upper canada college presentation

Technology in Education By Dr. John Thurner, Presented at Upper Canada To Middle School Teachers November 2004

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Technology in Education

By Dr. John Thurner,

Presented at Upper CanadaTo

Middle School Teachers

November 2004

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– Why do we plan?

– Education First!

– Technology Initiatives

Why Technology?

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Multiple Goals

Stated Goals

– Improve education

– Meet government standards

Unstated Goals

– Jones school has a super network

– Smith School has a zillion computers

– Wonder school has cable modems

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Pressure from:


Board members



Technology vendors

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will save the world!

Build it and they will come!

Without technology we will be behind!

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Some Real Questions:

What are the benefits that technology can bring to


How can technology enhance what we are doing in the


What skills do our students really need to be effective

learners in the colleges of the 21st century?

What technology skills will our students need to be

effective citizens of the 21st century?

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Create a Plan – any plan

E-Mail to national Listserv:

“ My state is giving away money for

technology, but I need to have a plan. I

know what hardware I need, but they want

some educational goals. Can anyone help

me? ”

Goals must come first!!

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Technology Vision

Do you have a clear vision of technology in

your classroom?

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Technology Vision

Does it look like this?

– Apple G5 with a 17” flat panel monitor

– Intel® Xeon® Processor with EM64T Technology

– 21” Sony monitor with living sound

– Special gray mouse with 3 neat little buttons

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Technology Vision

What’s your vision of an ideal husband or


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Technology Vision

What’s your vision of an ideal husband or


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Technology Vision

Not Hardware!

Focus on what you know - Education

Establish a vision of better education

Then find technology that can promote the


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Summary I

Planning is important

Education First

Clearly understand what you are teaching

and think of ways that technology can help

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How to: The Design Structure

David Perkins’ “Knowledge As Design”

– Purpose - Make sure your educational goals are clear

– Structure - work to ensure that each component of your initiative is

linked to the purpose

– Arguments - clearly link each part of the design to the purpose

using what you know about good education

– Models - where possible, give examples of what you are proposing

to do

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The technology initiative

“A technology application focused on specific goals or objectives and justified by current understanding of good educational practice.”

– coined by Cindy Dunlap of CELT

What educational goals will be met?

What are you doing and why will it help you meet your goals?

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Enhance Education

Technology Competencies

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What about

Technology Competencies?

Identify technology competencies

Where Possible teach competencies via

subject areas – rather than computer classes

Monitor Competencies

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Possible areas

for enhancement

Teaching for Understanding

Generative learning environments

Group Learning

Using technology to scaffold – support

greater understanding

Provide tools for students to take control of

their learning

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do you start planning?

Existing Goals and objectives

– Accreditation documents

– IB Curriculum

– Department Summaries

– Curricular Guides

– Technology Plan?

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Elementary school example









Use letters/pictures

to communicate a


Begin entering

letters from the





Kid Pix


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Elementary school example

Grade Topic Objectives


Competencies Applications

5Literary analysisPoetry

OceanographyHuman BodyData collection

TessellationsMixed fractionsPer CentMultiplication and divisionNegative numbers

ExplorersColonizationAmerican RevolutionWestward MovementImmigration

Read for pleasure andinformation

Communicate throughwriting


Problem-solving usingmathematicalknowldege

To understandinfluences on thedevelopment of theUnited States

Select hardware andsoftware appropriate to thetask

Understand basic operationof a modem (withassistance)

GenericWord (K-5)Spreadsheet (4-5)SpecificTabletop MathA.D.A.M. the Life StoryWidget WorkshopReal World MathGreat Ocean RescueReferenceCD-ROMInternetWhaleNetCountry searches

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Elementary school example

Technology competencies by grade

– Technology Competencies can be scoped and

sequenced by grade level

– Generally, if you use technology in classrooms, it is

only necessary to monitor the competencies. You don’t

have to constantly measure.

Generic vs Specific Applications

– Generic Applications are a little more expensive at first

– Specific Applications can get very expensive

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How will technology

change what you are doing ?

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Two Common Challenges

Chinese Menu

Where’s the baby?

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Chinese Menu Problem

Often asking for vision is difficult

People don’t know what they want

It’s like asking someone to order a meal on

their first visit to a Chinese restaurant

Find experts, peers, explore Internet

Go to conferences, build communication


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Where’s the Baby?

Do not throw out the baby with the bath


Technology changes the nature of your


Study skills, nature of classroom, classroom

management are all changed.

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Planning strategies

Top Down?

Bottom Up?

Top Down Planning/Bottom Up



Rain Forest?

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The Rain Forest

Sometimes it is hard to force change. But,

if you provide sunlight, fertile soil, enough

water and fertilizer, and sprinkle seeds

liberally, soon things will grow.

The growth can be unpredictable.

Eventually a canopy will begin to form and

wonderful things can happen.

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Important Considerations

Process is important

– If some teachers participate in planning – they might implement

Educational Links help fundraising

– Share your plans

– Parents and funders have seen a lot of wasted money

– If you tell them what you are doing and why, they are more willing to support

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Summary II

The design model

Technology Initiatives

Don’t lose the baby

Chinese Menu

Rain Forest

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Modern Language example

Carl Hobert, Language teacher, asked himself

three questions:

– Why integrate Technology into my Curriculum?

– How do I integrate content and technology?

– Has this integration achieved tangible educational


(Note: Carl Hobert is now founder and director

of Axis of Hope at Boston University)

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Why did Carl integrate

technology into his curriculum?


– Intensive writing practice in target language

with native speakers

– Accommodate a variety of learning styles in the

same classroom

– Tailor language materials to meet student needs

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Why did Carl integrate

technology into his curriculum?

Culture– Re-create real-life situations which represent

other cultures

– Motivate students to travel overseas, immersing

themselves in culture

– Make connections with other disciplines

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Purpose/Goals:– Extensive writing practice

– Reinforce and expand cultural understanding

– Document year-long correspondence in each country

– Move toward student vacation exchange program

Modern Language Initiative I:

Intercultural E-mail Experiment

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Technology Initiative I:

Intercultural E-mail Experiment

Themes of correspondence include:

• Personal Introductions

• US- France Educational differences

• Politics

• The Arts

• The Winter Olympics

Spring vacation Belmont Hill visit to Lycée Louis-le-Grand (March 23)!

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Technology Initiative II:

Student Technology Projects


• Develop authentic-language research capabilities

• Evaluate Internet resources in target languages

• Students create projects in French, Spanish and Mandarin-Chinese

• Students present findings to classmates

• Presentations evaluated by instructor and peers

• The best advance to language technology fair

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Student Technology Projects

Virtual Travel (Level 1)

History (Level 2)

Art History (Level 3)

Architectural History (Level 4)

Literature (Level 5AP)

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Student Technology Projects

Virtual Ancient Rome [Classics]

Original Document Research [History]

NASA [Science]

England Poet Correspondence [English]

E-mail World Experts [Math AP]

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y Buñol

Un proyecto de tecnología de Roland Eavey

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Valencia y Buñol está aquí

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Valencia está en una de los regiones más grandes de España

la bandera

de Valencia

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La ciudad de Valencia

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Las ruinas del Castillo de los moros

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La Fiesta de los moros y los católicos

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Las ruinas del teatro viejo

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What can a Modern Language teacher

do to institute change? An Action Statement

Attend Professional Conferences

Seek assistance

Develop an Email address book

Buy a book about the Internet

Surf the Net

Visit other schools’ computer facilities and language labs

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Did this Technology Initiative achieve

tangible educational goals?

Yes it did!

The “Rain Forest” has not always been

green . . .

Technology support and perseverance are


But you be the judge!

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Walking with Grandfather

Walking with Grandfather, winner Gold Apple Award (National Educational Film Festival), a PBS television show, is an example of a technology initiative. It is a videotape of an elder Navajo using teaching tales to educate young Native Americans. The video part was new. The educational initiative has been around nearly 10,000 years. If we are going to enhance or replace something that has worked for a long time, we had better be sure we know why.

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Other Initiatives

English Classes

– Process writing

– Interactive Grammar tutorials


– Real data measurement and analysis

– Digital microscopes

– Online textbooks

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Other Initiatives


– Internet Research

– maps


– Digital Photography

– Web Design/Layout


– Virtual Cities

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Other Initiatives


– Video

– Spreadsheets

– Web Pages

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Multimedia Literacy

Multimedia literacy

Documenting your world

Happy and Sad times

– Crew video

– Colgate Video

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The Tragic Opportunity

Sometime, when the stars are in alignment

and things are going well, a moment in time

will occur that produces an opportunity to do

something important.

On November 11 of the year 2000 such a

moment in time occurred.

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The Tragic Opportunity

On that night, in a small college town, there

was a tragedy. Four Colgate Students died.

This was my home town, just rated the 11th

friendliest town in the United States by Forbes


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The Tragic Opportunity

If students become proficient at using

multimedia tools to document their world,

when tragedy strikes, the artistic effort can

help to heal.

A few weeks after the tragedy, my sons (6 &

13 at the time) were shocked by the event

when we visited their grandparents for the

Thanksgiving holiday.

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The Tragic Opportunity

The boys produced the following movie to

express their emotions and provide a graphic

representation of the event to warn their

classmates of the dangers of mixing alcohol

and driving.

When the movie was shown to 430 boys,

grades 7-12 in a chapel, there was silence at

the end when the Mothers Against Drunk

Driving ribbon was blowing on the screen!

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The Tragic Opportunity

We see multimedia used to provide powerful

messages by marketing giants, politicians, and


When our students to harness this power

themselves, if only for a brief moment, they

are empowered to take charge of their own


Judge for yourselves:

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Some Resources

Math Applets Polygon applet

TERC is a nonprofit research and development

organization committed to improving mathematics and

science learning and teaching.

United States Governement Educational Reference

Project Zero Site-teaching for understanding.

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What Will The Future Bring?

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Famous Last Words

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Customer Service

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Contact Information

John Thurner, Ed.D.

– JKT-Consulting

– (339) 221-0502

Carl Hobert

– Axis of Hope