urban and rural land use.doc

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  • 7/23/2019 URBAN AND RURAL LAND USE.doc



    Course Objectives To be able to familiarize the urban and rural land use.

    Outline of Presentation Rationale/Objectives What is a Rural Area? What is an Urban Area? Legal Basis Mandate of LURB Land Use and Planning

    Rationale/Objectives!The Constitution of the Philippines and a suession of odes! partiularl" the

    Loal #o$ernment Code %L#C&! learl" points the diretions to plannin' for theommunit". This is to ahie$ed b" the ontinuin' de$olution of po(ers andresponsibilities to the L#Us. The responsibilities of L#Us inlude land use plannin'

    and de$elopment ontrol! onsistent (ith the national and pro$inial poliies.The National 'o$ernment is promotin' responsi$e! responsible! open and

    aountable loal 'o$ernment.#ood 'o$ernane under the leadership of the ma"or and San'unian'

    Pan'lun'sod (ill si'ni)antl" assist the ahie$ement of the 'o$ernment ob*eti$es.+n land use plannin'! the Cit" Plannin' De$elopment ,-e %CPD,& for the

    Cit" and the uniipalit" Plannin' De$elopment ,-e %PD,& pla"s an importantroles/

    a&.Responsible for the preparation of omprehensi$e land use plan %CLUP&b&.+dentif" the ommunit" needs&.Translate them into ahie$able poliies! plans! pro'rams and pro*ets

    %PPP&d&.Responsible for safe'uardin' loal amenit" and ommunit" standardsthrou'h the appliation and enforement of L#Us rules! re'ulations and'uidelines.

    What is Rural Area? Rural areas are the area that are not urbanized! thou'h (hen lar'e area are

    desribed ountr" to(n and smaller ities (ill be inluded. The" ha$e lo( population densit" and t"piall" muh of the land is de$oted

    to a'riulture. Urbanization enroahes on rural land! and the mehanization of a'riulture

    has redued the number of (or0ers needed to (or0 the land! (hilealternati$e emplo"ment is t"piall" easier to obtain in ities.

  • 7/23/2019 URBAN AND RURAL LAND USE.doc


    What is Urban Area? An urban area is characteri"ed b# the higher $o$ulation densit# and

    vast hu%an features in co%$arison& to areas surrounding it' Urban area %a# be cities and to(n' Unli)e in urban area& %etro$olitan area includes not onl# the urban

    area& but also satellite cities'


    Legal Bases

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    A' -.0 Phili$$ine ConstitutionArt' 1**& 2ec' 3'

    2ocial Philoso$h# of Pro$ert#1The use of propert" bears a soial funtion and that pri$ate propert"

    deision on the use of propert" are sub*et to the dut" of the state to inter$ene(hen the ommon 'ood so demand2

    Art' 1***& 2ec' -3The state re'ulates the a4uisition! o(nership! use and disposition of

    propert" to promote ommon 'ood.3

    +he Local 4overn%ent Code5RA 0-36 of -..-7-' 2ection 86!

    The L#Us to ontinue prepare their respeti$e CLUPs enated throu'h a5onin' ,rdinane (hih shall be the primar" and dominant bases for the use ofland resoures.

    The re4uirement for food prodution! human settlements and industrial

    e6pansion shall be ta0en into onsideration in the preparation of CLUP and 5onin',rdinane.8' 2ection -3!

    Dele'ated po(ers of state to the loal 'o$ernment units Police $o(ers! refers to the inherent or implied ri'ht of the state tointerfere (ith or re'ulate pri$ate ri'hts in the interest of publi health! publi safet"!peae and order! publi morals! publi omfort and on$enient and 'eneral (elfare.Resorted to b" the state to preser$e and protet its e6istene

    9' 2ection ::0 and :;!

    The L#Us shall re'ulate ati$ities relati$e to the use of land! buildin' andstrutures (ith in the it"7muniipalit" in order to promote 'eneral (elfare.

    Mandates of LURB5Role of LURB7


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    These mandate of 8LURB *ointl" (ith L#Us (ill be impaired b" the proposed

    ne( la( (hih is NAT+,NAL LAND USE ACT %NLUA& under Senate Bill No.>;< erti)ed b" Pres. Beni'no A4uino as UR#ENT last ebruar"

  • 7/23/2019 URBAN AND RURAL LAND USE.doc


  • 7/23/2019 URBAN AND RURAL LAND USE.doc


    LA=> U2< PLA==*=4 +t is the predominant ati$it"7 funtion on spei) land area or loation in a

    'i$en time +t represent the interation of the ph"sial! historial! soial and eonomi

    fator +t refers to the manner of utilization of land! inludin' its alloation!

    de$elopment and mana'ement. Refers to a doument embod"in' a set of poliies aompanied b" maps and

    similar illustrations (hih represent the ommunit" desired pattern ofpopulation distribution and a proposal for the future alloation of land to the$arious land usin' ati$ities.

    COMM mar0et as main feature %t"pes/ (holesale mar0et! (et and

    dr" mar0et& 4uasi residentialommerial or mi6ed use de$elopment

    Co%%ercial 2tri$ @ e6tension of CBD

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    =eighborhood Center @ loal soures of staple and on$eniene 'oods andser$ies built around supermar0et (ith on$eniene stores population ser$ed/9!?>>:>!>>>

    =A+*O=AL LA=> U2< A=> ALLOCA+*O= 2C

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    :' COMPA+*BL< A=> *=COMPA+*BL< LA=> U2

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    E6ample/ > means < meter on the map is e4ui$alent to >> meters or< 0ilometer on the 'round.


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  • 7/23/2019 URBAN AND RURAL LAND USE.doc


    onitorin' of all pro*ets issued permits b" L#Us and 8LURBF D5A super$ision Ad*udiation of omplaints