us hist spring 2015

U. S. HISTORY: SPRING 2015 Plagiarism and In-text Citations Review Day 1

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SPRING 2015Plagiarism and In-text Citations Review

Day 1

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Plagiarism is using someone else’s words or ideas as your own without giving credit to that person.

3 Steps to Avoid Plagiarism:

Step 1 - Take good bulleted notes in your own words; no complete sentences.

Step 2 – Paraphrase your notes. Since your notes are in your own words, you are putting your notes back into complete sentences. This step is easy once you have notes in your own words.

Step 3 – Cite your sources.

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Step 3: Citing Sources:

There are two ways to cite your sources:

Bibliography or Works Cited - at the end of

your project. This is always required!

In-text citations - within the text of your

paper. You would add this feature when you

write a paper.

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An in-text citation is a reference within the body of your

paper to one of the sources listed in your Works Cited list.

It indicates to your reader exactly what part of your paper

came from the source and where they can find it in the

original source.

You need to write an in-text citation, whether you quote the

material directly from the source, paraphrase it in your own

words, or refer to an idea derived from the source.

**Any material that is copied directly (quoted) must have

BOTH quotation marks AND an in-text citation immediately


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Using In-text Citations means citing sources within the body of your paper.

The purpose of an In-text Citation is to indicate specifically which information came from which source.

Each In-text citation should refer clearly to one of the items in the Works Cited list at the end of your paper.

In the Middle School, we ask that you have at least one in-text citation per paragraph.

BUT you MUST have an in-text citation after EACH direct quote.

You will call your list of sources “Works Cited” instead of “Bibliography.”

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What do in-text citations look like?

Example for a BOOK or EBOOK:

Banks failed, businesses closed, and, at the height of the depression in 1933,

one-fourth of Americans were without jobs (Press 17).

What does the in-text citation above mean?

It means that the sentence before it is a paraphrase of information

found on page 17 of this source listed in the Works Cited:

Press, Petra. Through the Decades: The 1930s. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1999.


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What if I use a quote instead of paraphrasing?

Then a BOOK or EBOOK citation would look like this:

“NO JOBS in California. If YOU are looking for work – KEEP OUT. 6 Men

for every job. No state relief available for non-residents” (Cooper 8).

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What if the source doesn’t have page numbers?

Then it would look like this if it is a PARAPHRASE:

Conditions began to improve in the mid-30s, but total recovery was not accomplished until the end of the decade (Romer).

But like this if it is a DIRECT QUOTE:

“Conditions began to improve in the mid-30s, but total recovery was not accomplished until the end of the decade” (Romer par. 3).

And match this source in your Works Cited:

Romer, Christina D. “Great Depression.” Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. 2011ed. Web. 14 Feb. 2011.

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What if I use information from 2 or more pages in the same


Then your paragraph might look like this:

Years of excessive heat, a shortage of rain, and over-farming caused the Dust

Bowl disaster (Cooper 12). The people of the mid-West had to suffer both an

economic depression and dust, which they could not escape (Cooper 23). Many

refugees from the prairie states headed to California to try to earn a living, but

California did not want them. A billboard near Tulsa, Oklahoma warned: “NO

JOBS in California. If YOU are looking for work – KEEP OUT. 6 Men for every

job. No state relief available for non-residents” (Cooper 8).

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What if two of the sources in my Works Cited have the same “first word” or

author name? Like this?

Works Cited

"Constitution." U*X*L Encyclopedia of U.S. History. Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr., and

Rebecca Valentine. Ed. Lawrence W. Baker and Sarah Hermsen. Vol. 2. Detroit: UXL,

2009. 381-385. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 18 Oct. 2011.

"Constitution." Britannica Online School Edition. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. , 2014. Web.

19 Oct. 2011.

Then your in-text citations would look like this:

(Constitution, UXL 382)

(Constitution, Britannica par. 2)

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I. Read the following sentences and make corrections:

1. “There is more to life than increasing its speed” said Mahatma Gandhi (Price 147).

2. Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “To do right is to be faithful to the light within” (Price 154).

3. Without even knowing it, Alexander Fleming grew mold, which then led him to discover

penicillin (Smith 45).

4. Ralph Waldo Emerson once stated, “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”

(Learning par. 3).

5. Through countless efforts of flying a kite and using a key, Benjamin Franklin discovered one

of our most prized possessions today (Electricity).

II. True or False?

1. If I use a direct quote and follow it with an in-text citation, I still need to use quotation

marks. T

2. I should always paraphrase complicated scientific definitions in a research paper, even if it

changes the meaning of the definition. F

3. Complicated definitions should be quoted exactly as written in the source material but I do

not need to use quotation marks if I include an in-text citation because everyone knows they

are official definitions. F

Answers page 1

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1. Create an in-text citation for the following paraphrase of Ms. Vito’s website article.

Taking bulleted notes is the second step in the 3 Steps to Avoid Plagiarism system used in the George Woodruff

Library (Vito).

2. Create an in-text citation for the following quotation found on American History Online.

“I didn’t mean to plagiarize that book “(What par. 3).

3. Create an in-text citation for the following quotation of material written by Terri Kaplan and found on page iv of the


“I would like to thank all my students for giving me the wonderful examples I use in this book “ (Kaplan, Terri iv).

4. Create an in-text citation for the following paraphrase of material written by Zed Kaplan and found on page 346 of

the World Book.

The best way to get good grades in college is to go to class (Kaplan, Zed 346).

5. Create an in-text citation for the following paraphrase and quotation found in Britannica Online.

Doris Kearns Goodheavens stated “my plagiarism was the result of sloppy note taking” (Doris, Britannica par. 10).

6. Create an in-text citation of the quotation and paraphrase from the article about Doris Kearns Goodwin found in

Biography In Context.

“I will definitely use Tara Vito’s bulleted notes method,” said Doris Kearns Goodwin, when asked about she planned to

avoid plagiarism in the future (Doris, Complete par. 1).

Answers page 2