unit 11 what time do you go to school? period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班...

Unit 11 Unit 11 What time do you go to What time do you go to school? school? Period 3

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Page 1: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

Unit 11 Unit 11 What time do you go to What time do you go to


Unit 11 Unit 11 What time do you go to What time do you go to

school?school?Period 3

Page 2: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

去上学 去上班 回家去来学校来上班来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家

go to schoolgo to workgo home

come to schoolcome to workcome homeget to schoolget to work

get home

Page 3: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

很长时间 刷牙 淋浴多有趣的时间早餐后为了到达上班的地方乘坐十七路公车载他去上班整个晚上喜爱听他看早间电视他的工作

very long hours brush teeth have / take a shower what a funny time after breakfast to get to work take the number 17 bus take him to work all night love to listen to him watch morning TV his job

Page 4: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

1. 他工作很长时间

2. 吃早饭的时间是多么快乐的时光啊!

3. 他乘 17 路公共汽车去上班。

4. 他整晚工作

5 人们喜欢听他(弹)。


He works very long hours.

=He takes the number 17 bus to get to work.

He works all night.

=The number 17 bus takes him to work.

Can you think what his job is?

What a happy / funny time to eat breakfast!

To get to work , he takes the number 17 bus.

People love to listen to him.

Page 5: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home



1 .一般的动词后加 s.

2. 以 s, x, ch, sh, o 结尾的动 词加 es.

3. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的动词,去 y 加 ies.

Page 6: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

Scott ______ very long hours. He usually ____ up at 17:00. He ________ his teeth and ____ a shower. Then he _____ breakfast. What a funny time ________ breakfast! After breakfast he ____ his guitar, then he _____ to work. ______ to work, he _____ the number 17 bus to a hotel. The bus usually ______ him to work at 19:15.He _____ all night. People love________ to him! He ____ home at 7:00, and he ______ morning TV. He ______ to bed at 8:30. Can you think what his job is?

Fill in the blanks according to the text:

works gets brushes has

eats to eat

plays goesTo get takes


works to listen gets watches


Page 7: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

1. Scott works very long hours.

2. What a funny time to eat breakfast!

3. after breakfast

4.To get to work, he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel.

5.The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15.

6. He works all night.

7. People love to listen to him!

8. Can you think what his job is?

9. watch morning TV

take a bus

take sb to work

listen to music


Page 8: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

起床 6:35

刷牙 6:40

早餐 6:45

上学 6:55

到校 7:05

开始上课 7:40

跑步 9:10

吃午饭 11:40

做运动 4:15

吃晚饭 5:00

做作业 5:50

看电视 6:55

回家 8:20

到家 8:35

洗澡 8:40

睡觉 8:45

get up

eat/have breakfast


go to schoolget to school

brush teeth

start classes

eat/have lunchdo / have sportseat/have dinnerdo homeworkwatch TVgo homeget hometake a showergo to bed





--What time does he/she usually get up?--He/She usually gets up at 6:35.

I am Daisy. I usually get up at …. And I brush …. This is my day.

He/ She is …. He/She usually gets up at …. And he/she brushes …. This is his/her day.

Page 9: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

in the morning

in the afternoon

in the evening

the sun 太阳

Page 10: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

Match the action and the time of day

A:When do people usually eat dinner?

B:People usually eat dinner in the evening .

P68 1a

1 2,4

Page 11: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

A: What time do you usually get up on Sundays (每逢周日) ?B: I usually get up at around …on Sundays.

Ask and answer

C:What time does he/she usually get up on Sundays?D:He/She usually gets up at around… on Sundays.

Page 12: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home



a letter

What do you want to tell about in your letter?


Suppose you are Jane. You want to write a letter to Mona. ( write to sb 写信给某人)



Page 13: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

Dear Mona,

Thanks for your letter. Do you want to know about my morning? Well, I usually get up at around six fifteen. I do my homework at six thirty, and then I eat breakfast at around seven thirty. At around eight o’ clock, I go to school. School starts at nine o’clock. Please write and tell me about your morning.


Janetell sb. about sth 告诉某人某事

Page 14: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

P69 3a




gets up

eats breakfast

goes to school

Page 15: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

6:00 runeat breakfast


go to school





Page 16: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

What do people usually do in the morning? 人们通常在上午做什么呢?People usually get up in the morning. brush teeth eat / have breakfast go to school go to work take a bus to work watch morning TV play / do / have sports take a shower …

Page 17: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

What do people usually do in the afternoon?

People usually work in the afternoon.

study 学习go home

get home

have sports

Page 18: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

What do people usually do in the evening?People usually go home in the evening. get home eat / have dinner do homework read books 看书 watch TV listen to music 听音乐 go to a movie take a shower go to bed

Page 19: Unit 11 What time do you go to school? Period 3 去上学 去上班 回家去 来学校 来上班 来家里 到达学校 到达上班的地方 到家 go to school go to work go home

Make a survey about the weekend and report.做一个关于周末的调查,然后汇报。 P 70

--When do you usually go to bed? 你通常什么时候睡觉?--I usually go to bed at around 6:30 am.

at six thirty in the morning

= What time do you usually go to bed?