urban mill orchestration model-2014-08-22 nonaka-aalto_ws_final

Urban Mill Framework for Innova3on Orchestra3on Research (phronesis in ac3on?) Aalto – Nonaka Workshop 22.8.2014 Kari Mikkelä & Lars Miikki, UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy SpaceasaService (SPaaS) Wicked Urban Problems solving Development Community Programming Co-working and Co-creation Platform for Urban Innovations Betonimiehenkuja 3E, 02150 Espoo, Finland www.urbanmill.org

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Post on 01-Nov-2014



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"Urban Mill Open Innovation Platform Orchestration" model presented at Aalto-Nonaka workshop 22.8.2014 at Aalto University.


Page 1: Urban Mill Orchestration Model-2014-08-22 Nonaka-Aalto_WS_final

Urban  Mill  Framework  for  Innova3on  Orchestra3on  

Research  (phronesis  in  ac3on?)    

Aalto  –  Nonaka  Workshop  22.8.2014  Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki,    

UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   Space-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  (SPaaS)  

Wicked  Urban  Problems  solving  

Development  Community  Programming  

Co-working and Co-creation Platform for Urban Innovations Betonimiehenkuja 3E, 02150 Espoo, Finland www.urbanmill.org

Page 2: Urban Mill Orchestration Model-2014-08-22 Nonaka-Aalto_WS_final

Smart  Urban  Innova3on  Ecosystem  PlaBorm  Service  (Ba+Flow)  •  Mission:  Wicked  Urban  Problems  solving  

–  From  Vision  to  ImplementaUon  backcasUng  –  MulU-­‐Actor  Capability  Building  –  BoWom-­‐up  Lean  Startup  Approach  

•  Development  Community  Programming  –  Health  and  Well-­‐being  –  People  Flows  and  Networks  –  Smart  CreaUve  City  –  Sustainable  Environments    

•  Space-­‐as-­‐a-­‐Service  (SPaaS)  –  Access  to  developer  &  RDI  knowledge  –  Focal  Event  Spaces  and  Flows  –  Inter-­‐disciplinary  Co-­‐working  Sprints  and  Processes  –  Proto,  Demo  &  Living  Lab  acUviUes  –  SimulaUons  on  the  digital  3D  and  physical  interface  (e.g.  Immersive  Cave)  –  Local  InnovaUon  Node  in  Global  Urban  InnovaUon  Network  

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   2  

Co #loca tio n*se rvice *


Colli d er*e ven t*con ce pts *a nd *

suppo rt *******

Co#workin g*and*Co#creation*Platform*Prototype *for*Urban *In novations*Betonimiehenkuja*3E ,*02 15 0*Espoo ,*Finland* *www.urbanmill.org!

Smart!Urban!Inno vation!Ecosystem!Platform!**********

*Sp ace*Op era to r*(+ *co #le arn in g) *



Com mun ity *Op era to r*(+ *co #de s ign) *



E cos ystem *O pera to r*(+*co #e ffectu at ion )*


In novation *Ecos ystem *Suppo rt*Se rvice * (Re gion al* Smar t*Ci ty *Sco pe) *

In novat ion *Hub*M anagem en t*and*Ne twork in g* (U rban *Mill* Orch estra tio n*Sco pe )*

Liv in g*La bbin g*Se rvice * (Lo cal* In novat ion *En viron m en t*Scop e )*

Busin ess* model*elem ents* (themat ic*orchestrat ion)*

Communities*a nd*events* (mean ingfu l* co#creation*and*co#workin g*experien ces*and*rhythms)*Peop le *

Flow s *and * *Netw ork s *


*Urb an *En tre #p rene urs *and *In trap re #ne u rs *


Smar t*Cre ativ e*Ci ty *


*U rb an *Lear #nin g*and *Education *


*Urb an*

Re sear ch *and *In no #vat ion *


Su sta in ab le *E nv iron #m en ts *


He alt h *and *Wel l#b ein g*



Effec ts*Weak*signals, *?!


emerge nce*

U rban *con ta ct*&*knowle dge *acce ss*cent e r*


Co #work in g* *se rvice *


Serv ice *De s ign*pro to ty pe*and *d em o*p ro ce sse s *


Sim ulat ion s*and *so lu tion s *


Re source *Sh arin g*Cu ltu re *and*Co #m anagem e n t*Pra ctice s *

Op en *m ultip le *r esou rce * in terf aces *and *clou d s*

Se ns itiv e*and*Suppo rtiv e*Co nnected* Sm ar t*Bu ildin gs *( Mu ltiv erse )*

Platform*elements* (physic al,* virtual*and*so c ial*e nab ling)*Kari *Mikkelä*&*Lars *Mi ikki ,* Järve lin*De sign *Oy*18.9.2013* v.2. 2*

Page 3: Urban Mill Orchestration Model-2014-08-22 Nonaka-Aalto_WS_final

Customer  crea3on,  Space  Memory  and  Orchestra3on  Concepts  (prototype  phase  2013-­‐2014)  

100+  projects  

800+  event


50+    protos,  demos,  smes    

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy  

One  Theme  (context)  Three  opera3onal  logics  

20.000  individual  engagaments  

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Endogenic  plaBorm  proper3es  

o Contacts  hotspot  o Learning  events  o Knowledge  work  o SoluUons  prototyping  and  demoing  o Real  life  tesUng  and  livinglabbing  o Value  elevaUon  and  diffusion  

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   4  

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Urban  Mill:  Contextual  Orchestra3on  of  an  Innova3on  Ecosystem  Node  Service  

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   5  

Kari  Mikkelä  and  Lars  Miikki  13.8.2014;  Based  on  Value  Orchestra?on  PlaAorms  in  Business  and  Communi?es,  Kyoichi  Jim  Kijima,  6.5.2014    



Strategies Endogenic Value Orchestration Platform

Service Node Value

Transgenic Value Co-creation Processes

Ecosystem Value

Exogenic Value Orchestration


Community Platform Service Operations and Meaningful boundary objects

Ecosystem Value Orchestration

Thematic Scope, Physical Location and shared resources

The  context  determines  and  restricts  the  plaeorm  strategies  as  well  as  the  interacUon  process  of  the  service  system.

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Urban  Mill  6-­‐phase  Transla3onal  Approach  

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   6  

Kari  Mikkelä  and

 Lars  M

iikki  13.8.2014;  B

ased  on  “Value  Orchestra?o

n  PlaA

orms  in  Bu

siness  a

nd  Com


i?es”,  Kyoichi  Jim  Kijima,  6.5.2014    

Generic EUE Hub Concept (2012)

Urban Mill Prototyping (2013)

Aalto Learning Hubs (2013), Aalto Platforms (2013), Aalto Factory Park 2.0 (2014)

Co-creation of Global Platforms Ecosystem

Kouvola Innohub (2013)

Urban Innovation Community Contextualization (1) through Participation and

Multi-Contextualization (6) through Diffusion



Strategies Endog. Value Orchestration Platform

Service Node Value Value Co-creation Process

Ecosystem Value



Strategies Endog. Value Orchestration Platform

Service Node Value Transg. Value Co-creation Process

Ecosystem Value

Startup Sauna, Design Factory, Open Innovation House, Hub Helsinki among others

Research on Existing Innovation Communities vs. Platforms (-2012)



Strategies Endog. Value Orchestration Platform

Service Node Value Transg. Value Co-creation Process

Ecosystem Value

Exog.Value Orch. Dialogue



Strategies Endog. Value Orchestration Platform

Service Node Value Transg. Value Co-creation Process

Ecosystem Value Exog. Value Orch. Dialogue

Multi-contextualization (6)

Re-Contextualization (3)

Co-contextualization (4)

Trans-contextualization (5)

Global Urban Mill Network (2015)

De-Contextualization (2.1)

Exog.Value Orch. Dialogue

Exog.Value Orch. Dialogue

De-Contextualization (2.2)

Page 7: Urban Mill Orchestration Model-2014-08-22 Nonaka-Aalto_WS_final

Urban  Mill  6-­‐step  Transla3onal  Research  Approach  

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   7  

Typology   Underlying  events   Research  interven3ons  


1.  ContextualizaUon   ParUcipaUon   Join,  intervene   Contacts  

2.  De-­‐contextualizaUon   ObjecUficaUon   Generalize,  abstract,  model,  prototype  


3.  Re-­‐contextualizaUon   InterpretaUon   Experiment,  express   Knowledge  

4.  Co-­‐contextualizaUon   SocializaUon   Share,  empathize,  synchronize  


5.  Trans-­‐contextualizaUon  

TranslaUon   Bridge,  realize  a  new  combinaUon  


6.  MulU-­‐  contextualizaUon  

Diffusion   Engagement,  scaling   Value  constellaUons  

Based  on  “Value  Orchestra?on  PlaAorms  in  Business  and  Communi?es”,  Kyoichi  Jim  Kijima,  6.5.2014    

Page 8: Urban Mill Orchestration Model-2014-08-22 Nonaka-Aalto_WS_final

Value Orchestration Platform Strategies

Value  co-­‐creaUon  Process  Users Providers

Three  PlaBorm  Management  Strategies  

- Co-experience - Co-elevation - Co-definition - Co-development

Value co-creation Process

-  Co-experience - Co-elevation - Co-definition - Co-development

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy  

Based  on  “Value  Orchestra?on  PlaAorms  in  Business  and  Communi?es”,  Kyoichi  Jim  Kijima,  6.5.2014    

For Economies of Scope For Economies of Scale For Economies of Proximity (Mikkelä1992)

1. Involvement

•  Inviting to co-experience and co-definition process

•  Resource attraction through open access

2. Curation

•  Re-examining content and meaning of existing information and putting a new interpretation.

3. Empowerment

•  Promoting co-elevation and co-development procss

•  Motivating to solve wicked urban problems.

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Japanese  Service  Qualia  thinking  as  part  of  the  Urban  Mill  Prac3ces  

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   9  

Co-­‐experience  Co-­‐definiUon  

• AnUcipaUon  of  needs  of  customers  

Co-­‐elevaUon  CO-­‐development  

• Service  creaUvity  on  stakeholder’s  iniUaUve  

Not feed-back but anticipation

Source:  Value  Orchestra?on  PlaAorms  in  Business  and  Communi?es,  Kyoichi  Jim  Kijima,  6.5.2014    

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6  Value  Co-­‐crea3on  Levels  and  8  Value  Co-­‐crea3on  Processes  

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   10  

Users Providers Interaction


Providers Users and

providers are local represen-tations of their global creative ecosystems - people interlink communities and institutions


Co-definition Co-experience


Co-elevation Co-development



Co-implementation Co-engagement Ecosystem Service Value

Community Platform Service Value


Kari  Mikkelä  and

 Lars  M

iikki  13.8.2014;  B

ased  on  “Value  Orchestra?o

n  PlaA

orms  in  Bu

siness  a

nd  Com


i?es”,  Kyoichi  Jim  Kijima,  6.5.2014    

Global Urban Innovation Ecosystem







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Underlining  System  Model  Source:  EcoUrbanLiving  -­‐  Espoo  as  an  Innova?on  Hub  in  2020  (2011)  

Ongoing  RDI:  User-­‐driven  Co-­‐Orchestra3on  Enabled  by  Sensi3ve  Digital  Memory  PlaBorm    

Kari  Mikkelä  &  Lars  Miikki  22.8.2014  UrbanMill@JärvelinDesignOy   11  




e.g. Linked Open Aalto Data Service: ”University data should be open for reuse and transparency (when possible), interlinked with each other for enriching it, and available as datasets and operational web services for easy application development.”


Urban  Mill  Contextual  PlaBorm  

Urban  Mill  Ar3facts  

Urban  Mill  Applica3ons  

Urban  Mill  Digital  Services  http://www.meetin.gs/
