[ubcmun] delegate handbook


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Page 1: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook
Page 2: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook


Together for a better world

Page 3: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook


n1. a merging or flowing together2. a gathering together, especially of people

At UBCMUN 2015, we hope to be the source in which different ideas and people come together, practicing not only global diplomacy but also connecting people.



Page 4: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook

Secretary General

Director General

International Press Corps Director

Chief of Staff

Director of Volunteers

Under Secretary General, Conference Services

Director of Recruitment & Delegate Affairs

Under Secretary General, External

Director of Finance

Director of Public Relations

Director of Events

Director of Design

Security Council Director

Assistant Director

General Assembly Director

Assistant Director


UNDP Executive Board Director

Assistant Director

ESCWA Director

Assistant Director:

CCPCJ Director

Assistant Director:


Geena Lee

Valerie Ziegler

Chris Seo

Beckie Che

Dhrti Chander

Emma Saddy

Jade Scrymgeour

Julia Zhou

Nick Sigouin

Tiago de Souza Jensen

Elisa Hicks

Travis Tong

Ariane Larouche

Jennine Punzalan

Thejasvi Ramu

Khaled Nassra

Angela Tien

Lena Raxter

Zainah Merani

Pat Mehigan

Milena Khalil

Verna Yam

Ayesha Mehmood








Registration at Hotel

Optional Rule Briefing

Opening Ceremonies


First Committee Session

Dinner Break

Second Committee Session

Head Delegate Meeting

Late Registration

Third Committee Session

Lunch Break

Fourth Committee Session

Press Conference

Fifth Committee Session

Head Delegate Meeting

Dinner Break

Evening Social Event

Sixth Committee Session


Seventh Committee Session

Closing Ceremonies

8:30 - 10:30

10:00 - 10:45

11:00 - 12:00

12:00 - 1:30

1:30 - 4:30

4:30 - 6:30

6:30 - 9:30

9:30 - 10:00









9:00 – xx:xx






Page 5: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook

Dear Delegates,

It is my honour to welcome you all to the 23rd annual University of British Columbia Model United Nations (UBCMUN). I am absolutely thrilled and excited that you have chosen to attend UBCMUN as part of your MUN journey and I am confident that this weekend will begin the New Year off on a high note!

The Secretariat and Staff have worked diligently this whole year in organizing this year’s UBCMUN and I am extremely proud of the level of dedication and creativity my team has displayed. Our new venue this year, the stunning Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre in the heart of downtown Vancouver is just one of the many ways we have continued the UBCMUN tradition of innovation. Other features of this year’s UBCMUN include the launching of our newly designed website, a vibrant PR campaign, and vigorous hiring and training of some of the best MUN enthusiasts to lead our committees as dais members.

Over the next three days, there will be intense discussion and debate on your committee topics. These topics are challenging, complex, and at times, may result in frustration when you and your fellow delegates try to arrive at a resolution. However, I encourage you to push yourselves to negotiate passionately and to work together to experience the serious challenges of international diplomacy while also gaining valuable insight on how to create a better world. This year, the Secretariat decided on the theme Confluence to reflect this notion of coming together despite differences for consensus on a broader goal. Indeed, international issues and world peace cannot be addressed without this sense of unity and I urge you to work




together this weekend with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

This marks the sixth year of my own personal MUN career and I am a firm believer that Model UN is truly extraordinary for providing a unique setting in which all participants truly learn and grow. Whether you are a first time delegate or a seasoned veteran, I am confident that UBCMUN 2015 will be a memorable conference. My journey with the Secretariat and Staff in preparing this opportunity for you has been incredible. With that being said, delegates, your journey begins now! Take advantage of what this weekend has to offer by challenging yourself and connecting with new people. Strive to voice the change that needs to be made in our world today, and inspire each other to become the future leaders of this generation.

I look forward to a productive and fun weekend with all of you. Best of luck!

Yours truly,

Geena Lee Secretary-GeneralUBCMUN 2015 GEENA


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Benjamin Perrin is an Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law and a Senior Fellow at the Macdonald-Laurier Institute for Public Policy.

Professor Perrin's principal teaching and research interests are Canadian Criminal Law and International Criminal Law. His publications include Modern Warfare: Armed Groups, Private Militaries, Humanitarian Organizations and the Law (UBC Press, 2012) (editor), Human Trafficking: Exploring the International Nature, Concerns, and Complexities (CRC Press, 2012) (co-editor), and Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking (Penguin, 2011), which was named one of the top books of the year by the Globe and Mail. He is also the author of numerous law review articles and book chapters, and provides commentary in the media.

Professor Perrin served as Special Advisor, Legal Affairs and Policy in the Office of the Prime Minister. In addition to acting as legal counsel, he was lead policy advisor on all matters related to the Department of Justice, Public Safety Canada (including the RCMP, Canada Border Services Agency, Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Correctional Service of Canada, and Parole Board of Canada), and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Prior to joining UBC, Professor Perrin was a law clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada, judicial intern at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, assistant director of the Special Court for Sierra Leone Legal Clinic (which assisted the Trial and Appeals Chambers), senior policy advisor to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigratiotn, and executive director of a non-governmental organization that combats human trafficking.

Professor Perrin received a Bachelor of Commerce (with distinction) from the University of Calgary in 2001, a Juris Doctor from the University of Toronto in 2005, and a Master of Laws (with honours) from McGill University in 2007. He was called to the Bar in Ontario in 2007 and the Bar in British Columbia in 2010.






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1) Delegates are expected to be respectful of others. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated, including racial, ethnic, national, cultural, religious or gender discrimination. An open forum for discussion and understanding should exist in which no group or persons are excluded.

2) Delegates must adhere to thte UBCMUN dress code. Those found in contravention of the dress code will be asked to leave committee session until they are appropriated dressed.

3) Delegates must wear and carry their provided accreditation while at all conference functions. Delegates without their nametags or placards will not be recognized. Delegates who have lost their accreditation may obtain a replacement from the registration desk at a charge of $5.

4) The legal drinking age in British Columbia is 19 years of age; this extends to the purchase, possession and consumption of alcohol.

5) The use of illicit drugs will not be tolerated. Delegates found possessing drugs on conference premises will be required to leave immediately and may be criminally liable.

7) Individuals will be held responsible for vandalism and/or damage that occur on any of the conference premises.

8) This Code of Conduct is meant to create a positive environment that facilitates open discussion and cooperation. Failure to adhere to the UBCMUN Code of Conduct may result in dismissal from the conference of the delegate in breach, as well as the dismissal of his or her entire delegation.

Please keep in mind that the appropriate length for a skirt is no more than three inches above the knee and nylons are required when wearing skirts.

All delegates wearing inappropriate clothes will be asked to leave their committee session and return when they are properly dressed. The following garments are prohibited within the conference sessions: jeans, short skirts, runners, revealing or tight clothing (including bare legs) and t-shirts.

MenDress pants, suit jacket, button-up shirt, dress shoes, or loafers

WomenDress pants or skirt, suit jacket, button-up shirt, dress shoes.

Page 8: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook

Events &Others


Rule Briefing Jr. Ballroom AB

Opening Ceremony Jr. Ballroom CD

Closing Ceremony Jr. Ballroom CD

Press Conference Jr. Ballroom CD

Head Delegate Meetings

Port Hardy

Man Staffroom Parksville


Jr. Ballroom B

Level 3 Floor

Level 4 Floor Committees Location

GA Jr. Ballroom CD

SC Port Hardy

UNDPEB Port Alberni

ESCWA Jr. Ballroom A

CCPCJ Port McNeil

IPC Chartroom

Page 9: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook

1. The role of telecommunications in the context of international security

2. Preventing non-state actors from accessing weapons of mass destruction


1. The situation in the Central African Republic

2. Impact of climate change on international security


1. Developing and managing sustainable water resources

2. Addressing youth unemployment in the ESCWA region

To critique, to analyze, and above all, to inform delegates of developments in committees and in the rest of the world. In being honest, trustworthy, and accountable, the journalist has the responsibility to serve an important role in society that is unmatched by any other.



IPC1. Addressing the needs of women in post-conflict regions

2. Improving sustainable land use in developing countries


1. Combating migrant smuggling

2. Countering maritime policy off the coast of Somalia







Page 10: [UBCMUN] Delegate Handbook

Motion Purpose Debate Vote Explanation

Point of Order Correct an error in procedure None None Delegates should cite a rule to correct an error made by the committee staff only

Point of Information Ask a question regarding procedureNone

None Used to ask the dais about procedural matters

Appeal the Chair Challenge a decision of the chairNone

2/3 This challenges a Chair’s ruling on a point of order

Suspension of the Meeting Recess MeetingNone

Majority Go to caucus or suspend the meeting for lunch or the next day

Adjournment of the Meeting End the meetingNone

Majority Ends the meeting completely; used only on Sunday

Adjournment of Debate End debate without a substantive vote2 pro/2 con

Majority Tables the topic; requires a roll call vote

Closure of Debate Move to immediate vote on this topic2 con

2/3 Ends all discussion on current topic and moves committee immediately into voting

Division of the Question

Consider operate clause(s) separately from rest of draft resolutions; highlights ismportance of clause.

Part 1. Vote on consideration of the matter Part 2. Vote on highlighted clause

I. 2 pro/2 conII. None

1. Majority2. Majority

Voted on in order of most to least destructive. If Part II passes: operative clause(s) are passed as an annex to the resolution. If Part II fails: operate

clause(s) discarded completely

*Adopt by Acclamation* Pass a draft resolution without a placard or roll call vote

None None Chair asks for objections to passage; if no objections, document passes

*Roll Call Vote* Vote by roll call, rather than show of placards None None Automatically granted once requested. Used to highlight and record votes.

Reconsideration Re-open debate on previously tabled topic 2 con 2/3v If passed, un-tables topic. Must be made by a member who voted in favor of the initial motion for Adjournment of Debate

Close / Reopen the Speakers List No additional speakers added to speakers’ list. None Majority Prevents new speakers from being added to list

Adoption of the Agenda Approval of the agenda order None Majority Determines the order in which the topics will be discussed.

Set (Change) Speaker’s Time Set (Change) speakers’ time limit Set: NoneChange: 2 Con

Majority First thing done after opening Speakers List and adjusted as needed






Motions that are in asterisks are the only motions that made be made during voting bloc. The order in which the motions are listed are their order of precedence.

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Working Papers

Working papers are informal documents that may be proposed by delegates for the consideration of the committee. Besides formal resolutions, working papers are the only other means for delegates to propose ideas, in writing, to the committee as a whole. Working papers are a way of breaking down an issue into more manageable units to help advance the committee’s work. They can address one or a number of specific aspects of the larger issue being debated, and should introduce new ideas or approaches to dealing with the specific aspects or the larger issue (i.e. they should not duplicate ideas that have already been debated). Working papers must meet the approval of the Committee Directors, and will undergo several rounds of edits before being adopted as a draft resolution.

Preambular Clauses

Affirming Alarmed by Aware ofBearing in Mind Believing Cognizant ofConcerned Confident of ContemplatingConvinced Declaring Deeply concernedDeeply conscious Deeply disturbed Deeply regrettingDeploring Desiring EmphasizingExpecting Firmly believing FulfillingFully aware Having adopted Having consideredHaving examined Having observed Having receivedHaving studied Keeping in Mind NotingNoting further Noting with Alarm Noting with RegretObserving Realizing RecallingRecognizing Referring SeekingTaking note of Welcoming

Operative Clauses

Accepts Affirms ApprovesAuthorizes Calls Calls uponCondemns Confirms ConsidersDesignates Draws attention EmphasizesEncourages Endorses Expresses its hopeFurther invites Further proclaims Further recommendsFurther resolves Have resolved Further remindsFurther requests Declares accordingly Deplores

Sample Working Paper

Code: GA/1/1Committee: General AssemblySubject: Financing of Programs and Mission

The General Assembly

Recalling all its previous relevant resolutions

Reaffirming the committment of Member States under Article 17 of the Charter of the United Nations to accept expenses of the organization.

1. Requests the Secretary-General, in order to reduce the cost of staff for the Organization, continue to find qualified persons at local posts where an organization mission is taking place, matching the requirements of the Mission;

2. Takes note of the report of the Special Assistant to the Secretary-General on the financial performance fo the Organization for th period from 1 July 2001 to 30 Jun 2002;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its fifty-eighth session on; a. The status of possible funding arrangements, including a financial package to be povided by the following host countries: Canada; United States of America: United Kingdom: b. [...]

4. Decides to continue the consideration of this question at its fifty-eighth session.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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It is a well-known fact that true diplomatic work happens outside of committee sessions. And what better way to celebrate two full days of conference stress than a night out with your fellow delegates downtown? This year, we’re thrilled to be able to host the event at Cabana Lounge on Granville Street. This new nightclub, inspired by the South Beach nightlife style, is vibrant and truly unique. Not only does it boast rich colours and chic cabana draped VIP booths, but it is also known for it’s gorgeous Acacia tree in the middle of the dance floor. Cabana has a fun and sophisticated atmosphere, perfect for Model UN delegates looking to blow off some steam.

As this is normally a 25 and older venue on Saturday evenings, a strict dresscode will be enforced. Delegates should be well dressed for the venue.

$10Entry and a free drink inside.







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We extend our gratittudes to our generous sponsors.




