united itatel fnyi..onmental protection agency fileforwally requeued ipa aaaiatanca in re110ving the...

UNITED ITATEl fNYI..ONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENcy . ...... , ITI'IIT, lUtNG'rOIIII , MAIIACMUIITTI.In IUBJECTa lequelt Por I_.diaU ReMOval Action - ACTION MEMORANDUM Burlington, VT - Maltex Pond Ute at Pine Street Canal PlOM t Poul a. Crouh Oil and Haurdoua M1Urhla lection Michael a. Deland Regional Ad•inhtrator THRUt Edward V. Pitapatrick, Envho,.ental lervicea Oivhi THlUa Merrill 1. Hohun, Director Waau Manage•ent Authorisation h hereby requaatad for UOO,OOO . OO to inithta i ...dhte re.oval action• a t an abandoned co.l tar pit 1n aurlington, Vanont. ... ntation of the action wi ll ali•in- ate the public health and anviro,..ntal threata aaaociated dhpoaal. The lUte of Ver.ont Agency of Conaervation haa forwally requeued IPA aaaiatanca in re110ving the priaary aourc• of cont•ination (Mal tax Pond), aee attachMnt 1. Upon review, the &tau of Ver-.ont DepartMnt of Health haa concluded the eite to be a aignificant public health rhk and haa alao rttquaated EPA auhuni:e, ••• attach.. nt 2. The ltata of Va1110nt h currently planning a r-edial ground- water treatMnt project to begin aoon after e.. rgancy actiona are cCIIIplete. The lUte aeti••t•• their project coau to be tS-1 •illion. The aajority of the dte 1a owned by the State of Veraont. The r ..aining portion ia owned by a private cithen. BAClGROUND The M altex Pond lite coven approximately 1 acre of partially filled wetland. The dte borderan abandoned ahipping cana l (Pine Street Canal), and Lake Champlain and iii partially aurrounded by an earthen bar. ( aee figure 1).

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Post on 07-Mar-2019




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IUBJECTa lequelt Por I_diaU ReMOval Action - ACTION MEMORANDUM Burlington VT - Maltex Pond Ute at Pine Street Canal

PlOM t Poul a Crouh E~~ J~ Oil and Haurdoua M1Urhla lection

Michael a Deland Regional Adbullinhtrator ~

THRUt Edward V Pitapatrick Dir~ Envhoental lervicea Oivhi

THlUa Merrill 1 Hohun Director Waau Managebullent Divi~ion

Authorisation h hereby requaatad for UOOOOO OO to inithta i dhte reoval actionbull a t an abandoned col tar pit 1n aurlington Vanont I~aplntation of the action wi ll alibullinshyate the public health and anvirontal threata aaaociated

~~hw~n~~t~i~li~~~n~f i~~~~i~ ~oYand dhpoaal

The lUte of Veront Agency of Enviroru~ental Conaervation haa forwally requeued IPA aaaiatanca in re110ving the priaary aourcbull of contbullination (Mal tax Pond) aee attachMnt 1 Upon review the amptau of Ver-ont DepartMnt of Health haa concluded the eite to be a aignificant public health rhk and haa alao rttquaated EPA auhunie bullbullbull attachnt 2

The ltata of Va1110nt h currently planning a r-edial groundshywater treatMnt project to begin aoon after e rgancy actiona are cCIIIplete The lUte aetibullbulltbullbull their project coau to be tS-1 bullillion

The aajority of the dte 1a owned by the State of Veraont The r aining portion ia owned by a private cithen


The Maltex Pond lite coven approximately 1 acre of partially filled wetland The dte borderbull an abandone d ahipping cana l (Pine Street Canal) and Lake Champlain and iii partially aurrounded by an earthen bar ( aee figure 1)

In ltOI a coal gaaification plant the lurlington Gaa worka -bull f ~ tbullr called the Green Mounuin Power Gaa Plant and the

v r110nt Gal lyatbullbullbull Plant) aoved to and began operationbull on pine ltreet aoutheaat of the alte During the period between l tOI-194t reaidualwute oil (in the ton of coal tar) and 1 ood chlpa aaturated vlth organic c011pounda were dlapoaed of in the wetland aaglnnlng in lt4t the coal tar aludga bullaterlal vu racla11Md and aold to roofing tar and aaphalt daalera However the uurhl dubullped into the wetland during the U~Os and lt60s conahted ostly of coal tar aaturated vood chlpa with aome vuta oU

Throughout the lata lt60a and U70a an oU Uke uterhl haa been detected leaching frobull the alta into the canal and aubaequantly into Lake Chabullplaln The u a Coaat Guard haa raaponded to aaveral of tha incidentbull and haa apent Federal oney abating the dhcharga though at the tiM no point curebull could ba ldant1fled

In October ltll the Pine amptreat Canal alta waa placed on the luperfund lational Priority Lht (IIPL) Currant alta atatua on the MPL middotranka the alta IU

The -oat recent alta aaaeaant atudy vaa conducted in ltllshy1114 by Park ina Jordan Inc under contract with the I tate of Veront Upon raviev of the atudy the Varont Dapartnt of aealth concluded that aa the prlbullary aourca load of contabulllnashytlon the Maltex Pond area poeea a aarioua health threat to the general public


The Mdtax Pond coal tar pit h located vlthln a wetland which h aurrounded by a realdanthlce~~rchl c~unity Populashytion hnaity h bullbulltibullated to be 20000 people living andor working within a 1 bull11bull radiua Abutting Maltax Pond to the aaat 11 an ploybullbull parking lot for an office building that currently abullploya approxlbullately 20 people and vill bullbullploy at laaat 10 people vhan renovationbull an coaplata Abutting the alta to the wat ia the Pinbull amptreat Canal that diachargaa to Lake Ch-plain Alao laaa than 100 feat to the weat of the canal h a recreational beach area on the ahorea of Lake Chbullshyplain Lake Cheplain 1a the pribullary drinking vatar aourcbull for the city of Burlington aa vall bullbull other lakaahora c~unshyitiaa

pollovi no an AC bullbullbullrgency action requaat the on-scene coorshydinator (OSC) inapactad the dU on January 11 UIS and conducted aa111pl1ng oparationa on January 21-JO Ul~ AI a raault of t he data gathered from the11 alta inapectiona the osc haa determined that the alta pr11enta an i1MIedhte and

ei gnif ica nt threat to public health and t o tha anvlronMnt Tt a OSC 1 a dechion vaa basad on t he f o llovlngt

o Lab analysis of aabullplbullbull taken by EPA peraonMl on January 21-30 1915 ahova the aite t o contain coal tar vhich h known aa a potential carclnogenr

o Site acebullbullbull h currently unrestricted creating a high rhk potential for direct contact bullbullpoaure by the publlcr

o The structural integrity of t he ber11 h questionable A breach in the ber11 vould raeult in a significant ralaaaa to tha Pine Straat Canal and aubaequantly taka ChPiplainr

o Lov vata r levala o f tha lake canal and pond vetlanda area praaantly axiata Hovavar vata r lavale are c ont i nshyually r hlng and vlll peak beginning the and of March through April overflowing the ben~ Receding vatara would flush conta1dnanu into Lake Chabullplain via the canalr

o taka Ch-phin h tha pri1 ry drinking vatar aourca for the city of Burlington and for bullany lakaahora cOIUiunitha water intakaa for Burlington lie in the path of lake currants aa they flow fro the Pine amptreat Canal area1

o Lake Chabullplain h a algnificant recreational resource c- Increased recreational uae of the lake in upcaing ontha increaaea the potential for expoaure

o The entire vetlanda area vhara the eite h located aupshyporta a vida variety of vildllfa that h endangered by the rhk of habitat degradation and contact exposure

o Whereby the aita h hydraulically connected to taka ChUiplain thara 11 the potential for contabulllnated groundvatar fro

middot the aite to bulligrata and ralaaaa into the lakbullJ

o Thera also axhU a potential for firbull at tha alta due to tha praaanca of flbullubla and volatile organic capounda



Intended raval actionbull at the a ite c ona hta of 2 phaaa a of operationbull outlined a a follova s


o Jtaatriet aiu acceaa and adntaln 24 hour eurity during dte oparationer

o Excavatlon11ta dewatering reMOval and atagtng of contaainatad aaurhl and aolh

o Backfill ar with clean fill

LU o Diapoaal of auoad eont tnatad aaUrial and aoUa Dhshy

poaal aubjaet to EPA-Jtag ton 1 ltCJtA approval of a auitabla d iapoaal aiU ahould raclataatlon prove lapractlcabla

ltiIIOYal actlona ahould ba inithtad bullbull aoon 11 poeeibla dua to the incn tng water lavah Alao winter oparatlona would ainibullhbull volatlliution of contaainanta thlla having a aintl tapact on local air quality at rhk by off-alta atgntion of air borne contaainanta

Thla initial funding raqueat will aupport PHASE 1 operatlona A calling tncrbullbullbullbull requaat will be forthcatno pending the ctefinithation of dhpoaal coau

0 Jtaaponaa action perforw~ance period h eatiaated at 45 working daya to begin upon your approval at an eatluted cot oft

latr-urd Cleanup Coeta l7SOOOOO tnt r-ural 1000000 TAT Contract Coata Total Eatlaated Cota Ag~gg~g


Conditlona at thh alta in aurltngton VentOnt bullbullbullt the National

~~~~=~Y1~~i~u~op~1t~ihrr~tbull reoval_

11AtLi f tff-Approved J

DiaapprovedJ Datbull bull

  1. barcode 574711
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 574711

In ltOI a coal gaaification plant the lurlington Gaa worka -bull f ~ tbullr called the Green Mounuin Power Gaa Plant and the

v r110nt Gal lyatbullbullbull Plant) aoved to and began operationbull on pine ltreet aoutheaat of the alte During the period between l tOI-194t reaidualwute oil (in the ton of coal tar) and 1 ood chlpa aaturated vlth organic c011pounda were dlapoaed of in the wetland aaglnnlng in lt4t the coal tar aludga bullaterlal vu racla11Md and aold to roofing tar and aaphalt daalera However the uurhl dubullped into the wetland during the U~Os and lt60s conahted ostly of coal tar aaturated vood chlpa with aome vuta oU

Throughout the lata lt60a and U70a an oU Uke uterhl haa been detected leaching frobull the alta into the canal and aubaequantly into Lake Chabullplaln The u a Coaat Guard haa raaponded to aaveral of tha incidentbull and haa apent Federal oney abating the dhcharga though at the tiM no point curebull could ba ldant1fled

In October ltll the Pine amptreat Canal alta waa placed on the luperfund lational Priority Lht (IIPL) Currant alta atatua on the MPL middotranka the alta IU

The -oat recent alta aaaeaant atudy vaa conducted in ltllshy1114 by Park ina Jordan Inc under contract with the I tate of Veront Upon raviev of the atudy the Varont Dapartnt of aealth concluded that aa the prlbullary aourca load of contabulllnashytlon the Maltex Pond area poeea a aarioua health threat to the general public


The Mdtax Pond coal tar pit h located vlthln a wetland which h aurrounded by a realdanthlce~~rchl c~unity Populashytion hnaity h bullbulltibullated to be 20000 people living andor working within a 1 bull11bull radiua Abutting Maltax Pond to the aaat 11 an ploybullbull parking lot for an office building that currently abullploya approxlbullately 20 people and vill bullbullploy at laaat 10 people vhan renovationbull an coaplata Abutting the alta to the wat ia the Pinbull amptreat Canal that diachargaa to Lake Ch-plain Alao laaa than 100 feat to the weat of the canal h a recreational beach area on the ahorea of Lake Chbullshyplain Lake Cheplain 1a the pribullary drinking vatar aourcbull for the city of Burlington aa vall bullbull other lakaahora c~unshyitiaa

pollovi no an AC bullbullbullrgency action requaat the on-scene coorshydinator (OSC) inapactad the dU on January 11 UIS and conducted aa111pl1ng oparationa on January 21-JO Ul~ AI a raault of t he data gathered from the11 alta inapectiona the osc haa determined that the alta pr11enta an i1MIedhte and

ei gnif ica nt threat to public health and t o tha anvlronMnt Tt a OSC 1 a dechion vaa basad on t he f o llovlngt

o Lab analysis of aabullplbullbull taken by EPA peraonMl on January 21-30 1915 ahova the aite t o contain coal tar vhich h known aa a potential carclnogenr

o Site acebullbullbull h currently unrestricted creating a high rhk potential for direct contact bullbullpoaure by the publlcr

o The structural integrity of t he ber11 h questionable A breach in the ber11 vould raeult in a significant ralaaaa to tha Pine Straat Canal and aubaequantly taka ChPiplainr

o Lov vata r levala o f tha lake canal and pond vetlanda area praaantly axiata Hovavar vata r lavale are c ont i nshyually r hlng and vlll peak beginning the and of March through April overflowing the ben~ Receding vatara would flush conta1dnanu into Lake Chabullplain via the canalr

o taka Ch-phin h tha pri1 ry drinking vatar aourca for the city of Burlington and for bullany lakaahora cOIUiunitha water intakaa for Burlington lie in the path of lake currants aa they flow fro the Pine amptreat Canal area1

o Lake Chabullplain h a algnificant recreational resource c- Increased recreational uae of the lake in upcaing ontha increaaea the potential for expoaure

o The entire vetlanda area vhara the eite h located aupshyporta a vida variety of vildllfa that h endangered by the rhk of habitat degradation and contact exposure

o Whereby the aita h hydraulically connected to taka ChUiplain thara 11 the potential for contabulllnated groundvatar fro

middot the aite to bulligrata and ralaaaa into the lakbullJ

o Thera also axhU a potential for firbull at tha alta due to tha praaanca of flbullubla and volatile organic capounda



Intended raval actionbull at the a ite c ona hta of 2 phaaa a of operationbull outlined a a follova s


o Jtaatriet aiu acceaa and adntaln 24 hour eurity during dte oparationer

o Excavatlon11ta dewatering reMOval and atagtng of contaainatad aaurhl and aolh

o Backfill ar with clean fill

LU o Diapoaal of auoad eont tnatad aaUrial and aoUa Dhshy

poaal aubjaet to EPA-Jtag ton 1 ltCJtA approval of a auitabla d iapoaal aiU ahould raclataatlon prove lapractlcabla

ltiIIOYal actlona ahould ba inithtad bullbull aoon 11 poeeibla dua to the incn tng water lavah Alao winter oparatlona would ainibullhbull volatlliution of contaainanta thlla having a aintl tapact on local air quality at rhk by off-alta atgntion of air borne contaainanta

Thla initial funding raqueat will aupport PHASE 1 operatlona A calling tncrbullbullbullbull requaat will be forthcatno pending the ctefinithation of dhpoaal coau

0 Jtaaponaa action perforw~ance period h eatiaated at 45 working daya to begin upon your approval at an eatluted cot oft

latr-urd Cleanup Coeta l7SOOOOO tnt r-ural 1000000 TAT Contract Coata Total Eatlaated Cota Ag~gg~g


Conditlona at thh alta in aurltngton VentOnt bullbullbullt the National

~~~~=~Y1~~i~u~op~1t~ihrr~tbull reoval_

11AtLi f tff-Approved J

DiaapprovedJ Datbull bull

  1. barcode 574711
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 574711

ei gnif ica nt threat to public health and t o tha anvlronMnt Tt a OSC 1 a dechion vaa basad on t he f o llovlngt

o Lab analysis of aabullplbullbull taken by EPA peraonMl on January 21-30 1915 ahova the aite t o contain coal tar vhich h known aa a potential carclnogenr

o Site acebullbullbull h currently unrestricted creating a high rhk potential for direct contact bullbullpoaure by the publlcr

o The structural integrity of t he ber11 h questionable A breach in the ber11 vould raeult in a significant ralaaaa to tha Pine Straat Canal and aubaequantly taka ChPiplainr

o Lov vata r levala o f tha lake canal and pond vetlanda area praaantly axiata Hovavar vata r lavale are c ont i nshyually r hlng and vlll peak beginning the and of March through April overflowing the ben~ Receding vatara would flush conta1dnanu into Lake Chabullplain via the canalr

o taka Ch-phin h tha pri1 ry drinking vatar aourca for the city of Burlington and for bullany lakaahora cOIUiunitha water intakaa for Burlington lie in the path of lake currants aa they flow fro the Pine amptreat Canal area1

o Lake Chabullplain h a algnificant recreational resource c- Increased recreational uae of the lake in upcaing ontha increaaea the potential for expoaure

o The entire vetlanda area vhara the eite h located aupshyporta a vida variety of vildllfa that h endangered by the rhk of habitat degradation and contact exposure

o Whereby the aita h hydraulically connected to taka ChUiplain thara 11 the potential for contabulllnated groundvatar fro

middot the aite to bulligrata and ralaaaa into the lakbullJ

o Thera also axhU a potential for firbull at tha alta due to tha praaanca of flbullubla and volatile organic capounda



Intended raval actionbull at the a ite c ona hta of 2 phaaa a of operationbull outlined a a follova s


o Jtaatriet aiu acceaa and adntaln 24 hour eurity during dte oparationer

o Excavatlon11ta dewatering reMOval and atagtng of contaainatad aaurhl and aolh

o Backfill ar with clean fill

LU o Diapoaal of auoad eont tnatad aaUrial and aoUa Dhshy

poaal aubjaet to EPA-Jtag ton 1 ltCJtA approval of a auitabla d iapoaal aiU ahould raclataatlon prove lapractlcabla

ltiIIOYal actlona ahould ba inithtad bullbull aoon 11 poeeibla dua to the incn tng water lavah Alao winter oparatlona would ainibullhbull volatlliution of contaainanta thlla having a aintl tapact on local air quality at rhk by off-alta atgntion of air borne contaainanta

Thla initial funding raqueat will aupport PHASE 1 operatlona A calling tncrbullbullbullbull requaat will be forthcatno pending the ctefinithation of dhpoaal coau

0 Jtaaponaa action perforw~ance period h eatiaated at 45 working daya to begin upon your approval at an eatluted cot oft

latr-urd Cleanup Coeta l7SOOOOO tnt r-ural 1000000 TAT Contract Coata Total Eatlaated Cota Ag~gg~g


Conditlona at thh alta in aurltngton VentOnt bullbullbullt the National

~~~~=~Y1~~i~u~op~1t~ihrr~tbull reoval_

11AtLi f tff-Approved J

DiaapprovedJ Datbull bull

  1. barcode 574711
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 574711


o Jtaatriet aiu acceaa and adntaln 24 hour eurity during dte oparationer

o Excavatlon11ta dewatering reMOval and atagtng of contaainatad aaurhl and aolh

o Backfill ar with clean fill

LU o Diapoaal of auoad eont tnatad aaUrial and aoUa Dhshy

poaal aubjaet to EPA-Jtag ton 1 ltCJtA approval of a auitabla d iapoaal aiU ahould raclataatlon prove lapractlcabla

ltiIIOYal actlona ahould ba inithtad bullbull aoon 11 poeeibla dua to the incn tng water lavah Alao winter oparatlona would ainibullhbull volatlliution of contaainanta thlla having a aintl tapact on local air quality at rhk by off-alta atgntion of air borne contaainanta

Thla initial funding raqueat will aupport PHASE 1 operatlona A calling tncrbullbullbullbull requaat will be forthcatno pending the ctefinithation of dhpoaal coau

0 Jtaaponaa action perforw~ance period h eatiaated at 45 working daya to begin upon your approval at an eatluted cot oft

latr-urd Cleanup Coeta l7SOOOOO tnt r-ural 1000000 TAT Contract Coata Total Eatlaated Cota Ag~gg~g


Conditlona at thh alta in aurltngton VentOnt bullbullbullt the National

~~~~=~Y1~~i~u~op~1t~ihrr~tbull reoval_

11AtLi f tff-Approved J

DiaapprovedJ Datbull bull

  1. barcode 574711
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 574711