uas training curriculum - exponent technology...

EXPONENT JANUARY 2016 FRAMEWORK PROPOSAL UAS TRAINING CURRICULUM Innovation | Technology | Software UAS Training Curriculum

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January 2016

Framework proposal

uas training CurriCulum

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UAS Training Curriculum

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January 2016

Framework proposal

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ExEcutivE Summary 03-4

ExponEnt profilE Company ownership/legal entity 05 location 05 products and services 05 industry Verticals 06 exponent team 07 research & Development 08

uaS training curriculum Curriculum scope 09 uas ground school 10 uas simulator & Flight training 11 mode of instruction 12 proficiency Criteria 13

uaS inStructor Qualification Basis for Qualification 14

appEndix a - training schedule 15

appEndix B - simulator & Flight sessions - multi-rotor 16

appEndix c - simulator & Flight session Fixed wing 17

appEndix d - sample manoeuvre procedure sheet 18

Table of ConTenTS

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the rapid growth of the unmanned aerial systems (uas) business segment worldwide, and in the uae in particular is presenting unique challenges to regulators and market participants (customers and suppliers) alike. exponent is not immune to these pressures and to ensure its continued viability has taken several initiatives to help address these concerns both internally and externally.the focus of this document is to ensure that all exponent developed uas, which are eventually sold to its customers, are operated with the highest levels of proficiency and safety that are commercially feasible. the result is that exponent has developed a minimum 50-hour uas Fixed wing and multi-rotor training syllabus that incorporates an integrated training approach towards theory, simulator and flight skills development.the syllabus itself aims to develop the required proficiencies to allow commercial uas pilots demonstrate a higher level of competence and accountability in all their uas related planning and operations. By making this program an integral part of exponent’s offering to its customers - it can better control and monitor customer compliance with safe operating procedures and compliance with local and federal regulations.

exeCuTIve Summary

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the curriculum includes a staged assessment program, whereby each phase of the training imparted is assessed against benchmarked standards and progression is dependent upon satisfactorily demonstrating the necessary skills. the 50 hour program is divided into 3 parallel tracks that are delivered in an integrated manner:

all tracks are implemented together, with the ground school finishing within the first 2 weeks (including formative and summative assessments). simulator and Flight training continue for an additional 2 weeks culminating in a Flight test that incorporates a series of drills that aim to assess the student’s ability to safely operate a uas to acceptable commercial standards.

1. Ground School

Covering the theory and principles of flight,

uas Components, Communications, air law, meterology and

uas procedures

2. SimulatorDevelopment of the

correct techniques and motor skills to remotely

control a uas (fixed wing and multi-rotor)

3. FliGhtextension of the

skills developed in the simulator to also

incorporate pre and post flight procedures along

with environmental conditioning and


exeCuTIve Summary

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company ownErShip/lEgal Entity

exponent technology services, llC is a uae based information services provider that specializes in helping firms develop asset management and tracking solutions. its usp revolves around its ability to provide bespoke solutions in areas where others dare to tread. exponent’s philosophy is rooted in the ethos that any problem is surmountable given the correct and intelligent application of technology. Beginning with our roots in developing rFiD and barcode based solutions – we have now embraced the use of (unmanned aerial Vehicles (uas) and their ability to integrate auto-iD technologies to provide a unique set of mission capabilities that were previously not possible or even envisioned.


exponent was founded in Dubai in 2012 and soon opened offices in Chicago (2013) and montreal (2014) to support its growing customer base. Head office, middle east regional support & Business Development and research and Development functions are based out of Dubai, north america Customer support from Chicago and north america Business Development is handled by the montreal office (2015).

productS and SErvicES

our products and services revolve around the development of bespoke solutions aimed at providing organizations with commercial uas solutions that provide tangible business benefit. we also provide management consultancy and help organizations understand their current needs and ability to adopt various technologies to meet those needs. our services also extend into system development, implementation and outsourcing. we are focused on helping organizations comprehend what is where and when and to improve their bottom line via the reduction of non-value-adding activities. we are technology-neutral and have no specific bias towards particular platforms or vendors. our approach is to understand our customers first and then to join them with the technologies that are a best fit for their current organizational cultural state. we believe that change must never be forced but must be embraced in order to breed successful outcomes.

exponenT profIle

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induStry vErticalS

exponent does not like to see itself as industry focused - we like to see our solutions applied across a wide range of enterprises – proving not only the adaptability of our solutions but also of our skills. to date we have the following implementations either complete or underway:

● waste management in chicago, uSa● Steel tracking in dubai, uaE● aviation parts in dubai, uaE● Solar Energy in abu dhabi, uaE● Environmental thermography in Jebel ali, uaE

presentation overviews of our waste management, Healthcare, aviation parts tracking and steel tracking solutions are provided under separate cover.

exponenT profIle

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exponenT profIle

ExponEnt tEam

exponent’s core strength is its people. our ability to analyze problems and design bespoke solutions is unparalleled in the region. our speed of execution is also a source of pride. From problem statement to prototype to production, our team of dedicated professionals move swiftly to provide exceptional technical skills and value.

exponent Dubai consists of 6 software professionals with skills across the breadth of technology including the latest move towards mobile applications, our uas team includes 8 engineers (5 mechanical and 3 electrical payload specialists) and a uas manager with over 10 man-years of experience in uas design and build activities. Both groups (software and uas) are supported by 2 full time project managers who provide

critical management support in helping coordinate activities not only internally but on behalf of our clients as well. senior management at exponent consists of a Chief executive officer, Chief operating officer, Chief technology operator and Business Development Director who also serves to head our montreal office in charge of north american Business Development activities.

our us and Canada based offices are focused on Customer support and Business Development. we are also in the final stages of establishing partnerships with uk and kingdom of saudi arabia (ksa) partners to represent and market exponent’s unique breed of commercial uas based technologies.

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rESEarch & dEvElopmEnt

exponent is fully committed to providing its staff with the resources needed to invest their time in researching and developing new solutions, products and services. our uas based rFiD inventory tracking solution grew out of this program – and has been awarded 2nd prize by RFID Journal for the Most Innovative Use of RFID for 2014. a link to rFiD Journal’s article on exponent’s pioneering use of uas with rFiD technology can be found at we consider a matter of pride that our innovations helped contribute to our solution’s nomination against such strong competition -

exponent dedicates a full 30% of its annual budget to r&D activities which includes not only the provision of hardware for prototype activities but also a dedicated budget for training.

our current research areas include:

● uaS based traffic monitoring● micro uaS and inter-uaS networking

and communication protocols● uaS operational protocols for urban environments● uaS collision detection and avoidance technology● uaS based monitoring of rfid tagged assets● Enhanced/optimized power management

in uaS for increased endurance● new uaS propulsion technologies (laser

ionization and electromagnetic acceleration)

innovative solutions that we have developed over the past 2 years include:

the use of uas to detect faults on solar panels deployed in solar arrays using a combination of rFiD (to detect panels uniquely), infra-red (ir) sensors to detect temperature fluctuations between cells within a panel and air compression technology to provide a reliable and environmentally friendly means of cleaning solar panels.

the use of uas based rFiD sensors to accurately locate and identify over 1000 individual bundles of steel products spread over a 10,000 square meter yard in under 6 minutes with a 99.2% accuracy rate. a video presentation of the solution can be found at

uas based traffic monitoring system (currently under development) – to help detect and report on vehicle incidents and provide a means of performing video analytics in-flight to provide traffic statistics for key city intersections and highway traffic.

uas based window cleaning mechanism (currently under development) that utilizes rFiD to identify specific windows and the area to be cleaned. the encoded rFiD data then provides specific guidance control to the uas flight controller to initiate a flight hover pattern to allow the uas to clean the window.

all of exponent’s uas platforms are custom built to industrial standards, tested rigorously prior to any commercial deployment and are not to be compared with consumer grade uas systems currently available. exponent’s uas systems are built for extreme safety and incorporate multiple redundant systems to provide an extremely high level reliable and safety. Backup power systems, secondary flight controllers, parachute recovery systems and the ability to continue safe operational flights with the loss of up to 2 onboard motors are some of the features that exponent has dedicated 1000’s of man hours into developing. additionally all our uass incorporate a flight system data logging capability that streams data live back to our control center for continuous monitoring and fault detection.

exponenT profIle

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curriculum ScopE

the scope of this curriculum is to impart the necessary knowledge for the conduct of safe and reliable uas operations according to uae national regulations. this would require a broad based knowledge of aeronautical principles as they apply to uas (fixed-wing and multi-rotor), the ability to plan and fly standard & emergency uas manoeuvres as demonstrated during simulator and actual flight conditions, the discipline to carry out the necessary pre and post flight procedures and a thorough understanding of uae federal regulations as they apply to the operation of uas within uae airspace.

the course is to be constituted of a minimum of 50 instructional hours (more may be required as per pilot’s level of proficiency and aptitude), split among three distinct tracks, ground school, simulator training and Flight training. a typical timetable would see this complete course delivered over a period of 28 calendar days and includes time for course material review and

continuous formative and summative assessment. additional time may be required as per individual student aptitude, progress and possible delays due to weather.

the approach adopted towards training is an integrated one, whereby students take part in all 3 tracks simultaneously. this approach is adopted with the aim of maintaining enthusiasm and interest while also allowing students to directly apply their knowledge in the shortest time span possible.

instructor qualifications are also addressed as these are critical to ensuring that the quality of instruction maintains minimum standards.

a typical training schedule is provided in appendix a - providing a detailed time table of instruction.

uaS TraInIng CurrICulum

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uaS ground School

ground school is composed of a total of 15 hours of instruction consisting of 15 one-hour class room sessions with a maximum of 15 students per classroom conducted of 5 days. the topics covered are designed to provide a uas pilot with the requisite knowledge and understanding of aviation principles, procedures, environmental considerations and regulatory compliance to legally and safely operate uas within uae airspace.

modE of inStruction

each session will consist of an introduction to the learning objectives of the session, followed by the course material delivered via a presentation by a qualified lecturer. sessions will be conducted in a lecture format with all students receiving the course material beforehand. students will be encouraged to participate in the lectures by asking questions and will also be prompted randomly and presented with brief exercises/scenarios where applicable. there will be a maximum of 3 lectures per day with a 15 minute break in between lectures.

modE of aSSESSmEnt

at the end of each day’s lecture session a 15 question, multiple choice (5 possible answers) test will be presented to all the students to be answered within30 minutes covering that day’s 3 lecture session topics with approximately equal coverage from each session. the purpose of these daily tests is multifold:

● to provide the students with a formative assessment of their progress and understanding

● to allow students to understand areas where they may need to put in extra time or to seek additional guidance

● to expose students to the expected test conditions that will be conducted at the end of the ground School

● to provide instructors information on the progress of students and potential individual or group remedial planning

● to provide Exponent with feedback on the quality of the instruction, material and possible areas of improvement in the curriculum

on completion of the 15 ground school sessions, 6 hours of instructional review are conducted over two days, whereby specific topics can be reviewed and additional focused instruction can be provided if required. During these review sessions, additional opportunities will be provided to students to test their knowledge by voluntarily taking “mock” tests to gauge their level of understanding.

a 4 hour break period is provided on the 8th day of instruction (10th calendar of the course) to allow students to independently study the material and to address any specific issues they have. this session will be conducted within exponent’s facility but will not be supervised. students will be encouraged to work together and aid each other’s understanding. the ground school lecturers will be available to resolve any questions that cannot be satisfactorily addressed by the students themselves.

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uaS Simulator & flight training

as stated, simulator training is conducted in parallel with the ground school and Flight training. simulator sessions are conducted on alternate days from Flight training sessions. the simulator allows the student to develop key techniques and motor skills in a controlled environment at almost no risk. exponent utilizes realFlight - a well known computer flight simulator that allows the control of many different uas types and allows us to simulate flight in multiple modes - gps, attitude Hold and Full manual. each simulator session is limited to 15 minutes and there are a total of 70 sessions spread over 28 calendar days. the simulator station consists of a typical Flight transmitter that is used to control a uas and is connected via a usB port to a pC running the simulator. the simulation is projected on a 56 inch HD monitor to provide a rich and immersive environment.

the uas flight training part of the course will dovetail with the simulator training allowing students to directly implement their learned skills. as discussed a minimum proficiency score level will have to be achieved in the simulator before the student is permitted to perform the same manoeuvre with a training drone. the Flight training is of the duration and format as the simulator training - seventy (70) 15 minute sessions spread over 28 calendar days. the Flight training is conducted using:

● 450 mm light weight dJi hex-copter ● Skywalker fixed wing

Both uas are controlled via dual transmitters which are connected via a cable. the student will have the control transmitter and the instructor will have the ability to take control if required, using the second transmitter.

a complete list of multi-rotor and fixed wing simulator and flight sessions are listed in appendix B and C

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modE of inStruction

at the start of each simulator training session day, the instructor will review with the students, the skills to be developed and why they are essential to the safe operation of a uas. any legal and/or regulatory aspects of the planned training will also be discussed. each student will receive a manoeuvre procedure sheet (mps), detailing the required technique and outcome. a sample mps is provided in appendix B.

each session will be focused on a specific uas manoeuvre. each manoeuvre is the result of a series of specific instructions being carried out by the uas pilot (the technique) and results in a desired final configuration (outcome) for the uas. the instructor will then demonstrate the proper technique for conducting the manoeuvre and will share the student a procedure sheet that will detail how the manoeuvre is performed and how to judge if the manoeuvre is performed correctly.

the student will then have 15 minutes to practice the manoeuvre on the simulator - followed by a 15 minute break. the student will repeat this pattern 4 times (for a total of 1.25 hours on any single day). the instructor will continuously monitor each student’s progress as they practice and will provide feedback as and when required.

students will rotate from one simulator station to the next so that they experience different transmitters and do not become too familiar with a particular “feel” that may adversely affect their performance. the simulator sessions are also designed to help the students develop the necessary adaptive skills required to handling different equipment.

at the start of each Flight training session day, the instructor will review with the students, the skills to be developed and why they are essential to the safe operation of a uas. any legal and/or regulatory aspects of the planned training will also be discussed. in addition, pre-flight procedures will now be introduced and also be required to be carried out. each student will use the same manoeuvre procedure sheet (mps) provided in the simulator session detailing the required technique and outcome.

at this stage, the students must have demonstrated a minimum level of proficiency of the manoeuvre in the simulator and thus will now be adapting to the actual equipment and its handling in live conditions. again, as in the simulator session, each session will be focused on a specific uas manoeuvre. each manoeuvre is the result of a series of specific instructions being carried out by the uas pilot (the technique) and results in a desired final configuration (outcome) for the uas. the instructor will then demonstrate the proper technique for conducting the manoeuvre and will share the student a procedure sheet that will detail how the manoeuvre is performed and how to judge if the manoeuvre is performed correctly.

the student will then have 15 minutes to practice the manoeuvre with the uas and with an instructor dual transmitter configuration - followed by a 15 minute break. the student will repeat this pattern 4 times (for a total of 1.25 hours on any single day). the instructor will continuously monitor each student’s progress as they practice and will provide feedback as and when required.

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proficiEncy critEria

in the final 5th simulator session of each day - the instructor will ask the student to perform the demonstrated and practiced manoeuvre 5 times and will score the student on a scale of 1 to 4:

1 manoeuvre not performed at all2 manoeuvre performed with major defects

in technique and outcome3 manoeuvre performed with minor defects

in technique and outcome4 manoeuvre performed as per standards

an average score for the five manoeuvre attempts will be calculated and recorded and will be shared with the student during the de-brief session. the instructor will also advise the student on how to improve technique. students will continue practicing a manoeuvre until they can demonstrate an average score of 3 or higher.

a student will not be allowed to conduct the same manoeuvre in a Flight training session until they can achieve a skill level of at least 3 using the simulator.

in the final 5th simulator session of each day - the instructor will ask the student to perform the demonstrated and practiced manoeuvre 5 times and will score the student on a scale of 1 to 4:

1 manoeuvre not performed at all2 manoeuvre performed with major defects

in technique and outcome3 manoeuvre performed with minor defects

in technique and outcome4 manoeuvre performed as per standards

an average score for the five manoeuvre attempts will be calculated and recorded and will be shared with the student during the de-brief session. the instructor will also advise the student on how to improve technique. students will continue practicing a manoeuvre until they can demonstrate an average score of 3 or higher.

the simulator and flight training sessions will culminate in 2 tests:

● multi-rotor test ● fixed wing test

Both tests will involve the examiner asking the student to perform 10 randomly selected manoeuvres and will score each student on the same 1 to 4 scale above. the student will be asked to perform the manoeuvre up to 3 times to ensure that the level of proficiency is acceptable and repeatable. the average of the three scores will then be recorded as the score for that manoeuvre. the instructor will also be able to award an additional 0.15 to the average score if the correct pre-flight procedures are carried out and an additional 0.15 for the correct post flight procedures.

each test will have a maximum of 43 points and a score of 33 (77%) or more will be a passing score. if the student fails any or both tests, a re-test can be scheduled after a minimum of 1 week and at least 10 more flight sessions. a second failure will require the student to conduct a further 15 more flight sessions before a re-test will be permitted. a third test cannot be taken without repeating the entire course. if the student passes only one of the flight tests - they can earn a uas pilot Certificate for that class of uas (multi-rotor or fixed wing) only.

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BaSiS for Qualification

as the uas Curriculum is composed of three distinct parts - ground school, simulator and Flight training, different skill sets are required to impart the training as outlined in this document. a closer examination of the modes of instruction will clearly identify only two distinct approaches to training and thus only two sets of qualifications need to be established to teach this curriculum.

ground school training is primarily theoretical in nature and is composed around class room sessions whereby instructors are required to engage students via presentation materials and open discussions. as such the requirements for this type training are more akin to a traditional class-room type.

simulator and Flight training is more “hands-on” and requires direct application of the knowledge gained in real life situations where timing can often be critical.

Based upon the above, the following are proposed minimum standards for qualifying as a uas ground, simulator or Flight instructor to impart training as per the Curriculum outlined in this document:

aviation KnowlEdgE tESt - diScuSS

ground instruction requires a minimum aviation related qualification (private pilots license - ppl) as this requires the instructor to have passed a similarly structured ground school course administered by the gCaa. this requirement is relaxed for simulator and Flight instructors as it is unlikely that qualified ppl(or higher) holders will be in the market for uas flight training - most such qualified pilots are preparing for a career in the aviation industry and experience at a uas training facility will not be of advantage to them. However all uas flight instructors must have a minimum of the uas 50 hour program as outlined in this document with higher experience (as measured by logged flight time) in flying multi-rotors and fixed wing uas’.

uaS InSTruCTor QualIfICaTIon

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appendIx a

TraInIng SChedule

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appendIx b

SImulaTor & flIghT SeSSIonS - mulTI-roTor

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appendIx C

SImulaTor & flIghT SeSSIon fIxed WIng

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appendIx d

Sample manoeuvre proCedure SheeT






Take-Off & Landing in GPS Mode


Take-Off & Landing in GPS Mode

Ability to Take Off and Land a multi-rotor UAS within a proscribed area

1. Conduct Pre-Flight UAS Procedures (Flight Session Only)

2. Start UAS 3. Increase Throttle to 50% 4. Climb to approximately 30 ft AGL 5. Release Control Sticks (UAS should

maintainposition and altitude) 6. Reduce Throttle 7. Adjust pitch and bank to keep UAS within

landing zone 8. Land UAS 9. Power Off UAS










15 FT +/- 3 FT N/A N/A

N/A ‘+/- 3 FT 10-15 SECS

3 FT (1M)

3 FT (1M)

5FT (1.5M)

5FT (1.5M)

5FT (1.5M)

5FT (1.5M)

30 FT (10M)

30 FT (10M)

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