unit 3 understanding each other language points unit 3 understanding each other language points

Unit 3 Understanding each other Language points

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Unit 3 Understanding each other Language points Unit 3 Understanding each other Language points

Unit 3 Understanding each other

Language points

Unit 3 Understanding each other

Language points

Page 2: Unit 3 Understanding each other Language points Unit 3 Understanding each other Language points

accumulate vt/vi

积累 1.He quickly accumulated a large fortu


2. If you don’t clear away the rubbish regularly, it will just accumulate 堆积

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tradition n

传统观念、看法等的总称(不可数 ).

What one thinks and feels is mainly

due to tradition, habit and educatio


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一种传统习俗做法 ( 可数 )

It is a tradition that women get married

in long white dresses.

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代代相传 , 传说 ( 不可数 )

These songs have been preserved by tr


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get excited

1.Hearing the news, they got astonished.

2.Be careful or you will get yourself hurt.

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If I got in the UK,I would expect a present.

Keep away from the fire. Don’t get .



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at one time 一度 , 过去曾经 At one time I used to play a lot of s

port, but I seem to have lost interest


同时 ( 做某事 )

They all tried to talk at one time.

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过去大多数中学教师是男性 , 但现在女教师比男教师多多了。 At one time the majority of teachers

are men, but now there are more wome

n teachers.

at the time 那时候 I told you at the time that I thought

you were stupid.

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at a time

You can borrow only one book at a time


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celebration n

庆祝 ( 不可数 ). 1.All night long the celebration of victor

y went on.

庆祝活动 ( 可数 )2.There were celebrations in the stre

ets. 3. That evening we organized a


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in celebration of The party was in celebration of

mother’s silver wedding.

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clarify vt 阐明 , 澄清1. His explanation clarified the mystery


2. An example will help to clarify what

I mean.

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participate vi 参加 , 参与 ( 常和 in 连用 )

1. Harris participated in the protests.

2. Did you participate in the discussion?

Participation n

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We want to encourage students to the sports meet to

be held next week .

A participate B participate in c participate to D participate to


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adjust vt 调整 , 调节1.Adjust your language to the age of yo

ur audience.

2. I must adjust my watch; it is slow.

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vi 适应1. My eyes haven’t adjust to the dark.

2. You should adjust to a new climate. adjustable adj 可调动的 , 可调节的adjustment n 调整 , 调节 , 适应

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•If you had joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we were talking about !

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在这种情况下 , 条件句中谓语动词一般用 had done 结构 , 而主句中谓语动词用 would/could/should/might

have done 结构

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1. If you had prepared your lessons

carefully, you could have passed

the exam.

2. If the hurricane had happened at

night, there would have been

more deaths.

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2. Well, it’s what we do in the west.

what we do in the west 为名词性从句 ,

在句中作表语。 This book is just what I am looking for.

All these are what you want in your life.

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• See the flags on the top of the building? That was we did this morning. (2006 全国卷 )

A when B which C where D what


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1. Do you expect me to stay after that?

2. You are expected to work late if

need be.

3.Haller was expected to be

waiting at that time.

句中谓语动词是 expect sb. to do sth.


3. In the UK, the guests are expected to give presents to …