unit 5cjournal #412/10 reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. what are 2 adaptations...

Unit 5C JOURNAL #4 12/10 • Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR • Turtles & tortoises are vulnerable to extinction for many reasons. What are 4 reasons turtle & tortoise populations are declining?

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Page 1: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Unit 5C JOURNAL #4 12/10

• Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land.


• Turtles & tortoises are vulnerable to extinction for many reasons. What are 4 reasons turtle & tortoise populations are declining?

Page 2: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles



Page 3: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

External structures

A. Plumage- feathers

1. Function-

a. for flight (lift & steering)

b. Maintain body temp.

2. Structure-

a. Contour feathers- cover body, wings, and tail- used for flight.

Page 4: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

b. Down feathers- under contour- used for insulation.

c. Filoplume feathers- under contour

used as sensory structures.

Page 5: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

3. Maintenance-

a. Preening- use oil from preen gland at base of tail to waterproof feathers. Also “reattaches” feathers to keep in good flying condition

Page 6: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

b. Anting- rub ants on feathers. Formic acid secreted by ants kills feather mites.

c. Molting- several times throughout life. Contour feathers shed a few at a time so that they are still able to fly.

Passive anting- birds lays flat, ants crawl over body.

Page 7: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

B.Beaks and feet adapted for habitat & feeding habits

Red-bellied woodpecker



Page 8: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

C. Wings-

1. Wings used for flight

2. Tails used for steering, balance, braking.

Page 9: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Bones- all adaptations for flight

A. Lightweight yet strong

B. Porous w/internal struts for support

C. Fewer skull bones

D. No teeth- lightweight bill instead

E. Sternum- large breastbone with keel for attachment of large flight muscles

Page 10: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles
Page 11: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles


A. Must contract quickly & fatigue slowly.

B. Have many mitochondria to produce lots of

ATP/energy for flight.

Arctic tern has longest migration- 44,000 miles

Page 12: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles


A. Path of food:

1. Mouth

2. Esophagus

3. crop (storage)

4. proventriculus (secretes gastric juice to begin digestion)

5. ventriculus (gizzard for grinding)

6. intestines (absorb nutrients)

7. cloaca (where wastes eliminated)

Page 13: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

B. Ravenous appetites- eat a lot!

1. Need to maintain energy for flight

2. Helps maintain body temp.

C. Digest food quickly- so they aren’t weighed down.

Page 14: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles


A. 4 chambered heart

B. Heart beats fast- distributes nutrients & oxygen fast for production of


Page 15: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles


A. Path of air- nostrils-trachea- larynx (voice box)- lungs- air sacs

B. Air sacs store extra oxygen for production of energy.

C. Air sacs are always full of oxygen

Page 16: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Temperature Regulation-

A. Endotherms- warm-blooded

B. Enables them to live on every continent

C. Adaptations to control temp.

1. Fluff feathers when cold.

2. Tuck beaks into feathers- reduces heat lost from resp.tract

3. Shiver

4. Pant

Page 17: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles


A. Forebrain- includes region called corpus striatum that functions in visual learning, feeding, courtship, nesting instinct.

B. Vision dominant sense

C. Nictitating membrane

D. Olfaction- not strong sense except scavenging birds

E. Hearing well developed.

Page 18: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles


A. Excrete uric acid

B. Cloaca reabsorbs water before wastes pass out. Results in chalky white residue.

C. Salt glands- marine birds have these to excrete excess salt from bodies.

Page 19: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Reproduction & Development

A. Oviparous

B. Fertilization occurs by close cloacal contact (cloacal kiss) during brief mating sessions.

Page 20: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Reproduction & Development

C. No external genitalia to transport sperm to egg. Birds that mate on water (ducks) do have a retractable penis so sperm do not get washed out with water.

D. Amniotic egg- eggshells fragile

Page 21: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles
Page 22: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

E. Males bright colors to attract females.

F. Females dull color to blend in with nest.

G. 90% of all birds are monogomous- stay with same mate throughout season. (some for life- ducks)

H. Usually one parent stays with eggs while other searches for food.

Page 23: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

I. Some are polygynous- males mate with more than one female. (Chickens)

J. Nest is made by female after mate found

K. # of eggs vary. Usually turn eggs to prevent membranes from sticking causing deformed embryo.

L. Eggs incubate 10-80 days.Bluebird eggs

Page 24: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

M. Chick breaks air sac at blunt end of egg with egg tooth at tip of beak. Gives energy to open rest of egg.

Page 25: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

N. Hatchlings can be:

a. Altricial- naked at birth & entirely dependent on parents. EX: bluebird & robin

Usually tree dwelling birds.

Page 26: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

b. Precocial- some down feathers at birth & can walk, run, swim, & feed themselves

O. Only 50% of eggs laid will yield birds that leave nest. Strongest, most vociferous will get food & survive.

P. Migration- in response to temp, instinct, seasonal changes.

Usually ground dwelling birds.

Page 27: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Order Struthioniformes

• Ratites• Flightless birds• Ostrich, emu, rhea,


Page 28: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Order Passeriformes

• Largest order• Song birds• Mockingbirds• Thrashers (GA state

bird)• Wrens

Page 29: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Order Falconiformes

• Falcons• Eagles• Hawks• Vultures• Secretary bird- eats


Page 30: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Order Piciformes

• Woodpeckers• Forked tongue and

special toe arrangements for hunting insects in trees.

Page 31: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Order Anseriformes

• Ducks & Geese

Page 32: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

Unit 5C Journal #2 12/9

• Open your folder.

• Skip a line from your last daily quiz and number 1-7

• We will be taking a short quiz over birds

Page 33: Unit 5CJOURNAL #412/10 Reptiles & birds are mostly land dwelling animals. What are 2 adaptations that enabled reptiles & birds to move onto land. OR Turtles

1. Which characteristic do reptiles and birds share?

a. Amniotic eggs b. Feathers c. Jacobson’s organ

2. A hatchling that can walk, feed, etc by itself (like a duck) is a/an __________ hatchling.

a. Altricial b. precocial

3. Birds are the only animals on earth that have

a. Amniotic eggs b. Feathers c. Dry scaly skin

4. Birds belong to class

a. Raptor b. Reptilia c. Aves

5. The feather that is used for insulation is…

a. Contour b. Down c. Filoplume

6. Which membrane inside an egg is used to provide nutrition to the developing embryo?

a. Allantois b. Amnion c. yolk

7. Other than having feathers and wings, identify at least one way that bird bodies are adapted for flight.