universitatea politehnica din timisoara nr. personal ... · pdf file(2008), 4 standuri de ......

Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timisoara Facultatea: Automatica si Calculatoare Departamentul/ catedra: Automatica si Informatica Aplicata Adresa site web: www.aut.upt.ro Personal permanent Personal cu angajament temporar Profesori: 12 12 Conferentiari: 1 1 Sefi de lucrari: 10 10 Asistenti: 16 16 Preparatori: 0 0 Cercetatori: 0 0 Doctoranzi cu frecventa: 21 21 Nume Adresa email Telefon Director departament / Sef catedra: Ioan Silea [email protected] 0256-403247 Secretar stiintific: Dorina Petrica [email protected] 0256-403244 Din care: Total personal cercetare Nr.

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Universitatea "Politehnica" din TimisoaraFacultatea: Automatica si CalculatoareDepartamentul/ catedra: Automatica si Informatica AplicataAdresa site web: www.aut.upt.ro

Personal permanentPersonal cu angajament

temporarProfesori: 12 12

Conferentiari: 1 1

Sefi de lucrari: 10 10

Asistenti: 16 16

Preparatori: 0 0

Cercetatori: 0 0

Doctoranzi cu frecventa: 21 21

Nume Adresa email Telefon

Director departament / Sef catedra: Ioan Silea [email protected] 0256-403247

Secretar stiintific: Dorina Petrica [email protected] 0256-403244

Din care:

Total personal cercetare Nr.

Page 2: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Competenţe de cercetare:

Sisteme de conducere inteligenteModelare, identificare şi conducere sisteme eolieneAplicaţii în timp real pentru conducerea maşinilor electriceAplicaţii pentru servosisteme şi roboţi mobiliSoluţii integrate şi aplicaţii mobile în informatică medicalăAplicaţii cu sisteme încoporateCriptografie si securitatea informatieiReţele de senzori

Domenii de cercetare:

Conducere fuzzyEnergii regenerabileConducere avansată acţionări electriceInformatică medicalăConducere în timp real şi sisteme distribuiteModelare şi IdentificareInformatică aplicatăCriptografie şi securitatea informaţieiSisteme cu parametri distribuiţiReţele de senzori

Page 3: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Infrastructura pentru cercetare

Nr. crt. Laboratoare de cercetare Sala Adresa site

web Facilitati oferite Responsabil laborator Contact (mail, telefon)

1 Laborator de cercetare în domeniul conducerii inteligente a proceselor B 028B http://www.aut.upt


Standuri de laborator dedicate aplicatiilor de conducere: Two Rotor Aerodynamical System - 2 buc. (2008), Magnetic

Levitation System - 1 buc. (2008), ABS System - 1 buc. (2007), Modular Servo System - 2 buc. (2008), 3D Crane System - 1

buc. (2008), 4 standuri de laborator (1999-2004), infrastructura de tehnica de calcul, valoare totala: 120000 EUR

Prof.dr.ing. Radu-Emil Precup, Prof.dr.ing. Stefan Preitl

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], telefon:

0256 4032-26, -29, -40

2 Laborator de cercetare în domeniul conducerii automate a proceselor B 018 http://www.aut.upt


Standuri de laborator dedicate aplicatiilor de conducere: Multitank System - 1 buc. (2007), Magnetic Levitation System -

2 buc. (2008), ABS System - 2 buc. (2008), Modular Servo System - 2 buc. (2007), Pendulum-Cart System - 1 buc.

(2008), 3 standuri de laborator (1999-2004), infrastructura de tehnica de calcul, valoare totala: 120000 EUR

Prof.dr.ing. Stefan Preitl, Prof.dr.ing. Radu-Emil Precup

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected], telefon:

0256 4032-24, -29, -30

3 Laborator pentru energii regenerabile B 026 standuri experimentale de conducere generatoare electrice,

masini sincrone si asincrone Prof.dr.ing. Octavian ProsteanE-mail:

[email protected], telefon: 0256 403237

4Laborator pentru cercetare în sisteme informatice aplicate în

sănătateB 019 stand de telemedicina, echipamente medicale diverse (ECG,

spirometru, holter, etc.)Prof. dr. ing Lacramioara


E-mail: [email protected], tel 0256


5 Laborator de sisteme automate B 028A www.aut.upt.ro/~cvolos

22 de sisteme de calcul, 3 echipamente de conducere a actionarilor electrice bazate pe DSP si instrumentatie virtuala, 2 statii de dezvoltare de instrumente virtuale, retea de senzori

wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, dezvoltare sisteme virtuale Simulink, LabView, Test

stand, dezvoltare sisteme bazate pe DSP Texas Instruments si retele de senzori.

Prof.dr.ing. Constantin Volosencu

[email protected], tel. 0256 403239

Page 4: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Totala multianuala

Contributie proprie UPT


Improvement of the Structures and Efficiency of Small Horizontal Axis Wind Generators with Non-

Regulated Blades

RO0018 EEA EEA5,082,000 Lei

(1,181,860 Euro)

4,319,700 Lei (1,004,581 Euro)

762,300 Lei (177,279 Euro)

2,019,524.36 Lei (469,657 Euro) nu

Proştean Octavian, Filip Ioan, Miloş Teodor, Bordeaşu Ilarie,

Muntean Nicolae, Popescu Viorel, Biriescu Marius, Botici Alexandru,

Lascu Dan, Babescu Marius, Proştean Gabriela, Kilyeni Stefan, Lie Ion, Miheţ Lucian, Ungureanu-

Anghel Dan, Greconici Marian, Manea Adriana Sida, Dobândă

Eugen, Bej Adrian, Vasar Cristian, Szeidert Iosif, Robu Andreea,

Boraci Radu, Tirian Ovidiu, Bădărău Rodica, Cornea

Octavian, Miclea Florian, Micea Claudia, Hudac Daniela, Potorac Ioan, Madescu Gheorghe, Moţ

Marţian, Mihuţ Corina Diana, Koch-Ciobotaru Cosmin, Leţ Teodor, Todor Nichifor, Prutianu Florin,

Antal Robert, Petrila Diana, Pelan Ovidiu, Ciuleanu Mihaela, Stroita

Daniel Catalin

Studii, cercetari si implementari privind turbinele cu ax orizontal,

analize si cercetari privind posibilitati de reducere a costurilor


We steer – Acţiuni de susţinere pentru emergenţa unui Cluster

Auto bazat pe Cercetare în Regiunea Vest

205887/ 2007 FP7 UE 170.000 € 28.034 € 0 9.740,30 Euro (41.882 lei)

ADR Vest -coordonator, UPT, Interpart SRL

Silea Ioan, But Adrian, Dragomir Toma Leonida, Petrica Dorina,

Korodi Adrian, Robu Raulincasare

Echipa de lucru din UPT Realizari in anul 2010Nr. crt. Denumirea proiectului Numarul



Proiecte internationale

Valoare totala proiect pt UPT

FinantatorParteneri (cu

precizarea coordonatorului)

Valoare totala proiect

Valoare totala realizata in 2010

pt UPT

Page 5: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Totala multianuala

Contributie proprie UPT

1Sisteme integrate de conducere în timp real în reţea a proceselor,

acronim SICOTIR71084 / 14.09.2007 PN2 ANCS 1.900.000 164.891 0 25.639 Universitatea Craiova - coordonator,


Silea Ioan, Preitl Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Drăgan Florin, Voişan

Emil4 lucrari stiintifice


Tehnologii informatice de timp real pentru sistemele încorporate care asigură controlul lanţului de

transmisie a puterii la autovehicule, acronim SICONA

12100 / 01.10.2008

Program din PN2: Parteneriate în

domeniile prioritare, 2008-2011

CNMP (UEFISCDI) 2.000.000 469.126 0 15.642

Univ. Tehnică "Gh. Asachi" din Iasi - coordonator (CO), Univ. Politehnica

din Bucureşti (P1); Univ. "Politehnica" din Timisoara (P2); SC


Radu-Emil Precup - responsabil P2 UPT, Stefan Preitl, Florin

Dragan, Dan Ungureanu-Anghel, Daniel Iercan, Emil Voisan, Mircea-

Bogdan Radac, Claudia-Adina Dragos, Lucian-Ovidiu Fedorovici

Regulatoare fuzzy si metode de proiectare a acestora

dezvoltate de P2. Blocurile Simulink create de CO, P1 şi P2 au fost înglobate intr-un

produs IT şi transferate partenerului P3. O serie de lucrări publicate indexate in


3Sistem integrat de management a informaţiilor medicale utilizând

standardul HL7 - SIMIMED

D1-1-019/18.09.2007 PN 2 CNMP 2.105.000 275.000 0 44.000

UT Cluj-Napoca -coordonator; UPT -partener 1; SJ Timiş, S Recuperare Cluj, UMF Timişoara, Univ. Brasov, PixelData Cluj-Napoca, Siemens


Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara, Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile, Berian

Dorin, Albu Adriana, Silea Ioan, Pintea Romina, Korodi Adrian,

Robu Raul, Robu Andreea

Update la aplicatia client+server, interfețe HL7 la

serverul SIMIMED și la Serverul de cercetare clinică, interfaţa de, interfațarea între modulele de la spital folosind HL7, modulele HL7 CDA.

5 lucrari si participare la conferinte


Sistem complex, pe suport NGN, pentru teleasistenta, la domiciliu,

a persoanelor in varstă - TELEASIS

11-066 / 18.09.2007 PN 2 CNMP 1.960.000 290.000 0 50.500

INSCC Bucureşti -coordonator, UPT-partener 1; Univ. Tehnică Iaşi, Univ. Politehnica Bucureşti, Univ. Piteşti, Quick Webinfo Bucureşti, Flamed


Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara, Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile, Berian

Dorin, Albu Adriana, Silea Ioan, Pintea Romina, Korodi Adrian,

Robu Raul, Robu Andreea, Vasile Topac

Software pentru dispecerul de teleasistență - servicii web

5 lucrari si participare la conferinte

Proiecte nationale

Nr. crt. Denumirea proiectului Numarul


proiectului Finantator Valoare totala proiect

Valoare totala proiect pentru UPT

Echipa de lucru din UPT Realizari in anul 2010Valoare totala

realizata in 2010 pt UPT

Parteneri (cu precizarea coordonatorului)

Page 6: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Totala multianuala

Cofinantare UPT

1Racordarea programelor

de studii doctorale la studiile doctorale europene


1. Educaţie şi formare profesională în sprijinul creşterii

economice şi dezvoltării societăţii

bazate pe cunoaştere

1.5. Programe doctorale şi

postdoctorale în sprijinul cercetării

POSDRU/6/ 1.5/S/13, proiect ID

6998; 10.2008-09.2011


25.09.2008G.-D. Andreescu UPT (unic beneficiar) 5.182.205 103.644 1.826.929

G.-D. Andreescu, T.L. Dragomir, A.

Ignea, N. Vaszilcsin, F. Miclea, A.

Anastasescu, D. Hudac

burse pt. 51 doctoranzi x 12 luni; 69 luni stagii cercetare în UE; 29 rapoarte de cercetare ştiinţică; 91

lucrari stiintifice coautori drd.

2Prin burse doctorale spre

cercetarea de nivel european


1. Educaţie şi formare profesională în sprijinul creşterii

economice şi dezvoltării societăţii

bazate pe cunoaştere

1.5. Programe doctorale şi

postdoctorale în sprijinul cercetării

POSDRU/88/ 1.5/S/50783;


AMPOSDRU: E 1334CI / 26.02.2010

G.-D. AndreescuUPT-coord.; Univ. din

Oradea; Univ. din Craiova

9.691.975 193.840 838.608

G.-D. Andreescu, T.L. Dragomir, A.

Ignea, N. Vaszilcsin, F. Miclea, A.

Anastasescu, E. Szekely, D. Hudac

burse pt. 76 doctoranzi x 12 luni; 9 luni stagii cercetare în UE; 7

rapoarte de cercetare ştiinţifică; 121 lucrari stiintifice coautori drd.

3 Spre cariere de cercetare prin studii doctorale POSDRU

1. Educaţie şi formare profesională în sprijinul creşterii

economice şi dezvoltării societăţii

bazate pe cunoaştere

1.5. Programe doctorale şi

postdoctorale în sprijinul cercetării

POSDRU/107 /1.5/S/77265;



30.11.2010G.-D. Andreescu

UPT-coord.; Univ. din Oradea; Univ. din

Pitesti11.928.500 238.840 0

G.-D. Andreescu, T.L. Dragomir, M. Toth-Tascau, N.

Vaszilcsin, F. Miclea, E. Szekely, D. Hudac

lansare proiect; burse pt. 87 doctoranzi x 2 luni

4Şcoala doctorală în sprijinul

cercetării în context european


1. Educaţie şi formare profesională în sprijinul creşterii

economice şi dezvoltării societăţii

bazate pe cunoaştere

1.5. Programe doctorale şi

postdoctorale în sprijinul cercetării

POSDRU/21/ 1.5/G/13798;



30.06.2010G.-D. Andreescu UPT-coord.; Univ. de

Vest din Timişoara 1.448.000 29.040 0

G.-D. Andreescu, T.L. Dragomir,

A.Ignea, N. Vaszilcsin, C. Marchis, A.

Anastasescu, D. Hudac

lansare proiect, 56 participanti din UPT in Grup tinta


Cresterea competitivitatii intreprinderilor prin perfectionarea si

specializarea resurselor umane in domeniul noilor tehnologii, intr-o societate bazata pe cunoastere si

pentru o dezvoltare durabila (ComHighTech)


3. Creşterea adaptabilităţii

lucrătorilor şi a întreprinderilor

3.2. Formare profesională şi sprijin pentru

întreprinderi şi angajaţi pentru

promovarea adaptabilităţii


AMPOSDRU 2010 Ioan Silea

UPB-coordonator, UPT, UT Cluj-Napoca,

UT Iasi, IPA S.A., CCIB București,


1.200.000 0 47651,44I. Silea, F. Dragan, L.

Stoicu-Tivadar, E. Voisan, D. Hudac

Chestionare, Site proiect, pregatire lansare proiect


Formarea profesională a celulelor regionale de

sprijin pentru reintegrarea socială și profesională a surzilor implantați cohlear


3. Creşterea adaptabilităţii

lucrătorilor şi a întreprinderilor

3.2. Formare profesională şi sprijin pentru

întreprinderi şi angajaţi pentru

promovarea adaptabilităţii


AMPOSDRU 201/10.07.2009

Antonius STANCIU UPT (unic beneficiar) 711.327,89 14.226,56 460.846,70

Antonius STANCIU, Adriana ALBU,

Loredana STANCIU, Florian MICLEA,


Pregătirea specialiştilor necesari funcţionării celulelor regionale, destinate reabilitării pacienţilor

surzi, beneficiari ai terapiei surdităţii prin implantare cohleară


Retea nationala de centre pentru dezvoltarea

programelor de studii cu rute flexibile si al unor

instrumente didactice la specializarea licenta si masterat, din domeniul

Ingineria Sistemelor


1. Educaţie şi formare profesională în sprijinul creşterii

economice şi dezvoltării societăţii

bazate pe cunoaştere

1.2. Calitate în învăţământul



AMPOSDRU 5493/06.07.

2010F. Dragan

UT Constructii Bucuresti

(coordonator), MECTS, UPB, UT Cluj-

Napoca, UT "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, UPT, Asti


1.555.414 0 442.429

F. Dragan, I. Silea, S. Preitl, N. Robu, R. Precup, O. Prostean,

I. Filip, G.-D. Andreescu, T.L.

Dragomir, V. Stoicu-Tivadar, E. Voisan, A. Albu, O. Banias,

C. Vasar, A. Jurchescu

Portal comunicare, demarare planuri invatamant, chestionar


Proiecte finantate din Fonduri Structurale

Tip Proiect (POSDRU,

POSCCE, etc)

Valoare totala pentru UPTValoare totala

realizata in 2010

Nr. crt.

Denumirea proiectului

Codul proiectului

Numar inregistrare


Echipa de lucru din UPT Realizari in anul 2010Coordonator

din UPTAxa prioritaraDomeniul major de


Parteneri (cu precizarea


Page 7: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Totala An 2010


Dezvoltarea centrului de pregatire tehnologica in

programarea si operarea masinilor unelte cu

comanda numerica pentru sectoarele de inalta

performanta, din domeniul automotive si aerospace



Ungaria13.800 € 2.400 € BUT ADRIAN, Viorel

Serban, Silea Ioan Livrare scule

ObservatiiValoare proiect Echipa de lucru Realizari in anul 2010

Contracte cu terti

Nr. crt.

Denumirea contractului

Numarul contractului Beneficiar Finantator

Page 8: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Luna Autor(i) Titlu articol Revista ISI in care a fost

publicat articolulNumar vol.,

pagina, nr. pagini ISSN Site web revista

Factor de impact

Facultate / departament - primul autor

1 Ianuarie T. Korol, A. Korodi Predicting bankruptcy with the use of macroeconomic variables

Economic Computation and Economic Cybernetics Studies

and Research

vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 201, 20pg. 0424-267X http://www.ecocyb.a

se.ro _Gdansk University of Technology, Poland;


2 Ianuarie F.M. Petcuţ, T.L. Dragomir Solar Cell Parameter Identification Using Genetic Algorithms

Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 30-37 1454-8658 http://www.ceai.srait

.ro/index.php/ceai _ AC / AIA

3 Ianuarie-Februarie

I. Boldea, V. Coroban-Schramel, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg, S. Scridon

BEGA starter/alternator – vector control implementation and performance for

wide speed range at unity power factor operation

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

vol. 46, no. 1, pp.150, 9pg. 0093-9994



1,298 ET / MAUE - AC / AIA

4 Martie R. Ancuti, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu

Sensorless V/f control of high-speed surface permanent magnet synchronous

motor drives with two novel stabilising loops for fast dynamics and robustness

IET Electric Power Applications vol. 4, no. 3, pp.149, 9pg. 1751-8660 http://scitation.aip.o

rg/IET-EPA 1,212 ET / MAUE - AC / AIA

5 Martie C. Pozna, R.E. Precup, J.K.Tar, I. Skrjanc, S. Preitl

New results in modelling derived from Bayesian filtering

Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier

vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 182, 13pg. 0950-7051



1,308 Univ. Transilvania din Brasov; UPT AC / AIA

6 Iunie

A. Ghosal, D. Iercan, C.M. Kirsch, T.A. Henzinger,

A.L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Separate compilation of hierarchical real-time programs into linear-bounded

Embedded Machine code

Science of Computer Programming, Elsevier (in press)

doi:10.1016/j.scico.2010.06.004, 17pg. 0167-6423



1,459 UC Berkeley; UPT AC / AIA

1. Articole publicate in reviste cotate ISI

Page 9: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Luna Autor(i) Titlu lucrare

Volumul ISI Proceedings in care a fost publicata

lucrareaPagina, nr. pagini ISBN Site web


Facultate / departament - primul autor

1 Ianuarie B. Groza, M. MineaA formal approach for automatic

detection of off-line and undetectable on-line guessing

Proc. 14-th Int. Conf. on Financial Cryptography and Data Security

(FC 2010), Tenerife, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer

Science LNCS 6052

pp. 391, 9pg. 978-3-642-14577-3 http://fc10.ifca.ai/ AC / AIA

2 Februarie D.I. Curiac, O. Banias, C. Voloşencu

Time Series Identification Methodology Using Wireless Sensor Networks

Proc. 9th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing,

Robotics and Automation (ISPRA'10), Cambridge, UK

pp. 86, 5pg. 978-960-474-157-2



3 Februarie C. Voloşencu

Fault detection and Diagnosis of Distributed Parameter Systems Based

on Sensor Networks and Artificial Intelligence

Proc. 9th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing,

Robotics and Automation (ISPRA'10), Cambridge, UK

pp. 200, 8pg. 978-960-474-157-1



4 Februarie D. Cristea, O. Prostean, T. Muschalik, O. Tirian

Distributed system for access control to physical resources based on


Proc. 9th WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and

Distributed Systems (SEPADS'10), Cambridge, UK

pp. 201, 4pg. 978-960-474-156-4



5 Aprilie

Precup R.-E., Mosincat I., Radac M.-B., Preitl S., Kilyeni S., Petriu E.M.,

Dragos C.-A.

Experiments in Iterative Feedback tuning for level control of three-tank


Proc. 15th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference

(MELECON 2010), Valletta, Maltapp. 564, 6pg. 978-1-4244-


2010.org/ AC / AIA

6 MaiA. Albu, E. Pamintas, F. Banciu, C. Carausu, V.

Ruset, G. Belgiu

Turn-Milling Process Parameters Optimisation using an Artificial

Intelligence System

Proc. 14-th Internationam Conference Modern

Technologies, Quality and Innovation - New face of TMCR

(ModTech 2010), Slanic-Moldova, Romania

pp. 23, 4pg. 2066-3919 http://www.modtech.ro/2010/ AC / AIA

7 Mai G. Belgiu, R. Mee, V. Ruset, C. Carausu, A. Albu

Molded Plastic Part Analysis, Reasoning and Optimisation using CAD-CAE


Proc. 14-th Internationam Conference Modern

Technologies, Quality and Innovation - New face of TMCR

(ModTech 2010), Slanic-Moldova, Romania

pp. 111, 4pg. 2066-3919 http://www.modtech.ro/2010/


2. Lucrari stiintifice publicate in volume cotate ISI Proceedings

Page 10: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

8 Iulie

Precup Radu-Emil Precup, Tomescu Marius L., Petriu Emil M., Preitl

Stefan, Fodor János, Bărbulescu Daniela

Stability Analysis of a Class of MIMO Fuzzy Control Systems

Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI

2010), IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2010), Barcelona,


pp. 2885, 6pg.978-1-4244-

6919-2; 1098-7584

http://www.wcci2010.org/ AC / AIA

9 Iulie

Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Preitl Stefan, Precup

Radu-Emil, Creţiu Marian, Fodor Janos

Modern Control Solutions with Applications in Mechatronic Systems

Computational Intelligence in Engineering, Studies in

Computational Intelligence (Springer): SCI 313

pp. 87, 16pg. 978-3-642-15220-7





10 Iulie Voloşencu C., Curiac D.I.Monitoring of Distributed Parameter

Systems Based on a Sensor Network and ANFIS

Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI

2010), International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2010), Barcelona, Spain

pp. 2272, 8pg.978-1-4244-

6916-1; 1098-7576

http://www.wcci2010.org/ AC / AIA

11 Iulie M. Popa, I. Silea, M. Banea

Configurable Signal Generator Implemented on Tricore Microcontrollers

Advances Techniques in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Springer (Int. Conf.

on Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering,

Bridgeport, CT, USA)

pp. 431, 6pg. 978-90-481-3659-9



AC / C - AC / AIA

12 Noiembrie L. Iepure, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

Improved state observers for sensorless single phase BLDC-PM motor drives

Proc. 36th Annual Conf. of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

(IECON 2010), Glendale, AZ, USApp. 870, 6pg.





Page 11: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Luna Autor(i) Titlu articol Revista in care a fost

publicat articolulNumar vol.,

pagina, nr. pagini ISSN Site web revista Baza de date in care este indexata revista

Link-ul la Baza de date in care este indexata revista

Facultate / departament - primul autor

1 Martie Voloşencu C.

Algorithms for estimation in distributed parameter

systems based on sensor networks and ANFIS

WSEAS Transactions on Systems

vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 283, 12pg. 1109-2777


tmlINSPEC, Compendex, ACM




2 MartieCuriac D.I., Baniaş O.,

Voloşencu C.

Implementing time series identification methodology

using wireless sensor networks

WSEAS Transactions on Computers

vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 309, 10pg. 1109-2750 http://www.worldses.org/

journals/computers/ INSPEC, Compendex, ACM




3 Septembrie

Tar Jozsef K, Rudas Imre J, Bito Janos F, Preitl Stefan, Precup Radu-


Extended Simulations for Convergence Stabilization of RFPT-based Adaptive Control of Underactuated


Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii “Politehnica” din Timişoara, Seria Automatică

şi Calculatoare, Editura Politehnica, Timişoara

vol. 55 (69), no. 3, pp. 99, 10pg. 1224-600X http://www.ac.upt.ro/jour

nal/ Index Copernicus, VINITIhttp://journals.indexcopernicus.com/karta.php?action=m


Obuda University; UPT AC / AIA

4 Septembrie

Precup Radu-Emil, Dragoş

Claudia-Adina, Preitl Stefan, Petriu Emil M, Rădac Mircea-Bogdan, Paul

Adrian Sebastian

Stable fuzzy control of an electromagnetic actuated


Annals of the University of Craiova, Series: Automation, Computers, Electronics and


vol. 7 (34), no. 1, pp. 53, 8pg. 1841-0626 http://ace.ucv.ro/anale/ Index Copernicus


asterlist&id=5730AC / AIA

5 Octombrie

Precup Radu-Emil, Tomescu Marius L, Preitl Stefan, Petriu

Emil M

Fuzzy Logic-based stabilization of a magnetic

ball suspension system

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence

vol. 5, no. A10, pp. 56, 11pg. 0974-0635


ew/811Zentralblatt MATH


search/?an=00006839AC / AIA

6 Decembrie

Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Preitl

Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Neş Cristian-Sorin, Petriu Emil M

Model Predictive Control Solutions for Vehicular Power Train Systems

Bulletin of the Polytehnic Institute of Iasi, Automatic

Control and Computer Science Section

vol. 56 (60), no. 4, pp. 27, 13pg. 1220-2169 http://www.ace.tuiasi.ro/i

ndex.php?page=678 Zentralblatt MATHhttp://zb.msri.org/ZMATH/serials/en/search/?an=000026

62AC / AIA

1. Articole publicate in reviste indexate BDI

Page 12: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

7 Decembrie

Haidegger Tamás, Kovács Levente, Preitl Stefan, Precup

Radu-Emil, Kovács

Adalbert , Benyó Balázs, Benyó


Cascade Control for Telehealth Applications

Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii “Politehnica” din Timişoara, Seria Automatică

şi Calculatoare, Editura Politehnica, Timişoara

vol. 55 (69), no. 4, pp. 223, 10 pg. 1224-600X http://www.ac.upt.ro/jour

nal/ Index Copernicus, VINITIhttp://journals.indexcopernicus.com/karta.php?action=m


Budapest University of

Technology and Economics; UPT


Nr. crt. Luna Autor(i) Titlu lucrare Volumul in care a fost

publicata lucrarea Pagina, nr. pagini ISBN Site web conferinta

Baza de date in care este indexat volumul

Link-ul la Baza de date in care este indexat volumul

Facultate / departament - primul autor

1 Februarie

Pozna Claudiu, Precup Radu-

Emil, Minculete Nicusor,

Antonya Csaba

Cognition Aspects Concerning an

Abstraction Model

Proc. 10th IASTED International Conference on

Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 2010),

Innsbruck, Austria

pp. 414, 6pg.978-0-







Universitatea Transilvania din

Brasov; UPT AC / AIA

2 Martie

Codrean A., Ceregan V.,

Dragomir T.L., Korodi A.

Interpolative Frequency Characteristics

Generators for the Vestibular Nucleus Activity

Proc. IAENG International Conference on

Bioinformatics (ICB'10), Hong Kong, vol. 1

pp. 195, 5pg.978-988-

17012-8-2; 2078-0958

http://www.iaeng.org/IMECS2010/ICB2010.html INSPEC




3 Martie Korodi A., Dragomir T.L.

Correcting Odometry Errors for Mobile Robots Using Image Processing

Proc. IAENG International Conference on Control and

Automation (ICCA'10), Hong Kong, vol. 2

pp. 1040, 6pg.978-988-

18210-4-1; 2078-0958






4 Mai

Pozna Claudiu, Prahovean

Vasile, Precup Radu-Emil

A New Pattern of Knowledge Based on

Experimenting the Causality Relation

Proc. 14th International Conference on Intelligent

Engineering Systems (INES 2010), Las Palmas, Spania

pp. 61, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7650-3


IEEE Xplore; INSPEChttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punu


Universitatea Transilvania din

Brasov; UPT AC / AIA

5 Mai

V. Stoicu-Tivadar, L.

Stoicu-Tivadar, D. Berian, V.


WebService-based Solution for an Intelligent

TeleCare System

Proc. 14th International Conference on Intelligent

Engineering Systems (INES 2010), Las Palmas, Spania

pp. 313, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7650-3


IEEE Xplore; INSPEChttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punu

mber=5476373AC / AIA

6 Mai

Precup Radu-Emil, Spătaru Sergiu Viorel, Rădac Mircea-Bogdan, Petriu Emil M., Preitl Stefan, Dragoş Claudia-Adina

Model-based Fuzzy Control Solutions for a

Laboratory Antilock Braking System

Proc. 3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2010), Rzeszow, Polonia

pp. 133, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7560-5

http://hsi.wsiz.rzeszow.pl/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5508866AC / AIA

2. Lucrari stiintifice publicate in volume indexate BDI

Page 13: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

7 Mai

Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Preitl

Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil,

Petriu Emil M.

Magnetic Levitation System Laboratory-based

Education in Control Engineering

Proc. 3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2010), Rzeszow, Polonia

pp. 496, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7560-5

http://hsi.wsiz.rzeszow.pl/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5508866AC / AIA

8 Mai

Korodi A., Ceregan V.,

Dragomir T.L., Codrean A.

A Continuous-Time Dynamical Model for the

Vestibular Nucleus

Proc. IFMBE 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological

Engineering and Computing (MEDICON 2010),

Chalkidiki, Greece, vol.29, part 4

pp. 627, 4pg. 978-3-642-13039-7

http://www.medicon2010.org/ Scopus; SpringerLink http://www.springerlink.com/

content/978-3-642-13038-0/ AC / AIA

9 Mai Curiac D.I.Fire spreading simulation in large buildings based

on cellular automata

Proc. 6th WSEAS International Conference on

Dynamical Systems and Control (CONTROL'10),

Kantaoui, Tunisia

pp. 159, 4pg. 978-960-474-185-4






10 Mai Curiac D.I., Voloşencu C.

Hierarchical Lighting Control in Urban

Environments Based on Wireless Sensor-Actuator


Proc. 6th WSEAS International Conference on

Dynamical Systems and Control (CONTROL'10),

Kantaoui, Tunisia

pp. 163, 4pg. 978-960-474-185-4






11 Mai Voloşencu C., Curiac D.I.

Fault detection and diagnosis of distributed

parameter systems based on sensor networks and

Bayesian networks

Proc. 6th WSEAS International Conference on

Dynamical Systems and Control (CONTROL'10),

Kantaoui, Tunisia

pp. 167, 7pg. 978-960-474-185-4






12 Mai

A. Stirban, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, D.

Iles, F. Blaabjerg

Motion sensorless control of BLDC PM motor with offline FEM info assisted

state observer

Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2010), Braşov,


pp. 321, 8pg.978-1-4244-

7019-8; 1842-0133

http://www.info-optim.ro/index.php IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5507484ET / MAUE

13 Mai

L.I. Iepure, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, D.

Iles, F. Blaabjerg

Novel motion sensorless control of single phase

brushless DC-PM motor drive, with experiments

Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2010), Braşov,


pp. 329, 8pg.978-1-4244-

7019-8; 1842-0133

http://www.info-optim.ro/index.php IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5507484ET / MAUE

14 Mai

I. Boldea, A. Moldovan, V.

Coroban Schramel, G.-D. Andreescu, L.


A class of fast dynamics V/f sensorless AC general drives with PM-RSM as a

case study

Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2010), Braşov,


pp. 453, 7pg.978-1-4244-

7019-8; 1842-0133

http://www.info-optim.ro/index.php IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5507484ET / MAUE

15 Mai

M.C. Paicu, L. Tutelea, I.

Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, R.


PM-RSM sensorless vector control: Zero q-axis flux versus approximate

maximum torque per current, with experiments

Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2010), Braşov,


pp. 460; 9pg.978-1-4244-

7019-8; 1842-0133

http://www.info-optim.ro/index.php IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5507484ET / MAUE

Page 14: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

16 MaiM. Iacob, G.-D. Andreescu, N.


Boiler-turbine simulator with real-time capability for dispatcher training

using LabView

Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2010), Braşov,


pp. 864; 6pg.978-1-4244-

7019-8; 1842-0133

http://www.info-optim.ro/index.php IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5507484AC / AIA

17 Mai

Dragomir, T.L., Petreuş, D.M., Petcuţ, F.M., Ciocan, I.C.

Comparative Analysis of Identification Methods of the Photovoltaic Panel


Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation,

Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2010), Cluj-

Napoca, Romania

vol. 3, pp. 64, 6pg. 978-1-4244-6724-2 http://www.aqtr.ro/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5508864AC / AIA

18 MaiPlastoi M., Curiac D.I., Banias O.

Experiences in complex software development for wireless sensor networks

Proc. IEEE International Conference on Automation,

Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR 2010), Cluj-

Napoca, Romania

vol. 3, 6pg. 978-1-4244-6724-2 http://www.aqtr.ro/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5508864AC / AIA

19 Mai

Ceregan V., Korodi A.,

Dragomir T.L., Codrean A.

An Interpolative Based Dynamical Model for the

Vestibular Nucleus

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 31, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

20 Mai

Dragos Claudia-Adina Dragos, Preitl Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Bulzan

Raul-Gherasim Bulzan, Pozna Claudiu, Tar

József K.

Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Controller for a Magnetic

Levitation System Laboratory Equipment

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 55, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

21 Mai

Biro Sandor, Precup Radu-Emil, Todinca


Double Inverted Pendulum Control by

Linear Quadratic Regulator and

Reinforcement Learning

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 159, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

22 Mai

Haidegger Tamás, Kovács Levente, Preitl Stefan, Precup

Radu-Emil, Kovács

Adalbert, Benyó Balázs, Benyó


Modeling and Control Aspects of Long Distance Telesurgical Applications

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 197, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC



Budapest University of

Technology and Economics; UPT


Page 15: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

23 Mai

Tar József K., Rudas Imre J.

Rudas, János F. Bitó, Preitl

Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil

Convergence Stabilization by Parameter Tuning in

Robust Fixed Point Transformation-based

Adaptive Control of Underactuated MIMO


Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 407, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC



Obuda University; UPT AC / AIA

24 Mai

Burnham Keith J., Vinsonneau

B., Precup Radu-Emil, Preitl


On the Errors-in-Variables Extended Kalman Filter

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 413, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC



Coventry University; UPT


25 Mai

Paul Adrian-Sebastian,

Precup Radu-Emil, Pozna

Claudiu, David Radu-Codruţ

nDSP: A Platform for Audiophile Software

Audio Processing

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 431, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

26 Mai But A, Silea IoanImproving Productivity by

Computer aided manufacturing in five axis

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 215, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC



Mec / TCM - AC/ AIA

27 Mai

Cristian Vasar, Ioan Filip, Iosif Szeidert, Ioan


Fault Detection Methods for Wireless Sensor

Networks Using Neural Network

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 295, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

28 MaiGudiu A., Voi


an E., Dr


gan F.

Database replication driven communication model for distributed

dedicated web hosting systems

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 311, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

29 Mai

L.O. Fedorovici, E. Voisan, F. Dragan, D.


Improved Neural Network OCR based on

preprocessed blob classes

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 559, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

30 Mai

Dan Ungureanu-Anghel, Doru-

Ion Belci, Eugen Raduca,

Mihaela Raduca

Minimum vicinity interpolation algorithms

for calculation of trajectory processing for a

model of CNC machine tool

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 367, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

Page 16: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

31 Mai Banias O., Curiac D. I.

Wireless Sensor Network software testing


Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 517, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

32 Mai

Iosif Szeidert, Ioan Filip,

Cristian Vasar, Gabriela Prostean

Wind Aggregate's Mathematical Modeling Method based on Wind Tunnel Test Results and

Regression Functions

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 451, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

33 Mai

Nicolae Budisan, Nicolae

Muntean, Radu Boraci, Octavian Cornea, Cosmin Koch-Ciobotaru,

Diana Petrila

Electronic Conversion System and Speed-

Control Strategy for Small Wind Generators

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 455, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

34 Mai

Ioan Filip, Iosif Szeidert, Lucian

Mihet-Popa, Cristian Vasar

On-line Tuning Procedure of a Recursive Parameter

Estimator Used for a Synchronous Generator

Adaptive Control

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 459, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

35 Mai Lucian Mihet-Popa, Ioan Filip

Modeling and Simulation of a Soft-Starter for Large Wind Turbine Induction


Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 465, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100ET / MAUE

36 Mai

Nicolae Budisan, Radu Boraci, Cosmin Koch-

Ciobotaru, Gabriela

Prostean, Calin Musca

On Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Generator Current Harmonics, due

to Rectifier at the Generator End of the

Variable Speed Generator Sets Converter Systems

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 471, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

37 Mai

Marius Babescu, Radu Boraci,

C.H. Chioreanu, Cosmin Koch-

Ciobotaru, Ovidiu Gana

On Functioning of the Electric Wind System at

its Maximum Power

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 475, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100ET / MAUE

Page 17: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

38 Mai

Marius Babescu, Radu Boraci, Ovidiu Gana, Cosmin Koch-


The Control of the Diesel-Synchronous Generator Electro-Energetic System

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 581, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100ET / MAUE

39 Mai

Ana Daniela Cristea, Octavian

Prostean, T. Muschalik,

Ovidiu Tirian

The advantages of using SAP NetWeaver platform

to implement a multidisciplinary project

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 383, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

40 Mai

Nicolae Budisan, Octavian

Prostean, Radu Boraci, Iosif

Szeidert, Valentin Muller

The Dual Induction Generator for Renewable

Energy Conversion Systems. Experimental Results, Problems and


Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 445, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

41 MaiE.C. Sasu, Octavian Prostean

Using Constant Traffic to Specific IP Destinations for Detecting Spoofed

MAC Addresses in Local Area Networks

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 677, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

42 Mai

E.C. Sasu, Octavian

Prostean, Voicu Groza,

Proving the Efficiency of DTF Method in a Local

Area Network

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 683, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

43 Mai

Pintea R., Vida M, Stoicu-Tivadar

Lăcrămioara, Moga V. D.,

Moga, M.

Interoperability solution for an EMR system

applied in a cardiology department supported by

mobile communication

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 219, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

44 Mai

Robu A.P., Neagu A.,

Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

A computer simulation study of cell seeding of a

porous biomaterial

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 225, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

45 MaiGiurgiu L,

Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

An Information Management System supporting academic


Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 231, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

Page 18: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

46 MaiD. Berian, V.

Stoicu-Tivadar, V. Gomoi

Technical Aspects of Implementing a Telecare


Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 237, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

47 Mai V. Gomoi, V. Stoicu-Tivadar

A new method in automatic generation of medical protocols using artificial intelligence and

data mining tools

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 243, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

48 Mai R. Robu, V. Stoicu-Tivadar

Arff Convertor Tool for WEKA Data Mining


Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on

Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics

(ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania

pp. 247, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7432-5


cc-conti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5484100AC / AIA

49 IunieG.-D.

Andreescu, C. Schlezinger

Enhancement sensorless control system for PMSM drives using square-wave

signal injection

Proc. International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical

Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2010),

Pisa, Italy

pp. 1508, 4pg. 978-1-4244-4986-6

http://webuser.unicas.it/speedam/default.htm IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5530000AC / AIA

50 Iunie

Pozna Claudiu, Precup Radu-

Emil, Minculete Nicuşor,

Antonya Csaba, Dragoş Claudia-


Properties of classes, subclasses and objects in

an abstraction model

Proc. 19th IEEE International Workshop on

Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD

2010), Budapest, Ungaria

pp. 291, 6pg. 978-1-4244-6885-0

http://www.bmf.hu/conferences/raad2010/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC



Universitatea Transilvania din

Brasov; UPT AC / AIA

51 Iunie

Dragos C.-A., Preitl S., Precup R.-E., Pirlea D., Nes C.-S., Petriu E.M., Pozna, C.

Modeling of a vehicle with continuously variable


Proc. 19th IEEE International Workshop on

Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD

2010), Budapest, Ungaria

pp. 441, 6pg. 978-1-4244-6885-0

http://www.bmf.hu/conferences/raad2010/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5512514AC / AIA

52 Iunie

Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Preitl

Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil,

Pîrlea Diana, Neş Cristian-Sorin, Petriu

Emil M, Pozna Claudiu

Magnetic Levitation System Laboratory-based

Education in Control Engineering

Proc. 19th IEEE International Workshop on

Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD

2010), Budapest, Ungaria

pp. 496, 6pg. 978-1-4244-6885-0

http://www.bmf.hu/conferences/raad2010/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5512514AC / AIA

53 Iunie

Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara,

Stoicu-Tivadar V, Berian D.

Tele-assistance for discharged patients

supporting continuity of care

Proc. EFMI Stud. Health Technol Inform. (STC 2010), Reykjavik, Islanda; Studies in Health Technology and

Informatics, vol. 155

pp. 170, 6pg.978-I-




Medline; Scopus; IOS Presshttp://www.booksonline.iospress.nl/Content/View.aspx?

piid=16830AC / AIA

Page 19: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

54 Iulie

L. Iepure, G.-D. Andreescu, D.

Iles, F. Blaabjerg, I.


Novel position and speed estimator for PM single phase brushless D.C.

motor drives: Validation with experiments

Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010),

Bari, Italy

pp. 1389, 6pg. 978-1-4244-6390-9 http://www.isie2010.it/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5609073ET / MAUE

55 Iulie

Precup Radu-Emil, Borchescu Cosmin, Rădac Mircea-Bogdan,

Preitl Stefan, Dragoş Claudia-

Adina, Petriu Emil M., Tar

Jozsef K.

Implementation and Signal Processing Aspects of Iterative Regression Tuning

Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010),

Bari, Italy

pp. 1657, 6pg. 978-1-4244-6390-9 http://www.isie2010.it/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5609073AC / AIA

56 Iulie

Precup Radu-Emil, Spătaru Sergiu Viorel, Petriu Emil M., Preitl Stefan, Rădac Mircea-

Bogdan, Dragoş Claudia-Adina

Stable and Optimal Fuzzy Control of a Laboratory Antilock Braking System

Proc. IEEE/ASME International Conference on

Advanced Mechatronics (AIM 2010), Montreal,


pp. 593, 6pg. 978-1-4244-8031-9

http://cost.georgiasouthern.edu/aim2010/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5685170AC / AIA

57 Iulie

Precup Radu-Emil, Dioanca

Laura-Teodora, Petriu Emil M., Rădac Mircea-Bogdan, Preitl Stefan, Dragoş Claudia-Adina

Tensor product-based real-time control of the liquid levels in a three

tank system

Proc. IEEE/ASME International Conference on

Advanced Mechatronics (AIM 2010), Montreal,


pp. 768, 6pg. 978-1-4244-8031-9

http://cost.georgiasouthern.edu/aim2010/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5685170AC / AIA

58 Iulie

Curiac D.I., Plăstoi M., Baniaş O.,

Voloşencu C., Tudoroiu R., Pescaru D.

Software Development for Malicious Nodes

Discovery in Wireless Sensor Network Security

Proc. 4th International Conference on Sensor

Technologies and Applications

(SENSORCOMM 2010), Venice, Italy

pp. 402, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7538-4


COMM10.htmlIEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5557895AC / AIA

59 Iulie Belgiu G., Nanu S., Silea Ioan

Artificial intelligence in machine tools design

based on genetic algorithms application

Proc. 4th International Workshop on Soft

Computing Applications (SOFA 2010), Arad,


pp. 57, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7985-6



IEEE Xplore; INSPEChttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punu

mber=5550961Mec / TCM

60 Iulie Nanu S., Belgiu G., Silea Ioan

Tolerance design in the PLM environment - An expert system approach

Proc. 4th International Workshop on Soft

Computing Applications (SOFA 2010), Arad,


pp. 255, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7985-6



IEEE Xplore; INSPEChttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punu

mber=5550961AC / AIA

Page 20: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

61 IulieDragomir T.L., Petcut F.M., Dragomir L.E.

Maximum Power Point Determination for a

Photovoltaic Panel using a Simulink Model

Proc. 4th International Workshop on Soft

Computing Applications (SOFA 2010), Arad,


pp. 221, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7985-6



IEEE Xplore; INSPEChttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punu

mber=5550961AC / AIA

62 Iulie

Vida M, Gomoi V., Stoicu-Tivadar

Lăcrămioara, Stoicu-Tivadar V.

Generating medical computer-based protocols using standardized data


Proc. 4th International Workshop on Soft

Computing Applications (SOFA 2010), Arad,


pp. 155, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7985-6



IEEE Xplore; INSPEChttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punu

mber=5550961AC / AIA

63 Iulie N. Gal, V. Stoicu-Tivadar

Computer assisted medical image

interpretation using fuzzy logic

Proc. 4th International Workshop on Soft

Computing Applications (SOFA 2010), Arad,


pp. 159, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7985-6



IEEE Xplore; INSPEChttp://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punu

mber=5550961AC / AIA

64 Septembrie

A.N. Stirban, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, D.

Iles, F. Blaabjerg

FEM assisted position and speed observer for BLDC PM motor drive

sensorless control, with experiments

Proc. 14th International Power Electronics and

Motion Control Conf. (EPE-PEMC 2010), Ohrid, Rep.


pp. T4-34, 7pg. 978-1-4244-7856-9

http://www.epe-pemc2010.com/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5598249ET / MAUE

65 Septembrie

Gheorghe Madescu,

Marius Biriescu, Octavian

Proştean, T. Mihuţ, Marian

Greconici, Martian Moţ, L.


Low Speed Synchronous Generator with PM


Proc. 19th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2010),

Rome, Italy

CD-ROM, 5pg. 978-1-4244-4174-7 http://www.icem2010.it/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5600363ET / MAUE

66 Septembrie

Prostean O., Kilyeni S.,

Barbulescu C., Vuc G., Borlea I.

Unconventional sources for electric substation

ancillary services power supply

Proc. 14th International Conference on Harmonics

and Quality of Power (ICHQP 2010), Bergamo,


6pg. 978-1-4244-7244-4


nt=32IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5612395AC / AIA

67 Septembrie

Solomon B., Ionescu D.,

Litoiu M., Iszlai G., Prostean O.

Measurements and identification of

Autonomic Computing processes

Proc. IEEE International Conference on

Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIMSA

2010), Taranto, Italy

pp. 72, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7228-4

http://cimsa.ieee-ims.org/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC



Univ. of Ottawa, Canada; UPT AC


68 SeptembrieVida M, Stoicu-

Tivadar Lăcrămioara

Measuring medical informatics systems

interoperability using the LISI model

Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica,


pp. 33, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7394-6


sy2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5598965AC / AIA

Page 21: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

69 Septembrie

Iosif Szeidert, Octavian

Prostean, Filip Ioan, Cristian


Determination of Synchronous Generator’s

Efficiency and of Wind Turbine’s Mathematical Models based on the Usage of Regression


Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica,


pp. 325, 4pg. 978-1-4244-7394-6


sy2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5598965AC / AIA

70 Septembrie

Cosmin Koch-Ciobotaru, Radu

Boraci, Ioan Filip, Cristian

Vasar, Gabriela Prostean

Control Strategy for a Variable-Speed Wind Turbine Using DC Bus


Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica,


pp. 329, 5pg. 978-1-4244-7394-6


sy2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5598965AC / AIA

71 Septembrie

Pozna Claudiu, Kóczy Laszlo T, Precup Radu-Emil, Ballagi


A Kantian Pattern of Knowledge, the

Observation Representation

Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica,


pp. 405, 8pg. 978-1-4244-7394-6


sy2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC



Universitatea Transilvania din

Brasov; UPT AC / AIA

72 Septembrie

Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Preitl

Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Bulzan Raul

Gherasim, Petriu Emil M, Tar

Jozsef K

Experiments in Fuzzy Control of a Magnetic

Levitation System Laboratory Equipment

Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica,


pp. 601, 6pg. 978-1-4244-7394-6


sy2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5598965AC / AIA

73 Octombrie

Octavian Stefan, Toma-Leonida Dragomir, Ioan

Silea, Alexandru Codrean

Issues of Identifying, Estimating and Using

Delay Times in Telecontrol Systems

Based on TCP/IP Networks

Preprints 2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics

Applications (TA 2010), Timisoara, Romania


pp. 69, 6pg.978-3-


http://www.upt.ro/ta2010/ IFAC-PapersOnline




74 Octombrie Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

ICT Frame Supporting Continuity of Care

towards Increased Quality of Healthcare Services

Preprints 2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics

Applications (TA 2010), Timisoara, Romania


pp. 83, 4pg.978-3-


http://www.upt.ro/ta2010/ IFAC-PapersOnline




75 Octombrie

Sorin Pușcoci, Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara ,

Florin Șerbanescu,

Flavius Băjan, Ion Bogdan, Silviu Ioniță,

Cristian Ciortan

Integrated tele-assistance platform - TELEASIS

Preprints 2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics

Applications (TA 2010), Timisoara, Romania


pp. 97, 6pg.978-3-


http://www.upt.ro/ta2010/ IFAC-PapersOnline




Page 22: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

76 Noiembrie

Dragoş Claudia-Adinba, Preitl

Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Neş Cristian-Sorin, Pîrlea Diana, Paul Adrian Sebastian

Control Solutions for Vehicles with

Continuously Variable Transmission

Proc. 11th International Symposium on

Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI

2010), Budapesta, Ungaria

pp. 157, 6pg. 978-1-4244-9279-4


nti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5666968AC / AIA

77 Noiembrie

Preitl Stefan, Precup Radu-Emil, Dragoş

Claudia-Adina, Rădac Mircea-


Tuning of 2-DOF Fuzzy PI(D) Controllers.

Laboratory Applications

Proc. 11th International Symposium on

Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI

2010), Budapesta, Ungaria

pp. 237, 6pg. 978-1-4244-9279-4


nti2010/IEEE Xplore; INSPEC


mber=5666968AC / AIA

Page 23: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Luna Autor(i) Titlu articol Revista in care a fost

publicat articolulNumar vol.,

pagina, nr. pagini ISSN Site web revistaFacultate /

departament - primul autor

Clasificare CNCSIS / 2010 (daca e cazul)

1 NoiembrieM. Iacob, C.A. Bejan, G.-D. Andreescu

Supervisory control and data acquisition


TELFOR Journal, Belgrade, Serbia vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 49, 6pg. 1821-3251 http://journal.telfor.rs/Publ

ished/No3.aspx AC / AIA _

2 Noiembrie

Preitl Stefan, Precup Radu-

Emil, Preitl Zsuzsa

Aspects Concerning the

Tuning of 2-DOF Fuzzy Controllers

FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series: Automatic Control and Robotics vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1, 18pg. 1820-6417 http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/a

car/acar.html AC / AIA _

Articole publicate in reviste fara cotatie ISI / neindexate BDI

Page 24: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Luna Autor(i) Titlu lucrare Conferinta internationala (nume, loc si

perioada de desfasurare)Volumul in care a fost

publicata lucrareaPagina, nr.

pagini ISBN Site web conferinta

Facultate / departament - primul autor

1 Iulie Vida M., Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

Interoperability Study in an Obstetrics Hospital

8-th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health (ICICTH

2010), Samos, Greece, July 15-17Proc. ICICTH 2010 pp. 81, 11pg. 978-960-





2 Iulie Gomoi V., Stoicu-Tivadar V.

Evaluation of computer-based medical protocols and guidelines


8-th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health (ICICTH

2010), Samos, Greece, July 15-17Proc. ICICTH 2010 pp. 151, 10pg. 978-960-





3 Iulie Norbert GalChoosing suitable algorithms for

low level image processing in mobile equipments

8-th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Health (ICICTH

2010), Samos, Greece, July 15-17Proc. ICICTH 2010 pp. 52, 11pg. 978-960-





4 Iulie A. But, I. Silea, But E. Computer numerical control training center - results and oportunitie

Proc. 6th International Seminar on the Quality Management in Higher Educationn (QMHE-2010),

Tulcea, RomaniaProc. QMHE-2010 pp. 381, 6pg. 978-973-


si.ro/qmhe2010/ Mec

5 Septembrie

Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Precup Radu-Emil, Preitl Stefan,

Petriu Emil M, Rădac Mircea-Bogdan

Simulation and Experimental Results for a Magnetic Levitation

Laboratory System

7th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation (EUROSIM 2010), Prague, Czech Rep.

Sep. 6-10

Proc. EUROSIM 2010, vol. 2, CD-ROM

paper index 155, 8 pp.




6 Septembrie Voloşencu C.

Monitoring of Distributed Parameter Systems Based on Virtual

Instrumentation and Sensor Networks

2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems

(MEQAPS'10), Constanţa, Sept. 3-5

Proc. MEQAPS 2010 - WSEAS pp. 253, 6pg.

978-960-474-220-2; 1792-4693



7 Septembrie Voloşencu C., Maliţa V.

Application of Virtual Instrumentation for Sensor Network


2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems

(MEQAPS'10), Constanţa, Sept. 3-5

Proc. MEQAPS 2010 - WSEAS pp. 264, 5pg.

978-960-474-220-2; 1792-4693



8 Septembrie Curiac D.I., Voloşencu C.

Urban Traffic Control System Architecture Based on Wireless

Sensor-Actuator Networks

2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems

(MEQAPS'10), Constanţa, Sept. 3-5

Proc. MEQAPS 2010 - WSEAS pp. 259, 5pg.

978-960-474-220-2; 1792-4693



9 Septembrie Voloşencu C., Arpentin A.

Presence Surveillance Based on Virtual Instrumentation

2nd International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems

(MEQAPS'10), Constanţa, Sept. 3-5

Proc. MEQAPS 2010 - WSEAS pp. 100, 4pg.

978-960-474-220-2; 1792-4693



10 Octombrie Cosmin Koch-Ciobotaru

Data Acquisition System for a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Prototype

Proc. 6th WSEAS International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems& Sustainable

Development (EEESD 2010), Timisoara, Romania, Oct. 21-23, 2010

Proc. EEESC 2010 pp. 422, 6pg.978-960-

474-239-1; 1792-5924


misoara/eeesd/AC / AIA

Lucrari publicate la conferinte internationale neindexate ISI / BDI

Page 25: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

11 OctombrieBudisan N., Prostean O., Boraci R., Koch-

Ciobotaru C.

Single-Phase Two Stator Windings Induction and Permanent Magnet

Synchronous Generators

Proc. 6th WSEAS International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems& Sustainable

Development (EEESD 2010), Timisoara, Romania, Oct. 21-23, 2010

Proc. EEESC 2010 pp. 433, 5pg.978-960-

474-239-1; 1792-5924


misoara/eeesd/AC / AIA

12 Octombrie

Ovidu Gana, Marius Babescu, Radu Boraci, Marian


The Influence of Wind Speed Variation on Maximum Power of a

Wind Turbine System

Proc. 6th WSEAS International Conference on Energy, Environment, Ecosystems& Sustainable

Development (EEESD 2010), Timisoara, Romania, Oct. 21-23, 2010

Proc. EEESC 2010 pp. 428, 5pg.978-960-

474-239-1; 1792-5924


misoara/eeesd/ET / MAUE

13 Octombrie R. Robu, C. Hora, V. Stoicu-Tivadar

Improving the Classify User Interface in WEKA Explorer

21st International DAAAM Symposium - Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, Zadar, Croatia, Oct.

20-23Annals of DAAAM for 2010 pp. 171, 2pg.


5; 1726-9679


int.phpAC / AIA

14 Octombrie Robu A., Stoicu-Tivadar L., Neagu A.

Considerations About a 3D Matrix based Model for a Porous Scaffold

and a Cell Suspension

21st International DAAAM Symposium - Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, Zadar, Croatia, Oct.

20-23Annals of DAAAM for 2010 pp. 209, 3pg.


5; 1726-9679


int.phpAC / AIA

15 NoiembriePreitl Stefan, Precup

Radu-Emil, Preitl Zsuzsa

Aspects Concerning the Tuning of 2-DOF Fuzzy Controllers (invited


10th Triennial International SAUM Conference on Systems, Automatic Control and Measurements

(SAUM 2010), Nis, Serbia, Nov. 10-12

Proc. of SAUM 2010, editors: V. Nikolic, D. Antic, D. Mitic pp. 210, 10 pg. 978-86-


k.ni.ac.rs/ AC / AIA

16 Noiembrie

Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Precup Radu-Emil, Preitl Stefan,

Rădac Mircea-Bogdan

Low-cost Fuzzy Control Solutions for Electromechanical Applications

(invited paper)

2nd International Conference on Technics, Education, Agriculture and Management (TEAM

2010), Kecskemét, Ungaria, Nov. 4-5Proc. TEAM 2010, vol. 1 pp. 10, 14pg. 978-963-


eam2010/ AC / AIA

17 Noiembrie-Decembrie Voloşencu C.

Environmental Monitoring Based on Sensor Networks and Artificial


Int. Conf. on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics (DEEE '10), Puerto De La Cruz,

Tenerife, Spain, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2Proc. DEEE '10 pp. 79, 5pg. 978-960-

474-253-0 http://www.ieee.am/ AC / AIA

18 Noiembrie-Decembrie

Curiac D.I., Voloşencu C.

Vector Time Series Identification Methodology Based on Wireless

Sensor Networks

Int. Conf. on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics (DEEE '10), Puerto De La Cruz,

Tenerife, Spain, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2Proc. DEEE '10 pp. 84, 5pg. 978-960-

474-253-0 http://www.ieee.am/ AC / AIA

19 Noiembrie-Decembrie

Curiac D.I., Banias O., Voloşencu C.,

Pescaru D.

Cellular Automata Based Simulation for Smoke and Fire Spreading in

Large Buildings

Int. Conf. on Development, Energy, Environment, Economics (DEEE '10), Puerto De La Cruz,

Tenerife, Spain, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2Proc. DEEE '10 pp. 89, 6pg. 978-960-

474-253-0 http://www.ieee.am/ AC / AIA

Page 26: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Luna Autor(i) Titlu lucrare

Conferinta nationala / simpozionul (nume, loc si perioada de


Volumul in care a fost publicata lucrarea

Pagina, nr. pagini ISBN Site web conferinta

Facultate / departament - primul autor

1 Septembrie Dragomir T.L., Petcuţ F. M.

Look Up Models for Maximum Power Point of Photovoltaic Panels

A 5-a Conferinţă a Academiei de Ştiinţe Tehnice din Romania (ASTR), Craiova, 28-29


Lucrările Conferinţei ASTR 2010 pp. 289, 8pg. 2066-6586 www.robotics.ucv.ro/astr2010 AC / AIA

2 Noiembrie

Mihaela Vida, Valentin Gomoi,

Lăcrămioara Stoicu-

Tivadar, Vasile Stoicu-


Using HL7 CDA standard to connect

medical databases as a support for

automatic generation of Computer Interpretable


31st National Conference on Medical Informatics (RO-MEDINF 2010) - Solution-

Based Medical Informatics, Arad, 18-20 Nov.

Proc. RO-MEDINF 2010 - Solution-Based Medical

Informaticspp. 69, 6pg.



www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi AC / AIA

3 NoiembrieD. Berian, V.

Gomoi, V. Topac

A hybrid solution for a Telecare System


31st National Conference on Medical Informatics (RO-MEDINF 2010) - Solution-

Based Medical Informatics, Arad, 18-20 Nov.

Proc. RO-MEDINF 2010 - Solution-Based Medical

Informaticspp. 166, 7pg.



www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi AC / AIA

4 NoiembrieS. Puscoci, D.

Berian, F. Serbanescu

Homecare teleassistance system

31st National Conference on Medical Informatics (RO-MEDINF 2010) - Solution-

Based Medical Informatics, Arad, 18-20 Nov.

Proc. RO-MEDINF 2010 - Solution-Based Medical

Informaticspp. 173, 8pg.




National Research Communications

Institute, Romania; UPT AC / AIA

5 Noiembrie R. Pintea

Introducing standardized

communication in medical practice based on mobile


31st National Conference on Medical Informatics (RO-MEDINF 2010) - Solution-

Based Medical Informatics, Arad, 18-20 Nov.

Proc. RO-MEDINF 2010 - Solution-Based Medical

Informaticspp. 181, 4pg.



www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi AC / AIA

6 Noiembrie

A. Robu, L. Stoicu-

Tivadar, A. Neagu

Fundamentals of modelling and

simulation techniques in tissue engineering

31st National Conference on Medical Informatics (RO-MEDINF 2010) - Solution-

Based Medical Informatics, Arad, 18-20 Nov.

Proc. RO-MEDINF 2010 - Solution-Based Medical

Informaticspp. 229, 5pg.



www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi AC / AIA

7 Noiembrie N. Gal, V. Stoicu-Tivadar

A representation for fuzzy algorithms in

medical imaging

31st National Conference on Medical Informatics (RO-MEDINF 2010) - Solution-

Based Medical Informatics, Arad, 18-20 Nov.

Proc. RO-MEDINF 2010 - Solution-Based Medical

Informaticspp. 234, 7pg.



www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi AC / AIA

8 Noiembrie R. Robu, V. Stoicu-Tivadar

Evaluation and improvement of user interfaces for medical data mining with open

source programs

31st National Conference on Medical Informatics (RO-MEDINF 2010) - Solution-

Based Medical Informatics, Arad, 18-20 Nov.

Proc. RO-MEDINF 2010 - Solution-Based Medical

Informaticspp. 284, 6pg.



www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi AC / AIA

Lucrari publicate la conferinte nationale, simpozioane, etc.

Page 27: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Autor(i) Titlu

Tipul cartii (monografie, tratat, manual pt studenti,


Editura care a publicat cartea

Numar total pagini

Numar pagini

contributieISBN Site web editura

Facultate / departament - primul autor

Nr. crt. Autor(i) carte Titlu carte

Tipul cartii (monografie, tratat, manual pt studenti,


Editura care a publicat cartea

Numar total pagini

Autor(i) capitol Titlu capitol Numar pagini

contributie ISBN Site web edituraFacultate /

departament - primul autor

1 Edited by Prof. Meng Joo Er

New Trends in Technologies: Control,

Management, Computational Intelligence and Network


Monografie InTech; Sciyo, Rijeka, Croaţia 438 Voloşencu C.

Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems, Based

on Sensor Networks26 978-953-307-213-5





Nr. crt. Autor(i) Titlu

Tipul cartii (monografie, tratat, manual pt studenti,


Editura care a publicat cartea

Numar total pagini

Numar pagini

contributieISBN Site web editura

Facultate / departament - primul autor

Clasificare CNCSIS a editurii / 2010

1 Dragomir L.E. Aplicații de matematică asistată de calculator Manual pentru studenți Editura Politehnica,

Timișoara 216 216 978-606-554-078-1 http://www.editura-politehnica.ro/ AC / AIA Recunoscuta CNCSIS,

Cod CNCSIS 186

2 Nanu Sorin Structuri de interfatare in sisteme automate monografie Editura Politehnica,

Timișoara 160 160 978-606-554-192-4 http://www.editura-politehnica.ro/ AC / AIA Recunoscuta CNCSIS,

Cod CNCSIS 186

1. Carti publicate in edituri din strainatate

3. Carti publicate in edituri din tara

2. Capitole in carti publicate in edituri din strainatate

Page 28: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt.



Luna citarii Autor(i) Titlul lucrarii citate

Revista / volumul in care a fost publicata lucrarea,

inclusiv an


Revista / volumul in care a fost citata lucrarea (nume,

volum, pag.)

Autori / titlu lucrare care citeaza


1 2010 IanuarieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 395-

403. (ISI 4.678)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Sensorless direct torque and flux controlled IPM synchronous motor drive at very low

speed without signal injection


2 2010 IanuarieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969 IET Electric Power Applications, vol.

4, no. 1, pp. 35-44. (ISI 1.212)

G. Bisheimer, M.O. Sonnaillon, C.H.D. Angelo, J.A. Solsona, G.O. Garcya, Full speed range permanent magnet synchronous motor control without

mechanical sensors


3 2010 IanuarieI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 395-

403. (ISI 4.678)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Sensorless direct torque and flux controlled IPM synchronous motor drive at very low

speed without signal injection


4 2010 Ianuarie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

Active flux orientation vector sensorless control of IPMSM

Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2008), Brasov, Romania, vol.

2A, pp. 161-168, May 2008. (IEEE)

1842-0133; 1-


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 395-

403. (ISI 4.678)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Sensorless direct torque and flux controlled IPM synchronous motor drive at very low

speed without signal injection


5 2010 Ianuarie

I. Boldea, C.I. Pitic, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, L.

Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, P.


DTFC-SVM motion-sensorless control of PM-assisted

reluctance synchronous machine as starter-alternator

for hybrid electric vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 711-

719, May 2006. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 395-

403. (ISI 4.678)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Sensorless direct torque and flux controlled IPM synchronous motor drive at very low

speed without signal injection


6 2010 Ianuarie Preitl S., Precup R.-E.

An Extension of Tuning Relations after Symmetrical Optimum Method for PI and

PID Controllers

Automatica (Elsevier Science), vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1731-1736, 1999 0005-1098

Proc. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine

Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2010), Herl'any, Slovakia, pp. 235-


J. Gáti, Gy. Kártyás, Practical application of modules and topics in

course descriptions



7 2010 IanuariePozna C., Troester F., Precup R.-E., Tar J. K., Preitl S.

On the Design of an Obstacle Avoiding Trajectory: Method

and Simulation

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier Science), vol. 79,

no. 7, pp. 2211-2226, 20090378-4754

Proc. 8th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine

Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI 2010), Herl'any, Slovakia, pp. 31-36

J. Vaščák, Approaches in adaptation of fuzzy cognitive maps for navigation




Citari in literatura de specialitate in cursul anului 2010

Page 29: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

8 2010 Ianuarie Korodi A., Codrean A., Banita L.

Aspects Regarding the Object Following Control Procedure for Wheeled Mobile Robots

WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 537-

546, June, 20081991-8763 WSEAS Transactions on Systems,

vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 31-41

Haitian Wang, Ge Li, Motion control and trajectory tracking control for a

mobile robot via disturbance observer1109-2777

9 2010 Ianuarie Voloşencu, C. Properties of fuzzy systems WSEAS Trans. on Systems, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 210-228, Feb. 2009 1109-2777 WSEAS Transactions on

Mathematics, vol. 9, no. 1

Memmedlj, M., Ozdemir, O., An application of fuzzy time series to

improve ISE forecasting1109-2769

10 2010 FebruarieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. 25th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. and

Exposition (APEC 2010), Palm Springs, CA, USA, pp. 1711-1718.

(ISI Proc)

T.J. Vyncke, R.K. Boel, J.A.A. Melkebeek, On extended Kalman

filters with augmented state vectors for the stator flux estimation in SPMSMs

1048-2334; 978-


11 2010 Februarie G.D. Andreescu, A. Popa

Flux estimator based on integrator with DC-offset

correction loop for sensorless direct torque and flux control

15th Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2002), Bruges, Belgium,

CDROM: 621.pdf, pp. 1-6, Aug. 2002. (INSPEC)


Proc. 25th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. and

Exposition (APEC 2010), Palm Springs, CA, USA, pp. 1711-1718.

(ISI Proc.)

T.J. Vyncke, R.K. Boel, J.A.A. Melkebeek, On extended Kalman

filters with augmented state vectors for the stator flux estimation in SPMSMs

1048-2334; 978-


12 2010 Februarie C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046 Energy and Power Eng., vol. 2, no.

1, pp. 10-17. (EPE-open)

N.R. Abjadi, J. Soltani, J. Askari, Gh.R. Arab Markadeh, Three-level five-phase space vector PWM inverter for

a two five-phase series connected induction machine drives


13 2010 Februarie R. Rabinovici, G.D. Andreescu

Generalized approach of the disturbance torque control

Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Advanced Electromechanical Motion Systems

ELECTROMOTION'99, Patras, Greece, vol.1, pp.255-260, June 1999.



COMPEL The Int. Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Eng., vol.

29, no. 1, pp. 72-89. (ISI 0.460)

A. Kuperman, Y. Horen, S. Tapuchi, I. Katz, A. Abramovitz, Input-output

nominalization of linear systems with slow-varying uncertainties


14 2010 Februarie

M. Fatu, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Voltage sags ride-through of motion sensorless controlled

PMSG for wind turbines

Proc. 42nd IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conf. (IEEE-IAS 2007), New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA, pp. 171-178, Sep. 2007. (ISI Proc.)

0197-2618; 978-


Electric Machines and Control, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 7-12. (Wanfang Data)

Xiao-ping Yang, Xian-feng Duan, Yan-ru Zhong, Asymmetrical faults ride-

through of directly driven wind turbine with permanent magnet synchronous

generator (in Chinese)


15 2010 Februarie

Precup, R.-E., Preitl, S., Rudas, I. J., Tomescu, M. L.

and Tar, J. K.

Design and Experiments for a Class of Fuzzy Controlled

Servo Systems

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-

35, 20081083-4435

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 136-


H. K. Ahn and H. P. H. Anh, "Inverse double NARX fuzzy modeling for

system identification"1083-4435

16 2010 MartieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 25-

33. (ISI 2.635)

G. Foo, S. Sayeef, M.F. Rahman, Low-speed and standstill operation of a sensorless direct torque and flux

controlled IPM synchronous motor drive


Page 30: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

17 2010 MartieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969 IET Electric Power Applications, vol.

4, no. 3, pp. 131-139. (ISI 1.212)

G. Foo, M.F Rahman, Sensorless vector control of interior permanent

magnet synchronous motor drives at very low speed without signal injection


18 2010 MartieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Technorama: A Supplement to IEI News, Institution of Engineers

(India), vol. 59, pp. 13-21. (IEIndia-pdf)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, High performance sensorless velocity servo system using IPM synchronous motors


19 2010 MartieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2010), Vina del Mar, Chile, ISBN , pp. 361-366.


Jui-Ling Chen, Tian-Hua Liu, Chih-Lun Chen, Implementation of a novel high-

performance sensorless IPMSM control system



20 2010 Martie G.D. Andreescu, A. Popa, A. Spilca

Two sliding mode based observers for sensorless control of PMSM drives

Electric Power Components and Systems, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 121-133,

Feb. 2002. (ISI 0.349) 1532-5008 Small & Special Electrical Machines,

vol. 38, no. 3. (Wanfang Data)

Shu-qiang Jin, Yu-rong Nan, Xiao-dong Wu, Position sensorless control

of PMSMs by an improved sliding mode observer (in Chinese)


21 2010 Martie

I. Boldea, C.I. Pitic, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, L.

Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, P.


DTFC-SVM motion-sensorless control of PM-assisted

reluctance synchronous machine as starter-alternator

for hybrid electric vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 711-

719, May 2006. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 25-

33. (ISI 2.635)

G. Foo, S. Sayeef, M.F. Rahman, Low-speed and standstill operation of a sensorless direct torque and flux

controlled IPM synchronous motor drive


22 2010 Martie

I. Boldea, C.I. Pitic, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, L.

Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, P.


DTFC-SVM motion-sensorless control of PM-assisted

reluctance synchronous machine as starter-alternator

for hybrid electric vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 711-

719, May 2006. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993 IET Electric Power Applications, vol.

4, no. 3, pp. 131-139. (ISI 1.212)

G. Foo, M.F Rahman, Sensorless vector control of interior permanent

magnet synchronous motor drives at very low speed without signal injection


23 2010 MartieI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993 IET Electric Power Applications, vol.

4, no. 3, pp. 131-139. (ISI 1.212)

G. Foo, M.F Rahman, Sensorless vector control of interior permanent

magnet synchronous motor drives at very low speed without signal injection


24 2010 MartieI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

Technorama: A Supplement to IEI News, Institution of Engineers

(India), vol. 59, pp. 13-21. (IEIndia-pdf)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, High performance sensorless velocity servo system using IPM synchronous motors


25 2010 Martie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

Active flux orientation vector sensorless control of IPMSM

Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2008), Brasov, Romania, vol.

2A, pp. 161-168, May 2008

1842-0133; 1-


IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 131-139. (ISI 1.212)

G. Foo, M.F Rahman, Sensorless vector control of interior permanent

magnet synchronous motor drives at very low speed without signal injection


26 2010 Martie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

"Active flux" DTFC-SVM sensorless control of IPMSM

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 314-

322, June 2009 (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Technorama: A Supplement to IEI News, Institution of Engineers

(India), vol. 59, pp. 13-21. (IEIndia-pdf)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, High performance sensorless velocity servo system using IPM synchronous motors


27 2010 Martie

M. Fatu, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Voltage sags ride-through of motion sensorless controlled

PMSG for wind turbines

Proc. 42nd IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conf. (IEEE-IAS 2007), New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA, pp. 171-178, Sep. 2007. (ISI Proc.)

0197-2618; 978-


Proc. Int. Conf. on Renewable Energiew and Power Quality

(ICREPQ 2010), Granada, Spain, CDROM, 6p. (icrepq-pdf)

A.J. Mahdi, W.H. Tang, L. Jiang, Q.H. Wu, A comparative study on variable-

speed operations of a wind generation system using vector control



Page 31: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

28 2010 Martie

M. Fatu, R. Teodorescu, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, F.


I-F starting method with smooth transition to EMF based motion-sensorless

vector control of PM synchronous motor/ generator

Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC 2008),

Rhodes, Greece, pp. 1481-1487, June 2008. (ISI Proc.)

0275-9306; 978-


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 1063-

1073. (ISI 4.678)

Min-Sik Rho, Sam-Young Kim, Development of robust starting system

using sensorless vector drive for a microturbine


29 2010 Martie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Rudas I.J.,

Tomescu M.L., Tar J.K.

Design and Experiments for a Class of Fuzzy Controlled

Servo Systems

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-

35, 20081083-4435

Proc. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT

2010), Vina del Mar - Valparaiso, Chile, pp. 541-546

G. Ramirez, M.A. Valenzuela, Minimum-time positioning and

saturation avoidance via optimal trajectory algorithm for high

performance industrial servodrives



30 2010 Martie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Rudas I.J.,

Tomescu M.L., Tar J.K.

Design and Experiments for a Class of Fuzzy Controlled

Servo Systems

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-

35, 20081083-4435

Proc. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computer Control (ICACC 2010), Shenyang,

China, vol. 1, pp. 83-87

Y. Zhou, C. Pan, A control method for the naval artillery servo system based

on the grading fuzzy sliding mode control with the interference observer



31 2010 Martie Voloşencu C. Sisteme fuzzy si neuronale Editura Politehnica Timisoara, 2007 978-973-625-468-0

WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, vol. 5, no. 3

Tirian O.G., Pinca C.B., Cristea D., Topor M., Applications of fuzzy logic in

continuous casting, 1991-8763

32 2010 AprilieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 1270-

1278. (ISI 4.678)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Sensorless sliding-mode MTPA control of an IPM

synchronous motor drive using a sliding-mode observer and HF signal



33 2010 AprilieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 933-

942. (ISI 2.929)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Direct torque control of an IPM-synchronous motor drive at very low speed using a sliding-

mode stator flux observer


34 2010 AprilieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969 IET Electric Power Applications, vol.

4, no. 4, pp. 226-240. (ISI 1.212)

J.-L. Chen, T.-H.Liu, C.-L. Chen, Design and implementation of a novel high-performance sensorless control system for interior permanent magnet

synchronous motors


35 2010 Aprilie G.D. Andreescu, A. Popa

Flux estimator based on integrator with DC-offset

correction loop for sensorless direct torque and flux control

15th Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2002), Bruges, Belgium,

CDROM: 621.pdf, pp. 1-6, Aug. 2002. (INSPEC)


Przeglad Electrotechniczny, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 273-279. (ISI 0.196)

L.M. Grzesiak, G. Gabka, Sensorless control of AC induction motor based

on direct torque control0033-2097

36 2010 AprilieI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 875-

888. (ISI 2.929)

F.M.L. De Belie, P. Sergeant, J.A. Melkebeek, A sensorless drive by

applying test pulses without affecting the average-current samples


37 2010 AprilieI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 933-

942. (ISI 2.929)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Direct torque control of an IPM-synchronous motor drive at very low speed using a sliding-

mode stator flux observer


Page 32: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

38 2010 Aprilie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

"Active flux" DTFC-SVM sensorless control of IPMSM

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 314-

322, June 2009 (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 933-

942. (ISI 2.929)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Direct torque control of an IPM-synchronous motor drive at very low speed using a sliding-

mode stator flux observer


39 2010 Aprilie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

"Active flux" DTFC-SVM sensorless control of IPMSM

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 314-

322, June 2009 (ISI 2.635)0885-8969 IET Electric Power Applications, vol.

4, no. 4, pp. 226-240. (ISI 1.212)

J.-L. Chen, T.-H.Liu, C.-L. Chen, Design and implementation of a novel high-performance sensorless control system for interior permanent magnet

synchronous motors


40 2010 Aprilie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

Active flux orientation vector sensorless control of IPMSM

Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2008), Brasov, Romania, vol.

2A, pp. 161-168, May 2008

1842-0133; 1-


IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 933-

942. (ISI 2.929)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Direct torque control of an IPM-synchronous motor drive at very low speed using a sliding-

mode stator flux observer


41 2010 Aprilie

I. Boldea, C.I. Pitic, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, L.

Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, P.


DTFC-SVM motion-sensorless control of PM-assisted

reluctance synchronous machine as starter-alternator

for hybrid electric vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 711-

719, May 2006. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 1270-

1278. (ISI 4.678)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Sensorless sliding-mode MTPA control of an IPM

synchronous motor drive using a sliding-mode observer and HF signal



42 2010 Aprilie

I. Boldea, C.I. Pitic, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, L.

Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, P.


DTFC-SVM motion-sensorless control of PM-assisted

reluctance synchronous machine as starter-alternator

for hybrid electric vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 711-

719, May 2006. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 933-

942. (ISI 2.929)

G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Direct torque control of an IPM-synchronous motor drive at very low speed using a sliding-

mode stator flux observer


43 2010 ApriliePozna C., Troester F., Precup R.-E., Tar J. K., Preitl S.

On the Design of an Obstacle Avoiding Trajectory: Method

and Simulation

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier Science), vol. 79,

no. 7, pp. 2211-2226, 20090378-4754 Artificial Intelligence Review, vol. 33,

no. 4, pp. 307-327

R. Kala, A. Shukla, R. Tiwari, Fusion of probabilistic A* algorithm and fuzzy

inference system for robotic path planning


44 2010 MaiG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. 18th Iranian Conf. on Electrical Eng. (ICEE 2010), Isfahan, Iran, pp.

739-744. (IEEE)

A.R. Shafiei, B.M. Dehkordi, A. Kiyoumarsi, C. Lucas, A hybrid speed sensorless MTPA vector controller for IPMSM drive incorporated with online

parameter identification



45 2010 Mai C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1310-

1319. (ISI 2.929)

F.R. Salmasi, T.A. Najafabadi, P.J. Maralani, An adaptive flux observer

with online estimation of dc-link voltage and rotor resistance for VSI-

based induction motors


46 2010 MaiI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1310-

1319. (ISI 2.929)

F.R. Salmasi, T.A. Najafabadi, P.J. Maralani, An adaptive flux observer

with online estimation of dc-link voltage and rotor resistance for VSI-

based induction motors


47 2010 MaiI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (OPTIM 2010), Brasov, Romania, pp. 337-342. (IEEE)

S.-C. Agarlita, M. Fatu, L.N. Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea, I-f starting and

active flux based sensorless vector control of reluctance synchronous

motors, with experiments

1842-0133; 978-


Page 33: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

48 2010 Mai

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

Active flux orientation vector sensorless control of IPMSM

Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (OPTIM 2008), Brasov, Romania, vol.

2A, pp. 161-168, May 2008

1842-0133; 1-


Proc. 12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (OPTIM 2010), Brasov, Romania, pp. 383-388. (IEEE)

M. Oettmeier, C. Heising, V. Staudt, A. Steimel, Flux-based control of PMSM

1842-0133; 978-


49 2010 Mai Preitl S., Precup R.-E.

An Extension of Tuning Relations after Symmetrical Optimum Method for PI and

PID Controllers

Automatica (Elsevier Science), vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1731-1736, 1999 0005-1098

Proc. IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computational

Cybernetics and Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timisoara, Romania, pp. 391-395

J. Gáti, Gy. Kártyás, Important characteristics of course model for

current engineering practice



50 2010 Mai Precup R.-E., Preitl S.

Popov-type Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control


Proc. 5th European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft

Computing (EUFIT'97), Ed. Zimmermann H.-J. (Verlag Mainz), Aachen, Germany, vol. 2, pp. 1306-

1310, 1997


Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology

and Automation (ICICTA 2010), Changsha, China, vol. 1, pp. 619-


G. Liu, J.-H. Han, Y.-B. Wu, M.-J. Liu, An optimal control problem of adaptive

fuzzy controllers for fuzzy control systems



51 2010 Mai Precup R.-E., Doboli S., Preitl S.

Stability Analysis and Development of a Class of

Fuzzy Control Systems

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), vol.

13, no. 3, pp. 237-247, 20000952-1976

Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology

and Automation (ICICTA 2010), Changsha, China, vol. 1, pp. 619-


G. Liu, J.-H. Han, Y.-B. Wu, M.-J. Liu, An optimal control problem of adaptive

fuzzy controllers for fuzzy control systems



52 2010 IunieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 2092-

2100. (ISI 4.678)

F. Genduso, R. Miceli, C. Rando, G.R. Galluzzo, Back emf sensorless-control

algorithm for high-dynamic performance PMSM


53 2010 IunieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 312-

318. (ISI 2.635)

A.G. Espinosa, J.A. Rosero, J. Cusido, L. Romeral, J.A. Ortega, Fault

detection by means of Hilbert-Huang transform of the stator current in a

PMSM with demagnetization


54 2010 IunieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. Int. Symp. on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives,

Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2010), Pisa, Italy, pp. 318-323.


M. Carpaneto, M. Marchesoni, G. Vallini, Practical implementation of a sensorless field oriented PMSM drive

with output ac filter



55 2010 Iunie C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 2101-

2110. (ISI 4.678)

C. Ortega, A. Arias, C. Caruana, J. Balcells, G.M. Asher, Improved

waveform quality in the direct torque control of matrix converter-fed PMSM



56 2010 Iunie

M. Fatu, R. Teodorescu, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, F.


I-F starting method with smooth transition to EMF based motion-sensorless

vector control of PM synchronous motor/ generator

Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC 2008),

Rhodes, Greece, pp. 1481-1487, June 2008. (ISI Proc.)

0275-9306; 978-


Proc. 2010 Int. Power Electronics Conf. (IPEC 2010), Sapporo, Japan,

pp. 1393-1397. (IEEE)

In-Yong Ha, Jung-Hyo Lee, Jin-Ho Park, Taeck-Kie Lee, Chung-Yuen

Won, IPMSM vector control using an I/F initial operating method



57 2010 Iunie

M. Fatu, R. Teodorescu, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, F.


I-F starting method with smooth transition to EMF based motion-sensorless

vector control of PM synchronous motor/ generator

Proc. IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC 2008),

Rhodes, Greece, pp. 1481-1487, June 2008. (ISI Proc.)

0275-9306; 978-


Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Information and Automation (ICIA 2010), Harbin,

China, pp. 359-364. (IEEE)

Yanming Li, Hong Guo, Qingming Xie, Peng Yuan, Research on the control method for the start of microturbine

generation system



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58 2010 Iunie

M. Fatu, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Voltage sags ride-through of motion sensorless controlled

PMSG for wind turbines

Proc. 42nd IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conf. (IEEE-IAS 2007), New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA, pp. 171-178, Sep. 2007. (ISI Proc.)

0197-2618; 978-


Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Symp. on Power Electronics for Distributed

Generation Systems (PEDG 2010), Hefei, China, pp. 81-84. (IEEE)

Shuying Yang, Xing Zhang, Chongwei Zhang, Zhen Xie, Fei Li, Sensorless control for PMSG in direct-drive wind




59 2010 Iunie Precup R.-E., Preitl S.

PI and PID controllers tuning for integral-type servo systems to ensure robust stability and

controller robustness

Electrical Engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik) (Springer-Verlag), vol.

88, no. 2, pp. 149-156, 20060948-7921

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 8,

no. 3, pp. 647-654

Y.V. Hote, J.R.P. Gupta, D.R. Choudhury, Kharitonov's theorem and Routh criterion for stability margin of

interval systems


60 2010 Iunie Precup R.-E., Preitl S.

PI and PID controllers tuning for integral-type servo systems to ensure robust stability and

controller robustness

Electrical Engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik) (Springer-Verlag), vol.

88, no. 2, pp. 149-156, 20060948-7921

Proc. International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering (ICECE 2010), Wuhan, China, pp.


S. Cao, F. Liu, W. Weng, An innovation PID control method of split

air-conditioner based on online prediction



61 2010 Iunie Precup R.-E., Doboli S., Preitl S.

Stability Analysis and Development of a Class of

Fuzzy Control Systems

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), vol.

13, no. 3, pp. 237-247, 20000952-1976

International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 8,

no. 3, pp. 695-701

K.-W. Lee, H. Choi, Analysis of FLC with changing fuzzy variables in

frequency domain2005-4092

62 2010 IunieTomescu M.-L.,

Preitl S., Precup R.-E., Tar J.K.

Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control Systems Dedicated Controlling Nonlinear Processes

Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical

Institution), vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 127-141, 2007

1785-8860 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 39-53

T. Tudorache, C. Roman, The numerical modeling of transient regimes of diesel generator sets


63 2010 IunieTomescu M.-L.,

Preitl S., Precup R.-E., Tar J.K.

Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control Systems Dedicated Controlling Nonlinear Processes

Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical

Institution), vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 127-141, 2007


Proc. 19th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (RAAD 2010), Budapest,

Hungary, pp. 469-474

P. Gróf, P. Baranyi P. Korondi, Control performance optimization by convex

hull manipulation



64 2010 Iunie Precup R.-E., Preitl S.

Popov-type Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control


Proc. 5th European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft

Computing (EUFIT'97), Ed. Zimmermann H.-J. (Verlag Mainz), Aachen, Germany, vol. 2, pp. 1306-

1310, 1997


International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 8,

no. 3, pp. 695-701

K.-W. Lee, H. Choi, Analysis of FLC with changing fuzzy variables in

frequency domain2005-4092

65 2010 Iunie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Rudas I.J.,

Tomescu M.L., Tar J.K.

Design and Experiments for a Class of Fuzzy Controlled

Servo Systems

IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-

35, 20081083-4435

Proc. IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2010), Singapore, pp. 108-113

H.P.H. Anh, Particle swarm optimization identification of IPMC actuator using fuzzy NARX model



66 2010 IuniePrecup R.-E.,

Tomescu M.L., Preitl S.

Lorenz System Stabilization Using Fuzzy Controllers

International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (Agora University), vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 279-

2873, 2007

1841-9836International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control, vol. V,

no. 2, pp. 179-192

D. Hossu, I. Făgărăşan, A. Hossu, S.S. Iliescu, Evolved fuzzy control

system for a steam generator1841-9836

67 2010 IuniePreitl S., Precup R.-E., Fodor J., Bede


Iterative Feedback Tuning in Fuzzy Control Systems. Theory and Applications

Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical

Institution), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 81-96, 2006


Computational Intelligence in Engineering, I.J. Rudas, J. Fodor, J.

Kacprzyk (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Studies in Computational

Intelligence, vol. 313, pp. 103-114

J.K. Tar, I.J. Rudas, J.F. Bito, J.A. Tenreiro Machado, K.R. Kozlowski, Adaptive tackling of the swinging

problem for a 2 DOF crane - payload system


68 2010 Iunie

Doboli, A., Curiac, D.I., Pescaru, D., Doboli, S., Tang,

W., Volosencu, C., Gilberti, M.,

Banias, O., Istin, C.

Cities of the Future: Employing Wireless Sensor

Networks for Efficient Decision Making in Complex


CEAS Technical Report Nr 831, University of New York, pp. 1-26,


Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS 2010),

Kassel, pp. 153-156

Hardy. L, Gafen M., A synchronized wireless mesh network model for

intelligent lighting control: case study



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69 2010 Iunie

Voloşencu, C., Curiac, D.I.,

Banias, O., Ferent, C., Pescaru, D.,

Doboli A.

Hierarchical approach for intelligent lighting control in future urban environments

Proc. of the IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR’08),

Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 22-25, 2008, pp. 158-163



Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS 2010),

Kassel, pp. 153-156

Hardy. L, Gafen M., A synchronized wireless mesh network model for

intelligent lighting control: case study



70 2010 Iunie Bogdan Groza On cryptographic chained puzzles

Proc. 3rd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence (SACI 2006), Timisoara,

May 2006


Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXIV, Springer-Verlag,

LNCS 6166, p. 358

Suratose Tritilanunt, Performance Evaluation of Non-parallelizable Client Puzzles for Defeating DoS Attacks in

Authentication Protocols


71 2010 IulieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy,

pp. 1420-1425. (IEEE)

S. Haghbin, S. Lundmark, O. Carlson, Performance of a direct torque

controlled IPM drive system in the low speed region



72 2010 IulieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy,

pp. 1199-1204. (IEEE)

M. Carpaneto, M. Marchesoni, G. Parodi, A sensorless PMSM drive

operating in the field weakening region using only one current sensor



73 2010 IulieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2010), Jinan, China, pp.

2419-2423. (IEEE)

Wang Lei, Gu Shanmao, Ye Shengwen, Fang Jinghuan, Research

on novel high frequency signal extraction method based on extended

Kalman filter theory



74 2010 Iulie C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046

Proc. Int. Conf. on System Science and Eng. (ICSSE 2010), Taipei,

Taiwan, pp. 298-303. (IEEE)

Hung-Chih Chen, Chun-I Wu, Chia-Wen Chang, Yeong-Hwa, Hung-Wei

Lin, Integral sliding-mode flux observer for sensorless vector-controlled

induction motors



75 2010 IulieI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy,

pp. 1314-1320. (IEEE)

C.E. Nino, A.R. Tariq, S. Jurkovic, E.G. Strangas, High performance low

speed sensorless control of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor



76 2010 Iulie

M. Fatu, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Voltage sags ride-through of motion sensorless controlled

PMSG for wind turbines

Proc. 42nd IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conf. (IEEE-IAS 2007), New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA, pp. 171-178, Sep. 2007. (ISI Proc.)

0197-2618; 978-


Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy,

pp. 2499-2504. (IEEE)

R. Blasco-Gimenez, S. Ano-Villalba, J. Rodriguez-D'derlee, F. Morant, S.

Bernal, Voltage and frequency control of SG based wind farms with uncontrolled HVDC rectifier



77 2010 Iulie

M. Fatu, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Voltage sags ride-through of motion sensorless controlled

PMSG for wind turbines

Proc. 42nd IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conf. (IEEE-IAS 2007), New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA, pp. 171-178, Sep. 2007. (ISI Proc.)

0197-2618; 978-


Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy,

pp. 2357-2362. (IEEE)

S. Alepuz, A. Calle, S. Busquets-Monge, J. Bordonau, S. Kouro, B. Wu,

Control scheme for low voltage ride-through compliance in back-to-back NPC converter based wind power




78 2010 IulieM. Iacob, G.-D. Andreescu, N.


SCADA system for a central heating and power plant

Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Applied Computational Intelligence and

Informatics (SACI 2009), Timisoara, Romania, pp. 159-164, May 2009. (ISI




Proc. World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2010), London, UK, vol. 2, pp. 945-947. (iaeng.org-


N.A. Othman, N.S. Damanhuri, I.R. Ibrahim, R. Radzali, M.N. Mohd, Automated monitoring system for

small scale dual-tariff solar PV plant in UiTM Pulau Pinang

2078-0958; 978-


Page 36: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

79 2010 Iulie Precup R.-E., Doboli S., Preitl S.

Stability Analysis and Development of a Class of

Fuzzy Control Systems

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), vol.

13, no. 3, pp. 237-247, 20000952-1976 Information Sciences, vol. 180, no.

14, pp. 2777-2792

R.E. Haber, R.M. del Toro, A. Gajate, Optimal fuzzy control system using the cross-entropy method. A case study of

a drilling process


80 2010 Iulie/August C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 1416-

1424. (ISI 1.298)

G. Pellegrino, P. Guglielmi, E. Armando, R.I. Bojoi, Self-

commissioning algorithm for inverter nonlinearity compensation in

sensorless induction motor drives


81 2010 August

I. Boldea, C.I. Pitic, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, L.

Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, P.


DTFC-SVM motion-sensorless control of PM-assisted

reluctance synchronous machine as starter-alternator

for hybrid electric vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 711-

719, May 2006. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993 IET Electric Power Applications, vol.

4, no. 7, pp. 539-546. (ISI 1.212)

M. Barcaro, A. Faggion, L. Sgarbossa, N. Bianchi, S. Bolognani, Performance

evaluation of an integrated starter alternator using an interior permanent

magnet machine


82 2010 August Precup R.-E., Doboli S., Preitl S.

Stability Analysis and Development of a Class of

Fuzzy Control Systems

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), vol.

13, no. 3, pp. 237-247, 20000952-1976

Proc. 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge

Discovery (FSKD 2010), Yantai, China, vol. 2, pp. 701-705

D.-K. Shen, X.-Q. Ling, J. Liu, H. Wang, Modelling and simulation of a

fuzzy PID controller for active suspension system



83 2010 August Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Korondi P.

Fuzzy Controllers with Maximum Sensitivity for


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1298-

1310, 20070278-0046 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy

Systems, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 700-711

J. Zhang, P. Shi, Y. Xia, Robust adaptive sliding-mode control for fuzzy systems with mismatched uncertainties


84 2010 AugustPozna C., Troester F., Precup R.-E., Tar J. K., Preitl S.

On the Design of an Obstacle Avoiding Trajectory: Method

and Simulation

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier Science), vol. 79,

no. 7, pp. 2211-2226, 20090378-4754 Cybernetics and Systems, vol. 41,

no. 6, pp. 435-454

R. Kala, A. Shukla, R. Tiwari, Dynamic environment robot path planning using

hierarchical evolutionary algorithms1087-6553

85 2010 August Stan M., Precup R.-E., Paul A.S.

Analysis of Fuzzy Control Solutions for Anti-Lock Braking


Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (Romanian Society of

Control Engineering and Technical Informatics), vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 11-22,



Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation

(ICMA 2010), Xi'an, China, pp. 699-705

A.A. Aly, Intelligent fuzzy control for antilock brake system with road-

surfaces identifier



86 2010 Septembrie C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 3148-

3156. (ISI 4.678)

K.-K. Shyu, J.-K. Lin, V.-T. Pham, M.-J.Yang, T.-W. Wang, Global minimum torque ripple design for direct torque

control of induction motor drives


87 2010 SeptembrieI. Boldea, M.C.

Paicu, G.-D. Andreescu

Active flux concept for motion sensorless unified AC drives

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 2612-

2618, Sep. 2008. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE

2010), Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 1150-1157. (ISI Proc.)

G. Pellegrino, R. Bojoi, P. Guglielmi, Unified direct-flux vector control for AC

motor drives



88 2010 Septembrie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

"Active flux" DTFC-SVM sensorless control of IPMSM

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 314-

322, June 2009 (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE

2010), Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 1766-1771. (ISI Proc.)

P. Brockerhoff, M. Schulz, Direct measuring position encoder for axial

transversal flux machine



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89 2010 SeptembrieR. Ancuti, I.

Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu

Sensorless V/f control of high-speed surface permanent

magnet synchronous motor drives with two novel

stabilising loops for fast dynamics and robustness

IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 149-157, Mar. 2010. (ISI


Proc. 14th Int. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conf. (EPE-

PEMC 2010), Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. S10 7-14. (IEEE)

A. Consoli, G. Scarcella, G. Scelba, M. Cacciato, Range extended efficiency

optimization technique for scalar IPMSM drives



90 2010 Septembrie

I. Boldea, A. Moldovan, V.

Schramel-Coroban, G.-D. Andreescu,

L. Tutelea

A class of fast dynamics V/f sensorless AC general drives with PM-RSM as a case study

Proc. Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment

(OPTIM 2010), Brasov, Romania, pp. 453-459, May 2010. (IEEE)

1842-0133; 978-


Proc. 14th Int. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conf. (EPE-

PEMC 2010), Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. S10 7-14. (IEEE)

A. Consoli, G. Scarcella, G. Scelba, M. Cacciato, Range extended efficiency

optimization technique for scalar IPMSM drives



91 2010 Septembrie Preitl S., Precup R.-E.

An Extension of Tuning Relations after Symmetrical Optimum Method for PI and

PID Controllers

Automatica (Elsevier Science), vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1731-1736, 1999 0005-1098

Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and

Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica, Serbia, pp. 153-157

J. Gáti, Gy. Kártyás, Teaching program description for enhanced

computer support in higher education



92 2010 Septembrie Preitl S., Precup R.-E.

An Extension of Tuning Relations after Symmetrical Optimum Method for PI and

PID Controllers

Automatica (Elsevier Science), vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1731-1736, 1999 0005-1098

Proc. 2nd IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE

2010), Atlanta, GA, USA, pp. 2827-2835

S. Thomsen, N. Hoffmann, F.W. Fuchs, Comparative study of

conventional PI-control, PI-based state space control and model based

predictive control for drive systems with elastic coupling



93 2010 Septembrie Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Korondi P.

Fuzzy Controllers with Maximum Sensitivity for


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1298-

1310, 20070278-0046 Asian Journal of Control, vol. 12, no.

5, pp. 575-585

Z. Petres, P. Baranyi, H. Hashimoto, Approximation and complexity trade-

off by TP model transformation in controller design: A case study of the

TORA system


94 2010 SeptembriePreitl S., Precup R.-E., Fodor J., Bede


Iterative Feedback Tuning in Fuzzy Control Systems. Theory and Applications

Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical

Institution), vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 81-96, 2006


Proc. 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2010),

Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. T5-187-T5-193

J.K. Tar, Z. Siska, I.J. Rudas, J.F. Bito, A higher order adaptive approach of

the swinging problem - Implementation issues



95 2010 Septembrie

Precup R.-E., Tomescu M.L., Preitl S., Petriu


Fuzzy Logic-based Stabilization of Nonlinear Time-

varying Systems

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (Indian Society for Development & Environment

Research), vol. 3, no. A09, pp. 24-36, 2009


Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and

Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica Serbia, pp. 527-533

B. Takarics, P. Gróf, P. Baranyi, P. Korondi, Friction compensation of an

aeroelastic wing - A TP model transformation based approach



96 2010 SeptembriePozna C., Troester F., Precup R.-E., Tar J. K., Preitl S.

On the Design of an Obstacle Avoiding Trajectory: Method

and Simulation

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier Science), vol. 79,

no. 7, pp. 2211-2226, 20090378-4754 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 7,

no. 3, pp. 109-122

J. Vaščák, L. Madarász, Adaptation of fuzzy cognitive maps - a comparison


97 2010 SeptembrieTomescu M.-L.,

Preitl S., Precup R.-E., Tar J.K.

Stability Analysis Method for Fuzzy Control Systems Dedicated Controlling Nonlinear Processes

Acta Polytechnica Hungarica (Budapest Tech Polytechnical

Institution), vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 127-141, 2007


Proc. 8th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and

Informatics (SISY 2010), Subotica, Serbia, pp. 527-533

B. Takarics, P. Gróf, P. Baranyi, P. Korondi, Friction compensation of an

aeroelastic wing - A TP model transformation based approach



98 2010 Septembrie

Curiac, D.I., Banias, O., Dragan, F.,

Voloşencu, C., Dranga, O.

Malicious Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using an Autoregression


Proc. 3rd International Conference on Networking and Services

(Sensorcomm 2007), Athens, Greece, 19-25 June, 2007


Proc. 21st Int. Conf. on data base and expert systems applications,

Part I., Springer

Sadik, M.S., DBOD-DS distance based detection for data


99 2010 Septembrie Voloşencu, C. Properties of fuzzy systems WSEAS Trans. On Systems, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 210-228, Feb. 2009 1109-2777 WSEAS Transactions on

Mathematics, vol. 9, no. 9

Harish A.N., Razidah I., Ahmad T., Transformation of fuzzy space model of a boiler system: a graph theoretic



Page 38: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

100 2010 Septembrie Voloşencu C. Stabilization of fuzzy control systems

WSEAS Trans. on Systems and Control, vol. 3, no. 10, 2008 1991-8763 WSEAS Transactions on Systems,

vol. 9, no. 9

A. Vasickninova, M. Bakosova, Locally optimal fuzzy control of heat


101 2010 Septembrie/ Octombrie

C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 1970-

1978. (ISI 1.298)

G. Pellegrino, R.I. Bojoi, P. Guglielmi, F. Cupertino, Accurate inverter error

compensation and related self-commissioning scheme in sensorless

induction motor drives


102 2010 Octombrie G.-D. Andreescu, C. Schlezinger

Enhancement sensorless control system for PMSM drives using square-wave

signal injection

Proc. Int. Symp. on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives,

Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2010), Pisa, Italy, pp. 1508-1511,

June 2010. (IEEE)



Proc. Int. Conf. on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS

2010), Incheon, Korea, pp. 873-878. (IEEE)

O. Benjak, D. Gerling, Review of position estimation methods for PMSM drives without a position sensor, part III: Methods based on saliency and

signal injection



103 2010 OctombrieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Eng. CSEE, vol. 30, no.

30, pp. 93-98. (pcsee.org)

Gaolin WANG, Rongfeng YANG, Yong YU, Dianguo XU, Position sensorless control for interior permanent magnet

synchronous motor (in Chinese)


104 2010 Octombrie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

"Active flux" DTFC-SVM sensorless control of IPMSM

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 314-

322, June 2009 (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Proc. Int. Power Engineering Conf. (IPEC 2010), Singapore, pp. 52-56.


E. Kaliappan, C. Sharmeela, A.V. Sayee Krishna, Direct torque control of PMBLDC motor using hybrid (GA and

fuzzy logic) controller

1947-1262; 978-


105 2010 Octombrie

M. Fatu, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Voltage sags ride-through of motion sensorless controlled

PMSG for wind turbines

Proc. 42nd IEEE IAS Annual Meeting Conf. (IEEE-IAS 2007), New Orleans,

Louisiana, USA, pp. 171-178, Sep. 2007. (ISI Proc.)

0197-2618; 978-


Power System Technology, vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 94-97. (dwjs.com-open)

Sheng YE, Shoudao HUANG, Keyuan HUANG, Lei XIAO, Control strategy of pulse width modulation rectifier under

asymmetrical input voltages (in Chinese)


106 2010 Octombrie C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu

Sliding-mode observer and improved integrator with dc-offset compensation for flux

estimation in sensorless controlled induction motors

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 785-

794, June 2006. (ISI 4.678)0278-0046

Proc. 1st Int. Congress on Instrumentation and Applied

Sciences (ICIAS 2010), Cancun, Mexico, 13p. (unam-pdf)

J. Rivera, C. Mora-Soto, A. De La Mora, S. Di Gennaro, J. Raygoza, Field oriented control of induction

motors with core loss


107 2010 Octombrie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Tar J. K.,

Tomescu M. L., Takács M., Korondi

P., Baranyi P.

Fuzzy Control System Performance Enhancement by

Iterative Learning Control

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3461-

3475, 20080278-0046

Computational Intelligence in Engineering, I.J. Rudas, J. Fodor and J. Kacprzyk (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 313, pp. 219-228

Z.C. Johanyák, Survey on five fuzzy inference-based student evaluation



108 2010 Octombrie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Tar J. K.,

Tomescu M. L., Takács M., Korondi

P., Baranyi P.

Fuzzy Control System Performance Enhancement by

Iterative Learning Control

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3461-

3475, 20080278-0046 ICIC Express Letters, vol. 4, no. 5 B,

pp. 1741-1746

A. Sánchez Boza, R. Haber Guerra, A first approach to artificial cognitive

control system implementation based on the shared circuits model of

sociocognitive capacities


109 2010 Octombrie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Tar J. K.,

Tomescu M. L., Takács M., Korondi

P., Baranyi P.

Fuzzy Control System Performance Enhancement by

Iterative Learning Control

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3461-

3475, 20080278-0046

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5, no. A10, pp. 37-


Z.C. Johanyák, Student evaluation based on fuzzy rule interpolation 0974-0635

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110 2010 Octombrie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Tar J. K.,

Tomescu M. L., Takács M., Korondi

P., Baranyi P.

Fuzzy Control System Performance Enhancement by

Iterative Learning Control

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3461-

3475, 20080278-0046

Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey, pp.


Z.C. Johanyák, Fuzzy rule interpolation based on subsethood


111 2010 Octombrie Precup R.-E., Preitl S.

PI-Fuzzy Controllers for Integral Plants to Ensure

Robust Stability

Information Sciences (Elsevier Science), vol. 177, no. 20, pp. 4410-

4429, 20070020-0255 Information Sciences, vol. 180, no.

20, pp. 3980-3991

R.R. Sumar, A.A.R. Coelho, L.D. Coelho, Computational intelligence approach to PID controller design

using the universal model


112 2010 Octombrie Precup R.-E., Doboli S., Preitl S.

Stability Analysis and Development of a Class of

Fuzzy Control Systems

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), vol.

13, no. 3, pp. 237-247, 20000952-1976

Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), Istanbul, Turkey, pp.


Z.C. Johanyák, Fuzzy rule interpolation based on subsethood




113 2010 OctombriePrecup R.-E.,

Tomescu M.L., Preitl S.

Lorenz System Stabilization Using Fuzzy Controllers

International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (Agora University), vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 279-

2873, 2007


Proc. International Conference on Computer Application and System

Modeling (ICCASM 2010), Taiyuan, China, vol. 1, pp. V1363-V1369

J. Wang, W.-W. Zhang, Chaos control via variable universe fuzzy theory in

auto gauge control system



114 2010 Octombrie

Precup R.-E., Tomescu M.L., Preitl S., Petriu


Fuzzy Logic-based Stabilization of Nonlinear Time-

varying Systems

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (Indian Society for Development & Environment

Research), vol. 3, no. A09, pp. 24-36, 2009

0974-0635International Journal of Artificial

Intelligence, vol. 5, no. A10, pp. 17-36

S. Kalyani, K.S. Swarup, Support vector machine based pattern

recognition approach for static security assessment


115 2010 Octombrie

Curiac D.I., Voloşencu C.,

Pescaru D., Jurca L., Doboli A.

Redundancy and its applications in wireless sesnor

networks, a survey

WSEAS Trans. on Computers, vol. 8, no. 4, 2009 1109-2750 WSEAS Trans. on Computers, vol.

9, no. 9

I. Almomani, E. Almashakbek, A power secury routing protocol for

wireless sensor networks1109-2750

116 2010 Octombrie Curiac D.I. Voloşencu C.

Implementing time series methodology using wireless

sensor networks

WSEAS Trans. on Computers, vol. 9, no. 3, 2010 1109-2750 WSEAS Trans. on Computers, vol.

9, no. 9

I. Almomani, E. Almashakbek, A power secury routing protocol for

wireless sensor networks1109-2750

117 2010 NoiembrieG.-D. Andreescu,

C.I. Pitic, F. Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3715-

3723. (ISI 4.678)

S. Sayeef, G. Foo, M.F. Rahman, Rotor position and speed estimation of

a variable structure direct-torque-controlled IPM synchronous motor drive at very low speeds including



118 2010 Noiembrie

I. Boldea, M. C. Paicu, G.-D.

Andreescu, F. Blaabjerg

"Active flux" DTFC-SVM sensorless control of IPMSM

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 314-

322, June 2009 (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

Journal of Advances in Information Technology, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 163-

167. (ojs.academy-open)

E. Kaliappan, C. Sharmeela, Direct torque control of PMBLDC motor using

hybrid (GA and fuzzy logic) controller1798-2340

119 2010 Noiembrie Preitl S., Precup R.-E.

An Extension of Tuning Relations after Symmetrical Optimum Method for PI and

PID Controllers

Automatica (Elsevier Science), vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 1731-1736, 1999 0005-1098

Proc. 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2010), Glendale, AZ, USA,

pp. 120-125

S. Thomsen, F.W. Fuchs, Flatness based speed control of drive systems

with resonant loads



120 2010 Noiembrie Precup R.-E., Doboli S., Preitl S.

Stability Analysis and Development of a Class of

Fuzzy Control Systems

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), vol.

13, no. 3, pp. 237-247, 20000952-1976

Proc. 11th IEEE International Symposium on Computational

Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2010), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 151-


Z.C. Johanyák, A.M. Ádámné, Yield strength prediction for thermoplastic composites based on a sparse fuzzy




121 2010 Noiembrie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Petriu E.M., Tar

J.K., Tomescu M.L., Pozna C.

Generic two-degree-of-freedom linear and fuzzy

controllers for integral processes

Journal of The Franklin Institute (Elsevier Science), vol. 346, no. 10,

pp. 980-1003, 2009


IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,

vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 2982-2990

C. Alippi, G. Boracchi, R. Camplani, M. Roveri, Detecting external

disturbances on the camera lens in wireless multimedia sensor networks


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122 2010 Noiembrie

Precup R.-E., Preitl S., Tar J. K.,

Tomescu M. L., Takács M., Korondi

P., Baranyi P.

Fuzzy Control System Performance Enhancement by

Iterative Learning Control

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 3461-

3475, 20080278-0046

Proc. 11th IEEE International Symposium on Computational

Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI 2010), Budapest, Hungary, pp. 151-


Z.C. Johanyák, A.M. Ádámné, Yield strength prediction for thermoplastic composites based on a sparse fuzzy




123 2010 Noiembrie/ Decembrie

G.-D. Andreescu, C.I. Pitic, F.

Blaabjerg, I. Boldea

Combined flux observer with signal injection enhancement

for wide speed-range sensorless direct torque control of IPMSM drives

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 393-

402, June 2008. (ISI 2.635)0885-8969

International Review of Electrical Engineering-IREE, vol. 5, no. 6, part

A, pp. 2610-2622 (ISI 0.570/09)

A. Amiri, M. Mohamadian M. Dehghan, A. Sadeghilarijani, Adaptive compensation of VSI non-idealities to improve sensorless control of PMSM

in low speed


124 2010 Noiembrie/ Decembrie

I. Boldea, C.I. Pitic, C. Lascu, G.-D. Andreescu, L.

Tutelea, F. Blaabjerg, P.


DTFC-SVM motion-sensorless control of PM-assisted

reluctance synchronous machine as starter-alternator

for hybrid electric vehicles

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 711-

719, May 2006. (ISI 2.929)0885-8993

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 2545-

2555. (ISI 1.298)

Dongkyoung Chwa, Kyo-Beum Lee, Variable structure control of the active

and reactive powers for a DFIG in wind turbines


125 2010 Decembrie

M.C. Paicu, I. Boldea, G.-D. Andreescu, F.


Very low speed performance of active flux based sensorless control: IPMSM vector control versus direct torque and flux


IET Electric Power Applications, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 551-561, Nov. 2009 (ISI

1.212)1751-8660 Journal of Electrical Eng., vol. 10,

no. 4, pp. 1-9. (INSPEC)

A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani, An improved sliding mode observer for

speed sensorles direct torque control of PMSM drive with a three-level NPC

inverter based speed and stator resistance estimator


126 2010 Decembrie

M.C. Paicu, L. Tutelea, G.-D. Andreescu, I.


Active flux sensorless vector control of IPMSM for wide

speed range

Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 98-105, Dec. 2008.

(INSPEC)1582-4594 Journal of Electrical Eng., vol. 10,

no. 4, pp. 1-9. (INSPEC)

A. Ameur, B. Mokhtari, L. Mokrani, An improved sliding mode observer for

speed sensorles direct torque control of PMSM drive with a three-level NPC

inverter based speed and stator resistance estimator


127 2010 Decembrie Precup R.-E., Preitl S.

PI-Fuzzy Controllers for Integral Plants to Ensure

Robust Stability

Information Sciences (Elsevier Science), vol. 177, no. 20, pp. 4410-

4429, 20070020-0255 Information Sciences, vol. 180, no.

23, pp. 4641-4660

T.-H.S. Li, Y.-C. Huang, MIMO adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding-mode

controller for robotic manipulators0020-0255

128 2010 Decembrie Precup R.-E., Preitl S.

Optimisation Criteria in Development of Fuzzy

Controllers with Dynamics

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier Science), vol.

17, no. 6, pp. 661-674, 20040952-1976 Information Sciences, vol. 180, no.

23, pp. 4619-4640

S. Tong, Y. Li, Fuzzy adaptive robust backstepping stabilization for SISO nonlinear systems with unknown

virtual control direction


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Nr. crt. Denumirea conferintei Tipul de conferinta

Organizatia profesionala / Institutia


ISBN volum conferinta Site web conferinta Organizator

principal din UPTObservatii (cotare

conferinta sau volum)


IEEE International Joint Conferences on Computational

Cybernetics and Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI 2010),

May 27-29

Automatică, Calculatoare, Informatică

IEEE / UPT, Obuda University Budapest, Hungary 978-1-4244-7433-2


conti2010/Facultatea AC IEEE Xplore

22nd IFAC Symposium on

Telematics Applications (TA 2010), October 5‒8

Automatică, Comunicaţii IFAC / SRAIT; UPT _ http://www.upt.ro/ta2010/index.php

Dept. AIA, Facultatea AC (Toma Leonida


1. Conferinte internationale organizate in UPT in anul 2010

Page 42: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Numele si prenumele

Pozitia (membru colectiv redactie /


Perioada membru colectiv redactie / recenzor Titlul revistei / editor Site web revista ISSN

1 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor 2004 - 2010IEEE Transactions on Industrial

Electronics / IEEE Ind. Electronics Soc.

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=41 0278-0046

2 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor 2007 - 2010IEEE Transactions on Power

Electronics / IEEE Power Electronics Soc.

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=63 0885-8993

3 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor 2006 - 2010IEEE Transactions on Energy

Conversion / IEEE Power & Energy Soc.

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=60 0885-8969

4 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor 2010IEEE Transactions on Industry

Applications / IEEE Industry Applications Soc.

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=28 0093-9994

5 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor 2005 - 2010

ISA Transactions - A Journal for Science and Engineering of

Measurement and Automation, USA / ISA Soc.




6 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor 2009-2010IET Electric Power Applications, UK /

Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)

http://www.ietdl.org/IET-EPA 1751-8660

7 Dragomir Toma Leonida Associate Editor 1998-2010 Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (CEAI) / SRAIT http://www.ceai.srait.ro/index.php/ceai 1454-8658

8 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2009-2010Acta Polytehnica Hungarica, Journal

of Applied Sciences / Obuda University, Hungary

http://bmf.hu/journal/ 1785-8860

9 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2008-2010 Information Sciences / Elsevier Science



10 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2008-2010 Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory / Elsevier Science



11 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2008-2010 Computers in Industry / Elsevier Science



1. Membrii colective de redacţie reviste cotate ISI

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12 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2009-2010International Journal of Electrical

Power and Energy Systems / Elsevier Science



13 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2009-2010 Fuzzy Sets and Systems / Elsevier Science



14 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2010 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing / Elsevier Science



15 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2009-2010Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies / Elsevier




16 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2010 Advances in Engineering Software / Elsevier Science



17 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2010 Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering / Springer-Verlag

http://www.springer.com/chemistry/biotechnology/journal/449 1615-7591

18 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2008-2010IEEE Transactions on Industrial

Electronics / IEEE Ind. Electronics Soc.

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=41 0278-0046

19 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2008-2010 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems / IEEE

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=91 1063-6706

20 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2009-2010IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man

and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans / IEEE

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=3468 1083-4427

21 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2009-2010 Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control / ASME http://www.asmedl.org/DynamicSys 0022-0434

22 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2010 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics / IEEE, ASME

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?reload=true&punumber=3516 1083-4435

23 Precup Radu-Emil recenzor 2009-2010Strojniški vestnik - Journal of

Mechanical Engineering / University of Ljubljana

http://www.sv-jme.eu/ 0039-2840

24 Precup Radu-Emil

membru colectiv redactie (International

Scientific Board) + recenzor

2007-2010Advances in Electrical and

Computer Engineering / Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

http://www.aece.ro/board.php 1582-7445

25 Preitl Stefan recenzor 2009-2010IEEE Transactions on Industrial

Electronics / IEEE Ind. Electronics Soc.

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=41 0278-0046

26 Preitl Stefan recenzor 2009-2010 Information Sciences / Elsevier Science



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27 Preitl Stefanmembru colectiv

redactie (Associate Editor) + recenzor

2005-2010Acta Polytehnica Hungarica, Journal

of Applied Sciences / Obuda University, Hungary

http://bmf.hu/journal/ 1785-8860

28 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara recenzor 2010 Methods of Information in Medicine / Schattauer Publ.



29 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara recenzor 2009-2010 Central European Journal of Physics / VERSITA Publ. http://www.versita.com/cejp/ 1895-1082

30 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile recenzor 2010- Biomedical Signal Processing and Control / Elsevier



Nr. crt. Numele si prenumele

Pozitia (membru colectiv redactie /


Perioada membru colectiv redactie / recenzor Titlul revistei / editor Site web revista ISSN

1 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor 2009-2010 Journal of Electrical Engineering JEE / Ed. Politehnica; Inspec http://www.jee.ro/ 1582-4594

2 Dragomir Toma Leonidamembru colectiv redactie (Editorial Advisory Board)

2009-2010International Journal of Advanced

Intelligence Paradigms / Inderscience Publ.; INSPEC

http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=272#board 1755-0386

3 Dragos Claudia-Adinamembru colectiv

redactie (Associate Editor)


Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Versita, Poland, co-

published with Springer-Verlag; SCOPUS

http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/13230 2080-9778

4 Precup Radu-Emil redactor sef (Editor-in-Chief) 2008-2010

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence / CESER Publ.;


http://ceser.res.in/ijai.html 0974-0635

2. Membrii colective de redacţie reviste indexate BDI

Page 45: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

5 Precup Radu-Emil

membru colectiv redactie (Editorial Advisory Board) +


2009-2010International Journal of Advanced

Intelligence Paradigms / Inderscience Publ.; INSPEC

http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=272#board 1755-0386

6 Precup Radu-Emil membru colectiv redactie (Editor) 2006-2010

International Journal of Tomography & Statistics / CESER Publ.;

Zentralblatt MATH, SCOPUShttp://www.ceser.res.in/ijts.html 0972-9976

7 Precup Radu-Emilmembru colectiv redactie (Editorial Advisory Board)


The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control /

SoftMotor Ltd; INSPEC, Compendex, Scopus

http://www.medjmc.com/index.html 1743-9310

8 Precup Radu-Emil membru colectiv redactie 2007-2010

International Journal of Soft Computing / Medwell Online;


http://www.medwelljournals.com/journalhome.php?jid=1816-9503 1816-9503

9 Precup Radu-Emil membru colectiv redactie (Editor) 2010

Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Versita, Poland, co-

published with Springer-Verlag; SCOPUS

http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/13230 2080-9778

10 Precup Radu-Emilmembru colectiv

redactie (Associate Editor)


International Magazine on Advances in Computer Science and

Telecommunications / Assoc. for Comp. Sc. and Telecom.,

Macedonia; DOAJ

http://www.imacst.com/index.php?p=1_4_Editorial-Board 1857-7202

11 Preitl Stefan membru colectiv redactie (Editor) 2008-2010

International Journal of Artificial Intelligence / CESER Publ.;


http://ceser.res.in/ijai.html 0974-0635

12 Prostean Octavianmembru colectiv redactie (Editorial Advisory Board)

2009-2010International Journal of Advanced

Intelligence Paradigms / Inderscience Publ.; INSPEC

http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=272#board 1755-0386

13 Radac Mircea-Bogdanmembru colectiv

redactie (Associate Editor)


Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics, Versita, Poland, co-

published with Springer-Verlag; SCOPUS

http://www.springer.com/computer/ai/journal/13230 2080-9778

Page 46: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

14 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile recenzor 2010-prezentWSEAS Trans. on Information

Science and Applications / WSEAS; ACM, Compendex

http://www.worldses.org/journals/information/index.html 1790-0832

15 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasilemember Review board Computer Science and Computer Engineering

2008-prezent Scientific Journals International SJI http://www.scientificjournals.org/editorial_board.htm 1556-6757

16 Voloşencu C.member Review board Computer Science and Computer Engineering

2010 Scientific Journals International SJI http://www.scientificjournals.org/editorial_board.htm 1556-6757

17 Voloşencu C.membru colectiv

redactie (Associate Editor)

2010WSEAS Trans. on Information

Science and Applications / WSEAS; ACM, Compendex

http://www.worldses.org/journals/information/index.html 1790-0832

18 Voloşencu C. membru colectiv redactie 2010 Int. Journal of Computer Science &

Emerging Technolgy; ProQuest http://sprinterglobal.org/ijcset/editorial%

20board.html 2044-6004

19 Voloşencu C.membru colectiv

redactie (Associate Editor)


International Magazine on Advances in Computer Science and

Telecommunications / Assoc. for Comp. Sc. and Telecom.,

Macedonia; DOAJ

http://www.imacst.com/index.php?p=1_4_Editorial-Board 1857-7202

20 Voloşencu C.membru colectiv redactie (Authors Advisory Board)


Journal of Biochemical Technology / SEVAS Educational Society; index:

Chemical Abstracts, Science Central, EBSCOhost

http://www.jbiochemtech.com/index.php/jbt/article/viewFile/JBT110/22 0974-2328

21 Andreescu Gheorghe-Danielmembru colectiv redactie (secretar

redactie) + recenzor

2007-prezent: secretar redactie; 2004-prezent: membru; 1998-

prezent: recenzor

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

22 Andreescu Gheorghe-Danielmembru colectiv

redactie (associate editor)

2008-2010Journal of Computer Science and

Control Systems / Ed. Univ. Oradea; IndexCopernicus, Ulrich's Update

http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/reviste%20CSCS/editorial/editorial_board.htm 1844-6043

Page 47: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

23 Dragomir Toma Leonida membru colectiv redactie + recenzor 1996-2010

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

24 Dragomir Toma Leonidamembru colectiv

redactie (associate editor)

2008-2010Journal of Computer Science and

Control Systems / Ed. Univ. Oradea; IndexCopernicus, Ulrich's Update

http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/reviste%20CSCS/editorial/editorial_board.htm 1844-6043

25 Precup Radu-Emilmembru colectiv

redactie (redactor sef adjunct) + recenzor

1994-2010 - membru, 2005-2010 - redactor sef adjunct

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

26 Precup Radu-Emil membru colectiv redactie + recenzor 2007-2010

Facta Universitatis, Series: Electronics and Energetics /

University of Nis

http://factaee.elfak.ni.ac.rs/fu2k91/editor.html 0353-3670

27 Precup Radu-Emil membru colectiv redactie 2008-2010

Facta Universitatis, Series Automatic Control and Robotics / University of


http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/acar/acared.html 1820-6417

28 Preitl Stefan

membru colectiv redactie (Editorial Advisory Board) +



Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi-Sectia: Automatica si Calculatoare; Zentralblatt,


http://www.ace.tuiasi.ro/index.php?page=678 1220 - 2169

29 Preitl Stefanmembru colectiv

redactie (redactor sef adjunct) + recenzor


Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

30 Prostean Octavian membru colectiv redactie (redactor sef) 2000-prezent

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; index: Index Copernicus

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

Page 48: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

31 Robu Nicolae membru colectiv redactie 1996-prezent

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

32 Robu Nicolaemembru colectiv

redactie (associate editor)

2008-prezentJournal of Computer Science and

Control Systems / Ed. Univ. Oradea; IndexCopernicus, Ulrich's Update

http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/reviste%20CSCS/editorial/editorial_board.htm 1844-6043

33 Silea Ioan membru colectiv redactie 2004-prezent

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

34 Silea Ioanmembru colectiv

redactie (associate editor)

2008-prezentJournal of Computer Science and

Control Systems / Ed. Univ. Oradea; IndexCopernicus, Ulrich's Update

http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/reviste%20CSCS/editorial/editorial_board.htm 1844-6043

35 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara recenzent 1998-prezent

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

36 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioaramembru colectiv

redactie (associate editor) + recenzent

2008-prezentJournal of Computer Science and

Control Systems / Ed. Univ. Oradea; IndexCopernicus, Ulrich's Update

http://electroinf.uoradea.ro/reviste%20CSCS/editorial/editorial_board.htm 1844-6043

37 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile recenzor 1998-prezent

Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politehnica" din Timisoara, Seria Autoamatica si Calculatoare / Ed.

Politehnica; IndexCopernicus, VINITI

http://www.ac.upt.ro/journal/ 1224-600X

38 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasilemembru colectiv

redactie (associate editorial board)


International Journal of Computational Intelligence Techniques / Bioinfo Publ.; ProQuest, IndexCopernicus

http://www.bioinfo.in/journals.php 0976-0466

Page 49: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Numele si prenumele

Pozitia (membru colectiv redactie /


Perioada membru colectiv redactie / recenzor Titlul revistei / editor Site web revista ISSN

1 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile recenzor 2008-prezentScientific Journals International /

Global Commerce and Communication

http://www.scientificjournals.org/editorial_board.htm 1556-6757

2 Volosencu Constantin recenzor 2006-prezentScientific Journals International /

Global Commerce and Communication

http://www.scientificjournals.org/editorial_board.htm 1556-6757

3. Membrii colective de redacţie alte reviste

Page 50: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt.

Numele si prenumele

Pozitia (membru comitet organizare /


Numele conferintei, loc si perioada de desfasurare

Organizatia profesionala / Institutia


ISBN volum conferinta

Site web conferinta

Observatii (cotare conferinta sau


1 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel

membru comitet organizare (Organizing Committee Chair)

IEEE Int. Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and

Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania, May 27-29

IEEE / Univ. "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Obuda University

Budapest, Hungary978-1-4244-7432-5



2 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel

membru comitet organizare (Programme Committee), sesion co-chair + recenzor

12th Int. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment

(OPTIM 2010), Braşov, Romania, May 20-22

IEEE / Univ. Transilvania din Braşov, Univ. "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Univ. Tehnică din


1842-0133; 978-1-4244-7019-8


IEEE Xplore; INSPEC; (ISI Proc.)

3 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel

membru comitet organizare (National Organizing


2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications (TA 2010), Timisoara,

Romania, October 5‒8

IFAC / Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică

Tehnică (SRAIT); UPT_ http://www.upt.ro/ta2

010/ IFAC

4 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel

membru comitet organizare (Programme Committee) +


2nd Int. Conf. on Information Technology Convergence and Services (ITCS 2010), Cebu, Philippines, Aug.


IEEE / FTRA; KITCS 978-1-4244-7584-1 http://www.ftrai.org/itcs2010/ IEEE Xplore, INSPEC

5 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor

36th Annual Conf. of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2010), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Nov. 7-10

IEEE Industrial Electronics Soc. 1553-572X; 978-1-4244-5225-5


IEEE Xplore; INSPEC; (ISI Proc.)

6 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor

IEEE Int. Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010), Bari, Italy, July


IEEE Industrial Electronics Soc.; IEEE Control System

Soc. 978-1-4244-6390-9 http://www.isie2010.i

t/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC;

(ISI Proc.)

7 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel recenzor

IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Control Systems (WICS 2010), Sinaia,

Romania, Sep.29-Oct. 1

IFAC / Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică

Tehnică (SRAIT)_ http://wics2010.ics.p

ub.ro/ IFAC

8 Dragomir Toma-Leonida

membru comitet organizare (National Organizing

Committee Chair, Editor)

2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications (TA 2010), Timisoara,

Romania, October 5‒8

IFAC / Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică

Tehnică (SRAIT); UPT_ http://www.upt.ro/ta2

010/ IFAC

9 Groza Bogdan membru comitet organizare (Program Committee)

5th Int. Conf. on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS 2010),

Montreal, Canada, Oct. 10-13

co-sponsorizat IEEE Comp. Soc. 978-1-4244-4498-4 http://www.crisis201

0.org/ IEEE Explore

1. Membrii comitete organizare conferinte internationale

Page 51: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

10 Groza Bogdan membru comitet organizare (TPC)

4th Int. Conf. on Emerging Security Information, Systems and

Technologies (SECURWARE 2010), Venice, Italy, July 18-25

IARIA 978-1-4244-7517-9 http://www.iaria.org/conferences2010/S

ECURWARE10.htmlIEEE Explore

11 Groza Bogdan membru comitet organizare (TPC)

5th Int. Conf. on Internet Monitoring and Protection (ICIMP 2010), Barcelona, Spain, May 9-15

IARIA 978-1-4244-6726-6 http://www.iaria.org/conferences2010/IC

IMP10.htmlIEEE Explore

12 Korodi Adrian Stefanmembru comitet organizare

(National Organizing Committee) + recenzor

2nd IFAC Symposium on Telematics Applications (TA 2010), Timișoara,

Romania, Oct. 5-8

IFAC / SRAIT, Universitatea "Politehnica" din Timişoara _ http://www.upt.ro/

ta2010/ IFAC

13 Precup Radu-Emilmembru comitet organizare

(Technical Program Committee Co-Chair)

IEEE Int. Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and

Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania, May 27-29

IEEE / Univ. "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Obuda University

Budapest, Hungary978-1-4244-7432-5



14 Precup Radu-Emil membru comitet organizare (TPC) + recenzor

IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and

Applications (CIMSA 2010), Taranto, Italy, 6-8 Sep.

IEEE 978-1-4244-7228-4 http://cimsa.ieee-ims.org/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC

15 Precup Radu-Emil membru comitet organizare (TPC) + recenzor

IEEE Conf. on Virtual Environments, Human-Computer Interfaces and Measurement Systems (VECIMS

2010), Taranto, Italy, 6-8 Sep.

IEEE 978-1-4244-5904-9 http://vecims.ieee-ims.org/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC

16 Precup Radu-Emilmembru International Program Committee +


IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2010), Istanbul,

Turkey, 10-13 Oct.IEEE 978-1-4244-6586-6




17 Precup Radu-Emilmembru International Program Committee +


IEEE Int. Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conf.

(I2MTC 2010), Austin, TX, USA, May 3-6

IEEE 978-1-4244-2832-8http://ieee-



18 Precup Radu-Emil membru comitet organizare (IPC)

Xth Triennial Int. SAUM Conf. on Systems, Automatic Control and

Measurements (SAUM 2010), Nis, Serbia, Nov. 10-12

University of Nis, Serbia 978-86-6125-020-0 http://saum2010.elfak.ni.ac.rs/ _

19 Preitl Stefan membru comitet organizare (TPC) + recenzor

IEEE Int. Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and

Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania, May 27-29

IEEE / Univ. "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Obuda University

Budapest, Hungary978-1-4244-7432-5



Page 52: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

20 Preitl Stefan membru comitet organizare (TPC) + recenzor

IEEE Int. Conf. on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems

and Applications (CIMSA 2010), Taranto, Italy, 6-8 Sep.

IEEE 978-1-4244-7228-4 http://cimsa.ieee-ims.org/ IEEE Xplore; INSPEC

21 Preitl Stefan membru comitet organizare (IPC)

Xth Triennial Int. SAUM Conf. on Systems, Automatic Control and

Measurements (SAUM 2010), Nis, Serbia, Nov. 10-12

University of Nis, Serbia 978-86-6125-020-0 http://saum2010.elfak.ni.ac.rs/ _

22 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

membru comitet organizare (Scientific Program Committee chair)

Conf. e-Health Across Borders Without Boundaries MIE-STC 2011, Lasko,

Slovenia, 14-15 aprilie 2011

European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) va fi in 2011 http://www.stc2011.

si/ va fi indexata in 2011

23 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

membru comitet organizare (TPC) + recenzor

IEEE Int. Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and

Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania, May 27-29

IEEE / Univ. "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Obuda University

Budapest, Hungary978-1-4244-7432-5



24 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

recenzor; membru Science programme committee

EFMI STC 2010 Conf. Seamless care - safe care, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 2-4

European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) 978-I-60750-562-4




25 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

membru comitet organizare (Advisory Committee)

Int. Workshop on Innovation in Health Informatics (IWIHI’11) within 2011

World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'11), Las

Vegas, USA, July 18-21, 2011

University of Georgia, Department of Computer

Science - coordonatorva fi in 2011




26 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile recenzor 18th IFAC Word Congress, Milano, 28 aug.-2 sept. 2011 IFAC va fi in 2011 http://www.ifac2011.

org/ va fi indexata in 2011

27 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile recenzorConf. e-Health Across Borders Without

Boundaries MIE-STC 2011, Lasko, Slovenia, 14-15 aprilie 2011

European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) va fi in 2011 http://www.stc2011.

si/ va fi indexata in 2011

28 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile membru comitet organizare (TPC)

IEEE Int. Joint Conferences on Computational Cybernetics and

Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI 2010), Timişoara, Romania, May 27-29

IEEE / Univ. "Politehnica" din Timişoara, Obuda University

Budapest, Hungary978-1-4244-7432-5



29 Voloşencu C. membru comitet organizare (Committee member)

2010 Int. Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'10), within 2010 World Congress

in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing

(WORLDCOMP'10), Las Vegas Nevada, USA, July 15-25

CSREA Press 1-60132-148-1





Page 53: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt.

Numele si prenumele

Pozitia (membru comitet organizare /


Numele conferintei, loc si perioada de desfasurare

Organizatia profesionala / Institutia


ISBN volum conferinta

Site web conferinta

Observatii (cotare conferinta sau


1 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara chair, recenzor

31st National Conf. on Medical Informatics, RO-MEDINF 2010, Arad,

Romania, 18-20 Nov.SRIM 978-606-8054-14-8 http://www.medinfo.

umft.ro/rsmi/ _

Nr. crt.

Numele si prenumele

Conferinta internationala Titlul lucrarii

Organizatia profesionala / Institutia


ISBN volum conferinta

Site web conferinta

Observatii (cotare conferinta sau



Dragoş Claudia-Adina, Precup Radu-Emil, Preitl Stefan,

Rădac Mircea-Bogdan

2nd Int. Conf. on Technics, Education, Agriculture and

Management (TEAM 2010), Kecskemét, Hungary, Nov. 4-


Low-cost Fuzzy Control Solutions for Electromechanical Applications Kecskemet College, Hungary 978-963-7294-86-0 http://www.gamf.hu/t

eam2010/ _

2Preitl Stefan, Precup

Radu-Emil, Preitl Zsuzsa

Xth Triennial Int. SAUM Conf. on Systems, Automatic

Control and Measurements (SAUM 2010), Nis, Serbia,


Aspects Concerning the Tuning of 2-DOF Fuzzy Controllers University of Nis, Serbia 978-86-6125-020-0 http://saum2010.elfa

k.ni.ac.rs/ _

3 Voloşencu C.

9th WSEAS International Conf. on SIGNAL


'10), Feb.

Fault detection and Diagnosis of Distributed Parameter Systems Based

on Sensor Networks and Artificial Intelligence

WSEAS / University of Cambridge, UK 978-960-474-157-1


ambridge/ispra/ISI Proc.

4 Voloşencu C., Curiac D.I.

6th WSEAS International Conf. on DYNAMICAL


Fault Detection and Diagnosis of Distributed Parameter Systems based

on Sensor Networks and Bayesian Networks

WSEAS / Universite de Sfax, Faculte des Sciences de Sfax,





5 Voloşencu C.

2nd Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Engineering,

Quality and Production Systems (MEQAPS'10),

Constanta, Sep.

Monitoring of Distributed Parameter Systems Based on Virtual

Instrumentation and Sensor Networks

WSEAS / Universitatea Mircea cel Batran, Constanta 978-960-474-220-2



6 Voloşencu C.

Conf. on Development, Energy, Environment,

Economics (DEEE '10), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife,


Environmental Monitoring Based on Sensor Networks and Artificial


Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and

Applied Mathematics978-960-474-253-0 http://www.ieee.am/ _

2. Membrii comitete organizare conferinte nationale

3. Lucrari invitate la conferinte internationale (Keynote Speakers)

Page 54: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt. Nume si prenume Tipul premiului / distinctiei Organizatia care a

decernat premiul / distinctia

Lucrarea / proiectul pentru care a fost decernat premiul /


Nr. crt. Nume si prenume Tipul premiului / distinctiei Organizatia care a

decernat premiul / distinctia

Lucrarea / proiectul pentru care a fost decernat premiul /


Nr. crt. Nume si prenume Numele complet al Academiei Perioada de cand este

membru Site web academie

1 Dragomir Toma Leonida Academia de Stiinte Tehnice din Romania 1999, membru corespondent http://www.astr.ro

Nr. crt. Nume si prenume Universitatea Data acordarii titlului Site web universitate

Nr. crt. Nume si prenume Organizatia profesionala Pozitia de conducere De cand este in pozitie de


Site web organizatie profesionala

1. Premii / distinctii internationale

5. Pozitii de conducere in organizatii profesionale internationale / nationale

4. Doctor Honoris Causa al unor universitati de prestigiu

3. Membru al Academiei Romane, al academiilor de ramura si al academiilor din strainatate

2. Premii / distinctii nationale

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Nr. crt. Nume si prenume Organizatia profesionala De cand este membru Site web organizatie


1 Andreescu Gheorghe-DanielConsiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice

din Învăţământul Superior (CNCSIS), Comisia 2 de Ştiinţe Inginereşti

2009 http://www.cncsis.ro/articole/1566/Comisia-2-Stiinte-Ingineresti.html

2 Andreescu Gheorghe-DanielConsiliul Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice

din Învăţământul Superior (CNCSIS): Expert evaluator

2004 http://www.cncsis.ro/

3 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): M'03, SM'05 2003, Senior member 2005 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

4 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel IEEE Industry Applications Society 2003 http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/ias/cms/

5 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 2003 http://www.ieee-ras.org/

6 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society 2006; 2009 http://www.ieee-ims.org/

7 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel IEEE Communications Society 2005; 2009. http://www.comsoc.org/

8 Andreescu Gheorghe-DanielInternational Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Technical Committee

TC4.2 Mechatronic Systems2003 http://www.ifac-control.org/

9 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

10 Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel Societatea de Robotică din Romania (SRR) 1998 http://www.robotics-society.ro/

11 Curiac Daniel-Ioan Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2003 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

12 Curiac Daniel-Ioan Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

13 Dragomir Toma Leonida Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2003 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

14 Dragomir Toma Leonida Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

15 Filip Ioan Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2009 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

16 Filip Ioan Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

17 Precup Radu-Emil IFAC Technical Committee on Computational Intelligence in Control 2002 http://tc.ifac-control.org/3/2

6. Membru in organizatii profesionale internationale / nationale

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18 Precup Radu-Emil Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): M'03, SM'07 2003 , Senior member 2007 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

19 Precup Radu-Emil

Subcommittee on Computational Intelligence as part of the Technical Committee on Control, Robotics and Mechatronics in the IEEE Industrial

Electronics Society

2007 http://dind.mogi.bme.hu/laboratory/Default.aspx

20 Precup Radu-Emil European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology 2010 http://www.eusflat.org/

21 Precup Radu-Emil Hungarian Fuzzy Association (HFA, MFT), Budapest, Hungary 2005 http://mft.iit.uni-


22 Precup Radu-Emil Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

23 Precup Radu-Emil Societatea de Robotică din Romania (SRR) 1998 http://www.robotics-society.ro/

24 Preitl Stefan IFAC Technical Committee on Control Design 2002 http://cap.ee.ic.ac.uk/~astolfi/TC_21/ind


25 Preitl Stefan Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): M'03, SM'07 2003 , Senior member 2007 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

26 Preitl Stefan Hungarian Fuzzy Association (HFA, MFT), Budapest, Hungary 2003 http://mft.iit.uni-


27 Preitl Stefan Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

28 Preitl Stefan Societatea de Robotică din Romania (SRR) 1998 http://www.robotics-society.ro/

29 Prostean Octavian Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2003 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

30 Prostean Octavian Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

31 Robu Nicolae Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2003 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

32 Robu Nicolae Association for Computin Machinery (ACM) 2007 http://www.acm.org/

33 Robu Nicolae Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

34 Silea Ioan Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2005 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

35 Silea Ioan Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1993 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

36 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara Federația Europeană de Informatică Medicală, membru în Consiliu 2003 http://www.helmholtz-


37 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara Socieatatea Română de Informatică Medicală 1998; din 2010 Președinte http://www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi/ro/prezi


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38 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara HL7 România 2006; vicepreședinte http://www.hl7.ro/

39 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network 2004 http://www.eden-online.org/eden.php

40 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2004 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

41 Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1991 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

42 Stoicu-Tivadar VasileAgenţia Română de Asigurare a Calităţii

în Învăţământul Superior (ARACIS), Comisia de Stiinte Ingineresti II

2009 http://www.aracis.ro/index.php?id=39

43 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2003 http://www.ieee.org/index.html

44 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile IFAC TC 8.2 2000 http://tc.ifac-control.org/8/2

45 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile Societatea Romana de Informatica Medicala 1998 http://www.medinfo.umft.ro/rsmi/ro/afilie


46 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1996 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

47 Stoicu-Tivadar Vasile Societatea de Robotică din Romania (SRR) 1995 http://www.robotics-society.ro/

48 Voloşencu C. IEEE Control Systems Society 1995 http://www.ieeecss.org/main/

49 Voloşencu C. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society 2000 http://www.ieee-cis.org/

50 Voloşencu C. Societatea Romana de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică (SRAIT) 1995 http://srait.ecosys.pub.ro/

51 Voloşencu C. S.I.E.A.R. 1995 http://www.siear.ro/

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Nr. crt. Nume si prenume Domeniul Anul dobandirii calitatii

de conducator doctoratDoctoranzi in stagiu (nume si prenume)

Forma de studiu (frecventa, ff, strain) Tema de cercetare

Coman Cristina Elena frecvenţă Sisteme de acţionare cu MSMP tolerante la defectarea unor traductoare

Gurban Eugen Horaţiu frecvenţă Sistem de automatizare pentru sereIacob Mihai frecvenţă SCADA cu apllicaţii în CET

Ionică Tiberiu. ff Sisteme de achiţii şi comunicaţie în aplicaţii industriale

Gut Iosif. ff Arhitecturi decizionale bazate pe WSNPlastoi Madalin frecventa Securizarea informatiei in WSNBerinde Sabina ff Sisteme automate in automobile Dan Ana Maria ff Sisteme automate discrete

Ignat Aurelian Dorel ff Analiza sistemelor liniare

Ilin Alina Mariana frecventa Abordarea sistemica a sistemelor de management a calitatii

Ioanaş Gelu Laurenţiu frecventa Sisteme de poziţionare în domeniul automotive

Moldovan Ovidiu Lucian ff Sisteme de conducere pentru amenajari hidroelectrice

Petcuţ Flavius Maxim frecventa Modelarea sistemelor de celule fotovoltaice

Ştefan Octavian ff Modelarea transferului informatiilor in sisteme de teleconducere

Voisan Emil ff Modelarea transferului informatiilor in retele

4 Filip Ioan Ingineria sistemelor 2009 Nu are doctoranzi in 2010

Barbulescu Daniela frecventaDezvoltarea sistemelor de reglare

automată utilizând sisteme artificiale imune

David Radu Codrut ff Contribuţii la modelarea şi optimizarea sistemelor de reglare fuzzy

Dragomir Lavinia-Elena ff Metode şi instrumente de extragere automată a informaţiilor

Fedorovici Lucian-Ovidiu ff Soluţii de recunoaştere a caracterelor tipărite

Paul Adrian Sebastian ffContributii la rezolvarea unor probleme

de reglare automata in prelucrarea semnalelor audio

Radac Mircea-Bogdan frecventa Tehnici iterative în acordarea regulatoarelor automate

Stan Marian ffContribuţii la dezvoltarea unor structuri de conducere automată a sistemelor de

frânare ale autovehiculelor





Ingineria sistemelor

Conducere de doctorat

Andreescu Gheorghe-Daniel Ingineria Sistemelor (Automatica) 2005

Curiac Daniel Ioan

Dragomir Toma Leonida


Calculatoare si Tehnologia Informatiei

Precup Radu-Emil


2004Ingineria Sistemelor (Automatica)

Page 59: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Balazs Peter ff Sisteme moderne de control al circulatiei

Dragos Claudia frecventa Proiectare structuri de reglare bazate pe model

Lamos Corina ff Sisteme de conducere moderne in aplicatii de mecanica fina

Stinean Alexandra Iulia frecventa Proiectare structuri de reglare optimalaBălaş Sanda Valentina ff Conducerea automata a serelor

Boraci Radu ffCercetari asupra unor structuri de

sisteme de conversie a energiei eoliene in energie electrica

Draghici Viorel Petrut ff Optimizarea sistemelor bazate pe energii regenerabile

Gana Ovidiu Horia ff Modelarea si identificarea masinilor electrice utilizate in centrale eoliene

Koch Ciubotaru Cosmin frecventa Contributii la conducerea agregatelor aeroelectrice de mica si medie putere

Lonea Madalina frecventa Optimizari in sisteme de tip grid

Sasu Emanuel ff Strategii de testare si corectare a erorilor care apar in sisteme distribuite

Beres Kristian frecventa Retele de calculatoareCristea Marius Simion frecventa Sisteme distribuite

Faur Victor ff Sisteme de securizare retele

Klein Iulia Maria ff Calculatoare şi Tehnologia Informaţiei - domeniu

Vajda Csaba ff Calculatoare şi Tehnologia Informaţiei - domeniu

Dolha Stelian ff Sisteme distribuite de achizitii si conducere

Murvay Pal Ştefan frecventa tema va fi alocata in 2011 Pintea Romina ff Aplicații mobile de spitalRobu Andreea ff Modelare în inginerie tisulară

Vida Mihaela frecvență Interoperabilitatea sistemelor informatice de îngrijire a sănătății

Dragu Daniel frecvenţăSporirea gradului de inteligenţă al

interfeţelor utilizatorul pentru aplicaţii diverse

Gal Norbert frecvenţă Contribuţii la utilizarea tehnicilor Fuzzy în analiza imaginilor medicale

Gomoi Valentin frecvenţăContributii la generarea automata a

protocoalelor medicale prin achizitia si prelucrarea informatiilor specifice

Robu Raul ff Contribuţii la dezvoltarea metodelor şi tehnicilor de Data Mining

Topac Vasile ffSoluţii software pentru facilitarea

accesului la informaţia din textele de specialitate

12 Voloşencu Constantin Ingineria Sistemelor 2010 nu are doctoranzi in 2010







Calculatoare si Tehnologia InformatieiStoicu-Tivadar Vasile

Ingineria Sistemelor


Ingineria Sistemelor (Automatica) 1993

Calculatoare si Tehnologia Informatiei 2007

Prostean Octavian Ingineria Sistemelor (Automatica) 1999

Robu Nicolae

Stoicu-Tivadar Lăcrămioara

Preitl Stefan

Silea Ioan 2009

2005Calculatoare si Tehnologia Informatiei

Page 60: Universitatea Politehnica din Timisoara Nr. Personal ... · PDF file(2008), 4 standuri de ... wireless, pachete de programe de modelare si simulare Matlab, ... Cluj, UMF Timişoara,

Nr. crt.

Nume si prenume conducator Domeniul Autor teza (nume si

prenume) Titlul tezei Data sustinerii

1 Proştean Octavian Automatică Ana Daniela Cristea

Contribuţii la crearea şi dezvoltarea unui nou concept de autorizare SAP bazat pe calificări

şi conectare fizică prin intermediul RFID


Teze sustinute in 2010