unorthodox treasures

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  • U p d a t e d F e b 2 7 , 2 0 1 5

    by: The Le

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Ale Wand Wand, uncommon This innocuous wand is crude to the touch, and always worn down from decades of use. Three times per day you can use the wand to touch a container that holds up to up to one pint of water, which will instantly turn it into Dwarven Ale. When creating Ale this way, the DM secretly makes a Wisdom check to determine the quality of the Beer:


    Roll Result

    20+ Superior Ale. Advantage on all saves vs Fear for 12 hours.

    17-19 Excellent Ale. Advantage on first save vs Fear for next 12 hours.

    05-16 Good quality Ale.

    01-04 Bad Ale, but tastes like good quality ale. One hour after consuming, make a Con Save (DC 20) or vomit and take 1d6 damage.

    Note that a player who drinks the Ale will not be made aware of the Wisdom check result, unless it was 17 or greater.

    Ali's Magic Carpet Wondrous Item, Rare This colorful carpet has a red colored fringe that is constantly in motion, as if it was alive. When rolled out, and sat upon, you can command the carpet to take flight (3 feet above ground) and move up to 50 feet rather using your normal movement during combat. Anytime you move this way, or take damage from an attack, you must make a successful Dexterity check or fall prone (DC 12). The carpet itself is very sturdy, essentially having "50 hit points" and can take damage as a person would. When it reaches 0 hit points, the carpet will "scream" in pain and turn into loose threads. The carpet's hit points can only be regained/repaired by a master carpet maker.

    Amulet of Aid Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) This amulet is oddly shaped like a potion of healing; when worn by a cleric, this amulet can summon a healing ghost to your side - whenever you or an ally within 30-feet falls unconscious, the Amulet will create a ghost-like version of you and attempt to administer first aid with Advantage, using your bonuses. If the Cleric is of 10th level or higher, this radius is doubled to 60-feet. Note that the Amulet will only attempt first aid if an ally falls unconscious within range; the Amulet will do nothing if an ally falls unconscious outside of the range, even if you walk closer to save them. If worn by anyone other than a cleric, the ghost-like healer will only appear if you fall unconscious, and its first-aid attempt will not gain Advantage. A creature can only be healed this way once per day, even if the first aid check fails. Example (assume you are a Cleric): if your ally within 30-feet falls unconscious, the Amulet will attempt first aid on that ally. If that ally falls unconscious again within the same day, the Amulet does nothing. If a different ally falls unconscious (on the same day) within 30-feet the Amulet will attempt first aid on that new ally. If yet a third ally falls unconscious outside of the 30-feet range, and you manage to run up to them, The Amulet does nothing.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Amulet of Bewitching Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) This black amulet has an outline of a snake and dragon with tiny red rubies on the outer edges. When worn, you can use a bonus action on your turns to hex any one creature within 30 feet - when you hex a creature, roll a 1d4: your INT or WIS (your choice) is reduced by this amount and the hexed creature receives a penalty to all its checks by the same amount. Both effects last one hour, even if you remove the Amulet. You can only hex one creature at a time (until the creature is killed or the hour has lapse, whichever is first).

    Amulet of Sight Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) This mundane round gold colored amulet has an etching of an eye etched within it. When worn by a spellcaster, it allows the spellcaster an Advantage on any spell attack roll. You must declare that you are using this ability before making your spell attack roll, and must take a long rest before using the ability again.

    Amulet of the Crusader Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) This holy symbol appears wooden to everyone who sees it, except Paladins who can always see the magical aura that surrounds it. When worn by a Paladin, it generates a constant healing effect, healing you of 1 damage at the beginning of each of your turns, as long as you have Lay on Hands pool of healing that is unused. Beginning 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, this healing effect increases by 1 (cumulatively).

    DM's Option: The healing effect will only work if the Paladin has at least half of his Lay on Hands pool of healing left unused.

    Babbling Fish Wondrous Item, rare This small fish never rots, is always breathing, and small enough to fit into one's ear. When held close, you will always here the fish talking

    in your native tongue, saying "put me in your ear". Those brave enough to stick this fish in the ear must make a Constitution Save (DC 10) or take 4 points of damage. Once inserted, the Babbling fish firmly makes resident in your ear canal, and sings soothing songs of the lakes of whence it spawned; you have advantage on all saving throws against being frightened.

    Bag of Berries Wondrous Item, uncommon (once per day), rare (twice per day), very rare (three times per day) This burlap bag looks large enough to hold a coconut; it's smooth to the touch and is always found in the color purple with a golden strap. Once-to-three-times per day anyone can place their hand in the bag to pull out a handful of berries or other fruit -- this magical fruit is highly nutritious, able to keep your hunger at bay for a full 16 hours.

    Bag of Folding Wondrous Item, rare This sturdy cloth bag is made of high quality cotton, adorned with exotic feathers and sometimes pretty cross stitches. The bag itself is treated as a standard backpack that can hold up to 5lb of material. However, this magical bag has the can be flattened and folded as if it were empty - even if the bag is full. The bag can fold down to 1/5 of its normal size, but its weight and mass will not change. The bag cannot be opened when folded this way, but it can be ruptured -- if ruptured (while folded) it will cause a small rift, causing it to explode for 3d8 damage (bludgeoning) to anyone within 10 feet of the explosion.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Bag of the Magi Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) This small red/burlap bag has a picture of a star stitched into it. A spellcaster who sticks her hand into the bag may pull out a small metal sphere. When clenched tightly in the spellcaster's fist, it will empower the spellcaster you receive a +1 bonus to any spell attack roll. At 6th level and every 6 spellcaster levels thereafter, this bonus increases by one (to a maximum of +4 at 18th level). Once used, the sphere will magically disappear. If a sphere is removed from the bag and not used within 5 minutes, it will also magically disappear (even if it is placed back into the bag). The bag only holds up to two spheres at a time, and the bag itself produces new spheres at the rate one every other day.

    Bash Bash Armor (shield), uncommon This large (tower) shield has beautiful etchings of trolls on its front and elegant etchings of goblins on the inside. It's heavier than most shields, requiring minimum Strength value of 16 to use. When using this remarkable shield, if an opponent's melee attack roll against you misses by a value of 4 or more, then the shield will automatically bash itself against that foe, dealing an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength bonus (if any).

    Belt of Feebleness (cursed) Wondrous Item, rare This leather belt comes with a golden latch and colorful beads sewn throughout the side in fine stitching. When first worn, you immediately gain a +4 bonus to your Strength score! There is a seemingly odd quirk though -- once worn, the belt will become stuck and cannot be removed. However, over time the belt will have the opposite effect. Every two days at midnight, the DM makes a secret Strength Check (DC 5) for the wearer of the belt. On a failed save, the belt STR bonus is reduced by 1. On a successful save, the DC will increase by 1 on the next roll

    (cumulative). This continues until the belt generates a -4 Penalty to Strength. To remove this cursed item requires a special incantation from a level 15 or higher Cleric who is knowledgeable with the history and magical workings of the Belt of Feebleness.

    Bola Bola Weapon (short bow), rare This enchanted short bow looks mundane, but its strings glow green when an arrow is notched within it. Whenever you notch a non-magical arrow, you can imbue it with an explosive tip. A successful attack with the imbued arrow does no damage to its target, but it will stick to its target. If the arrow is not removed, then on your next turn and every turn thereafter, roll a 1d4 for each of these arrows still on the target -- on each result of 3-4, the arrow explodes and deals 1d4+2 fire damage. If the arrow is removed from the target before you roll, it becomes powerless. Note to DMs: The target creature will not be aware that the arrow explodes, so it may not be inclined to remove them. In fact it may take a couple explosions for it to make the connection (INT check). How the target removes the target is up to your discretion.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Bone Sword Weapon (any weapon that deals slashing damage), uncommon This simple weapon has a yellowish tint, as it is made from the bone of an unknown animal. Although it is made of bone, it is as durable as any metal made weapon, and has special magical properties. When used in battle, you may speak the command word "Power Strike" before making your attack roll -- for this attack roll you gain Advantage and will score a critical hit on a result of 18-20. You must take a short rest before using this ability again.

    Boots of Fire Wondrous Item, uncommon (1d4 damage), rare (2d4 damage) These stylish red leather boots often come with fringe and sometimes a red gem. When worn, you can take an action once per day to stomp your foot on the ground, to send bolts of mystical fire all around you -- all creatures within 5-feet of you, including yourself, are dealt 1d4 or 2d4 fire damage (Dexterity save for half damage, DC 12). However, you have Advantage when attempting this save, and if you are successful, you take no fire damage at all from this effect.

    Bracers of the Four Winds Wondrous Item, uncommon These ancient bracers are adorned with far eastern lettering. When worn, you gain fast reflexes in an every changed combat situation. When an opponent misses its melee attack against you, as a reaction action you can make a powerful palm attack to blow your opponent back. This attack deals no damage, but on a successful hit the target is sent back 5-feet in the opposite direction of you. You can only make this attack if you are not wielding a shield.

    Bracers of Ki Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) These mystical bracers were created by the Ancient Shaolin Masters Zen masters. When worn by a Monk, it grants you a +1 bonus to AC. As a monk, whenever an opponent misses a

    melee attack against you, you may roll a D4; on a result of 4, you add 1 Ki to your Ki pool.

    Broach of Beauty Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) This flower broach comes in three flavors: it either appears as a daisy, a rose, or a tulip. When worn, it immediately grants you a proficiency with every Charisma based skill.

    Burst Helm Wondrous Item, uncommon This helm comes in many different colors, but the style is always the same it covers the nose and has an etching of a mongoose on the back. Every time you kill an enemy while wearing this unique helm, you gain a 50% increase to your speed on your next turn (only for that turn). You cannot gain more than a 50% increase in any round this way, no matter how many enemies you kill.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Candle Holder of Warning Wondrous Item, rare This brass candle holder is oddly shaped like a triangle. When placed with a standard candle and lit, it provides an aura of safety within a 50 foot radius. Any creature of evil alignment that enters the aura is immediately dealt 3 points of damage and non-evil creatures within aura are immediately made aware of the presence of those evil creatures.

    Captain's Shield Armor (shield), very rare This strange round shield is made of a material that's almost indescribable - smooth to the touch like metal but much lighter. Whenever would take damage from a melee attack roll that is within 2 points of your AC, you may roll a d4. On a result of 4, the attack is instead blocked and completely absorbed by the shield. This d4 cannot be made against Critical Hits against you.

    Case of Infinite Bolts Wondrous Item, rare This small case looks like Crossbow-Bolt-Case, but is much smaller since it only holds one bolt. When the bolt is removed and used as part of a ranged attack (with a crossbow), upon impact the bolt will deal normal damage, and then reappear within the case! If the bolt is removed from the case and not used within 5 minutes it will disappear and reappear back in the case. The bolt itself has an additional magical enchantment that can randomly appear; whenever the bolt is removed from the case, roll a 1d20 and consult the chart below.

    d20 Result

    20 Bolt deals double damage (x3 damage on a critical hit)

    19 Advantage on next ranged attack with this bolt

    16-18 +1 damage from this bolt

    1-15 No effect

    If the bolt is placed back into the case (or it magically reappears in the case), it loses its additional magic enchantment.

    Cleric's Ring Ring, rare (requires attunement) This gold ring is adorned with small jewels on the outside, with cryptic lettering on the inside. When worn, it grants the wearer the ability to sense undead creatures within 20 feet. However, when worn a Cleric, these powers are amplified -- the Cleric will be able to sense undead creatures within 50 feet. Furthermore, the Cleric gains insight on nearby undead creatures; the Cleric gains a +2 bonus to AC against all melee attacks by undead creatures.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Cloak of Hunger (cursed) Wondrous Item, very rare This dark blue cloak shimmers in direct sunlight, but goes jet black in moonlight. When worn it grants you Darkvision up to 60' feet, and a keen sense of all living creatures around you -- you gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls to any creature within 20 feet and a +1 to AC against those same creatures. The cloak itself is actually a living symbiotic creature that feeds off of its host. Once the cloak is worn, it will begin to bond with you, causing you great hunger -- you must eat and drink twice your normal rate and every night at midnight you must make a successful Constitution Save (DC 20) or you temporarily lose 2 points of Constitution for the next 12 hours. Removing the cloak is not easy as you will you will also become dependent on the Cloak and the power it grants you -- to remove the cloak you must make a successful Wisdom save (DC 25), which you may only attempt after your Constitution save (above). Note: If you fail the CON save but succeed the WIS save, you still lose 2 points of Con for those next 12 hours.

    Coldsnap Ring/amulet, rare (requires attunement) This magic trinket is blue in color with icicle carvings - it often appears as a ring, but sometimes appears as an amulet. As a bonus action you can activate Coldsnap to give yourself an aura of cold that emits up to a radius of 10 feet. Any creatures (friend or foe) within the radius are dealt 1d4 points of cold damage at the beginning of each of their turns. This aura always lasts 2 hours, and during that time you will take double damage from all fire damage. While the aura is active, Coldsnap cannot be removed by any means.

    Cool Fez Wondrous Item, uncommon This red Fez is fairly mundane looking, but upon closer inspection you will find ancient elven inscriptions on the inside. When worn, it regulates your body temperature at all times, granting you Resistance to Cold. Unfortunately there is a side effect as it also makes you Vulnerable to fire. note: not everyone thinks the Fez is cool

    Crystal Plate Amor (plate), very rare (requires attunement) This plate armor looks like any normal armor when not worn, except for the odd inscription in the back that says "Death to All But Me". When worn, the plate armor turns into a hard blueish crystal, but still has the normal properties of plate. Whenever a creature misses it's attack roll (standard or magic attack roll) against you by a value of 4 or more, a shard of the crystal plate will detach itself and fly towards that creature, dealing it 1d4 +1 points of piercing damage. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the shard damage increases by +1 (for a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Cup of Everlasting Whine (cursed) Wondrous Item, rare This golden cup has etchings of frogs and salamanders on the outside, while the inside is silver in color. Whenever you drink any liquids from the cup, you gain a sense of courage -- you are granted a +2 bonus to all charisma based checks. However, after 24 hours, the bonus completely fades and become agitated at all things around you -- you receive a -2 penalty to charisma until the cup can be destroyed. The cup can only be destroyed by wrapping it in banana leaves and boiled in oil for one hour.

    Deck of Simple Weapons Wondrous Item, very rare This small container holds 10 "cards" when first found. Each card has a picture of a wagon wheel on one side, with the other side always blank. As an action you may pull a card out of the deck and call out a weapon that you are proficient in, and then throw the card with a normal ranged attack roll (range 20 / 30). Upon impact, the card will transmute into the weapon that you chose, dealing damage normally. After the attack has been resolved, the weapon will transmute back into a card, but will be completely powerless.

    DM's Option: The deck magically replenishes 1 card per day.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Deck of Treasures Wondrous Item, Legendary Commonly known as the Deck of Treasures, only scholars know its true mischievous power; within inner circles, scholars refer to this as Lokis Deck. This beautiful deck comes in a strong leather pouch with an etching of a joker on the outside. The same etching is on the back of the cards. This deck of cards contains exactly 50 cards One Ace, One Joker, and 4 of every other card (2, 3, Jack, King, etc). Note: When constructing this deck for players, simply take a new pack of cards, and make sure it has one Ace and one Joker. Once per day a single card can be pulled out of the deck, granting minor (and sometimes major) benefits. However, there is secret mischief attached to nearly every card, which is solely controlled by the DM. The player is actively aware of the mischief. Note that once a player pulls out a card, that specific player cannot pull out another card for 3 days (although a different player may pull out a card the next day). There are 14 different effects when pulling out a card. The suit of the card makes no difference (e.g. a king of Hearts is treated the same as a King of Diamonds). Unless otherwise noted, each effect lasts exactly 3 days. A player that pulls the card will instantly know the powers that it (or the item it transforms into) grants. Any card that transforms into a physical item will dissipate into sand after 3 days (unless otherwise noted).

    DMs Option: After a card has been pulled, it is reshuffled it back into the deck. DMs Option: Pulled cards are only reshuffled back into the deck when a player pulls a JOKER or ACE.

    TWO: +2 Weapon When pulled, all weapons on you receive a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Mischief: Damage dealt by those weapons only deals half its normal damage. THREE: +3 Weapon When pulled, all weapons on you receive a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Mischief: For any combat encounter, the first time a creature is hit by this weapon, it takes no damage. Instead, it gains a number of temporary hit points equal to double the damage amount. FOUR: +2 Armor When pulled, any armor the player is wearing receives a +2 bonus to AC. Mischief: Damage dealt to a player wearing this armor is increased by 50%

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    FIVE: +3 Armor When pulled, any armor the player is wearing receives a +3 bonus to AC. Mischief: The first 3 attacks against the player wearing this armor, in any combat encounter, has Advantage. SIX: Familiar When pulled, the card will transform into a familiar (DMs discretion) that will follow the player and take any of her commands. The familiar grants a +2 bonus to any perception checks and has the same attributes as the player. The familiar will stay by your side until death (even beyond the normal 3 days) Mischief: Whenever the familiar takes damage, it must make a Wisdom check (DC 11). On a failed check, it is no longer the players familiar and will immediately begin to attack the player until it (or the player) is dead. The first time it makes an attack against the player, it gains Advantage. SEVEN: Potion of Healing When pulled, the card will transform into a potion of healing, but the potion will be gold in color with an etching of joker on the side. Anyone who holds the potion will be aware of its true power: consuming the potion heals the player to full health and grants her a +1 bonus to all attributes for one hour. Unlike the other items in this deck, the potion will not vanish or become powerless after 3 days. It will remain potent until drunk. Mischief: One hour after consuming the potion, the player will become very sick for the next 8 hours she must immediately make a Constitution check (DC 18) or she vomits and takes 1d4 damage; she must do this every hour until the sickness passes. EIGHT: Ring of Slow Digestion When drawn, the card transforms into a ring of slow digestion the player will not need to eat or drink anything while the ring is worn. This effect lasts for 1 week, and then the ring will vanish. If removed before the 1 week expires, the ring will vanish.

    Mischief: When ring vanishes, the player will become intensely hungry, taking 1d8 damage immediately and an additional 1d8 every 30 minutes she does not eat, up to 5 hours. Eating a full meal will curb this hunger (and damage) for one hour. NINE: Magical Arrows When drawn, the card transforms into quiver full of +2 arrows (the bonus applies to attack rolls and damage). Mischief: Anytime an attack roll with this arrow misses its target, the target gains a +3 to damage on its next attack. This bonus damage is doubled if the creature attacks the player that fired the arrow. TEN: Extra Health When drawn, the player becomes heartier, gaining a number of temporary hit points equal to 5 times her level! These hit points last for 3 days. Mischief: Until the 3 days has expired, the player cannot be healed by any magical means.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    JACK: Eye-Patch of Sight When drawn, the card will transform into an eye-patch. When the eye-patch is worn, it gives the player a greater insight to her surroundings, granting her a +2 bonus to all attack rolls against any creature within 30 feet, and +2 bonus to all perception checks. When worn, the eye-patch itself bond itself to the player, preventing her from removing it normally; beginning the third day that the eye-patch is worn, the player may attempt to remove it with a successful Wisdom check (DC 22). She may attempt this check once per day, and with every check starting with the second, the DC is reduced by 1 (cumulatively). The eye-patchs enchantment lasts as long as the eye-patch is worn, even beyond the normal 3 days. Mischief: Whenever the player wearing the eye-patch takes damage from an creatures attack, the DM secretly makes a Wisdom check for the player (DC 15). On a failed check, the player becomes blinded until the end of his next turn.

    Blinded: A blinded creature cant see and automatically fails any ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creatures attack rolls have disadvantage.

    QUEEN: Ring of Fire Breath When drawn card transforms into Ring of Fire breath. When worn, as an action the player may exhale a line of fire (5 by 30 feet). Each creature caught in this fire takes fire damage equal to 3d6 + half the players level. Creatures caught in the fire may attempt a Constitution check (DC 15) for half damage. The ring may be used this way once per short rest. Mischief: Whenever the ring is used, there is a 10% cumulative chance that it will attract a small dragon this dragon will target the player wearing the ring and will immediately attack until it can get the ring back. KING: Kings Mount When drawn the card transforms into a horse or other exotic mount (DMs discretion). The mount will always stay by the players side, even if she is not riding it.

    Mischief: When the player and mount are adjacent to a foe in combat (or any

    aggressive situation), the DM makes a secret Wisdom check (DC 18). On a failed

    check, the Mount goes crazy and knocks the player off of it, then runs away. The player becomes prone.

    Prone: A prone creatures only movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls. An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Otherwise, the attack roll has disadvantage.

    ACE: Experience When drawn, the player immediately gains enough XP to advance her to the next level. Mischief: For the next 1-8 weeks (DMs discretion), the player gains no XP. JOKER: Wildcard When drawn the player rolls a d20 and consults the chart below.

    1d20 Result (all results are permanent)

    1 -1 to any one attribute, DMs discretion

    2-3 +5 feet Speed

    4-5 +10 feet Speed

    6-9 +1d4 Hit Points

    10 +2d6 Hit Points

    11 Advantage to all Constitution checks

    12 +2 Perception Skill

    13 -1 to any two attributes, DMs discretion

    14 +1 Strength

    15 +1 Dexterity

    16 +1 Wisdom

    17 +1 Intelligence

    18 +1 Charisma

    19 +1 Constitution

    20 +1 to any two attributes, your choice

    Mischief: None. Mischief is managed.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Chart: Deck of Treasures

    CARD EFFECT 2 Weapons you have on you receive a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

    3 Weapons you have on you receive a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

    4 Currently worn armor gets a +2 to AC

    5 Currently worn armor gets a +3 to AC

    6 Card will transform into a familiar that will follow your commands. The familiar grants a +2 bonus to perception checks and has the same attributes as you. The familiar will stay by your side until death (even beyond the normal 3 days).

    7 Card will transform into a gold potion of healing, but the potion will be gold in color with an etching of joker on the side. Anyone who holds the potion will be aware of its true power: consuming the potion heals you to full health and grants you a +1 bonus to all attributes for one hour. Unlike the other items in this deck, the potion will not vanish or become powerless after 3 days. It will remain potent until drunk.

    8 Card transforms into a ring of slow digestion you will not need to eat or drink anything while the ring is worn. This effect lasts for 1 week, then the ring will vanish. If removed before the 1 week expires, the ring will vanish.

    9 Card transforms into quiver full of +2 arrows (the bonus applies to attack rolls and damage).

    10 You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 5 times your level! These hit points lasts for 3 days.

    JACK Card will transform into an eye-patch. When worn, it gives you a greater insight to your surroundings, granting a +2 bonus to all attack rolls against creatures within 30 feet, and +2 bonus to all perception checks. When worn, the eye-patch itself bond itself to you, preventing you from removing it normally; beginning the third day that the eye-patch is worn, you may attempt to remove it with a successful Wisdom check (DC 22). You may attempt this check once per day, and with every check starting with the second, the DC is reduced by 1 (cumulatively). The eye-patchs enchantment lasts as long as the eye-patch is worn, even beyond the normal 3 days.

    QUEEN Card transforms into Ring of Fire breath. When worn, as an action you may exhale a line of fire (5 by 30 feet). Each creature caught in this fire takes fire damage equal to 3d6 + half your level. Creatures caught in the fire may attempt a Constitution check (DC 15) for half damage. The ring may be used this way once per short rest.

    KING Card transforms into a horse or other exotic mount (DMs discretion). The mount will always stay by the players side, even if you are not riding it.

    ACE You immediately gain enough XP to advance to your next level.

    JOKER Roll a 1d20 and consult the chart below


    1d20 Result (all results are permanent)

    1 -1 to any one attribute, DMs discretion

    2-3 +5 feet Speed

    4-5 +10 feet Speed

    6-9 +1d4 Hit Points

    10 +2d6 Hit Points

    11 Advantage to all Constitution checks

    12 +2 Perception Skill

    13 -1 to any two attributes, DMs discretion

    14 +1 Strength

    15 +1 Dexterity

    16 +1 Wisdom

    17 +1 Intelligence

    18 +1 Charisma

    19 +1 Constitution

    20 +1 to any two attributes, your choice

    Deck Usage: Once per day a single card can be pulled out of the deck. Once you pull out a card, you cannot pull out another card for 3 days (although a different player may pull out a card the next day). Card suit makes no difference. Unless otherwise noted, each effect lasts exactly 3 days. A player that pulls the card will instantly know the powers that it (or the item it transforms into) grants. Any card that transforms into a physical item will dissipate into sand after 3 days (unless otherwise noted).

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Double Dragon Weapon (shortsword), rare This looks and feels like a shortsword in every way (sometimes it can also be found as a scimitar), except for the dual dragon head carvings at the end of its base. Those who hold the Double Dragon for the first time immediately makes a Wisdom check (DC 15) -- on a successful check, the Double Dragon unlocks and allows the wielder to access its innate powers. A failed check will permanently lock out its power to the wielder. You only get one Wisdom check (DM's discretion). The wielder, who can access its power, and can split the sword into two separate swords (or merge them back together into one) as a bonus action, which is often done for the purpose of two-weapon fighting. While separated, the two swords have a unique bond -- if the attack with the first sword results in critical hit or critical miss, then attack from the second sword will automatically copy the first result (therefore you will not make a second attack roll). The swords cannot remain separate for more than 1 hour. If it does, starts to glow hot, causing it's wielder 1d6 damage fire damage per turn.

    Dragon Prod Wondrous Item, uncommon This iron branding-prod is always found in pristine condition, with an elegant designed dragon at the end of it. To use the Dragon Prod, heat it up in a fire for 3 hours, and apply it to raw skin for 5 minutes. The pain will be excruciating -- the recipient will take 1d4 points of damage each minute, but is allowed a Strength Saving throw each time for half damage (DC 12). Once branded, the insignia on the prod

    will completely vanish and actually become absorbed on the recipient's new brand, while the staff will harmless break off.

    A Dragon Prod branded being gains a fire breath weapon that can be fired up to a 5x30 foot line, dealing 2d4 fire damage (Dexterity Save allowed for half damage, DC 10 + half your level). Beginning 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the damage from this breath weapon increases by 1d4. You can use this breath weapon once per short rest.

    Dream Flute Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) This wooden flute has is made of red wood with etchings of leaves around part of its base. A Bard who uses the flute can play one of four special songs for a powerful magical effect. Song - Sooth Melody - while playing ancient Elven melody, the Bard will heal her wounds at a rate of 1 hit point per 10 minutes, while all his allies within 20 feet will heal at a rate of 1 hit point per 20 minutes. Song - Rage Against The Tide - While playing this Orcish melody, all of the Bard's Allies will become slightly enraged, gaining a +1 to melee attack rolls and melee damage. Song - Traveller's Tale - while playing this ancient Dwarvin melody, glowing spheres will appear around the Bard, granting an illumination of up to 50 feet. Song - Traveller's Lick - playing this melody grants an anti-magic field round the Bard and his allies (up to 30 feet) - granting a +3 bonus to all saves versus spells. Note that allies can only be granted the bonuses as long as they can hear the song being played. Also note that a Bard who find this flute may know of its power, but may not know how to play the magical songs; learning the songs can be found from treasure, quests, or other means as determined by the DM.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Druid's Ring Ring, rare (requires attunement) This strange looking ring is made ugly wood, but it will never burn. When worn by a Druid, the Druid can summon a mighty bear to her side once per day as a bonus action. The bear will follow any orders issued by the Druid for up to five minutes or the bear has died; after this time has expired, the bear will simply vanish. If the Druid has attained level 10 or higher, she may use this ability twice per day, but only one bear may exist at a time.

    Duck of Ultimate Doom Wondrous Item, rare This wooden carving of a duck softly quacks when you hold it up to your ear. By leaving it in a pond of water (or similar) for one hour, it will attract 2d4 normal size ducks -- these ducks will be completely docile (and won't run away if you try to kill it). However, every night at midnight the DM must make a secret d100 roll -- there is a 1% cumulative chance each night (maximum of 5%) that the wooden duck will turn into a DUCK OF ULTIMATE DOOM and attack anyone it is near!

    DUCK OF ULTIMATE DOOM (STATS) AC 15 (natural) HP: 4d6 Speed: 40 ft (flying) STR +2, DEX +2, CON +1, INT 0, WIS 0 CHA 0 Senses: Passive Perception 13 Actions: Bite (melee attack), +3 to hit, 1d4+2 damage (piercing) Hardened Feathers: Whenever the Duck of Doom takes damage, the DM rolls 1d6. On a result of 5 or 6 the damage becomes 0 instead. Doom Bite: Whenever the Duck of Doom makes a successful melee attack, roll 1d6; on a result of 5 or 6, the damage is increased by 1d4. When the Duck of Doom reaches 0 HP, it reverts back to a wooden duck and then quacks as a last act of spite.

    Enchanted Quiver Wondrous Item, uncommon (1d6), rare (3d6) This leather quiver is adorned in peacock feathers, stitched together with a single strand of deep purple silk. It holds twice as many arrows as a normal quiver; even though it appears the same size as a normal quiver (it's bigger on the inside). When found, it contains 1d6 (or 3d6) arrows that deal cold damage and 1d6 (or 3d6) arrows that deal fire damage. The Quiver also contains a special side slot that can hold just one arrow - by placing a normal arrow in this slot for 24 hours, the arrow becomes imbued with a +1 bonus (to attack rolls and damage rolls). Whenever this special arrow is removed from the Quiver's slot, it must be used within 1 minute or the enchantment fades.

    Erotic Saddle Wondrous Item, legendary This brown saddle always appears new and unused - beneath the saddle is a knife carving of a heart with an arrow through it. When fastened to a mount (usually horse), anyone sitting on the saddle will gain a charisma bonus equal to their level, but this bonus only applies to members of the same race and opposite gender. Note that if you are interacting with someone that fits this criteria, and that person is with their spouse (or loved one), you will generate a penalty to your charisma equal to your level when interacting with the spouse.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Feet of Flames Wondrous Item, very rare This stylish set of boots is always deep-red in color with golden laces. When worn, you may spend your turn by dancing - anyone within 20 feet of you (friend or foe) will also begin to dance in'sync with you unless they make a successful WIS check (DC 18). At the end of your turn, when your dance if finished, a burst of fire will appear on the feet of anyone who was also dancing from this effect -- dealing them 1d8 points of fire damage. Once used, the boots become powerless, but can be recharged by placing it in fire for one hour (it will not burn).

    Forever Lasting Gobstopper Wondrous Item, uncommon This wine bottle cork has an etching of a goblin at the time sticking out it's tongue, and is always found with a corked to a small vile (or jar) of liquid. When the cork is removed from the bottle and held above your head, it causes all goblins in a 30-foot radius to take notice from the foul stench that only they can smell. Every goblin affected this way must make a Constitution Save (DC 18), or begin to begin to vomit (on a failed save they are unable to take any actions on their next turn and all attacks against them are with Advantage). Once the goblin has recovered (or succeeded it save), it becomes immune to the Gobstopper's effects for one day. Note that the vial itself is always full of water, and must be refilled with fresh water before using the Gobstopper again.

    Gemsword Weapon (any weapon), legendary (requires attunement) This short sword is adorned with fake gems across its handle, but it's blade is razor sharp. As an action you can activate any of one of the gems within the handle to enchant the sword for 1 minute. Once a gem is used up, it is destroyed and can never be used again. The Gemsword is always found with the following encrusted gems: 1d4+2 red gems (max 6), 1d6+2 blue gems (max 8), 1d6+2 green gems (max 8), and 3d8+2 white gems (max 26). Only one Gem can be active at a time. Red Gem: The Gemsword ignites it fire, illuminating up to 30 feet and reveals any invisible creature. Blue Gem: The Gemsword glows blue, granting a +2 to all attack rolls vs undead creatures. Green Gem: The Gemsword turns dark green, granting you Advantage on your next 3 attack rolls (or up to 1 minute, whichever is first). White Gem: The Gemsword flashes white - all attack rolls that result in "1" or "2" can be rerolled until the 1 minute time lapse has expired.

    DM's Option: Once per day the owner may attempt a Wisdom check (DC20). On a successful roll, one gem is regenerated (total gems, for that color, cannot exceed the max). Use the chart below to determine which gem is generated:

    Gem Regeneration chart:

    1d10 Result

    1-7 White Gem

    8 Green Gem

    9 Blue Gem

    10 Red Gem

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Ghost Earring Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement) This earring is translucent and magically attaches to any ear (even if the ear is not pierced). Once per day as a bonus action you can use the earring to summon a ghostly clone of yourself -- the clone follows you and mimics your every move and is magically enhances with glamouring magic. Whenever an attack is made against you and successfully hits you, there is a 50% chance that it will hit your ghost clone instead. When summoned, the ghostly clone will have an amount of hit points equal to half your current life. When it reaches 0 hit points, the ghost clone simply disappears. A ghostly clone will automatically disappear after two hours or until you will it to end, whichever is first.

    Gloves of Bow Speed Wondrous Item, rare These leather gloves have a lightning bolt insignia on its palms, often in the color of blue. Whenever you make a ranged attack with a with a bow while wearing these gloves, roll an additional 1d6. On a result of "6", as a bonus action you may make an additional attack with the same bow (allowing you to make another d6 roll). Note that these gloves only work with Bows, and will not work with crossbows.

    Gloves of Lightning Wondrous Item, rare (1d4+2), very rare (2d4+2) These gloves always emanate a blue glow, and feels like they are electrically charged to the touch. The wearer of these gloves feels empowered, gaining immunity to lightning damage. When found, the Gloves contain 1d4+2 (or 2d4+2) charges. When wearing the gloves, you can use your action and expend 1 charge to create a line of lightning (5x30 ft line) to smite your enemies. The bolt of lightning deals an amount of lightning damage equal to 2d6 + half your level. Those caught in the blast can attempt a

    Constitution save for half damage (DC equal to 10 + half your level) You may choose to spend more than 1 charge this way when creating the line of lighting, each extra charge you expend increases the damage by 1d6 and DC by 3. When all the charges are depleted from the Gloves of Lightning, it will no longer grant immunity to lightning; instead it will only grant resistance to lightning. The glove cannot be recharged

    Gloves of Squishing Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) These gloves are always missing a thumb, as if the thumb part was cut out with scissors, but the gloves glow blue at all times when not worn. Once per day you may slam your fist into the ground as an action (you must have one hand

    free to do this). Upon impact, the glove will flash red, then green, and then return to normal. At the end of the round, a giant semi-transparent thumb will appear above the head of any creature you choose that is within 30-feet, and then the thumb will slam itself into the ground, squishing the

    creature. The creature takes bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 x half your level (max 5d4, minimum 1d4). The creature may attempt a Dexterity check (DC 15 to for half damage, DC 20 for no damage.)

    If the creature takes any damage from this attack, it must make an immediate Constitution check (DC 18), or else it becomes shaken for 1d6 rounds (youd be shaken too, if you got hit by a giant thumb). The creature may attempt a new Constitution check and the end of each of its turns to end the effect, with the DC reduced by 1 each time (cumulative). Shaken: A shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Helm of Vision (Cursed) Wondrous Item, uncommon This visored helm is always red in color with arcane (but unknown) writing on the inside that appears to glow in the presence of silk worms. Once worn, you gain a keen sense of accuracy when making ranged attacks with weapons -- you receive a +2 bonus to all ranged attack rolls. However, this cursed helm also reduces the potency of those weapons. Whenever your ranged attack successfully hits the target, the DM secretly makes a d20 roll -- on a result of 1-5, the damage is reduced to 0, but the DM doesn't have to tell you it was 0 -- because it always appears that you hit the target!

    Icefire Rings Ring, rare (one ring), very rare (both rings)(requires attunement) This set of comes as two simple circular rings. The Ice Ring is made of the deepest blue while the Fire Ring is dark red in color. When worn, the Ice Ring grants you Resistance to Cold damage while the Fire Ring grants you Resistance to Fire Damage. However, if both rings are worn together, the rings will use your body as a conduit and begin to generate a charge every 12 hours until it holds up to a maximum of 3 charges. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to launch a bluish-red fireball up to 50 feet. Any creature in the target point or adjacent square takes 2d6 fire damage then 2d6 cold damage; Dexterity Save for half damage (DC 18). You can expend more than 1 charge when you launch the fireball this way; with each additional charge it increases the cold and fire damage by 1d6 and extends the range by 10 feet (maximum 4d6 each, 70 feet). Removing either of the rings will break the conduit and cause all charges to fade away.

    Idol of the Running Man Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) This small clay statue of a running warrior is anything but -- it's as hard as cold steel but light as wood. When kept in your inventory, as a bonus action you can increase your speed by 20 feet (4 squares); you must declare this at the beginning of your turn. Once the burst of speed is used, the Idol of the Running Man cannot be used this way again for 4 hours.

    Infinity Keys Wondrous Item, rare (one), very rare (3d4) This magical key is shaped like a skull and feels like it is made of bone. When placed into a keyhole, it magically conforms itself to the lock, allow you to instantly open it. However, once used, the key itself will turn into dust. Infinity Keys are found as a single entity or multiples (3d4) on a keychain. This key cannot open magical locks.

    JLPs Saddle Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement) This brown saddle always looks very worn and broken in with the inscription JLP in the underside. It was created by the master sorcerer JLP (no one knows his real name), who once declared that a saddle is a personal thing to a rider, and most serious riders have their own. When fastened to a mount, anyone sitting on the saddle will have an intimate connection with the mount. The rider gains a +2 to AC when riding the mount. If you are at least 5th

    level or higher, then you will become adept in combat when riding the mount (while sitting on the saddle) -- if you and the mount moves at least 20 feet in a straight line

    before making a melee attack, you gain Advantage

    with that attack.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Kendall's Fanciful Fishing Pole Wondrous Item, uncommon This collapsible fishing pole comes with 30-feet of fishing line and unique hook at the end of the line. Whenever the line snaps or the hook is lost, the line will regrow to 30-feet and a new hook will magically appear. By putting live bait on the hook (aka worm), using the fishing pole grants a +10 bonus to your survival skill check when fishing. There are, of course, limits -- the bonus is reduced by 2 (cumulative) after each fish you catch this way. Once the bonus reaches 0, the fishing pole will reset and award the +10 bonus again 48 hours later.

    Mud Ring Ring, uncommon This silver ring is encrusted with dark gems; upon inspection the ring itself smells very earthy and sometimes wormy and contains just 1 charge when found. As an action, you can activate the charge to hurl a ball of mud at any target with a ranged attack (range 30/60). A hit creature becomes muddied and the next attack roll made against it (by anyone) has Advantage. If the mud attack resulted in a Critical Hit, then target also receives a Disadvantage to its next attack roll since it can't see through mud (unless it has other senses to compensate). If the mud attack resulted in a Critical miss, then the ring will turn itself on you and put mud in your face (as if you scored a Critical Hit on yourself). The ring itself can be recharged (maximum of 1 charge) by soaking it in mud for four hours.

    Mummys Wand Wand, uncommon (1d4 charges), rare (2d6 charges) This strange wand is made of bone but is always wrapped in bloody (but dried) bandages. The wand itself contains 1d4 or 2d6 charges. Each charge can be used to create a ball of rags that hurls itself at a target to entangle it -- Make a ranged attack against the target (range 15/30). On a successful hit, the target must become entangled unless it makes a successful Dexterity check (DC 15)... if it is entangled then its movement is reduced by 10 feet and suffers a -2 to its attack rolls. It can free itself with a successful strength save (DC 15). Each time the same creature gets entangled after the first, the DC for all saves is reduced by 5 (cumulative).

    Orb of Defense Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) This silver metal orb is the size of a small human skull. When in the hands of a spellcaster, it crackles with energy and provides a +1 bonus to AC (it acts as a shield). Note that this is an off-hand item. By tapping into the orb's innate power, a spellcaster can also fend off magical attacks -- as a reaction to any opposing spell attack roll made against you, you may attempt a Wisdom check (DC equal to the attack roll result); on a successful save, the orb deflects the attack. The deflection may done twice, then the orb must recharge for 8 hours to use that ability again (but you keep the +1 AC bonus if you continue to hold it). The Orb of Defense provides no bonuses to non-spell-casters -- it cannot be used by creatures who cannot cast at least one level-one spell. (Cantrips don't count).

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Orb of Winter Wondrous Item, uncommon (per 3 days), rare (daily) This crystal orb is a strange trinket -- when looking in the orb it will appear as if snow is falling on a tiny forest. When held in one hand and activated with the command word, you can create blizzard like conditions in a 15x15 area (you may target any square for this effect, up to 50 feet). The blizzard like conditions causes anyone in the area to take 1d6 points of cold damage each turn they remain in the area, and will reduce their movement by half; the blizzard like conditions lasts a number of turns equal to you character level. The Orb of Winter can be used once per 3 days (or once per day if it is a rare).

    Paladin's Ring Ring, rare (requires attunement) This mundane looking gold ring shimmers blue and purple when in direct sunlight. As a bonus action, a Paladin wearing this ring may use the ring to generate a shield, which the Paladin will immediately wield (assuming she has a free hand). In additional to the normal bonuses that a shield provides, this shield will also grant the Paladin an additional +1 bonus to AC against any melee or ranged attacks made by characters of Evil alignment. Anyone of evil or chaotic alignment that wears this ring suffers 1d10 points of damage when first worn and an additional 1d6 points of damage for each minute it is worn after that.

    Perception Boots Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement) Designed by the great thief/mage, Thomas Archfield, these black boots have Thomas' seal on the bottom of the soles, but otherwise they are not stylish in any way. When worn it gives you a +2 bonus to all perception checks for detecting traps, but only traps that are activated when stepped on. When worn by a Rogue that is level 3 or higher, this perception bonus is doubled.

    Pants of Doom! Wondrous Item, very rare These leather pants are often found in the most peculiar color of green, and always with a belt adorned in leaves. When worn, it will detect whenever you are in danger; if you are surrounded by 3 or more hostile enemies (each must be within 10 feet of you), the pants will automatically release a vile stench deals 1d6 points of Poison damage to all creatures within 10 feet (friend or foe). After it has released the stench, it will not do so again until you have taken a short rest.

    Potion of Continual Health Potion, uncommon This small vial contains a reddish liquid that turns blue in moonlight. A character who drinks this magical concoction regains exactly 3 hit points, but continues to heal an additional 2 hit points at the beginning of each of her turns for up to 3 turns.

    Quill of Death Wondrous Item, rare This quill is made of a peacock feather and never needs ink to write. By holding the quill in the air and spelling out a magical word of power, the word will form into a solid object and launch itself at any creature within 40 feet (make a spell attack roll).

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Rapier D'En Garde Weapon (any sword that deals slashing damage), legendary The blade of this rapier is slightly purple with a perfectly weighted grip. When fighting with this weapon, if an opposing melee attack misses it's attack roll (against you) by 7 or more, the Rapier will shout "En Garde!", granting you to bonus attack as an immediate reaction (against the same target). If the opposing attack misses it's attack roll by 10 or more, the Rapier will instead shout "En Garde, Monstre!" and grant you the same bonus attack, but for this attack you gain Advantage.

    Ring of Orcish Fury Ring, rare (+1), very rare (+2) This brass ring is crudely constructed with dent marks and battle burns. When worn, the ring grants the wearer a +1 bonus (or +2) to all melee attack rolls that have a strength modifier, but causes the wearer to have an increased metabolism, requiring him to eat and drink twice as often as normal. Taking off the ring will end the bonus, but not normalize the wearer's metabolism for 24 hours.

    Ring of Slow Digestion Ring, uncommon This simple ring is sometimes found made of wood, but is as hard as any metal you've seen. When worn, it slows down your digestive track - you only need to eat and drink at 1/3 the rate you normally would (under normal conditions). Note that this has no impact on magical effects that that cause you hunger or related symptoms.

    Snowman of Doom (figurine) Wondrous Item, very rare This tiny figurine of a snowman is very heavy for its size (3 lbs). When held and the special command word is spoken, the figurine turns into a medium sized snowman creature. The snowman will follow any orders issued by you for up to five minutes or the snowman has died;

    after this time has expired, the snowman will simply vanish. Once it "dies", it reverts back to a figurine and cannot be used this way again for one week. The Snowman of Doom as the following stats.

    SNOWMAN OF DOOM (STATS) Medium Monstrosity Armor Class: 12 Hit Points: 30 (4d10 + 8) Speed: 20 feet (doubled if walking on snow or ice) Senses: Low-light vision Attributes: Same as yours when summoned Alignment: Neutral TRAITS: The Snowman of Doom is immune to cold damage, takes half damage from lightning, and double damage from fire. ACTIONS: The Snowman of doom can make 2 attacks: the first attack is a ranged attack with an iceball that deals 1d4+1 cold damage (+2 to hit), and the second attack is a melee attack with its wooden arms that 1d6+2 slashing damage (+4 to hit). If the snowman is adjacent to an opponent, it can still make a ranged attack with an iceball, targeting only that adjacent opponent.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Splitsecond Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement) This incredible amulet has a small hourglass embedded within its golden disk-like frame. When worn, it gives the wearer the ability to manipulate small pockets of time. Once per day as a reaction to any attack you can freeze an opponent within 5 feet or an incoming attack from a weapon that is within 10 feet from you; after the object is frozen, you may move up to 10 feet away (2 squares) before the freeze effect ends. This results in the attack missing you completely. To do this, once per day as part of your reaction you attempt a Wisdom check (DC 10) in each of those situations. If you succeed, you have successfully frozen the adversary (or weapon) in a moment of time and can immediately move 10 feet. After you complete your move, the frozen moment ends and time passes normally. If your saving throw result is at least 18 or higher, the amulet will allow you to do this one additional time per day (and continue to do so whenever you roll an 18 or higher). Its also possible to freeze incoming magic spells this way, but only ones that required a spell attack, and the DC is increased by 5. Spells that automatically hit cannot be frozen in time.

    Sonic Dagger Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement) This seemingly mundane dagger glows blow in direct moonlight. Upon wielding the dagger, it will give off a low frequency sonic hum, granting you a +2 bonus when you use the dagger to open a lock. In the hands of Rogue, this bonus is tripled. However, this bonus is only granted on metal locks.

    Sorcerer's Belt of Trolling Wondrous Item, rare This exotic looking belt is usually found in bright colors, often times as orange or red with a black buckle. When worn, a Sorcerer expend two sorcerer points as a bonus action to transform

    herself into a Troll, which lasts for a number of rounds equal to 5 + her Intelligence modifier. As a troll, you lose the ability to cast spells or use any other normal class features, race special abilities. You are literally a troll with the following:

    PLAYER TROLL STATS Hit Points: Your current Hit Points + 30 (cannot exceed 60) Size: Large Humanoid Attributes: Same as your current values Abilities: Darkvision 60 feet Speed: 30 feet Attacks: bite +8 (1d8+5 piercing), 2 claws +8 (1d6+5 slashing) Reach 10 ft. Other abilities: Regeneration

    Becoming a troll is a very taxing experience for the Sorcerer. Once the effect ends, and you revert back to a normal Sorcerer, you suffer a -2 penalty to all attributes for one hour.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Sorcerer's Stone Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement) This Amulet looks like a rock tied to a small silver chain, but every Sorcerer knows the power that lies within it. When worn, a Sorcerer can channel her sorcery points into the rock for useful and often powerful effects. As a bonus action, you can expend a sorcery point for one of the following effects: Instant Healing: You are healed a number of hit points equal to half your maximum hit points, or you can heal anyone you touch for an amount equal to half your maximum hit points. Blood Aura: You are surrounded by a red aura; for the next 3 rounds, any damage you deal by spells heals you 1d4 hit points. At 6th level or higher, this increases to 1d6. At 10th level or higher, this increases to 2d4. Luck Aura: You are surrounded by a green aura; for the next 3 rounds, all attack rolls against you are at a disadvantage (magic or weapon based). Heroic Aura: You are surrounded by a white aura; for the next 3 rounds, you and any ally within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to all attack rolls (magic or weapon based).

    Turtle Aura: You are surrounded by a green aura as you tap into the spirit of turtles; for the next 3 rounds, you and any ally within 30 feet gain a +1 bonus to AC against non-magic attacks.

    Spark Ring Ring, uncommon This ring is of the deepest black, but shimmers with many colors when you stare at it long enough, with faint crackling noises emanating from it. Once worn, your melee attacks causes sparks upon impact; your melee attacks deal an additional 1 point of lightning damage (this damage is not increased on a Critical Hit). If you are 10th level or higher, this lightning damage is doubled. For each 1 point of lightning damage you deal this way, the ring stores a charge within itself. Whenever 10 charges are stored, you may expend them as an action to fire a bolt of lightning at any creature within 30 feet, dealing it 5 lightning damage (make a standard ranged attack roll); on a Critical hit, this damage is doubled. The ring cannot hold more than 10 charges.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Spike Shield Armor (shield), rare This wooden shield is mundane in every way, except for the large blood stain in the middle that can't be removed no matter how hard you try. However, in moonlight, the blood stain will become a visible word of power. By wearing the shield and speaking its word of power, the shield will instantly create a spike at its forefront, a razor sharp instrument of pain -- whenever a creature misses an attack roll against the wearer by 4 or more, the spike will launch itself at the attacker, instantly hitting it for 4 points of piercing damage. A new spike cannot be summoned again for one hour. If the spike is unused, speaking the word of power will "unsummon" the spike, allowing it to be used later.

    Stone of Jormungand (cursed) Wondrous Item, legendary This plain ring is said to once belong to Jormungand the beast. Upon wearing it, you take 1d12 points of damage and grow scaly skin, which grants you a +2 to AC. But there is a cost, as your Charisma is reduced by -4. Removing the ring will cause the scaly skin to disappear within one hour, but your charisma score will return to normal at a rate of +1 per week until it is normalized.

    Sword of Dragon Perception Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement) This enchanted weapon is forged by an artisan blacksmith, created with a vial of dragons blood. The weapon glows with a blue light when wielded, granting illumination of up to 20 feet the wielder may activate and deactivate this glow at will. While normally considered a

    mundane weapon for all intents and purposes, the wielder of this sword also gains an intimate knowledge of all dragons. The weapon is granted a +1d4 bonus to all attack rolls against dragons. Furthermore, the weapon will grant an additional bonus, based on the type of dragons blood that was used to create it

    (these bonuses are granted as long as the

    owner keeps the item on his person in some form, it does not have to be wielded) - the type of dragon's blood is determined by the DM: Black Owner granted a +3 bonus to all saves versus Sleep effects. Blue Owner granted a +3 bonus to all saves versus Paralysis effects. Brass Owner granted Darkvision (60-feet).

    Copper Owner gains a +1 bonus to all known skills that are 0 or less. Gold Owner gains a +1d4 bonus to all initiative rolls. Green - Owner can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its spells, and other abilities while submerged. Red Owner may Locate Object (as the spell of the same name) three times per day. This may only be attempted three times per day, no matter how many different people wield this weapon. Silver May attempt a Cold Smite (Su) once per day as a bonus action - if the attack hits, the creature is chilled - it gains Disadvantage to its attack rolls for the next 1d4 turns. This may only be attempted once per day, no matter how many different people wield the weapon. White Owner may speak with all dragons and can read and write all dragon languages.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Thunderaxe Weapon (battleaxe), very rare (requires attunement) This battleaxe feels slightly heavier in weight than a standard battleaxe it deals 1d10 slashing damage rather than 1d8. Once per day as a bonus action you can imbue the battleaxe with thunder - once imbued, your next attack with it deals an extra 1d6 points of Thunder damage. If you score a Critical Hit while the battleaxe is imbued with thunder, the resulting boom will deal yet an additional 1d4 points of Thunder damage to any creatures within a 10-foot radius of the attack. You are immune to the effects of the Thunder damage generated by the Thunderaxe. If you are 6th level or higher, this weapon generates a +1 enchantment; if you 15th level or higher, the thunder damage is doubled.

    Undead Torchlight Wondrous Item, uncommon This mundane torch can only be differentiated from other torches by the skeleton like etching of a hand at its base. When lit, the Undead Torchlight illuminates as a normal torch would, but any undead creatures within its illumination will glow softly with blue light (as long as they

    are not invisible); all impacted undead creatures are easier to see and hit -- their

    AC is reduced by -1 against melee and ranged attacks.

    Wand of Ancients (cursed)

    Wand, uncommon (requires attunement) This wand has been sought after by spellcasters for nearly ten decades - it is said, that, in the right hands, it allows the spellcaster great power. This wand can be used as part of any spell attack roll -- granting a +4 bonus to the attack roll. However, whenever you make such an attack, the DM makes a secret d20 roll --

    on a result of 1-2, the wand will backfire and deal damage to you instead; then the wand will explode to deal 2d6 points of fire damage. You must make a successful WIS save (DC 15) or you will lose all your spell slots for the day.

    Wand of Hiding Wand, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) This swirly mahogany wand changes to a different color every night at midnight. When activated, it generates a camouflage-like aura around you (or anyone you touch with it); it grants you a +1 bonus (or +2 or +3) to Stealth checks for up to 1 minute. The enchantment itself comes from the Wand, which has enough power to enchant just one person. When the 1 minute expires, the enchantment returns to the Wand, allowing you to use it again on yourself or an ally. If the recipient of the Aura falls unconscious or dies before the 1 minute expires, the aura will be unable to transfer itself back to the Wand and therefore will dissipate completely, rendering the Wand useless.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Wand of Magic Missile Wand, uncommon, rare (split ability) This arcane wand twists like a wild vine, and rough to hold. You may use the wand to make a ranged spell attack against any creature within a 100-foot range, which launches a single arcane dart that deals 1d4+2 force damage. Rare version: If your attack is successful and beats the opponent's AC by at least 2 or more, the dart will magically split into two and seek out two new targets that are within 20-feet of impact, and strike those targets unerringly. If the newly split darts cannot find a new target, then it will target the original target.

    Wand of Purification Wand, uncommon This well-crafted wand has nothing particularly remarkable about it, except for the red tip that glows in foggy weather. When held in a container of water, it will purify the water so that it becomes completely drinkable -- it can only purify 2 gallons of water per day (7.56 liters) and can only be used once per day. If you attempt to purify more than that amount, the wand's tip will crack, rendering the wand useless.

    Wand of Ra Wand, uncommon (2d4 charges), rare (5d4 charges) This wand is made from a rare elm with grains of sand sprinkled across its handle. When first found it contains 2d4 or 5d4 charges. Each charge can be used to create a ball of light that follows its owner for up to 3 hours until he wills it to end. The ball of light illuminates an area of up to 60' feet and grants its owner a +2 to his or her passive perception for the purposes of spotting secret doors.

    Wand of Rain Wand, rare This strange wand is visually translucent, but when held closely, one can hear the sound of a light spring rain. Once per day, upon command, the wielder of this wand can create a localized shower of rain at any location within 20 feet -- this shower lasts for up to 2 minutes (or when the wielder wills it to end) and radius of the rain shower is 5-feet. The rain will always be clean and drinkable, but also "room temperature".

    Wand of Simple Weapons Wand, very rare This white wand is made from the horn of a unicorn, laced with bone from an ox or often a cow. As a bonus action, its wielder can instantly transmute the Wand into any simple weapon that he is proficient with a successful Wisdom check (DC 5). Note that a result of 1 will always fail.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Wand of Sleep Wand, rare An oddly shaped curved wand with elven writing carved within - when held at nighttime it helps its owner sleep peacefully to the sounds of nature. Anyone sleeping with this wand for 4 hours gets the full benefits of 8 normal hours of sleep. Sleeping with the wand during daylight hours has no effect.

    Wand of Small Feasts Wand, rare This puce wand is made of metal, but feels strangely "squishy" when held tight. The wand comes with 2d10 charges and can be used to create a full course meal for two. It is said that the Wizard Tobias Smith used it to create fabulous dinners for himself and his wife, but only on special occasions because she was always on a diet. The Wand itself has the ability to replenish its own charges at the rate of one charge per three days, but will only hold a maximum of 20 charges.

    Wand of Teeth Wand, rare This wand is made of teeth, and is quite disgusting to those with a weak constitution -- anyone with a constitution score of 9 or less that touches it must immediately make a Constitution check (DC 10) or vomit. The wand itself has a wooden base with 3d4 teeth attached to the upper parts of the wand. As an action, you can command the wand to launch one or more teeth at any creature within 30-feet, instantly hitting it for an amount of damage equal to 1 per tooth (bludgeoning). Upon inspection the teeth will grow back at a rate of 1 per day (maximum of 12 teeth total).

    Web Bracers Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement) These golden bracers are made of metal with a spider-web-like etching throughout. When

    worn, it provides you with a +1 bonus to AC, and as a bonus action you can fire a ball of webbing from the bracers - this requires a standard attack roll with range of 20/40. If the ball of webbing hits, it forms a sticky web-like-goo on the target, reducing its speed by 10 feet and modifies any of its ranged attack and magic attack rolls by -2. A goo'ed creature can attempt to break itself free from the webbing by making a Strength check (DC 20). Creating a ball of webbing requires at least 1 hand free, and can only be used once before needing a short rest to recharge the ability.

    Whistler Weapon (arrow), legendary (requires attunement) This blue arrow is always easy to identify with its unique collection of feathers and stone tip. By merely touching the arrow, its owner will become psychically linked to the arrow -- as an action you can control the arrow by simple whistling noises and use it to as a ranged attack, even without a bow. However, for this ranged attack you must use your Wisdom modifier for the attack bonus and damage bonus. Using the arrow this way has just one normal range of 50 feet (it cannot travel further than 50 feet). The arrow normally deals 1d6 piercing damage. If you have achieved level 4 or greater, as a bonus action, you can make a second attack with the arrow -- the target of the second attack must be within 50' of you and within 20' of the first target. If you have achieved 9th level or greater, you can make a third attack as a bonus action the target of the third attack must be within 50 feet of you and within 20 feet of the second target.

    If you have achieved level 13 or greater, the arrows damage increases to 1d10 piercing.

    When all attacks are complete,

    the arrow automatically returns back to you.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le


    Bauble of Power

    Wonderous item, artifact Baubles of Power are small colorful stones with a single word-of-power inscribed on one side. Players typically will not know how to pronounce the word unless they make a successful History check (DC 20), or they may find pronunciation by other means. Once the word-of-power is discovered, the Bauble can be held to an appropriate object; by speaking the word-of-power is spoken, the Bauble permanently imbues/infuses itself within the item. Finding a Bauble isn't always difficult, but interpreting the word-of-power can be. Bauble of Serration Wondrous item, artifact Word of Infusing: K'sadpm The Bauble of Serration can be imbued into any bladed weapon. Once infused, you can command the weapon to become serrated at will, changing its damage type from its normal type to piercing. Bauble of Shielding Wondrous item, artifact Word of Infusing: Riohnkla The Bauble of Defense can be imbued into any ring. Once infused, as a bonus action you can activate (or deactivate) the ring to form a mystical shield around your arm. As an additional bonus action, you may use the shield to launch it with a ranged attack (1d8 bludgeoning damage, range 30' / 60). Once the shield is used in a ranged attack, you cannot summon another until you have taken a long rest.

    Bauble of Thunder Wondrous item, artifact Word of Infusing: Inyante The Bauble of Thunder can be imbued into any amulet. Once infused, the amulet enchants all your melee attacks with an aura of lightning; whenever you miss a melee attack, the amulet crackles with energy stores one charge. When the amulet has accumulated 5 charges, as a bonus action you may use all the charges to gain a +5 to your next melee attack roll; for this attack, the attack deals thunder damage.

    Dekkens Darkblades Weapon (various), artifact (requires attunement) Common name: Darkblades History: In a bid to rid the world of 3rd age of war, Dekken Gamore set out on a quest to find the 4 blades of Druidic Power so that he could finally bring peace to the ravaged land. After great sacrifice and several trips to seemingly endless hells, he acquired the four blades and renamed himself Dekken Darkblade. The four darkblades consists of a longsword, shortsword, scimitar, and sickle. Their handles are made from the bone of demons and it is said that the blades are made from the ultra-rare black ivory of dragon unicorns. All Dekkens Darkblade items requires attunement.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Hk'tar (longsword) This longsword grants a +1 to all attack rolls against humanoids. Druidic Synergy: in the hands of a Druid, Hk'tar also grants a +1 to damage rolls against humanoids. Et-sa (shortsword) This shortsword grants a +1 bonus to AC against all melee attack rolls from humanoids. Druidic Synergy: in the hands of a Druid, Et-sa also grants this AC bonus against ranged attack rolls from humanoids, but only for non-magical attacks (arrows, spears, etc). L'mkata (sickle) This sickle is ultra sharp to the touch; when attacking humanoids with it, it generates a critical hit when a natural 19-20 is rolled. Druidic Synergy: in the hands of a Druid, L'mkata scores a critical hit against humanoids on a natural 18-20 instead. L'ashmire (scimitar) This scimitar has the ability to absorb magical attacks; you gain a +2 bonus to all saves vs magical attacks from humanoids. Druidic Synergy: in the hands of a Druid, L'ashmire allows you gain Advantage on any save vs. a magical attack, but only once per short rest. Destruction: The darkblades cannot be destroyed by separately. Each of the four blades must be tightly bound in virgin elven hair and submerged in demons blood for 7 days, which will render them powerless and turn the blood into hardened rock.

    Doornob of


    Wondrous Item, artifact This rusty doornob has a small hole in the middle of the nob, which actually serves as an inter-dimensional portal. By drawing a door on a flat surface (ground, wall, etc), and writing down your destination on the door, you can place the doornob onto your drawing and recite the magical words of power. The drawing of the door will magically turn into a real door; opening it will reveal a portal that has a 95% chance of leading you to your desired destination. However, there is a 10% chance

    that it will take you to someplace else, which could be very bad (DM's discretion). The portal itself is one way. Once the door is closed, the handle and door will disappear.

    Ghost Artifacts Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement) Common Name: Havas Will Description: These items consist of a Silver Amulet, Leather Belt, Leather Boots, Red Cape, and a Golden Ring. The items are visually mundane in nature, but provide magical bonuses as you wear one or more of them at the same time. All Ghost Artifact items requires attunement. SYNERGY (1-Piece) - Ethereal Senses: If you wear any one item from the Ghost Artifacts, you gain a sixth sense from danger around you -- you gain a bonus to your Passive Perception equal to half your current level. SYNERGY (2-piece) - Ethereal Vision: If you wear two items of the Ghost Artifacts, you gain the ability see the bends around reality -- you can see invisible creatures as if they were not

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    invisible, and you gain a +3 bonus to all investigation checks. SYNERGY (3-Pieces) - Draining Touch: If you wear any three items from the Ghost Artifacts, you are granted a special Draining Touch attack. Hitting a living target with this touch attack drains 1d4 points from any one-ability score that you choose, and you are instantly healed a number of hit points equal to double that value. You must take a short rest before using this ability again. SYNERGY (4-Pieces) - Frightful Moan: If you wear any four items from the Ghost Artifacts, as a bonus action you can emit a Frightful Moan. All living creatures within a 20-foot radius become shaken for 3 rounds; these creatures are allowed a single Charisma save (DC 10 + half your level) -- a successful save reduces the duration to just 1 round. You immune to your own moan, and you must take a short rest before using this ability again.

    Shaken: shaken character takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

    SYNERGY (5-Pieces) - Ethereal Smite: If you wear all five items from the Ghost Artifacts, you are granted the ability to make an Ethereal Smite; you may take an action to make a melee attack against any creature within 20 feet of you; for this attack, the target creature is always considered adjacent to you. You must take a short rest before using this ability again. However, if this attack resulted in a Critical Hit, you are allowed to make another Ethereal Smite without needing a short rest. History: In the 3rd year of the Great Rift, Hava (the last of the Seven Rift Ghosts) performed the final quest as commanded but the 10th goddess of death, Karah. By completing this final quest, Hava was allowed to leave the ethereal plane and proceed to the afterlife. Before doing so, Hava bestowed upon 5 adventurers the Ghost Artifacts, as thanks for helping her complete her final quest.

    Karishas Soul Weapon (short bow), artifact (requires attunement) Common Name: Bow of Splitting History: Karisha's Soul was meticulously handcrafted by a secret society of high elves in the Greenlands. It was given as a gift to the Elroen clan to celebrate the birth of their son and heir, Kaleek the first. Kaleek grew up to be an intelligent and natural leader, and a highly respected ranger. When Kaleek reached his 19th year, his father became very ill and passed away. He took the death of his father very hard and went into seclusion for six months in the fire mountains. When he returned, he made a decision that would forever impact the Elroen clan he declined the leadership that was passed to him and handed it to his sister Itari, who was the eldest child. Kaleek left his clan and changed his name to Karisha, who would become a legend in his own right. Description Karishas Soul is a shortbow made of deep mahogany, but with an ability to split an arrow into two after it is released. Upon releasing a normal non-magical arrow, the arrow will replicate itself while in mid-flight and has a chance to hit the same target. All arrows will

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    reach the target simultaneously (make two separate attack rolls, one for each arrow). The bow generates an additional cumulative +1 enhancement to attack and damage rolls when its wielder has reached 7th and 14th levels. Beginning 10th level, the wielder may sacrifice up to one point of the bows enhancement bonus when firing an arrow in order to replicate it again, therefore causing the arrow to replicate two times in mid-air (for a total of 3 arrows; roll three separate attack dice). Destruction Karisha's Soul is destroyed when its shaft is wrapped within fresh elven hair (cut within the last 24 hours) and then thrown into natural flowing lava. It is said that Karisha's Soul will scream the sounds of a thousand souls when it is destroyed.

    Children of the DM

    Artifact (requires attunement) The Children of the DM are a set of six artifacts that were created for a group of teens that is said came from a strange plane of existence looking for a passage home. The children have long since gone home, but the artifacts remain and can be found by a lucky adventurer. All Children of the DM items requires attunement. Hanks Ranger Bow Weapon (shortbow or longbow), artifact This magical yellow bow has the ability to change into a short bow or long bow at will. It is very unique in nature as it doesn't have a bowstring -- when taking an action with this bow, it creates a string of energy and a magical arrow that deals bludgeoning or force damage (your choice at the time that you make the attack). RANGER SYNERGY: Any Ranger that wields this bow has the additional option to create a magical arrow that deals Thunder damage. At 5th Ranger level, and every 5 Ranger levels thereafter, the magical arrows are imbued with a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls (maximum of +4 at level 20).

    Eric's Cavalier Shield Armor (shield), artifact This orange heater shied has an emblem of a griffon in the front. It acts as a standard shield, except that it protects the wearer from specific kinds of attack. As a bonus action you can designate one damage type -- when wielding the shield you gain resistance to that damage type until you change to a different one. FIGHTER/PALADIN SYNERGY: Any Fighter or Paladin who wields this shield can tap into its innate powers to create a force field. This force field can be created as a bonus action or as a reaction to any attack, and provides you with an additional +3 bonus to AC for one turn. If your Fighter and/or Paladin level is 5th or greater, you can extend the force field up to 5 feet around you, providing the AC bonus to anyone within Range; it extends again to 10 feet at 10th level or greater. The force field can only be created once per short rest.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Diana's Miraculous Acrobat Staff Weapon (quarterstaff), artifact This miraculous green staff is just 8 inches long, but can extend at will to a full Quarterstaff. It is unique when fully extended as it can be used as a thrown light weapon (range 20/40). Upon impact with an enemy, it will ricochet and target another enemy within your range and then return to you -- make two separate attack rolls, if the first attack hits, then check to see if the second hits; if the first attack misses, your attack ends and the staff returns to you. ACROBAT SYNERGY: Anyone proficient in the Acrobat skill can tap into the staff's mystical energy, doubling your existing Acrobat skill bonus. Furthermore, under these conditions, using the staff as part of a ranged attack will allow it to ricochet a second time (i.e. hitting a third target that is within range) Presto's Magic Hat Wondrous Item, artifact This magical green hat acts as a portable hole -- you can store nearly an infinite about of goods within the hat, even those that normally do not fit. Putting items within the hat is a single action, as well as taking items out of the hat. However, there is a caveat -- to take an item out of the hat you must make a successful Wisdom save (DC 15). On a failed save, you accidentally pull out something you didn't intend to. When the hat is first found, there is an infinite number of items already stored within the hat, but you will never know what those items are (and therefore you cannot specially look for them). SPELLCASTER SYNERGY: Any spellcaster (that can cast level one spells or greater) has a better chance of pulling out the correct item from the hat -- the DC is reduced by 3 + your Intelligence modifier. Furthermore, if you are a spellcaster of 5th level or greater, pulling an item out of the hat can be done as a bonus action. Sheila's Thief Cloak Wondrous item, artifact This blue hooded cloak is fairly mundane, but when the hoodie is worn, the cloak creates a prismatic aura that bends light around you,

    granting you a +2 bonus to AC and +2 to Stealth checks. Unfortunately the effect is not completely stable -- taking any damage at all will disrupt the aura for 1 minute. BARD/ROGUE SYNERGY: Any Bard or Rogue using this cloak will immediately sense a greater power that others cannot sense and can enhance the aura with their own life force -- taking damage will not disrupt the aura if you are a Bard or Rogue. Furthermore, if you are a Bard or Rogue of 7th level or greater, you can tap into the cloaks' power to turn yourself Invisible for up to 1 minute. You can only use this invisibility ability once per long rest.

    Invisible: An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a special sense. For the purpose of hiding, the creature is heavily obscured. The creatures location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves. Attack rolls against the creature have disadvantage, and the creatures attack rolls have advantage.

  • Unorthodox Treasures created by The Le

    Bobby's Barbarian Greatclub Weapon (greatclub), artifact (requires attunement) This wooden Greatclub is, in a word, great. As a magical club, making an attack with it gives off a small sonic boom -- if you successfully hit your enemy with a melee attack with this Greatclub, you will also automatically hit any other enemies that are adjacent to you and/or adjacent to the initial target. BARBARIAN SYNERGY: In the hands of a Barbarian, Bobby's Greatclub is extremely powerful. With this weapon in hand, a Barbarian can make seismic attack on the ground, which causes a wave of thunder to travel from the point of impact to a distance of 30-feet away in a straight line. Any creature caught in this wave takes 1d8 Thunder damage and must make a Dexterity save or be knocked prone (DC 15). On a Critical Hit with this attack, the DC is increased by an amount equal to the Barbarian's level.

    Prone: A prone creatures only movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up and thereby ends the condition. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls. An attack roll against the creature has advantage if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature. Otherwise, the attack roll has disadvantage.

    Season Stones

    Wondrous item, artifact Common Name: Druids Stones Description: The Season stones are four ancient Druidic artifacts created by the first four druids of Na'vanhill in the 7th year of the Rabbit. The stones themselves are small and round, smooth to the touch, each with an ancient word of power etched within it. By holding a stone to a particular non-weapon item and speaking the word of power, the stone will imbue itself to the item giving it new powers and abilities. (note: the word of power is etched in the stone, but you may not know how to pronounce it; you can dedicate entire quests to learning the word of power). Anyone can wear an item imbued by a Druid stone and have access to its innate powers. Speaking the same word of power while wearing the imbued item will cause the stone to detach itself -- once detached it cannot be re-imbued into a new item for 30 days. Druidic Synergy: The Druid stones can also be imbued into a weapon, but only by a Druid. In these instances, the stones only power the weapon if the weapon is used by a Druid (requires attunement). EMERGING STONE (Spring) This green stone can only be imbued into a helm or visor of that covers the eyes. The imbued helm grants you the ability to see that what you cannot normally see -- you can see invisible creatures as if they were not (negating Advantage/Disadvantage). Druidic Synergy: When the Emerging Stone is imbued into a weapon, it grants the Druid a powerful blast of Acid. As a Druid, wielding this weapon grants you the ability to use Acid Splash as a