turbulent flows at very large reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

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Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

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Page 2: Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

Abstract. The universal (Reynolds-number-independent) vonK�arm�an±Prandtl logarithmic law for the velocity distributionin the basic intermediate region of a turbulent shear flow isgenerally considered to be one of the fundamental laws ofengineering science and is taught universally in fluid mechanicsand hydraulics courses. We show here that this law is based onan assumption that cannot be considered to be correct and whichdoes not correspond to experiment. Nor is Landau's derivationof this law quite correct. In this paper, an alternative scaling lawexplicitly incorporating the influence of the Reynolds number isdiscussed, as is the corresponding drag law. The study uses the

concept of intermediate asymptotics and that of incompletesimilarity in the similarity parameter. Yakov Borisovich Zeldo-vich played an outstanding role in the development of theseideas. This work is a tribute to his glowing memory.

1. Introduction: the turbulence problem

Turbulence is the state of a vortex flow of a viscous fluidwhere the velocity, pressure, and other flow field character-istics vary in time and space sharply and irregularly, such thatthey can be treated as random. The basic dimensionlessparameter governing a turbulent flow is the Reynoldsnumber Re � UL=n. Here, U is the characteristic flowvelocity, L is the characteristic linear scale, and n is thekinematic viscosity of the fluid.

First recognized by Leonardo da Vinci, turbulence hasbeen intensively studied by engineers, mathematicians, andphysicists for the past one and a half centuries. And yet, onehas to concede that in what concerns the creation of a closedtheory of turbulent flows, almost nothing has been obtainedfrom first principles, i.e., the Navier±Stokes equations andthe continuity equation, even in the simplest case of anincompressible fluid.

Turbulence at very large Reynolds numbers, lnRe4 1, istraditionally regarded as one of the safer provinces in therealm of turbulence. It was presumed, and is still presumed bymany, that two basic results obtained in this field are wellestablished and will enter, basically unchanged, a futurecomplete and self-consistent theory of turbulence. Theseresults are essentially the von K�arm�an±Prandtl universallogarithmic law for the velocity field in the wall (intermedi-ate) region of a turbulent shear flow and the Kolmogorov±Obukhov 2/3 scaling law for the local structure of `developed'(lnRe4 1) turbulent flows. These laws, and to a larger extentthe former one, are discussed here.

G I Barenblatt Shirshov Institute of Oceanology,

Russian Academy of Sciences,

Nakhimovskii prosp. 36, 119997 Moscow, Russian Federation;

University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA;

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road,

Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Tel. +7 (499) 380 41 52

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

A J Chorin University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA;

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road,

Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

E-mail: [email protected]

VM Prostokishin Shirshov Institute of Oceanology,

Russian Academy of Sciences,

Nakhimovskii prosp. 36, 119997 Moscow, Russian Federation;

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road,

Berkeley, CA 94720, USA;

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI,

Kashirskoe shosse 31, 115409 Moscow, Russian Federation

E- mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Received 5 November 2013

Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk 184 (3) 265 ± 271 (2014)

DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0184.201403d.0265

Translated by S D Danilov; edited by AM Semikhatov

100th ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH OF Ya B ZELDOVICH PACS numbers: 47.10. ± g, 47.27. ± i, 47.27.Ak, 47.27.Gs

Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers:

new lessons learned

G I Barenblatt, A J Chorin, V M Prostokishin

DOI: 10.3367/UFNe.0184.201403d.0265

Physics ±Uspekhi 57 (3) 250 ± 256 (2014) #2014 Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Russian Academy of Sciences


1. Introduction: the turbulence problem 2502. Developed turbulence. The basic assumption of von K�arm�an. The universal logarithmic law 2513. Universal logarithmic law disagrees with experimental data 2514. Cause of the mismatch: analysis and alternative proposals 2525. Alternative nonuniversal law 2526. Comparison of the universal logarithmic law and the alternative power law 2527. Envelope of a family of power laws and intermediate nonuniversal logarithmic laws 2538. Analysis of turbulent flows in a boundary layer 2549. Local structure of well-developed turbulent flows. The Kolmogorov±Obukhov power laws 255

10. Conclusions 256References 256

Page 3: Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

2. Developed turbulence.The basic assumption of von K�arm�an.The universal logarithmic law

The beginning of fundamental research of developed(lnRe4 1) turbulent flows can be dated precisely: it was theplenary talk by von K�arm�an, ``Mechanical similitude andturbulence,'' given at the Third International Congress forApplied Mechanics on 25 August 1930. Von K�arm�an con-sidered shear (hydraulic, in his terminology) steady flows,homogeneous in the direction of mean velocity and boundedby a rigid wall. The velocity in such flows depends only on thedistance to the wall. These flows include practically importantflows in long cylindrical pipes, in boundary layers over platesin a uniform flow far from their leading edge, and in channels.

The main hypothesis adopted by von K�arm�an wasformulated by him in the following form: ``On the basis ofthese experimentally well-established facts, we make theassumption that away from the close vicinity of the wall, thevelocity distribution of the mean flow is viscosity indepen-dent.''

To be precise, we present this assumption in its originallanguage [1]: ``Wir gr�unden auf diese experimentell festges-tellten Tatsachen die Annahme, dass, abgesehen von derWandn�ahe, die Geschwindichkeitverteilung der mittlerenStr�omung vor der Z�ahigkeit unabh�angig ist.''

Relying on this assumption, in 1944 L D Landau gave thederivation of the universal logarithmic law, in the bookMechanics of continuous media [2], split later into two booksFluid mechanics [3] and Elasticity theory. For a flow in asmooth pipe (Fig. 1), this derivation can be carried out asfollows. The longitudinal velocity gradient qyu at the distancey from the wall depends on the following governing para-meters: the pipe diameter d, the distance to the wall y, theshear stress t, and the fluid characteristics, its density r andkinematic viscosity n:

qyu � f �y; t; d; r; n� : �1�

We introduce the `dynamic velocity' u� � �t=r�1=2, whichplays the role of a velocity scale in what follows. Dimensional

analysis [4, 5] shows that the parameter u�d=n is a function of asingle dimensionless parameter, the traditional `global'Reynolds number Re � Ud=n. Here, U is the mean flowvelocityÐ the ratio of the fluid volume flux to the pipecross-sectional area. Further, dimensional analysis leads tothe relation

qyu � u�y



�; �2�

or, in a dimensionless form,

qZj � 1

ZF�Re; Z� : �3�

Here, j � u=u�, and Z � u�y=n is the local Reynolds number.Relations (2) and (3) are indubitable. The independence fromviscosity assumed by von K�arm�an literally implies thatbecause the viscosity enters both Reynolds numbers, theglobal and local ones, the function F is a universal constant,commonly written as 1=�; relatedly, � has the namevon K�arm�an constant. Relation (3) takes the form

qZj � 1

�Z: �4�

Integrating Eqn (4) leads to

j � 1

�ln Z� B ; �5�

where B is also assumed to be a universal constant. Forconstants � and B, Landau chose the values � � 0:4 andB � 5:1, and hence, in the dimensional form, law (5) becomes

u � u�

�2:5 ln

u�yn� 5:1

�: �6�

Relation (6) is referred to in the literature as the vonK�arm�an±Prandtl universal logarithmic law. It is traditionallyregarded as one of the fundamental laws in engineeringscience: von K�arm�an and Prandtl managed to persuade theengineering and scientific communities that this law isfundamental, while power laws used earlier in engineeringpractice with power exponents dependent on the Reynoldsnumber are nothing more than empirical relations. We showbelow that just the opposite is true.

3. Universal logarithmic law disagreeswith experimental data

We turn to experimental facts. According to the universallogarithmic law, the constants � and B involved in it shouldbe the same for all experiments carried out in smooth pipes.But the analysis of available experimental data, obtained inreputable laboratories, fails to support this. A logarithmicdependence of the dimensionless velocity on the localReynolds number has indeed been observed within certainintervals inmany series of experiments. And yet, evenwith themost liberal approach, the values of � and B foundexperimentally cannot be perceived as universal. The con-stant � taken to be 0.4 by Landauwas found to range between0.3 and 0.45 in various experiments; the mean value of theconstant B taken by Landau as 5.1 ranges in experimentsfrom 3.5 to 6.3. In other words, we can claim that logarithmiclaw (6) does not hold.







Figure 1. Flow structure in a long cylindrical pipe at very large Reynolds


March 2014 Turbulent êows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned 251

Page 4: Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

4. Cause of the mismatch:analysis and alternative proposals

A question arises as to what the defect of the derivationpresented above is. In reality, there is a delicate mathematicalissue that has escaped attention. Indeed, the function F [seeEqn (3)] depends on two dimensionless arguments: the globaland local Reynolds numbers. But these are essentiallydifferent: in each given experiment, the global Reynoldsnumber Re � Ud=n is constant and fixed, whereas the localReynolds number Z � u�y=n varies in wide limits from severalunits to many thousand, because it corresponds to the localvalue of the averaged velocity, which is measured by anexperimentalist over the whole cross section. In the deriva-tion above, the influence of the global Reynolds number wasneglected, and it was implicitly assumed that there is a finitelimit for the functionF as Z! �1, and hence at large valuesof the localReynolds number Z, the functionF canbe replacedwith a constant. In the existing terminology, this is referred toas the complete similarity in the local Reynolds number.

In our work, we abandoned the hypothesis that thevelocity gradient is independent of the global Reynoldsnumber. The hypothesis of incomplete similarity over thelocal Reynolds number was assumed, by virtue of which thefunction F for large Z is written as

F � A�Re� Za�Re� : �7�

Here,A and a are some functions of Re to be determined. In aparticular case of complete similarity, which led to thedisagreement with experiment, A � const and a � 0. Thereare obviously two behavior types for the functionF for large Zlinked to the existence or lack of a finite limit as Z! �1. Theparticular case of the second type is the incomplete similarity,whose existence is related to the invariance with respect to anadditional renormalization group (see Refs [7, 8]).

Next, a hypothesis called the ``principle of vanishingviscosity'' has been assumed: as n! 0, the velocity gradienttends to a finite limit. The hypotheses of incomplete similarityin the local Reynolds number Z � u�y=n and of vanishingviscosity allow determining the function F up to threeconstants, whose universality has been tested in a large suiteof experiments (about one thousand) carried out in variouslaboratories using different setups, and has been confirmed.

5. Alternative nonuniversal law

In agreement with the assumptions made, the function F atvery large Re can be written as

F � �A0 � A1a� exp �a ln Z� ; Z � u�yn; �8�

and a � a�Re� tends to zero as Re!1. Here, A0 and A1 areuniversal constants. Three cases are possible. In the first,a�Re� tends to zero faster than 1= lnRe, implying thecomplete similarity in both parameters Re and Z as theytend to infinity. As shown above, this contradicts theexperiment. If a�Re� tends to zero more slowly than1= lnRe, then F tends to infinity as n! 0, which contradictsthe principle of vanishing viscosity. We have to accept that aspecial case is realized as Re!1:

a � A2

ln Z; �9�

where A2 is also a universal constant. Under all the assump-tions made, the asymptotic relation for the dimensionlessvelocity gradient takes the form

qZj � 1


�A0 � A1A2


�ZA2= lnRe : �10�

Integrating Eqn (10) and adopting an additional assumptionthat

j�0� � 0 ; �11�

which is substantiated experimentally, we arrive at a power(nonlogarithmic) law incorporating the dependence on theglobal Reynolds number, i.e., lacking universality:

j ��A0

A2lnRe� A1

�ZA2= lnRe ; �12�

or, in dimensional form,

u � u�


A2lnRe� A1


�A2= lnRe

: �13�

Processing the experimental data (see Ref. [9] and thereferences therein to other papers by the authors) lent supportto the universality of the constants A0, A1, and A2 and led tothe following values:

A0 ����3p

2; A1 � 5

2; A2 � 3

2: �14�

Hence, the nonuniversal power law proposed by us for thevelocity profile in a pipe cross section (outside the closevicinity of the pipe wall and axis) becomes

u � u�

�1���3p lnRe� 5



�3=�2 lnRe�; �15�

or, in dimensionless form,

j �� ���

3p � 5a


�Za ; a � 3

2 lnRe: �16�

We stress that the scaling (power) law (15) cannot bederived solely from dimensional analysis: its existence relieson the invariance with respect to an additional renormaliza-tion group.

6. Comparison of the universal logarithmic lawand the alternative power law

We summarize the intermediate results.The universal logarithmic law is expressed in the form

u � u��2:5 ln Z� 5:1� ; j � u

u�; Z � u�y


(Landau and Lifshits [2, 3],Monin andYaglom [6], andmanyothers).

The nonuniversal power law is expressed as

j �� ���

3p � 5a


�Za ; a � 3

2 lnRe: �18�

252 G I Barenblatt, A J Chorin, V M Prostokishin Physics ±Uspekhi 57 (3)

Page 5: Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

We have estimated constants (14) of power laws (15) and (18)by processing experiments by Nikuradse [10] carried out inPrandtl's laboratory at the University of G�otingen (Ger-many); the results of these experiments have been presentedby the author in numerical form. We emphasize that thevalues of constant (14) are understood as fixed and cannot besubject to tuning in various experiments. Power law (18) canobviously be written in the form

c � ln Z ; where c � 1


2aj���3p � 5a

; a � 3

2 lnRe: �19�

In 1996, more than 60 years after Nikuradse, at PrincetonUniversity, Zagarola [11], using a fundamentally new setupcalled Superpipe, carried out a large series of experiments onturbulent flow in pipes, reaching a quality comparable toNikuradse's experiments of 1932. The idea for this setup wassuggested by the outstanding experimentalist G Brown. Incontrast to Nikuradse, who worked with a water flow,Zagarola used a gas flow under high pressure. Figure 2reproduces the results of Zagarola's experiments on theSuperpipe [11]. It is seen that they do not confirm theuniversal logarithmic law: there is a clear splitting of theexperimental data over the Reynolds number, while theexperimental points do not fit the straight line j ��1=0:44� ln Z� 6:3, expressing, in the author's opinion, theuniversal logarithmic law; the constants describing this lineare noticeably different from those generally accepted in theliterature (see above).

At the same time, fitting the experimental data by powerlaw (19) in both cases (in the experiments by both Nikuradseand Zagarola) reveals a convincing agreement: beginningfrom ln Z � 3, the experimental points (except four out ofmore than 250 in Nikuradse's experiments) fit the unique linec � ln Z of the power law, the bisector (Fig. 3) of the firstquadrant. We note that we have elucidated the role ofroughness at large Reynolds numbers in the Superpipe setup(see Ref. [9]).

We stress one more principal difference between theuniversal and power laws: in the coordinates (ln Z, j), theexperimental points according to the universal logarithmiclaw should be fitted by the unique line j � �1=0:4� ln Z� 5:1.This does not find support in experimental data (see

Fig. 2 [11]). At the same time, according to the power law,the experimental points in the coordinates (ln Z, c) should lieon a straight line, which is corroborated by the experiments ofNikuradse and Zagarola (Fig. 3 and 4). The experimentalpoints should occupy some domain in the coordinates (ln Z,j), which is confirmed by the data in Fig. 2.

7. Envelope of a family of power lawsand intermediate nonuniversal logarithmic laws

The family of power-law curves (15) has an envelope, asindicated by the analysis (see, e.g., [12] and the referencestherein to the previous work by the authors). In the range ofReynolds numbers explored by Nikuradse, this curve is closeto the straight line j � 2:5 ln Z� 5:1 in the coordinates (ln Z,j). Apparently, the measurements performed (or the datapresented) in Nikuradse's work are only those that were closeto the envelope, which led the author and those who followedhim to assert the validity of the universal logarithmic law. The


(our j)


(our Z)






10101 102 103 104 105 106

Re � 35� 106

Re � 10� 106

Re � 3.1� 106

Re � 1.0� 106

Re � 310� 103

Re � 99� 103

Re � 32� 103

u� � 1

0:44ln y� � 6:3

Figure 2. The universal logarithmic law is not confirmed by Zagarola's




ln Z




0 3 6 9 12

Figure 3.Nikuradse's data confirm the new power law.


ln Z






0 3 6 9

Figure 4. Zagarola's data confirm the new power law.

March 2014 Turbulent êows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned 253

Page 6: Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

actual picture is as follows (Fig. 5, fragment II): In the plane(ln Z,j), the curves of the power-law family have intermediateasymptotic intervals described by the formula

j � exp



��� ���3p

2� 15

4 lnRe

�ln Zÿ 1

2���3p lnReÿ 5




i.e., by relations in the form of logarithmic law (12),

j � 1

�eff�Re� lnRe� Beff�Re� ; �21�

but with the constants

�eff�Re� � exp �ÿ3=2�ÿ ���3p

=2� 15=�4 lnRe�� ;Beff�Re� � ÿ exp




2���3p � 5


�; �22�

depending on the global Reynolds number.As Re!1, the value of ��Re� tends very slowly to the

limit �1�2=� ���3p exp �3=2���0:2776, and the additive con-stant B�Re� tends to ÿ1. Thus, if the measurement werecarried out at points distant from the envelope, the plots incoordinates (ln Z, j) would contain linear intervals with theslope being substantially different from the slope of theenvelope, with their positions dependent on the Reynoldsnumber. This, in fact, was revealed by Zagarola in experi-ments on the Superpipe (see Fig. 2). But for reasons not fullyclear, Zagarola interpreted his results as supporting the vonK�arm�an±Prandtl logarithmic law, albeit with different valuesof the constants, � � 0:44 and B � 6:3; by contrast, we heresee an unambiguous confirmation of the nonuniversality.

8. Analysis of turbulent flowsin a boundary layer

The analysis of the distribution of the averaged longitudinalvelocity in the intermediate domain in smooth pipes should,according to the underlying idea, be valid for arbitrary shearflows bounded by a smooth rigidwall, for very largeReynoldsnumbers. More precisely, our prediction is formulated as

follows: in the intermediate region of an arbitrary shear flow,adjacent to its viscous sublayer, the nonuniversal (Reynolds-number-dependent) power law (18) should be observed. Themost pertinent and important particular case to verify thisconjecture is the flow in a turbulent boundary layer over aplanar plate in a zero-pressure-gradient flow with avelocity U. We emphasize that the constants in (14) remainfixed. Here, however, the question arises as to what Re for theboundary-layer flow is.1

Traditionally, in the experimental research on flows in aturbulent boundary layer, the ``momentum thickness''

y � 1

U 2


u�Uÿ u� dy �23�

is taken as the length scale and the corresponding Reynoldsnumber Rey � Uy=n is used. But for a comparison with thenonuniversal law, we cannot resort to this definition, becauseit contains an element of arbitrariness. The followingprocedure was therefore selected [13]: the experimentallyobtained velocity distribution was presented in the biloga-rithmic axes (lg Z, lgj). In all cases, it was found that thisdistribution has the form of a broken line outside the viscoussublayer (Fig. 6). Hence, the flow in the intermediate layeradjacent to the viscous sublayer (I in Fig. 6) is described by aself-similarity law j � AZa, where the coefficients A and acan be computed independently by statistically processing theexperimental data; the scatter in this case proves to be








ln Z

Figure 5. Envelope of power laws and nonuniversal logarithmic laws.

1 As Zeldovich used to say: ``If you ask a barman to serve water without

syrup, he does not ask without which syrup to serve. If you ask to serve

with syrup, then the question `with which one?' is natural.''








1.101.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

lg Z



Figure 6. Flow structure in a turbulent boundary layer: two power laws,

one sharply joining the other.

254 G I Barenblatt, A J Chorin, V M Prostokishin Physics ±Uspekhi 57 (3)

Page 7: Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

sufficiently small. We choose the expression for the Reynoldsnumber in the form Re � UL=n, where L is some linear scale.We then compute two values of lnRe, lnRe1 and lnRe2, bysolving two equations that correspond to law (18):

1���3p lnRe1 � 5

2� A ;


2 lnRe2� a : �24�

If the proposed power law (18), (19) is valid for shear flows,the values of lnRe1 and lnRe2 should be close.

Indeed, in all cases, the values of lnRe1 and lnRe2 turnedout to be close [9, 13], and it was therefore natural to choosethe definition of the effective Reynolds number as

lnRe � lnRe1 � lnRe22

; Re �����������������Re1Re2

p: �25�

It turned out (Fig. 7) that in the plane (ln Z, c) (seeRef. [13]), in agreement with power law (19), the experimentalpoints lie with satisfactory accuracy on the bisector of the firstquadrant.

The results obtained are sufficient to argue that the vonK�arm�an±Prandtl universal logarithmic law cannot be recog-nized as correct and cannot serve as the basis for teaching andengineering practice.

For computations in smooth pipes, we recommend powerlaw (18),

j � u

u��� ���

3p � 5a


�Za ; Z � u�y


a � 3

2 lnRe; Re � �ud

n; �26�

and the related skin-friction law (see its derivation in Ref. [9])

l � 8u 2�

�u 2� 8

C 2=�1�a� ; C � exp �3=2�� ���3p � 5a�2aa�1� a��2� a� : �27�

9. Local structure of well-developed turbulentflows. The Kolmogorov±Obukhov power laws

The Kolmogorov±Obukhov `two-thirds' law [14±17],

DLL � Ce 2=3r 2=3 ; �28�

and its spectral analog, the `five-thirds' law, are considered tobe the fundamental laws for the local structure of turbulentflows at very large Reynolds numbers Re. Here,

DLL�r� ��uL�x� r� ÿ uL�x�

�2is the longitudinal structure function, in terms of which wecan express all components of the tensor formed by secondmoments of the velocity increments u�x� between points x� rand x in an incompressible fluid, uL is the velocity componentin the direction of the vector r, and e is the mean energydissipation rate per unit mass. The analogy between the lawsof local structure and shear flows at very large Reynoldsnumbers has been noted previously [18].

A question naturally arises on the universality of the two-thirds law, i.e., on the independence of the constantC and thepower-law exponent from the Reynolds number. Argumentssimilar to those used above for shear flows hint at the form ofthe dependence on Re:

DLL � A�Re� �er�2=3�r



; �29�

where l � n 3=4=e 1=4 is the Kolmogorov scale,

A�Re� � A0 � A1

lnRe; a � A2


(see also Ref. [19]). In contrast to shear flows, the amount ofreliable data for the local structure is very small. Experiments,however, have long pointed to the nonuniversality of theconstant C (the dependence on the Reynolds number!) (seeRef. [17]).

A telling example. Figure 8 plots the dependence of C ontheReynolds number as obtained from experimental data [20]in the wind tunnel of TsAGI (Zhukovsky Central Aerohy-drodynamic Institute). In contrast to shear flows, thecorrection amay go unnoticed in this case, compared to 2=3,because a � 1= lnRe, lnRe4 1.







3ln Z



Figure 7. Flow in the lower intermediate region of the boundary layer

satisfies the new power law.







2.0103 104 Rel


e l�

Data from Praskovsky, Oncley (1994) [20]A�Rel� � 15.46= ln�Rel� � 0.45 [19]

Figure 8. Experimental data demonstrate the dependence of the constant

in the Kolmogorov±Obukhov law on the Reynolds number.

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Page 8: Turbulent flows at very large Reynolds numbers: new lessons learned

A historical note. A M Obukhov, in a comment on hispaper [16], reprinted in his collection of papers [21], mentionsthe talk by A N Kolmogorov given already the end of 1939,soon after the beginning of their work on turbulence. In thistalk, according toObukhov, a statement wasmade which is infact equivalent to the hypothesis of incomplete similarity (29).However, as Obukhov writes, Kolmogorov did not succeed in1939 in determining the power-law exponent Ð the constanta: this was done by Kolmogorov ``based on similarityarguments'' after Obukhov had independently (as wasemphasized by Kolmogorov) considered the balance in thespectral energy distribution. Apparently, the similarityarguments required neglecting the impact of viscosity.

10. Conclusions

Like Lord Rayleigh, Yakov Borisovich Zel'dovich wasunique in classical physics of the 20th century. Turbulencewas the field of his imperishably active interest. The authorsdeeply regret that they were not fated to present this work toZeldovich, work which is in many respects consonant with hisideas.


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256 G I Barenblatt, A J Chorin, V M Prostokishin Physics ±Uspekhi 57 (3)