ukrainian orthodox metropolitan cathedral of …перенесення мощей Миколая з...


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Page 1: UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL OF …перенесення мощей Миколая з Мир до Барі - Теплого Миколи (9 травня за старим

16­го грудня December 16th


Volume 4 Issue 185—2012




Page 2: UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL OF …перенесення мощей Миколая з Мир до Барі - Теплого Миколи (9 травня за старим


ВІТАЄМО!Ласкаво просимо доМитрополичої КатедриПресвятої Тройці. Минадзвичайно раді, що Вирішили бути на Літургії разомз н а м и . П р о с и м оприєднатися до нас після Св.Літургії в нашій авдиторії длязустрічі і знайомства зачашкою кави.


Ми радо вітаємо Вас насьогоднішнє Богослуження.Прийміть до уваги, щоПравославні Християни, котріпостом, молитвою і Св.Сповіддю належно до ТаїнстваПричастя приготувалися ­можуть приступати. Післязакінчення Літургії, підходьте,будь ласка, до цілуванняхреста і на бажання беріть покусочку просфори (посвяченийх л і б ) . П р о с и т ь с яп р е д с т а в и т и с я н а ш о м ус в я щ е н и к о в і п і д ч а стовариської зустрічі при каві тазапитати його як стати членомПравославної Церкви.

Якщо маєте будь-якіпитання щодо ПравославноїЦеркви чи катедральноїпарафії Пресвятої Тройці,—запитуйте о. Григорія післяБ о г о с л у ж е н н я а б озателефонуйте до нього.

WELCOME VISITORS!W e l c o m e t o t h eMetropolitan Cathedralof the Holy Trinity. Weare pleased you chose tobe here today. Pleasejoin us downstairs forCoffee after the Liturgy,s o w e h a v e t h eopportunity to meetyou.

Receiving Holy Communion

We are pleased to welcomeyou to worship with ustoday. Please note that onlyOrthodox Christians whohave prepared themselveswith prayer, fasting andconfession may approach toreceive Holy Communion.Everyone is welcome toreceive the blessing andpartake of the blessedbread (Antidor) at thedismissal. Please introduceyoursel f to our pastorduring the coffee hour andask him about membershipi n t h e O r t h o d o xChurch.

If you have any questionsabout the Orthodox Churchor the Holy Trinity Cathedralparish in particular, we willbe glad to answer. Pleasesee Fr. Gregory after theservices or call him.

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Ж и т т я с в я т о г оМ и к о л а я о в і я н ер і з н о м а н і т н и м илегендами. У той часяк у християн йогоп а м ' я т а ю т ь т ав ш а н о в у ю т ь я кісторичну особу, вінших країнах світу вінс т а в , н а ж а л ь ,прообразом міфічноїфігури Санта Клауса.

С в я т и й М и к о л а йв в а ж а є т ь с япокровителем моряків,торговців, лучників,дітей та студентів. Атакож є патроном міст

Амстердам (Нідерланди), Барі (Італія), Барранкілья(Колумбія).

За повір'ям, св. Миколай є «старшим» серед святих:опікується воїнами, перевозить душі померлих на «тойсвіт», володіє ключами від неба. Але більшість часу вінпроводить на землі, допомагаючи бідним у скруті,мандрівникам - у дорозі, мореплавцям - на морі. Згідно зкарпатською легендою, святий так ревно молився раз вцеркві за знедолених, що золота корона сама впала йомуна голову...

Відомо, що він народився у лікійському місті Патарі(Мала Азія) близько 280 року у християнській родині.Його батьки, Феофан і Нонна, дали єдиному синовіхороше виховання та освіту. Розповідають, що будучи щенемовлям Миколай був настільки набожним, що у дніпосту (середу та п'ятницю) ссав материнське молоколише один раз на день. А коли його уперше віднесли до


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купелі він встав на ноги і сам стояв...Рідний дядько, єпископ патарський, зважаючи набогоугодність свого племінника, висвятив його потім усан пресвітера. Коли за панування імператораДіоклeцiяна в Римській імперії почалися гонінняхристиян, святий Миколай, незважаючи на небезпеку,продовжував проповідувати Боже слово. На першомуВселенському Соборі у м. Нікеї святий Миколай показавсебе як полум'яний ревнитель чистоти віри, виступивнепримиренним борцем з єрессю Арія.

У невтомних трудах, подвигах та любові до Бога і ближніхпройшло все життя мирлікійського чудотвордя. Великийсвятитель помер 6 грудня 342 року. Святе тіло праведногомужа було поховане з почестями в соборніймирлікійській церкві.

1087 року, за часів царювання імператора ОлексіяКомніна, усвідомлюючи небезпеку з боку мусульман, щознищували у Малій Азії всі пам'ятники християнства,італійські купці перенесли нетлінні мощі святителяМи¬колая з Мир до міста Барі (Південна Італія).

У християнських легендах і переказах життямилосердного добродійника описується як нескінченнанизка блaroдіянь і чудес. Вважається, що і післяправедної смерті святий Миколай продовжує творитичудеса. У численних народних творах чудотворець такожборонить людей від стихійного лиха, є опікуном сиріт ітварин. Чорноморські рибалки, виходячи на про¬мисел,завжди брали із собою образ Миколая. Св. Миколайдопомагав людям, особливо знедоленим, під час життя іпродовжує це робити зараз. Тільки в невидимий спосіб.Він - взірець таких честот, котрі виявляють його великулюбов до Господа Бога та ближнього. Саме на тих двохяскравих чеснотах "стоїть увесь закон та пророки". І це єсуттю християнської досконалості. "Між багатьмавеликими чудами, - як писав св. Бонавентура, -найбільшим чудом був він сам...".

Святий Миколай належить до числа найбільшшанованих в Україні християнських святих. Свято св.Миколая має ще й назву Миколи Теплого. Воно сягає

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традицій стародавнього культу Прадіда, абодохристиянського бога Велеса. Інший відбиток первіснихвірувань на постаті св. Миколая - перегукування постатіМиколая із уособленнями грецького Посейдона таримського Нептуна.

Уже в XI ст. в Київській Русі відзначали святоперенесення мощей Миколая з Мир до Барі - ТеплогоМиколи (9 травня за старим стилем), була складенацерковна Служба, а згодом - і свято в пам'ять про йогосмерть (6 грудня). Ім'я цього великого чудотворця доситьчасто зустрічаємо в українській топоніміці та назваххрамів. Характерний приклад - м. Київ на початку XXсторіччя. Не раз, як довідуємося, мандрівники,в'їжджаючи зі сходу до золотоверхого міста, миналиМикільську слободу, заходили до церкви св. Миколи уПередмостовій слобідці (нині гідропарк), на правомуберезі древнього Дніпра, за Ланцюговим(Миколаївським) мостом молилися Богові в каплиці св.Миколая. Далі, підіймаючись по Микільському узвозі,можна було зайти до церкви-ротонди МиколиМирлікійського на Аскольдовій могилі (Миколай -християнське ім'я Аскольда), або до Микільськоговійськового собору - шедевру українського бароко, щоприкрашав Микільську площу, або ж до пустинно-Микільського монастиря на Микільській вулиці. На жаль,у роках "переможної ходи" войовничого атеїзму цівеличні споруди було зруйновано. Не пощадили"богоборці" також церкви Миколи Доброго на Подолі,святого Миколая у Святошині... Нині в Києві вцілілолише декілька культових споруд, присвячених святомучудотворцю: церква Миколи Набережного та МиколиПритиска, Святомиколаївський собор Покровськогомонастиря та Миколаївський католицький костел.

Колись у давнину як і в інших заняттях, так і в купецтвіістотна роль належала релігійним обрядам. Серед купцівта мандрівників були популярними, зокрема, молитви досв. Миколая. Значну роль улюбленому святому такожвідведено в українській іконографії. Наприклад, євідомою нам ікона св. Миколая з київської церкви св.Миколи Набережного, з околиць Яворова (Львівщина), а

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точніше, з Успенської церкви Наконечного ікона "Св.Миколай з житієм". У Національному музеї м. Львовазберігається унікальна ікона св. Миколая Чудотворця(поч. XV ст.) з церкви св. Параскеви в Радружі. На цьомувитворі мистецтва, між іншим, святий зображений допояса, що було, як виринає з минулого, на той час певноюрідкістю, адже найбільшого поширення тоді набувваріант з фігурою в ріст, оточеною з трьох боківклеймами. Наявні, безперечно, й інші зображенняБожого угодника.

Св. Миколая вважають найдемократичнішим,найпростішим та доступним святим. Це немовби йогозагальна риса. У "Житті святих" о. Андрія Труха, ЧСВВ (т.4) знаходимо ось що. У Львові під горою, де колись стоявславний княжий замок, стоїть церква св. Миколая.Оповідають, що одного дня до неї якось зайшов малийшколяр і, ставши перед образом св. Миколи Чудотворця,залився слізьми. Він гірко плакав через те, що йомунелегко йшла у школі наука, хоч старався вдень та вночісидіти над книжкою. Та, на щастя, він був таким юнаком,який знав, де можна знайти потіху - у храмі, на молитвіперед образом великого святця. Подібно, як це робивздавна наш побожний народ. І святий чудотворецьвислухав, звичайно, його палку молитву, скропившисерце доброго юнака росою небесної радості. Він згодомзакінчив щасливо школу після декотрого часу засів уЛьвові на владичому престолі як митрополит ГригорійЯхимович, визначний церковний і народний діяч...

У лівому притворі хорів Софійського собору в Києвізберігалася ікона Миколи Мокрого, про котру в літописізафіксована така незвична чудесна подія. За князюваннякнязя Всеволода (1078-1093) один киянин повертався здружиною та немовлям з Вишгорода. У човні мати,заколисана дніпровими хвилями, задрімала, а немовлявипало з її рук у воду і втопилося. У невимовній скорботібатьки звернулися з молитвою до святителя Миколая. Ітрапилося справжнє диво! Паламар Києво-Софійськогособору знайшов зранку на хорах поруч ікони св.Миколая... мокру дитинку. Сотні киян прийшлиподивитися на чудо і разом з ними нещасне подружжя,

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яке впізнало свого синочка. Від того часу і прославивсятой чудотворний образ св. Миколи, що дістав за це назвуМокрого. Сьгодні, як відомо, місцезнаходження ікониневідоме.

В Укpaїнi свято Миколая відзначають завжди урочисто. Уцей день переважно не працюють, адже "Микола всебачить" і "гріха не подарує". У західних областяхпоширена традиція випікати спеціальне печиво«миколайчики» (від імені дивотвордя), яке вкупі зіншими подарунками, діти знаходять уночі підподушкою. Неслухняним можуть залишити палицю, якпересторогу на майбyтнє.

На Слобожaнщинi, до слова, кропили свяченою водоюстайні, клуні та молилися: "Святий Миколаю, заступнику,помилуй та охорони нас від усякого лиха". У давнину наМиколи обов'язково варили пиво. Після свята Миколая вукраїнських селах повсюди починали збиратися на такзвані вечорниці.

Багато є в наших парафіях церков, присвяченим знаномусвятителеві. Його образ здавна мав місце на іконостасахта в різних українських оселях. Неодноразово св.Миколай згадується у наших церковних Богослуженнях.Навіть кожний четвер тижня присвячений йому разом запостолами. Вельми знана українцям пісня «О хто, хтоМиколая любить». До нього линуть часто щирі молитви учисленних життєвих потребах. На його подарунки охочеочікують українські діточки, часом і дорослі...

Варто ще згадати, що ймення «Миколай» та всі йомуподібні походять з коренів грецьких слів -«ніке» (перемога) і «лаос» (народ). Тому пам'ятаймозавжди за цього великого Божого угодника-чудотворця,особливо у скрутних хвилинах-випробуваннях, буряхземного життя, звертаймося радо до небесногогзаступника у своїх молитвах, і з ним ми обов'язковопереможемо те все, що підступно відводить нас віднебесної домівки.

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Увага:Якщо ви знаєте, що хтось із вірних нашої церковної родинизанедужав і перебуває на лікуванні в лікарні чи вдома, абопотребує необхідної пастирської опіки, ласкаво просимо Вас,повідомити про це отця Григорія, настоятеля.

Можна перед Літургією подати священику список осіб,які просять молитися за їх здоров’я або за видужання хворих.

ТОВАРИСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІЗапрошуємо усіх учасників по сьогоднішнім Богослуженні,перейти до катедральної авдиторії на каву і перекуску тапоспілкуватися між собою.

СВЯТО СВ. МИКОЛАЯЦерковна школа повідомляє батьків та парафіян,що в неділю 16-го грудня в Катедральнійавдиторії, зараз після Богослужби та перекуски,відбудеться свято св. Миколая. ДітиЦерковної школи виступлять з відповідноюпрограмою та привітанням св. Миколая. Cв.Миколай роздасть дітям подарунки.


Як це в минулому році було, Сестрицтвозвертається до Катедральної родини,щедро жертвувати на Різдвяні Квіти.

Ці квіти прикрашуватимуть нашКатедральний храм упродовж Різдвяногосезону.

Висловлюємо нашу подяку напередза вашу щирість!

Союз Українців Самостійників ­ ТУС

РІЧНІ ЗАГАЛЬНІ ЗБОРИЧетвер 20­го грудня, 2012 р.

7­ій годині вечорав Митрополичій Катедрі Пресвятої Тройці

У приміщенні Борд рум

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МАЛАНКА 2013Митрополича Катедра Пресвятої Тройці ­ Родинна Маланка

в п’ятницю 11-го січня 2013р.

В парафіяльному центрі Св. Євхаристії , 460 Munroe Ave.

Коктейль о 6-ій год. вечора—Вечеря о 7-ій год. вечора

Пригриватиме оркестра “СІЧ” та виступ українськихтанцюристів “Розмай”

Квитки набувати лише наперед:

Вступ: Дорослі $60.00; Студенти $40.00; Молодь (до 12років) $20.00; На забаву тільки $20.00

Останній день набувати квитки: 6­го січняЗамовлення столів від наперед закуплених квитків

Чеки виписуйте на: Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox CathedralSocial Committee

Квитки можна набути від членів Соціяльного Комітету: ЛесіПалащук 338­5301, Марійки Панчук 237­3098; ЛіндиЛазарович 487­7299, Ліди Горохолин 254-4502; та МаріїРатинської 668-9891.

Приходьте, святкуйте разом із нами на РодиннійМаланці!

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18­го грудня ­ вівторок.Велика Вечірня: 5:30 год. вечораСповідь після Вечірні.

19­го грудня ­ середа.Святителя Миколая, Чудотворця

Сповідь: 9:00 год. ранкуБожественна Літургія: 9:30 год. ранку

22­го грудня ­ субота.Велика Вечірня: 5:00 год. вечораСповідь після Вечірні.

23­го грудня ­ 29­та неділя після П’ятидесятниці.Сповідь: 9:30 год. ранкуЧаси: 9:30 год. ранкуБожественна Літургія: 10:00 год. ранку

СЛУЖБА В СУБОТУ ВЕЧЕРІЦе є перша служба Воскресіння Христового. БожественнаЛітургія наступного дня вранці є другою службою. Неділяпочинається напередодні ввечері, як і в Біблії, “І був вечір, іранок: день перший”. Таким чином, Вечірня в суботу ввечеріне тільки для тих, хто готується прийняти Святе Причасття,але і для всіх віруючих також. Як православні християни мизнаємо, що радість святкування Воскресіння не повинназводитися просто до лише Божественної Літургії. Радше будедуже корисно для нас, якщо братимемо участь в обох цихслужбах, як праведники Старого і Нового Завіту це робили ­увечері і вранці.

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Багато вам докоряють з приводу частогопричащання. Не бентежтеся. Придивляться– і припинять. І всім варто було б такчинити; але це не ввійшло у нас в звичай. НаСході християни часто причащаються, нетільки в великі пости, але й поза ними.Спочатку в церкві Христовій за кожноюЛітургією всі причащалися. Ще в час св.Василя Великого, одна пані запитувала його,чи можна часто причащатися, і як часто? Він

відповів, що не тільки можна, але й треба; а на те, як часто,сказав: ми причащаємося чотири рази на тиждень - в середу,п’ятницю, суботу та неділю. Ми - це, зрозуміло, всі кесарійці:тому що питання стосувалося не священнослужителів, а мирян.Сказавши так тій жінці, він не обумовив їй кількості, скількисаме разів причащатися, а лише показав приклад, залишившина її свободу - чинити як зможе, залишивши, однак, в силінастанову, що причащатися треба часто.

Та й, погляньте, сама Літургія, чого вимагає? На кожнійЛітургії священик запрошує: зі страхом Божим і вероюприступіть. Отже, на кожній Літургії і можна приступати. Тимбільше, можна приступати часто. В нас дехто навіть каже, щогріх - часто причащатися; інші товкмачать, що не можнараніше шести тижнів причащатися. Можливо, що й окрім цих,є також інші неправильні стосовно цього думки. Не звертайтеуваги на ці розмови, - і причащайтеся так часто, якпотребуватимете, навіть не сумнівайтеся. Намагайтеся лишусіляко приготовлятися як слід, і приступати зі страхом ітрепетом, з вірою, з сокрушенням і покаянними почуттями. Атим, хто докучає вам розмовами про це, відповідайте: але ж яне хто-зна звідки прихожду до св. Причастя, щоразу маю дозвілвід духівника мого. І достатньо.

Про те, яку це дає вам користь, краще й не говорити. Знайте цедля себе і дякуйте Господеві. Небезпека для вас можлива одна,- тільки б не намріяти про себе щось велике. Цього бійтеся. Ботоді будете позбавлені будь-якого плоду від св. Причастя, і самепричащання буде не безгрішним. Борони вас Боже!

(свт. Феофан Затворник)

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'The truth of things hath revealedthee to thy flock as a rule of faith,an icon of meekness, and a teacherof temperance; for this cause, thouhast achieved the heights byhumility, riches by poverty. OFather and Hierarch Nicholas,intercede with Christ God that oursouls be saved.'

So reads the troparion of StNicholas, hierarch of the Church ofMyra in Lycia (now Demra inTurkey), known as 'wonderworker'and 'father' throughout theChristian world. He is beloved inthe Orthodox Church, and indeed

far beyond, for his kindness, almsgiving and aid, meted out bothduring his earthly life and after. As one of the multitude of Englishlives of the saint joyously proclaims, 'he is one of the best knownand best loved saints of all time.' And in another: 'The name of thegreat saint of God, the hierarch and wonderworker Nicholas, aspeedy helper and suppliant for all hastening to him, is famed inevery corner of the earth, in many lands and among many peoples.In Ukraine there are a multitude of cathedrals, monasteries andchurches consecrated in his name. There is, perhaps, not a singlecity without a church dedicated to his honour.'

Childhood and early lifeSt Nicholas was born (c. 270) in the the region of Lycia (southernAsia Minor), in the city of Patara. His parents, Theophanes andNonna, were both pious Christians, and being childless until hisarrival, consecrated Nicholas to God at his birth (the name Nicholasmeaning 'Conqueror of nations'). His birth considered by both ananswer to their prayer, and especially the prayer issued duringNonna's illness, his mother was said to have been healedimmediately after giving birth. Nicholas would always rememberhis parents' love and devotion to God, and in his later yearspromised to come to the aid of those who remembered them intheir prayers.

Various traditions recount signs of Nicholas' future glory as'wonderworker' (Gr. thaumatourgos), apparent already in his

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earliest childhood. One recalls that as an infant in the baptismalfont, Nicholas stood on his feet for three hours in honour of theTrinity. Another proclaims him a childhood faster, not acceptingmilk from his mother until after the conclusion of evening prayerson Wednesdays and Fridays.

His later life revealed that Nicholas had from a young age beenabsorbed in the study of the Church's sacred scriptures. He thrivedon reading divine texts, and earned a reputation as a devoted youthwho often would not leave the church, reading the sacred texts lateinto the night.

Such activity soon came to the attention of the local bishop,Nicholas' uncle (his father's brother), also called Nicholas. Seeinghis nephew's fervour for the Christian life, this elder BishopNicholas of Patara tonsured him reader, and later ordained himpriest. At Fr Nicholas' ordination, the elder Bishop Nicholasremarked:

'I see, brethren, a new sun rising above the earth and manifestingin himself a gracious consolation for the afflicted. Blessed is theflock that will be worthy to have him as its pastor, because this onewill shepherd well the souls of those who have gone astray, willnourish them on the pasturage of piety, and will be a mercifulhelper in misfortune and tribulation.'

The newly-ordained Fr Nicholas' special charge as assistant to thebishop of Patara was the instruction of the faithful—a unique anduncommon role, given his young age.

The ministry of Fr NicholasNicholas approached his duties as priest and teacher of the faithwith the same fervour his uncle had witnessed in him during hischildhood. Despite his youthfulness, many of the faithfulconsidered him an elder, and his ability to respond to questions ofthe faith in love and wisdom earned him the deep respect of thosein the city. He was noted in particular for the fervency of his prayerand kind-hearted nature, and the attention to charitable work thatcharacterised his priestly ministry. Following the injunction ofChrist, Fr Nicholas sold his possessions and, following his parentsdeaths a few years after his ordination, distributed his inheritanceto the poor and afflicted, who would often seek him out forassistance.

In one of his most well-known acts of selflessness as a young priest,Fr Nicholas reacted to the intention of a wealthy businessman ofPatara who had fallen on hard times and lost his fortune.Desparate, the man had determined to sell the bodies of his threedaughters in order to raise funds for the family. Hearing of the plan

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(in some accounts, through a divine revelation), Fr Nicholas calledby his home in secret during the night and threw an offering ofgold—three hundred coins wrapped in a handkerchief—through theman's window. Convinced of the goodness of the gesture, thoughunaware of the identity of his benefactor, the man used the funds toarrange for his eldest daughter to be married honourably to anobleman. Later the man arose to find the act had been repeated;and eventually, a third time. In each instance, the priest made hisoffering secretly, attempting to conceal his works of charity.

Pilgrimage to the Holy LandFollowing the example of his bishop, who had made a pilgrimage tothe Holy Land a few months before, Fr Nicholas requested to travelto Jerusalem himself, to visit the holy places of the city. Icons todaycontinue to recount the miraculous nature of his voyage there byship, during which a great storm arose (Nicholas having earlierpredicted that it would). Seeing in a vision the devil climbingaboard the ship, Nicholas warned the crew and prayed for thesalvation of the craft and its occupants, and the sea shortly calmed.

Arriving in the Holy Land, Nicholas made his pilgrimage of the holyplaces in Jerusalem, especially Golgotha where Christ was crucified.Overcome by the reality of these places where the incarnate Son ofthe Father had walked and acted, Nicholas determined to retreatinto the desert to live a life of solitude. But he was stopped by adivine voice, which forbad this course and urged him to returnhome. This he did, though still longing for quiet and the solitary life.Having been moved by his experiences on Mount Sion inJerusalem, he entered the monastic community of Holy Sion inLycia (which had earlier been founded by his uncle); but again, theLord made known to him that this was not to be his path. The voiceof the Lord is said to have come to him: 'Nicholas, if you desire tobe vouchsafed a crown from me, go and struggle for the good ofthe world. This [monastery] is not the vineyard in which you shallbring forth the fruit I expect of you; but turn back, go into theworld, and let my Name be glorified in you.'

Desirous above all to follow the command of God, Nicholasdeparted the brotherhood of Holy Sion and moved to Myra.

Consecration to the episcopateShortly after his arrival in Myra, the elder Archbishop of that city, acertain John, died. There was some discussion as to who shouldsucceed him as the chief bishop of the region, the local synod ofbishops desirous that the new archbishop should not be anindividual chosen by men for the office, but one revealed by God.One of their eldest number beheld a vision of the illumined Christ,who indicated that the old bishop should go into the church, for the

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one who was first to enter it that night—who would be calledNicholas—was he who should become the new archbishop.

The elder bishop went to the church to await Nicholas' arrival, inobedience to the vision. When Fr Nicholas arrived, the bishopstopped him.

'What is your name, child?' he asked.

God's chosen one replied, 'My name is Nicholas, Master, and I amyour servant.'

The bishop took St Nicholas immediately to the other bishops andexclaimed, 'Brethren, receive your shepherd whom the Holy Spirithimself anointed and to whom he entrusted the care of your souls.He was not appointed by an assembly of men but by God himself.Now we have the one that we desired, and have found andaccepted the one we sought. Under his rule and instruction we willnot lack the hope that we will stand before God in the day of hisappearing and revelation.'

Nicholas was consecrated to the episcopacy during a tumultuoustime in the life of the Church in Lycia. The persecutions under theemperor Diocletian (284-305) effected that region deeply, and for atime, Bishop Nicholas was imprisoned with other Christians forrefusing to bow down and worship the idols of the imperial cult. Hewas remembered later for the exhortations he delivered to his fellowprisoners, urging them to endure with joy all that the Lord laybefore them, whether chains, bonds, torture or even death.

Bishop Nicholas' imprisonment came to an end with the ascensionof Constantine to the throne in the early fourth century. Hereturned to his flock in Myra, which received him with joy, andresumed his episcopal work. He was known as a great ascetic, as hehad been since his childhood, and for his gentleness and love. Buthis kind-hearted spirit was also one of zeal, and with the newfreedoms offered under the peace of Constantine (following the'Edict of Milan' in 312), he was known to travel through his city,visiting pagan temples and overthrowing their shrines and idols.

The First Ecumenical Council, Nicaea 325In the year 325, a great council of bishops—the largest in the historyof the Church—was held in the city of Nicaea under the patronage ofEmperor Constantine, who had, since his miraculous vision of thecross at Milvian bridge, himself converted to Christianity. Thissynod, which in later years would come to be known as the FirstEcumenical Council (commemorated on the seventh Sunday afterPascha), was attended by over three hundred bishops fromthroughout the Christian world, to establish various canons of order

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for the growing Church, affirm the faith, and combat heresy. Inparticular, the teachings of Arius, a presbyter in Alexandria, wereaddressed and condemned by the council, which formulated astatement of faith that, with later refinements at Constantinople in381, became the Creed of the Church.

St Nicholas was a participant at this council, and is particularlyremembered for his zeal against Arius. Having openly combatedhim with words, Bishop Nicholas, in a fit of fervour (some accountsindicate he was displeased with Arius' monopolisation of themeeting with his 'constant arguing'), went so far as to strike Ariuson the face. Shocked by this behaviour, especially given that thecanons forbid clergy from striking any one at all, yet uncertain ofhow to react to such actions by a hierarch they knew and respected,the fathers of the council determined to deprive Nicholas of hisepiscopal emblems (traditionally his omophorion and the Gospelbook), and placed him under guard. However, a short time later,several of the assembled fathers reported having a common vision:the Lord and His Mother returning to Nicholas his episcopal items,instructing that he was not to be punished, for he had acted 'not outof passion, but extreme love and piety'.[6] This was taken as a signthat the extreme behaviour of Nicholas was nonetheless pleasing toGod, who was thus restored to the fullness of his episcopal office.

Nicholas the WonderworkerSt Nicholas' title 'wonderworker' comes from the multitude ofreports of miracles that issued forth at his intercession, both duringhis life and after. The renown of his miraculous acts was widespreadin his own lifetime. As he had secretly delivered gold, many yearsbefore, to the father of three destitute daughters, so he secretlydelivered gold to an Italian merchant (by some accounts, this goldwas left miraculously by an apparition of the saint appearing to themerchant in Italy), convincing him to sail to Myra with a shipmentof grain. And so by his prayers and deeds, his city of Myra wasrescued from a terrible famine.

One miracle, particularly widely known, was Bishop Nicholas'conversion of the local governor, who had been bribed into unjustlycondemning three men to death. The saint approached theexecutioner, who had already raised his sword to issue the death-blow, and swiftly removed it from his hands. He then approachedthe governor and denounced his unjust action. This latter, convictedby St Nicholas' words, repented and asked the saint's forgiveness.This episode is remembered as connected directly to another: forthree officers of the imperial military were present to see StNicholas stay this execution, who were later slanderously accusedbefore the emperor, who condemned them to death. St Nicholas

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appeared to Emperor Constantine in a dream and urged him toreverse this sentence, which the emperor did.

Many times, the saint's prayers were said to have saved thosedrowning in the sea (just a his prayers had calmed the sea on hisown journey, as a young priest, to Jerusalem). Prisoners unjustlycondemned prayed to him and were delivered. The poor prayed tohim and were provided for. And so Nicholas' reputation asthaumatourgos was established during his life. It continues to thisday.

The saint's departureLiving his life in ascetic labour and zealous ministry, St Nicholas fellasleep in the Lord at an old age (d. 6th December 343), by someaccounts quite ill. A church was built in his honour by the residentsof Myra, in which his relics were kept for many centuries.

Alexei Cominos ascended the throne of the Byzantine Empire in1081, in which year Asia Minor suffered various attacks and threatsof barbarian invasion. St Nicholas' relics at this time remained inhis city of Myra. However, a priest in the Italian city of Bari soonbeheld a vision in which Nicholas appeared and informed him thathe did not wish to remain in a city as barren as the defeated Myra.He instructed the priest to remove his body from the city. Afterinforming the residents of Bari of his vision, three ships were sentto Myra to retrieve the saint's relics.

On their arrival in the city in 1087, the travellers from Bari foundthe Church of St Nicholas in Myra abandoned, save for the presenceof four devoted monks. These led the men to the coffin of the saint,which they had hid to keep it safe from invaders. On opening thecoffin, the men found St Nicholas' relics flowing with myrrh whichthey collected in vials, before securing the coffin and placing it onone of the ships for the return voyage to Bari, accompanied by twoof the Myran monks.

Some time later, the ships arrived in Bari, and were met at the portby throngs of the local faithful. A great festal Liturgy was held in inthe Church of St John the Forerunner and Baptist, to which thesaint's relics were taken in procession. Craftsmen had fashioned anornate silver box, into which St Nicholas' head and hands wereplaced, while the remainder of his relics remained in their originalcoffin from Myra.

A short time later, a large church was built and dedicated to StNicholas, and the two boxes containing his relics were transferredto it from the Church of St John, where they remain to this day (thisevent is commemorated on 20th May / 2nd June).[8] Chrismcontinues to flow from the saint's relics, as it has for centuries.

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Please notify the Fr. Gregory of all sick and hospitalizedparishioners. This is the duty of the family. Do not count on yourfriends and neighbours to pass the word around. Also, let theclergy know when your family members have been dischargedfrom the hospital or moved to a nursing home.

COFFEE HOURFollowing the Divine Liturgy we invite everyone to come andparticipate in our COFFEE HOUR and FELLOWSHIP in theCathedral Auditorium.

ST. NICHOLAS CONCERTThe Church School wishes to announce that on Sunday,December 16th following the Divine Liturgy and fellowship in theCathedral Auditorium the St. Nicholas Concert will be held. Thechildren of our school will hold a short concert and then greet St.Nicholas to our parish, who will then distribute gifts to thechildren.


The Sisterhood, is appealing to members of ourCathedral family, to generously donate towardsthe Christmas Flowers—Poinsettia Collection.These flowers will be adorning Cathedraltemple throughout the festive services.

Malanka Donations Needed! Donations are being ac-cepted for our “spirit-filled” Malanka raffle basket. We arealso accepting donations as well for the children's door prizebasket (Toys, books, candy, gift cards, etc. are all welcome).Please forward your donations to Patricia Maruschak by Sun-day, December 16 and if you have any questions you can con-tact Patricia at 204-930-7857 or [email protected]

Ukrainian Self-Reliance Association—TYCANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy TrinityExecutive Board Room

Thursday, December 20, 2012, 7:00 p.m.

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MALANKA 2013Holy Trinity Metropolitan's Cathedral's - A Familty Malanka

Friday, January 11, 2013Holy Eucharist Parish Center, 460 Munroe Avenue at Watt

Cocktails 6:00pm; Dinner 7:00pm; Dance 9:00pm; Cash Bar

Dance to live band "SYCH" and thrilling guest performanceby Rozmai Ukrainian Dancers.

Advance Pre-paid Tickets only:Adults $60. Students $40.Children 12yrs and younger $20. DanceOnly $20.

Last date for ticket purchase: January 4

Reservations by Pre-Paid Advance tickets, first come first serve

Make cheque payable to Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox CathedralSocial Committee

TICKETS: Call Linda Lazarowich 487-7299; Lesia Palaschuk 338-5301; Marika Panchuk 237-3098; Lydia Horocholyn 254-4502; Maria Ratynski 668-9891

Come, celebrate with Holy Trinity Cathedral atour Family Malanka 2013 !

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December 18th—Tuesday.Great Vespers: 5:30 p.m.Sacrament of Confession following the service.

December 19th—WednesdaySt. Nicholas the Wonder-worker

Confession: 9:00 a.m.Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m.

December 22nd—Saturday.Great Vespers: 5:00 p.m.Sacrament of Confession following the service.

December 23rd—29th Sunday after Pentecost.Confession: 9:30 a.m.Hours: 9:30 a.m.Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m.

O Most Holy Trinity, Our God, Glory to You!

THE SATURDAY EVENING SERVICEIs the first service of the Resurrection. The Divine Liturgy on thefollowing morning, is the second service. Sunday begins on theevening before, just as in the Bible, “there was an evening andmorning the first day”. Therefore, the Vespers on Saturday eveningis not only for those who are preparing to receive Holy Communionbut also for all the faithful. As Orthodox Christians we know thatthe joy of celebrating the Resurrection should not be regulated tosimply the Divine Liturgy. Rather we do well to participate in bothof these services, as the righteous ones of the Old and NewTestament times worshipped in the evening and morning.

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O Master Who loves mankind, illuminate our hearts with thepure light of Your divine knowledge and open the eyes of

our mind to understand the teachings of Your Gospel. Instill in usalso the fear of Your blessed commandments, that we mayovercome all carnal desires, entering upon a spiritual life andunderstanding and acting in all things according to Your holy will.For You are the enlightenment of our souls and bodies, O Christ



Monday: Hebrews 3:5-11, 17-19 Luke 20:27-44

Tuesday: Hebrews 4:1-13 Luke 21:12-19

Wednesday: Hebrews 13:17-21 Luke 6:17-23

Thursday: Hebrews 7:1-6 Luke 21:28-33

Friday: Hebrews 7:18-25 Luke 21:37-22:8

Saturday: Ephesians 2:11-13 Luke 13:18-29

Sunday: Colossians 3:12-16 Luke 17:12-19

Let us do our best to read theseappointed passages at home everyday!

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People who walked in darkness have seen a great light;those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light

has shinedISAIAH 9:2

B ROTHER JOHN СLIMACUS said, “If a sunbeam penetrates ahouse through a crack, it sheds light on what is inside,

revealing even floating particles of dust. Reverence for Godworks the same way. When the fear of the Lord enters us, itdiscloses all the imperfection remaining in us.”

People who walked in darknesshave seen a great light.

By Way Of The Desert

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by Rebecca Redmile

We all know the parable of the sheep and the goats ... we hearit every Lent. But how does this parable transfer into oureveryday lives? What if we don't have a calling to prisonministry or working in a soup kitchen? How do we show ourlove as Christians? The Church exists above all to be the shipwhich will pilot us to the harbour of Salvation at the end ofour life, God willing. It is the ship in which we achieve ourSalvation here, on this Earth.

We often look at Sunday morning church services as ouropportunity to be fed spiritually - our one chance to relax,rest in the bosom of Abraham as it were. The problem is, it isthe one most significant opportunity in our week when wehave the opportunity to minister to our brothers and sistersin Christ and this often involves reaching beyond ourselves:forcing ourselves to go beyond our own comfort zone,because the Kingdom of God is taken by force. In our midst,we have several very obvious and almost cliché occasions tominister to our own.

Whatever our responsibilities, we need always to be seekingto stretch our spiritual muscles in an environment which issupposed to cultivate an icon of love. New people who lookbewildered or have no one to talk to at coffee; someone who isphysically unwell and could use a chair which someone mayhave to fetch; a mother may have her hands full with ademanding child and be cumbered about with much serving;a blind woman may be trying to make her way to venerate theCross uncertainly; a man in a wheelchair may appreciate ahand other than that of his relatives.

As Canadians, we naturally do not wish to intrude, especiallyif our help may be politely declined, but the alternative is anenvironment that looks startlingly the same as the world. Letus eagerly overcome ourselves for the sake of the Kingdom ofHeaven; and keep transforming our little church communityinto a brighter and more radiant risa, for the icon of Christ,which is His Church.

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Orthodox Church seeks virtual saint

Clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church are engagedin an intense debate.

The Church has enjoyed something of a revival amongordinary Russians who, in Soviet times, were discouragedfrom openly practising the faith.

Now, the Orthodox clergy says, with the increasing use ofcomputers in daily life, the time has come to designate anOrthodox Church saint to serve as spiritual guide to inter-net users.

A few years ago, the Roman Catholic Church nominated apatron saint for the internet - St Isidore, the Bishop ofSeville.

However, the Vati-can's decisionshold no sway forRussian Orthodoxbelievers, and the choice for them has been narroweddown to two contenders: Saint John Chrysostom, andSaint Feofan the Hermit.

While some of the more traditional clergy may see theworld wide web as a tool of Satan, Deacon AndreyKurayev, a Russian Orthodox missionary who lectures atMoscow State University, is a big fan, Ren TV reported.

Missionary scope

"What is the internet?" Father Andrey asked. "It is a typi-cally monastic pursuit. I am totally hidden from the pub-lic, it is quite impersonal - but at the same time I can takepart in various discussion forums."

He believes the thousands of Russian Orthodox internetusers could only benefit from a patron saint dedicated tothem.

Surfers can already browse hundreds of Orthodox Churchweb sites - some of with streaming audio carrying theOrthodox mass online, and weighty liturgical texts canalso be found at the click of a mouse.

The Church's future plans include the creation of theworld's largest virtual library of Christian literature.

"If we get a patron saint for the internet," said Father An-drey, "the next logical step will be to formulate a prayer todeal with viruses."

BBC Monitoring, based in Caversham in southern Eng-land, selects and translates information from radio, televi-sion, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150countries in more than 70 languages.


PRAYERIf you desire to seek success in the work of prayer, adapt allelse to this, lest you destroy with one hand what the otherbuilds.

(1) Keep your body strictly disciplined in food, sleep and rest.Do not give it anything simply because it wants it; as theApostle says: l Make not provision for the flesh, to fulfilthe lusts thereof (From. xiii. 14). Give no respite to theflesh.

(2) Reduce your external contacts to the most inevitable. Thisis for the period of your training in prayer. Later, whenprayer begins to act in you, it will itself indicate what canbe added without harming it. Especially guard yoursenses, above all, eyes and ears; also tie your tongue.Without this guarding, you will not make a single stepforward in the work of prayer. As a candle cannot burn inwind and rain, so the flame of prayer cannot be lit in aflood of impressions from outside.

(3) Use all the time left from prayer in reading andmeditation. For reading, choose mainly such books asdeal with prayer and generally with inner spiritual life.Meditate exclusively on God and on divine matters, andabove all on the incarnated dispensation for our salvation,chiefly on the passion and death of our Lord and Saviour.Doing this you will always be immersed in the sea ofdivine light. In addition, go to church, whenever you havethe possibility to do so. Merely to be present in churchwill envelop you in a cloud of prayer. What then will youreceive if you stand throughout the service in a true stateof prayer?

(4) Know that it is impossible to make progress in prayerwithout general progress in Christian life. It is absolutelynecessary that no sin, not purified by repentance, shouldburden the soul. If during your work on prayer you do

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Orthodox Church seeks virtual saint

Clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church are engagedin an intense debate.

The Church has enjoyed something of a revival amongordinary Russians who, in Soviet times, were discouragedfrom openly practising the faith.

Now, the Orthodox clergy says, with the increasing use ofcomputers in daily life, the time has come to designate anOrthodox Church saint to serve as spiritual guide to inter-net users.

A few years ago, the Roman Catholic Church nominated apatron saint for the internet - St Isidore, the Bishop ofSeville.

However, the Vati-can's decisionshold no sway forRussian Orthodoxbelievers, and the choice for them has been narroweddown to two contenders: Saint John Chrysostom, andSaint Feofan the Hermit.

While some of the more traditional clergy may see theworld wide web as a tool of Satan, Deacon AndreyKurayev, a Russian Orthodox missionary who lectures atMoscow State University, is a big fan, Ren TV reported.

Missionary scope

"What is the internet?" Father Andrey asked. "It is a typi-cally monastic pursuit. I am totally hidden from the pub-lic, it is quite impersonal - but at the same time I can takepart in various discussion forums."

He believes the thousands of Russian Orthodox internetusers could only benefit from a patron saint dedicated tothem.

Surfers can already browse hundreds of Orthodox Churchweb sites - some of with streaming audio carrying theOrthodox mass online, and weighty liturgical texts canalso be found at the click of a mouse.

The Church's future plans include the creation of theworld's largest virtual library of Christian literature.

"If we get a patron saint for the internet," said Father An-drey, "the next logical step will be to formulate a prayer todeal with viruses."

BBC Monitoring, based in Caversham in southern Eng-land, selects and translates information from radio, televi-sion, press, news agencies and the Internet from 150countries in more than 70 languages.

something, which troubled your conscience, hasten topurify yourself by repentance, so that you can look up tothe Lord boldly. Keep humble contrition constantly inyour heart. Moreover, neglect no opportunity for doingsome good, or for manifesting some good disposition,above all humility, obedience and cutting off your ownwill. It goes without saying that zeal for salvation mustalways be burning and fill the whole soul; in all things,great or small, it must be main impelling force, togetherwith fear of God and unshaken trust.

(5) Thus established, labour in the work of prayer, prayingnow with set prayers, now with your own, now with shortappeals to the Lord, now with the Jesus prayer, omittingnothing which can be of help in this work. And you willreceive what you seek. I remind you of the words of St.Macarius of Egypt: God will see your work of prayer andthat you sincerely wish to succeed in prayer - and He willgive you prayer. For you must know that, although prayerdone and achieved with one's own efforts is pleasing toGod, yet that real prayer, which comes to dwell in theheart and becomes constant, is the gift of God, an act ofDivine grace. Therefore, in your prayer for all otherthings, do not forget to pray too about prayer.

(6) I shall repeat to you what I heard from a God-loving man.'I was not leading a very good life,' he said, "'but God hadmercy on me and sent me the spirit of repentance. Thiswas during preparation for communion. I was trying hardto plant in myself a firm resolve to mend my ways, andespecially before confession I prayed for a long timebefore the Icon of the Mother of God, begging Her toobtain this resolve for me. Then, during confession, Icandidly related everything. My spiritual Father saidnothing: but while he was reciting the prayer ofabsolution over my head, a small sweet flame was lit inmy heart. The sensation was like swallowing somedelectable food. This little flame remained in the heart,and I felt as though someone was gripping my heart.From that time I prayed continuously, and kept myattention there, where this sensation was, my only carebeing to preserve it. And God helped me. I had not heard

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about the Jesus prayer, and when I did hear of it, I sawthat what was within me was precisely that which issought by this prayer.' I mention this story to make youunderstand what the work of prayer seeks and what arethe signs that it is received.

(7) I shall also add the following words of St. Gregory of Sinai(Philokalia, Part I, p. 112 etc.).

'Grace abides in us from the time of our holy baptism; but,through our inattention, vanity and the wrong life we lead itis stifled, or buried.

When a man resolves to lead a righteous life and is zealous forsalvation, the fruit of his whole labour is, therefore, therestoration in force of this gift of grace. It comes to pass in atwo-fold manner: first, this gift becomes revealed throughmany labours in following the commandments; in so far as aman succeeds in following the commandments, this giftbecomes more radiant and brilliant. Secondly, it manifestsand reveals itself through constant invocation of the LordJesus in prayer. The first method is powerful, but the secondis more so, so that even the first method gains power throughit. Thus, if we sincerely wish to open the seed of graceconcealed in us, let us hasten to train ourselves in this latterexercise of the heart, and let us have only this work of prayerin our heart, without forms, without images, till it warms ourheart and makes it burn with ineffable love of the Lord.'

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Brunch followed by St. Nicholas program.

JANUARY 2013Sunday 13th:

Metropolitan’s New Year Levy4:00 p.m. Vespers 5:00 p.m. Greeting & Reception in the auditorium

Friday 18th: Theophany Supper

Saturday 26th: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Vespers 5:00 p.m. followed by a reception in the auditorium

Visit our Cathedral website at The site will provide news,information and event updates.






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Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral of theHoly Trinity

1175 Main Street Winnipeg, ManitobaCathedral Office: 582-8946 Auditorium:582-7345 Fax: 582-4659

Web page:

His Eminence Metropolitan YURIJArchbishop of Winnipeg and the Central Eparchy,

Metropolitan of All Canada

Archpriest Gregory Mielnik, DeanOffice: 582-8946 Residence: 415-3166

E-mail: [email protected]

ATTACHED CLERGY:Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter Victor Lakusta –Chancellor UOCCRev. Fr. Deacon Robert HladiukRt. Rev. Protopresbyter Wolodymyr Sluzar –Priest Emeritus

Holy Trinity Office Hours are:Monday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM /Secretary/Fr. Gregory: by appointment


CATHEDRAL PARISH COUNCILDr. Gregory Palaschuk—President

Res: 338-5301 Bus: 582-8946

BROTHERHOODTaras Monastyrski

Res: 661-1125 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 586-3672 Bus: 582-8946

CHURCH /SUNDAY/ SCHOOLDobr. Brenda Mielnik

Res: 415-3166 Bus: 582-8946


Res.: 222-3022 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 669-1071 Bus: 582-8946


Res: 661-1125 Bus: 582-8946


Margaret PestrakRes:334-5267 Bus: 582-1018


Michelle Kowalchuk Res: 663-2994

U. S. R.L. —TYC WINNIPEG BRANCHMaurice Bugera—President

Res: 694-9639 Bus: 582-8946


Res:253-0013 Bus: 582-1018


Evhen UzwyshynRes:668-2824 Bus: 582-89 46

Holy Orthodoxy is the direct continuation of the Church of Jesus Christ and HisApostles, the Church of the Bible, the Church of the Creeds, the Church of the

Fathers and the Church of the seven Ecumenical Councils.