unit 4 skeletal system

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Facebook: [email protected]: Nio Noveno

I hope you will make good use of my slides. Enjoy learning!

Anatomy [email protected] 1

Page 2: Unit 4 Skeletal System

Unit 4Skeletal System

Nio Cruzada NovenoLecturer [محاضر]

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FUNCTIONS • Support of the body• Protection of soft organs• Movement due to attached skeletal muscles• Storage of minerals and fats• Blood cell formation

وظائف  الهيئة من بدعم

  الناعمة  األجهزة حماية     العظمي  الهيكل عضالت حركة تعلق بسبب

  والدهون  المعادن تخزينالدم  خاليا تكوين


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BONES OF THE HUMAN BODY[ اإلنسان  جسم في [العظام

• The adult skeleton has 206 bones

• Two basic types of bone tissue– Compact bone

• Homogeneous

– Spongy bone• Small needle-like

pieces of bone• Many open spaces

• اإلنسان  جسم في لعظامالهيكل

  للبالغين  والع 206العظميظام   أنسجة من أساسيان نوعانالعظام

مكتنز عظممتجانس

اإلسفنجي العظم     قطعة  تشبه صغيرة إبرة

العظم  منكثيرة  مساحات فتح


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BONES OF THE HUMAN BODY[ اإلنسان  جسم في [العظام

Spongy bone is also called cancellous bone

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CLASSIFICATION OF BONES ON THE BASIS OF SHAPE [     الشكل  أساس على العظام [تصنيف

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Long bones• Typically longer than wide• Have a shaft with heads at both ends• Contain mostly compact bone– Examples: Femur, humerus

طويلة  عظام    واسعة  العادة من أطول

  طرفي  كال في الرؤساء مع ورمح    معظمها  المدمجة العظام تحتوي

  العضد :  الفخذ، عظم ذلك على األمثلة


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Long bones

Femur Humerus

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Short bones• Generally cube-shape• Contain mostly spongy bone– Examples: Carpals, tarsals

قصيرة  عظام  الشكل  مكعب عموما

      الغالب في اإلسفنجي العظم على تحتويtarsals ؛Carpals : األمثلة


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Short bones

Carpals Tarsals

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Flat bones• Thin and flattened• Usually curved• Thin layers of compact bone around a layer of

spongy bone– Examples: Skull, ribs, sternum, pelvis, scapula

العظام  شقةوباالرض رقيقة

  منحني ما وعادة         طبقة  حول المضغوط العظم من رقيقة طبقات

  اإلسفنجية  العظام من    القص :  واالضالع، الجمجمة األمثلة


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Flat bones

Skull Ribs & Sternum

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Irregular bones• Irregular shape• Do not fit into other bone classification

categories– Example: Vertebrae and hip

  العظام انتظام عدم  الشكل منتظمة غير

      العظام  تصنيف فئات من غيرها مع تنسجم الوالورك :  الفقرات المثال سبيل على


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Irregular bones

Vertebrae Hip

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Classification of Bones on the Basis of Shape[     الشكل  أساس على العظام [تصنيف

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• Diaphysis– Shaft– Composed of compact bone

• Epiphysis – Ends of the bone– Composed mostly of spongy (cancellous) bone


  المضغوط  العظم يتكون

الكردوسالعظام  نهايات

    اإلسفنجي العظم من معظمها في تتألف16

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Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone

  تشريح  إجماليالطويلة العظام

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Structures of a Long Bone

PeriosteumOutside covering of the diaphysisFibrous connective tissue membrane

Sharpey’s fibersSecure periosteum to underlying bone

ArteriesSupply bone cells with nutrients

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Structures of a Long Bone[   لونغ  العظمية [الهياكل

•Articular cartilage ( غضروف(مفصلي

•Covers the external surface of the epiphyses (   الخارجي  السطح ويغطي(لاللكردوس

•Made of hyaline cartilage (     الهياليني الغضروف من (مصنوعة

•Decreases friction at joint surfaces (   على  االحتكاك يقلل

المشتركة  (السطوح

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Bone Markings

• Surface features of bones• Sites of attachments for muscles, tendons, and

ligaments• Passages for nerves and blood vessels• Categories of bone markings– Projections and processes – grow out from the

bone surface– Depressions or cavities – indentations

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Microscopic Anatomy of Bone

• Osteon (Haversian System)– A unit of bone

• Central (Haversian) canal– Opening in the center of an osteon– Carries blood vessels and nerves

• Perforating (Volkman’s) canal– Canal perpendicular to the central canal– Carries blood vessels and nerves

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  العظام  تشريح المجهرية

• Osteon ( النظام  (الهافيرسية–   العظام من وحدة

•  ) قناة ) الهافيرسية المركزية–     ل مركز في osteonاالفتتاح–   واألعصاب  الدموية األوعية يحمل

•  ) قناة ) فولكمان تثقيب–   المركزية  القناة على عمودي قناة

  واألعصاب  الدموية األوعية يحمل

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Microscopic Anatomy of Bone[   العظام  تشريح [المجهرية

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Microscopic Anatomy of Bone[   العظام  تشريح [المجهرية

• Lacunae– Cavities containing

bone cells (osteocytes)

– Arranged in concentric rings

• Lamellae– Rings around the

central canal– Sites of lacunae

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Microscopic Anatomy of Bone[   العظام  تشريح [المجهرية

• ثغرات–   خاليا  على تحتوي تجاويف(osteocytes) العظام

في  – رتبتمتمركزة  حلقات

• صفاحات– حلقات

  المركزية  القناة حول– الثغرات  مواقع

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Microscopic Anatomy of Bone[   العظام  تشريح [المجهرية

• Canaliculi (نفيق)– Tiny canals

( صغيرة  (قنوات– Radiate from the central

canal to lacunae (   مركزية  قناة من تشع(لثغرات

– Form a transport system (   النقل نظام (تشكيل

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Changes in the Human Skeleton[   البشري العظمي الهيكل في [تغييرات• In embryos, the skeleton

is primarily hyaline cartilage (fetal skeleton)

• During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone

• Cartilage remains in isolated areas– Bridge of the nose– Parts of ribs– Joints

• والهيكل األجنة، في   المقام  في هو العظمي

  الهياليني  الغضروف األول

• ويتم  ، التنمية خاللمن  كبير جزء استبدال

  العظام  الغضروف هذا

•   مناطق  في تزال ال الغضروفمعزولةاألنف قصبة

  األضالع من أجزاءالمفاصل

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Bone Growth[ العظم [نمو

• Epiphyseal plates allow for growth of long bone during childhood– New cartilage is

continuously formed– Older cartilage becomes

ossified• Cartilage is broken down• Bone replaces cartilage

•     ل  تسمح مشاشي لوحاتالعظام  نمو

مرحلة  خالل الطويلةالطفولة

•   الغضر  باستمرار يتشكلالجديد  وف

•     متحج  يصبح الغضروف أقدمرا

•   الغضروف  أسفل مكسورة•   الغضروف  يستبدل العظم

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Bone Growth

• Bones are remodeled and lengthened until growth stops– Bones change shape

somewhat– Bones grow in width

•   وإطالته  وتشكيلها العظام    النمو  عن توقف حتى ا

•     نوعا  شكل تغيير عظامما

  العرض  في العظام تنمو

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Long Bone Formation and Growth[   والنمو  العظام تكوين [طويلة


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Long Bone Formation and Growth[   والنمو  العظام تكوين [طويلة


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Types of Bone Cells [   العظام  خاليا [أنواع

• Osteocytes– Mature bone cells

• Osteoblasts– Bone-forming cells

• Osteoclasts– Bone-destroying cells– Break down bone matrix for

remodeling and release of calcium

• Bone remodeling is a process by both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

• Osteocytes  الناضجة العظام خاليا

• بانيات  العظام  خاليا تشكيل

• اآلكلةالخاليا  تدمير العظم

إلعادة  العظام كسر  وإطال  المصفوفة تشكيل

الكالسيوم  ق•       من عملية هو العظام تشكيل إعادة

    واآلكلة بانيات من كل قبل


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PARTS OF THE SKELETAL SYSTEM [   العظمي الهيكل النظام [أجزاء

• Bones (skeleton) [) العظمي ) الهيكل [عظام• Joints (المفاصل)• Cartilages (غضاريف)• Ligaments (األربطة)


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Axial skeleton (   المحوري العظمي (الهيكل

Appendicular skeleton ( الهيكلالزائدي  (العظمي


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The Axial Skeleton[ المحوري العظمي [الهيكل

• Forms the longitudinal part of the body (     الطولي  الجسم من جزءا (تشكل

• Divided into three parts (   ثالثة الى تنقسم(أجزاء– Skull (جمجمة)– Vertebral column ( الفقري (العمود– Bony thorax ( الصدر  (عظمي

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The Axial Skeletonالعظمي ] الهيكل[المحوري

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The Skull [الجمجمة]

• Two sets of bones (   العظام من (مجموعتين– Cranium (قحف)– Facial bones ( الوجه (عظام

• Bones are joined by sutures (     الغرز  بواسطة العظام (وانضم

• Only the mandible is attached by a freely movable joint (   الفك  تعلق فقط

      مشتركة  بحرية المنقولة بواسطة (السفلي

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The Skull [الجمجمة]

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Bones of the Skull [ الجمجمة  [عظام

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Bones of the Skull [ الجمجمة  [عظام

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Human Skull, Inferior View [   السفلية  عرض اإلنسان، [جمجمة

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The Fetal Skull[ الجنين  [الجمجمة

Fontanelles (اليافوخ) – fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones (   التي  الليفية األغشية

  الجمجمة  عظام :(تربط

Allow the brain to grow (   في للدماغ تسمح(النمو

Convert to bone within 24 months after birth ( تحويل

  غضون  في العظام 24إلىالوالدة  بعد (شهرا

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The Vertebral (Spinal) Column [ الفقري [العمود

• Vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs (     الف  األقراص مفصولة فقرات(قرية

• The spine has a normal curvature ( العمود

    طبيعي  انحناء لديه (الفقري• Each vertebrae is given a

name according to its location ( يعطى

    لموقعه  وفقا اسما فقرات (كل

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Structure of a Typical Vertebrae[   فقرات  نموذجي [هيكل

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Regional Characteristics of Vertebrae[   فقرات  خصائص [اإلقليمية

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Regional Characteristics of Vertebrae[   فقرات  خصائص [اإلقليمية

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Forms a cage to protect major organs

The Bony Thorax [ بوني  [والصدر

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The Bony Thorax [ بوني  [والصدر

Made-up of three parts:SternumRibsThoracic vertebrae

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Axial skeleton (   المحوري العظمي (الهيكل

Appendicular skeleton ( الهيكلالزائدي  (العظمي


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The Appendicular Skeleton[   الزائدي العظمي [والهيكل

• Limbs (appendages) [) الزوائد ) [أطرافه

• Pectoral girdle ( الصدري (الحزام

• Pelvic girdle ( الحوضي (الحزام

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Bones of the Upper Limb[ العلوي  الطرف [عظام

The arm is formed by a single bone ( يتم

      ال  من واحدة ذراع تشكيل(العضد) Humerus :(عظام

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Bones of the Upper Limb[ العلوي  الطرف [عظام

The forearm has two bones (  اثنين الساعد

العظام  (من1. Ulna ( عظم(الزند

2. Radius ( نصف(القطر

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Bones of the Upper Limb[ العلوي  الطرف [عظام

• The hand ( ناحية (من– Carpals – wrist

(معصم)– Metacarpals (أسناع)–

palm (كف)– Phalanges

fingers –(السالميات)(األصابع)

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The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle[  ) حزام ) الكتف [وصدرية

• Composed of two bones– Clavicle – collarbone– Scapula – shoulder blade

• Allow the upper limb to have exceptionally free movement

  العظام  من اثنين من تتألف ترقوةالكتفي العظم

السماح     حرية  أن العلوي للطرف

استثنائي  بشكل الحركة

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Bones of the Shoulder Girdle[ الكتف  حزام [عظام

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Bones of the Shoulder Girdle[ الكتف  حزام [عظام

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er L


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Bones of the Pelvic Girdle[   حزام  الحوض [عظام

• Hip bones ( الفخذ  (عظام• Composed of 3 pair of fused bones ( من  زوج  3يتألف

  تنصهر  العظام (من– Ilium (الحرقفة)– Ischium (اإلسكية)– Pubic bone ( العانة (عظم

• The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis ( إجمالي    الحوض  على تقع الجسم من العلوي الجزء (وزن

• Protects several organs ( أجهزة  عدة (يحمي– Reproductive organs ( التناسلية (األعضاء– Urinary bladder ( البولية  (المثانة– Part of the large intestine (   الغليظة األمعاء من (جزء

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The Pelvis (الحوض)

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The Pelvis[الحوض]: Right Coxal Bone [   الحق  العظام [وركي

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Gender Differences of the Pelvis

الجنسين  ] بين الفروقالحوض  [في

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Bones of the Lower Limbs

األطراف  ] عظام[السفلية

The thigh has one bone (     العظام واحد الفخذ :(في

Femur ( الفخذ –(عظمthigh bone ( الفخذ  (عظم

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Bones of the Lower Limbs [ السفلية  األطراف [عظام

The leg has two bones من  ) واثنين المحطة:(العظام

Tibia (الظنبوب)Fibula (إبزيم)

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Bones of the Lower Limbs

األطراف  ] عظام[السفلية

The foot (سفح)Tarsus ( القدم (رسغ– ankle (الكاحل)Metatarsals sole – (األمشاط)(وحيد)Phalanges toes – (السالميات)( القدم (أصابع

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Arches of the Foot[ القدم  [أقواس

• Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong arches ( يتم

        أقواسقوي  ثالثة لتشكيل القدم عظام (ترتيب– Two longitudinal

( اثنين  (طولية– One transverse

( واحدة  (عرضية

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Joints [المفاصل]

• Articulations of bones ( العظام  (مفاصل

• Functions of joints ( المفاصل  (وظائف– Hold bones together (   معا  العظام (عقد– Allow for mobility ( للتنقل  (السماح

• Ways joints are classified (   المفاصل  الطرق (وتصنف– Functionally (وظيفيا)– Structurally (هيكليا)

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Functional Classification of Joints[ للمفاصل الوظيفي [التصنيف

• Synarthroses ( ليفية immovable – (مواصلjoints (   المفاصل المنقولة (غير

• Amphiarthroses – slightly moveable joints (   المفاصل  قليال (المنقولة

• Diarthroses ( زليلية freely moveable – (مفاصلjoints

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Structural Classification of Joints

• Fibrous joints– Generally immovable– Synarthroses

• Cartilaginous joints– Immovable or slightly

moveable– Amphiarthroses

• Synovial joints– Freely moveable– Diarthroses

• ليفية  مفاصلالمنقولة  غير عموما

• الغضروفية  المفاصلغير

    قليال  منقولة أو منقولة

• المفاصل  الزليليبحرية  المنقولة

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Fibrous Joints• Bones united by fibrous

tissue (   النسيج  توحدها عظام(الليفي

• Examples (أمثلة)– Sutures (الغرز)– Syndesmoses

• Allows more movement than sutures ( بمزيد يسمح

    الغرز  من الحركة (من• Example: distal end of

tibia and fibula ( سبيل على

    الظ :  القاصي نهاية المثالوالشظية  (نبوب

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Cartilaginous Joints

• Bones connected by cartilage Examples– Pubic

symphysis– Intervertebral


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Features of Synovial Joints

• Articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage) covers the ends of bones

• Joint surfaces are enclosed by a fibrous articular capsule

• Have a joint cavity filled with synovial fluid• Ligaments reinforce the joint

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Structures Associated with the Synovial Joint

• Bursae – flattened fibrous sacs– Lined with synovial membranes – Filled with synovial fluid – Not actually part of the joint

• Tendon sheath– Elongated bursa that wraps around a tendon

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The Synovial Joint

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Plane joints

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Gliding joints– The articulating surfaces are nearly flat or slightly

curved– Allow sliding or back-and-forth motion and

twisting movements– Joints within wrist and ankle, as well as those

between the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae

– Sacroiliac joints and the joints formed by ribs 2 though 7 connecting

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Hinge joint– The convex surface of one bone fits into the

concave surface of another– Elbow and the joints of the phalanges– Resembles the hinge of a door in that it permits

movement in one plane only

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Hinge joint

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Pivot joint– The cylindrical surface of one bone rotates within a ring

formed of bone and fibrous tissue of a ligament– Movement is limited to rotation around a central axis.– Joint between the proximal ends of the radius and the ulna,

where the head of the radius rotates in a ring formed by the radial notch of the ulna and a ligament (annular ligament)

– Pivot joint functions in the neck as the heard turns from side to side.

– The ring formed by a ligament (transverse ligament) and the anterior arch of the atlas rotates around the dens of the axis

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Pivot joint

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Condyloid joint– The ovoid condyle of one bone fits into the

elliptical cavity of another bone– Joints between the metacarpals (bones of the

palm) and phalanges (bones of the fingers and toes)

– Movements in different planes– Rotational movement is not possible

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Condyloid joint

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Saddle joint– Forms between bones whose articulating surfaces

have both concave and convex regions. – The surface of one bone fits the complementary

surface of the other. – Movements mainly in two planes– Joint between the carpal (trapezium) and the

metacarpal of the thumb

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Saddle joint

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Ball & socket joint– Consists of a bone with a globular or slightly egg-

shaped head that articulates with the cup-shaped cavity of another bone.

– Allows a wider range of motion than does any other kind

– Permit movements in all planes, as well as rotational movement around a central axis

– Hips and shoulders

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Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

• Ball & socket joint

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Kozier-Media-Flash-Joint Movement

• ..\..\REFERENCE MATERIALS\FUNDA by Kozier\Media\Flash\funcclassifofjoints.swf

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Types of Joint Movements

• Flexion• Extension • Hyperextension• Dorsiflexion• Plantar flexion• Abduction• Adduction• Rotation• Circumduction

• Supination• Pronation• Eversion• Inversion• Protraction• Retraction• Elevation• Depression • Opposition

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Types of Joint Movements

• Flexion– Bending parts at a joint

so that the angle between them decreases and the parts come closer together (bending the lower limb at the knee)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Extension – Straightening parts at a

joint so that the angle between them increases and the parts move farther apart (straightening the lower limb at the knee).

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Elbow flexion and extension

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Types of Joint Movements

• Hyperextension– Excess extension of the

parts at a joint, beyond the anatomical position (bending the head back beyond the upright position)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Dorsiflexion– Bending the foot at the

ankle toward the shin (bending the foot upward)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Plantar flexion– Bending the foot at the

ankle toward the sole (bending the foot downward).

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Types of Joint Movements

• Abduction– Moving a part away from

the midline (lifting the upper limb horizontally to form a right angle with he side of the body)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Adduction– Moving a part toward

the midline (returning the upper limb from the horizontal position to the side of the body)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Rotation– Moving a part around an

axis (twisting the head from side to side).

– Medial rotation involves movement toward the midline, whereas lateral rotation involves movement in the opposite direction.

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Types of Joint Movements


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Types of Joint Movements

• Circumduction – Moving a part so that its

end follows a circular path (moving the finger in a circular motion without moving the hand)

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Types of Joint Movements


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Types of Joint Movements

• Supination– Turning the hand so the

palm is upward or facing anteriorly (in anatomical position)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Pronation– Turning the hand so the

palm is downward or facing posteriorly (in anatomical position)

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Elbow pronation and supination

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Types of Joint Movements

• Eversion– Turning the foot so the

sole faces laterally

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Types of Joint Movements

• Inversion– Turning the foot so the

sole faces medially

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Ankle inversion & eversion

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Types of Joint Movements

• Protraction – Moving a part forward

(thrusting the chin forward)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Retraction– Moving a part backward

(pulling the chin backward)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Elevation– Raising a part (shrugging

the shoulders)

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Types of Joint Movements

• Depression– Lowering a part

(drooping the shoulders)

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Types of Joint Movements


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Kozier-Media-Flash-Joint Movement

• ..\..\REFERENCE MATERIALS\FUNDA by Kozier\Media\Flash\movementofjoints.swf

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Developmental Aspects of the Skeletal System

• At birth, the skull bones are incomplete• Bones are joined by fibrous membranes –

fontanelles• Fontanelles are completely replaced with

bone within two years after birth