ukedchat archive 09 june 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 Ukedchat Archive 09 June 2011


    username time status

    bilehs 19:57

    RT @primarypete_: Join me in 10 minutes to share "Interesting,

    innovative, engaging teaching & learning strategies" with


    BarnsleySteele 19:57

    OT, but any tips on what to focus revision on for OCR Unit 2 Maths

    21.06, only 2 past papers to go on, class targets E-C #ukedchat

    bilehs 19:57

    RT @primarypete_: #ukedchat explain for beginners here: and here is a short post on tonight's


    ElKel99 19:58

    RT @Creativeedu: RT @primarypete_: short blog post for tonight's

    #ukedchat - good post

    Mean_Teacher 19:58

    @Miss_Kitch No problem :) I prefer twitterfall it's great for


    primarypete_ 19:59

    INITIAL FOCUS: What innovative whole class tools do you use that

    help impact on learning? e.g. no hands up / game based learning


    primarypete_ 19:59

    #ukedchat whilst you can share what you want whenever you

    want, I will send FOCUS CHANGE tweets to direct the discussion.

    Here we go!!

    clairelowe2 19:59

    RT @primarypete_: Join me in 10 minutes to share "Interesting,

    innovative, engaging teaching & learning strategies" with


    primarypete_ 19:59

    #ukedchat idea for tonight is to share good practice rather than feel

    like you are 'showing off' or don't have anything valuable to share

    primarypete_ 19:59

    Welcome to #ukedchat >Interesting, innovative engaging

    teaching&learning strategies.Share anything that has impacted

    positively on learning!

    primarypete_ 19:59 It's 8pm time to get rocking with #ukedchat!

    colport 19:59

    Ok, it's 8pm. Popping over to #ukedchat with @primarypete_ to

    share "Interesting, innovative, engaging teaching & learning


    ukedchat 19:59

    Ok, it's 8pm. Popping over to #ukedchat with @primarypete_ to

    share "Interesting, innovative, engaging teaching & learning


    mr_chadwick 19:59 #ukedchat First time here for a while.

    ldeacon 19:59

    RT @primarypete_: Join me in 10 minutes to share "Interesting,innovative, engaging teaching & learning strategies" with


    Educationchat 20:00

    Using a visualiser is brilliant - gives children instant feedback, shows

    good examples, boosts self-esteem... #ukedchat

    bellaale 20:00 #ukedchat bonsoir, tout le monde

    PetermSkelton 20:00 @ianaddison that looks great.Thanks! #ukedchat

    ukedchat 20:00

    RT @primarypete_: #ukedchat whilst you can share what you want

    whenever you want, I will send FOCUS CHANGE twe (cont)

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    ukedchat 20:00

    RT @primarypete_: #ukedchat idea for tonight is to share good

    practice rather than feel like you are 'showing off' or don't have

    anything valuable to share

    ElKel99 20:00 #ukedchat Twitter!

    dfmurphy84 20:01 First time at #ukedchat. Just having a nose!

    ldeacon 20:01RT @ElKel99: #ukedchat I give out Millionaire lifeline cards e.g. askthe teacher - aim is to still have it at the end of the lesson

    jodieworld 20:01

    #ukedchat we have DSis and use them a lot with all lessons for

    children to input answers and we can share answers

    DrRacheal 20:01

    @primarypete_ I use clue cards around the room to preempt

    stumbling blocks when doing practicals or write-ups. #ukedchat

    KnikiDavies 20:01

    Does anyone have a link to the answers to the edexcel modular

    foundation maths paper from Monday please? #ukedchat #maths

    ElKel99 20:01#ukedchat I give out Millionaire lifeline cards e.g. ask the teacher -aim is to still have it at the end of the lesson

    materialteacher 20:01

    #ukedchat question wall,? exit wall? bellwork on the door whilst I

    get the room ready?

    ldeacon 20:02 regular reflection time to consolidate learning #ukedchat

    StrictTeacher99 20:02

    @ukedchat @primarypete_ plenary: everyone says a word linked

    to lesson can't be repeated by anyone else

    OSC_IB 20:02 @Educationchat agreed, visualisers are great tools #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:02

    RT @DrRacheal: @primarypete_ I use clue cards around the room

    to preempt stumbling blocks when doing practicals or write-ups.


    bellaale 20:02

    #ukedchat Can already see that this evening's session is gonna be a

    KEEPER! CPD a-go-go! Woo-hoo!

    materialteacher 20:02 #ukedchat- what is a visualiser?

    colport 20:02

    @Educationchat Totally agree. They have become a lot cheaper

    now, so little excuse #ukedchat Saw in email

    today. 30

    primarypete_ 20:02

    @Educationchat visualiser works great as a mini plenary as well -

    great tool to have even if made with a cheap hd webcam #ukedchat

    OSC_IB 20:02

    #ukedchat sometimes its helpful to have a learner repeat

    something said by the previous learner, encourages listening

    materialteacher 20:02 @ElKel99 #ukedchat- I like this idea!

    bevevans22 20:02

    RT @Educationchat: Using a visualiser is brilliant - gives children

    instant feedback, shows good examples, boosts self-esteem...


    ukedchat 20:03

    INITIAL FOCUS What innovative whole class tools do you use that

    help impact on learning? e.g. no hands up / game based learning


    BarnsleySteele 20:03

    #ukedchat in KS4 revision lessons for maths, I try not to giveexamples out, but use a hint board. Hints are really vague, but

    helps promote

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    materialteacher 20:03

    @ElKel99 #ukedchat- yes, I've been looking for ways to develop

    independent working skills and that would work!

    bevevans22 20:03

    @primarypete_ Thinking time, think - pair - share, lots of

    collaborative tasks and problem solving plus choice of recording

    method #ukedchat

    briankotts 20:03College Degrees Still Worth the Investment @CNN #highered #edchat #ukedchat

    Janshs 20:03

    saw a smashing lesson using hot seating today #ukedchat (

    @MrCRWillis ) could transfer across curriculum

    mikeatedji 20:03

    #ukedchat do you agree randomly selected learning partners,

    changed every 2 weeks max helps integrate class inter alia?

    OSC_IB 20:03

    @materialteacher #ukedchat question walls are great, sometimes

    use a 'car park' for questions

    primarypete_ 20:03

    INITIAL FOCUS What innovative whole class tools do you use that

    help impact on learning? e.g. no hands up / game based learning#ukedchat

    MissAPatterson 20:03

    RT @ukedchat: Ok, it's 8pm. Popping over to #ukedchat with

    @primarypete_ to share "Interesting, innovative, engaging teaching

    & learning strategies"

    colport 20:03

    I have found using Easi-Speak microphones are good, as children

    HAVE to ensure their writing makes sense #ukedchat

    ElKel99 20:03

    @materialteacher they become very crafty in getting answers

    without coming to me #ukedchat

    Vickycarl 20:03

    Doing mental maths starters in sign language, it's silent so everyone

    needs to focus and answer back in signs. #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:03

    best practice... quirkiness. Not robotic but human, real people

    listening to their students. #ukedchat

    PetermSkelton 20:03

    Lollipop sticks are a favourite for randomising

    questioning/feedback #ukedchat

    ufasarah 20:03

    #ukedchat we use lots of games - 'games with aims' kind of

    approach, gets engagement, builds social bonds (cont)

    materialteacher 20:04@mikeatedji #ukedchat I like this. I change people every week butthis would provide a little more contiinuity and development

    mr_chadwick 20:04

    Doing a lot of work with class on Di Pardoe's 'Successful Learning'

    model. Teaching how to learn, take more responsibility, etc


    miss_kitch 20:04

    #ukedchat Asking chn to talk to their partner. Chn are given carpet

    spaces (Y1) & partner to talk to so can discuss ideas & thoughts

    ElKel99 20:04

    help, how do I get Twitterfall to show @ replies? May need to go

    back to tweetdeck #ukedchat

    OSC_IB 20:04#ukedchat Has anyone tried using webcams or video cameras tomake a TV show or broadcast as a motivator?

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    colport 20:04

    RT @largerama: #ukedchat we use easi-speak pros in our

    secondary school for allsorts of audio work. really like but not sure

    on durability

    mikeatedji 20:04 @bellaale #ukedchat Fantastic idea!

    BarnsleySteele 20:04

    #ukedchat independent learning and thinking, in the hope that

    understanding will improve by pupils figuring out the problems

    primarypete_ 20:04

    RT @mikeatedji: #ukedchat do you agree randomly selected

    learning partners, changed every 2 weeks max helps integrate class

    inter alia?

    Graham_IRISC 20:04

    RT @primarypete_: #ukedchat idea for tonight is to share good

    practice rather than feel like you are 'showing off' or don't have

    anything valuable to share

    ldeacon 20:04

    all expected to respond- pupils help all in group all prepared to

    answer- number selected to respond #ukedchat

    RoachSailor 20:04

    RT @KnikiDavies: Does anyone have a link to the answers to theedexcel modular foundation maths paper from Monday please?

    #ukedchat #maths

    materialteacher 20:04

    @OSC_IB #ukedchat 'car park'- I like it- would work for my

    engineering class!

    bellaale 20:04

    #ukedchat saw a great idea the other day (sorry, don't remember

    where...). For plenaries, get two teachers to swap rooms! (genius)

    Dunfordjames 20:04

    #ukedchat create a hashtag using class name eg #10h1 and get

    them to provide feedback/ideas through phones or laptops on


    MykWagstaff 20:05

    #ukedchat hands up banned - like to use more random selection

    methods so all learners prepare answers

    mikeatedji 20:05

    #ukedchat @materialteacher Do you like the randomness? It

    removes any sense of teacher led agenda I think

    primarypete_ 20:05

    @bellaale we have started swapping half of classes over to explain

    to other class seems to help make things concrete but earlydays


    john_at_muuua 20:05

    swap kids too? Or just rooms? (not a joke, but a real question!)

    @bellaale #ukedchat

    Dunfordjames 20:05

    #ukedchat teach through mime. Task/objectives ready. Silence.

    Notes, post-its and charades only for 5/10/15 mins

    SimonBainbridge 20:05

    Why not try taking the class out of the classroom? It's just a

    thought! #ukedchat

    bellaale 20:05

    #ukedchat Have been using @dominic_mcg's "Mug Of Misery" with

    lolly-sticks (tongue depressors!) to eliminate hands up. Works


    colport 20:05

    @largerama I like the easy way they just plug and play in USB

    #ukedchat Very versatile, IMHO

    Mean_Teacher 20:06

    Everyone has to present findings. All pupils are given personalised. I

    film them too so they can see what & how they presented


    ADSH_11 20:06

    #ukedchat making use of flip mino cameras to record / playback

    what is going on, being said

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    materialteacher 20:06

    @mikeatedji #ukedchat I do, and I like that they could really

    develop a good learning partner they wouldn't normally stick with!

    colport 20:06 @largerama Fair enough, I use in primary from Rec to Y6 #ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:06

    @MykWagstaff #ukedchat Yes that way none of pupils can switch

    off cos they may be called upon!

    bevevans22 20:06

    #ukedchat I also love setting them challenges of all sorts. Today we

    played beat the box for 30 mins - lots of good skills and fun too :)

    dmchugh675 20:06

    @PetermSkelton a similar idea which is great on the IWB #ukedchat

    colport 20:06

    RT @largerama: #ukedchat agreed just beginning to see they are a

    little flimsy to the secondary hustle and bustle

    DrRacheal 20:06

    @OSC_IB Yes! My year10s are making Brian Cox style videos as

    consolidation before their exam. #ukedchat

    OSC_IB 20:06 @mr_chadwick #ukedchat Do you have a link for Di pardoe's work?

    ldeacon 20:07

    had pupils create a horrible history style cartoon to highlight fiction

    in the film braveheart, they loved it! #ukedchat

    StrictTeacher99 20:07

    @ukedchat plenary: everyone has to give word linked to lesson

    without repeating what's already been said. Great 4 thinking &


    ufasarah 20:07

    @bevevans22 #ukedchat yep we do lots of challenge-based stuff.

    Ideally real challenge, purpose and audience, clear brief/challenge


    jonathanhughes 20:07

    @primarypete_ #ukedchat I give the kids the topic of a starter (eg.

    practice number bonds to 20) they choose the app on their ipad to

    do so

    primarypete_ 20:07

    I love using game based learning during whole class sessions. Find

    that girls + boys get a lot out of it in terms of engagement


    bevevans22 20:07

    @dfmurphy84 #ukedchat think - pair - share is great: you've just

    got to remember to include the initial think time first...

    materialteacher 20:07

    #ukedchat I like to start the lesson with a 'thunk' or a riddle- gets

    the thinking started!

    bellaale 20:07

    sounds good, @primarypete_ : I have used Skype from French

    room to French room to do the same... #ukedchat

    GaryAveryICT 20:07

    I tried something today from a course I am on. Children looked at

    the learning and came up with their immediate questions.


    JillElam75 20:07

    RT @primarypete_: Welcome to #ukedchat >Interesting, innovative

    engaging teaching&learning strategies.Share anything that has

    impacted positively on learning!

    john_at_muuua 20:07

    @OSC_IB doing it this week. music teacher recording English class

    doing spoof TV news about The Crucible with backing music!#ukedchat

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    jodieworld 20:07

    #ukedchat Using the Getting Into Literacy programme to introduce

    podcasting, filmmaking, digital storytelling and #gbl across school

    mikeatedji 20:07 @materialteacher #ukedchat Exactly

    OSC_IB 20:07

    @SimonBainbridge: Why not try taking the class out of the

    classroom? It's just a thought! #ukedchat Excellent idea

    primarypete_ 20:08

    RT @colport: @primarypete_ I used Angry Birds with Y2 pupilstoday, just to check it works on IWB ;-) (via GoogleChrome), and

    seeing potential #ukedchat

    mr_chadwick 20:08 @OSC_IB Sorry! This is link: #ukedchat

    colport 20:08

    @primarypete_ I used Angry Birds with Y2 pupils today, just to

    check it works on IWB ;-) (via GoogleChrome), and seeing potential


    OSC_IB 20:08

    RT @jodieworld: #ukedchat Using the Getting Into Literacy

    programme to introduce podcasting, filmmaking, digital storytelling

    and #gbl across school

    ufasarah 20:08

    @primarypete_ #ukedchat us too, the investment of time is SO

    worth it for the engagement you get with play, no matter how old!

    mikeatedji 20:08

    #ukedchat Do you remove the context from the Learning

    Objectives so that the LO is really transferable? I found this helped

    a lot

    john_at_muuua 20:08

    @jodieworld how does one introduce podcasting? Our GCSE board

    have it as an element, but clearly have no idea #ukedchat

    GaryAveryICT 20:08

    They were then interested in finding out the answers to their own

    questions #ukedchat

    dfmurphy84 20:08 @bevevans22 #ukedchat Agreed!

    mr_chadwick 20:08

    @OSC_IB There's not a lot online that I'm aware. This is link to her

    book. Think there are some resources of her on this site too?


    primarypete_ 20:08

    FOCUS CHANGE: How & when do you structure a lesson differently

    from the norm to impact on learning? E.g. mini plenaries, no T talk


    bilehs 20:08

    Having a mystery always inspires children. Yesterday we found an

    old suitcase in the corridor ... a mystery unfolds

    bevevans22 20:09

    @colport @primarypete_ Forces :) Or did you find something else

    you could use it for? #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:09

    seems a lot of people are saying the best best practice is getting

    students to do the thinking and talking. #ukedchat

    maxrayner 20:09

    i met kids at door with tie on my head, shoes off and trousers rolled

    up, had to describe me then related to describing patterns


    Creativeedu 20:09 How about writing a class rap? #UKEdChat

    OSC_IB 20:09

    @bilehs #ukedchat Very true, students enjoy a mystery, puts them

    'in charge' and challenges their thinking skills

    bellaale 20:09 #ukedchat Wow! Well-planned sesh tonight, @primarypete_! ;)

    materialteacher 20:09 @mikeatedji #ukedchat How would this LO thing work?

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    Creativeedu 20:09 #UKEdChat

    jodieworld 20:09

    @john_at_muuua I wrote an article for TES on podcasting you can

    find it here has secondary ideas. #ukedchat

    karliva89 20:09 #UKedchat our students do a lot of work on ipads and iwb

    bevevans22 20:09

    #ukedchat Question of the week is another popular thing where I

    work. Random question on display- pupils put answers & thoughtson post-its

    materialteacher 20:09

    #ukedchat I'm going on TEEP training soon and that looks at

    structuring a lesson differently- as a circle... I'll update when I've


    ldeacon 20:09

    give an overview of lesson and pupils create lo's and outcomes

    using a word matt of keywords for help #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:10

    @Creativeedu Only if it's real. white middle class teaching saying

    'hey kids lit's do a rap about MacB'... shudder. #ukedchat

    dfmurphy84 20:10

    @ADSH_11 #ukedchat. I Love Flip cams. Hope the school I start at

    has a few hidden away, otherwise ebay it is.

    mr_chadwick 20:10

    Change structure of lesson when it's needed; 'Assessment in

    Learning' not 'Assessment for Learning' #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:10

    RT @bilehs: @primarypete_ I let the children guide the focus of

    the lesson. (Primary) #ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:10 @bilehs #ukedchat How does this come about? Letting them lead?

    Educationchat 20:10

    Get ch'n to generate own success criteria to lessons! Sinks in &

    stops teacher trying 2 come up with their own child friendly ones


    OSC_IB 20:10 @mr_chadwick #ukedchat many thanks, I will check it later

    bellaale 20:10

    RT @john_at_muuua: seems a lot of people are saying the best

    best practice is getting students to do the thinking and talking.


    mattbuxton10 20:10

    Visual Thinking Toolbox like this I created in ppoint; thinking =

    visible & public; on paper or ICT #ukedchat

    bellaale 20:10

    #ukedchat My lessons tend to be fairly random and tangential at

    best of times - so no need to inject randomness... :)

    MykWagstaff 20:10

    #ukedchat attended session on reverse teaching other day - cant

    wait to try out with kids see how they respond

    bilehs 20:10

    @primarypete_ I let the children guide the focus of the lesson.

    (Primary) #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:10

    Who was just asking how to see @ replies in TWITTERFALL? I can

    help! #UKEdChat

    Janshs 20:10

    RT @DrRacheal: @primarypete_ I use clue cards around the room

    to preempt stumbling blocks when doing practicals or write-ups.


    ldeacon 20:10 LO as in lesson objectives #ukedchat

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    primarypete_ 20:11

    I find that the biggest 'small change' I have made fairly recently that

    really impacts is use of mini plenaries throughout lessons


    SimonBainbridge 20:11

    Another thought is make the learning more individual around each

    childs interests? #ukedchat

    Vickycarl 20:11 @colport @primarypete_ oh... how do you do that? #ukedchatOSC_IB 20:11 @DrRacheal #ukedchat Excellent idea, is it going well?

    mikeatedji 20:11

    @materialteacher #ukedchat so instead of LO=using ref book to

    explore vikings , LO is just "to use ref book" to concentrate on core


    Creativeedu 20:11 @john_at_muuua fair point John!! #ukedchat....

    materialteacher 20:11 @john_at_muuua #ukedchat- Yes, I couldn't pull a 'rap' lesson off!

    ldeacon 20:11

    I have been using my flip camera more regularly too....great for

    adding to blog #ukedchat

    ufasarah 20:11

    #ukedchat lots of gr8 ideas from Jim Cain weuse Raccoon Circles a lot - he's an outdoor ed guy but lots


    colport 20:11

    @bevevans22 Hello!!! 2D shapes :-) & digital Art (see for my creation) #ukedchat using only

    2D shapes :0)

    maxrayner 20:11

    @john_at_muuua definitely a place for teacher lead though, I don't

    think innovative always means independent learning #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:11

    RT @mr_chadwick: Change structure of lesson when it's needed;

    'Assessment in Learning' not 'Assessment for Learning' #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:11

    to see @replies in twitterfall you need to search for your twitter

    name e.g. @creativeedu then all @replies will show #UKEdChat

    materialteacher 20:11 @MykWagstaff #ukedchat Reverse teaching? Tell me more!

    primarypete_ 20:11

    RT @Educationchat: Get ch'n to generate own success criteria to

    lessons! Sinks in & stops teacher trying 2 come up with their own

    child friendly ones #ukedchat

    OSC_IB 20:11

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat well at least it gives their teacher a

    break from doing it!

    Mr_Thorne 20:11

    RT @mr_chadwick: Change structure of lesson when it's needed;

    'Assessment in Learning' not 'Assessment for Learning' #ukedchat

    PetermSkelton 20:11

    @dmchugh675 looks good. I have been using this one a lot

    recently. can make yr 8 a bit overexcited

    though. #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:12

    RT @primarypete_: I find that the biggest 'small change' I have

    made fairly recently that really impacts is use of mini plenaries

    throughout lessons #ukedchat

    Mean_Teacher 20:12@ldeacon Me too, Flip video is fantastic, easy for pupils to use too!#ukedchat

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    OSC_IB 20:12

    RT @ldeacon: I have been using my flip camera more regularly

    too....great for adding to blog #ukedchat anyone find blogging


    jodieworld 20:12

    Also getting children to make videos to teach other chn and adults

    helps it sink in for them and the other kids love to watch #ukedchat

    colport 20:12@Vickycarl You need Google Chrome Internet Browser, and AngryBirds is free in the web store #ukedchat

    sophiebessemer 20:12

    RT @CreativeEdu: How to use Twitterfall for #UKEdChat -

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    dmchugh675 20:13

    #ukedchat a good collection of innovative strategies

    primarypete_ 20:13

    #ukedchat i'm desperate to introduce mobile devices so I can let ch

    be more independent from me in choosing their learning path


    Begabungs 20:13

    RT @Creativeedu: How about writing a class rap? #UKEdChat

    bevevans22 20:13

    #ukedchat Good to mix it up &have a range of activities that you

    feel engage & stretch. I use lots of different ideas to keep it


    bilehs 20:13

    @OSC_IB Mysteries - the children are so excited and don't realise

    that they are learning #ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:14

    #ukedchat use playdough/ card for a jigsaw/ pipe cleaners to create

    a resource to teach peers a topic!!

    Creativeedu 20:14

    RT @mattharding007: Focus of all lessons should be relevance! Get

    that right and kids absorb everything you throw at them!


    colport 20:14 @bevevans22 Oh, erm...forces....yes...Honest ;-) #ukedchat

    MykWagstaff 20:14

    #ukedchat @materialteacher insted of teach model ' start then

    studs apply - get them to discover the learning first then check

    against model

    jonathanhughes 20:14 @primarypete_ #ukedchat having one iPad per child is fantastic

    bilehs 20:14

    @SimonBainbridge I ask the children ontransition day what they

    would like to learn next year, then incorporate it however I can


    jodieworld 20:14

    RT @Vickycarl: I get children in Year 2 to write their own next steps

    in certain p.of writing to get them to take resp for


    bellaale 20:14

    #ukedchat Work with kids to set (high) expectations, then build

    trust to ensure they are continually met

    Mean_Teacher 20:14

    RT @mattharding007: Focus of all lessons should be relevance! Get

    that right and kids absorb everything you throw at them!


    DrRacheal 20:14

    RT @mattharding007: Focus of all lessons should be relevance! Get

    that right and kids absorb everything you throw at them!

    #ukedchatMathsMummy 20:14 #ukedchat guided reasoning in mathematics

    john_at_muuua 20:15

    @maxrayner back to keeping it real. HATE the 'what did we learn

    today' every bloody lesson plenary type. A plenary should be real.


    jodieworld 20:15

    I really want to have a day where I get the ch. to plan the day and

    assign lesson objectives. Will try when back in class next yr!


    primarypete_ 20:15

    RT @bilehs: @maxrayner @primarypete_ mini plenaries are where

    anyone can share something that will support and/or move the

    learning on #ukedchatufasarah 20:15 @OSC_IB careful #ukedchat its addictive

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    bilehs 20:15

    @maxrayner @primarypete_ mini plenaries are where anyone can

    share something that will support and/or move the learning on


    bellaale 20:15

    RT @colport: @bevevans22 Oh, erm...forces....yes...Honest ;-)

    #ukedchat > that's why we go to Thorpe Park: study rollercoaster

    forces... ;)

    dfmurphy84 20:15@Timshel82 #ukedchat. Ok, being a bit dense but what are googleapps?

    OSC_IB 20:15

    #ukedchat Darn, beginning to think I'm the only one never to have

    played Angry Birds

    MrCRWillis 20:15

    RT @Janshs: great chat w/ @MrCRWillis today about all our goo

    ideas going thro the ozone layer if we're not careful #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:15

    @maxrayner @missmac100 #ukedchat can be ch explaining

    success criteria, a misconception picked up early, nice way of +

    confidence of indiv

    MissJStanton 20:15

    @primarypete_ Me too, managed to get staff to agree to buying 2

    ipod touches with tesco vouchers today! #ukedchat

    jackieschneider 20:16 @OSC_IB - me neither! #ukedchat

    MrCRWillis 20:16

    RT @Janshs: saw a smashing lesson using hot seating today

    #ukedchat ( @MrCRWillis ) could transfer across curriculum

    primarypete_ 20:16

    changing style of independent learning works well. Best teaching

    book I have ever bought is #ukedchat

    maxrayner 20:16

    @primarypete_ i've done similar with NC levels, kids told me how

    they think they achieved level 6 etc. reflecting on learning gd


    Creativeedu 20:16

    Has anyone successfully used pupil lesson observations to bring

    innovative practice to their classroom?


    apuustin 20:16

    RT @KempsterD: Flight sim new blog. Year 6 flying.... #ukedchat #classblogs #edchat #finnedchat

    #addcym Please leave a comment.

    mattharding007 20:16

    RT @jonathanhughes @primarypete_ #ukedchat having one iPad

    per child is fantastic

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    mikeatedji 20:16

    #ukedchat Intrsting teach approach is to give minimal instruction:

    e.g "rank these" using number of photos. Pupils have to self


    Mean_Teacher 20:16 @OSC_IB I haven't either #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:17

    FOCUS CHANGE: What cross curricular topics/themes have engaged

    your class? What impacted most on their learning? #ukedchat

    OSC_IB 20:17

    #ukedchat 'Learning Score' I know its a teachers tool but its also

    great for older students to plan their learning

    GaryAveryICT 20:17

    You should try and keep it real . E.g we wrote to the head for longer

    playtimes, the kids were really into it. Uk #ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:17

    @bilehs #ukedchat sorry - missed the mantle approach.What's


    MrsPrentice11 20:17 #ukedchat looks interesting tonight but I need to cook dinner :(

    materialteacher 20:17@OhLottie #ukedchat I like it! Not by understanding but by effort-so the aim is to move towards green next time?

    MattFothergill 20:17 Plene as you go! #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:17

    @mikeatedji best lessons have been where i've barely said a word.

    Students do all the work. English teachers talk too much. #ukedchat

    ICTmagic 20:17

    RT @john_at_muuua: @maxrayner back to keeping it real. HATE

    the 'what did we learn today' every bloody lesson plenary type. A

    plenary should be real. #ukedchat

    Vickycarl 20:17

    @bilehs @maxrayner @primarypete_ what year do you teach ?


    bilehs 20:17

    @materialteacher With mantle approach, the children have total

    ownership,even if the content has been 'manipulated' by the

    teacher #ukedchat

    colport 20:18

    @primarypete_ We did a whole school topic/theme this time last

    year based on the Yanomamo(!) tribe. Great engagement


    Creativeedu 20:18

    RT @ElKel99: #ukedchat I give out Millionaire lifeline cards e.g. ask

    the teacher - aim is to still have it at the end of the lesson

    ufasarah 20:18

    #ukedchat Peer Tutoring is so effective, YP more engaged by each

    other often than by us!

    Janshs 20:18

    RT @colport: RT @primarypete_: FOCUS CHANGE: What cross

    curricular topics/themes have engaged your class? What impacted

    most on their learning? #ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:18

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat It's partly taking the teacher ego out

    of question I think...cettainly in my case!

    bevevans22 20:18

    @primarypete_ #ukedchat Agreed! great book. But I am a real fan

    personalised and independent learning anyway...

    GaryAveryICT 20:18 @primarypete_ space theme...they loved it #ukedchat

    Mean_Teacher 20:18

    @Creativeedu Pupils from my last year grp found an obs sheet

    online and used to assess teachers themselves, then give feedback#ukedchat

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    materialteacher 20:18

    @bilehs #ukedchat Ok, then it would be really useful a lot more of

    the time!

    dfmurphy84 20:18

    @john_at_muuua @mikeatedji #ukedchat I said the exact same

    thing in a lecture at Uni and got laughed at... Still furious.

    maxrayner 20:18

    @john_at_muuua I agree or sometimes plenary not appropriate at

    all #ukedchat

    Rachel_deSouza 20:18

    RT @BenRogersOVA: #ukedchat I observed a colleague today

    developing a SoL with students. They were evaluating the lessons

    and suggesting improvements.

    colport 20:18

    RT @primarypete_: FOCUS CHANGE: What cross curricular

    topics/themes have engaged your class? What impacted most on

    their learning? #ukedchat

    ukedchat 20:18

    RT @primarypete_: FOCUS CHANGE: What cross curricular

    topics/themes have engaged your class? What impacted most on

    their learning? #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:18

    RT @kvnmcl: @primarypete_ I have started the ball rolling in myschool to allow children to bring in mobile devices for learning


    materialteacher 20:18 @CreativeEdu #ukedchat I'd love to use pupil lesson observations...

    kvnmcl 20:18

    @primarypete_ I have started the ball rolling in my school to allow

    children to bring in mobile devices for learning #ukedchat

    thought_weavers 20:18

    #ukedchat not being overly techy, could an ipad replace a standard

    laptop as a tool for planning etc. What about word docs etc.

    Creativeedu 20:19

    You should give it a go @materialteacher I've heard so much

    positive feedback - the kids can tell you more than ofsted!


    courtneyrose199 20:19

    RT @ElKel99: #ukedchat I give out Millionaire lifeline cards e.g. ask

    the teacher - aim is to still have it at the end of the lesson

    ePaceonline 20:19

    RT @john_at_muuua: best practice... quirkiness. Not robotic but

    human, real people listening to their students. #ukedchat

    jodieworld 20:19I love that everyone is using the pupils to observe and plan - lesswork for us too and a happy teacher = happy pupils! ;-) #ukedchat

    ElKel99 20:19

    RT @Mean_Teacher: @Creativeedu Pupils from my last year grp

    found an obs sheet online and used to assess teachers themselves,

    then give feedback #ukedchat

    maxrayner 20:19

    @Vickycarl @bilehs @primarypete_ secondary geography


    john_at_muuua 20:19

    @primarypete_ So i'm an English teacher. Today taught maths

    vocab, evolution, ICT and political history all via my subject.


    bellaale 20:19

    #ukedchat We did a project last summer term called "Ballard TV",where each class produced a TV programme in an MFL...x-curric


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    ElKel99 20:19

    @Mean_Teacher oh, love that one. Were they generous?


    GaryAveryICT 20:19

    Lots of talk of plenaries, good ones dangle the carrot of the next

    lesson..hook them in early! #ukedchat

    teacherhut 20:19

    using immersion to start a new topic+enthuse; take ideas from

    children in terms of what they want to learn about >inform

    planning #ukedchat

    dmchugh675 20:19

    #ukedchat mini-whiteboards for instant feedback. Gimmicky but

    seems to work better than 'rule of thumb' or similar.

    PetermSkelton 20:19

    Sometimes I print out objectives and give them to groups of kids at

    start of lesson. They assess whether they have been met at end


    materialteacher 20:19 @OSC_IB #ukedchat How does learning score work?

    ePaceonline 20:19

    @Educationchat #ukedchat very much agree, involving pupils as

    much as possible is a must -they have some great ideasCreativeedu 20:19 @ElKel99 I love this idea! #UKEdChat

    ldeacon 20:19

    Cross Curricular - ran my second whole school 'Green Day'

    environmental themed lessons in each subject to show links


    jodieworld 20:19

    If your school cannot afford Nintendo DSis for #gbl ask children to

    bring their own in. Nearly every family has one! #ukedchat

    Vickycarl 20:20

    Space theme worked really well, good for cross-curricular links


    mikeatedji 20:20

    @ufasarah #ukedchat how to keep it meaningful. They need to

    refer to success criteria I guess....Some do, some don't - Practice I


    jodieworld 20:20

    Our Year 5 teachers ran a trade inquiry term and they investigated

    fair trade and the children decided to sell ice cream #ukedchat 1/2

    ErinMorleyS 20:20

    @primarypete_: #ukedchat 'FOCUS CHANGE tweets to direct

    the discussion' - an example of a mini plenary?

    karliva89 20:20

    @ElKel99 no worries :) not sure if you got my last message i didn't

    add #UKedchat

    qbhistory 20:20

    @ukedchat - we do 3 x intensive weeks, off timetable on themes

    such as OCR National in a week, Arts Award, Play-in-a-week, Gr8 fora sec sch

    OSC_IB 20:20

    @materialteacher @creativeedu pupil lesson observations are very

    useful, have you tried Iris_Connect for these? #ukedchat

    MsKateRyan 20:20

    RT @john_at_muuua: @primarypete_ So i'm an English teacher.

    Today taught maths vocab, evolution, ICT and political history all

    via my subject. #ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:20

    @OhLottie #ukedchat but that's good- I feel that otherwise they

    settle into something far too quickly!

    jackieschneider 20:20

    #ukedchat - don't think actual topic or theme matters. What is

    crucial is that staff are passionate & excited about it #ukedchat

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    primarypete_ 20:20

    FOCUS CHANGE:What cross curricular topics/themes have engaged

    your class? What impacted most on their learning? #ukedchat

    bilehs 20:20

    @mikeatedji drama approach. You start with a problem e.g. phone

    call from villagers asking you to rescue a Bengal tiger.Seriously!


    Creativeedu 20:20

    RT @primarypete_: FOCUS CHANGE: What cross curriculartopics/themes have engaged your class? What impacted most on

    their learning? #ukedchat

    mr_tchn 20:20

    also encourage pupils to use back channels like todaysmeet to tell

    me how I am doing. @Creativeedu #ukedchat

    mister_jim 20:20

    Best topic was Death. I used @neilhimself's Graveyard Book. The

    kids wrote loads & blogged loads & improved loads #ukedchat

    MathsMummy 20:20

    #ukedchat Pupils work together in pairs. Each pair then joins up

    with another pair to explain and compare ideas

    ElKel99 20:21

    @CreativeEdu it gets really competitive, especially if somebody

    needs to go to the loo as I take ask teacher card then too'


    mikeatedji 20:21

    @bilehs #ukedchat OK... How do they put themselves in the

    position of Bengali villagers tho?

    colport 20:21

    @bucharesttutor #ukedchat is "Interesting, innovative, engaging

    teaching & learning strategies"

    OSC_IB 20:21

    @materialteacher #ukedchat it allows the user to order activities

    on laptop in the form of a lesson plan

    materialteacher 20:21

    @dmchugh675 #ukedchat- It really works though! That and traffic


    mr_chadwick 20:21

    Greatest engagement in topic is when children have REAL

    opportunities to help plan it #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:21

    @MsKateRyan actually that's exactly WHY i'm an English teacher!


    bucharesttutor 20:21 Sorry people, me late. What's the topic for tonights #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:21

    @bilehs though however much I ask no one is willing to TYPE MORE

    SLOWLY in #ukedchat ;-)

    miss_kitch 20:21

    #ukedchat smoothies - for healthy living week has been fantastic

    and growing to linked with our allotmentMykWagstaff 20:21 @jackieschneider #ukedchat and the kids too!

    materialteacher 20:21

    @PetermSkelton #ukedchat I get them to say HOW they think

    they've met them and if they still need to meet LO (cont)

    jodieworld 20:21

    I have never seen those classes so engaged - they talked to me

    about it every time they saw me and raised loads of money

    #ukedchat 2/2

    Mean_Teacher 20:21

    @primarypete_ Yr 9 Hist & Drama - Holocaust - They liked that it

    was real and they could express their feelings through role play


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    primarypete_ 20:21

    Most effective cross curricular themes I have created have all

    included game based learning in some form #ukedchat Mariokart,


    colport 20:21

    RT @mbrayford: #ukedchat census project with ww1 links. Use of

    roleplay and transforming classroom

    aangeli 20:21@PetermSkelton I like that. I think too much emphasis is given tothe whole l/o & group plenary approach. #ukedchat

    dfmurphy84 20:21

    @mister_jim #ukedchat. Yes yes yes. Pity I'm in Ks1. Still managed

    to use Anansi whenever possible...

    ePaceonline 20:21

    @ldeacon #ukedchat, pair and share ideas get them involved in

    thinking about and reflecting on their learning.

    mberry 20:22

    @primarypete_ we had a great time with Victorian maths. Xcurric

    theme weeks, eg science, environment, arts, also worked very well


    john_at_muuua 20:22

    does anyone teach a holistic curriculum? where all the dots join up.

    Does it work? #ukedchat

    ukedchat 20:22

    Please remember to include #ukedchat in your tweets, so they can

    all be collated in the archive together. Thank you :0)

    Janshs 20:22

    as well as cross curric themes. how about cross curric methods

    #ukedchat like drama, music, learning journals?

    jodieworld 20:22 sorry that was 3/3 #ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:22

    @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Yes, I bet, after all, they're experiencing

    the learning!

    SimonBainbridge 20:22

    RT @bilehs I ask the children ontransition day what they would like

    to learn next year, then incorporate it however I can #ukedchat


    jodieworld 20:22

    Children worked out pricing, make podcast adverts, posters, bought

    the ingredients, did the work and project managed! #ukedchat 2/3

    karliva89 20:22 @jackieschneider i agree #ukedchat

    ufasarah 20:22

    #ukedchat any challenge that is real, with a real purpose can be x

    curricular and so powerful if the kids know they have a real


    bilehs 20:22

    @mikeatedji booklet on weebly about mantle if you're interested links to MoE 'stories' too


    Vickycarl 20:22

    Anyone any ideas for homes and habitats for our next term's topic?


    kvnmcl 20:23

    @primarypete_ I have outdoor learning themes can encompass the

    whole curriculum and engage learners #ukedchat

    Mean_Teacher 20:23

    @ElKel99 No way! They were very strict but lovely kids who gave

    constructive criticism. #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:23

    that's fab @mr_tchn did the feedback help it go even better next

    time - or have you not had a chance to revisit yet? #ukedchat

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    bucharesttutor 20:23

    I always believe in asking the student try in solving a problem

    before me explaining as the results are always very interesting


    OSC_IB 20:23

    #ukedchat I'd be interested to know if anyone has successfully used

    e-portfolios as motivators

    mr_tchn 20:23 How do I stop twitterfall pausing the tweets? #ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:23

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat Now this is intersting. We developed

    one on Global Citizenship. It's poss. Needs buy in and underpinning

    primarypete_ 20:23

    RT @Janshs: as well as cross curric themes. how about cross curric

    methods #ukedchat like drama, music, learning journals?

    ufasarah 20:23

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat we've worked with westfield sch in

    sheffield and they have a Yr 7 challenge curriculum xcurricular

    materialteacher 20:23

    @ErinMorleyS #ukedchat Yes, I'd love to use 'FOCUS CHANGE'

    during classroom discussions to move it on!

    primarypete_ 20:23

    #ukedchat in our pirate theme we used Zac and Wiki for creating

    instructions. Most engaged & best results on writing i've had all


    Creativeedu 20:23

    Cross Curricular: one of my SEN schools runs an enterprise week

    each year that really gets the kids engaged #UKEdChat

    Educationchat 20:23

    We started a sci-fi topic on May 4th (geddit?). Parents came in

    school to make things with children & got loads of displays done!


    bellaale 20:23

    RT @Janshs: as well as cross curric themes. how about cross curric

    methods #ukedchat like drama, music, learning journals?

    ePaceonline 20:24

    RT @jackieschneider: #ukedchat - don't think actual topic or theme

    matters. What is crucial is that staff are passionate & excited about

    it #ukedchat

    KnikiDavies 20:24

    #ukedchat My class loved Robot Wars and learnt loads from our

    Migration topic (about refugees etc). Space was also a popular one.

    karliva89 20:24 @ElKel99 no probs #UKedchat

    Creativeedu 20:24

    @ElKel99 @mean_teacher this makes it sound like they were doing

    it secretly! #ukedchat was it helpful?

    jodieworld 20:24

    Our Year 2 teachers dressed as pirates every thurs for weeks and

    the children wrote letters to Jack Sparrow and had treasure hunts


    bellaale 20:24

    RT @mr_tchn: How do I stop twitterfall pausing the tweets?

    #ukedchat > move your cursor off the tweetstream

    mattbuxton10 20:24

    'Odd Ones Out' are great starters/plens; give kids 3 things & they

    figure out which & why - all come up with diff things & reasons


    mikeatedji 20:24@john_at_muuua #ukedchat with certain principles eg criticalthinking, active learning, participatory techniques etc

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    Vickycarl 20:24

    We are currently doing brain awareness week, the children are

    really engaged with that #ukedchat

    MattFothergill 20:24

    Too many Xcurricular topic links you see are superficial and

    tenuous. Too much time spent looking for CC links that dont


    sfrench21 20:24

    I get students to "tweet" their plenary. Either explaining a concept

    or how met LO. #ukedchat

    miss_kitch 20:24

    #ukedchat We also have curriculum weeks - e.g science, french,

    reading, - most popular have been grounds day & healthy living

    jackieschneider 20:24

    @MykWagstaff yes, but passion in staff inspires passion in kids!

    Obv kids need to be enthused but won't b if staff r lack lustre


    mikeatedji 20:25

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat Think it makes the learning

    experience more purposeful i.e. global learning - relevant, real

    world, still creative

    PetermSkelton 20:25@mattbuxton10 I do this lots. Sometimes get them to come upwith their own as extension as well #ukedchat

    mister_jim 20:25

    @bevevans22 ha! And the highwayman came.. dum dum dum dum

    dudududum! #ukedchat

    bellaale 20:25

    anything that involves the classroom walls "disappearing"...


    aangeli 20:25

    RT @sfrench21: I get students to "tweet" their plenary. Either

    explaining a concept or how met LO. #ukedchat

    mr_chadwick 20:25

    Think working towards an outcome is important in topic work to

    maintain drive and focus #ukedchat

    thought_weavers 20:25

    #ukedchat of all the approaches I've used this year, P4C has been

    most effective and very popular with the children. It can be used


    MykWagstaff 20:25

    @jackieschneider but do staff need to have a real passion for the

    subject or be enthusiastic in planning and delivery? #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:25

    @dmchugh675 mini-whiteboards. Hate them. pens dry, boards get

    damaged. paper and pen better. but someone made a mint.


    ufasarah 20:25

    #ukedchat some secondaries we work with turn the last week of

    term into a challenge week..vertical groups too

    thought_weavers 20:25

    #ukedchat of all the approaches I've used this year, P4C has beenmost effective and very popular with the children. It can be used


    karliva89 20:25 @KathrineGeeter9 win one?? #UKedchat

    primarypete_ 20:25

    RT @OSC_IB: #ukedchat I'd be interested to know if anyone has

    successfully used e-portfolios as motivators

    bevevans22 20:25

    @mberry @primarypete_ We have enrichment weeks & days

    which work really well. Share a skill day is good too - everyone

    loves it #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:25

    #ukedchat during pirate theme ch went on treasure hunt using ipod

    touch to relate info back to class who used info

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    bilehs 20:25

    @SimonBainbridge we've become a chocolatier, an animal

    sanctuary, a publishing company amongst many others to include

    their wishes #ukedchat

    bevevans22 20:26

    @mister_jim #ukedchat We were listing the key themes (love,

    betrayal, death, guilt etc.) when one of the kids said it. I loved the

    link :)

    primarypete_ 20:26

    FOCUS CHANGE: Is there anything you have tried that doesn't workfor you & your class or you would like help in developing?


    Mean_Teacher 20:26

    @Creativeedu They were at first! But once they told me, teachers

    were really interested to see what they thought #ukedchat

    ldeacon 20:26

    series of lessons should have a outcome theme e.g. Rivers

    Geography ' Flood Ready" or map skills "Mission Ready" #ukedchat

    mattharding007 20:26

    #ukedchat We have topic across all KS1 & EYFS. Start & end with a

    theme day - dressing up, art day, film and popcorn even! Get 'emexcited!

    MathsMummy 20:26

    #ukedchat Inner/outer circle of same numbers.Inner circle have

    discussion topic to discuss with partner outer circle, then all move


    Vickycarl 20:26

    We always ask the children what topic/theme they want to learn

    about. #ukedchat.

    ElKel99 20:26 @CreativeEdu not happened... yet #ukedchat

    MsKateRyan 20:26

    @john_at_muuua It's a big part of why I teach English too!


    jackieschneider 20:26

    @john_at_muuua @dmchugh675 - I hate the hassle oh giving them

    out! #ukedchat

    bilehs 20:26

    @jackieschneider @MykWagstaff Definitely! Passion for learning

    (modelled by teacher) encourages passionate learning from

    children #ukedchat

    mr_tchn 20:26

    The exact task reappears next term but it fed into my thinking,

    especially as I'm doing a Buckingham PGCE at the mo @Creativeedu


    Creativeedu 20:26

    now that's just cruel LOL! @ElKel99 #ukedchat - what if they go

    without asking you....

    john_at_muuua 20:27 @ufasarah xcurricular? #ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:27 @john_at_muuua #ukedchat Sure

    ePaceonline 20:27

    #ukedchat I was lucky enought to be trained pre NC. We were told

    to use cross curricular themes and start from where pupils were


    ukedchat 20:27

    FOCUS CHANGE: Is there anything you have tried that doesn't work

    for you & your class or you would like help in developing?


    Janshs 20:27

    RT @OSC_IB #ukedchat I'd be interested to know if anyone has

    successfully used e-portfolios as motivators >usd wikis and VLE


    ufasarah 20:27@MathsMummy #ukedchat yep the inner/outer circle worksreally well

    Mr_Gough 20:27 #ukedchat. search for it on twitter and follow. v.useful

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    Mr_Gough 20:27 #ukedchat. search for it on twitter and follow. v.useful

    mikeatedji 20:27

    RT @thought_weavers: #ukedchat of all the approaches I've used

    this year, P4C has been most effective and very popular with the

    children. It can be used Xcurric

    Creativeedu 20:27

    @bilehs How to use Twitterfall for #UKEdChat - I

    hope it helps! come back with any questions

    john_at_muuua 20:27

    @mikeatedji when you have a few mins could you DM me on this,

    interested in how it might work. #ukedchat

    ElKel99 20:28 @bucharesttutor do they get to test you too? #ukedchat

    miss_kitch 20:28

    #ukedchat question walls - the chn ask the questions but never

    seem to have time to answer all of them

    maxrayner 20:28

    RT @ldeacon: series of lessons should have a outcome theme e.g.

    Rivers Geography ' Flood Ready" or map skills "Mission Ready"


    ukedchat 20:28

    @Cherise_Duxbury "Interesting, innovative, engaging teaching &

    learning strategies" #ukedchatjohn_at_muuua 20:28 @mikeatedji did it have an impact? #ukedchat

    jodieworld 20:28

    I must leave #ukedchat to prepare for the ICT for Education conf

    tomorrow - look forward to reading the rest later!

    mattbuxton10 20:28

    Taught x-curric C20th through art of Picasso; all his stuff affected by

    world events, his life saw such change & brill visual lit #ukedchat

    bucharesttutor 20:28

    Always try to ask them surprise questions and keep spot tests to

    bring out the imagination in them #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:28

    #ukedchat for me, I enjoy using drama and I think it engages some.

    But I'd like tips to makes sure it engages almost all and so can


    jackieschneider 20:29

    @MykWagstaff staff need to communicate what we are doing is

    vital, amazing and will transform you. Trust me to help you DIY

    #ukedchat lame?!

    ufasarah 20:29

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat yep challenges are really varied, set

    up a street cafe and sell the food, murder mystery, play in a week


    KempsterD 20:29

    Used a MS flight Sim today with yr 6. They loved it. They made

    website n blog simultaneously. #ukedchat great 4 the 4 r's of


    Mean_Teacher 20:29

    @primarypete_ have you tried giving them different roles? Maybenot as performer everytime. So director, sound effects, setting?


    mikeatedji 20:29

    #ukedchat Anyone using rights and responsibilities to set ground

    principles for KS1-104

    materialteacher 20:29

    @Miss_Kitch #ukedchat- same, I end up answering them all via

    email/ on the VLE after the lesson.

    colport 20:29 @primarypete_ WORKING WALLS :-( #ukedchat

    MathsMummy 20:29

    #ukedchat use envoys. After discussing in groups send envoy to

    another groups to explain ideas and to find out what the new group


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    Creativeedu 20:29

    Has anyone talked about learning OUTSIDE the classroom? We've

    been having a great discussion on that this week. #UKEdChat

    Educationchat 20:29

    #ukedchat What didn't work...BIG WRITE. I know a lot of schools

    swear by it but YAWN! Never 'got' it. Really hard to make it


    miss_kitch 20:29#ukedchat question walls - the chn ask the questions but neverseem to have time to answer all of them - with Y1

    primarypete_ 20:29

    FOCUS CHANGE Is there anything you have tried that doesn't work

    for you & your class or you would like help in developing?


    ePaceonline 20:29

    #ukedchat some of the best learning experiences with pupils have

    come on residential courses.

    bellaale 20:29 how to use music/song without it being cheesy #ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:29

    #ukedchat I've never found an effective ILP? Is there one and how

    can it be used to biggest impact?

    ufasarah 20:30

    @mikeatedji #ukedchat always, but then we work with lots of kids

    that dont know each other well, but always did it with a new class

    mberry 20:30

    @bevevans22 we did individual projects followed by presentations

    for 3 weeks each year in y 4-6. Taken v seriously, good work.


    karliva89 20:30 @robsteadman Our money was ring fenced for ict #UKedchat

    mr_tchn 20:30

    In general group work is less effective then expected; my top

    students ask to do projects alone to avoid carrying others


    colport 20:30

    @mikeatedji The pain of my life!!! @narthernlad It's just

    monotonous! #ukedchat

    bevevans22 20:30

    @primarypete_ We have a great drama bloke in our area who

    comes to schools & runs workshops. Have got notes at school I can

    send #ukedchat

    ePaceonline 20:30

    #ukedchat I have always tried to see learning through the eyes of a

    child and give them hooks to hang their learning on.

    Creativeedu 20:30

    10 Reasons to Take Learning Outside the Classroom: #UKEdChat

    mikeatedji 20:30 @MathsMummy #ukedchat Yes this is great way of sharing info!

    materialteacher 20:30 @colport #ukedchat- what's 'working walls' ?

    teacherhut 20:30

    #ukedchat big write/extended writing failed to inspire or improve


    narthernlad 20:30

    @colport now in like m working wall, well literacy ones anyway!


    ElKel99 20:30

    @ePaceonline couldn't agree more - study visits make a huge

    difference albeit a day or a week #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:30

    @thought_weavers did just that. didn't work. 'oh no, not the

    whiteboards again!' #ukedchat

    mr_chadwick 20:31

    RT @colport: @primarypete_ WORKING WALLS :-( #ukedchat APP Maths :-\ #ukedchat Probably a chat session for


    mikemcsharry 20:34

    Sorry I've had nothing to add to #ukedchat today - I'm reading in

    awe. I wanna be a kid again!!!

    MykWagstaff 20:34why are mini whiteboards so distracting? perhaps we should justissue them all with a doodle pad to use evry lesson #ukedchat

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    mikeatedji 20:34

    @colport #ukedchat I think properly used they can create exactly

    the child centred learnig enviro we're looking for

    Creativeedu 20:34

    @Mean_Teacher oh wow! that's fab... guerrilla observations!


    DegreesOnline1 20:34

    RT @briankotts: College Degrees Still Worth the Investment /via @CNN #highered #edchat #ukedchat

    OSC_IB 20:34

    #ukedchat it can be great to bring a visitor to talk to a class but you

    have to be careful, some people can be overcome with nerves

    primarypete_ 20:34

    Really think tonight's #ukedchat will be a slow burner. Seeing lots of

    opportunities to follow up during the week on areas of interest

    ePaceonline 20:34

    @materialteacher @bevevans22 #ukedchat Agreed! They love

    drama - even the big lads! I could always get away with doing it

    through English

    jackieschneider 20:34@mr_tchn - also good for teaching rhythm notation in music -#ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:34

    @mr_tchn #ukedchat- Giving specific roles to each member,

    Teambuilding is vital to get this going again!

    KnikiDavies 20:34

    @kiwiteacheruk It's all about picking the right questions, imho.

    Some flop and others are superb #ukedchat

    mattbuxton10 20:34

    Teach generic concepts(cause&effect, compare/contrast,

    sequencing, categorisation etc) then let choose whatever content

    they want! #ukedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:34 @ufasarah and the whole school was involved? #ukedchat

    ePaceonline 20:35

    #ukedchat any of you used 'Mantle of the Expert' ?- Seen that work

    really well.

    bilehs 20:35

    @jackieschneider @Mean_Teacher @primarypete_ Yes -

    flashbacks and flash forwards are fabulous for moving learning on


    bevevans22 20:35

    @mberry #ukedchat Sounds fab. I love share a skill. Teachers have

    a day showing a skill they don't usually use at school.

    john_at_muuua 20:35

    @mikeatedji there are other ways that the set or not set thing. we

    do various combinations at different times for different


    Janshs 20:35

    RT @MrCRWillis: #ukedchat 1/2/3 Hot Seating circle could be agreat cross curricular method for exploring theme/ character/

    topic! @Janshs

    Creativeedu 20:35

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat is so fast it's dizzying.. you might

    prefer tweetdeck or something I guess....

    mikeatedji 20:35

    @colport #ukedchat We organise ch to vote on the Rights they

    think imptnt. Always seems to include going to the loo - thats fine

    colport 20:35

    @mikeatedji But it places MORE demand from the teacher in

    finding TIME to do it! #ukedchat Am I doing it wrong then?

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    learnbuzz 20:35

    This yr we've worked with an artist on local history project & chn

    have made a sculpture - they welded & did trad chainmaking


    RealLara 20:35

    I find 'teacher in role' drama work really effective for getting

    children to get into roles for imagination for writing #ukedchat

    MrCRWillis 20:35

    #ukedchat 1/2/3 Hot Seating circle could be a great cross curricular

    method for exploring theme/ character/ topic! @Janshs

    Smichael920 20:35

    Y4 did 'why people visit Blackpool?' initial stimulus was a trip up the

    tower & dancing w/pensioners in the ballroom! Gr8 project


    SimonBainbridge 20:35

    RT @bilehs: @SimonBainbridge we've become a chocolatier, an

    animal sanctuary, a publishing company amongst many others to

    include their wishes #ukedchat

    ICTmagic 20:36@jackieschneider I agree. Excitement is infectious. If a topic grabs ateacher it will likely grab the children. #ukedchat

    OSC_IB 20:36

    #ukedchat getting down to basics, has anyone found giving the

    students a good breakfast in the mornings helps performance?

    mattbuxton10 20:36

    Never underestimate the power of asking searching questions, &

    only answering kids questions with other questions; Socratic qs!!


    karliva89 20:36 @robsteadman money was ring fenced for ict #UKedchat

    john_at_muuua 20:36 @thought_weavers yes... need a lie down now! #ukedchat ;-)

    dughall 20:36

    #ukedchat Very surprised to see negativity re mini whiteboards. I

    am a big advocate. Found they'd work but kids need training/class


    colport 20:36

    @primarypete_ So does APP Maths assessment work for you then?


    primarypete_ 20:36

    RT @ePaceonline: #ukedchat any of you used 'Mantle of the Expert'

    ?- Seen that work really well.

    jackieschneider 20:36

    @Timshel82 - those horrid individ whiteboards with marker pens

    that dry out in secs! #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:36 @primarypete_ thanks! that makes sense.. #ukedchat

    mr_chadwick 20:36

    RT @primarypete_: Think tonight's #ukedchat will be a slow burner.Opportunities to follow up during the week < agree. Favouriting


    bevevans22 20:37

    #ukedchat one project worth getting involved in is Young Leaders.

    We had Y6 MAT pupils teaching Y3 yesterday - great stuff!

    deerwood 20:37 @dughall #ukedchat mini whiteboards, D, surely you mean iPads?

    primarypete_ 20:37

    RT @dughall: #ukedchat Very surprised to see negativity re mini

    whiteboards. I am a big advocate. Found they'd work but kids need

    training/class mngmnt.

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    sfrench21 20:37

    I use whiteboards tonnes and have no probs wt them. Ss used to

    using & great for assessing whole class for pace of lesson #ukedchat

    ukedchat 20:37 RT @primarypete_: FOCUS CHANGE COMING UP #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:37 FOCUS CHANGE COMING UP #ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:37@OSC_IB #ukedchat No, but it's a great idea. I've planned to takein food regularly to lessons- get their needs met and all that!

    john_at_muuua 20:37

    RT @jackieschneider: @Timshel82 - those horrid individ

    whiteboards with marker pens that dry out in secs! #ukedchat

    bilehs 20:37

    @reallara yes! And pupil in role. I always amazed by what they

    say/know #ukedchat drama ignites the emotions and heightens

    learning ;)

    courtneyrose199 20:37

    #ukedchat everyones talking about using iPods and iPads. what if

    the school cannot afford them or worse the families who cannot

    afford them

    mikeatedji 20:37

    @colport #ukedchat can be sorted at beginnng of year when

    you're establishing ground principles anyway. Respnsbltes

    correspnd to the rights

    teacherhut 20:37

    working walls can work; post-it notes that children can access,

    write ideas on and put up - quick and simple but not great looking


    cherrylkd 20:37

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat Have to be more inventive these days

    surely. Especially with SEN or they can't join lesson

    mister_jim 20:37

    RT @dughall: #ukedchat Very surprised to see negativity re mini

    whiteboards. I am a big advocate. Found they'd work but kids need

    training/class mngmnt.

    john_at_muuua 20:37 @Creativeedu i suddenly feel very very old! #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:37

    @colport #ukedchat - yeah fine with maths app happy to discuss

    later if you want.

    agittner 20:37

    @ePaceonline I've done "hot-seating" did one of intensive farming,

    at the end I think some of the students thought I was a farmer


    colport 20:38

    @mikeatedji It's the timing of WHEN they decide they need to go

    though!!! Bless 'em! #ukedchat

    JOHNSAYERS 20:38

    Geocaches in school with weekly QR code updates for learning.Instructions to ask teachers for secret tasks. Lunchtime seek tasks


    bevevans22 20:38

    @dughall I like mini white boards for all sorts things - just got to

    set the ground rules first #ukedchat

    mberry 20:38

    @bevevans22 lovely idea. Sharing favourite books/music/games

    etc. works too. #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:38

    technology only works as an innovative solution if used well. It

    should facilitate learning not replace teaching #ukedchat

    MissJStanton 20:38@dughall I use mini-whiteboards too. My class work well withthem. #ukedchat

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    primarypete_ 20:38

    I love mini whiteboards. Quick picture on digi camera and you have

    evidence. Great for KS1 and Foundation (apart from handwriting)


    bilehs 20:38

    @mattbuxton10 Also - never underestimate the power of saying 'I

    don't know the answer to that ... how on Earth can we find out?'


    ePaceonline 20:38@Cherise_Duxbury #ukedchat Dorothy Heathcote idea - I'll sendyou the link after the chat.

    mikeatedji 20:38

    @CreativeEdu #ukedchat Why? Were you top or middle? Not

    stretched/differentiated? Shame tho

    mattharding007 20:38

    Hey I love mini-whiteboards! Instant feedback from every child,

    every child involved, kids love writing on them but they are noisy


    teacherhut 20:38

    #ukedchat couldn't teach without mini whiteboards - instant

    feedback - gives all chn a voice and a chance to show you their


    Smichael920 20:38

    @primarypete_ Sounds bit like 'parking lot' where pupils 'park'their thoughts, questions & ideas during the day w/post its


    dughall 20:38

    RT @deerwood: @dughall #ukedchat mini whiteboards, D, surely

    you mean iPads?

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    dughall 20:39

    Glad to see some advocates for the mini WBs emerging :-)

    #ukedchat Just a tool, like everything else. It is how you use it!

    ldeacon 20:39

    RT @JOHNSAYERS: Geocaches in school with weekly QR code

    updates for learning. Instructions to ask teachers for secret tasks.

    Lunchtime seek tasks #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:39

    FOCUS CHANGE: For the last 20 mins, please share any otherinnovative/engaging T & L strategies that haven't fitted in so far!


    OSC_IB 20:39

    @deerwood @dughall #ukedchat not every sch can afford ipads for

    each learner but good old whiteboards are cheap and easy

    ePaceonline 20:39 @agittner #ukedchat I think all that stuff is great

    Mean_Teacher 20:40

    RT @ldeacon: using google earth cross curricular- reading mapping

    a story picking a suitable setting visual dimension


    Creativeedu 20:40

    RT @JOHNSAYERS: Geocaches in school with weekly QR codeupdates for learning. Instructions to ask teachers for secret tasks.


    deerwood 20:40

    @dughall true but parents complain about the dry ink on kids shirt

    cuffs where they rub out without a cloth #ukedchat

    teacherhut 20:40

    RT @dughall: Glad to see some advocates for the mini WBs

    emerging :-) #ukedchat Just a tool, like everything else. It is how

    you use it!

    john_at_muuua 20:40

    @cherrylkd teacher personality, skill, experience, subject

    knowledge far better than any gimmicks. #ukedchat

    ICTmagic 20:40

    @kiwiteacheruk That's my plan. We visited the BBC studios

    recently, so the children know something about the process.


    ufasarah 20:40 @JOHNSAYERS #ukedchat geocaches stuff sounds good!

    JOHNSAYERS 20:40

    Secret missions in marking giving independent tasks that students

    then add to. Students add comments in books to show they notice


    mikeatedji 20:40

    @colport #ukedchat So if right is to go to loo, responsblty is to

    make sure they go before class. Then if they need to go in clss, it's


    cherrylkd 20:40

    @Smichael920 #ukedchat if funds allow that could be followed up

    with a trip. Then the creative juices would flow beautifully

    ldeacon 20:40

    using google earth cross curricular- reading mapping a story picking

    a suitable setting visual dimension #ukedchat

    ufasarah 20:40 @ePaceonline #ukedchat dorothy heathcote...brilliant woman

    bellaale 20:40

    RT @dughall: Glad to see some advocates for the mini WBs

    emerging :-) #ukedchat Just a tool, like everything else. It is how

    you use it!

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    bilehs 20:40

    @kiwiteacheruk @ICTmagic or of course pretend outside

    professionals.We've worked with Tony Robinson, Chris D'Burgh,

    David Hockney! #ukedchat

    MykWagstaff 20:41

    i do like mini whiteboards- every1 responds and quick - just hate

    the initial faff and doodles #ukedchat

    bevevans22 20:41

    @mberry #ukedchat Agreed! One of our teachers is a jazz

    trombonist in spare time. That session was fun! I brought in facepaints for mine

    miss_kitch 20:41

    Use Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds to collate

    adjectives for literacy, vocabulary for science, maths #ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:41

    surely someone needs to talk about class blogging? #theheadsoffice

    @deputymitchell #ukedchat

    Smichael920 20:41

    Slight tangent but when @mister_jim was at HS, chdn loved filming

    lesson & evaluating in terms of tchr led/pupil activity balance


    clairelowe2 20:41All learners need to rub shoulders with all abilities at some points#ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:41

    @CreativeEdu #Ukedchat But if your pairing was only for a week

    (keep em moving) you would have had opp to tch him something

    and learn too?

    kiwiteacheruk 20:41

    @bilehs @ICTmagic Absolutely! My class are still convinced they

    presented to HRH Queens representative (really a friend of mine!)


    Shaf_Hansraj 20:41

    @CreativeEdu #canofworms indeed - teach all year groups in mixed

    sets and get great results. #ukedchat

    DrAshCasey 20:41

    Better late than never #ukedchat I used wikis to get my form to

    design their own counties...with their own politics, leisure,

    economics etc

    mr_tchn 20:41

    Do you really find that QR codes grab the kids' attention - or do you

    just hope it does? @ldeacon #ukedchat

    sfrench21 20:41

    don't have a huge budget in sch for ict, but my ss love my wireless

    mouse passed around the class. Gets more involved quickly


    colport 20:41

    @mikeatedji Agree. 100% agree, and I do! But they still do!!!

    #ukedchat ;-0

    karliva89 20:41 @ICTmagic yes absolutely #UKedchat

    Shaf_Hansraj 20:42

    @CreativeEdu classroom always laid out for group work. dependingon task group kids on mixed tables or group them by level/grade


    Janshs 20:42

    RT @ukedchat: FOCUS CHANGE: For the last 20 mins, please share

    any other innovative/engaging T & L strategies that haven't fitted in

    so far! #ukedchat

    ICTmagic 20:42

    @clairelowe2 @jackieschneider Providing a 'purpose' is vital.

    Children don't like jumping through hoops any more than us.


    bellaale 20:42

    RT @DrAshCasey: Better late than never #ukedchat I used wikis to

    get my form to design their own counties...with their own politics,leisure, economics etc

    dmchugh675 20:42 @jackieschneider Delegate! :) #ukedchat

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    Creativeedu 20:42

    @clairelowe2 @mikeatedji I went from an A* to a B.... but then

    back again when we were re-streamed #ukedchat

    passionateaboot 20:42

    #ukedchat missing chat tonight because of dodgy signal on train

    from Norfolk to Newcastle

    primarypete_ 20:42

    #ukedchat - for me i'm interested in going back to the first part of

    the chat - different structures of lesson, ways to innovate whole


    cherrylkd 20:42

    @john_at_muuua #ukedchat I agree but a pencil and paper is no

    good for children who can't read write or hold the pencil. Ok


    BrianNido 20:42

    @primarypete_ #ukedchat i work w/ UK institutions by providing

    #web20 tools like #eportfolio, #blogs, #wikis and good/successful


    SimonBainbridge 20:42

    Mini whiteboards are not needed when using an iPad as there are

    many great whiteboard & drawing apps to use on the device


    Smichael920 20:42 Hope you don't mind me sharing that! @mister_jim #ukedchat

    Smichael920 20:42 Hope you don't mind me sharing that! @mister_jim #ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:42 @colport #ukedchat Fair point!

    ePaceonline 20:42

    #ukedchat Think my focus is on involving pupils in their learning

    rather than 'doing' learning to them. Find the spark!

    dughall 20:42

    @deerwood Now, I *do* know about that issue! Used to have the

    same problem with my own clothing... #ukedchat

    dmchugh675 20:42

    @john_at_muuua ones I use cost very little...flimsy plastic but they

    do the trick. #ukedchat

    MsKateRyan 20:43

    Hardly innovative, but we should engage with students as people,

    as well as learners. Find out what makes them tick and go!


    teacherhut 20:43

    #ukedchat we change talk partners evey week - chn sit in abaility

    groups 80% of time for literacy and numeracy

    BrianNido 20:43

    @primarypete_ #ukedchat good to start early using web2.0 tools in

    the primary years and get kids minds acclimated to the world of


    bilehs 20:43

    business days in primary work well - design bags for the Beckhams,

    shoes for stars, design, produce and market collaboratively#ukedchat

    deerwood 20:43

    RT @SimonBainbridge: Mini whiteboards are not needed when

    using an iPad, many great whiteboard & drawing apps #ukedchat

    @dughall told you so

    JOHNSAYERS 20:43

    #ukedchat aim is to get students interested in group learning

    assisting each other engaging with staff

    john_at_muuua 20:43

    @dmchugh675 but 2000 of them? If they worked we would all be

    using them. #ukedchat

    miss_kitch 20:43#ukedchat ask chn to explain how they have worked something outor give a reason for answer from Reception onwards

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    bevevans22 20:43

    @OhLottie #ukedchat I'm a big fan of random selection too -

    sometimes to pick groups or partners, other times for peer & self


    ufasarah 20:43

    @clairelowe2 #ukedchat totally agree and all kinds, older, younger

    etc. Lets move beyond age and stage sometimes please!

    colport 20:44

    RT @primarypete_: #ukedchat Nice idea~> I love using'cogs'.Ch sitin = numbers with inner and outer circle. Th (cont)

    materialteacher 20:44

    @primarypete_ #ukedchat I think I need a picture of 'cogs'! I can't

    visualise this!

    mikeatedji 20:44

    @CreativeEdu #ukedchat I venture this is to do with the tching not

    the structure but I won't use yr evidence in court to support my


    bilehs 20:44

    @CreativeEdu @deputymitchell Think we take blogging for granted

    because it is so 'everyday' in some clases, you forget it's there


    Educationchat 20:44

    @mbht1 Would love to see it used well. Our children groaned, my

    daughter didn't like it in her school either. Writing should = fun


    learnbuzz 20:44

    @jackieschneider Providing 'purpose' is vital. Chn don't like jumping

    thru hoops anymore than us. Yes! #pbl = can be v. effective


    xPunzx 20:44

    @SimonBainbridge mini whiteboards much cheaper than ipad!


    Shaf_Hansraj 20:44

    @CreativeEdu makes excellent set up for guided learning where

    teachers can focus on less able and G+T can stretch themselves


    CliveBuckley 20:44

    Joining late - let's not lose the pedagogy in the technology


    kiwiteacheruk 20:44

    @JOHNSAYERS What do you mean by secret marking missions?


    bellaale 20:44

    one of my most useful tools is a massive A, B, C and D on middle 4

    pages of kids' ex books, for quick multi-choice qs as&when


    ClaireJoanne35 20:44

    @Miss_Kitch tagxedo is good too - can create different shapes


    ufasarah 20:44@clairelowe2 #ukedchat you know its a crazy idea...but it justmight work

    MykWagstaff 20:44

    RT @MsKateRyan: Hardly innovative, but we should engage with

    students as people, as well as learners. Find out what makes them

    tick and go! #UKEdchat

    primarypete_ 20:44

    RT @bevevans22: @OhLottie #ukedchat I'm a big fan of random

    selection too - sometimes to pick groups or partners, other times

    for peer & self assessment

    Creativeedu 20:44

    @mikeatedji yes maybe so but it was for a year & the two of us

    spent more time in the corridor for talking than in the classroom!


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    dmchugh675 20:44

    RT @miss_kitch: Use Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds to collate adjectives for literacy, vocabulary

    for science, maths #ukedchat

    ICTmagic 20:44

    @bilehs @kiwiteacheruk How lucky you are to have such 'guest'.

    The amount of people the children and I have been this year!


    xPunzx 20:44@ldeacon really? i like mini whiteboards, i think the more u usethem the better kids are with them! #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:44

    #ukedchat I love using'cogs'.Ch sit in = numbers with inner and

    outer circle. They discuss with member from other circle. Then

    inner rotates

    dughall 20:44 @deerwood Yeah, yeah, yeah ;-) @SimonBainbridge #ukedchat

    ASEYorkshire 20:45

    @Shaf_Hansraj Me too!! It makes life easier for the teacher, its

    easier to personalise learning too #ukedchat

    cherrylkd 20:45 @Smichael920 #ukedchat what a fab idea. Cross curricular too.

    mikeatedji 20:45

    RT @PoorParenting: 10 reasons you should get your class blogging

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    john_at_muuua 20:45

    @cherrylkd still not convinced. I'm a natural geek, but i have seen

    and taught non tech lessons that work.#ukedchat

    mattbuxton10 20:45

    Mini-wboard vs iPad debate misses point? Rather great learning

    with M-W than uninspiring stuff on iPad? Use whatever fits purpose


    Janshs 20:45#ukedchat I like using iWB 4 stdts to ask & answer Qs when workingon problem 'alone'

    MykWagstaff 20:45 @primarypete_ we call it speed dating! :) #ukedchat

    mr_tchn 20:45

    RT @MsKateRyan: Hardly innovative, but we should engage with

    students as people, as well as learners. Find out what makes them

    tick and go! #UKEdchat

    bevevans22 20:46

    @primarypete_ With younger pupils a colleague uses 'The Magic

    Chair' - It's an inspired idea :) #ukedchat

    materialteacher 20:46@hoopers1 #ukedchat Agreed! Just get them to do group work allthe time, different all the time- variation is the key!

    Shaf_Hansraj 20:46

    #ukedchat during a recent assessment we had learners with laptops

    live blogging whilst seeing images from DVD - class could compare


    CliveBuckley 20:46 Do your students talk - or are they too busy blogging? #ukedchat

    Vickycarl 20:46

    We use massage in Seal which works really well for the children.


    bilehs 20:46

    @kiwiteacheruk @ICTmagic fab! I have never seen such excitment

    as when I teach through mantle. Takes us all over the world!


    colport 20:46

    @primarypete_ Does the 'pairs' activity work with Year 1 as well?


    ePaceonline 20:46

    #ukedchat even in same abs pupils will be learning and processing

    in many different ways

    john_at_muuua 20:46

    @cherrylkd by 'paper/pencil' i meant back to basics. How about

    none of the above. Lesson in a room. no resources? #ukedchat

    DrAshCasey 20:46

    used long term heterogeneous groups with no friendships or

    rivalries then taught using these groups through cooperative

    learning #ukedchat

    swmclendon 20:46

    RT @Creativeedu: technology only works as an innovative solution

    if used well. It should facilitate learning not replace teaching


    JOHNSAYERS 20:46

    Get parents / children collaborating the BBC doomsday reloaded

    project for a snap shot if daily life #ukedchat gets real home/school


    hoopers1 20:46

    @bevevans22 #ukedchat My class are used to being in many

    different types of groups - no problems.

    bellaale 20:47

    as usual, wish Mr #Gove were with us this evening... (or maybe

    not!) #ukedchat

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    ICTmagic 20:47

    @jackieschneider I have done that, but not every time. my children

    do a fortnightly podcast of events around the children. #ukedchat

    dughall 20:47 @primarypete_ *Love* your cogs & pairs -> 4s ideas!!! #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:47

    RT @bevevans22: @primarypete_ With younger pupils a colleague

    uses 'The Magic Chair' - It's an inspired idea :)#ukedchat

    ePaceonline 20:47

    #ukedchat even in same ability groups pupils will be learning and

    processing in lots of different ways

    bilehs 20:47

    @ICTmagic @kiwiteacheruk I was Florence NIghtingale today and a

    grumpy curator yesterday! Should have been an actress really!


    colport 20:47

    RT @Lynsey_E: #ukedchat Maths APP was badly launched really.

    It's about teacher knowledge rather than an assessment 'tool'. It's

    about >>

    mberry 20:47

    #ukedchat Google Form for anon feedback on student presos;shared Google Presentations, with one slide from each pair;

    primarypete_ 20:47

    @colport tbh not used in y1 yet - but would do. No reason not to if

    social etiquette is discussed first #ukedchat

    jackieschneider 20:47

    #ukedchat - anyone let kids plan research school trips? Ring for

    availability get quotes? Plan activities?

    JOHNSAYERS 20:47

    Get students using xbox kinect in the morning. Raises heart rate

    before the day gets blood flow going students more alert to learn


    teacherhut 20:47

    #ukedchat we have a bag with a photo of each child inside for

    random selection - more personal than lolly sticks

    ufasarah 20:47

    @materialteacher and different groups all the time, mix it up soon

    get past problems of 'dont want to work withX' #ukedchat

    kiwiteacheruk 20:47

    @ICTmagic Sounds cool - all 'imaginative' via what means

    predominantly? #ukedchat

    deerwood 20:47

    Ok back to #ukedchat now after deleting spammers following my

    mention of iPads

    KempsterD 20:47

    I must say that I think #storybird is one of the

    most creative uses of the web for inspiring writing. #ukedchat

    Shaf_Hansraj 20:47 real time and had a live record of ideas for

    assessment on a forum on the VLE

    colport 20:47

    I like the way #ukedchat appears to be leaning towards AfL

    strategies here!

    bevevans22 20:48

    @OhLottie #ukedchat Not seen those. and

    The Hat good too

    CliveBuckley 20:48

    Question! Everything sounds great but where is your evidence-

    based research data? Done the analytics? #ukedchat

    ElKel99 20:48

    @bellaale maybe we should send Gove a special invite for nextweek.. oh no, suspect he doesn't tweet as he doesn't do technology


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    bellaale 20:48

    thinking of getting Y9s to plan next year's French Exchange

    themselves (with a safety net!) #ukedchat

    mikeatedji 20:48

    RT @sarahh10: Agreed RT @MsKateRyan: Hardly innovative, but

    we should engage with students as people, as well as learners.


    BenRogersOVA 20:48

    One of my year 9 students told our school improvement partner

    yesterday that he likes lessons best when he has to think hard.#ukedchat

    Creativeedu 20:48

    @Shaf_Hansraj if managed well I think that's true... managed badly,

    everyone loses? #ukedchat

    primarypete_ 20:48

    @dughall not my idea mate - I'm just a good thief #ukedchat it's all


    chickensaltash 20:48

    I can't live without twitter... can you? But where to start? #ukedchat #edchat #educationfest2011


    john_at_muuua 20:48 @colport oh bugger. AFL might be a good thing!