using storytellers in schools

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  • 8/9/2019 Using Storytellers in Schools


    Society for Storytelling



    Compiled by Tina Bilb

    NATIONAL STORYTELLING WEEK is always the first week in February.

    Schools ofen as! fo" mo"e info"maion abo# so"yelle"s and his $acsheehas been p"od#ced o add"ess %#esions as!ed o&e" he yea"s'


    + ) so"yelle" is an a"is, an ene"aine" and an ed#cao"' So"yellin- isone of he mos ancien a" fo"ms, s"echin- bac! fo" as lon- ash#mans ha&e had speech'

    + ) so"yelle" #ses .o"ds o a!e yo# on a /o#"ney of he ima-inaion'Each pe"son .ill hea" somehin- diffe"en as he so"y is c"eaed in hespace be.een he elle" and he lisene"'

    + So"yelle"s may ell "adiional fol! ales, ."ien ales, anecdoes, #"banmyhs, so"ies f"om hiso"y, "eli-io#s o" mo"al ales, so"ies hey ha&ec"eaed hemsel&es o" .hich ha&e been c"eaed fo" a specific e&en'Some so"yelle"s .ill c"eae a so"y sponaneo#sly o s#i he a#dience'

    + ) so"yelle" ells so"ies f"om memo"y "ahe" han "eadin- hem f"om he

    boo!, memo"isin- so"ies ima-e by ima-e no .o"d fo" .o"d'

    + So"yelle"s may ell a so"y diffe"enly each ime hey ell i, ine"acin-.ih hei" a#dience, choosin- so"ies and ima-es o comm#nicae .ihhem'

    + Some so"yelle"s #se m#sic, dance, son-, pic#"es o" p#ppes'

    + 0any so"yelle"s offe" .o"!shop sessions, .hichmay eihe" each so"yellin- s!ills o" en-a-e pa"icipans in c"eai&e

    aci&iies lin!ed o he so"ies'

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  • 8/9/2019 Using Storytellers in Schools


    Society for Storytelling



    In&iin- people ino school c"eaes a special amosphe"e .hoe&e" hey a"e'So"yelle"s, a#ho"s, poes o" ill#s"ao"s all p"o&ide e4ciemen andsim#laion and a"e in -"ea demand d#"in- Naional So"yellin- (ee! in$eb"#a"y, Naional Boo! (ee! and Naional 1oe"y 3ay in he a##mn'

    (ha is special abo# so"yelle"s and so"yellin-*+ So"yellin- s#ppo"s and #nde"pins lie"acy de&elopmen ac"oss he

    c#""ic#l#m' ) so"yelle" can imp"o&e concen"aion, lisenin- s!ills andhelp de&elop and en"ich spo!en and ."ien lan-#a-e') so"yelle" can sim#lae he ima-inaion, con"ib#in- o Spea!in- and

    Lisenin- as .ell as C"eai&e ("iin-, 1oe"y, 3"ama, 0#sic and )"'

    + Hea"in- and "eellin- "adiional ales can p"o&ide scaffoldin- fo"child"en5s o.n ima-inai&e so"ies, -i&in- he child a &a"iey off"ame.o"!s o .o"! f"om'

    + So"yellin- enco#"a-es a %#esionin- ai#de') so"yelle" can c"eae e4ciemen and enh#siasm fo" Hiso"y,Geo-"aphy and Reli-io#s S#dies as .ell as En-lish lan-#a-e,

    lie"a#"e and 3"ama'Some so"yelle"s ha&e so"ies .hich connec .ih he 0ahs andScience c#""ic#l#m'

    + ) so"yelle" can .iden he "an-e of child"en5s emoional, c#l#"al andmo"al "esponses'Sensii&e iss#es can be conside"ed h"o#-h he disancin- f"ame of aso"y'So"yellin- b#ilds b"id-es ac"oss and .ihin comm#niies' Some

    so"yelle"s ha&e been in&ol&ed in o"-anisin- p"o/ecs lin!in- a school.ih he "es of he comm#niy'

    + ) so"yelle" can each so"yellin- s!ills o p#pils, "aisin- hei" self6confidence' This has been p"o&ed especially effeci&e .ih 7lo.achie&e"s5' Olde" child"en can ell o yo#n-e", benefiin- boh -"o#ps byb#ildin- he self6eseem of he olde" child"en and p"o&idin- posii&e "olemodels o he yo#n-e"'

    + Some so"yelle"s can p"o&ide ohe" ypes of .o"!shop sessions' Thesecan help inspi"e child"en5s c"eai&iy h"o#-h a "an-e of follo.6#paci&iies, b#ildin- on he f#ndamenal base of all lan-#a-e, he spo!en.o"d'

    1a-e 8

  • 8/9/2019 Using Storytellers in Schools


    Society for Storytelling




    (ih an e&e"6inc"easin- &a"iey of so"yelle"s o choose f"om, ho. do yo# findhose .ho .ill s#i yo#* (hae&e" e&en yo# a"e plannin-, -i&e yo#"selfpleny of ime' 0any pop#la" so"yelle"s a"e boo!ed #p monhs in ad&ance'

    Have a clear idea of the sort of event you want

    Is his o be a one6off e&en o" a "esidency*

    3o yo# .an a pe"fo"mance o" a .o"!shop*

    (ha a-e -"o#ps .ill be in&ol&ed* (ill he a-es be mi4ed* Ha&e any of hem special needs he so"yelle" sho#ld be a.a"e of*

    )"e yo# loo!in- fo" so"ies on a pa"ic#la" heme o" f"om a specific


    (ill i be fo"mal o" "ela4ed, a pe"fo"mance in f"on of he .hole school

    o" .o"!in- .ih smalle" -"o#ps*

    Ho. many sessions .ill he"e be*

    Ho. lon- do yo# .an each session o be*

    Ho. m#ch a#dience pa"icipaion do yo# .an* (ha &en#e a"e yo# plannin- o #se*

    3o yo# "e%#i"e he so"yelle" o .o"! o#doo"s*

    !hen you have an idea of the sort of event you are ai"in# for

    Loo! in he %#ic! "efe"ence secion of he 3i"eco"y of So"yelle"s, noe

    hose .ho mee yo#" "e%#i"emens'

    Loo! in he Co#ny lisin- o see .hich so"yelle"s a"e local o yo#'

    Loo! h"o#-h he 3i"eco"y and pic! o# so"yelle"s .ho yo# li!e he

    so#nd of' 1hone he so"yelle"s on yo#" sho"6lis o disc#ss yo#" needs, hey

    may be able o -i&e yo# mo"e ideas abo# .ha yo# co#ld do o" helpyo# modify yo#" plans'

    )s! .ha hey cha"-e and if his incl#des "a&ellin- e4penses'

    Expect to pay at least as much as you would for a supply teacher

    )s! if hey a"e a&ailable on he daes yo# .an'

    )s! fo" a co#ple of "efe"ences f"om people fo" .hom hey ha&e done

    simila" .o"!' Yo# do no ha&e o ma!e a fi"m boo!in- a his sa-e'

    1a-e :

  • 8/9/2019 Using Storytellers in Schools


    Society for Storytelling


    !hen you have decided which Storyteller you want to $oo%

    1hone o confi"m hey a"e sill f"ee and a"e .illin- o come'

    ("ie o confi"m dae, ime, place and fee'

    If yo# a"e sen a con"ac please complee and send i bac! in -ood


    Incl#de a map and a imeable'

    If yo# ha&e disc#ssed a poenial boo!in- .ih a so"yelle", and decided

    no no employ hem, please conac hem in -ood ime so hey can"elease he dae fo" ohe" boo!in-s'


    Ha&in- any a"is, ."ie", poe o" so"yelle" come ino school is an e4penseand yo# .an yo#" money5s .o"h' Ho. do yo# ens#"e s#ccess on he day*

    !hen you are &lannin# the event

    Choose a &en#e .he"e he so"yelle" and a#dience .ill no be


    Thin! abo# ho. yo# .ill se #p he space so he a#dience can si in

    comfo" and see he so"yelle" clea"ly' If he"e is o be a .o"!shop as!

    he so"yelle" ho. hey .an he "oom se o#' 3isc#ss .ih heso"yelle" ho. lon- each session is o be'

    The wee% $efore

    1hone he so"yelle" o ens#"e ha hey ha&e "ecei&ed yo#"

    confi"maion, map, imeable ec' )s! if he"e is anyhin- hey .ill needyo# o p"o&ide on he day' (ill hey be "e%#i"in- l#nch and if so do heyha&e any special diea"y "e%#i"emens* Confi"m a""an-emens fo"paymen'

    If hey a"e comin- by p#blic "anspo" chec! o see if hey need

    collecin- f"om he saion and .hen hei" "ain a""i&es'

    Tell he child"en he"e .ill be a so"yelle" comin- ino school ne4 .ee!

    and sa" b#ildin- a lile e4ciemen abo# he e&en'

    On the day

    0os schools no. ha&e he Recepion clea"ly ma"!ed, b# in a la"-e

    school i mi-h be an idea o ha&e a p#pil !eep a loo!o# o esco" heso"yelle"'

    (hen hey a""i&e sho. hem .he"e hey .ill be .o"!in-, offe" hem a

    d"in!, as! if hey need help ca""yin- anyhin- f"om hei" ca"'

    1a-e ;

  • 8/9/2019 Using Storytellers in Schools


    Society for Storytelling


    Befo"e hey sa" ma!e s#"e hey ha&e a -lass of .ae", !no.

    .he"e he oiles and saff "oom a"e, chec! if he"e is anyhin- else heyneed'

    Ens#"e yo# a"e "eady o sa" on ime, lae sa"s mean less ime fo" heso"ies'

    If yo# a"e in"od#cin- he elle" chec! ho. hey .an o be in"od#ced

    and ho. o p"ono#nce hei" name, many so"yelle"s a"e happy oin"od#ce hemsel&es'

    Sho. he child"en ha yo# &al#e he so"yelle"5s .o"! by lisenin- .ih

    hem' 1lease do no #se his ime o do ohe" .o"! as child"en .ill #seyo# as a "ole model fo" hei" beha&io#" in a pe"fo"mance sein-'

    3o no lea&e he so"yelle" alone .ih he child"en, i is diffic#l o ell

    and s#pe"&ise' This also ens#"es yo# a"e complyin- .ih he Child1"oecion )c'

    )&oid ine""#pions d#"in- he session as his can spoil he ma-ic'

    ) b"ea! imes, if he so"yelle" has /oined yo# in he saff "oom, ens#"e

    hey a"e incl#ded in he con&e"saion'


    Gi&e he so"yelle" some feedbac! 6 .ha .en .ell, any conce"ns' The

    child"en mi-h li!e o ."ie, ellin- he so"yelle" .hich so"ies hey li!ed'

    Ens#"e paymen is sen p"omply'


  • 8/9/2019 Using Storytellers in Schools


    Society for Storytelling



    0any N#"se"y Schools .ish o boo! a so"yelle" fo" a &e"y b"ief session'

    To employ a p"ofessional so"yelle" fo" an ho#" may cos as m#ch asemployin- hem fo" half a day #nless yo# o"-anise ohe" .o"! fo" hem'Co6ope"aion .ih ohe" Schools and N#"se"ies in yo#" a"ea is he !ey o-ein- he ime yo# .an a a p"ice yo# can affo"d'

    Gi&e yo#"self pleny of ime o o"-anise he e&en'

    Tal! o ohe" schools, n#"se"ies and play-"o#ps in yo#" a"ea o

    disco&e" .hich of hem is ine"esed in sha"in- a so"yelle" .ih yo#'

    If yo# a"e l#c!y yo# may find a nea"by 1"ima"y School .ho is

    ine"esed in fillin- he "es of he day' Conac hose .ho ha&e e4p"essed an ine"es .ih a lis of possible

    daes, as! hem ho. lon- a session hey .o#ld li!e and o lis a fi"ssecond and hi"d choice if possible'

    $"om his info"maion .o"! o# .hich is he bes dae and .o"! o# a

    imeable, "emembe"in- o allo. "a&ellin- ime' If he"e is a lo ofine"es yo# mi-h e&en fill .o days'

    Send a copy of yo#" p"oposed imeable o each of he pa"icipain-

    schools and amend i .he"e needed'

    $ind so"yelle"s .ho ell o p"e6school child"en in he 3i"eco"y ofSo"yelle"s' Loo! a hei" en"ies and locaions'

    Conac he so"yelle"s .ho seem o bes fi yo#" needs, ell hem

    .ha yo# a"e plannin- and as! hem o -i&e yo# a p"ice fo" he .o"!,incl#din- "a&el' If yo# can spea! o hem on he phone yo# .ill -e a-ood idea abo# .hehe" hey .ill s#i yo#'

    Ha&in- chosen yo#" so"yelle", conac he ohe" schools and

    confi"m he amo#n hey .ill be as!ed o con"ib#e, yo# mi-h add asmall admin fee fo" yo#" ime' )s! hem o pay yo# in ad&ance if

    possible so yo# ha&e he money in he ban! .hen yo# ."ie heche%#e fo" he so"yelle"'

    1hone he so"yelle" and confi"m hey a"e sill f"ee on ha dae'

    Send a confi"maion lee" o he so"yelle" enclosin- a map of .he"e

    hey .ill be .o"!in- and a imeable' ) simple con"ac sein- o#dae, imes, places and fee, .ih an sae .ill enable he so"yelle" oconfi"m he a""an-emens %#ic!ly'

    If yo# ha&e disc#ssed a poenial boo!in- .ih a so"yelle" and

    decided no o employ hem, please conac hem in -ood ime so

    hey can "elease he dae fo" ohe" boo!in-s'

    1a-e =

  • 8/9/2019 Using Storytellers in Schools


    Society for Storytelling


    If yo# need any mo"e assisance in findin- a so"yelle" conac headminis"ao" a he Sociey fo" So"yellin-, ...'sfs'o"-'#!

    1a-e >