all utilities installed.

W.P. CROSBY,M Thunderblrd'LoUo

. ", '.,l '

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Wbcu You Need ToMake A Hurried Trip





"IJytl 'I'M Wo CIt lUI.,,

b A c.1tla III iM l"bHls"

KI~.."- 1Ia-"CeIQIWlI7 ........



Or*ty...~ .JiU'tGa01n(D toll~.,


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Theatre Sunday, Mpnda)" and:rue.day. Van lIellln, BrandonDtt Willie and bell l'!,bnee areal30 Jeen In (bb aara of theslru"I" be&W41en larmer andrancher lor control of the ranlt:.



. " ,; . ; ,

,,' .. ,' ..

. ,,'


Santeel Every 2nd oneS4th Sunday

The Cho~) is opon farmeditation and


'.,~ _e" "c "'," "!', ,',"". ~ " .. ~ ". ~~.'a.,... , ",'0"' , , .. , 0" ", ~ WIlliJ. l"'!!"""'''''"''''"~'''''Wt'IL_.... .. .,..o.sWi

'~., .... - ....' , ~~AA"a"" ...... '.', ,". :,', ," ',', '.. :fc'="'"

, '-", < ••• ', - • - 'c " ' .' ", . 0Ii~,: .'SERVING t-JNCOJ,.;N~", .'.".. ,'.. '_., '

e', , " ' , ...... , ,". ' , . "

Mr. ft"cI M...;Vi-:~b ·.;......~ L'.~.• '~~li.bCli" '.Jim l-aftsb ".. ",.,...u~ ..t""'H,,.. ... ~r¥"~h""r u~,~n"~i-~':'''''~''''''.f;~:f~"'~~cl~l' '. : .(F'ounded May 16.1946 by Lloyd andJdo a'oodwl)rth)'

Il:ntpl'''',J· "" ~eon,J CIlW"..lfatwr .t tbe )lott 01tiee. Raldo.1I Nfl'"~leo, uqd~r Act ot March 30. lll'1i. ' .----..;;.........-----......,-'"!'.---- ~..............'~,-&ub.crlpU'".~.~ per ,.-jar Nlt

M••b_rt N... Mulj;O "n,l' ""'U..

.'-'-"0-.';..;;..;-..-,_,_'"• .__-'-',




OIlY-AT \V~HTEltN SAOA ­Alan Ladd. the my.terlou, ,UIl't(lling atrlllll,er, blda II reluctlnll'arewell to Jean Arthur. In thllldramane "relle from Oeur"eSlevenll' 1'lIrl1mOullt 1'ecbnlrolorWt,lller". "Hhalle." at Ihll I'uoblll

,-----. PAOE TWO ,.--­

Ruidoso News~·r1dIlY. Novcrnhl!r la. 105a

Lincoln CountyTypowrUer Exchange

Carrb~o, N. M.\VII rl"palr .n muet 01

lJulIlfles. Muhlne..W41 WUl Call In

,ltuldllllO Even Tbul'llday• a""'-'"'''''''''''' -..' - --........................


May You Think of U.WbOJ;l You'Th1nk Of

INSURANCEFire - Awomobne

HOlpliallzatlonHERBERT SMITH

lNSURANCE AGENCYlthane 12.13 Kald...........................

_:1> - .".,_ , ,~-"" ,.._ -r----..,....~ - ._roe .....--..----~, iJ ~ </P ',. , . '.- ,

'",\ . -,' , -__,. ',If , t'~ ,'~ 01 • .. ,,_ ,J

, ~ -


. I,

SbOPP"ftl of, Ruidoso and vicInItyIn CVl,lr InerelUlnit numbefll (IrQtlndlnJt they C/JIl\ mnkc thetr dol·ll\ra do tnow by ullng tho News'fllQd t\dYilrtlslnR ~ UjOlt i/Uldo InIlrtpatillJ! tholr Ilbopplng llt~


, 1'~' , '

, " " 1,

. .. .

.. _",---"..__.--._----.;....,.--------

Your food dollar will go futher If you tak~ advantage of the

bugalnl at RuldOlO'I,progtHll.e food dtalua.




Where Crafuuwbip Counts .... C~u.~t 011 Usl,

You Can Eat Better,And Save Money!

lluh10llU food dl!Cllcro liN! dalU, Rsplt'l\d\d Job of mttn:handlalna, tn[l hlllhly cornpcltlUvo tillld, thi!,)'QJ<l golna III bal regultlrly withIitl\lC!al ofteN! tmd mlw ldCltlJ toIllve the C(ltlllUmer Q brvllk,

Y.I••• know that 11ll'! HI! tbW' data. but It can be don••Th. IUlawer Un In laking full adYlDtag. of the many food bu·galnl off.Nd h.r. In RuldOIO. It lnyol... catching th. wHk',belt priCH. chool1ng quaJ.lJy product•• and In laJdIlg adYfn.tage of Huonal yuatlonl. _

You can do all thb at home by Itudylng the food ads, in TheNe.,. .very wHk..


Shop The News' Food Ads

" ,,'



"LODGE,On u. S. Hii'hway 70 - RuiclQw, NewM~

Simmon. Beauty,es. MattrepeaRancho Style Furniture • Tiled Showers lUld Batba

"With the World', MOlt Beaupful View' '



~ Til('11 hllrrv Oil ()\'('r to our store for u can

of dllll alld SO/l\(' I)('anli. W("II lak£' the

tHill' tu li~,tt'll to your hard IUt:k story-





or. wo'll roJoico with you if you DID gel1hal

buck. Eithor way, wo want to hoar about li.


Then See


1 to 36 Months to PayPayments to Meet Your Budget

NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED~~~~t~~~~~~~·~·~~·~~~~~--~·~~~~·~nt~ctDikh~~;. MACHINE DIGGING

B1 Foot, B7 "'0•. By YM'dFOUDd&tions ~


Ruidoso Dry Goods'

Big News for Yon and Santa-If ,vou want to find gifts that are both

p)£,USJrlI.! und practical, and that are econom­)(',11 tc)/J Nolon ,md Gladys have just thetiJlIIg fill Santa's long list. Shop for holiday,

gl fts ill

II ~;••••••••••••••••••••JI•••••••••

TY No~er How or Where You Buy- .:UNCOLN, COUN I 1:ou JUways Save No.,. at The


,PURINA CHOWS ···If···~·,··~~III!·I!'·!I·,·'!·!I·,·~~·,···,!I,··~:, MASSEY..HAJ;mlS IMPLEMENTSPhone 32 - Ruidoso - On Hlghway.70

And You Can Buy Them on aLay·Away Budget Plan

...............+~t...-+..~~......~~ ......-_. ~ _. -_ _!

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !I


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-_.' " -' ._._--,,--------.................................................}

Page 3: V2 a~l1d VZ~, Bank Building Is Completed; WISDOM May …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · IlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes

, .,, .



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In P. O. Block

." . ' '



. Wholellome dairy foods added toyour recipcs will mllke menus morenouri.hing more t r u I y delicious.Dairy food. taMe! goo d, lind aregood lor you, tpoJ

Buy City Dairy ttrodueu In Uacollll'County at YCHilI' F........ Ston ....

'" .' .

Dodge Those BigAfter-Christmas Bills

And Visit Moe Rector at the

.' .


Now Offering Fish On Our Menu








-~ Hours: ] 1 d. m. to 9 p. m. -

You I'lln t\'tlu('(' 'hIlt \>1.: hcndachc cOnlllderl.lhly on Jun, 1stb)' nhollplng 1/11' tll'Olllbll1 \vlIy,,,,on 11Iy-uwlIy-by paJ'lng 1\

slllulI lWl'Ulll1 down. unll rCllllollllbll' pllymellt9 alllllg. You'llfind our J:llt ltl'mll Will IllclIII(' tht· mOlt pnrUeular, Wer..ahlt'{· rl'illl)·-to-weilf IIn.1 Jcwl.·lry In ramoll:; bmnd names.


Mildred Helms


223 W. SecondAntiques, Fine .f~ointtngs, Objects of Art

Po.mor Gateway, Ruidoso,. N. M.

Sandwiches . . .... Chicken ...

... Steaks



and don't have the cash, let us financeif for you!



.-.. ._~ - -


, .'", -,' '.

'j" 'I

, ", '

, " ", " " ..~ " '~" .' ":' '"" "':- .

; I); ; X• ,Ie ~ '. ..,-.._.~_.__-«=__

17 I 11\ zc


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Mo!'!"'-~~~!!!,!",;,..~~.....-................"'".r:;:.==~' =!!I~~:".:.:. "'::''~.~-'~

~ ',. '. -JJ


,:: • " (1"

It's Time To Talk AboutYour Heating Needs



Anytr.!nq in the Woodwork Line

~ur t:cw Phone Number Is 11-12

" ••• For• Chl'h'th~''';lq (',Hts That Are Different


'" =- .. _ ---._~ ..........." __ ' 1 .-'"~' ""i' .' ( ,,_


Your m~ilrnnn bf'l'omen your'l)anker whi!in you ule

First Nntionnlll "B~nk by Mail" plan. Mail liS your

depollil-We tehJrn tht> duplicate deposil slip, Con­

venient-lime tllJ\'in~1•

Shop •••


Order l?~,...t"ITrpf.\hic Christmas Cards Now.. .

For Convenience •••

Bank By Mail



:.Eat.bll.htd I~<)O "A Home In.titution''

MemMr Peeleral qe~it lns....nC4lt Corporation


General Motor Overhauling and Repairs24 HOllr Wrecker Service-Welding

, West of Bennett's Highway 70I HollYW~~. N. MeK.~~""'~~ ..~~~

= .....,,;. ... ~. ~-=-, _ ... ,,~~ ...... "",.'-=

,.7 a!S 2.'" IV ~WP..... ... ..-~~

If~...:-.-~ --....-.....:~.::::::-...:;:;:;;;;:::-=".•;,:.;,.;-;,;~

Featuring-UNION "76" GASOLINE










· 39(Tall Can




• •..








Open 6 p. m. to 9 p. m.

On Sundays, 12 to 3 p. m. Only



-:r-New and Distinctly DiHerent

Visit The

81 Alto '.DilUniJ {Jl0tJm,On Mechem Drive

~<----- --_.-----_._- - . - --

Pound A Texas Juice Orange


Whi1&SwanPound •





~ "


'. " ' ••? ' '

,; WI' iUatL.·'Ii' C"Y b T . r I; Jta

" Wama'abat.j&1UckerJa


Choice Beef

CHUCK or ARM ROASTSwift'. Premium


-, - ~ - - ~._. -~ - - - ---. -- -- _.- - - -

Fresh Ground

BEEFPayne's Best

ROUNDSTEAKPeyton's D~l Norte Sliced

BACON •..•

. - ~ -- - - -;: - . _:::.. ~. - --- - ~ - . ~~ .,

Corn 1{ing SUced



.C····R··"'X"S'"'~·C···O'"..'.. ',. . ',' , " : . ',' :., "', , " - , ' • ", \> ' ",

, , .' '. ", • , " _:' 0," • " " , ' " ' ., "

For Immediate DeUvery

In Severa! Choices of

Body Styles and Colors

Plus, a Wide Range of Used Cars, Trucks

and Pick"Ups,


POWELL CHEVROLET CO.,'_0 461 Tul.....I, N. Ma.

CLAYTON BENNETT, Ruidoso Rep.Phono 3·1t-West of JlIQcoon 'on Hiw.y 70


. '.



, ...." l.

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, .





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"'.~~~~~=~=~~~~~=~~~!!'Ji!!!I'I~"""'!!!!!II!I!IIl[I!!I~""'IIpII!II!!ll'IIJ'!"'I"l'''''"'''I''l'I'!I'I''I''''''''''~~~m!'''~~'''j\''!'~1''''''''''?''~''''''''''''.....,7"""..,."...·.....,,7.. ;:".",....,~'I...·',--:;;-o.r-..... '-' .", - "-"""~'~""" ,--~{"r:"'n. jl't '::'" ,"-"'_ """"""_' ,;'" '-'.._"'," _'..... ",-"." ,""':"',-,,"" .•• '.'_;.,"""'IO'~""'~"'-' ::'.,:";': '."',"-'- ,._- ,',", ,"",'" ',', ~_""" .• ,~",>~:~C.~:'\Y_,:-':il'''' ....nr'('':;'~1''' _~_"".'fC""';'f":.·,·_P'~", "~~"''''·'•. ,''''-~':ti.-.>·'f~~,lJ,~;\__ ''',_, """.-,','_,,_' "A ,__ ',"" ',' .. '" "'t", ,"',',': ." _,'_

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i'. tb~ ~u~ 'bj):t. 'wh~ mS"'GB~B (" .',. bel~~~g in a t~cJt r~-mes Ac::rU:::~~'~ ~,Ul..e th~ ~~lMlY:l~=~ ~u- ~Priced of ~~nt~ ,etqm adt 9ver to,m: milUon dollars a ·year. districts wher~ Fedel1ll ~tti,wties;ilii.'t. ~" tIletr; deer ov:er the .. " ....~ .' ~~~ ~~ren ~ve:ld: mIl1QnI•.~one ~'Jr. to d<m~tlil :n~~~~l,ItJqI~D, ~~'fo; ~ d ~elo~ ne~~~:' i S c boo 1 construction 0"0II1!1 have ~ted ill acutelyjn~ I.",~ ~" ·~lKibl 'WN let .ut ll11 We ar,e veg happy tod!ly be- Tharitsgtving calendars .and p,a- or .~n bQQJijI. Wm emifoUl' a~ .of the' SixU~ G~4e, ttttned !ri the tem~ '14, 195:J. The 'prices of all amounted to $3IMoo,tot in the enrollment:i!. AI.....

4IIaY~r;l.\l,..,~ IIJ ~ 4tm\l~\ cause We! tiJiaijy got 0\11' ~ew read-~.' p~l. 9P,· ...... essll)' tOI' the N~:I tQ pr1ntl government lI~mpe<l envelo~s nin1l"'1~r per i 0 d :trom ~94~ Bonded debt foJ,' schooll)uU~;hm\~,bol$4ay, ~d " ~'(\t.'. UP el'll and our be~g arithmetic FOtmTB nRAD£." """"e What Bda~_.". .. •• were boo3ted from appr()ximately tm:o\l8h June 30 tbls year. Tba* to- has incre~ alm~t 19 mUllon'at ~e end, « .chool, wor~ bqQlqs. We are beBlmJing t9 ¥rW;! Maurine Jo~ea BPmb loaller: ~ to14 Ed m:r lltck." , II!' E1~ Mo1llUIlel..' 29 to 6f .per cent, exchlding the tal Was shown by a survey relells- dollars over the $5,4-',110 Wtal

; . ,f ,,. ,. work On '1'ha~gMng ~ra,tlons .. J.l d :b eek h bee .. , »l1m~ aqd be !an, . " . 'd 'U .. value of Ule embo&led stamp. ed 1>7 the Taxpayers AsSOciation owed by Var\OUS school dl$trlcts ~nIJ~ ,~~Qt,~ l<lftTuesd'ay tor our roQro.·, si :::a'~'i.r ior me:'ori :9rlt. J B9'fb~eJ'. ~~ Is Your ni~.. 1~0. ~(\~v~C~~ ~~ ~~e Sales prices ot envelopes in, ot New Mexico thls week-Na.. ,~ew Mexico in 1945" the T~y-

"'te~.... l>rlgllt land ~r to it- FIllS'!' GBAJ)£ wrlU1' fa memorize"tift~nwems tt8ID.'kb l~d~' J3ptt~nsers' ~.h()tt. tQllow no ~i~ .t ~1 fJUantitie,l at le$$ than 25 are $lsI0 tl°DenabltEducatlb'?Jjn We::k'l

-f ilit. ers Association surv~ showe4•.e,ft~ ~~e "8lUlua C~ Confer-' , I«n. au.~ thl schnnl "ear. '. .,".. '. " . , . , .: • '.., t w".......... b hM.Aer revised, In broken lots of ess on Pll, c sc..oo ac les F·i. t' .'_:'a1 y'ell!: it!me. calT~Western mE1 Paso' It in b t . Man ~ .' ,,~.. . "Th 0 td ".,.. '" ' .• ' '." ..." '. . . el ..ll:V~ () ",,"""I!' .~..t .~.... th 25 envelClpes the price Is one in this' state Pfellently amounts to or l:"e CUUef\ ......, .

" Thit··.~~ W~nt .(O... dl.ftereni .ma,n:ath:~ t~ellr~ ~'t:. B~~Wor~:~~Y~lffi\e Sh:ep,'P ..tg~ ..\OO0'ir'l'~S '~~~S' lW~t:.gg~t~~JO~~OOIand ce~~ 'apiei:c abOve· the postage some 24 millio!) dollars. or~ $34 ~ilJ requi~ $3,37.4,901 to met:t th:Clllllllell'~ Which the,. tb(lq~ht they· for <I' larle can of white sand. All L1tt~e BirdS," l'Lions and Dtll- . '.f4~, .·Ptt~ .. ~\~. '. ~~~ €lrv c€l Wit1l.out educlitiOllt,J COuld not v41}ue. . . POI' capita. , . Interest and retirement requirelnipt tie .interes~d to I.I~ just . We have sand in our box. but .gons" apl;! "H~owe'en.': We .~reg9mffi!F~0~fuun~ih~~:tfi~ wrl.te. read, sp-cU Ol' know the h~- Thepostofflcll. a\sp, now otfe~ Of the total SJ:!ent on new school ments on tbIs debao .

,. ",,~ege. was lUte. we can Q,lle thUl for tm.0W in om sw4Yirlg division in our arlthm~" in'enn.~ f .IL~~tld taU its tory 9f evcl'yday ~p1e near me, II smaller rlmge of IIclectlons In • . •• .. , ... .' '. $te ~er in J.'uarezthat Thanksglvb1~and Gh r is t m a II tid. .. .,.. . ' . n"~9 accp~ ...0 II. .' or tar aWI;lY•. If .somll(illY I wWl envelopes. it is annoullced. -

Iliiht .~<l retul;ted home late. scenes, Many than~ to Mr. Prey Ray Seroll vlsit~ m Albuquer- rgl~~~~~~~~l!9~~t~;~t~~ to get a. job worldng for gqod J)SY RumOSOAN IN.ITIATW· For Magnolia Petroleum Products4' .••• for the jumprayeJ'!l. . " que. MiII;e Buc1qler visited in tFa thrh t th . . . .. ti Th and I do not lulve ~ tlducation. I

one coming' hplldays. for the Yle are making tllr}teys and Pil- Phoenix. David Snyder went hunt.. p~:itlon:u~ai)i'.'2o\ t~",16.~OQ : wouJdbe 'unable to do tbe work INp::~i::~R(~~)I~Twenty-six CLYDE (Mobil) IMcCUNTOCKrest of tl'!e llemester this year are: gruns and things fpr ThanksIPv" ing witll- his DaddY, in Turkey year' '''. .,.~ . "'. and therefore I would be fired. F.astern New Mexico UniversityTb~ghrJng, li'pvem!)er 26 and Wg· Canyon. Bllly HaU was with his M': .n1 .. d! • ifed A pll~ Sometimes l think'I would like2'l;thtsllix week:; period ends De- SECOND GRADE Daddy near Cl\>u\!cJ:Qft. Judy Lou. cante;"m'blh~ ::d experfence to quit ~chooI. .but then 1 start students were initiated Into Plo- Pllaae 12-13 RlI1a_, N••M:"""'\cernber4;Christmllll holidays are Mrs, SalllYan Evans went with her parents to . f th' bll C(l"ntin tYpe. Stu- thinking about other people!l,l1d neer-<;:aciQue, honol" service sod-not-yet definite; first semllster David Winger is a new boy i!1 James g!l,l1yon. Bebe CQe had a t. i:~~Q~t~g, teachfng accoun- their hardships and then I want to e~~:S~::~~ShIP of the club is '"ii"' &iiiiia.i~~_&a;:;;;~~-;s_..~elldJf Janu(117 15. our room. , 'birthday. taney 0 the possession of a eel'. continue with my «,ucation. 25 •

• ,.. . Weal! enjoyed the story our SIXTH GR4DE uticate'~ a' CeriUied Publlc A.c.. I want to learn m~ about each limited to 25 women and men,• 'I'he Junlor..clE!S$ bas picked the teacher told us recently about the l\&. Jones c untant may 'be subsUtllted for subject I tf,l\te, SI) when the time CU!ldldntes must have an act~mr;

C8St tor their plllY. I'Leave It To first Thanjtsglving day. . Our class thts week Is studying p~tt of the expelience. No writ- comes to choose my PfOfesslon, I lat:{tegr~~e-~flnts:cv:~d~:e~est~rUs." They are all folloWll: Eddie Those Pilgrims must have had a the fllnction of a court. We se1ei:t ten test is required. wlJ1 be able to do it with ease. an a ea IIWirnberl)' as ,Tl3hnny Reynolds; great time hunting deer lU\d tur- a jury, prosecutor and defender, Further information and appIl- My future life depends on the l/.Ot:o~o~·ltlated Included' BillGlen .WestaU as Charlle Smlthi key. . We are baving lots of tun wi!h cation forms mllY be obtained from equcatlon that I now Tei:clve. E ose If Id . ,

" Nancy Cbapman as Margaret SECOND GRADE our ~ork and also teeI tbat it will the Commission's Examiner i~ . , • ngman, U oso, .Proctor; Sh;irJe)' Holmes as Har- Mrs. Reese be helpful to everyone of us, Cbnrge, Postmaster Jack H~IU, 10- NATIONAt.·4.11 ACBlEV~N'l' I .,dett Jones, Cecil Clarke as J, Jay Brd'dley had II bll'\hday this SIXTH GRADE cated at the Ruidoso postoftlce, or DAY SET-FOR NOVEMBER 14 Women sAllgust Peabody; Vlrginta Halln- week and the class sang Happy Mr. KaulmauJi tram the U, S, Civil Service Com- More Ulan 8,500 New Mexico BOWLING LEAGUEdj;ly as Roberta Hemplej Mirt>: Blrtbday to him.' The class court had its first case mission. Washington 25, D. C, Ap- 4.H club boys and gll'1s wUl join IAnn Standefer as Ruby Wilson, The following children were thts week. In the absence of Judge pllcatlons must be filed with the members of cloverleaf c I u b IS No.. 10th

... Jerry Chapman as Lars Larson; proud because their daddies had Gerald Tully, Ol'VlUe Penny wils Executive Secretary, Board of U. throuRhou\ the nation In (lbserv- Team I Won Los'~aok! Ewalt~r ~ Mrs. HJrry kHled their deer: T~ddy J3ennett, appointed magistl'ate, A jUry of S. Civil Service Examiners, Gen- Ing National 4-H Achlevcment Fl'lgld Alrlans ..•. 10 :

ar ".l., __vkR ae arter as os- Linda Peterson. Mike Driggers,' six heard the case and rendered eral Accounting Olllce, Washlng- DllY. Nov, 14, Tiny Faye Jones, Thompsons . .. .. 66


sam \,;.... e. Joella McCraw, Joey Anderson the verdict. ton 25. D. C. associate state 4-H club leader at Toppel's - ,. - - . ~~!~~~~~-~'~.'~!~~~~~'~"~~~'~"-~--~''''~$"+~~~~a~~;jThe play is scheduled for No- , . ---:- 0- The class Is sending two "Share ,New Mcxico A and M College an- Mountaineers ..u"· 3 II . _.n ::.::....:- _, , '". avember 21st and 22nd. came through with !lying colors, Your"' Friendship" packages of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Edwards nounced today. • High ladY, I "":me, Elsie Evjen.

• • • The evening was wound up by clothes and new Icather lihoes to pliln to visit In Texas and Okla- _ 169; 2 games; Elsie Evjen, 303, Wh' R II J t P ss·n Thro hThe FJ3J:,.A Initll1Uono! new a llcavenger hunt. Each group wall need children overseas through homa this coming week, Mr, and Mrs, Mlick Osborne High team. I game, Toppers. en In oswe or us a I 9 ug

members was held last week in' given a list of articles that they the "Friendship Among Children were in Cal'r1zozo lind Alamogordo 460; 2 games, Toppers. 898,the Home Be. BulIdlng. '1 must bring back or they were out. and Youttt Organization" in New Mrs. George Zimmerman was a Monday

The new mem~fs were put Refreshments WCl'e eaten as York. The money for these Chrlst- ROliwell vtsltor Tuesday.' Mrs, Ernest Wood. Mrs. J, L,through ..everal or4eals but aU each group returned. mas guts are by voluntary dona.. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard nooney Surglnger and daughtel' Rose,

. .. ,,' tion. ' six cash prizes for the best papers. were in EI Paso II tew days las\ were business visitors to Albn-In observance of National Edu- JUdging' Wllll based. on contents, week. querque Saturday and Sunday.

cation Week the class discussed English usage, spelling and neat- ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiii'_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~;;';;;iiiii';;;iiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijsuch things liS citizenship, the neSS. PIschool board and freedom. Ella Jackson's family reali,

Each member of the clll,Sll wrote went after the bUCks this ,ear. Hera paper on "What Education fathcr and two brothers broughtMcans To Me," Money from the doWn three of them. We hope theyclass treasury was used to award liIte venison.


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Page 4: V2 a~l1d VZ~, Bank Building Is Completed; WISDOM May …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · IlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes


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If 'ou haven" and are _UlI tnlDa', or U 10.lIun haven', made rolU' haUnr trip-­cot ,our Am~nUlIUOD, GtmlI, CamplJJ&,

ChUck and S.ppllea Here. .

BUY ON LAY·AWAY-Shop now tor To", AppllancelI, nome NeetW

and other Cbrilltma, au, Itel\\ll atThis" FriendlJ', AU·Faml17 Store


:::~~:::==iF~U~N;E~RAL HOME





• Hardware • Notioal• Paint • Dry Goodt

Pboae 205 Gr••• T...., N. M.

, '

JL : ':: : :: : n 4: .1:; :1'.:v LIST OF DISBURSEMENTS, Detober. 111I3, VWa,(e ., a1llet...

GENERAL FUNDDaie Cit. No. Namo Item A.motmtOctober I, 1953

2135 J. B, Ward, Building E~o ••••_._._.__•• ._~_.$ 9.00October ~ 1953 .

2736 VWago Water Dept, UUUUes •__• __._.__• 3.002737 Warren Barrett Ins.. wurnncc ••_••••_. .___ 2.502'738 n. L. Harrison, Upkc1:lp of Equip. ._.____ 30.122139 Buckner'o, MlDc _ _••••_._••__•••_ __••• 7.3g2740 Com. ,Pub. Sa. C!>, lJUUtlcs and Street Ltihta 55.5~2'741 Alpine Ser. Sta., up~ ot Eqt1lpmcnt ._._._. 31.402'742 SIcYlnnd Auto SCr.• Upuep ot ~uJp, __• • 12.402'743 White Auto Storo'uUPkecp of EQuJp. _. .£__._._. 4.812744 Navajo SCr. Sta., pkcep of EquIp. _•••• • .__ 21.052'J4S AInm:o Lbr. eo.. BuUdlDg Expense • •__._._____ lU32740 C. A.. CuJver, Omec Expen:e __••_•••_._. __•••••••_ 12.1'1

October '1, US!2747 Trella, of U. S., Bridge Timbcrn _•••• • ._. 6.00

~ber 1%, 11512748 RuJdoso TeL CO.. UtillUcs _....._••• ••• •••• _._ 6.552740 Lincoln County, M1l:e'. • •••••_._. ••__•• •__•• 10.502750 RuIdoso News, Envelopes and PubUcatlotlJ • • 201.902751 Midway Garagc, Upk~ of EqU!p•••__.___________ 'l.812152 Wilkcrten SCr. S~'l '!1Pkoop of t;quJp••• ._._ 4.282753 RuJdoso Gas Co.. utWl1~ .... ••_•••_. •••__•• 2.402754 Clnudlc Pct.cmon. Mke. _••_. ••• .___________ 37.50 "

Oflf.ober It, ItSl . [\2755 Col. of Int Revenue, Withholding Tox .._.__ 138.00 ,

October- 2f, llU I :2156 Isidro Agulllll', Bridte work _•••_••• • ._..... 40.81 "

Ocf.ober U, 1151 f\II • j2'161 Joa O. Robenon. M1sc:. -.--.--.--.-...~----••_----••- 2O.vv I

Ocf.o'*' 25. 1.0 i2758 The Hobbs Merrill Co,. Pollee I>cpt. Exp. ._._~ 10.00

Ocf.obu ZS. 1.53 • !2750 ItandaU Halladll1L Stn!et DepL Exp. __.. ••_.__ 30.00 i2150 C. C•.~ Jr.. Letal Expense .-.- .__ 09031 I

octeber 31. 1153 • I ~2741 C. A.. Culver. Clerk 8.tJar.y __.... • Igo,gD. I21Q Dew(ly L. Gann. Jr.. latariha11~ m,lO I'

1783 C. D. Weemt, PoUee Judge Sa1&!')' .. 125.002744 0«>. L, ZimJD.mnan, Attllroey Si1aY 50.00 ;j

2'iI5 Fnn1t Pc:na. Fire DePt. Ca:retaker Sal. _.._ u__ 15.0027M ClaUdie Petenon. PJte Dept.~ Sal ........_.. '15.002747 Coleman JO'YCf!, Spt Outeer~ __ ... 100.002748 Faustino A,rulUr, 1I.ad1. Cpr. Saliry 200.00::rI~ Claudie Peterson. Mech.~ m ~ 25.00::rI'lO Kon'Uoa Qualtroulb. Extra POllee Sa1art 30.00ml Alfonso SOlo, Street Dept. Exp. 11%.00



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.&.i4 ~tJlll~ II. M.


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•• ' .' '. < ,',- ,"

,d' '

*Y9lU' pattoI1tp II apprtdated at

For Business

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After many delays, you'll find us on thejob and ready to serve you. Our fixtures are,

installed and our stock of merchandise is al.most complete. Why not stop by and visit us?Most of our fixtures are designed for self

•service. We think you will like the conven-ience of being able to shop leisurely whereyou can make your "'own selections.

Our prescription department is in oper..ation. We are well stocked with finest andpure~ pharmaceuticals produced by Am~r..ica's leading manufacturers. The next timeyour doctor gives you a prescription, bringit to us. It will be filled by a registered phar..macist and you'll find our prices fair andreasonable.

your new lookHalr-do magic l.I

our 1pe<:ta1t11 Comeill and get 1m

exciting new hair-doto add to your

llmartneu. Phone 01-02for appointment. •




,: " .' <




" '.'

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" ,",

'O! ' .

..', (y. .'

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~IJ'f· ·Hey Look FolkJ­


to tho buildIn" next door to Hol­lywood PO!ltottl~ formerly oc­cupied by CIUm de Flor<!!l. Plen­ty of porklng space.

FrM P&ell-V. ad Dell,erJWetll CiLJl At Your Dome

WIU. flam,les

Ed Crawford, Owner

. ,.


'. '



areea Tr.'




" .


For the FIned In ClADlng and PreuJngand Law:uby Senice

WJun you are rudy t()f that ne." 1Uil-Bee UIo a...- ctt_ .. iU

....... .,l1 cw.. ..ov 'b-H ~ u..

'111... .I-'s-w. t1, ... Dellnt'WB OIVB B. ad IL GtUN IrrAJlP8

Why ROYAL isThe Typewriter of a Lifetime

for a LifetimeThe U. S. Testlni Company. tmpartlal tClSUng labotalode., 0

hu Just run n telt on SIIOCk modlltRoyal Portabtt!$ pldtedat random. ThetO t)'powritCll'll wero put on lUl automatlot)'pln. mathlnc\ t.YPlnI tOO wordl • tnbluto. 'l'hls test wenton tor 1000 hOurs. nlmOllt lMOO,OOO \Varas.Thb amountiJ t() more wordl thah $OU could type It youwroto II 400 wOrd l~\\et eicl\~ fot 41 ~.n•

Temu At ,tow Aa$l..1S l'tt Wed,ALLI£DBlJ$INDS MACIDNESl1Ii._H1""~. N,,~.

.. »

v.. ,.., tilt ..mill COl' ••It '.'1-tilt,', til, Itld .. )M,NII'.

51'" F.,.,. II f._, for. en"1.100,000 '"'lot c..'. k ,,~..a......M,..... '1" IJlIlrAiU IIHOT .Ubt I c•• I" ~ lIow5,.1, FII"", II 1I1",r,lI' Ia -111"l'I ,kt k.,lIt "11-" ............ IN't4t11


PM. 10-0

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",."_,.,, '.,", ""'-' , '-".' : ,_ ·>',Y'f'·"':J~J,~!,,\i::l .. -,·,,;a;""·'''·~·'-'"'-F··, ,'~,,~f",,;""",.'",~,,."""'~'-"<",";,""':Y"':~~,','''':':'';:' ,<,,,~•. :•. ,,:.,..,-::•.',_,.,(j''' ..:'''.-','.'.~.'., j"'-'. '.,.',,~.'~:.,.. ' , ", Mj"'".' 'j"" ,';',:,'-, ',,',r, ,,',

.'·:'":-';,"'1':"",, ",' ":",, 'l'. ''', ': ",,':"", , __ ,.-,'," , .... -,.,','~'..:'.' ","1,' ,,' "",,""'.:'."'''-m-'',,''~,:'' "':'-:'<.',,".t: "';:,:,",::''':",

,. trACIt~'r.oP:a; ';,. ',' tb,.~:a~O~~~~,p~~ :"''''/'''~:''''''!;'>'''':l'~:i''....x.ft'm.~ ""' U-'"'H:'='W~' ........~, .

.~. At Fort ~: Y~I. llrg~. 1Jl~. h~ ~<J ,1li1.lrAAdw';r; .sh~ gQ'1 ,.!'fidq., "c:rt'~. .1~ .; " 1 .

:iJ ~lU:~~l!.t'~io!.1\1~abttt~~;';. ·'~.aW~ !ll~ wJ~~'ri~" '>~~'1~$~~}\~lt\~ ,. OJ1«1. of l,I.e~n 8' • ~fflW"'.. Co 1 ",""'~t,T ,...,..rptJN··" , t ~"'Ir~J.:II!iA~ ~. . .~"i .JWt .". ,. ed~a ltt "«~flr ~:V8;:tIt a 'A:W. J.tI~~.!" '" 'div~cm .ba_'" .: i~ Jb~Ui!i':~JJ,..."" .'~. wbi¢~ Jb.9W'S ·a~., F~!:!J)"l1ni~l;Jl" Iftol:Ql,~1tmt .1IfB~ihli.~tedil~' Oid~'ot~ ~~N',,:~,.llay~'· . ~ "·'fer(lgp~lttWedJ!,es il11\Jl(1.u.QI$"-, ot~ ~~t!'y;PQ"w g.~ ~r A~ov~ I:l»lhdlMm-:At 0::10 ~.:. .

'.gllY, ..... ". .,. .'. '. . ..··la.Y~f It,g~ a~d~ lA~t be.. m. We4d~~)' •..Novep)ber' ~ft~ a••.....•. CP..lIt1itrltnJ{ ~o~UM ~~;ca~otlt~Hlqtqenti~J)~ljk111UPd~wm~elclHiill;~~eb"'tiPgU1t$"!, ~ .•

.' ;elil\.ll :QqUSJI,$ and Nad~., I sect1re~ p¥~e~. =" ,~ .Anmv~pt:tM(Jb!lP~~,.J(CIll. .'" 'Ui'-;t"~s't' ~~:' i-.:;:,~ 'Th:A "g'~~: til)~Mn~~~~~,9}frleim" WlteWl,' ~il~.;'~g~Q~~~NfiJI~~!-

.11~ e"" . a....... "offl.. ..... "', " ....... ,.'" Tftlt E.......... .1 .lI Uill,"", Brooke ' ",:."".~. ..r.~.. ""I ,'a"_ ••~.t~meA sP!1P,t lI11vc.ra.ldflYs w.. ,tl1e..... ..~o.. any,.. . r:-., fOJ<rwB~' the,_~.. -..\11.... " .•1.~ve ill'.l4 e~plored the lak~ le~a.. top ~hC ftrcmg ~PPt?rling !;last. ROQn . ~ Wotthy l&l:'tron wm ~)"

"" jl'.l~ trtllJt tbe CtYstn.l Cba.m~r fQf "11";n.;':':D~ ...........S ' !It ~ell.." k~ 'W,Ol'U;ir Pl1fi'.9~'t\ 4istance Qt OVer elgnf mU~trQm po. .~""~""I" . " .". ' '. ..

... U:II:'cave cntrlltlce. ft,mol'.lg otheJ.' TIle Women's. AllfCUii!l'Y' oL,the ,-, ,"d. ..;, •.•-

. " jmPO~tllJlt 'dJscQveriell ma.(1e bY CJ1\lrCh, ()ttlle H'ol)':. M()un~ met ' 'FR"'" ' 'tmB.' .• lhem, theyqlscover~ a wal4:tla,ll 1:tlufllW\y mQrning, ~PV.5f l1l~~'- ON' . .· where .. ~llut1ful stream ot water home ot. M.rl.i. ,Pe!e ;a~se, There • ." .' .'. • ,. ..•.•. ' •

faUs ilome distance aver a pr~- were SIX' memWrspi'J!Scut anp' '.. ' , " ..... "'. •lplee, . . nev!'!reM anll Mr,;. R,. Y; PaYb> I)~ , . . C'1:"'" ..'

" . 'II) 1800, Ul~e soldiers from Ft. Ft.Stant(!p w!:re sp~la~ gq~, . . .Ar:Ea" .'; , $taijton sPC"t $ree ~ays in .this, Father Davls,~o~~to tbe women. . . , I' ". : .. ' . .. '. c~ve exploring- lli; wonders. ne-- Mrll. Carl)'.,.ongabaugh~ 'pr~dent ...._, cimij.Y' several parti~ trQm ,(!{Ipj- .pt the AuXiliary, In behillt Clf tneOa'-'~r l'

· tail have explored tbe cave. fClr oUler m,t;tnber~ extends a~lw~ ,·~outll and rep\>rted wOJ1de~l,ll mvitation to any WOn;tar,1 WJam ~ ".,."..,., !~-:....

, .' ~bl. ·tbe auxiliary. wbether 'she is a JUICY' J1J'!4BO. Old timers telL Ult tbat the. wa- member ot the Episcopal c:hurcl1 . .'. .... , 'j '.

.ters m the cave receded for tl dis~ or not. The next meeting will'be ' "G'lf!IIn."lance of one fourth of a mlle witl\- December 10. .,. . ., HA1'4B\"m ~In tbe past twenty-five yean;. • .•. . ...... ~~.. ... ." .'

The entrance or mouth of this Carrizozo Lodge No;" 41 A. F. .S •...m-\'Iri'r~. cave is located on the southSIde and A. M. observed Pll$l Masterlf ,Q.f,~U n ...",,~

Clf thC ;Rio Bonlto, l~ss than c;me Night Wednescl11Yt Nov. 11, with amUe tram Ft. S'tanton U. ~. Mar- number of memben and visitor.s OY'I"D SPECIALTYine Hospital. It.s the cOllrSe of the present. v",- .. .'.. . . .'cave is northward, it m"u$t neces- , !'Nne .U'I-q,

.sarfly pass under the nio Bonito . Nell Ziegler, receiving treatment 0..U 1·.,. '"within the first one-half mUe from in a hospital at El Paso, 'is ex~ Q W~~

the entrance. As dIstance is gained ~'-~A~"gba~c~k~h~O~m~e~thgis~w~e~ck~~~e~nd~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~the formanon becomes very solid 7."~""'"From where Mr. Tuttle and par- canoes to cross the lake.' and in place. In fact there are no

ty turned back, there .were foot~ I Not many ),ean IIgo. a band of evidences of recent cavings ofprintlf and other evidences ot per:' IApache IndIans, being hotly pur~ earth or rock, The narrowest part/lOpS !lavin" /lone further. sued by soldIers, took refuge In of the cave is at the entrance and

.Mr. Tuttle and his, party found this cave, The mouth of the cave It maY be explored with compara­many side' rOOmlJ and paSliages was guarded for three weeks. and Uve case and safety.leadlngotf from thl' main cave aU during this time these /lame In- The cave is located on the Fortalong the entire distance of four dians were seen aver In the Capl- Stanton MUitary Reservation live

Imiles. and several Umes upon their tan mountains, several miles away miles trom Capitan; it Is easy ofreturn trip the)' look the wrong trom the cave entrance. The sup- access and (ree to aU who wishpassages. position Is that the Indillns made to explore It. No one has seen

I Within II dlatance about a half their escape by going through the New Mexico's greatest wonder'un-. mile from .the outside entrance.' Crystal Chamber, swam the Inke til they have seCn the Great ;Mam-

I·there Is a side rOOm or passage t and passed out the cave through moth Cave of' the Montezumas atthat leads Into what Is called the' some unknown opening In the Fort Stanton.

ICrystnl Chumrn:r where arc found Cupltan mountains. ;=:==========;:;::====.. the crYlltaln above mentioned. the We have but few authentic rec-most perf('Ctly formed and In aU ord!! of this cave except thosetheir grundest beauty, Stalactites kindly turnlshed 1JS by Mr. Tuttle,and stnlngmites in all Imaginable but other reliable parties stateshupes hUllg trom overhead and that they have found pllSllagcs that{JroJcct from below. Bure ure sta- hllve been explored for distancesacUtes two teet or morl' In length, neal'l)' twice the dllltnnces traveled

showing that tbe cave IS very 10llg by Mr. Tuttle. Ncarly all explor­In existence. In many places the ers agree tbat the cave runs in alItlllagmltcR on the fioor look like northerly direction and would passIon$I apearB ot white grass. under the west end of the CapitanAlslea and GroUOlI mountains.

Leaving the Crystul Chllmber Boat Mado for Eake.lInd following the passage on In 1872, J. W. Swan, now re­further, one pusses throuKh vart· Biding here. who was then a car­OUlI alllles and groUoli. all most pcnter at Fort Stllnton. made swonderfully ond beautifully lined small row boat for QuartermlUltcrwith crYlIlnlll, Ilnd finally aM"lV1:l$ Conrad of Ft. Stanton, and Lleu­at a amall stream of running wa- tenant BOYd of Company B, 8thter, Thill Wliter flowl! In n north. • '. , ' ,=.4erly dl.reetlon and urnduaUy In,.;erCallCl! In volume, unlll within thecourlle of three or four mUes It----------"1 ~JI---' floWII Into a lake of perfectly clenrwater.

It WlUl by the side of thlll lakethnt varloU!l exploring partiesfound the remains or lin old canac.Only ono porty ill known \0 havecro:llllld thll lIubterrllnean lilke. ItIII thought that the Indiana knewtho lecreta of tho cave Dnd uaod



I CIIILDRENdF AI.L AGEBCAKED FORDegonla nond I~. ,; ...."


£1 Corrol CourtIn Skyland


; _.-

, .


, . ,. "'.., .....


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, . .

, ,

.Use The MailsTo Do YourBanking •• •

Pay by Check for Safety,Speed, Accurate Records

and Convenience

• , .• is forEfficient Operation

See U8 For Your Parties


CI1l61·04 Co1lId For SenlceHEEkE IN LINCOLN COUlft'Y


H seo.


Myers Water SYltems


Inter-Mountain SupplyJohn Buckner

We Sell and Install

Tanks and Appliances


0000 Illell FIlERIl RAW ftQLKFrorn tJ g Tellte" Itnd "'llProve4 Cow.

O"UverMl to ,Your lIame IIr Favorite Store .....,

AJa•••ordo••N.. Mn1coMem\tN' Federal (npolit Inluran« Corporatlc.n


1'1I0NE II


YCSt Butane Gas is efficient as a fuel forboth heating and cooking. It works per­fectly in your hot water heater, too. Mayyours serve you regularly. promptly?

PBOPllfE IIlCl BU'TANSPheu ate06 ll....



. Complote Body an~ Fonder Semce

Complete Mechanic Service




,~" ";,-.' " '::' "', ..<,"" --'t.: ",;,;·,:,',,:,"·\'i.',-,' -"'"',:,,,."'"

Earl ,'" D Lt-.·~· N' .'.' , '.."I.U..._ ..;.....lI.. 'b.. v!" Tuft... ,,,....V av (Ad.. eWalAnR '~'"'iU1~~¢cmi~ i;i~;11 ." ...."""" ~"""'!II, ~~~ of '~JI:f ~1OJ1l:t•. ,

Gives Histol7'OfFt.~~t~1 ,~~,e' t~ci!f~t¥=lI~tr1~ .,h . r 1.. d 'ai' . It I . nat\lf(l t9w fj)\lII<Ill1 Jf~ ~~- 'lIn the are lve. of, ttle ....Inco.n ..w. an 1l~'PP ~Si.n,-.n,. i!=Ol·, . . .". ..' ... ' i .' i . . ....

COlUlty CourUwJ,Ule are ~ept tho pJa~ the v~W..UtlQq,.J)(~ "A~t llS, 18tt8,:~n~M t~tilca of new'papens published trum ehl!mber aretUted Wltb neidte- clive lit ":3() ()~clock:w.nperatur~the earl)' daYI up tp the pruent like crystals that$OmCwttat ~- ~t mouth ot l:av~/lH de~, aU~­time. Ernest Key like. to look. aembte gllWl In appear.mc4!,· 111 tude, 6,140 teet. . .bllck Over the old IssuCll and I.ut man, placet these tine Cl'1Jtata lU'e '. III\t 10 o'clock, had traveled oneweek he brougt!t out a copy ot the more than one toot In length lind and thrce-elghthsmiJe.; llltltUl:le"Capltan Progress," dated March In appcaran~ are at ~0W'1 wbite- 6,09,5 feet; COUl'1>C1 ·northeut. byI. 1901. Ils deSfrlplion of the Ft. nesSi. north. .Stanton Cave tollows-Ed,): The' Fort SUinton Cave 11 mrt "1\1. U o'clock, ha<qrllvelt:d omr

. -0-- very' well known, even b7 mlUlY and one-fourth miles tl.u1ber: a~..The Mammoth Cave of Ken- ot the older inhabit_pta of this illude, 6,040 tCl!it; C(.IUl'Je, mote

tucky has a worthy rlvlIl In l.ln- section, and but few people can northerly. . ,roln Couilty. New Mexico, at Ft. boll!lt ot havin" explored It to any IIAt 12 o'clock, noon, had trav­Stanton, five mUes trom Capitan. cOflldernble extent. Not one h.\,In- eled (me flnd, one-eighth mile/!

TIle clltrl\nCli to the Fort Stlln- dred I)Crsonll In all ot EI PIIIO AAve further; course north; altitude, 6,­lon Cavil 15 small and jJnlnvltlng, ever heard of this wonderttll freak ODD,bul II IJ; when the daring explorer ot nature that exlstll /10, close to "Total distance traveied in cave/t('!a IIOme dllltanee under the their door. . Was four miles. .ground that he 19 permitted to In the month of Au"",t, 18118, "Temperature of cave 58' tem­lilt1(' upon IIilml'. ot the ICfllndest W H. Tuttle lmd a party oflQur· perature ot water in cave, ~2. •Mlthlfl 01 nature 10 be found in the Ilils trom EI PallO' v!ldted Bnd ex- "The water in the cave is al~world. SpadoUII chumbcrllot ever)' r.IOf('d the Fort Stanton Cave, hav· mOllt as· clear all tbo' air, beinglantaslle shape ImlJlCln8ble. with nil II 1.,lncoln County man tor nearly tranapsrent.torluous paSllllgell between, lire to "u,lde, cxplorlrll~ what thl'7 "up· "At a dl.lltDnce of four mUcs thebe ~(,('rI on every side. mllny 01 posed was the main cave or en- w~ter covers the enUre bottom ofwhlrh IH\' CLUed with er)'slalll of Itrance, Mr, Tuttle carried with the cave. to 11 depth of from oneall SIZCll llnd shapeD. _ him IJ tht'l"mometerand an ane· to three feet.

Nowh/!h' III naluff' 50 I,ellullful rold with which to /lCcure the tem· _"I\t places the roof of the caveI,ml mtrkale III III the forrnuHon perature and altitude. Ill. nearly, .one hundred teet In,.f the C'rj'utab, Her/! are to be IlCCf1 1..01 ot TrIp helliht. .an Ilbundanel' of beautiful sllllac- The tollowlng lire BamI'! of the '[There are no tish or bats In the

, ~-- - - ..:. . , caA;;~~rdlng·to the reading of Mr.

, L0 0 D DAIRY Tuttle's aneroid, It w1ll be noticedthat the cave is compllratlyel)'level. talIln" tor the first mile andII halt and then grl\dually rlsl!)".The direction beIng nearly north.towarda the w,e,st end ot the Capl·tan mountDlns.

OUR HOURS:.Qpen earl, lor breakfast andata, open for lunclL Clute lora IlUlo while after lunch andthen open aJraIn Irom 4 p. m,until 10 or 11,aOODCOFFEE



'---------.............. J AND DCAFE____• •__1 I DowntoWII ftuld~

I"'- G\."'O? COFFEE 5c


Page 5: V2 a~l1d VZ~, Bank Building Is Completed; WISDOM May …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · IlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes


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FlIlST IJAI'TIST ('IIUltellOrtrll 'rr..C'. Ncow Mexico

nC'". JC'lI"C' t', Alltn. t'utorHundn \ S, hnol 9" fj ,I m•• :lI~t'tI(· (fa",. Supl,"ll'l1rhUlC/ :-;('1\'1('(', II 00 II. m.Tr'lIoUlIl t'llIIIO Il 30 P m.Mru J n n"'iJWay. Dln!CWr<."rt':J('hlll~ S,',,,.. ~.. 7 .30 P m.Welilu cd.1\ nu:hl r:l'lvit'(l, 7~OO.

"Ilt' ('huI.h whl'll' cllt'rybody 11r.-nmc' It-lJ1t0;. ..tlm,t flu ll h III 41 slr'lnuer.I'hOIl€' 14fl·Il"

('IIt'tWIt OF CllnlSTM. A. f;lklnll: l'tllnbti!r

Hrn'IC'C'lIHlbl... !WJdy ill !/.45 n mWorshll' !it'fVW" .it 10 .'1 U m.('onununllln ilt II 40 n m,Ev€'nlns: Snvlu' ill 7 00 P m.


"rank MaUll_it. I'ulorSunday SC'hool ~ ~ I0 00Morning WOl1lhlp-ll:OO.Mothodl!lt Youth F('llowshlP.-5:31l•Evenlnl1 Servict"-'1'OO,


Each SlUJday at 1 ):I, m, at Rul­dOllo WomlUl'g ClUb lJcnu:c. TcsU­manlal third Sunday cacb month.


ReY. C~II Smith, P....tSlUJday Sehool-9:45 n. rn. SundaY,Pre:lchlng-II n. m. Sunday,Evangelistic Setvlt»-'1:30 p. m.

Sunday.Pfllyer MC(!tlng-Thursday even­

Ing. People'll Serillee-Frld.,.Even1njZ.

A8SEMBLY 0 .. GOD cnt1ll.CUOreen Tree, New Mex.

Palltor, Geofl'C! PentSunday SC'hool-lO 1\. m.MornlnJtWorshlp-11 n. m.DoOlHcr Bnnd-7 p. m.Evnngellstlc Service-'l:30 p. ttl.


Nob 11111Vlw, R.oberi Dam

- S<'rvlces -2nd nnd 4th Sundays, 11 n. m.Church School every Sunday "t

10:30 a. m.


-. , ,




... .,.._.


• 't" "


, " .6! 1 -- '--I' ''''''.zi<i T • J

CompUmenta OlAFriend


Ie .

1I11ltiNG tHIM to WOlS....mw tHIS WI•



synagogue ••• and you'd like to grab(Otty extra winks. You can't hlaIMhim, years £rom now, ifhe ha.n't f'aithin God ••• in life ••• in hinuelf••••you hafcn't 8bown bim where to Joel

.< fot it.


•, ,'.

" '. '.



• •





,.. ,

• • •

, ~' 14


And His Guitar

Ityou would like to have a partin. BpOrtsoring aweekly Churchl?eparlment ilt the Ruidoso News; teIephbne "194·01•. Thechargefo.r baV'htg your lUUIle appearintliis special adve~ment will be $1.00 pelf wee~ THE NEWS.

\ .

ill.' ,\" ',',~,\ ., .. : ,', 't' • '.':,



.Saturday Night. (Or, Any Nlghi)Gf:T IN TilE AO'1' WITH


. "

"'f .....

Light their life with fJitltlllt


I ' i'"'' n' , i;

I 1o~

., "" J



"·,'.,~ ~


•• •

Lc(!~ f lille Ilis aaJ... Chances are. he'll grow up to thinkWalks lillc !tis dad • •• like his dad. For Pop'a the hero •••

Acts like /tis dad. •• and the way Itb <Joel things, the wayhe acts, is 'fme right way." .

Thinkofthat next time you're tiredwhen it's Unte to go to chureh'or



. \' • 'n: bi" I ',,-

Ii -, ,

/' - -r;1?1~- ........ ""'" (, J J \"


BruneB's. Store

We <lIto $. ana u. GfteiiSiUn,.Oo


COLD WEATHER SPECIAL DID YOU KNOW . · · ?25 Pet Allowance For "., You Can :r~~g~~e~~otorola

WELCOME Your Old Mattress TELEVISION SETHUNTERS! On Any New Mattress For Less Money Than a Radio and

We'll Have Breakfast Phonograp~Combination?Replace that old mattress today-offcl' good on

.Ready For Ypu by any price mattress in stock. Also. Now Offering the New4:00 a. m.. Cabin and c.amp owners-let us get your bed- BENDIX TELEVISION SETS

Every Morning ding ready for next season while your cabins We Handle'Yogi Antennasand will be open In are vacant. One-Day Renovating Service on all Complete Line ofthe evening on your mattresses,' Installation and Partsreturn for supper. SPECIAL RATE TO CAMP Be CABIN We Offer a Congenial Financing Plan


CAFE Skyland Furniture Exchange JOE REINHARDT.._ d 'IlW_ Main Road at Evergreen ' Skyland THE RECORD SHOP...·u. an ...·UD. . RADIOS and RECORD PLAYERSNorman AlIen ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~______________!!!!!!!!!!!!:::;;;: _ = _~""""..~"=_..',, ,""""""'~-~_ ~,O:C'" ,..~_,_"",."., ....=,=.., " ".......~.~~


The Woman's Society tor Chris-

~:th:Ji~iC~h~~c~hew~lm~ldnit~~,;,~~~"~,,,~,~_~~~~~~~~~~i$~~~~-~-~~..~_~7fr-.;.~--~-~.-~.~-~-~.~,~--~-~-~~~._~--~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~--~.~--~~;;;~~~~luncheon at 12:30 next Wednesday r . '--noon' during which mothers andwives of the several new famUlasrecently joining the church are tobe honored. The church recentlygained 38 new members in n driveheld in the area. •

• •





Good GulfProducts


They Do, Too!



"Come Back andSee Us!"

Wt' rei a Jot of reptat bualnesaOn out-ot-state cars. With &howhole road to choose from the7come back becal1le tho7 like ourfriendly, urdul lI{lrvfcel That'.one reason YOU will llke us.Tbo other reaaobT It potI8lblo wearc even MORE eonsclenUouwith homo 'olb than we arewith tolll'lIta. After all, we liveherel

•. .


" .

. "



" ',0"

,... /

• •• •



, .;,



Either way. youl1 be giving yout child abU11dafi~ ey~ Ught toprotect his eyes from strain and Dlllke hi, homework easier.


U your child l.s falling behind in his homework and falling to get goodgrad~. It rnayb! because of tired eyes. caused by poor ltgbting,

. . '

Help bim make better grades with bettet light at hfs study table.•

Arrange two pin-up lamps with l()()..wuU inside frosted bulbs as shown..·Ot get a good t1ble study.lamp' with a 150-waU bulb and a •diHushig bowl t() soften the light and prevent gllU'c,

with BETTER LIGHT for home study

~, '

, .

Down'in old MissouriThey sing a l~llaby,

If that don't seem to help itThey just let the baby cry,


Here we try to feed them. From a bottle or a canIt's not the best arrangement

But the best one planned by man.

So if baby fussesAnd always wants to eat

We have a world of canned foodsVegetables and meat

Egg yolks, orange juice, spinachAnd-beets

Soups and fruits and wouldYou believe it,

We even have a cookyCalled a teething biscuit.

•So feed your little darlingAlways on the best

And he'll grow strong and healthyAnd may' be a president,

(Think of the Green Stamps YouCan Coned WhUe ~e'B Eating!)


Fox MercantileWe Give S & H Green Stamps

,~ '.

. .


"} ':"':;

,~~" ' '•."1IIii·..· '..' " · .. IOiIoiiIIi..... ~.""IiIi' , , ' ' ' '•......~..t ', i I

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:,'(ft., {,'. ".',.,' ._ .r"

.I' Your""CQD:tplete Departnient Store. Offers 'Y9U ItWille£JioiceofChnstirlas Merchandise:F"l.in"of"t> ' .. ,.. .!{;1.' .R" ,.i,i, .' 'If .... .,' Lin' d' J' ,_1.. tllleeuggage ,,;,., .. ,~uy·"~···,,ear ..eaQi,e s•Costume Je~elry ,v, "Lmgenec-Hosiery Shirts - Shoes ... Moccasins _,

, ',-" ,", ~ ,., ," ' ,

:",:,J.. I--::,.',"':'.'::' "',1 ".~.;'~,T"':.'__ "'j' -",','1 "~,,'-"'-;i"" '_, 1 ,.;,d. ,',"", __ ' .."; ""·-"'~~'~~·':~~~'~~~·~'~~·'!·~~·'!'!!!'~~·I"'" '" ~.'.' ,,, ~"'";''' ..,..~ •••.~ ".- .. HaUawe"enTea: . . tilbl~, The gir4;of tM :flomll );SCQ- ~,,,,,,.,~,,,.,,,,,",,,.,,,,,-,,,,,,,"",,,,., 0. AN"~.I:'W.~~t1lJ ME~S ' 'Se'lHOl1 From Her ";pl;y th,~leatl role in ULa\1~," a OPEN TYPEWRlT~R '" , ., ' .•:. PAGE "nvE: , ",;,..,.,.Honc)""Fac: .. ,~~~riS~~~~.~~l~~rith~gi:er~ Ho e" 0 -Clb si~'ftc1°Wo::~~IUhnt:1m~:Ol:i, ,Y~ • '. e g~~:~t~~~a~s~~~~nted by the EX~~Glirs. J. A. Ferguson of R.dOlONewSiA; llallllwe'en '~as held iii charge Qfthlil tea. Virgtllia '01om8$ . '. n.ymO. n .... ~ U. Wedneliday;'~oY,~,.flt the ViUaU ..Ar~,E1u'QU~ Billie Simpson, a sophomore, -15 Ft. Stanton v~ited in Ruidoso 'last .Friday,. November la, 1953~e flome EQono,mics 'J)ePllrtIDent 1!oured.. assisted J>y EUle~li~uez •. '·"'~~"'·-·~'-·"'''':-·''''-··Restauran.t.li.'olJoWinl!tdinl1(lf,¥rs. In HM Western an English major, She is a roem- week-end, announcing while here, • " -. " ..~f the ,aondo Hjgh School honor- ;fhe glds I,lerve~ HIlUoween. or .~. and Mrs. Paul Erickson ot allzel-Brittetlback, chahmlln of ~e Silver City, N, 1l'l. (Spl,>_A l»- bel' ,of P~k~rJl, ~s tepOrter, that they have recently opened a Mrs. Robert Davis ot Ft. Stan_mg ttte faculty Tuesd,a;y, Nov. 2,7. Jac~o-ra~ern lla~c;iH= 1~ce 1010 E' ,Sec'l)nd, 'Roswell, bailey" me~J>ers~!p "oGxrmlH~, alls!Sfed c'ent Ilcrutinizins.ot the New Me,J(- Mustan.S and Westerner .stuff and tardwWrili:e:.ali'Xhc!tr~.n:a.echinlhaU~rSizd~Yzo., ton plans to leave next week toTbefQom was beautifully decor- llano w c es. an. ... ow~.mooned l\ert} Oct. 18 at Starlite bY ~••rs• .<¥eeQ BScock presen~ed ~co Western eol1e~e campus re- WIlS formerly a Westemette. .. u.. visit her daughter ELizabetb and

,,. . aWti lI:I the ,H!lllowe'en· motif and .coo}tles and candy. ·CablI:ls. ThE! bride was the former the evening's program. A business vealed seven Ruidosoans on hand. Rufino Sanchez, II freshman, is " ,," "" tamily,Or. <lnd Mrs. Wm. s.:floral~rangementll were all. the Those at~dhlg' wex-eSupt, Miss AnAe Fish, daughter ot the ~ssioln WI,\S _Jdeld with Frapces The studentll~nrolledat NMWC maJQring in commerce. He is ac- is a music major..She is active Stoney in St. ClOUd, Minn: Dr.·, .. ,,,., .... ,.".,. •• I' . , C. A. Fishes, Shelby Mont and oug llSS, llr__ ent, in the chair. are Mary Glascock, an11e SimP'" live in the Newman club. in the college band a,nd chorus. . StoneY is a protessor at Stllte Col-

• the mom is the so"; of .the' Otto Guests included Mmes. Lela Ells- son, 'Rufino Sanchez, Dlive Parks, Pa.ve Plirkll, a j~nior. 18 major- Bill Cnrpenter, n freshman, is lege In St. Cloud and is the sonEriclcionll, Roswell. The pair was ~r, CunniJ1gham, Jack :mUott and' Lilah Jane Parks, Bill Carpenter ing In ,physical education. He par- interested in the commercial tield. 01 Bishop and Mrs. James M.wed Oct. 17 in the Roswell ;Louth'; orman. NJ.en. and F8;ye Carpenter. ttcipates in Ulf.: Monogram club, Faye Carpent«:r, a freshman, Stoney ot Albuquerque. .eran Church: Honeymooning at HI" Mary GIIlSCock, a treshman., is journalism and is a member of the participates in the Women's Ath- 'Spring Drive, which goes offthe .starUte Cabins Nov. 7 were T() (JONVf:NTJON majoring in dramatics~ She par- fDotbaU team. leW; association and w1llplay a Main RQad in frolit ot the ChurchMr. and Mrs. E. R. Flowers ot 300 Miss Cathetlne Lo~chbridge, ticipates in Westernettes and will. Ulah Jane Parks. n tresh~an, character role In "Laura." ot Christ, has been re-graveled,East Pine Ave., Midland, Te;ll:. The vice-president of the Ruidoso B\iS- - ~H • • . , , .",

.. ' bride was the former Rosemary Iness an.d ~otesslonal Women'!!Brazzll, daughter of Mr. an.d Mrs. Club. and 'Mrs, Edith Johnson,G. :Brazzill, and the groom is the treas\lrel;, of District :I ot the StnteSOn of Mrs. J. C. Flowers, all ot Federation of B. and P. W., nt­Midland. The pair was wed at tended a district convention In Ar-Midland Nov, 6. tesla Sunday., , , sMontes, Mr, and Mrs. John Ham- DAVE BABY GmLilton, Mrs. Douglass, Mrs, Stevens, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Latham areMrs. Maes, Mrs. May, Mr. Gomez, parents of a daughter, weighing l>Mr. Sanchez, and Mr. Lara. lbs" born Nov. 11. Th!: girl is a.................... granddaughter 01 the Bob Smiths.


,,,," I . .,., ., '.


""1' • '.

;~, ," ,,:; Biggest"StocltofTQYsr;~ ~>:> .. '~,'~'ve 8(er Had .

, '






, ..


Page 6: V2 a~l1d VZ~, Bank Building Is Completed; WISDOM May …archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications/RUIDOSO... · IlB bil( a thriU out of coming into left. blazes

.. "



. ~..






.'. 'r' f ' 'r" - .')

PET MILK2cans Z8c

.. " < l'! ;"

·;:'ii'iOfat'Ort. "',Pric.-, '" "_ c~ • ,',' _ , H. •'.,



Phone 122-01





Box 1640


Coconut Pvmpklft CIIIffoII....


BonnellHdwe~ & Building Supplies


'Ri"ht 0',. ,1h. ttl.".,c' -<'. '--"~_ . ~.' '..... ." ~,' "., ..' '.

Keep your family comfortable . . . make gue:;ts welcome , . .

in a home that's up to da~e. For ,those remodeling needs, if you

need advice, assistance in your plans, and a practical finance

~plan, we can work it o~t to fit your needs. _

Ruidoso, How M.xlco•

. ." ... - ~ilIS:O:S rt=::IIIII:::!·~jJ t=7il11l:.:tI~;lIIFlIIr:::__;::2I11r::::III.m::~ I Ig.il::'Jllllrn:;:::ilfig~].rc:~J!:G'_fC(::::!II1r=:::JlIII...::a.s:5i!'n~~.J::= SCJ •


" .tel:-~110" lIItJA1/ .

~...... ••

_-"&----._,---Mrs. Ed Tepe, the former Lor-'

ene Lorson. III home, probably forthe Winter. followin" a tour otthO' northwest country which In­cluded Idaho, Nevada, Coloradoand Utnh.

Harry Powell of Tularosa andClayton Bennett of RuldOllo. rep­rellentlng Powell Chevrolet of Tlll­Cl'Ollll. were In EI PallO this mld­wcck viewing the 1054 Chevrolettruck.

Tax CollectionsSe* New RecordsSanta Fe. Nov. 5 (Spl.)-Record

collectlons for tho month by theNew Mexico Bureau of Revenuepuahed the September total to, well0\'1'1" five mllllon dollars.

Of this tolnl, the lItnte salelltschool) tax collections amountedto more than two milUon, for anaverage or over $70,000 a day dur­Inll the month. as shown by a Bur­Vl',:! made bv the Taxpayers As­wclalion of New Mexico.

Ml!anUmc. the atntc's gasolinetax of six centn a gallon produced1I1Ightly lesD thnn one and three­Quarters of a million dallal'll, aver­agIng nearly $57.000 daily In Sep­tember.

The September total thin yearo"t $5.348.400 marked an Increal\llof $692.000 over the bureau's col­It'Ctlonll during the lllIme monthIMt year. a gain or more than 27percent for the month.



,• i

'1 ;:

. 0 .. ~,



Make,-- ---~. -., ......,-="-_._-- ,......

: " 1, :

Right Down Town In Ruidoso



Charlie and Frances SappSELF-SERVE GROCERY


In Downtown Ruidoso-and' after

remodeling, restocking and re-arranglng,•

we are anxlOlU 10 have you call in to

IGG lU. You'll find fine foods at

Fair Prices at thll Friendly Firm.

A""'lIlfellt, ..We Have Purchased the Pioneer Firm of

Hart's Self Serve Grocery



From Our BeautUul Line 0 ofElectrIcal Articles for the ~ome

Everyone Enjoys a New AppUancelTOYS - CANDLES - DECOllATIONS

HOLIPAY LIGHTS - CHRISTMAS CARDSYour Gift Purchase here will

Be Wrapped in the Modern Manner.FRIGIDAIRE MAYTAG



Phone 53-11~

, '. ::- :












...... \I... II~..


",' .' ''·;t' . ,

& J'7 ELI £ 1 7 7 111


Q." - ...

SI-i~NE3•• "'-*4 0".'40(U. 01 Vr'ILO, ••• JACK PALANC.

.... ~~ 0- leo•• • \It ~.,.'9I•• t 0'0'" If'YI,'"., ••• - .•••••• 0" ,. • ~..t .. J6Ca .

....... ,., .... " .- ,&ce ' .........."'., .... tHt.



1\;( )\V HOME OWf':ED A~lJ OPEIL\TEDA.dmission SOc and:} Oc



" n..1.Y

•. ~ , :., ..~ .

, D,,;'. '.:. ..

,.' . '·LJ

Asli u. hlt\. ) ou ran win one of Utt' all''t',.1 bl, ,.1 lurke)'.to tHo .1""1 sw., bfofo", TIlln....lvan.



WEDNESDAY· THURSDAY, Nov. 18-19-Rosalind Paul Marl.

Russell -Douglas Wllson-IN-



.1_._....-_..__•__....bi__.....u...._._,..·• r .........: ..........-

Sundby. Monday, Tuesday, Nov. 15·16-17­AUMIHkJ()N TUllo! "IUHHlAM: AUtll.TH (JOr. ('IIIUUtEN I~

_____.....""'''''......1l....._._..- __.......•__..." ....•.._·_;t............ J;JU,r:e_ J _..... .-

FRJDAY . SATURDAY, Nov. 13-14-AIl.\tISI<jIO' 1 IIi', "Il00JCAM AUIII..../; 71.... ('IIU,WIEN 26,'

, " ... ;; ,'. '.',....", . ' , .. ~ ,. ',",' '

. ',.... , '::.:' ... ,' j '. ,,:s::~n: ..' '(~':'>,'.,:/'" "''', ': ".. ' ...:"" . l( ,,' ".. ..,' ',.,'

" " :",~:",'>".,;~;';.~"'\';' .. , ",', ',' ",' :'."; >', .. ' " ,:-:. "~I'V) >:"-i";> :-'lJ~ ~' , . \ '.~. '''~'''':', ':" C',:" ',/.,~.~.~"~,.:,:<:.':.:'~.'.;.~,.,,:.~:';,. \"":":'lc, ".'" .. ",''-', .',," ••,: ,;>\- •• ' " '" ',::" :.',. ".:_' • ,'. ,,' ":"',,, " ..",'.\.',.,:,,1 . ",..-., .. ,','., "",;'.",' ;"',1.~:~ .. i,

, .• ,. ' ., ". '. . i' ''':'-., ~;'~ .:' ."'~::::~, ,;.,',..' ;;> ,'''' '/, ,,", ,: ,:', .,'~".""": (',!X"')/:','::"Af}, t ,~.. , . "~' , v 'J. • J , .' • ..,., " , .'. ', ....;y'". _~. "', . . ".... , " ".' ... '. ".,... .' ' , '. ,'. .. ." '. . , mtrietfJo~~'" cecu: ' .' ,.

-:-_, PAGE SIX _. j Pat. Ch\lbbuck n!turtledJut ;,~~J3Q~:::~e~-..a'fk·w~-='w,::!r~!n~~"$iQ,,.,••, .' ~ Y~:QaD.J~:, .,' ,I, J..~~.;.~, ,..:~~~;jfit,~,ftaml,a"dd 'V . w~k trom R two-week v$s1t u. . .. ~c!,;:;J:lJc:md.w~~,,;~)\4tl.J.'l1.mw..... ,eJ;..."':r,iI#.'1!'.""".,, "'~ v. ' 'I'~;,'~·,· .~~•• l",u;.,;~.t-,~.~ f"~lt ~~"r" " .. "'S" "'" OSQ ",,-WI, .~,,, MJme.llfltc;q194-;w~ la.!i.~toYe<J ·~::·:;"~a··~l' ~~HUntt$'~r:,r8t~G;,p.i~.:iI~T~ g/ put ,L~~i;·,~:)::.,tt';"'!;¥;;£I!~.'f' It" '0";'. ;,.,;", "",i..:.):;''t~tj'~~,..,jI~hJi.. ~,'~\¥r.~Qt,~r.:Milol. diirllFoi f:'~8i-af 'v :WilSOn: '.. ,7:. , '...:.#,Friday November 13,lDiNI' elk ni)o'deer hunun,., ...- vh1te(J' _rIO. "" rll 1'.'..' , LUnba If lll:~' ", .. , ., '~: ~." ~:""" .,' , , .. Cc;l~P ~""'~ ,on '~'., ' .....;d·· .'U't~,,· S h l'~ , " er ..,.. •..' ...0< ~"..... .

. '. -~_.~_. _ .., '.",..........--.- lalltweek-cl1dlroma'thrce-weekt ..-','.. . ' 0 • "', ,,'. naJIy wiIl.meet with the FU'St ..~~ oso .....1>... C,QO ... ~PW re-" " '.' .. '.. ,' ,",,' ,.. '.._- _., -·~~~~J.,J#J,If.:itIP.J.)I/f1M.JtI7JJ!..it'~·erul$e Ua Ui~ c,mbbean. , nt ,. .:...It.~i:P£ .. " '.'. ! , U.... Tllm.....t~lq).c,1F, 4~(ll Shep- J:J~pUItChurch, RuidQllP, this S"t.. }hearAltng 'a comfi!Qy, ".kav~ J~ti To ,A partition 1l!I$' ~~il' Ill,4t~·

The cruisewu ell by aJr, ..n4 'Of" ,I\""'~..,,, .. ',.'.. ,b.r4' AV"i '~, PN9; .,Wll$ no.t~ "ur(faynigIit. It• .theme 1$ !IV!>"th. Va,'! tl) be presen~d, sqme m~ in Um'~ *Jf~rvll he~ to dNI!!'· MUST S fnclude(LoIl tngfit ~9m New Or'T' Ab9.lIt'3Q,~ ~U.... Jl1C!m~ r~'"t1y!',to .) :~r4qn~ ,Jbow~ Fot C,hrw." Se1(eral YQurig~ople soon. In the c;W are Naomi Wal.. the Sl'9C~' ~re, ~P~,PlYou Snnply ee leanlf to Miam\. tben to San Juan, 01 lliree Rc;lllWc!J k~p. !mil lone cpmptJmentJrlg Miss ~UJJn ~m.. wit! take part em the program. ton. playing Mrs,. Clarki .E"N8 Ma~ ~lld,'P.Y 'Mt~,~,~ ~~1 .• • • PUerto moo; I:It. TMmas in the hom pqxt~, cltmP@4. here ut mer, brt4~1~ot .rem :BrU!;e Mc- Principal ~eaker will be Rev. n. ,carter,as. Blossom ClllrkL an~ Sapp. ~gi :Mfli;, W.;;((. HWt, 1tO ,

Virgin Wandl; to tbe l)ominlcan w~k-end in,School ~munc1 Camp Elfuiney,lIOl'I 01'141',~Mn. Wil-L. Swanner. 'PastOr of the First ChaPJmlO, as Ml!rgaret .t"rocter, thEl ~g M!lW,AAd'~e ~t,ii,\ter~,republic, to Haiti, Havana, in Cu- Groundl In Iialmer II, Gatewa)'~ UamJWrt ~ Ruidoso, ,'N, 1'11, . l3aptllit Church, AJamO"Ord9. AU Glenn Welltall,.ylay!ng Chllrlle 'Nem'~ttmic:frt1I'.y)~11.. . " .,

The Beautiful New Line of Jewelry 00; Guatamala sod Mexic:o City. Scouting llldll. CQntellta. w~~ hel<l J'l!U theme was Ulled in decors- ~e young ~ple Ilre Mrged to ",l~ , Smit4; E:ddie WLlJlberl~J ;II Jo¥:. .bUll,aM th~:-~};OOlgfls ~~Fiylng with ber wu her daughter, during the tbr~ dlly, and two .tions thrQughQut Ute bome. White tend. • ny" Reynolds; ,Shirley ./:;lolm~~.all: ne _,," ~m,. ,~:'~, ... '

by Renoir and Matessie ~IiJTI~r ~~n.~res~ Q~ ~l PllSO. "nl~~.!b,~ y,~un~~ were',here.. .~,,: ~liI~ed",~ee~,(:;Jw~~bta; ., "" •••••III••IIIl••IIII11."III,'•••••••,I"'.IIII11l.I!I.~11!tWe HavetReceived for the Holiday Season shallow oval s@~ );l()wlhotdlng Atten4anc~.GroWI(I , T .. h····'" kD'" '0 • ,

Tht 'oet ()fflc. 51 next door to

-I~~ ~7:;ff, ....,~ ~"'''::::'-<.. Shop Our Gift Ideas .. rna yree, '.. ,. _ the Sunday School, Training Un- " .. ..... . :,' .' " ''.,1/ ~.. .'- ': j-.~ .....~".. ~ . . ... / Kennedy and Mrs. l{co~eth olen Jon and Mom~ng and EyeDlng Ser"! J 1, AG' ott'.Ott., . .. (t• .~ ?'// • orr.' '_ l' Ilis Not Too Early to Buy klns. vices, r~or.tll the pastOr, the-RElv: een-...... 0 e .. . .i

.~ ~ .' A Among the 2~gue~s present Walter J:lrlan. "For tbls increased ~ "r I, ..' , , , '

(,:." ( , ' I ,~On Lay- "way were the honoree 8 m9ther and sis- InterCllt all Of the member,ar~ H' 'I~' ' .. 'D' • .'. M' ~. :...,)'" .Christmas Cards - Gift Wrap Materia18~ss~iJa~-:~e::SOJ,Jlme: a.nd ~~~I;[~h~~~~h:~~:~~s··~:o~Jr:l '.. ,~r ey-'aVJlon ob)r~yc.,4!·

1\ /I DOSQ u~ ...._I~ ijK lOG CABIN ' Miss SQl'f1mer- Is to be bOllored welcome to'the pubUc to be v.res• 195'1' P'I th S . VI: .\.~ \ ~ "t!. -tih".. 'ft lUI , "'"" rmr_ ~O 'l!' in anotber social to be. fundered ent ~hls coming Lord'll Day." S~r- '. ' . .vrhOU tatloB agoB.11'l . , ~ . her in the next lew daYll In El vic<:s there wlll be: Sunday School, , .. 'J '""'" ". ... ..,..... .. ..-rrPlI7',r?-r.p<'~p,;~p,rt7"'P/'p;,;"p.,;?P'.,.,/K~.jy,ifit?Orp;rlt'71l. W .•, ,Pll$o, MrS'. Hart said she had 9:45; Morning Worship, 10:55; W· C . '0' . n..-......p

:=:::~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~ learned this week. Training UnIon, 6:30', Evening .•.~ .~v .-Uf,. "'w......~pe... r......,.,•• K"h', 7 I ", .

.~.-~.~..+~......~••••••••• I Added.'Ho~ital :;::::~ 7~~~'1i Class .. ~:,'" NOW' E'xpendl-iures For NM A Men's Bible Class has been:,: 1·• • . organlzef;! anf;! an invitation ill ex-

1.'i,··1 Open All Day-7 Days a We'ek To Come From US tended to all men wb.o are not.

Santa Fe, Nov. 5 (Spl.)-Tbree now regularly attending any other , Hl"ghway 70 W.es" 'of' 0'..1.'8.y"O,n Benn.et"'s ,' mUll.on dollars in fcdet/l.l funds Sunday Schools. The pastor ii; ......"II~.I TheSnm~C~u al~h~~~~b~t~eiacihift~~~th~'inieiwi_cl_~_~.~;,~.~.~.~.~~••~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~••~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~~••~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~.~.~~~.~.~,~ Oper.,':'; by A. B. Clifford ,~l~r~~\\~!.Y~l-!~H:; ro-"·=ers Ge:-~;~;~ B;;:::::::::~--it in Hart's SeIf-Serve mUllon dollars may be supplied,I, by the national government for f Bo 11'

II F t i S a i h D-shes the same purpose during the next ' • rom nne s, ea ur ng p n S 1 - several years, according to theI !I . Hunters' Break,fasts Taxpayers Association of New ~ .._._~ ~ _._•.. _

Mexico,1~~.~."........."........ Allocated under the Hill-Burton

program, the funds thus far re­ceived from Washington have ~helped make available 8110 addi­tional hospital beds in this state,In all. just over four mlUlon dol­lars In federal funds have beenaUocated to New Mexico for hos­pitals, with local sources contrib­uting ncarly seven million dollarllfor the llame severnl projects.

One hospltai. project in SantoFc received more than three·qunrters of a million In federnlallsistnncc, while two Albuquerquehospitalll received a totnl of almolltas much. said Aibert K. Nohl, Act­

. inll Director of the taxpayer or­ganization.

Other counties which have re­ceived funds under the lilU-Bur­ton program Include Lincoln, DonaAna Olero, Lea, Roosevelt. Cur-' .ry, San Juan, Guadalupe. Colfax.DeBaca and Socorro.


Montb of october, 1.53No. To Whom Amt.2031 WlI1lam Olen Bradley $45.802032 Bradley's Garage 125.702033 GranvlJle Richardson 49.802034 Charles A. Jones 51.392035 George Fuchs 100.442030 William Glen Bradley 121.432070 Oeorge Fuchs 80.002071 Granvi1le Richardson 80.002072 Charles A. Jones 80.002073 James Earl Harcrow 311.332074 Inice T, Hust 190.90

- . ,-- • • ..., . 2075 William Glen Bradley 331.601,.1111'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111 ig~~ t:::~~Ig~iChardSOn ~U:gg

i!! -' GROCERY AND =~g~g ~a~:mG~~a;b ;~~~i!. • 20BO Fructoso J. Osorio 202.00• _ 2081 John Mackey 74.10

~ MARKET - 2092 Marle B. Walker 85.005 • 2083 Anenla D. Lueras 100.055 • 2084 Lincoln CountyIt:: _ Agency 211.85

5 1111111111111111111111111111111111"•••••1••••••••1••1•••••••••• =~lg ~i ~~~i~Ef:Z l~::!:! . • 2040 Hale Sanitary SupplY

:; Special Prices for Fri.-Sat.-We Reserve the Rig~~ ~o, Limit Quantities =2041 gg~~~ltary Supply :::~:-= 0........................................ • 2042 WUlIam Glen Bradley flS,33~ - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - • 2043 VUlcgo of carrizozo 107.88:: I '.• =~gU ~~~~I~~u*ardware Co. gjg=- _ 2048 CllttOl'l B. Zumwalt '12.82It:: I .. _ 2047 S. E. Orelsen 22.34-= '_2~~~a~ .!!. I • Postmaster 120.005 _ 2085 Severo M. OaUegOS 225.00-i _ 2088 Manuel S. Chavez J5t.00••- I - 2087 LIncoln County Agco,*, 11.00=- . .-2048 BntdleYJ Garage . 81,96~i I . h k d· ·d - .2IKIJ n.Lo Harrison Co•• fne. 75.45.. Wit CO UP0 nspaeeln SI . e _ 2050 AlbertM. Richardson 14.58- • 2051 Monte Vista service .=I to Introduce you to·som. new and some old l.v.rprodutts '= 20S2 ~~:::~ n. Zumwltlt g~jg• I .. .. . - 2053 Carrizozo Hardware Co. 5.50• ,. 0 , •• 2054 Dec HIckman. 36.69-. I • .2059 RU$llcll P. Roberts 9.31 .

• 2060 Arlstco Lucero 32.50•• 4 - 20tU n~an 1Ilshtowc!t 125.49I COUPONS WOlTH: .. 2062 MhtuII G; .Romero . 20.00= 20 y' 1 - sueR'F - 2083 Manu~ R. Montoya . 80.00• I" 'on SPR - 0 on • 2064 Dtldreyltuo97.20_ ~ • 2005 Fred Montell " 45.00

-. I lS~ on LUX LIQUID DET~RG£Nt ~ . •=. ='~~~:~~~a . I ~Ug.' . ..~. . I." . 2048 Altffll RlebitdS()t'i 80.00• I .~l:t'$-''i 5~ on' LUX FLAKES'.i:,. ·.tlt:ttt~ - 2083 'l'UUeMlri\bat . 133080.- . ~~",' ./;'l~ -,", • soat :l)()1.otei;MaWiiilQ 225.00-

.'., ""':l~ . • ........: ... M -"'1:" 2.0000· . .2000."w 0 onlY. 'W.'.: .=-:091 ,SUVMQ M~SAnciMJ ., 1'l5;00

II: =m: '~»~f=teo~::~~~·- . . .', 'H_'" '" • :ton ~i~;W:w~' . \~

• 20tS uti~ltij;f I$..n.",... ',.. ..•.. ., ,,' ."'.. ,.. .., " ' ,.• " - ' .' ,·U'I_, n 'C!~'l 'I..... ; .4l, ~ __ ~'." _.'. et,rt.~·t,,,'-(__ ·,fj"·':···_·' ~'(,- l"~"q.,-y~·~ ~.~;;. ';'_1.~.C .{. .,.~ L:·F~.{!,'._;~.·,'"S: ',,~_~,....-,t~, .... *:..... : ""',Ut~''''''~!+cuJi,.., Ii:ii

,•.:iIi I , 1.111••ll..Ii·=.~-'::

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