unit 3 nationalism, realism and mass politics 1850-1914

Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

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Page 1: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Page 2: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Europe in 1850 Movement towards mass

politics as suffrage expanded Nationalism no longer just one of the ideologies- accepted as a major force- even by conservatives.

Idealism= impracticality. Instead, focus on REALPOLITIK- accomplish practical goals through practical means- work step by step, don’t assume you can rebuild the world overnight.

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Page 4: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

France Under Napoleon IIISecond Republic

Louis Napoleon had lived most of his life outside of France- had few “enemies”

Time had made Napoleon the hero of France. Louis Napoleon manipulated voting and blamed legislature for corruption

Seen as a symbol of stability- appeared liberal enough, conservative in areas, and against radicalism in all forms.

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Second Empire economic

liberalism (popular with middle class), nationalism, and authoritarian rule (popular with conservatives).

New imperial aristocracy created from wealthy businessmen.

Gave control of Secondary Education to gov’t- rather than church.

Gave unions right to strike (popular with radicals)

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Page 7: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Economic Prosperity Believed gov’t should

promote economy. Cleared out slums, built better houses, new sewers, RR, Grand pubic buildings- which provided jobs, improved commerce, created a better standard of living, and prevented revolution

Moved towards free trade, lowering tariffs, doubling exports. Signed trade agreement with old rival, England.

Credit Moblier- a gov’t run corporate bank for investing

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Baron George von Haussmann

Redesigned Paris to show beauty and provide political strength (streets too wide for barricades, lots of ways to get places)

Paris 1st modern Capital city- a planned city

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International Affairs a weak area for him Mexico failure

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Crimean War 1853-1856 The beginning of

a turning point in European History- cracks begin to appear in the notion of balance of power.

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Causes Ottomans restricting

Christian visitors to the Holy Land (same issue as 1095 btw)- made treaty to stop doing it for RC. Russian Orthodox demand same treatment- and says it is occupying territory in Crimea (Black Sea) until demands met

Really about expansion of territory for Russia and weakening of Ottomans

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Crimean War (II) Spark: Russian

expansion into Black Sea area. French and British feared Ottoman would collapse entirely and Russia would expand all the way through Balkans to Mediterranean.

Big shock that Eng/France support Muslims

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Technology and War Heading towards

modern weapons, this war has a much higher casualty rate than any which have come before. Begins shift away from cavalry (used to break lines- but don’t often carry major guns) towards artillery. Repeating rifles

Sevastopol- largest battle

Russia WAY behind in tech- they get spanked- very embarrassing, and a wake up call for them- begin attempts at modernization

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Page 17: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Florence Nightingale A major cause of

death from wounds was infection. Florence was a British nurse who pioneered standards of treatment to prevent further damage

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Results of War Russia was forced

to pull back- which was a surprise, their size had made them so scary- turns out they weren’t. Concert of Europe dead- all nations are out for their own gains

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Peace of Paris

Russia lost mouth of Danube and territory that became Romania. Black Sea became Neutral- Ottoman Empire “saved”

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Italian Unification Italy had not been

unified since classical age. From Mid. Ages had been collection of “city states”. Renaissance had been a high point- but had become a battleground for competing powers.

Hapsburgs in North, Pope in Center, Bourbons in South. Only Sardinia really “independent”

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Early Attempts: Mazzini (the Visionary) Giuseppe Mazzini and

Vincenzo Gioberti led 1st attempts by Carbonari to unify Italy. (unsuccessful)

Mazzini wanted a Republic, Gioberti wanted a state led by the pope

Unable to pull people together- both represented ideas that were too radical and idealistic- more romantic that realistic

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Sardinia Victor Emmanuel II- a

constitutional monarch, had become the best option for leading Italy to unity.

A liberal state, with Econ strength- strong enough to lead without making others feel they are being steamrolled

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Camillo di Cavour (the Statesman) Chief minister to king

Victor Emmanuel of Sardinia. Practical- willing to work step by step to achieve goals- brought middle class in.

Started with North to “enlarge Sardinia” rather than create “Italy”

1859 Used war with Austria (aided by Nap iii) to bring people together.

Used available Media “Il Risorgimento” Newspaper (named for Mazzini’s idea, but more practical) to spread propaganda.

By 1860 Lombardy, Tuscany, Parma and Modena have become part of Sardinia

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Plombiere Napoleon iii had promised Sardinia help

with Austria – and they would split the territories (Savoy and Nice would go to France) Secret pact made at Plombieres

But as conflict was ending- France backed out of support to help Italy gain Venice (decided it would be too

difficult) and made sep. peace with Austria.

Cavour felt betrayed

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Giuseppe Garibaldi (the Revolutionary)

Charismatic- the last of the Romantics. Had fought in 1848. Republican- but practical enough to compromise for unity.

Began in Sicily and Naples- where he defeated the Bourbons and began to head north.

RED SHIRTS: Garibaldi’s revolutionaries. Defeated 2 professional

armies in south

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Unification Cavour and Garibaldi

met in Naples in Feb 1861. Victor Emmanuel declared King of Italy.

Venice joined 1866, Rome 1870 (with creation of Vatican for pope)

Process not radical or democratic, Cavour steered nationalism in a conservative direction

Pope was a sticky point- France was biggest support in him keeping the center of Italy- but After Franco-Prussian war they could not longer support.

Biggest problem after unification was integration- the North was semi-industrialized, south stagnant and agrarian.

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Page 28: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Unification of Germany Frankfurt Assembly

of 1848 had failed. Who will Germany? 2 choices, Austria or Prussia- both of whom wanted the job.

Austria in decline, Prussia on the rise- they get the job

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Grossdeutsch Kleindeustch

United Germany with BOTH Austria and Prussia as part of country. Became increasingly unrealistic

Germany with Prussia- but no Austria. This is the practical plan, and this is a practical age

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Rise of Bismarck Wilhelm I took power in 1861- and was

inspired by Sardinia’s success with Italy. Made Otto Von Bismarck (Junker- a big fan

of strength) his Prime Minister Together they plotted to create “Germany” with strong military, economic, and political power. (It’s not just about making a country- making a world leader)

Conservative Nationalism

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Realpolitik Unification will come not through idealism and brotherhood, but by working with a plan, moving in steps, and keeping the ultimate goal in sight. Defines the politics of the

age Gap Theory: Wilhelm worried about losing power-

Bismarck says no problem, since King grants constitution, he is ultimate power, not legislature

Diplomatic- Bismarck only fought when he HAD to- and only when he knew he would win

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“Blood and Iron” Bismarck’s most

famous manifesto- that it is not speeches and resolutions that accomplish goals- but sacrifice and action- and he is going to get this DONE

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War as a means to Unify Borrowed the idea

from Italy- use a series of small (easily won) wars to bring people together.

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War with Denmark 1863 Duchies of Schleswig

and Holstein claimed by both Denmark and Prussia. Bismarck convinced Austria to go to war with him- they would each take a territory.

Won easily….and Bismarck was already planning to use the result to provoke his next war- with Austria.

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War with Austria Seven Weeks War

1866 Used Austrian

possession of Holstein to provoke tension and start war. Prussia has most advanced military in world at that point- spanked old fashioned Austria. Makes Prussia decisive leader of German affairs

Prussia made alliances with Fr, Rus, It before war to keep them out.

1st time RR key for troop movement

Create North German Confederation- with a 2 house legislature (Reichstag) for all Ger. States- with universal manhood suffrage

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Page 37: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Franco Prussian War (Part 1)

1870-71 Southern German states are still more

inclined to Austria (they are RC)- but Bismarck knew that conflict with France would draw them in. (and that Nap iii was all talk, no action) Plus- they’d really like Alsace and Lorraine (between France and Germany

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Ems Dispatch Intentional snub to

provoke war. Bismarck boasted

about kicking the French ambassador out of Germany- Infuriated the French so they declared war (which made them the “aggressors”)

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Franco Prussian War (Part 2) South jumps on the German bandwagon- and

we have a whole country. Bismarck was right about Nap iii- he is a poor commander, and won’t appoint good ones (he’s afraid they will make him look bad) Prussia doesn’t just beat France, the humiliate them- esp. at Battle of Sedan- where they capture Nap iii. Lay siege to Paris- and take the capital.

Shocking to other countries how powerful this new “Germany” is- they came out swinging.

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Page 41: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

German Empire Wilhelm I declared

“Kaiser” of German Empire in Hall of Mirrors at Versailles. Harsh treaty for France- Ger gets Alsace/Lorraine, and France has to pay reparations for “Starting” the war

Germany now most powerful nation on Continent

Victory of Conservative Nationalism

Didn’t change gov’t structure from 1866 (Reichstag etc…)

Now that he had his country- Bismarck used Liberal reform (Kulterkampf: vote, pensions, education) to keep people happy and prevent revolution

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Page 43: Unit 3 Nationalism, Realism and Mass Politics 1850-1914

Nation Building 1850-1914 Changing the

Balance of Power in Europe- starting to get competitive again

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Mass Politics Ordinary people have

increasing nationalism- by 1914 universal manhood suffrage was typical.

Welfare state will begin to emerge- 1st in Germany, than Britain and elsewhere. Increasing education was supported by the gov’t.

As more people got involved in politics, became the job of politicians to “fool” them- manipulating voters for their own ends