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UNICEF - Ministry of Education Strategic Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion for Schools VHP 1 Î 15 90 15 90 T1Í5 90 15 90 \s Sanitation Technology Options Part 2 CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS prepared by Bjorn Brandberg SBI Consulting SSI Consulting. P.O. Box 131 EVENI, Mbabane. Swaziland (Africa) Tel: +268-404-0067, 404-3243 Fax: +268-404-0067 Cell: +268-604-5903 E-mail"- biomabrandberg.org www.sanplat.com

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UNICEF - Ministry of Education

Strategic Sanitation and HygienePromotion for Schools


15 90 15 90 T1Í5 90 15 90 \s

Sanitation Technology Options


prepared byBjorn BrandbergSBI Consulting

SSI Consulting. P.O. Box 131 EVENI, Mbabane. Swaziland (Africa)Tel: +268-404-0067, 404-3243 Fax: +268-404-0067 Cell: +268-604-5903

E-mail"- biomabrandberg.org www.sanplat.com

UNICEF- Ministry of Education

Strategic Sanitation and HygienePromotion for Schools

Sanitation Technology Options


prepared byBjorn BrandbergSBI Consulting

IntroductionPart 2 of the of Sanitation Technology Options for SchoolSanitation contains drawings for a limited number oflatrines and other sanitation facilities. Given that thecatalogue contains more options the presented drawingsshould be seen as guidelines also for the options whichnot are represented here.

It is our anticipation that a later version of this presentationwould be able to provide technical drawings also for theremaining latrine types.

Comments on the drawingsMany new school latrines will be built in Malawi and thispresentation will undergo revisions. Comments andsuggestions should be forwarded to:

The Project CoordinatorUNICEF-WESSchool Sanitation ProjectP.O. Box 30375Lilongwe 3.

^ . . . . LIBRARY IRC( j O O d lUCK! PO Box 93190, 2509 AD THE HAGUE

Tel.: -1-31 70 30 689 80Fax: +31 70 35 899 64


12I.Q 07 ST

Moulds for making dome-shaped SanPlats01.5 m

The archARCO 0 1.50

Hole for centre pin

200 j. 200-1A6Q

Thesheetmetalbeltwith aclip lock 0=1500 mm, L= 100+4,712+100 mm


The drop hole mould The foot-rest mould

Moulds are available fromLCS ProMotion Int ABElisabet Levenskog, Flo 18, S - 467 96 GRÂSTORP, SWEDENTel: +46 - 514 40058 Fax: +46 - 514 40273 cell: 0718-881396E-mail: [email protected] www.sanplat.com

Moulds for making dome-shaped SanPlats01.2 m

The arch

Hole for centre pin


í 25

Thesheetmetalbeltwith aclip lock 0=1200 mm, L= 100+3.770+100 mm= 3.970


The drop hole mould The foot-rest mould

Moulds are available fromLCS ProMotion Int ABElisabet Levenskog, Flo 18, S - 467 96 GRÀSTORP, SWEDENTel: +46 - 514 40058 Fax: +46 - 514 40273 cell: 0718-881396E-mail: [email protected] www.sanplat.com

"The Four by Four"

Four cubicles back to backwith handwashing facility


Perspective ofbuilding withfour lined pit The Four by Four Latrine

Offers alternative layoutsfor boys, senior girls andteachers.

Three functions latrine,urinal and handwashing. Itcan be used for boys andgirls of all ages.

For junior students thedoors may be omitted dueto soli pressure on theside walls a ring beamwith a cross beam hasbeen incorporated.

A roof gutter collects rainwater to the tank of thehand washing facility.

For senior girls there maybe a need of a tank oneach side if a tap sold beprovided in each cubicle.

Typical layouts

Boys and Junior Girlswith separate handwashing facility

Senior GirlsWith integrated handwashing facilityand a door for each cubicle, Outsidesteel gate is optional


TeachersWith integrated handwashingfacility and a door for eachcubicle, Outside steel gate isoptional

Note thatventpipesshould be in themiddle and thatthere should bea 150 mm gapbetween thewalls and theroof for light andventilation.

Generalplan withdimensions

"The Four by Four"








PlanPlan shows general dimensions. Typical layouts for different usergroups are shown below.


Typical layouts

Boys and Junior Girlswith separate handwashing facility


i :

3 J

Senior GirlsWith integrated handwashingfacility and a door for each cubicle,Outside steel gate is optional

TeachersWith integrated handwashingfacility and a door for eachcubicle, Outside steel gate isoptional

SSHP MalawiSchool Latrine Type 4.1

A conventional VIP solutionOverview

Drg 1.3

sSee detail


Cost estimate construction

SUB-STRUCTUREDiggingPit liningPartitioning wailsSlabs with finished surfaceSan Plats

SUPER-STRUCTUREBrick and mud walls 22 cmBrick and mud walls 13 cmDoors and fittingsPlaster 15 mmPointing of joints

Relative cost estimateEstimated CostRest value for reconstructionResulting costEstimated LifetimeResulting cost per yearNo of compartmentsResulting cost per compartment per year

CONSTRUCTION• Start by casting the slabs with holes for the drop holeand the ventpipes. Concrete 1+3+5 (volumes of riversand and stone). Reinforcement 0 6 mm #30x30 cm 2cm from bottom. Place the SanPlats on thereinforcement before casting the concrete. The surfaceshould be smoothened to full floor finish. Cover withplastic and keep wet for one week.

Dig the pit exactly with the dimensions of the slabs +20 cm. Depth to be defined at site.

Widen the excavation for the footing at the bottom• Lay a footing 500 mm wide with three courses ofbricks set in strong cement mortar (1+3) Alternativelythe footing can be cast in concrete 500x150 mm inconcrete 1+3+5 with extra stones as a filler.• Lay the brickwork to the pit with brickwork andcement mortar (1+5) with open vertical joints for outsidewalls facing the soil. Fill the gap with coarse sand as thelaying of bricks proceed.• Continue the brickwork 500 mm over the groundlevel with solid brickwork and arrange the surroundingground.• Put the slabs in place on top of a mortar bed andallow to cure for two days.• Raise the walls with doors and openings in simplebrickwork• Finalize walls with a ringbeam in reinforced brickwork(2x06 mm) also over partitioning walls with metal wiresfor anchoring the roof.• Allow to cure for at least one week before movingthem (full strength is achieved after 4 weeks)• Build the complete roof on the ground starting withtwo roof trusses, purlines and roof sheets.• Cut a hole for the four ventpipes• Place the whole roof over the walls and adjustposition for ventpipes to fit in the hole and anchor theroof trusses in the ring beam.• Seal the roof around the vent-pipes with three layersof chicken wire and cement mortar.• Fit and adjust doors, hand washing facilities etc asrequired.

SSHP MalawiSchool Latrine Type 4.1

A conventional VIP solutionElevations


Front and backelevations


Side elevations


Drg 1.5

Four for FourPlans

Plan at pit level

Pit excavation2.20x3.20 m

Pit liningFull mortarbrickwork 200 mmwith 100 mm sandfill outside

DividersOpen vertical jointsPlaced in the middle








DPlan at slab level

Concrete slabs70 mm withReinforcement06 mm #300 mmwith holes forSanPlats andventpipes.Slabs are best castbefore the digging,hence allowing themto cure while thesub structure isbeing built.


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* mm^ If

Plan at roof level

Construction detailsDrg1.6

Roof truss50x70 mmtreated timber orbluegum

finiteproof jointCementmortar (1+3)

Termite proof jointCement mortar (1+3)

Damp proof coursePlastic film 0.7 mm

Apron for erosion controlof stones and concrete

Roof anchors0 4 mm fencing wire bentunder reinforcement and overroof truss member and fixedwith nails

" Reinforcement 2 x 06 mr


Concrete slab70 mm withReinforcement

/ 06 mm #300 mm

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Brickworkwith completejoints

Brickworkwith open verticaljoints underground level


Drg 2.0

"The Four by Four for Ever"

Four cubicles back to backwith handwashing facility

Perspective of9 building with

lined pit

The Four by Four for Ever Latrine canbe emptied and is therefor a permanentsolution.

As it is shallow it can be used alsowhere it is difficult to dig because ofhigh ground water tables or rocky soil.

It can be adapted for boys, senior girlsand teachers though the inclusion ofdoors for teachers and senior girls mayrequire somewhat bigger dimensions.

Of the three functions latrine, urinal andhandwashing urinal is not included..

A roof gutter collects rain water to thetank of the hand washing facility.

For senior girls there may be a need ofa tank on each side if a tap sold beprovided in each cubicle.

(2T-Ú I

Boys and Junior Girlswith separate handwashing facility

Senior GirlsWith integrated handwashingfacility and a door for eachcubicle, Outside steel gate isoptional



4 3— 12. -J\

Withintegratedhandwashingfacility and a door for eachcubicle, Outside steel gate isoptional

Drg 2.1

"The Four by Four for Ever"

Plan wit dimensions


15 70 70 15 SO

Drg 2.2

"The Four by Four for Ever"

Cross section




Drg 2.3

"The Four by Four for Ever"





The Super Drop

Four cubicles side by sidewith urinal and hand washing facility

Drg 3.1

WallsSingle thicknessPlastered insideand pointedoutside.

Ring beam inthe middle withone cross beamto support soilpressure

Pit liningwithpartitioningwalls, doublethickness.Shownincomplete

This buildingencompasses the threefunctions latrine, urinaland handwashing. It canbe used for boys and girlsof all ages.

For junior students thedoors may be omitted

Due to soli pressure onthe side walls a ring beamwith a cross beam hasbeen incorporated.

A roof gutter at the lowerend on the roof collectsrain water to the tank ofthe hand washing facility.

Excess water can be usedfor washing out the urinalto reduce smell.





The Super DropPlan wit dimensions

Drg 3.2

15 90 15

85 1520 15 35 15 35 15 35 15 35 15 35 15 20

Urinal se also perspective

Urine wash025 mm

Flush-out0 50 mm

Flush-out0 50 mm

Tap for handwashing x2BIB tap half inch in rough brass(Probrass B01 0140/15 or equal)Plussoap on a rope with lid

Drg 3.3

The Super DropCross section

Top ring beam to beslanted 10 cm in thedirection of the runoffof the urinal ^

Roof trussTimber 115x37





; 5

I 15





Drg 3.4

The Super DropPrincipal elevations



Steel gateFor security but not for privacy

Resists rain and thugs.Locks with a chain and a good padlock

Drg 9.1


Wall bolt

Bolt hingemade ofsteel pipewelded toframe.

FrameFlat bar 40x5 mm

Filler bars0 10 mmCenters max 100 mm


Detail A

100 mm

IFiller bars0 10 mmCenters max100 mm

FrameFlat bar40x5 mm

Chain for padlockOn u-shaped 0 6 mmclamp cemented intowall

1 Middle barFlat bar 40x5 mm


DimensionsWidth and height tobe defined from caseto case

PaintingAll surfaces shall bewell cleaned with steelbrush and given twocoats with steel primerbefore painted withtwo coats blackenamel.

Rain on a ChainA simple way of leading

roof water into a water tank

Drg 9.2

fine all theJed to maketo lead thei pipe to te

ier to findI if t is not

Water tank withflush out systemThe overflow system will help inremoving mosquito eggs from thesurface if


Removable 50 mm PVC pipe whichserves as overflow and bottomplug for the flush out system

Urinal with handwashing facilityin corner position

(a simpler version)

Drg 9.4

There are many varieties on this theme. This is an example only.

The water from the hand washing basin (the bucket) is led through the urinal before it is led out through the wall andreaches the soakaway or the trench garden.

The "leaking" plastic bottle is especially useful for menstruating girls as normal hand washing facilities does not solvetheir problem. When the bottle is on horizontal position no water will leak .

Plastic bottle withone or two holesused as a tap forwashing hands.Putting the bottle inhorizontal positionstops the flow.

Extra water

Note for schoolsThis combined urinal and hand washing facility usesthe waste water for cleaning the urinal.

Hand basin madeof an old plasticbucket

hole and a stickthrough the bottom.The water willfollow the stick verygently down to theurinal.

Cement plaster 1+1for wall protection


Urinal with handwashing facilityin corner position

There are many varieties on this theme. This is an example only.

The water from the handwashing facility is led through the urinal before it is led out through thewall and reaches the soakaway or the trench garden.

The leaking plastic bottle is especially useful for menstruating girls as the bottle can be used alsoover the toilet opening. In horizontal position no water will come out.

Drg 9.5

Plastic bottle withone or two holesused as a tap forwashing hands.Putting the bottle inhorizontal positionstops the flow.

The joint betweenthe basin and thepipe can normallybe welded with asoldering iron. Thisshould be donebefore setting it upon the wall.

Extra water

Note for schoolsThis combined urinal and hand washing facilityuses the waste water for cleaning the urinal.

Hand basin madeof normal plasticbasin cut in fourpieces andcemented into thewall

Drain pipe ofrecycled (black)plastic

Cement plaster 1+1for wall protectionand urinal

Plastic bottle as ahandwashing facility


This little invention provides running water for handwashing forpractically no cost at all. Except for the bottle no special materialstools or skills are required.

NoteThe lid needs tobe tight fitting. Ifnot it will lose itswater when inhorizontalposition.

Support of woodor bricks


Horizontal positionNo water coming out as holesare at the top.

NoteIf only round plastic bottles areavailable the platform/shelf willneed to have correspondingrounded shape.

Small hole

Vertical positionA fine jet of water comes out ofthe bottom hole. The top holeis an air intake, which isrequired for an even flow unlessyou open the lid slightly.

Small hole

Tightfitting lid


With a sharp object, like a nail, make a small hole close to the bottom(the water-outlet) and an other further up (the air in-let). The size of thebottom hole must correspond to the amount of water you would like toreceive.

There are other solutions,like the tippi-tap and the leaking tin

Manual to the E U M I V O n G SanPlat Mouldfor the better SanPlat making

or grease

Grease allsurfacesincluding

middle andoutside

1 part ofcement(4 liters)

2 partsof sand(8 liters)

6-12 mmstone

(8-12 liters)

water(2+3 liters)and some

extra cement

Fill with the soft concrete first

Reinforcement0 4-6 mm

Write theinscriptions

on the backside


Keep it wet forone week

1. Start by greasing the shiny side of the "all in one"SanPlat Mould with clean motor oil or grease on a cloth, even onthe outside. The oil will protect the surface of the mould frombeing destroyed by the cement.

2. Wash the sand and stone if you have any doubts aboutits purity and let it dry before mixing with the cement. Dust andimpurities make the concrete weak.

Mix cement with dry and clean sand and stone in theproportions 1 +2+2 (or 1 +2+3), add very little water and mix well.

Divide in two parts and add extra water and cement tothe softer one of the heaps to make it liquid. Stir well in bucket ormortar basin.

3. Pour the liquid concrete in the mould and tap/hammergently on the mould with a piece of wood to release air bubblesfrom the plastic surface. (If not you may get plenty of small holesin the surface of the SanPlat.)

Put in reinforcement bars as required before adding thevery stiff concrete to cover well the reinforcement. Extrareinforcement may be required for transport reasons.

Compact the concrete with a piece of wood until thecement water comes up to the surface. (You may choose to startan other slab while the water soaks up.)

Seal the backside by sprinkling cement powder on it andsmoothen it out (extra protection for the reinforcement).

If it was too wet use less water for the next one.

4. Write the date, your initials and the number of theSanPlat in the fresh concrete. Start with no 1 and continue with 2on the next one etc. You may need to sprinkle some sand-cementat the place of writing. The Initials, date and the number will helpyou to monitor the production and the progress.

While still soft, put the mould on a flat surface andallow to harden for one or two days. Using two planks under thefootrests you can pile the ones that are ready and save space.

5 When hard enough, turn the mould very gently oversoft sand or grass to get the SanPlat out of the mould. Don't let itfall! It is still very weak.

Clean the mould with a soft cloth and some oil and it isready to be used again. Do not use sharp objects or stones toremove concrete rests from the plastic. It will destroy the surface

6. Put the SanPlat (and the moulds) in the shadow not tocatch too much sun, cover with plastic and sand and keep theSanPlat wet for one week.

7. A lid of concrete can be made using a special mould, butyou can also use the back side of the "all in one" mould as amould for the lid.

The handle can be made of a piece of reinforcement barwell fixed in the concrete. Put in extra reinforcement to make itextra strong.

Keep also the lid wet for one week to cure properly.

Moulds are available from:

LCS ProMotionFlo 18, S - 46796 Grastorp Sweden

Tel:+46-(0)514 40058Fax::+46-(0)514 40273

E-mail: [email protected]

Oct 2001Ready!

Casting adome-shaped SanPlatStart by putting the sheet metal belt mould on the ground.

Fill with some sand in the middle and adjust the circle tobecome exactly round, using the arch mould with the nailin the drop hole mould as a centre point.

Fill with more sand, compact well and rotate the arch untilyou have a beautifully shaped heap, for the bottom shapeof the dome.

Remove the drop hole mould andwithout disturbing the shape.

the hole gently

Verify that the edge is exactly 4 cm for the thickness of theslab.

Cover with paper from cement bags.

Start filling concrete around the drop hole mould to be surethat the mould does not move out of position, using a sandcement mortar 1+2 portions of cement and sand. Makesure that the mortar fills well around the drop mould,through beating with the edge of the trowel.

Then fill up the rest with concrete 1+2+2 volumes ofcement, river sand and 12 mm crush, using a straightpiece of wood between the edges of the drop-hole mouldand the sheet metal mould.

Make the inclination towards the drop hole by diggingdown into the mortar using the tip of the trowel. At thesame time build a ridge around the drop-hole, and finish offthe surface using a steel float.

When the concrete starts getting a bit stiff, make thefootrests and the lid in the same way as for the smallersanplats.

When the dome-shaped SanPlat is one week old, test-loadit with the weight of six people to make sure it is strongenough.

NoteSeveral dome-shaped SanPlats can be made one on top ofthe other if the sheet metal belt is pulled up with a pair ofpliers and the recently cast SanPlat covered with moresand.

Good luck!