universal rays manual

THE UNIVERSAL RAYS Channeled by Dawn Rothwell Reiki Rays Institute 732 Massachusetts Street Lawrence, KS USA 66044 www.reikiraysinstitute.com

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Page 1: Universal Rays Manual


Channeled by Dawn Rothwell

Reiki Rays Institute 732 Massachusetts Street

Lawrence, KS USA 66044 www.reikiraysinstitute.com

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The universal rays are a series of seven attunements that correspond to the chakra system. Each ray is brought forth by an ascended master who serves as a guardian of the higher lesson of that realm. These rays are not a system of religion, nor are they a healing system like Reiki. While we utilize the chakras and aura, it is not chakra or aura therapy. Instead the rays serve as a self-transformational series which when completed will propel the client further along his or her spiritual path. There are no pre-requisites to receiving the rays. Unlike other attunement procedures, the Universal Rays are best when shared in a group or community atmosphere, whether in person or distantly, rather than a one-on-one appointment. The goal of the series is to connect all individuals worldwide to unite to the Greater good of the Universe, to share openly to all who wish to receive these initiations, and to see how we are all One. We have had exceptional results in attuning as many as 17 initiates at the same time, across state and country lines. There truly are no limits to sharing this energy.


Dawn Rothwell first brought the Universal Rays forth from Spirit in 2004. Each ray was received individually, and quickly shared with fellow seekers of the Light. All have had wonderful experiences during the attunement procedure. These individuals comprise all walks of life, including children and those with limited spiritual practice.


The Universal Rays are unique to other systems, and as such we cannot compare the value of the rays to other transformational attunements. Our goal is to not set a price limit on those who wish to attune others, as we believe that they should be shared openly. As an attunement provider may ask for a small donation to cover the cost of the manual and for basic expenses. You can charge as much or as little as you desire, or offer them freely without concern. We want as little regulation as possible in sharing this system. This manual can be copied and distributed freely in its entirety, or even modified and elaborated on by individuals who wish to share it. All we ask is that due credit is given as to its original history, and that you do not offer the attunements until you have received all seven by someone with proper lineage. You need not register with us as a provider nor offer us any percentage of income that may be generated from teaching the rays.

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The First Realm—One Place

We begin our Universal rays in the first realm—One Place. Millions of years ago, there was only one continent, and due to global changes we are now scattered amongst 7 of them. That is no coincidence, as there are 7 continents, 7 chakras, and 7 realms of awareness. Our first major lesson is to reconnect to that One Place of existence. As the world grew in population, so did the amount of divisions amongst us- separate continents lead to separate countries, counties, cities, and homes. We all can’t wait to get our own space…yet in reality there is only one place- one world. Until we are reminded that my hometown is connected to your hometown, and what we do here affects others in other places, we can never really be united. We are all God’s people. We are all one, whether we are Italian or American or Pacific Islander- we are all One. The animals, the fish, and the molecules so small we can’t see are included in this too. We are all from this Place. Once we accept that we are all from the same place, it really doesn’t matter where you are from. Energy can flow freely everywhere at any time. Reiki masters have known this secret for years. We must tap into the One Energy of this One Place. It is because of our limited belief that we are all from separate places that we create possessiveness. We think that because we live in an oil rich territory that it is ours, we think that because we are in a farming district that the food is all ours. We create demands on items that are natural resources, demands on items that are beneficial to all. We cling to things that we all of ours, and as a result we create famine, war, and greed. Yet we are all people from the same Place. We all live on the same planet. We must move beyond the separateness we have created and instead unite. The Guardian of the One Place, Ascended Master Hilarion, governs the first realm. He brings to us the message of Healing through sharing abundance. He vibrates to the gemstone ruby, and to the essential oil of clove. He is here for all of us, to help us heal and be healed. We first begin this healing process by accepting the abundance around us. We do this by no longer wanting for bigger and better, by no longer pushing away our Gifts because they do not yield the specific dollar amount we think they are worth. Instead embrace what we have been given, be thankful for the lessons and the situations that have molded us into the life we live right now.

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Some Background on Master Hilarion

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����������������The realm of One Place is connected to the root chakra—the base of the spine where we are grounded and sustained. It is in this realm that we must deal with the law of attraction and abundance. We cannot draw to us abundance when we have created a scarcity in our minds. Every time we worry about paying for something we make it more likely that we will not be able to do so. Instead, we need to trust in the Universe, which has and will always provide for us what we need. We become prosperous when we become generous. Give freely of yourself and your talents whenever possible- you will reap other rewards in other ways. Remember the lessons of Jesus and Buddha about helping your fellow man. Abundance is more than money, but it is having all that you need- health, security, and home. The opposite of abundance is scarcity- the fear that there is not enough. In reality, we can only blame ourselves for our lack of essentials. We have allowed society to impose on us what they think is essential- the right home, job, possessions. No one has really been any better off spiritually as a result of any worldly possession, so do not think that once you have achieved a certain amount in savings, a certain amount of stuff that you can relax and THEN begin to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth is not a luxury of the wealthy but is rather the payoff of the ordinary. When you are ready to remove from you the fear of scarcity and turn your life over to abundance, you can request that the Guardian of the First realm bless you with Abundance. With this request comes great responsibility to offer your self and your life as service to mankind. True abundance is in offering your self.

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Receiving the Ray of the First Realm

When you are ready, contact your facilitator to set an appropriate time for the transmission of the first ray. When you are ready, your facilitator will ask you to sit quietly. He or she will need to do a clearing of your aura as well as your chakra system. There is no specific way to do the healing, any modality can be used. This process can be done in person or remotely. If you have the optional attunement kit, you may hold the gemstone during this process and anoint the chakra with the enclosed oil blend. This is unlike most other transmissions or attunements, as it requires the recipient to play an active role in the process. The recipient needs to call out to the Guardian of the 1st realm— “I ____am willing and ready to receive the light of the first universal ray. Please take from me my fears and judgments regarding abundance. Let me see that there is really only One Place that is this plane of existence.” Now visualize under you a seed or an acorn begin to open up and bloom into a living plant or tree. The plant will grow up until it hits your chair or bed, or only up to your root chakra if you are sitting on the floor. When the facilitator senses (or hears) the request, he or she says: “I call upon the Guardian of the Universal Ray of One Place to transmit to assist me in transferring this ray to ________ now.” (Visualize the transfer of the ray from your root to theirs) This process may be very quick or slow. You will know when it starts and stops. When you are done transmitting, you will need to close the aura of the recipient. The facilitator will then need to do some form of grounding exercise to help remove the excess energy that may be flowing throughout his or her body. The recipient should also sense (or hear) when this has been done, and visualize grounding the excess energy into the plant. This transmission is done.

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The Second Realm—One Being

We now are prepared to enter into the second Universal ray—One Being. Our first major lesson was to reconnect to that One Place of existence. Now we can expand our awareness to a Higher place- to one that acknowledges that regardless of race, religion, and species, we are all truly one Being. The same God/Universe that created the World created all life. We are as much a part of God as a tree. We were all created from that same Universal Source. Only when we acknowledge this can we develop true compassion for all living things. We are all one, whether we are Italian or American or Pacific Islander- we are all One. The animals, the fish, and the molecules so small we can’t see are included in this too. We are all from this Place, and we are all One Being. Yet we are all people from the same Place. We all live on the same planet. We must move beyond the separateness we have created and instead unite. The Guardian of One Being, the energy that once embodied Mother Mary, governs the second realm. She is here for all of us, regardless of religious beliefs. We first begin this healing process by looking at each other in a new light- by seeing each of us as all brothers and sisters—we all share the same Creator, regardless of what titles we have named this Being. She vibrates to the energies of the gemstone amber, and to the essential oil of ylang ylang.

Some Background on Mother Mary The Gospel says Mary lived her life in Nazareth with her husband, Joseph; her son Jesus and according to some historians, Joseph’s four sons and one daughter from his first marriage. New Age authors speculate that Mary may have taken baby Jesus to Qumran and temporarily lived among the Essenes where they both learned the mystical secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls. They also hypothesize that the brothers and sisters in the household were also offspring of Mary and Joseph. Mary has been called “the Queen of Angels” and her famous interactions with Archangel Gabriel during the annunciation certainly herald this title. Her present persona, too, is definitively angelic: she is among the most loving, patient, and kind ascended masters. The angels love her, and they work with her to effect miracles. Yet, behind her gentleness, there’s a firm “mother bear” who lovingly warns us to shape up.

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Mary is especially concerned with children, and she counsels us to use wisdom, intelligence, and love in our parenting decisions. Bibliography: Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We can only be truly healed and achieve true enlightenment once we understand that our actions towards others come back to us. This is not a new principle- some call this karma, others the golden rule, but its such a vital lesson that its easy to remember- and forget.

The Sacral Chakra

The realm of One Being is connected to the sacral chakra—the middle of the abdomen below the belly button where our sexual organs are housed. It is in this realm that we must deal with the law of creation. We are connected to the ONE BEING and as such are smaller individual aspects of that ONE BEING. We need to be responsible with the situations we create around us—we have the power to make happiness or war with just our minds and intent. We cannot draw to us what we desire when we have created negative thought forms. Just as we have the power to reproduce, in the sacral chakra we can reproduce our thoughts and dreams. Every time we worry about not living the life we desire, we make it more likely that we will not be able to do so. Instead, we need to trust in the Universe, which has and will always provide for us what we need. We become whole when we accept our ability to create. It is our destiny as Humans to create our lives as ones without suffering but instead with happiness. We should not be so greedy as to think that such happiness is limited to those who have discovered the secret of creative manifestation. If you remember the lesson of the first realm, Abundance is more than money, but it is having all that you need- health, security, and home. In order to keep that abundance flowing, we need to wish this and share this with everyone, as you cannot be truly abundant, at peace, and spiritually awakened while others are in the darkness. We are all the same being and we are responsible for each other. When you are ready to accept your role as creator of your life, you can request that the Guardian of the Second realm bless you with Creativity. With this request comes great responsibility to offer your self and your life as service to mankind.

Receiving the Ray of the Second Realm

When you are ready, contact your facilitator to set an appropriate time for the transmission of the second ray. When you are ready, your facilitator will ask you to sit quietly. He or she will need to do a clearing of your aura as well as your chakra system. There is no specific way to do the healing, any modality can be used. This process can be done in person or remotely. If you have the optional attunement kit, you may hold the gemstone during this process and anoint the chakra with the enclosed oil blend.

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The recipient needs to call out to the Guardian of the 2nd realm— “I ____am willing and ready to receive the light of the second universal ray. Please take from me my fears and judgments regarding creativity. Let me see that there is really only One Being in this world, and that we are all connected.” Now visualize in front of you the small blooming tree or plant that was with you for the first ray. The plant will grow up until it hits your sacral chakra, and brings with it the message of Creativity. See this plant in all its Glory, and know that this is a part of you, all life, and the Creator. When the facilitator senses (or hears) the request, he or she says: “I call upon the Guardian of the Universal Ray of One Being to transmit to assist me in transferring this ray to ________ now.” (Visualize the transfer of the ray from your sacral chakra to theirs) This process may be very quick or slow. You will know when it starts and stops. When you are done transmitting, you will need to close the aura of the recipient. The facilitator will then need to do some form of grounding exercise to help remove the excess energy that may be flowing throughout his or her body. The recipient should also sense (or hear) when this has been done, and visualize grounding the excess energy into the plant. This transmission is done.

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The Third Realm—One Self

We now are prepared to enter into the third Universal ray—One Self. The same God/Universe that created the World created all life. We are as much a part of God as a tree. We were all created from that same Universal Source. Only when we acknowledge this can we develop true compassion for all living things. We are all one, whether we are Italian or American or Pacific Islander- we are all One. The animals, the fish, and the molecules so small we can’t see are included in this too. We are all from this Place, and we are all One Being. Yet we are all people from the same Place. We all live on the same planet. We must move beyond the separateness we have created and instead unite. The Guardian of One Self, Ascended Master Serapis Bey, governs the third realm. He is here for all of us, to help us heal and be healed. We first begin this healing process by looking at each other in a new light- by seeing each of us as all brothers and sisters—we all share the same Creator, regardless of what titles we have named this Being. Serapis Bey vibrates to the gemstone tiger’s eye, and to the oil of cinnamon.

Some background on Serapis Bey Originally an Egyptian god of the underworld named Serapis who was in charge of the ascension at Luxor, Egypt; in New Age circles he’s now known as Serapis Bey. He helps people work toward ascension through spiritual enlightenment. Serapis Bey motivates people toward physical fitness and healthful lifestyles due to his interest in beauty and aesthetics; he also helps them withstand the coming changes that are prophesied. Like a spiritual fitness guru, he inspires, motivates, and provides hope for the future. Serapis Bey also helps artists and musicians with their creative projects. An extremely loving ascended master, he’s actively involved in averting war and bring peace to Earth. Bibliography: Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We can only be truly healed and achieve true enlightenment once we understand that our actions towards others come back to us. This is not a new principle- some call this karma, others the golden rule, but its such a vital lesson that its easy to remember- and forget.

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The Solar Plexus Chakra

The realm of One Self is connected to the solar plexus chakra—the middle of the stomach. It is in this realm that we must deal with the law of cause of effect—the golden rule- what we do to others is ultimately what we do to our self—so we want to always put others on the same level as ourselves. We are connected to the ONE SELF and as such are smaller individual aspects of that ONE SELF. We need to be responsible with the situations we create around us—we have the power to make happiness or war with just our minds and intent. We cannot draw to us what we desire when we have created negative thought forms. Just as we have the power to make our own destiny, in the solar plexus chakra we can manifest our thoughts and dreams into reality. Every time we worry about not living the life we desire, we make it more likely that we will not be able to do so. Instead, we need to trust in the Universe, which has and will always provide for us what we need. We become whole when we accept our ability to create. It is our destiny as Humans to create our lives as ones without suffering but instead with happiness. We should not be so greedy as to think that such happiness is limited to those who have discovered the secret of creative manifestation. When you are ready to accept your role as creator of your life, you can request that the Guardian of the Third realm bless you with the ability to connect to All life as brothers and sisters. With this request comes great responsibility to offer your self and your life as service to mankind.

Receiving the Ray of the Third Realm

When you are ready, contact your facilitator to set an appropriate time for the transmission of the third ray. When you are ready, your facilitator will ask you to sit quietly. He or she will need to do a clearing of your aura as well as your chakra system. There is no specific way to do the healing, any modality can be used. This process can be done in person or remotely. If you have the optional attunement kit, you may hold the gemstone during this process and anoint the chakra with the enclosed oil blend. The recipient needs to call out to the Guardian of the 3rd realm— “I ____am willing and ready to receive the light of the third universal ray. Please take from me my fears and judgments regarding self-control and manifestation. Let me see that there is really only One Self in this world, and that we are all connected.” Now visualize in front of you the small blooming tree or plant that was with you for the first ray. The plant will grow up until it hits your solar plexus chakra, and brings with it the message of Brotherhood. See this plant in all its Glory, and know that this is a part of you, all life, and the Creator. When the facilitator senses (or hears) the request, he or she says: “I call upon the Guardian of the Universal Ray of One Self to transmit to assist me in transferring this ray to ________ now.” (Visualize the transfer of the ray from your solar plexus chakra to theirs)

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This process may be very quick or slow. You will know when it starts and stops. When you are done transmitting, you will need to close the aura of the recipient. The facilitator will then need to do some form of grounding exercise to help remove the excess energy that may be flowing throughout his or her body. The recipient should also sense (or hear) when this has been done, and visualize grounding the excess energy into the plant. This transmission is done.

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The Fourth Realm—One Heart

We now move onto the fourth realm—One Heart. Millions of years ago, there was only one continent, and due to global changes we are now scattered amongst 7 of them. That is no coincidence, as there are 7 continents, 7 chakras, and 7 realms of awareness. Our first major lesson is to reconnect to that One Place of existence. Our second lesson was that of one being, the third of one self, and now the concept of one heart. Once we accept that if we are all from the same place, it really doesn’t matter where you are from. Energy can flow freely everywhere at any time. Reiki masters have known this secret for years. If it can flow from place to place, it can flow from person to person. Now we must tap into the One Energy of this One Heart. It is because of our limited belief that we are separate that we create much of the heartache we feel. We think if we wall up our emotions that we will protect ourselves from being hurt, when in fact we hurt others and ourselves more this way. Yet we are all people from the same Place. We all live on the same planet. We must move beyond the separateness we have created and instead unite. The Guardian of the One Heart, known as Ascended Master Quan yin, governs the fourth realm. The Guardian is here for all of us, to help us heal and be healed. We first began this healing process by accepting the abundance around us. We did this by no longer wanting for bigger and better, by no longer pushing away our Gifts because they do not yield the specific dollar amount we think they are worth. Quan Yin vibrates to the gemstone of rose quartz and the oil of jasmine.

Some Background on Quan Yin

Quan Yin is one of the most beloved and popular Eastern divinities. Chinese goddess of mercy, compassion and protection, her name means “ she who hears prayers.” She is both a goddess and a bodhisattva; which means “enlightened being”. Bodhisattva can become Buddhas; however, Quan Yin has such a deep love for humanity that after she attained enlightenment, instead of ascending to Buddha hood, she chose to remain in human form until every one of us becomes enlightened. She’s devoted to helping us fully open up to our spiritual gifts, attain profound knowledge and enlightenment, and reduce the worlds suffering. It’s said that the mere uttering of her name affords guaranteed protection from harm. Quan Yin is often called “the Mother Mary of the East” because she represents feminine divinity and goddess energy in the Buddhist religion, in the same way that Mary radiates sweet loving femininity within Christianity. Quan Yin teaches us to

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practice a life of harmlessness, using great care to ease the suffering in the world and not add to it in any way. Bibliography: Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D

The Heart Chakra

The realm of One Heart is connected to the heart chakra. . It is in this realm that we must deal with the law of loving others to better love ourselves. We cannot draw to us love when we have created hatred in our minds. Every time we talk down to ourselves, think that we are unlovable, we make it more likely that we will not be able to do so. Instead, we need to trust in the Universe, which has and will always provide for us what we need. We become able to channel and feel the love of the Creator when we become able to love others as well as ourselves. When you are ready to remove from you the fear of not being lovable and turn your life over to being a pure channel of love, you can request that the Guardian of the Fourth realm bless you with Unconditional Love. With this request comes great responsibility to offer your self and your life as service to mankind.

Receiving the Ray of the Fourth Realm

When you are ready, contact your facilitator to set an appropriate time for the transmission of the fourth realm ray. When you are ready, your facilitator will ask you to sit quietly. He or she will need to do a clearing of your aura as well as your chakra system. There is no specific way to do the healing, any modality can be used. This process can be done in person or remotely. If you have the optional attunement kit, you may hold the gemstone during this process and anoint the chakra with the enclosed oil blend. The recipient needs to call out to the Guardian of the 4th realm— “I ____am willing and ready to receive the light of the fourth universal ray. Please take from me my fears and judgments regarding love. Let me see that there is really only One Heart, the Heart of the Creator, and each of us are a part of it” Now visualize under you a seed or an acorn begin to open up and bloom into a living plant or tree. The plant will grow up until it hits your chair or bed, or only up to your root and travel up to the heart chakra. When the facilitator senses (or hears) the request, he or she says: “I call upon the Guardian of the Universal Ray of One Heart to transmit to assist me in transferring this ray to ________ now.” (Visualize the transfer of the ray from your heart to theirs) This process may be very quick or slow. You will know when it starts and stops. When you are done transmitting, you will need to close the aura of the recipient.

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The facilitator will then need to do some form of grounding exercise to help remove the excess energy that may be flowing throughout his or her body. The recipient should also sense (or hear) when this has been done, and visualize grounding the excess energy into the plant. This transmission is done.

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The Fifth Realm—One Voice

We move on to our fifth ray in the Universal Realm—One Voice. Our first lesson was to reconnect to that One Place of existence. The second was to reconnect to the One Being that we are all a part of. In the third realm we learned that while we have individual personalities, they are merely offshoots of the One Self. And in the fourth realm, we were connected to the Universal One Heart. The Guardian of the One Voice, Ascended Master El Moyra, governs the fifth realm. He brings to us the message of Healing through sharing our Voice. He is here for all of us, to help us heal and be healed. He vibrates to the gemstone blue calcite, and to the essential oil peppermint.

Some Background on El Moyra

El Moyra is a new ascended master, first recorded in the 1880s by Madame Blavtsky of the Theosophical Society. He appears to be based upon an actual man named Ranbit Singh, son of Raji Gulab Singh, who was the ruler of Kashmir in the 1840s. He passed away in 1885, the same time that Madame Blavatsky was writing her channelled books about ascended masters. Blavatsky claimed to have spent time with El Moyra in India, and she may have been protecting a friendship with Ranbir by giving him a pseudonym. Bibliography: Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We first begin this healing process by accepting the power of our individual Voice around us. We do this by not being afraid to voice our opinion, and later by learning to blend our Voice with others to make One Voice. When we vote in elections, shop in a particular store, or write a letter to the editor, we are exercising our one voice. When we work in a larger community and speak for events that are Universal, such as freedoms, education, and creativity, we have now experienced the One Voice and the power it can yield.

The Throat Chakra The realm of One Voice is connected to the throat chakra—the center of the throat where we communicate. It is in this realm that we must decide what and how we voice our opinions and our selves. We can choose to express loving words, which

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support mankind, or we can choose words, which hurt and limit others and ourselves. Every time we complain that something in unfair, every time we use language that demeans ourselves or others, we restrict and become more and more disconnected with the one Voice. The opposite of voice is repression. In reality, we can only blame ourselves for our lack of manifestation. We have allowed society to impose on us what they think we should say, do, or become. No one has really been any better off spiritually as a result of any worldly possession, so do not think that once you have achieved a certain amount in savings, a certain amount of stuff that you can relax and THEN begin to grow spiritually. Spiritual growth is not a luxury of the wealthy but is rather the payoff of the ordinary. When you are ready to remove from you the fear of expressing who you are and what your life purpose is, and not afraid to embrace all mankind as your brothers and sisters, you can request that the Guardian of the Fifth realm bless you with Voice. With this request comes great responsibility to offer your self and your life as service to mankind.

Receiving the Ray of the Fifth Realm

When you are ready, contact your facilitator to set an appropriate time for the transmission of the fifth ray. When you are ready, your facilitator will ask you to sit quietly. He or she will need to do a clearing of your aura as well as your chakra system. There is no specific way to do the healing, any modality can be used. This process can be done in person or remotely. If you have the optional attunement kit, you may hold the gemstone during this process and anoint the chakra with the enclosed oil blend. The recipient needs to call out to the Guardian of the 5th realm, El Moyra— “I ____am willing and ready to receive the light of the fifth universal ray of One Voice. Please take from me my fears and judgments regarding expression. Let me see that there is really only One Voice that is this plane of existence.” Now visualize under you a seed or an acorn begin to open up and bloom into a living plant, flower, or tree. The plant will grow up until it hits your throat. When the facilitator senses (or hears) the request, he or she says: “I call upon the Guardian of the Universal Ray of One Voice to transmit to assist me in transferring this ray to ________ now.” May you forever have the clarity and courage to express whom you are and live your life’s purpose. May this attunement open up and connect your voice to the Voice of All that is everything.” (Visualize the transfer of the ray from your throat to theirs) This process may be very quick or slow. You will know when it starts and stops. When you are done transmitting, you will need to close the aura and chakras of the recipient, or conclude any healing you may have started.

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The facilitator will then need to do some form of grounding exercise to help remove the excess energy that may be flowing throughout his or her body. The recipient should also sense (or hear) when this has been done, and visualize grounding the excess energy into the plant. This transmission is done.

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The Sixth Realm—One Vision

We move on to our sixth ray in the Universal Realm—One Vision. Our first lesson was to reconnect to that One Place of existence. The second was to reconnect to the One Being that we are all a part of. In the third realm we learned that while we have individual personalities, they are merely offshoots of the One Self. And in the fourth realm, we were connected to the Universal One Heart. The sixth realm is governed by the Guardian of the One Vision, Ascended Master Saint Germain. He brings to us the message of Healing through sharing our Vision. He is here for all of us, to help us heal and be healed. He vibrates to the gemstone ametrine, and to the essential oil of lemongrass.

Background on St Germain Saint Germain isn’t a saint in the religious sense. Instead, he was a real man who was a royal count of the French region called “Saint Germain”. His real full name is Comte de Saint-Germain, or The Count of Saint-Germain. He was born of royal blood somewhere between 1690 and 1710, although reports conflict as to his parents’ lineage. Regardless of his origin, history shows that Count Saint-Germain rubbed elbows with high society and European royalty. He was multi-talented, playing the violin like a virtuoso, giving psychic readings, mastering numerous languages, and painting exquisite artwork. He also spend time studying and teaching occult and alchemy subjects, and he was involved with the founding of several secret societies, including the Freemasons. A visionary who offered his psychic vision freely, Saint Germain gave private readings to royalty and those of social influence. Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote that he carries a violet flame to transmute lower energies. The “I AM Teachings” a New Age work related to the Great White Brotherhood considers Saint Germain’s role in history highly important. Bibliography: Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We first begin this healing process by accepting the power of our innate ability to see and know what is otherwise not seen around us. We do this by not being afraid to act on our vision, and later by learning to blend our Vision with others to make One Vision. When we begin to act intuitively with our one vision, we learn how interconnected we all are. We become one step closer in understanding and being reunited with the All Knowing Creator.

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The Brow Chakra

The realm of One Vision is connected to the brow chakra—the center of the forehead, which is often referred to as the third eye. It is in this realm that we must decide what and how we work with our intuition. We can choose to use our ability to express loving advice, which support mankind or we can choose to use our intuition to predict events and make it into a circus act. The stereotypical psychic reader uses false vision to make money for the sole purpose of making money, whereas the loving intuitive uses his or her ability to help others help themselves. As always, we have the free will to choose, but we will not obtain a connection with the Divine if we abuse our powers. Let us be mindful of how and with whom we use our intuition. The opposite of vision is blindness. In reality, we can only blame ourselves for our lack of foresight. We have allowed society to impose on us what they think we should say, do, or become. We have been told that our imaginary friends in childhood were imaginary, and we have allowed gifted children and adults to be labeled as “learning disabled”, “ADD”, or in some way mentally deficient. In extreme cases natural psychics are feared or considered insane because they were not raised in a loving and understanding environment. Let us all put a stop to this needless labeling and devastation of a natural ability that we are all born with and entitled to. When you are ready to remove from you the fear of seeing who you are and what your life purpose is, and not afraid to embrace all mankind as your brothers and sisters, you can request that the Guardian of the sixth realm bless you with clear Vision. With this request comes great responsibility to offer your self and your life as service to mankind.

Receiving the Ray of the Sixth Realm

When you are ready, contact your facilitator to set an appropriate time for the transmission of the sixth ray. When you are ready, your facilitator will ask you to sit quietly. He or she will need to do a clearing of your aura as well as your chakra system. There is no specific way to do the healing, any modality can be used. This process can be done in person or remotely. If you have the optional attunement kit, you may hold the gemstone during this process and anoint the chakra with the enclosed oil blend. The recipient needs to call out to the Guardian of the 6th realm, Saint Germain— “I ____am willing and ready to receive the light of the sixth universal ray of One Vision. Please take from me my fears and judgments regarding intuition and psychic ability. Let me see that there is really only One Vision, that of the Creative Mind of the Universe.” Now visualize under you a seed or acorn begin to open up and bloom into a living plant, flower, or tree. The plant will grow up until it hits your forehead.

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When the facilitator senses (or hears) the request, he or she says: “I call upon the Guardian of the Universal Ray of One Vision to transmit to assist me in transferring this ray to ________ now.” May you forever have the clarity and courage to see whom you are and live your life’s purpose. May this attunement open up and connect your voice to the Vision of All that is everything.” (Visualize the transfer of the ray from your 3rd eye to theirs) This process may be very quick or slow. You will know when it starts and stops. When you are done transmitting, you will need to close the aura and chakras of the recipient, or conclude any healing you may have started. The facilitator will then need to do some form of grounding exercise to help remove the excess energy that may be flowing throughout his or her body. The recipient should also sense (or hear) when this has been done, and visualize grounding the excess energy into the plant. This transmission is done.

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The Seventh Realm—One Spirit

We move on to our seventh and final ray in the Universal Realm—One Spirit. The Guardian of the One Spirit, Ascended Master Melchizedek, who is the Universal Teacher, governs the seventh realm. He brings to us the message of Understanding through sharing our Spirit. He is here for all of us, to help us heal and be healed. He vibrates to the gemstone selenite and the essential oil of frankincense.

Background on Melchizedek

Melchizedek name is said to mean “king of righteousness” or “genuine or rightful king”. He was a Canaanite priest-king of Salem [known as Jerusalem] and was a teacher of Abraham. Ancient mystical texts describes him as one who conducts spirit releasement on a massive scale, working in conjunction with Archangel Michael. According to The Book of Enoch, Melchizedek was the child of Noah’s brother, Nit. Nit’s wife died before giving birth, and Melchizedek was delivered posthumously from his mother’s womb. However, there has been other speculations that he’s actually Noah’s son Shem. It is said that Melchizedek made the first offering of bread and wine to Abraham for his military victory. He’s even depicted as holding a cup or chalice in a stone sculpture from the Chartres Cathedral in France. Saint Paul spoke of Jesus Christ as a priest according to the order of [or in the succession of] Melchizedek because Jesus later instituted the use of bread and wine in the Eucharistic sacrifice as the Last Supper. The Council of Trent even discussed Melchizedek offering bread and wine, and then Jesus instituting it at the Last Supper. In New Age circles, Melchizedek is thought of as a group of high level spiritual beings who are custodians and teachers of ancient esoteric secrets. The group is sometimes called “the Cosmic Priesthood” or “Order of Melchizedek” This group was described in Psalms: “The Lord has sworn and will not change is mind, you are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bibliography: Archangels & Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D We first begin this healing process by accepting the power of our innate ability to connect to the essence of each soul around us. We do this by not being afraid to lose our own vision and individuality. When we begin to see that we are all the same, from the same source with the same vision, we learn how interconnected we all are. We become one step closer in understanding and being reunited with the All Knowing Creator.

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The Crown Chakra The realm of One Spirit is connected to the crown chakra—located at the top of the head. It is in this realm that we must open up to the Universe as an Intelligent Entity. We can choose to use our ability to tap into this Universal Knowledge with loving kindness or we can choose to use our ability for personal gain. Since you have all come this far, we expect that personal gain is no longer a temptation, and that your only goal is Universal Harmony. The opposite of spirit is void. No one wants to be empty. We have allowed society to impose on us what they think we should feel, do, or become. However we are ready to comprehend that outside objects and sensations do not fill the void- we can only do that from within. We can open ourselves up fully to each other, to the Universe, and have a wealth of knowledge and understanding that will simply overflow our Spirit. We need never feel empty again. When you are ready to remove from your self the fear of being alone, you can request that the Guardian of the seventh realm bless you with Spiritual Knowledge. With this request comes great responsibility to offer your self and your life as service to mankind.

Receiving the Ray of the Seventh Realm

When you are ready, contact your facilitator to set an appropriate time for the transmission of the seventh ray. When you are ready, your facilitator will ask you to sit quietly. He or she will need to do a clearing of your aura as well as your chakra system. There is no specific way to do the healing, any modality can be used. This process can be done in person or remotely. If you have the optional attunement kit, you may hold the gemstone during this process and anoint the chakra with the enclosed oil blend. The recipient needs to call out to the Guardian of the 7th realm, Melchizedek— “I ____am willing and ready to receive the light of the seventh universal ray of One Spirit. Please take from me my fears and judgments about being alone and allowing others to be too close to me. Let me see that there is no need for boundaries, which are only imaginary blocks to Spiritual Growth. Let me see that there is really only One Spirit, that of the Creative Mind of the Universe.” Now visualize under you a seed or acorn open up and bloom into a living plant, flower, or tree. The plant will grow up until it hits your forehead. When the facilitator senses (or hears) the request, he or she says: “I call upon the Guardian of the Universal Ray of One Spirit to transmit to assist me in transferring this ray to ________ now.” May you forever have the ability to see whom you are and live your life’s purpose. May this attunement open up and connect your spirit to the Spirit of All that is everything.” (Visualize the transfer of the ray from your crown to theirs)

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This process may be very quick or slow. You will know when it starts and stops. When you are done transmitting, you will need to close the aura and chakras of the recipient, or conclude any healing you may have started. The facilitator will then need to do some form of grounding exercise to help remove the excess energy that may be flowing throughout his or her body. The recipient should also sense (or hear) when this has been done, and visualize grounding the excess energy into the plant. This transmission is done.


Dawn Rothwell, founder

Stephen Lovering

(YOUR NAME HERE) ____________________________________________________

It was a pleasure to share these rays with you. I hope that they fill you with everlasting peace. Please remember that while the attunements may be over, the learning experience has just begun.

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