unit 2 as soon as it's 12 o'clock


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Unit 2 As soon as it's 12 o'clock. Revision. US holidays. Public holiday 为“法定假日 , 公共假日”的意思 , 在美国实际上没有国家法定假日 , 因为每个州都有权规定它自己的假日。中央 ( 联邦 ) 政府只能为它自己的雇员规定休息日。但是 , 所有的州都把联邦政府规定的这一天假日定为公共假日。美国的法定假日一般有九个 。. Federal Public Holidays 国定假日. 实际上,所有州还庆祝一些其它的节日,重要者如下∶. 其它美国节日 :. New Year’s Day - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Revision US holidays

Public holiday 为“法定假日 , 公共假日”的意思 , 在美国实际上没有国家法定假日 , 因为每个州都有权规定它自己的假日。中央 ( 联邦 ) 政府只能为它自己的雇员规定休息日。但是 , 所有的州都把联邦政府规定的这一天假日定为公共假日。美国的法定假日一般有九个。

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新年 一月一日马丁路德 · 金诞辰纪念日


总统日 二月第三个星期一 阵亡将士纪念日 五月最后一个星期一 国庆日 七月四日 劳工节 九月第一个星期一 哥伦布纪念日 十月第二个星期一 感恩节 十一月第四个星期四退伍军人节 十一月十一日 圣诞节 十二月二十五日

Federal Public Holidays 国定假日

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附注∶如果假日适逢星期日,则延至星 期一庆祝;若为星期六,则改于 前一日(即星期五)庆祝。

华盛顿总统诞辰纪念日 二月二十二日林肯总统诞辰纪念日 二月十二日耶稣受难日 (Good Friday) 复活节前的星期五

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其它美国节日 :

情人节 二月十四日

复活节 三月二十一日后第一次月圆后的第一个星期日

母亲节 五月第二个星期日父亲节 六月第三个星期日 万圣节 十月三十一日选举日 十一月第一个星期之后的星期二

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New Year’s Day

新年 (January 1st)

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Martin Luther King Day马丁路德金的生日纪念日(The third Monday of January / January 15th)

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President’s DayWashington’s Birthday 总统日(The third Monday of February)

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Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日 (The last Monday of May)

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Labour Day 劳动节 (The first Monday of September)

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Columbus Day 哥伦布纪念日(The second Monday of October)

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Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(The fourth Thursday of November)

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Veteran‘s Day 退伍军人节(November 11th)

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Christmas Day 圣诞节 (December 25th)

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Other special days

Washington’s birthday

(January 22nd)

Lincoln’s birthday

(January 12th)

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Good Friday 受难节 (The Friday before Easter)

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Other holidays Valentine's Day 情人节(February 14th)

St. Patrick‘s Day 圣帕特里克节 (March 17th)

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Easter 复活节(三月二十一日后第一次月圆后的第一个星期日 )

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Mother’s Day 母亲节 (The second Sunday of May)

Father’s Day 父亲节(The third Sunday of June)

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Halloween 万圣节前夕(October 31st)

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US Vote Day十一月第一个星期之后的星期二

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Flag Day 国旗制定纪念日

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Look at the picture below. Which words can you use to describe it?

bright lights busy celebration city countryside dark dull exciting fireworks night noisy quiet tall buildings

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Read the passage, match

the topic with the paragraphs.a. A family day

b. Different ways of celebrating

c. Making plans for the new year

d. New Year’s Eve in New York

e. An ending and a beginning

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4


Paragraph 2

Paragraph 5

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Read the passage and answer the questions

--No, they don’t.

--No, they don’t.

1. Do people celebrate the New

Year in the same way all over

the world?

2. Do people always celebrate the

New Year at the same time?

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--They go to Times Square.

--They sing Traditional songs. Sometimes they sing Auld Lang Syne.

3. Where do many people in New

York go to celebrate the New


4. What songs do people sing at

the New Year?

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5. What special things happen at twelve o’clock?

6. What special things do people do on New Year’s Day?

--There are fireworks and special


They make a list of resolutions and

read it to their family or friends.

They get together for a special meal,

and they go out for a walk.

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7. What do people write on New

Year’s Day?

8. What New Year resolutions do

students make?

--They write their New Year’s


--They make resolutions about


--Such as “I’ll help out more at home. I will

work harder at school” or “I won’t spend so

much time playing video games.”

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Listen and sound readingListen and imitate the pronunciation and


Practice the sound reading

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Language pointsover the world

in the same way

on the same date

depend on

start doing sth.

times Square

have fun

count down

as soon as

get together

make solutions

a list of

such as

help out

spend…(in) doing sth.

promise to do sth.

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-- I’ll call you as soon as I get there.

--What are you going to be when you grow up ?--He won’t go to bed until his mother comes back.

--We’ll go to the park if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

1. as soon as 一…就…as soon as 引导时间状语从句 , 用一般现在时态表示将来。 类似的还有由“ when, until, as” 等引导的时间状语从句和由“ if” 引导的条件状语从句。

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2. However, not all countries celebrate in the s

ame way,…

A. however = no matter how 意为“无论如何” , 引导让步状语从句。

however 不可与 but 连用

B. not all… / all…not 部分否定

“ 并非所有的” 否定用“ none”

类似用法的词有 : both (neither),

everybody (none)

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B. in the same way

in the way 按……的方法, 挡道

on the way

by the way

in a way 在某种意义上

all the way 一路上,全程

Please move the chair. It is in the way.Do it in the way he showed you.

On the way to work, she met a friend.

By the way, have you seen Mary today?

In a way he is right.

He ran all the way to the station.

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-- 健康在于合理的饮食和充足的睡眠。 Health depends on good food and enough sleep.

-- 我指望你来做这件事。 I depend on you to do it.

-- 你可以信赖我。

You can depend on me.

-- 这要看你住在哪儿。

It depends (on) where you live.

3. depend on 意为“取决于、依赖于、依靠”

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你许下新年愿望了吗? --Have you made any New Year resolutions?

新年伊始,刘飞下决心不再玩电脑游戏了。 --Liu Fei has made a New Year resolution to stop

playing computer games.

4. make resolutions

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5. Help out … 帮助某人解决困难 --The student helps out in his mum’s shop whe

n he is on holiday.

--Her parents helped her out with some money

when she lost her job.

6. Out with the old year and in with the new!


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7. Times Square 时报广场 被称为“世界十字路口”的时报广场庆祝了 100 周年诞辰。   1904 年之前,百老汇大道和第七大道交叉的地带称为“长亩广场”( Long Acre Square ,那年,《纽约时报》将总部搬到那里,为了表示庆贺,纽约市长麦克莱恩( George McClellan )将“长亩广场”改名为“时报广场”。  同年 10 月,时报广场地铁站开通。也是从那年开始,纽约市每年在时报广场举行盛大的新年庆祝活动,这个传统已延续了整整一个世纪。时报广场新年庆典每年吸引 100 万人,号称全世界规模最大。

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1. special 2. party 3. get together

4. traditional 5. suddenly 6. count down

7. fireworks 8. spend 7. resolutions

ExerciseComplete the passage with the

words and expressions in the box.

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Study the sentences in the first box. And then try to write your own New Year’s Resolutins.
